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Chapter 26. Monitoring Stratis file systems

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As a Stratis user, you can view information about Stratis volumes on your system to monitor their state and free space.

26.1. Stratis sizes reported by different utilities

This section explains the difference between Stratis sizes reported by standard utilities such as df and the stratis utility.

Standard Linux utilities such as df report the size of the XFS file system layer on Stratis, which is 1 TiB. This is not useful information, because the actual storage usage of Stratis is less due to thin provisioning, and also because Stratis automatically grows the file system when the XFS layer is close to full.


Regularly monitor the amount of data written to your Stratis file systems, which is reported as the Total Physical Used value. Make sure it does not exceed the Total Physical Size value.

Additional resources

  • stratis(8) man page.

26.2. Displaying information about Stratis volumes

This procedure lists statistics about your Stratis volumes, such as the total, used, and free size or file systems and block devices belonging to a pool.



  • To display information about all block devices used for Stratis on your system:

    # stratis blockdev
    Pool Name  Device Node    Physical Size   State  Tier
    my-pool    /dev/sdb            9.10 TiB  In-use  Data
  • To display information about all Stratis pools on your system:

    # stratis pool
    Name    Total Physical Size  Total Physical Used
    my-pool            9.10 TiB              598 MiB
  • To display information about all Stratis file systems on your system:

    # stratis filesystem
    Pool Name  Name  Used     Created            Device
    my-pool    my-fs 546 MiB  Nov 08 2018 08:03  /dev/stratis/my-pool/my-fs

Additional resources

  • stratis(8) man page.

26.3. Additional resources

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