
Chapter 3. Deploying an Overcloud with the Bare Metal Service

For full details about overcloud deployment with the director, see Director Installation and Usage. This chapter only covers deployment steps specific to ironic.

3.1. Creating the Ironic template

Use an environment file to deploy the overcloud with the Bare Metal service enabled. A template is located on the director node at /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services-docker/ironic.yaml.

Filling in the template

Additional configuration can be specified either in the provided template or in an additional yaml file, for example ~/templates/ironic.yaml.

  • For a hybrid deployment with both bare metal and virtual instances, you must add AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter to the list of NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters. If you have not set NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters anywhere, you can do so in ironic.yaml. For an example, see Section 3.3, “Example Templates”.


    If you are using SR-IOV, NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters is already set in tripleo-heat-templates/environments/neutron-sriov.yaml. Append AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter to this list.

  • The type of cleaning that occurs before and between deployments is set by IronicCleaningDiskErase. By default, this is set to ‘full’ by puppet/services/ironic-conductor.yaml. Setting this to ‘metadata’ can substantially speed up the process, as it only cleans the partition table, however, since the deployment will be less secure in a multi-tenant environment, you should only do this in a trusted tenant environment.
  • You can add drivers with the IronicEnabledDrivers parameter. By default, pxe_ipmitool, pxe_drac and pxe_ilo are enabled.

For a full list of configuration parameters, see Bare Metal in the Overcloud Parameters guide.

3.2. Network Configuration

If you use the default flat bare metal network, you must create a bridge br-baremetal for ironic to use. You can specify this in an additional template:


  NeutronBridgeMappings: datacentre:br-ex,baremetal:br-baremetal
  NeutronFlatNetworks: datacentre,baremetal

You can either configure this bridge in the provisioning network (control plane) of the controllers, so you can reuse this network as the bare metal network, or add a dedicated network. The configuration requirements are the same, however the bare metal network cannot be VLAN-tagged, as it is used for provisioning.


      type: ovs_bridge
          name: br-baremetal
          use_dhcp: false
              type: interface
              name: eth1

The Bare Metal service in the overcloud is designed for a trusted tenant environment, as the bare metal nodes have direct access to the control plane network of your OpenStack installation.

3.2.1. Configuring a Custom Provisioning Network

The default flat provisioning network can introduce security concerns in a customer environment as a tenant can interfere with the undercloud network. To prevent this risk, you can configure a custom composable bare metal provisioning network for ironic services that does not have access to the control plane:

  1. Configure the shell to access Identity as the administrative user:

    $ source ~/overcloudrc
  2. Copy the network_data.yaml file:

    (undercloud) [stack@host01 ~]$ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network_data.yaml .
  3. Edit the new network_data.yaml file and add a new network for Overcloud provisioning:

    # custom network for Overcloud provisioning
    - name: OcProvisioning
    name_lower: oc_provisioning
    vip: true
    vlan: 205
    ip_subnet: ''
    allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
  4. Update the network_environments.yaml and nic-configs/controller.yaml files to use the new network.

    1. In the network_environments.yaml file, add Vlan and remap Ironic networks:

         IronicApiNetwork: oc_provisioning
         IronicNetwork: oc_provisioning
    2. In the nic-configs/controller.yaml file, add an interface and necessary parameters:

           - type: vlan
                 get_param: OcProvisioningNetworkVlanID
               - ip_netmask:
                   get_param: OcProvisioningIpSubnet
  5. Copy the roles_data.yaml file:

    (undercloud) [stack@host01 ~]$ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/roles_data.yaml .
  6. Edit the new roles_data.yaml and add the new network for the controller:

        - OcProvisioning
  7. Include the new network_data.yaml and roles_data.yaml files in the deploy command:

    -n /home/stack/network_data.yaml \
    -r /home/stack/roles_data.yaml \

3.3. Example Templates

The following is an example template file. This file may not meet the requirements of your environment. Before using this example, make sure it does not interfere with any existing configuration in your environment.



        - RetryFilter
        - AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter
        - AvailabilityZoneFilter
        - RamFilter
        - DiskFilter
        - ComputeFilter
        - ComputeCapabilitiesFilter
        - ImagePropertiesFilter

    IronicCleaningDiskErase: metadata

In this example:

  • The AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter allows both virtual and bare metal instances, for a hybrid deployment.
  • Disk cleaning that is done before and between deployments only erases the partition table (metadata).

3.4. Deploying the Overcloud

To enable the Bare Metal service, include your ironic environment files with -e when deploying or redeploying the overcloud, along with the rest of your overcloud configuration.

For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy \
  --templates \
  -e ~/templates/node-info.yaml \
  -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml \
  -e ~/templates/network-environment.yaml \
  -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services-docker/ironic.yaml \
  -e ~/templates/ironic.yaml \

For more information about deploying the overcloud, see Creating the Overcloud with the CLI Tools and Including Environment Files in Overcloud Creation.

3.5. Testing the Bare Metal Service

You can use the OpenStack Integration Test Suite to validate your Red Hat OpenStack deployment. For more information, see the OpenStack Integration Test Suite Guide.

Additional Ways to Verify the Bare Metal Service:

  1. Set up the shell to access Identity as the administrative user:

    $ source ~/overcloudrc
  2. Check that the nova-compute service is running on the controller nodes:

    $ openstack compute service list -c Binary -c Host -c Status
  3. If you have changed the default ironic drivers, make sure the required drivers are enabled:

    $ openstack baremetal driver list
  4. Ensure that the ironic endpoints are listed:

    $ openstack catalog list
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