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Chapter 3. Configuring DNF

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The configuration of DNF and related utilities is stored in the [main] section of the /etc/dnf/dnf.conf file.

3.1. Viewing the current DNF configurations

The [main] section in the /etc/dnf/dnf.conf file contains only the settings that have been explicitly set. However, you can display all settings of the [main] section, including the ones that have not been set and which, therefore, use their default values.


  • Display the global DNF configuration:

    # dnf config-manager --dump

Additional resources

  • dnf.conf(5) man page

3.2. Setting DNF main options

The /etc/dnf/dnf.conf file contains one [main] section. The key-value pairs in this section affect how DNF operates and treats repositories.


  1. Edit the /etc/dnf/dnf.conf file.
  2. Update the [main] section according to your requirements.
  3. Save the changes.

Additional resources

  • The [main] OPTIONS and OPTIONS FOR BOTH [main] AND REPO sections in the dnf.conf(5) man page.

3.3. Managing DNF plug-ins

Every installed plug-in can have its own configuration file in the /etc/dnf/plugins/ directory. Name plug-in configuration files in this directory <plug-in_name>.conf. By default, plug-ins are typically enabled. To disable a plug-in in one of these configuration files, add the following to the file:


3.4. Enabling and disabling DNF plug-ins

In the DNF tool, plug-ins are loaded by default. However, you can influence which plug-ins DNF loads.


Disable all plug-ins only for diagnosing a potential problem. DNF requires certain plug-ins, such as product-id and subscription-manager, and disabling them causes Red Hat Enterprise Linux to not be able to install or update software from the Content Delivery Network (CDN).


  • Use one of the following methods to influence how DNF uses plug-ins:

    • To enable or disable loading of DNF plug-ins globally, add the plugins parameter to the [main] section of the /etc/dnf/dnf.conf file.

      • Set plugins=1 (default) to enable loading of all DNF plug-ins.
      • Set plugins=0 to disable loading of all DNF plug-ins.
    • To disable a particular plug-in, add enabled=False to the [main] section in the /etc/dnf/plugins/<plug-in_name>.conf file.
    • To disable all DNF plug-ins for a particular command, append the --noplugins option to the command. For example, to disable DNF plug-ins for a single update command, enter:

      # dnf --noplugins update
    • To disable certain DNF plug-ins for a single command, append the --disableplugin=plugin-name option to the command. For example, to disable a certain DNF plug-in for a single update command, enter:

      # dnf update --disableplugin=<plugin_name>
    • To enable certain DNF plug-ins for a single command, append the --enableplugin=plugin-name option to the command. For example, to enable a certain DNF plug-in for a single update command, enter:

      # dnf update --enableplugin=<plugin_name>
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