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1.57. java-1.6.0-openjdk

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1.57.1. RHEA-2010:0621: enhancement update

A new set of OpenJDK packages that update Daylight Saving Time observations for Egypt is now available.
These packages provide the OpenJDK 6 Java Runtime Environment and the OpenJDK 6 Software Development Kit. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) contains the software and tools that users need to run applications written using the Java programming language.
These updated packages address the following change to Daylight Saving Time (DST) observations:
* During Ramadan, that is, during the period between 2010-08-11 and 2010-09-08, Egypt will suspend DST. The DST period will be officially restored on 2010-09-09. ( BZ#622836)
All users, especially those in the locale affected by this time change and users interacting with people or systems in the affected locale, are advised to upgrade to these packages, which add this enhancement.
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