
Chapter 4. Known Issues

  • ENTMQBR-897 - OpenWire client/protocol issues with special characters in destination name

    Some special characters are currently unsupported in queue and address names with the OpenWire protocol, specifically:

    , # >

    In addition, address and queue names cannot contain empty spaces.

  • ENTMQBR-884 - after connecting to hawtio "Artemis" panel is not displayed

    After connecting to AMQ Console, the Artemis panel is not displayed.

    To work around this issue, replace the value hawtio-no-slf4j.war with console.war in the etc/bootstrap.xml file.

  • ENTMQBR-827 - AMQ Broker 7.0 permits cross-origin access to AMQ Console

    Currently, AMQ Broker permits cross-origin access to AMQ Console. To restrict access to AMQ Console, you must create an access management file that defines the permitted origin URLs, and then add a system property to apply the restrictions.

    1. In the BROKER_INSTANCE_DIR/etc/ directory, create a new jolokia-access.xml file.
    2. Add a <cors> section:
    1. Within the <cors> section, add an <allow-origins> section for each origin URL that you want to allow. For example:
       <!-- Allow cross origin access from www.jolokia.org ... -->
       <!-- ... and all servers from jmx4perl.org with any protocol -->
       <!-- optionally allow access to web console from localhost -->
       <!-- Check for the proper origin on the server side, too -->
    1. Add a system property to apply the security restrictions you defined in the access management file:
    $ export JAVA_ARGS="-Djolokia.policyLocation=file:BROKER_INSTANCE_DIR/etc/jolokia-access.xml"
  • ENTMQBR-803 - AMQ 7 ships with an example that is not supported

    AMQ Broker 7.0 ships with an example that is not supported. The artemis-ra-rar example is not supported because AMQ 7 does not currently include a RAR archive.

  • ENTMQBR-655 - [AMQP] Unable to send message when populate-validated-user is enabled

    The security feature, populate-validated-user, is not supported for messages produced using the AMQP protocol, as it would result in a violation of the AMQP specification due to the user-id being part of the immutable bare message.

    If, however, this feature is enabled, the broker will currently fail to enqueue AMQP messages sent without a message Application Properties section, causing the message to be rejected.

  • ENTMQBR-652 - List of known amq-jon-plugin bugs

    This version of amq-jon-plugin has known issues with broker and queue MBeans.

    Issues with the broker MBean:

    • Closing a connection throws java.net.SocketTimeoutException exception
    • listSessions() throws java.lang.ClassCastException
    • Adding address settings throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    • getConnectorServices() operation cannot be found
    • listConsumersAsJSON() operation cannot be found
    • getDivertNames() operation cannot be found
    • Listing network topology throws IllegalArgumentException
    • Remove address settings has wrong parameter name

    Issues with the queue MBean:

    • expireMessage() throws argument type mismatch exception
    • listDeliveringMessages() throws IllegalArgumentException
    • listMessages() throws java.lang.Exception
    • moveMessages() throws IllegalArgumentException with error message argument type mismatch
    • removeMessage() throws IllegalArgumentException with error message argument type mismatch
    • removeMessages() throws exception with error Can’t find operation removeMessage with 2 arguments
    • retryMessage() throws argument type mismatch IllegalArgumentException
  • ENTMQBR-648 - JMS OpenWire client is unable to send messages to queue with defined purgeOnNoConsumer or queue filter

    Using AMQ6 JMS client to send messages to an address with an appropriately configured queue with purgeOnNoConsumer=true fails if the queue has no consumers. It is recommended that users do not use the purgeOnNoConsumer functionality when used with JMS clients.

  • ENTMQBR-636 - Journal breaks, causing JavaNullPointerException under high load

    Issues can occur doing IO when the broker is under high load and if certain JVM tunings have not been set correctly. To avoid these issues, ensure that you allocate enough memory and heap space for the broker. See the section titled "Tuning the VM" in the Performance Tuning chapter of the ActiveMQ Artemis documentation at https://activemq.apache.org/artemis/docs/latest/perf-tuning.html.

  • ENTMQBR-617 - Cert based authentication does not work with AMQP and OpenWire clients

    Authentication based on SSL certificates is not supported for AMQP and OpenWire clients.

  • ENTMQBR-599 - Define truststore and keystore by artemis CLI

    Using the --ssl-key, --ssl-key-password, --ssl-trust, and --ssl-trust-password parameters from the command-line interface when creating an instance of the broker, do not work. To work around this problem, set the corresponding properties manually in the bootstrap.xml file.

  • ENTMQBR-569 - Conversion of IDs from OpenWire to AMQP results in sending IDs as binary

    When communicating cross-protocol from an A-MQ 6 OpenWire client to an AMQP client, additional information is encoded in the application message properties. This is benign information used internally by the broker and can be ignored.

  • ENTMQBR-533 - Large message support is documented, but supported only with the Core protocol

    Although the product guide titled Using AMQ Broker contains a chapter about working with large messages, this feature is not yet supported for all protocols. Specifically, large messages are supported only with the core protocol at this time.

  • ENTMQBR-520 - Receiving from address named same as queue bound to other address should not be allowed

    A queue with a name that matches any address should only ever be assigned to the matching address. Creating a queue with the same name as an existing address, but bound to an address with a different name, is an invalid configuration. The result of doing so can result in incorrect messages being routed to the queue.

  • ENTMQBR-463 - Attributes in clustering settings has order restrictions, would be nice to either have better error message or simply ignore the order

    Currently the sequence of the elements in the cluster connection configuration has to be in a specific order. The workaround is to adhere to the order in the configuration schema.

  • ENTMQBR-17 - AMQ222117: unable to start cluster connection

    In some environments that support IPv6, a broker cluster may not form properly due to a SocketException as indicated by a message "Can’t assign requested address." To work around this issue, set the java.net.preferIPv4Stack system property to true.

Revised on 2017-12-08 15:17:08 EST

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