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3.3. realmd Commands

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The realmd system has two major task areas:
  • managing system enrollment in a domain
  • setting which domain users are allowed to access the local system resources
The central utility in realmd is called realm. Most realm commands require the user to specify the action that the utility should perform, and the entity, such as a domain or user account, for which to perform the action:
realm command arguments
For example:
realm join
realm permit user_name
Table 3.1. realmd Commands
Command Description
Realm Commands  
discover Run a discovery scan for domains on the network.
join Add the system to the specified domain.
leave Remove the system from the specified domain.
list List all configured domains for the system or all discovered and configured domains.
Login Commands  
permit Enable access for specified users or for all users within a configured domain to access the local system.
deny Restrict access for specified users or for all users within a configured domain to access the local system.
For more information about the realm commands, see the realm(8) man page.
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