第 4 章 例子
本章演示了通过示例程序使用 AMQ Python。
如需了解更多示例,请参阅 AMQ Python 示例套件和 Qpid Proton Python 示例。
4.1. 发送消息
此客户端程序使用 < connection-url
> 连接到服务器,为目标 <address& gt;
创建发件人,发送一条消息,包含 <message-body
from __future__ import print_function import sys from proton import Message from proton.handlers import MessagingHandler from proton.reactor import Container class SendHandler(MessagingHandler): def __init__(self, conn_url, address, message_body): super(SendHandler, self).__init__() self.conn_url = conn_url self.address = address self.message_body = message_body def on_start(self, event): conn = event.container.connect(self.conn_url) # To connect with a user and password: # conn = event.container.connect(self.conn_url, user="<user>", password="<password>") event.container.create_sender(conn, self.address) def on_link_opened(self, event): print("SEND: Opened sender for target address '{0}'".format (event.sender.target.address)) def on_sendable(self, event): message = Message(self.message_body) event.sender.send(message) print("SEND: Sent message '{0}'".format(message.body)) event.sender.close() event.connection.close() def main(): try: conn_url, address, message_body = sys.argv[1:4] except ValueError: sys.exit("Usage: send.py <connection-url> <address> <message-body>") handler = SendHandler(conn_url, address, message_body) container = Container(handler) container.run() if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
要运行示例程序,请将其复制到本地文件,并使用 python
命令调用它。如需更多信息,请参阅 第 3 章 开始使用。
$ python send.py amqp://localhost queue1 hello