第 2 章 使用 Hot Rod JS 客户端

了解将 Hot Rod JS 客户端与 Data Grid 搭配使用的一些示例。

2.1. hot Rod JS 客户端示例

在安装和配置 Hot Rod JS 客户端后,请先尝试一些基本的缓存操作,然后再继续与数据网格进行更复杂的交互。

2.1.1. hello world

在 Data Grid Server 上创建一个名为 "myCache" 的缓存,然后添加并检索条目。

var infinispan = require('infinispan');

// Connect to Data Grid Server.
// Use an existing cache named "myCache".
var connected = infinispan.client(
  {port: 11222, host: ''},
    cacheName: 'myCache',
    clientIntelligence: 'BASIC',
    authentication: {
      enabled: true,
      saslMechanism: 'DIGEST-MD5',
      userName: 'username',
      password: 'changeme'

connected.then(function (client) {

  console.log('Connected to `myCache`');

  // Add an entry to the cache.
  var clientPut = client.put('hello', 'world');

  // Retrieve the entry you added.
  var clientGet = clientPut.then(
      function() { return client.get('hello'); });

  // Print the value of the entry.
  var showGet = clientGet.then(
      function(value) { console.log('get(hello)=' + value); });

  // Disconnect from Data Grid Server.
  return client.disconnect();

}).catch(function(error) {

  // Log any errors.
  console.log("Got error: " + error.message);


2.1.2. 使用条目和检索缓存统计信息


var infinispan = require('infinispan');

var connected = infinispan.client(
  {port: 11222, host: ''},
    cacheName: 'myCache',
    authentication: {
        enabled: true,
        saslMechanism: 'DIGEST-MD5',
        userName: 'username',
        password: 'changeme'

connected.then(function (client) {

  var clientPut = client.put('key', 'value');

  var clientGet = clientPut.then(
      function() { return client.get('key'); });

  var showGet = clientGet.then(
      function(value) { console.log('get(key)=' + value); });

  var clientRemove = showGet.then(
      function() { return client.remove('key'); });

  var showRemove = clientRemove.then(
      function(success) { console.log('remove(key)=' + success); });

  var clientStats = showRemove.then(
    function() { return client.stats(); });

  var showStats = clientStats.then(
    function(stats) {
      console.log('Number of stores: ' + stats.stores);
      console.log('Number of cache hits: ' + stats.hits);
      console.log('All statistics: ' + JSON.stringify(stats, null, " "));

  return showStats.finally(
      function() { return client.disconnect(); });

}).catch(function(error) {

  console.log("Got error: " + error.message);


2.1.3. 使用多个缓存条目


var infinispan = require('infinispan');

var connected = infinispan.client(
  {port: 11222, host: ''},
    cacheName: 'myCache',
    authentication: {
        enabled: true,
        saslMechanism: 'DIGEST-MD5',
        userName: 'username',
        password: 'changeme'

connected.then(function (client) {
  var data = [
    {key: 'multi1', value: 'v1'},
    {key: 'multi2', value: 'v2'},
    {key: 'multi3', value: 'v3'}];

  var clientPutAll = client.putAll(data);

  var clientGetAll = clientPutAll.then(
    function() { return client.getAll(['multi2', 'multi3']); });

  var showGetAll = clientGetAll.then(
    function(entries) {
      console.log('getAll(multi2, multi3)=%s', JSON.stringify(entries));

  var clientIterator = showGetAll.then(
    function() { return client.iterator(1); });

  var showIterated = clientIterator.then(
    function(it) {
      function loop(promise, fn) {
        // Simple recursive loop over the iterator's next() call.
        return promise.then(fn).then(function (entry) {
          return entry.done
            ? it.close().then(function () { return entry.value; })
            : loop(it.next(), fn);

      return loop(it.next(), function (entry) {
        console.log('iterator.next()=' + JSON.stringify(entry));
        return entry;

  var clientClear = showIterated.then(
    function() { return client.clear(); });

  return clientClear.finally(
    function() { return client.disconnect(); });

}).catch(function(error) {

  console.log("Got error: " + error.message);


2.1.4. 使用 Async 和 Await 结构

Node.js 提供 asyncawait 结构,可简化缓存操作。


const infinispan = require("infinispan");

const log4js = require('log4js');

async function test() {
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1000));
  console.log('Hello, World!');

  let client = await infinispan.client({port: 11222, host: ''});
  console.log(`Connected to Infinispan dashboard data`);

  await client.put('key', 'value');

  let value = await client.get('key');
  console.log('get(key)=' + value);

  let success = await client.remove('key');
  console.log('remove(key)=' + success);

  let stats = await client.stats();
  console.log('Number of stores: ' + stats.stores);
  console.log('Number of cache hits: ' + stats.hits);
  console.log('All statistics: ' + JSON.stringify(stats, null, " "));

  await client.disconnect();



const infinispan = require("infinispan");

const log4js = require('log4js');

async function test() {
  let client = await infinispan.client({port: 11222, host: ''});
  console.log(`Connected to Infinispan dashboard data`);

  let data = [
    {key: 'multi1', value: 'v1'},
    {key: 'multi2', value: 'v2'},
    {key: 'multi3', value: 'v3'}];

  await client.putAll(data);

  let entries = await client.getAll(['multi2', 'multi3']);
  console.log('getAll(multi2, multi3)=%s', JSON.stringify(entries));

  let iterator = await client.iterator(1);

  let entry = {done: true};

  do {
    entry = await iterator.next();
    console.log('iterator.next()=' + JSON.stringify(entry));
  } while (!entry.done);

  await iterator.close();

  await client.clear();

  await client.disconnect();


2.1.5. 运行服务器端脚本

您可以将自定义脚本添加到 Data Grid Server,然后从 Hot Rod JS 客户端运行它们。


// mode=local,language=javascript,parameters=[k, v],datatype='text/plain; charset=utf-8'
cache.put(k, v);


var infinispan = require('infinispan');
var readFile = Promise.denodeify(require('fs').readFile);

var connected = infinispan.client(
  {port: 11222, host: ''}
    // Configure client connections with authentication and encryption here.

connected.then(function (client) {

  var addScriptFile = readFile('sample-script.js').then(
    function(file) {
      return client.addScript('sample-script', file.toString());

  var clientExecute = addScriptFile.then(
    function() {
      return client.execute('sample-script', {k: 'exec-key', v: 'exec-value'});

  var showExecute = clientExecute.then(
    function(ret) { console.log('Script execution returned: ' + ret); });

  return showExecute.finally(
    function() { return client.disconnect(); });

}).catch(function(error) {

  console.log("Got error: " + error.message);


2.1.6. 注册事件监听程序

事件监听器在缓存更新发生时通知 Hot Rod JS 客户端,包括创建、修改、删除或过期条目。




var infinispan = require('infinispan');

var connected = infinispan.client(
  {port: 11222, host: ''}
    // Configure client connections with authentication and encryption here.

connected.then(function (client) {

    var clientAddListenerCreate = client.addListener('create', onCreate);

    var clientAddListeners = clientAddListenerCreate.then(
        function(listenerId) {
            // Associate multiple callbacks with a single client-side listener.
            // To do this, register listeners with the same listener ID.
            var clientAddListenerModify =
                client.addListener('modify', onModify, {listenerId: listenerId});

            var clientAddListenerRemove =
                client.addListener('remove', onRemove, {listenerId: listenerId});

            return Promise.all([clientAddListenerModify, clientAddListenerRemove]);

    var clientCreate = clientAddListeners.then(
        function() { return client.putIfAbsent('eventful', 'v0'); });

    var clientModify = clientCreate.then(
        function() { return client.replace('eventful', 'v1'); });

    var clientRemove = clientModify.then(
        function() { return client.remove('eventful'); });

    var clientRemoveListener =
        Promise.all([clientAddListenerCreate, clientRemove]).then(
            function(values) {
                var listenerId = values[0];
                return client.removeListener(listenerId);

    return clientRemoveListener.finally(
        function() { return client.disconnect(); });

}).catch(function(error) {

    console.log("Got error: " + error.message);


function onCreate(key, version) {
    console.log('[Event] Created key: ' + key +
        ' with version: ' + JSON.stringify(version));

function onModify(key, version) {
    console.log('[Event] Modified key: ' + key +
        ', version after update: ' + JSON.stringify(version));

function onRemove(key) {
    console.log('[Event] Removed key: ' + key);

您可以调整来自事件监听程序的通知,以避免使用 key-value-with-previous-converter-factory 转换程序进行不必要的往返。例如,这允许您查找与事件内键关联的值,而不是在以后检索它们。


var infinispan = require('infinispan');

var connected = infinispan.client(
    {port: 11222, host: ''}
    , {
        dataFormat : {
            keyType: 'application/json',
            valueType: 'application/json'

connected.then(function (client) {
    // Include the remote event converter to avoid unnecessary roundtrips.
    var opts = {
        converterFactory : {
            name: "key-value-with-previous-converter-factory"

    var clientAddListenerCreate = client.addListener('create', logEvent("Created"), opts);

    var clientAddListeners = clientAddListenerCreate.then(
        function(listenerId) {
            // Associate multiple callbacks with a single client-side listener.
            // To do this, register listeners with the same listener ID.
            var clientAddListenerModify =
                client.addListener('modify', logEvent("Modified"), {opts, listenerId: listenerId});

            var clientAddListenerRemove =
                client.addListener('remove', logEvent("Removed"), {opts, listenerId: listenerId});

            return Promise.all([clientAddListenerModify, clientAddListenerRemove]);

    var clientCreate = clientAddListeners.then(
        function() { return client.putIfAbsent('converted', 'v0'); });

    var clientModify = clientCreate.then(
        function() { return client.replace('converted', 'v1'); });

    var clientRemove = clientModify.then(
        function() { return client.remove('converted'); });

    var clientRemoveListener =
        Promise.all([clientAddListenerCreate, clientRemove]).then(
            function(values) {
                var listenerId = values[0];
                return client.removeListener(listenerId);

    return clientRemoveListener.finally(
        function() { return client.disconnect(); });

}).catch(function(error) {

    console.log("Got error: " + error.message);


function logEvent(prefix) {
    return function(event) {
        console.log(prefix + " key: " + event.key);
        console.log(prefix + " value: " + event.value);
        console.log(prefix + " previous value: " + event.prev);


您可以将自定义转换器添加到 Data Grid Server。如需更多信息,请参阅 Data Grid 文档

2.1.7. 使用条件操作

Hot Rod 协议存储有关数据网格值的元数据。这个元数据提供了一个确定性因素,可让您为特定条件执行缓存操作。例如,如果版本不匹配,则需要替换键的值。

使用 getWithMetadata 方法检索与键值关联的元数据。

var infinispan = require('infinispan');

var connected = infinispan.client(
  {port: 11222, host: ''}
    // Configure client connections with authentication and encryption here.

connected.then(function (client) {

  var clientPut = client.putIfAbsent('cond', 'v0');

  var showPut = clientPut.then(
      function(success) { console.log(':putIfAbsent(cond)=' + success); });

  var clientReplace = showPut.then(
      function() { return client.replace('cond', 'v1'); } );

  var showReplace = clientReplace.then(
      function(success) { console.log('replace(cond)=' + success); });

  var clientGetMetaForReplace = showReplace.then(
      function() { return client.getWithMetadata('cond'); });

  // Call the getWithMetadata method to retrieve the value and its metadata.
  var clientReplaceWithVersion = clientGetMetaForReplace.then(
      function(entry) {
        console.log('getWithMetadata(cond)=' + JSON.stringify(entry));
        return client.replaceWithVersion('cond', 'v2', entry.version);

  var showReplaceWithVersion = clientReplaceWithVersion.then(
      function(success) { console.log('replaceWithVersion(cond)=' + success); });

  var clientGetMetaForRemove = showReplaceWithVersion.then(
      function() { return client.getWithMetadata('cond'); });

  var clientRemoveWithVersion = clientGetMetaForRemove.then(
      function(entry) {
        console.log('getWithMetadata(cond)=' + JSON.stringify(entry));
        return client.removeWithVersion('cond', entry.version);

  var showRemoveWithVersion = clientRemoveWithVersion.then(
      function(success) { console.log('removeWithVersion(cond)=' + success)});

  return showRemoveWithVersion.finally(
      function() { return client.disconnect(); });

}).catch(function(error) {

  console.log("Got error: " + error.message);


2.1.8. 使用临时数据

使用 getWithMetadatasize 方法使缓存条目过期。

var infinispan = require('infinispan');

var connected = infinispan.client(
  {port: 11222, host: ''}
    // Configure client connections with authentication and encryption here.

connected.then(function (client) {

  var clientPutExpiry = client.put('expiry', 'value', {lifespan: '1s'});

  var clientGetMetaAndSize = clientPutExpiry.then(
    function() {
      // Compute getWithMetadata and size in parallel.
      return Promise.all([client.getWithMetadata('expiry'), client.size()]);

  var showGetMetaAndSize = clientGetMetaAndSize.then(
    function(values) {
      console.log('Before expiration:');
      console.log('getWithMetadata(expiry)=' + JSON.stringify(values[0]));
      console.log('size=' + values[1]);

  var clientContainsAndSize = showGetMetaAndSize.then(
    function() {
      sleepFor(1100); // Sleep to force expiration.
      return Promise.all([client.containsKey('expiry'), client.size()]);

  var showContainsAndSize = clientContainsAndSize.then(
    function(values) {
      console.log('After expiration:');
      console.log('containsKey(expiry)=' + values[0]);
      console.log('size=' + values[1]);

  return showContainsAndSize.finally(
    function() { return client.disconnect(); });

}).catch(function(error) {

  console.log("Got error: " + error.message);


function sleepFor(sleepDuration){
  var now = new Date().getTime();
  while(new Date().getTime() < now + sleepDuration){ /* Do nothing. */ }
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