$ ansible-vault create vault.yml New Vault password: <vault_password> Confirm New Vault password: <vault_password>
luks_password: <password>
--- - name: Manage local storage hosts: managed-node-01.example.com vars_files: - vault.yml tasks: - name: Create and configure a volume encrypted with LUKS ansible.builtin.include_role: name: rhel-system-roles.storage vars: storage_volumes: - name: barefs type: disk disks: - sdb fs_type: xfs fs_label: <label> mount_point: /mnt/data encryption: true encryption_password: "{{ luks_password }}"
$ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass --syntax-check ~/playbook.yml
$ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass ~/playbook.yml
# ansible managed-node-01.example.com -m command -a 'cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/sdb' 4e4e7970-1822-470e-b55a-e91efe5d0f5c
# ansible managed-node-01.example.com -m command -a 'cryptsetup status luks-4e4e7970-1822-470e-b55a-e91efe5d0f5c' /dev/mapper/luks-4e4e7970-1822-470e-b55a-e91efe5d0f5c is active and is in use. type: LUKS2 cipher: aes-xts-plain64 keysize: 512 bits key location: keyring device: /dev/sdb ...
# ansible managed-node-01.example.com -m command -a 'cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sdb' LUKS header information Version: 2 Epoch: 3 Metadata area: 16384 [bytes] Keyslots area: 16744448 [bytes] UUID: 4e4e7970-1822-470e-b55a-e91efe5d0f5c Label: (no label) Subsystem: (no subsystem) Flags: (no flags) Data segments: 0: crypt offset: 16777216 [bytes] length: (whole device) cipher: aes-xts-plain64 sector: 512 [bytes] ...