Chapter 8. System schema
The built-in SYS and SYSADMIN schemas provide metadata tables and procedures against the current virtual database.
By default, a system schema for ODBC metadata pg_catalog is also exposed. — however, that should be considered for general use.
Metadata visibility
The SYS system schema tables and procedures are always visible and accessible.
When data roles are in use, users can view only the tables, views, and procedure metadata entries that they have permissions to access. All columns of a key must be accessible for an entry to be visible.
To make all metadata visible to any authenticated user, set the environment/system property org.teiid.metadataRequiresPermission
to false.
If you use data roles, visibility of entries can be affected by the caching of system metadata.
8.1. SYS schema
System schema for public information and actions.
This table supplies information about all the elements (columns, tags, attributes, etc) in the virtual database.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema name |
TableName | string | Table name |
Name | string | Element name (not qualified) |
Position | integer | Position in group (1-based) |
NameInSource | string | Name of element in source |
DataType | string | Data Virtualization runtime data type name |
Scale | integer | Number of digits after the decimal point |
ElementLength | integer | Element length (mostly used for strings) |
sLengthFixed | boolean | Whether the length is fixed or variable |
SupportsSelect | boolean | Element can be used in SELECT |
SupportsUpdates | boolean | Values can be inserted or updated in the element |
IsCaseSensitive | boolean | Element is case-sensitive |
IsSigned | boolean | Element is signed numeric value |
IsCurrency | boolean | Element represents monetary value |
IsAutoIncremented | boolean | Element is auto-incremented in the source |
NullType | string | Nullability: "Nullable", "No Nulls", "Unknown" |
MinRange | string | Minimum value |
MaxRange | string | Maximum value |
DistinctCount | integer | Distinct value count, -1 can indicate unknown |
NullCount | integer | Null value count, -1 can indicate unknown |
SearchType | string | Searchability: "Searchable", "All Except Like", "Like Only", Unsearchable" |
Format | string | Format of string value |
DefaultValue | string | Default value |
JavaClass | string | Java class that will be returned |
Precision | integer | Number of digits in numeric value |
CharOctetLength | integer | Measure of return value size |
Radix | integer | Radix for numeric values |
GroupUpperName | string | Upper-case full group name |
UpperName | string | Upper-case element name |
UID | string | Element unique ID |
Description | string | Description |
TableUID | string | Parent Table unique ID |
TypeName | string | The type name, which may be a domain name |
TypeCode | integer | JDBC SQL type code |
ColumnSize | string | If numeric, the precision, if character, the length, and if date/time, then the string length of a literal value. |
This table supplies information on datatypes.
Column name | Type | Description |
Name | string | Data Virtualization type or domain name |
IsStandard | boolean | True if the type is basic |
Type | String | One of Basic, UserDefined, ResultSet, Domain |
TypeName | string | Design-time type name (same as Name) |
JavaClass | string | Java class returned for this type |
Scale | integer | Max scale of this type |
TypeLength | integer | Max length of this type |
NullType | string | Nullability: "Nullable", "No Nulls", "Unknown" |
IsSigned | boolean | Is signed numeric? |
IsAutoIncremented | boolean | Is auto-incremented? |
IsCaseSensitive | boolean | Is case-sensitive? |
Precision | integer | Max precision of this type |
Radix | integer | Radix of this type |
SearchType | string | Searchability: "Searchable", "All Except Like", "Like Only", "Unsearchable" |
UID | string | Data type unique ID |
RuntimeType | string | Data Virtualization runtime data type name |
BaseType | string | Base type |
Description | string | Description of type |
TypeCode | integer | JDBC SQL type code |
Literal_Prefix | string | literal prefix |
Literal_Prefix | string | literal suffix |
This table supplies information about the columns referenced by a key.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema name |
TableName | string | Table name |
Name | string | Element name |
KeyName | string | Key name |
KeyType | string | Key type: "Primary", "Foreign", "Unique", etc |
RefKeyUID | string | Referenced key UID |
UID | string | Key UID |
Position | integer | Position in key |
TableUID | string | Parent Table unique ID |
This table supplies information about primary, foreign, and unique keys.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema name |
Table name | string | Table name |
Name | string | Key name |
Description | string | Description |
NameInSource | string | Name of key in source system |
Type | string | Type of key: "Primary", "Foreign", "Unique", etc |
IsIndexed | boolean | True if key is indexed |
RefKeyUID | string | Referenced key UID (if foreign key) |
RefTableUID | string | Referenced key table UID (if foreign key) |
RefSchemaUID | string | Referenced key table schema UID (if foreign key) |
UID | string | Key unique ID |
TableUID | string | Key Table unique ID |
SchemaUID | string | Key Table Schema unique ID |
ColPositions | short[] | Array of column positions within the key table |
This supplies information on procedure parameters.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema name |
ProcedureName | string | Procedure name |
Name | string | Parameter name |
DataType | string | Data Virtualization runtime data type name |
Position | integer | Position in procedure args |
Type | string | Parameter direction: "In", "Out", "InOut", "ResultSet", "ReturnValue" |
Optional | boolean | Parameter is optional |
Precision | integer | Precision of parameter |
TypeLength | integer | Length of parameter value |
Scale | integer | Scale of parameter |
Radix | integer | Radix of parameter |
NullType | string | Nullability: "Nullable", "No Nulls", "Unknown" |
Description | string | Description of parameter |
TypeName | string | The type name, which may be a domain name |
TypeCode | integer | JDBC SQL type code |
ColumnSize | string | If numeric, the precision, if character, the length, and if date/time, then the string length of a literal value. |
DefaultValue | string | Default value |
This table supplies information about the procedures in the virtual database.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema name |
Name | string | Procedure name |
NameInSource | string | Procedure name in source system |
ReturnsResults | boolean | Returns a result set |
UID | string | Procedure UID |
Description | string | Description |
SchemaUID | string | Parent Schema unique ID |
This supplies information on function parameters.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema name |
FunctionName | string | Function name |
FunctionUID | string | Function UID |
Name | string | Parameter name |
DataType | string | Data Virtualization runtime data type name |
Position | integer | Position in procedure args |
Type | string | Parameter direction: "In", "Out", "InOut", "ResultSet", "ReturnValue" |
Precision | integer | Precision of parameter |
TypeLength | integer | Length of parameter value |
Scale | integer | Scale of parameter |
Radix | integer | Radix of parameter |
NullType | string | Nullability: "Nullable", "No Nulls", "Unknown" |
Description | string | Description of parameter |
TypeName | string | The type name, which may be a domain name |
TypeCode | integer | JDBC SQL type code |
ColumnSize | string | If numeric, the precision, if character, the length, and if date/time, then the string length of a literal value. |
This table supplies information about the functions in the virtual database.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema name |
Name | string | Function name |
NameInSource | string | Function name in source system |
UID | string | Function UID |
Description | string | Description |
IsVarArgs | boolean | Does the function accept variable arguments |
This table supplies user-defined properties on all objects based on metamodel extensions. Normally, this table is empty if no metamodel extensions are being used.
Column name | Type | Description |
Name | string | Extension property name |
Value | string | Extension property value |
UID | string | Key unique ID |
ClobValue | clob | Clob Value |
This table supplies informaton about column’s key reference.
Column name | Type | Description |
PKTABLE_CAT | string | VDB name |
PKTABLE_SCHEM | string | Schema name |
PKTABLE_NAME | string | Table/View name |
PKCOLUMN_NAME | string | Column name |
FKTABLE_CAT | string | VDB name |
FKTABLE_SCHEM | string | Schema name |
FKTABLE_NAME | string | Table/View name |
FKCOLUMN_NAME | string | Column name |
KEY_SEQ | short | Key Sequence |
UPDATE_RULE | integer | Update Rule |
DELETE_RULE | integer | Delete Rule |
FK_NAME | string | FK name |
PK_NAME | string | PK Nmae |
This table supplies information about all the schemas in the virtual database, including the system schema itself (System).
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
Name | string | Schema name |
IsPhysical | boolean | True if this represents a source |
UID | string | Unique ID |
Description | string | Description |
PrimaryMetamodelURI | string | URI for the primary metamodel describing the model used for this schema |
This table supplies information about all the groups (tables, views, documents, and so forth) in the virtual database.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema Name |
Name | string | Short group name |
Type | string | Table type (Table, View, Document, …) |
NameInSource | string | Name of this group in the source |
IsPhysical | boolean | True if this is a source table |
SupportsUpdates | boolean | True if group can be updated |
UID | string | Group unique ID |
Cardinality | integer | Approximate number of rows in the group |
Description | string | Description |
IsSystem | boolean | True if in system table |
SchemaUID | string | Parent Schema unique ID |
This table supplies information about the currently connected virtual database, of which there is always exactly one (in the context of a connection).
Column name | Type | Description |
Name | string | The name of the VDB |
Version | string | The version of the VDB |
Description | string | The description of the VDB |
LoadingTimestamp | timestamp | The timestamp loading began |
ActiveTimestamp | timestamp | The timestamp when the vdb became active. |
See also the PostGIS Documentation
Column name | Type | Description |
srid | integer | Spatial Reference Identifier |
auth_name | string | Name of the standard or standards body |
auth_srid | integer | SRID for the auth_name authority |
srtext | string | Well-Known Text representation |
proj4text | string | For use with the Proj4 library |
See also the PostGIS Documentation
Column name | Type | Description |
F_TABLE_CATALOG | string | catalog name |
F_TABLE_SCHEMA | string | schema name |
F_TABLE_NAME | string | table name |
F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN | string | column name |
COORD_DIMENSION | integer | Number of coordinate dimensions |
SRID | integer | Spatial Reference Identifier |
TYPE | string | Geometry type name |
Note: The coord_dimension
and srid properties
are determined from the {http://www.teiid.org/translator/spatial/2015}coord_dimension
and {http://www.teiid.org/translator/spatial/2015}srid
extension properties on the column. When possible, these values are set automatically by the relevant importer. If the values are not set, they will be reported as 2
and 0
, respectively. If client logic expects actual values, such as integration with GeoServer, you can set these values manually.
Returns a resultset with a single column with a row for each value in the array.
SYS.ArrayIterate(IN val object[]) RETURNS TABLE (col object)
Example: ArrayIterate
select array_get(cast(x.col as string[]), 2) from (exec arrayiterate((('a', 'b'),('c','d')))) x
This will produce two rows - 'b', and 'd'.
8.2. SYSADMIN schema
System schema for administrative information and actions.
The following table supplies information about how views and procedures are defined.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
UID | string | Object UID |
object_type | string | Type of object (StoredProcedure, ForeignProcedure, Table, View, Column, etc.) |
Name | string | Object Name or parent name |
ElementName | string | Name of column or parameter, may be null to indicate a table/procedure. Parameter level dependencies are currently not implemented. |
Uses_UID | string | Used object UID |
Uses_object_type | string | Used object type |
Uses_SchemaName | string | Used object schema |
Uses_Name | string | Used object name or parent name |
Uses_ElementName | string | Used column or parameter name, may be null to indicate a table/procedure level dependency |
Every column, parameter, table, or procedure referenced in a procedure or view definition will be shown as used. Likewise every column, parameter, table, or procedure referenced in the expression that defines a view column will be shown as used by that column. No dependency information is shown for procedure parameters. Column level dependencies are not yet inferred through intervening temporary or common tables.
Example: SYSADMIN.Usage
Recursive common table queries can be used to determine transitive relationships.
Example: Finding all incoming usage
with im_using as ( select 0 as level, uid, Uses_UID, Uses_Name, Uses_Object_Type, Uses_ElementName from usage where uid = (select uid from sys.tables where name='table name' and schemaName='schema name') union all select level + 1, usage.uid, usage.Uses_UID, usage.Uses_Name, usage.Uses_Object_Type, usage.Uses_ElementName from usage, im_using where level < 10 and usage.uid = im_using.Uses_UID) select * from im_using
Example: Finding all outgoing usage
with uses_me as ( select 0 as level, uid, Uses_UID, Name, Object_Type, ElementName from usage where uses_uid = (select uid from sys.tables where name='table name' and schemaName='schema name') union all select level + 1, usage.uid, usage.Uses_UID, usage.Name, usage.Object_Type, usage.ElementName from usage, uses_me where level < 10 and usage.uses_uid = uses_me.UID) select * from uses_me
The following table supplies information about all the materailized views in the virtual database.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema Name |
Name | string | Short group name |
TargetSchemaName | string | Name of the materialized table schema. Will be null for internal materialization. |
TargetName | string | Name of the materialized table |
Valid | boolean | True if materialized table is currently valid. Will be null for external materialization. |
LoadState | boolean |
The load state, can be one of |
Updated | timestamp | The timestamp of the last full refresh. Will be null for external materialization. |
Cardinality | integer | The number of rows in the materialized view table. Will be null for external materialization. |
Valid, LoadState, Updated, and Cardinality may be checked for external materialized views with the SYSADMIN.matViewStatus
Example: SYSADMIN.MatViews
The following table provides the current VDB contents.
Column Name | Type | Description |
resourcePath | string | The path to the contents. |
contents | blob | The contents as a blob. |
Example: SYSADMIN.VDBResources
The following table provides the triggers in the virtual database.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema Name |
TableName | string | Table name |
Name | string | Trigger name |
TriggerType | string | Trigger Type |
TriggerEvent | string | Triggering Event |
Status | string | Is Enabled |
Body | clob | Trigger Action (FOR EACH ROW …) |
TableUID | string | Table Unique ID |
Example: SYSADMIN.Triggers
The following table provides the views in the virtual database.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema Name |
Name | string | View name |
Body | clob | View Definition Body (SELECT …) |
UID | string | Table Unique ID |
Example: SYSADMIN.Views
The following table provides the StoredProcedures in the virtual database.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SchemaName | string | Schema Name |
Name | string | Procedure name |
Body | clob | Procedure Definition Body (BEGIN …) |
UID | string | Unique ID |
Example: SYSADMIN.StoredProcedures
The following table provides active requests against the virtual database.
VDBName string(255) NOT NULL,
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SessionId | string | session identifier |
ExecutionId | long | execution identifier |
Command | clob | The query being executed |
StartTimestamp | timestamp | Start timestamp |
TransactionId | string | transaction identifier as reported by the Transaction Manager |
ProcessingState | string | processing state, can be one of PROCESSING, DONE, CANCELED |
ThreadState | string | thread state, can be one of RUNNING, QUEUED, IDLE |
The following table provides the Sessions active for the virtual database.
Column name | Type | Description |
VDBName | string | VDB name |
SessionId | string | session identifier |
UserName | string | username |
CreatedTime | timestamp | timestamp of when the session was created |
ApplicationName | string | application name as reported by the client |
IPAddress | string | IP Address as reported by the client |
The following table provides the active Transactions.
Column name | Type | Description |
TransactionId | string | transaction identifier as reported by the Transaction Manager |
SessionId | string | session identifier if a session is currently associated with the transaction |
StartTimestamp | timestamp | start time of the transaction |
Scope | string | scope of the transaction, can be one of GLOBAL, LOCAL, REQUEST, INHERITED. INHERITED means that a Transaction was already associated with the calling thread (embedded usage). |
Note: Transactions that are not associated with a given session will always be shown. Transactions that are associated with a session must be for a session with the current VDB.
Tests if logging is enabled at the given level and context.
SYSADMIN.isLoggable(OUT loggable boolean NOT NULL RESULT, IN level string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DEBUG', IN context string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'org.teiid.PROCESSOR')
Returns true if logging is enabled. level can be one of the log4j levels: OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. level defaults to 'DEBUG' and context defaults to 'org.teiid.PROCESSOR'
Example: isLoggable
IF ((CALL SYSADMIN.isLoggable(context=>'org.something')) BEGIN DECLARE STRING msg; // logic to build the message ... CALL SYSADMIN.logMsg(msg=>msg, context=>'org.something') END
Log a message to the underlying logging system.
SYSADMIN.logMsg(OUT logged boolean NOT NULL RESULT, IN level string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DEBUG', IN context string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'org.teiid.PROCESSOR', IN msg object)
Returns true if the message was logged. level can be one of the log4j levels: OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. The level defaults to 'DEBUG' and context defaults to 'org.teiid.PROCESSOR'. A null msg object will be logged as the string 'null'.
Example: logMsg
CALL SYSADMIN.logMsg(msg=>'some debug', context=>'org.something')
The preceding example will log the message 'some debug' at the default level DEBUG to the context org.something.
8.2.1. SYSADMIN.refreshMatView
Full refresh/load of an internal materialized view. Returns integer RowsUpdated. -1 indicates a load is in progress, otherwise the cardinality of the table is returned. See the Caching Guide for more information.
See also SYSADMIN.loadMatView
SYSADMIN.refreshMatView(OUT RowsUpdated integer NOT NULL RESULT, IN ViewName string NOT NULL, IN Invalidate boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false')
8.2.2. SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRow
Refreshes a row in an internal materialized view.
Returns integer RowsUpdated. -1 indicates the materialized table is currently invalid. 0 indicates that the specified row did not exist in the live data query or in the materialized table. See the Caching Guide for more information.
SYSADMIN.CREATE FOREIGN PROCEDURE refreshMatViewRow(OUT RowsUpdated integer NOT NULL RESULT, IN ViewName string NOT NULL, IN Key object NOT NULL, VARIADIC KeyOther object)
Example: SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRow
The materialized view SAMPLEMATVIEW
has 3 rows under the TestMat
Model as below:
Assuming the primary key only contains one column, id, update the second row:
EXEC SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRow('TestMat.SAMPLEMATVIEW', '101')
Assuming the primary key contains more columns, a and b, update the second row:
EXEC SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRow('TestMat.SAMPLEMATVIEW', '101', 'a1', 'b1')
8.2.3. SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRows
Refreshes rows in an internal materialized view.
Returns integer RowsUpdated. -1 indicates the materialized table is currently invalid. Any row that does not exist in the live data query or in the materialized table will not count toward the RowsUpdated. For more information, see the Teiid Caching Guide.
SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRows(OUT RowsUpdated integer NOT NULL RESULT, IN ViewName string NOT NULL, VARIADIC Key object[] NOT NULL)
Example: SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRows
Continuing use the SAMPLEMATVIEW
in Example of SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRow. Assuming the primary key only contains one column, id, update all rows:
EXEC SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRows('TestMat.SAMPLEMATVIEW', ('100',), ('101',), ('102',))
Assuming the primary key comtain more columns, id, a and b compose of the primary key, update all rows:
EXEC SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRows('TestMat.SAMPLEMATVIEW', ('100', 'a0', 'b0'), ('101', 'a1', 'b1'), ('102', 'a2', 'b2'))
8.2.4. SYSADMIN.setColumnStats
Set statistics for the given column.
SYSADMIN.setColumnStats(IN tableName string NOT NULL, IN columnName string NOT NULL, IN distinctCount long, IN nullCount long, IN max string, IN min string)
All stat values are nullable. Passing a null stat value will leave corresponding metadata value unchanged.
8.2.5. SYSADMIN.setProperty
Set an extension metadata property for the given record. Extension metadata is typically used by Translators.
SYSADMIN.setProperty(OUT OldValue clob NOT NULL RESULT, IN UID string NOT NULL, IN Name string NOT NULL, IN "Value" clob)
Setting a value to null will remove the property.
Example: Property Set
CALL SYSADMIN.setProperty(uid=>(SELECT uid FROM TABLES WHERE name='tab'), name=>'some name', value=>'some value')
The preceding example will set the property 'some name'='some value' on table tab.
The use of this procedure will not trigger replanning of associated prepared plans.
Properties from built-in teiid_* namespaces can be set using the the short form - namespace:key form.
8.2.6. SYSADMIN.setTableStats
Set statistics for the given table.
SYSADMIN.setTableStats(IN tableName string NOT NULL, IN cardinality long NOT NULL)
SYSADMIN.setColumnStats, SYSADMIN.setProperty, SYSADMIN.setTableStats are Metadata Procedures.
matViewStatus is used to retrieve the status of materialized views via schemaName and viewName.
Returns tables which contains TargetSchemaName, TargetName, Valid, LoadState, Updated, Cardinality, LoadNumber, OnErrorAction.
SYSADMIN.matViewStatus(IN schemaName string NOT NULL, IN viewName string NOT NULL) RETURNS TABLE (TargetSchemaName varchar(50), TargetName varchar(50), Valid boolean, LoadState varchar(25), Updated timestamp, Cardinality long, LoadNumber long, OnErrorAction varchar(25))
loadMatView is used to perform a complete refresh of an internal or external materialized table.
Returns integer RowsInserted. -1 indicates the materialized table is currently loading. And -3 indicates there was an exception when performing the load. See the Caching Guide for more information.
SYSADMIN.loadMatView(IN schemaName string NOT NULL, IN viewName string NOT NULL, IN invalidate boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false') RETURNS integer
Example: loadMatView
exec SYSADMIN.loadMatView(schemaName=>'TestMat',viewname=>'SAMPLEMATVIEW', invalidate=>'true')
The updateMatView procedure is used to update a subset of an internal or external materialized table based on the refresh criteria.
The refresh criteria might reference the view columns by qualified name, but all instances of .
in the view name will be replaced by _
, because an alias is actually being used.
Returns integer RowsUpdated. -1 indicates the materialized table is currently invalid. And-3 indicates there was an exception when performing the update. See the Caching Guide for more information.
SYSADMIN.updateMatView(IN schemaName string NOT NULL, IN viewName string NOT NULL, IN refreshCriteria string) RETURNS integer
Continuing use the SAMPLEMATVIEW
in Example of SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRow. Update view rows:
EXEC SYSADMIN.updateMatView('TestMat', 'SAMPLEMATVIEW', 'id = ''101'' AND a = ''a1''')
Cancel the user request identified by execution id for the given session.
SYSADMIN.cancelRequest(OUT cancelled boolean NOT NULL RESULT, IN SessionId string NOT NULL, IN executionId long NOT NULL)
Example: Cancel
CALL SYSADMIN.cancelRequest('session id', 1)
Terminate the session with the given identifier.
SYSADMIN.terminateSession(OUT terminated boolean NOT NULL RESULT, IN SessionId string NOT NULL)
Example: Termination
CALL SYSADMIN.terminateSession('session id')
Terminate the transaction associated with a session by marking the transaction as rollback only.
SYSADMIN.terminateTransaction(IN sessionid string NOT NULL)
You cannot only cancel transactions that are associated with a session.
Example: Terminate
CALL SYSADMIN.terminateTransaction('session id')