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1.18. Troubleshooting

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This section provides solution to common problems users experience during online storage reconfiguration.
Logical unit removal status is not reflected on the host.
When a logical unit is deleted on a configured filer, the change is not reflected on the host. In such cases, lvm commands will hang indefinitely when dm-multipath is used, as the logical unit has now become stale.
To work around this, perform the following procedure:

Procedure 1.8. Working Around Stale Logical Units

  1. Determine which mpath link entries in /etc/lvm/cache/.cache are specific to the stale logical unit. To do this, run the following command:
    ls -l /dev/mpath | grep stale-logical-unit
  2. For example, if stale-logical-unit is 3600d0230003414f30000203a7bc41a00, the following results may appear:
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Aug  2 10:33 /3600d0230003414f30000203a7bc41a00 -> ../dm-4
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Aug  2 10:33 /3600d0230003414f30000203a7bc41a00p1 -> ../dm-5
    This means that 3600d0230003414f30000203a7bc41a00 is mapped to two mpath links: dm-4 and dm-5.
  3. Next, open /etc/lvm/cache/.cache. Delete all lines containing stale-logical-unit and the mpath links that stale-logical-unit maps to.
    Using the same example in the previous step, the lines you need to delete are:
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