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2.28. nfs-utils

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The nfs-utils packages provide a daemon for the kernel Network File System (NFS) server and related tools, which provides better performance than the traditional Linux NFS server used by most users. These packages also contain the mount.nfs, umount.nfs, and showmount programs.
  • In the previous version of the nfs-utils package, the mount utility incorrectly reported the rpc.idmapd mapping daemon as not running when the daemon was executed. This bug has been fixed; however the problem can occur after upgrading nfs-utils to a later version. Note that the mount operation is successful and the warning can be safely ignored. To avoid this problem, perform a clean installation of the package.
  • Currently, the rpc.gssd daemon looks only for the "nfs/*" keys in the keytab file. Other keys are not supported.
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