1.7. 全球网络块设备
全球网络块设备(Global Network Block Device,GNBD)提供通过 TCP/IP 访问 Red Hat GFS 块设备的功能。GNBD 从概念上和 NBD 相似;然而,GNBD 是和 GFS 相关的且为 GFS 单独进行了调整。当需要更健壮的技术时,GNBD 是有用处的 — 光纤通道或 single-initiator SCSI — 不是必需的或成本过高。
GNBD consists of two major components: a GNBD client and a GNBD server. A GNBD client runs in a node with GFS and imports a block device exported by a GNBD server. A GNBD server runs in another node and exports block-level storage from its local storage (either directly attached storage or SAN storage). Refer to 图 1.18 “GNBD 概述”. Multiple GNBD clients can access a device exported by a GNBD server, thus making a GNBD suitable for use by a group of nodes running GFS.

图 1.18. GNBD 概述