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Chapter 6. Adjusting the search size and time limit

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Some queries, such as requesting a list of IdM users, can return a very large number of entries. By tuning these search operations, you can improve the overall server performance when running the ipa *-find commands, such as ipa user-find, and when displaying corresponding lists in the Web UI.

Search size limit

Defines the maximum number of entries returned for a request sent to the server from a client’s CLI or from a browser accessing the IdM Web UI.

Default: 100 entries.

Search time limit

Defines the maximum time (in seconds) that the server waits for searches to run. Once the search reaches this limit, the server stops the search and returns the entries discovered in that time.

Default: 2 seconds.

If you set the values to -1, IdM will not apply any limits when searching.


Setting search size or time limits too high can negatively affect server performance.

6.1. Adjusting the search size and time limit in the command line

The following procedure describes adjusting search size and time limits in the command line:

  • Globally
  • For a specific entry


  1. To display current search time and size limits in CLI, use the ipa config-show command:

    $ ipa config-show
    Search time limit: 2
    Search size limit: 100
  2. To adjust the limits globally for all queries, use the ipa config-mod command and add the --searchrecordslimit and --searchtimelimit options. For example:

    $ ipa config-mod --searchrecordslimit=500 --searchtimelimit=5
  3. To temporarily adjust the limits only for a specific query, add the --sizelimit or --timelimit options to the command. For example:
$ ipa user-find --sizelimit=200 --timelimit=120

6.2. Adjusting the search size and time limit in the Web UI

The following procedure describes adjusting global search size and time limits in the IdM Web UI.


  1. Log in to the IdM Web UI.
  2. Click IPA Server.

    Screenshot of the IdM Web UI highlighting the "IPA Server" tab from the top menu

  3. On the IPA Server tab, click Configuration.
  4. Set the required values in the Search Options area.

    Default values are:

    • Search size limit: 100 entries
    • Search time limit: 2 seconds
  5. Click Save at the top of the page.

    Screenshot of the IdM Web UI highlighting the Save button which is below the "Configuration" title at the top of the Configuration page

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