
Chapter 4. Configuring for the Bare Metal Service After Deployment

This section describes the steps necessary to configure your overcloud after deployment.

4.1. Configuring OpenStack Networking

Configure OpenStack Networking to communicate with the Bare Metal service for DHCP, PXE boot, and other requirements. You can configure the bare metal network in two ways:

  • Use a flat bare metal network for Ironic Conductor services. This network must route to the Ironic services on the control plane network.
  • Use a custom composable network to implement Ironic services in the overcloud.

Follow the procedures in this section to configure OpenStack Networking for a single flat network for provisioning onto bare metal, or to configure a new composable network that does not rely on an unused isolated network or a flat network. The configuration uses the ML2 plug-in and the Open vSwitch agent.

Perform all steps in the following procedure on the server that hosts the OpenStack Networking service, while logged in as the root user.

4.1.1. Configuring OpenStack Networking to Communicate with the Bare Metal Service on a flat Bare Metal Network

  1. Configure the shell to access Identity as the administrative user:

    $ source ~/overcloudrc
  2. Create the flat network over which to provision bare metal instances:

    $ openstack network create \
      --provider-network-type flat \
      --provider-physical-network baremetal \
      --share NETWORK_NAME

    Replace NETWORK_NAME with a name for this network. The name of the physical network over which the virtual network is implemented (in this case baremetal) was set earlier in the ~/templates/network-environment.yaml file, with the parameter NeutronBridgeMappings.

  3. Create the subnet on the flat network:

    $ openstack subnet create \
      --network NETWORK_NAME \
      --subnet-range NETWORK_CIDR \
      --ip-version 4 \
      --gateway GATEWAY_IP \
      --allocation-pool start=START_IP,end=END_IP \
      --dhcp SUBNET_NAME

    Replace the following values:

    • Replace SUBNET_NAME with a name for the subnet.
    • Replace NETWORK_NAME with the name of the provisioning network that you created in the previous step.
    • Replace NETWORK_CIDR with the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) representation of the block of IP addresses that the subnet represents. The block of IP addresses specified by the range starting with START_IP and ending with END_IP must fall within the block of IP addresses specified by NETWORK_CIDR.
    • Replace GATEWAY_IP with the IP address or host name of the router interface that acts as the gateway for the new subnet. This address must be within the block of IP addresses specified by NETWORK_CIDR, but outside of the block of IP addresses specified by the range starting with START_IP and ending with END_IP.
    • Replace START_IP with the IP address that denotes the start of the range of IP addresses within the new subnet from which floating IP addresses will be allocated.
    • Replace END_IP with the IP address that denotes the end of the range of IP addresses within the new subnet from which floating IP addresses will be allocated.
  4. Create a router for the network and subnet to ensure that the OpenStack Networking Service serves metadata requests:

    $ openstack router create ROUTER_NAME

    Replace ROUTER_NAME with a name for the router.

  5. Attach the subnet to the new router:

    $ openstack router add subnet ROUTER_NAME BAREMETAL_SUBNET

    Replace ROUTER_NAME with the name of your router and BAREMETAL_SUBNET with the ID or name of the subnet that you created previously. This allows the metadata requests from cloud-init to be served and the node configured.

4.1.2. Configuring OpenStack Networking to Communicate with the Bare Metal Service on a Custom Composable Bare Metal Network

  1. Create a vlan network with a VlanID that matches the OcProvisioning network that you create during deployment. Name the new network provisioning to match the default name of the cleaning network.

    (overcloud) [stack@host01 ~]$ openstack network create \
      --share \
      --provider-network-type vlan \
      --provider-physical-network datacentre \
      --provider-segment 205 provisioning

    If the name of the overcloud network is not provisioning, log in to the controller and run the following commands to rename and restart the network:

    heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo vi /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/ironic/etc/ironic/ironic.conf
    heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo podman restart ironic_conductor

4.2. Configuring Node Cleaning

By default, the Bare Metal service is set to use a network named provisioning for node cleaning. However, network names are not unique in OpenStack Networking, so it is possible for a tenant to create a network with the same name, causing a conflict with the Bare Metal service. Therefore, it is recommended to use the network UUID instead.

  1. Configure cleaning by providing the provider network UUID on the controller running the Bare Metal Service:


        IronicCleaningNetwork: UUID

    Replace UUID with the UUID of the bare metal network that you create in the previous steps.

    You can find the UUID with the openstack network show command:

    openstack network show NETWORK_NAME -f value -c id

    You must perform this configuration after the initial overcloud deployment, because the UUID for the network is not available beforehand.

  2. Apply the changes by redeploying the overcloud with the openstack overcloud deploy command as described in Section 3.5, “Deploying the Overcloud”.
  3. Uncomment the following line and replace <None> with the UUID of the bare metal network:

    cleaning_network = <None>
  4. Restart the Bare Metal service:

    # systemctl restart openstack-ironic-conductor.service

Redeploying the overcloud with openstack overcloud deploy reverts any manual changes, so ensure that you have added the cleaning configuration to ~/templates/ironic.yaml (described in the previous step) before you next use the openstack overcloud deploy command.

4.2.1. Manual Node Cleaning

To initiate node cleaning manually, the node must be in the manageable state.

Node cleaning has two modes:

Metadata only clean - Removes partitions from all disks on a given node. This is a faster clean cycle, but less secure since it erases only partition tables. Use this mode only on trusted tenant environments.

Full clean - Removes all data from all disks, using either ATA secure erase or by shredding. This can take several hours to complete.

To initiate a metadata clean:

$ openstack baremetal node clean _UUID_ \
    --clean-steps '[{"interface": "deploy", "step": "erase_devices_metadata"}]'

To initiate a full clean:

$ openstack baremetal node clean _UUID_ \
    --clean-steps '[{"interface": "deploy", "step": "erase_devices"}]'

Replace UUID with the UUID of the node that you want to clean.

After a successful cleaning, the node state returns to manageable. If the state is clean failed, inspect the last_error field for the cause of failure.

4.3. Creating the Bare Metal Flavor

You must create a flavor to use as a part of the deployment. The specifications (memory, CPU, and disk) of this flavor must be equal to or less than the hardware specifications of your bare metal node.

  1. Configure the shell to access Identity as the administrative user:

    $ source ~/overcloudrc
  2. List existing flavors:

    $ openstack flavor list
  3. Create a new flavor for the Bare Metal service:

    $ openstack flavor create \
      --id auto --ram RAM \
      --vcpus VCPU --disk DISK \
      --property baremetal=true \
      --public baremetal

    Replace RAM with the amount of memory, VCPU with the number of vCPUs and DISK with the disk storage value. The property baremetal is used to distinguish bare metal from virtual instances.

  4. Verify that the new flavor is created with the correct values:

    $ openstack flavor list

4.4. Creating the Bare Metal Images

The deployment requires two sets of images:

  • The deploy image is used by the Bare Metal service to boot the bare metal node and copy a user image onto the bare metal node. The deploy image consists of the kernel image and the ramdisk image.
  • The user image is the image deployed onto the bare metal node. The user image also has a kernel image and ramdisk image, but additionally, the user image contains a main image. The main image is either a root partition, or a whole-disk image.

    • A whole-disk image is an image that contains the partition table and boot loader. The Bare Metal service does not control the subsequent reboot of a node deployed with a whole-disk image as the node supports localboot.
    • A root partition image contains only the root partition of the operating system. If you use a root partition, after the deploy image is loaded into the Image service, you can set the deploy image as the node boot image in the node properties. A subsequent reboot of the node uses netboot to pull down the user image.

The examples in this section use a root partition image to provision bare metal nodes.

4.4.1. Preparing the Deploy Images

You do not have to create the deploy image as it was already used when the overcloud was deployed by the undercloud. The deploy image consists of two images - the kernel image and the ramdisk image:


These images are often in the home directory, unless you have deleted them, or unpacked them elsewhere. If they are not in the home directory, and you still have the rhosp-director-images-ipa package installed, these images are in the /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/ironic-python-agent*.tar file.

Extract the images and upload them to the Image service:

$ openstack image create \
  --container-format aki \
  --disk-format aki \
  --public \
  --file ./tftpboot/agent.kernel bm-deploy-kernel
$ openstack image create \
  --container-format ari \
  --disk-format ari \
  --public \
  --file ./tftpboot/agent.ramdisk bm-deploy-ramdisk

4.4.2. Preparing the User Image

The final image that you need is the user image that will be deployed on the bare metal node. User images also have a kernel and ramdisk, along with a main image. To download and install these packages, you must first configure whole disk image environment variables to suit your requirements.

4.4.3. Disk image environment variables

As a part of the disk image building process, the director requires a base image and registration details to obtain packages for the new overcloud image. Define these attributes with the following Linux environment variables.


The image building process temporarily registers the image with a Red Hat subscription and unregisters the system once the image building process completes.

To build a disk image, set Linux environment variables that suit your environment and requirements:

Sets the local image that you want to use as the basis for your whole disk image.
Use an activation key instead of login details as part of the registration process.
Defines whether to attach the most compatible subscription automatically.
The base URL of the content delivery server containing packages for the image. The default Customer Portal Subscription Management process uses https://cdn.redhat.com. If you use a Red Hat Satellite 6 server, set this parameter to the base URL of your Satellite server.
Registers to an environment within an organization.
Sets the method of registration. Use portal to register a system to the Red Hat Customer Portal. Use satellite to register a system with Red Hat Satellite 6.
The organization where you want to register the images.
The pool ID of the product subscription information.
Gives the password for the user account that registers the image.
A comma-separated string of repository names. Each repository in this string is enabled through subscription-manager.
The base URL of the Satellite server to register Overcloud nodes. Use the Satellite’s HTTP URL and not the HTTPS URL for this parameter. For example, use http://satellite.example.com and not https://satellite.example.com.
Gives the hostname of the subscription service to use. The default is for the Red Hat Customer Portal at subscription.rhn.redhat.com. If using a Red Hat Satellite 6 server, set this parameter to the hostname of your Satellite server.
Gives the user name for the account that registers the image.

4.4.4. Installing the User Image

  1. Download the Red Hat Enterprise Linux KVM guest image from the Customer Portal (requires login).
  2. Define DIB_LOCAL_IMAGE as the downloaded image:

    $ export DIB_LOCAL_IMAGE=rhel-8.0-x86_64-kvm.qcow2
  3. Set your registration information. If you use Red Hat Customer Portal, you must configure the following information:

    $ export REG_USER='USER_NAME'
    $ export REG_AUTO_ATTACH=true
    $ export REG_METHOD=portal
    $ export https_proxy='IP_address:port' (if applicable)
    $ export http_proxy='IP_address:port' (if applicable)

    If you use Red Hat Satellite, you must configure the following information:

    $ export REG_USER='USER_NAME'
    $ export REG_SAT_URL='<SATELLITE URL>'
    $ export REG_ORG='<SATELLITE ORG>'
    $ export REG_ENV='<SATELLITE ENV>'
    $ export REG_METHOD=<METHOD>

    If you have any offline repositories, you can define DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF as local repository configuration:

    $ export DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF=<path-to-local-repository-config-file>
  4. Create the user images using the diskimage-builder tool:

    $ disk-image-create rhel8 baremetal -o rhel-image

    This command extracts the kernel as rhel-image.vmlinuz and initial ramdisk as rhel-image.initrd.

  5. Upload the images to the Image service:

    $ KERNEL_ID=$(openstack image create \
      --file rhel-image.vmlinuz --public \
      --container-format aki --disk-format aki \
      -f value -c id rhel-image.vmlinuz)
    $ RAMDISK_ID=$(openstack image create \
      --file rhel-image.initrd --public \
      --container-format ari --disk-format ari \
      -f value -c id rhel-image.initrd)
    $ openstack image create \
      --file rhel-image.qcow2   --public \
      --container-format bare \
      --disk-format qcow2 \
      --property kernel_id=$KERNEL_ID \
      --property ramdisk_id=$RAMDISK_ID \

4.5. Configuring Deploy Interfaces

When provisioning bare metal nodes, the Ironic service on the overcloud writes a base operating system image to the disk on the bare metal node. By default, the deploy interface mounts the image on an iSCSI mount and then copies the image to disk on each node. Alternatively, you can use direct deploy, which writes disk images from a HTTP location directly to disk on bare metal nodes.

4.5.1. Understanding the deploy process

Deploy interfaces have a critical role in the provisioning process. Deploy interfaces orchestrate the deployment and define the mechanism for transferring the image to the target disk.

  • Dependent packages configured on the bare metal service nodes that run ironic-conductor.
  • OpenStack Compute (nova) must be configured to use the bare metal service endpoint.
  • Flavors must be created for the available hardware, and nova must boot the new node from the correct flavor.
  • Images must be available in Glance:

    • bm-deploy-kernel
    • bm-deploy-ramdisk
    • user-image
    • user-image-vmlinuz
    • user-image-initrd
  • Hardware to enroll with the Ironic API service.

Use the following example workflow to understand the standard deploy process. Depending on the ironic driver interfaces that you use, some of the steps might differ:

  1. The Nova scheduler receives a boot instance request from the Nova API.
  2. The Nova scheduler identifies the relevant hypervisor and identifies the target physical node.
  3. The Nova compute manager claims the resources of the selected hypervisor.
  4. The Nova compute manager creates unbound tenant virtual interfaces (VIFs) in the Networking service according to the network interfaces that the nova boot request specifies.
  5. Nova compute invokes driver.spawn from the Nova compute virt layer to create a spawn task that contains all of the necessary information. During the spawn process, the virt driver completes the following steps.

    1. Updates the target ironic node with information about the deploy image, instance UUID, requested capabilities, and flavor propertires.
    2. Calls the ironic API to validate the power and deploy interfaces of the target node.
    3. Attaches the VIFs to the node. Each neutron port can be attached to any ironic port or group. Port groups have higher priority than ports.
    4. Generates config drive.
  6. The Nova ironic virt driver issues a deploy request with the Ironic API to the Ironic conductor that services the bare metal node.
  7. Virtual interfaces are plugged in and the Neutron API updates DHCP to configure PXE/TFTP options.
  8. The ironic node boot interface prepares (i)PXE configuration and caches the deploy kernel and ramdisk.
  9. The ironic node management interface issues commands to enable network boot of the node.
  10. The ironic node deploy interface caches the instance image, kernel, and ramdisk, if necessary.
  11. The ironic node power interface instructs the node to power on.
  12. The node boots the deploy ramdisk.
  13. With iSCSI deployment, the conductor copies the image over iSCSI to the physical node. With direct deployment, the deploy ramdisk downloads the image from a temporary URL. This URL must be a Swift API compatible object store or a HTTP URL.
  14. The node boot interface switches PXE configuration to refer to instance images and instructs the ramdisk agent to soft power off the node. If the soft power off fails, the bare metal node is powered off with IPMI/BMC.
  15. The deploy interface instructs the network interface to remove any provisioning ports, binds the tenant ports to the node, and powers the node on.

The provisioning state of the new bare metal node is now active.

4.5.2. Configuring the direct deploy interface on the overcloud

The iSCSI deploy interface is the default deploy interface. However, you can enable the direct deploy interface to download an image from a HTTP location to the target disk.


Your overcloud node memory tmpfs must have at least 8GB of RAM.

  1. Create or modify a custom environment file /home/stack/templates/direct_deploy.yaml and specify the IronicEnabledDeployInterfaces and the IronicDefaultDeployInterface parameters.

      IronicEnabledDeployInterfaces: direct
      IronicDefaultDeployInterface: direct

    If you register your nodes with iscsi, retain the iscsi value in the IronicEnabledDeployInterfaces parameter:

      IronicEnabledDeployInterfaces: direct,iscsi
      IronicDefaultDeployInterface: direct
  2. By default, the Bare Metal Service (ironic) agent on each node obtains the image stored in the Object Storage Service (swift) through a HTTP link. Alternatively, Ironic can stream this image directly to the node through the ironic-conductor HTTP server. To change the service providing the image, set the IronicImageDownloadSource to http in the /home/stack/templates/direct_deploy.yaml file:

      IronicEnabledDeployInterfaces: direct
      IronicDefaultDeployInterface: direct
      IronicImageDownloadSource: http
  3. Include the custom environment with your overcloud deployment:

    $ openstack overcloud deploy \
      --templates \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/ironic.yaml \
      -e /home/stack/templates/direct_deploy.yaml \

    Wait until deployment completes.


If you did not specify IronicDefaultDeployInterface or to use a different deploy interface, specify the deploy interface when you create or update a node:


$ openstack baremetal node create --driver ipmi --deploy-interface direct
$ openstack baremetal node set <NODE> --deploy-interface direct

4.6. Adding Physical Machines as Bare Metal Nodes

There are two methods to enroll a bare metal node:

  1. Prepare an inventory file with the node details, import the file into the Bare Metal service, and make the nodes available.
  2. Register a physical machine as a bare metal node, then manually add its hardware details and create ports for each of its Ethernet MAC addresses. These steps can be performed on any node which has your overcloudrc file.

Both methods are detailed in this section.

After enrolling the physical machines, Compute is not immediately notified of new resources, because Compute’s resource tracker synchronizes periodically. Changes will be visible after the next periodic task is run. This value, scheduler_driver_task_period, can be updated in /etc/nova/nova.conf. The default period is 60 seconds.

4.6.1. Enrolling a Bare Metal Node With an Inventory File

  1. Create a file overcloud-nodes.yaml, including the node details. You can enroll multiple nodes with one file.

        - name: node0
          driver: ipmi
            ipmi_address: <IPMI_IP>
            ipmi_username: <USER>
            ipmi_password: <PASSWORD>
            cpus: <CPU_COUNT>
            cpu_arch: <CPU_ARCHITECTURE>
            memory_mb: <MEMORY>
            local_gb: <ROOT_DISK>
                serial: <SERIAL>
            - address: <PXE_NIC_MAC>

    Replace the following values:

    • <IPMI_IP> with the address of the Bare Metal controller.
    • <USER> with your username.
    • <PASSWORD> with your password.
    • <CPU_COUNT> with the number of CPUs.
    • <CPU_ARCHITECTURE> with the type of architecture of the CPUs.
    • <MEMORY> with the amount of memory in MiB.
    • <ROOT_DISK> with the size of the root disk in GiB.
    • <MAC_ADDRESS> with the MAC address of the NIC used to PXE boot.

      You must include root_device only if the machine has multiple disks. Replace <SERIAL> with the serial number of the disk that you want to use for deployment.

  2. Configure the shell to use Identity as the administrative user:

    $ source ~/overcloudrc
  3. Import the inventory file into ironic:

    $ openstack baremetal create overcloud-nodes.yaml
  4. The nodes are now in the enroll state.
  5. Specify the deploy kernel and deploy ramdisk on each node:

    $ openstack baremetal node set NODE_UUID \
      --driver-info deploy_kernel=KERNEL_UUID \
      --driver-info deploy_ramdisk=INITRAMFS_UUID

    Replace the following values:

    • Replace NODE_UUID with the unique identifier for the node. Alternatively, use the node’s logical name.
    • Replace KERNEL_UUID with the unique identifier for the kernel deploy image that was uploaded to the Image service. Find this value with the following command:

      $ openstack image show bm-deploy-kernel -f value -c id
    • Replace INITRAMFS_UUID with the unique identifier for the ramdisk image that was uploaded to the Image service. Find this value with the following command:

      $ openstack image show bm-deploy-ramdisk -f value -c id
  6. Set the node’s provisioning state to available:

    $ openstack baremetal node manage _NODE_UUID_
    $ openstack baremetal node provide _NODE_UUID_

    The bare metal service cleans the node if you enabled node cleaning,

  7. Check that the nodes were successfully enrolled:

    $ openstack baremetal node list

    There may be a delay between enrolling a node and its state being shown.

4.6.2. Enrolling a Bare Metal Node Manually

  1. Configure the shell to use Identity as the administrative user:

    $ source ~/overcloudrc
  2. Add a new node:

    $ openstack baremetal node create --driver ipmi --name NAME

    To create a node, you must specify the driver name. This example uses ipmi. To use a different driver, you must enable the driver by setting the IronicEnabledDrivers parameter. For more information on supported drivers, see Appendix A, Bare Metal Drivers.


    Note the unique identifier for the node.

  3. Update the node driver information to allow the Bare Metal service to manage the node:

    $ openstack baremetal node set NODE_UUID \
      --driver_info PROPERTY=VALUE \
      --driver_info PROPERTY=VALUE

    Replace the following values:

    • Replace NODE_UUID with the unique identifier for the node. Alternatively, use the node’s logical name.
    • Replace PROPERTY with a required property returned by the ironic driver-properties command.
    • Replace VALUE with a valid value for that property.
  4. Specify the deploy kernel and deploy ramdisk for the node driver:

    $ openstack baremetal node set NODE_UUID \
      --driver-info deploy_kernel=KERNEL_UUID \
      --driver-info deploy_ramdisk=INITRAMFS_UUID

    Replace the following values:

    • Replace NODE_UUID with the unique identifier for the node. Alternatively, use the node’s logical name.
    • Replace KERNEL_UUID with the unique identifier for the .kernel image that was uploaded to the Image service.
    • Replace INITRAMFS_UUID with the unique identifier for the .initramfs image that was uploaded to the Image service.
  5. Update the node’s properties to match the hardware specifications on the node:

    $ openstack baremetal node set NODE_UUID \
      --property cpus=CPU \
      --property memory_mb=RAM_MB \
      --property local_gb=DISK_GB \
      --property cpu_arch=ARCH

    Replace the following values:

    • Replace NODE_UUID with the unique identifier for the node. Alternatively, use the node’s logical name.
    • Replace CPU with the number of CPUs.
    • Replace RAM_MB with the RAM (in MB).
    • Replace DISK_GB with the disk size (in GB).
    • Replace ARCH with the architecture type.
  6. OPTIONAL: Configure the node to reboot after initial deployment from a local boot loader installed on the node’s disk, instead of using PXE from ironic-conductor. You must also set the local boot capability on the flavor used to provision the node. To enable local boot, the image used to deploy the node must contain grub2. Configure local boot:

    $ openstack baremetal node set NODE_UUID \
      --property capabilities="boot_option:local"

    Replace NODE_UUID with the unique identifier for the node. Alternatively, use the node’s logical name.

  7. Inform the Bare Metal service of the node’s network card by creating a port with the MAC address of the NIC on the provisioning network:

    $ openstack baremetal port create --node NODE_UUID MAC_ADDRESS

    Replace NODE_UUID with the unique identifier for the node. Replace MAC_ADDRESS with the MAC address of the NIC used to PXE boot.

  8. If you have multiple disks, set the root device hints. This informs the deploy ramdisk which disk it should use for deployment.

    $ openstack baremetal node set NODE_UUID \
      --property root_device={"PROPERTY": "VALUE"}

    Replace with the following values:

    • Replace NODE_UUID with the unique identifier for the node. Alternatively, use the node’s logical name.
    • Replace PROPERTY and VALUE with details about the disk that you want to use for deployment, for example root_device='{"size": 128}'

      The following properties are supported:

      • model (String): Device identifier.
      • vendor (String): Device vendor.
      • serial (String): Disk serial number.
      • hctl (String): Host:Channel:Target:Lun for SCSI.
      • size (Integer): Size of the device in GB.
      • wwn (String): Unique storage identifier.
      • wwn_with_extension (String): Unique storage identifier with the vendor extension appended.
      • wwn_vendor_extension (String): Unique vendor storage identifier.
      • rotational (Boolean): True for a rotational device (HDD), otherwise false (SSD).
      • name (String): The name of the device, for example: /dev/sdb1 Use this property only for devices with persistent names.


        If you specify more than one property, the device must match all of those properties.

  9. Validate the configuration of the node:

    $ openstack baremetal node validate NODE_UUID
    | Interface  | Result | Reason                                      |
    | boot       | False  | Cannot validate image information for node  |
    |            |        | a02178db-1550-4244-a2b7-d7035c743a9b        |
    |            |        | because one or more parameters are missing  |
    |            |        | from its instance_info. Missing are:        |
    |            |        | ['ramdisk', 'kernel', 'image_source']       |
    | console    | None   | not supported                               |
    | deploy     | False  | Cannot validate image information for node  |
    |            |        | a02178db-1550-4244-a2b7-d7035c743a9b        |
    |            |        | because one or more parameters are missing  |
    |            |        | from its instance_info. Missing are:        |
    |            |        | ['ramdisk', 'kernel', 'image_source']       |
    | inspect    | None   | not supported                               |
    | management | True   |                                             |
    | network    | True   |                                             |
    | power      | True   |                                             |
    | raid       | True   |                                             |
    | storage    | True   |                                             |

    Replace NODE_UUID with the unique identifier for the node. Alternatively, use the node’s logical name. The output of the openstack baremetal node validate command should report either True or None for each interface. Interfaces marked None are those that you have not configured, or those that are not supported for your driver.


    Interfaces may fail validation due to missing 'ramdisk', 'kernel', and 'image_source' parameters. This result is fine, because the Compute service populates those missing parameters at the beginning of the deployment process.

4.7. Using Host Aggregates to Separate Physical and Virtual Machine Provisioning

OpenStack Compute uses host aggregates to partition availability zones, and group together nodes with specific shared properties. When an instance is provisioned, Compute’s scheduler compares properties on the flavor with the properties assigned to host aggregates, and ensures that the instance is provisioned in the correct aggregate and on the correct host: either on a physical machine or as a virtual machine.

Complete the steps in this section to perform the following operations:

  • Add the property baremetal to your flavors, setting it to either true or false.
  • Create separate host aggregates for bare metal hosts and compute nodes with a matching baremetal property. Nodes grouped into an aggregate inherit this property.

Creating a Host Aggregate

  1. Set the baremetal property to true on the baremetal flavor.

    $ openstack flavor set baremetal --property baremetal=true
  2. Set the baremetal property to false on the flavors used for virtual instances.

    $ openstack flavor set FLAVOR_NAME --property baremetal=false
  3. Create a host aggregate called baremetal-hosts:

    $ openstack aggregate create --property baremetal=true baremetal-hosts
  4. Add each controller node to the baremetal-hosts aggregate:

    $ openstack aggregate add host baremetal-hosts HOSTNAME

    If you have created a composable role with the NovaIronic service, add all the nodes with this service to the baremetal-hosts aggregate. By default, only the controller nodes have the NovaIronic service.

  5. Create a host aggregate called virtual-hosts:

    $ openstack aggregate create --property baremetal=false virtual-hosts
  6. Add each compute node to the virtual-hosts aggregate:

    $ openstack aggregate add host virtual-hosts HOSTNAME
  7. If you did not add the following Compute filter scheduler when deploying the overcloud, add it now to the existing list under scheduler_default_filters in /etc/nova/nova.conf:

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