- Apache Camel
An open source project that provides the EIP-based routing technology used by Red Hat JBoss Fuse.
- consumer
The source of messages in a route.
- component
A factory that creates a routing endpoint that connects to a particular message source or message sink.
- CamelContext
A single routing rule base that defines the context for configuring routes, and specifies which policies to use during message exchanges between endpoints.
- dead letter channel
An EIP processor that handles messages that cannot be delivered to the intended recipient.
- endpoint
The sources and sinks of messages in a route.
- from
The DSL command that creates a message source for a route.
- message
routing—The data passed processed by a route. A message consists of three components:
headers—contain metadata that is used to communicate information about a message between the different processors that handle the message
attachments—contain binary data that is associated with the message
body—contains the messages payload
- out message
A temporary holder for messages as they are processed.
- processor
A Java object that performs work on a message as it passes along a route. Processors typical performs tasks like modifying the contents of a message or determining its path through a route.
- route
A chain of processors through which a message travels.
- wiretap
An EIP in which an messages are directed to an additional message channel in addition to the primary channel.