Chapter 10. Java Lombok
This section shows how to enable Lombok support in your Java projects. By default, the lombok.jar
file is available in all Java plug-ins provided by CodeReady Workspaces.
To enable Lombok in a CodeReady Workspaces workspace, see the instructions below.
A workspace or a devfile with:
One of the Java-based plug-ins enabled (
) - A valid Lombok project to import
One of the Java-based plug-ins enabled (
- Open the workspace devfile.
Edit the existing Java plug-in section, adding the preference:
- id: redhat/java/latest preferences: java.jdt.ls.vmargs: '-javaagent:/lombok.jar'
- Start or restart the workspace.
- Open a file containing Lombok annotations.
Verify that the Class outline contains the Lombok generated methods.
Additional resources
- For more details, see the Project Lombok website.