
Notas de Lançamento 5.5

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Novos recursos e atualizações mais importantes


Red Hat Inc.


Os menores lançamentos do Red Hat Enterprise Linux são uma agregação do aprimoramento individual, segurança e errata de reparo de erro. As Notas de Lançamento do Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 documenta as maiores mudanças realizadas no sistema operacional do Red Hat Enterprise Linux e seus aplicativos de acompanhamento para este lançamento menor. As notas detalhadas em todas as mudanças neste lançamento menor estão disponíveis nas Notas Técnicas.
Os destaques do lançamento do Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 incluem habilitação do hardware para a plataforma do Intel Boxboro-EX platform, processador do AMD Magny-Cours e IBM Power 7. A Virtualização é aprimorada com suporte para placas de 10 GigE SR-IOV múltiplas, e uso automático de hugepages para a memória do convidado virtual quando ativada no sistema. O aprimoramento da interoperabilidade inclui atualizações para o OpenOffice para filtros Microsoft Office 2007, Samba para compatibilidade do Windows 7 e suporte de inicialização para máquinas virtuais usando o serviço de PXE baseado em Microsoft.

1. Installation

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 introduces many bugfixes and enhancements to the system installer (anaconda).
The interactive installer has been enhanced, adding the abilty to specify additional Network File System (NFS) mount options when installing from an NFS source (BZ#493052). Additionally, install sources (e.g. kickstart files) located on password protected File Transport Protocol (FTP) servers can now be retrieved during installation (BZ#505424).

Kickstart provides a way for users to automate a Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation. Using kickstart, a system administrator can create a single file containing the answers to all the questions that would normally be asked during a typical installation.

Kickstart debugging and error reporting has been improved. The installer now retains kickstart scriptlets during debugging, logs standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) streams, and logs error messages to anaconda.log (BZ#510636).
Package groups can now be excluded in a kickstart installation in the same manner that individual packages are excluded (BZ#558516). Additionally, the bootloader command now supports the --hvargs parameter, allowing Xen hypervisor arguments to be specified during a kickstart installation (BZ#501438).
Previously, the kickstart installation method offered two options to select all packages @Everything and * (wildcard). As of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5, both of these options have been deprecated. Attempting to use a select all packages option will fail, unless the kickstart file also includes package negation for conflicting packages. Therefore, to install all packages but conflicting packages, the kickstart file must contain:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 includes the new package sets samba3x, freeradius2, postgres84. These package sets are only available via kickstart during system installation or through yum for existing systems.
Hardware Support

The following device drivers are now supported during installation:

  • the pmcraid driver for PMC Sierra MaxRAID Controller Adapters (BZ#532777)
  • the ibmvfs driver for Power6 Virtual FC devices (BZ#512237).
  • the bfa driver for Brocade Fibre Channel to PCIe Host Bus Adapters (BZ#475707)
  • the be2iscsi driver for ServerEngines BladeEngine 2 Open iSCSI devices (BZ#529442).


For detailed information on installation, the Installation Guide documents how to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
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