第 4 章 技术备注

本章补充了通过 Content Delivery Network 发布的 Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform "Liberty" 勘误公告文本中包含的信息。

4.1. RHEA-2016:0603 - Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8 增强公告

本节中包含的 bug 已在 RHEA-2016:0603 公告中解决。有关此公告的更多信息,请参见 https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHEA-2016:0603.html


The diskimage-builder package has been upgraded to upstream version 1.10.0, which provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the previous version. Notably, the python-devel package is no longer removed by default, as it previously caused other packages to be removed as well.


Previously, memcached was unable to bind IPv6 addresses, resulting in memcached failing to start in IPv6 environments.
This update addresses this issue, with memcached-1.4.15-9.1.el7ost now IPv6-enabled.


This rebase package adds improved performance for range queries. Specifically, queries that used the `$or` operator were previously affected with the 2.4 release. Those regressions are now fixed in 2.6


Previously, a bug in the Block Storage component caused it to be incompatible with the Identity API v2 when working with quotas, resulting in failures when managing information on quotas in Block Storage. With this update, Block Storage has now been updated to be compatible with the Identity API v2, and the dashboard can now correctly retrieve information on volume quotas.
Previously, a bug in the cinder API server quota code used `encryption_auth_url` when it should have used `auth_uri`.
Consequently, cinder failed to talk to keystone when querying quota information, causing the client to receive HTTP 500 errors from cinder.
This issue has been resolved in 7.0.1.
Fix: Fixed in Cinder API service in 7.0.1, resulting in expected behavior of the cinder quota commands.
This enhancement enables backup of Block Storage (cinder) volumes to a Ceph object store using the same user interface as that for backing up cinder volumes to Object Storage (swift).
This was done to avoid the need for a second object store if Ceph was already being used.
Previously, when Ceph was used as the backing store for Block Storage (cinder), operations such as deleting or flattening a large volume may have blocked other driver threads.
Consequently, deleting and flattening threads may have prevented cinder from doing other work until they completed.
This fix changes the delete and flattening threads to run in a sub-process, rather than as green threads in the same process.
As a result, delete and flattening operations are run in the background so that other cinder operations (such as volume creates and attaches) can run concurrently.
With this release, in order to provide security isolation, the '/usr/local' path has been removed from the default Block Storage rootwrap configuration. As a result, the deployments relying on Block Storage service executing commands from the '/usr/local/' as the 'root' user will need to add configuration for the commands to work.
This enhancement adds a new scaled backend replication implementation (between backends) that leaves the bulk of the work up to the driver, while providing basic admin API methods. This is available where replication is set at the volume types level, and when the cinder driver reports its capabilities. New configuration options are available:
replication_enabled - set to True
replication_type - async, sync
replication_count - Number of replicas
To provide better flexibility for administrators on deployments with an assortment of storage backends, Block Storage now defines standard names for the capabilities, for example, QoS, compression, replication, bandwidth control, and thin provisioning. This means volume type specifications that will work with multiple drivers without modifications can be defined.
This update introduces nested quotas. Deployers now have the ability to manage a hierarchy of quotas in Cinder, with subprojects that inherit from parent projects.


This update adds a common API hosted by the Image Service (glance) for vendors, admins, services, and users to meaningfully define an available key/value pair, and tag metadata. The intent is to enable better metadata collaboration across artifacts, services, and projects for OpenStack users.
This definition describes the available metadata that can be used on different types of resources (images, artifacts, volumes, flavors, aggregates, among others). A definition includes the properties type, key, description, and constraints. This catalog will not store the values for specific instance properties.
For example, a definition of a virtual CPU topology property for a number of cores will include the key to use, a description, and value constraints, such as requiring it to be an integer. As a result, users (potentially through the dashboard) would be able to search this catalog to list the available properties they can add to a flavor or image. They will see the virtual CPU topology property in the list and know that it must be an integer. In the dashboard example, when the user adds the property, its key and value will be stored in the service that owns that resource (in nova for flavors, and in glance for images).


This rebase package addresses the bugs listed in https://launchpad.net/gnocchi/+milestone/1.3.0
#1511656 - gnocchi-metricd traces on empty measures list
#1496824 - sometimes updating Gnocchi alarms return 400
#1500646 - data corruption with CEPH and gnocchi-metricd leades to delete whole CEPH pool and loose all data
#1503848 - instance_disk and network_interfaces missing controller
#1505535 - Intermittent gate failures with py34 + tooz + PG
#1471169 - MySQL indexer might die with a deadlock
#1486079 - Delete metric should be async
#1499372 - Metricd should deal better with corrupted new measures files
#1501344 - Evaluation of archive_policy_rules is unspecified
#1504130 - Enhance middleware configuration
#1506628 - Add filter by granularity to measures get
#1499115 - gnocchi-api hangs with api.workers = 2 and CEPH
#1501774 - functional tests fail in the gate with "sudo: .tox/py27-gate/bin/testr: command not found"


Previously, heat would attempt to validate old properties based on the current property's definitions. Consequently, during director upgrades where a property definition changed type, the process would fail with a 'TypeError' when heat tried to validate the old property value.
With this fix, heat no longer tries to validate old property values.
As a result, heat can now gracefully handle property schema definitions changes by only validating new property values.
Previously, director used a patch update when updating a cloud, which reused all the parameters passed at creation. Parameters which were removed in an update were failing validation. Consequently, updating a stack with parameters removed, and using a patch update would fail unless the parameters were explicitly cleared.
With this fix, heat changes the handling of patched updates to ignore parameters which were not present in the newest template.
As a result, it's now possible to remove top-level parameters and update a stack using a patch update.
Previously, heat would leave the context roles empty when loading the stored context. When signaling heat used the stored context (trust scoped token), and if the context did not have any roles, it failed. Consequently, the process failed with the error 'trustee has no delegated roles'. This fix addresses this issue by populating roles when loading the stored context. As a result, loading the auth ref, and populating the roles from the token will confirm that any RBAC performed on the context roles will work as expected, and that the stack update succeeds.
Previously, heat changed the name of properties on several neutron resources; while it used a mechanism to support the old names when creating them, it failed to validate resources created with a previous version. Consequently, using Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8 to update a stack created in version 7 (or previous) using with a neutron port resource would fail by trying to lookup a 'None' object.
With this fix, when heat updates the resource, it now uses the translation mechanism on old properties too. As a result, supporting deprecated properties now works as expected with resources created from a previous version.


Sometimes, hard drives were not available in time for a deployment ramdisk run. Consequently, the deployment failed if the ramdisk was unable to find the required root device. With this update, the "udev settle" command is executed before enumerating disks in the ramdisk, and the deployment no longer fails due to the missing root device.


Identity Service (keystone) used a hard-coded LDAP membership attribute when checking if a user was enabled, if the 'enabled emulation' feature was being used.
Consequently, users who were `enabled` could show as `disabled` if an unexpected LDAP membership attribute was used.
With this fix, the 'enabled emulation' membership check now uses the configurable LDAP membership attribute that is used for group resources.
As a result, the 'enabled' status for users is shown correctly when different LDAP membership attributes are configured.
This rebase package for Identity Service addresses the following issues:

* Identity Service (keystone) used a hard-coded LDAP membership attribute when checking if a user was enabled, if the 'enabled emulation' feature was being used. Consequently, users who were `enabled` could show as `disabled` if an unexpected LDAP membership attribute was used. With this fix, the 'enabled emulation' membership check now uses the configurable LDAP membership attribute that is used for group resources. As a result, the 'enabled' status for users is shown correctly when different LDAP membership attributes are configured. (Launchpad bug #1515302, Red Hat BZ#1282944)

* If a user_id just happens to be of 16 character length, the Identity service could incorrectly assume that it was handling a UUID value when using the Fernet token provider.  This  would trigger a "Could not find user" error in the Identity service logs.  This has been corrected to properly handle 16 character user IDs. (Launchpad bug #1497461)
Previously, the Identity Service (keystone) allowed administrators to set a maximum password length limit that was larger than the limit used by the Passlib python module.
Consequently, if the maximum password length limit was set larger than the Passlib limit, attempts to set a user password larger than the Passlib limit would fail with a HTTP 500 response and an uncaught exception. 
With this update, Identity Service now validates that the 'max_password_length' configuration value is less than or equal to the Passlib maximum password length limit.
As a result, if the Identity Service setting 'max_password_length' is too large, it will fail to start with a configuration validation error.


Previously, the 'ip netns list' command returned unexpected ID data in recent versions of 'iproute2'. Consequently, neutron was unable to parse namespaces.
This fix addresses this issue by updating the parser used in neutron. As a result, neutron can now be expected to properly parse namespaces.
Prior to this update, the L3 agent failed to respawn keepalived process if the keepalived parent process died. This was because the child keepalived process was still running.
Consequently, the L3 agent could not recover from keepalived parent process death, breaking the HA router served by the process.
With this update, the L3 agent is made aware of the child keepalived process, and now cleans up it as well before respawning keepalived.
As a result, the L3 agent is now able to recover HA routers when the keepalived process dies.
Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8 introduced a new RBAC feature that allows you to share neutron networks with a specific list of tenants, instead of globally. As part of the feature, the default policy.json file for neutron started triggering I/O, consuming database fetches for every port fetch in attempt to allow the owner of a network to list all ports that belong to his network, even if they were created by other tenants.
Consequently, the list operation for ports triggered multiple unneeded database fetches, which drastically affected performance of the operation.
This update addresses this issue by running the I/O operations only when they are actually needed, for example, when the port to be validated by the policy engine does not belong to the tenant that invokes the list operation. As a result, list operations for ports will scale normally again.
Prior to this update, the fix for BZ#1215177 added the 'garp_master_repeat 5' and 'garp_master_refresh 10' options to Keepalived configuration.
Consequently however, Keepalived continuously spammed the network with Gratuitous ARP (GARP) broadcasts; in addition, instances would lose their IPv6 default gateway settings. As a result of these issues, the IPv6 router stopped working with VRRP.
This update addresses these issues by dropping the 'repeat' and 'refresh' Keepalived options. This fixes the IPv6 bug but re-introduces the bug described in BZ#1215177.
To resolve this, use the 'delay' option instead. As a result, Keepalived sends a GARP when it transitions to 'MASTER', and then waits a number of seconds (determined by the delay option), and sends another GARP. Use an aggressive 'delay' setting to make sure that when the node boots and the L3/L2 agents start, there is enough time for the L2 agent to wire the ports.
Prior to this update, a change to the Open vSwitch agent introduced a bug in how the agent handles the segmentation ID value for flat networking during agent startup.
Consequently, the agent failed to restart when serving a flat network.
With this update, the agent code was fixed to handle segmentation properly for flat networking. As a result, the agent is successfully restarted when serving a flat network.
Previously, a router that was neither an HA nor a DVR router could not be converted into an HA router. Instead, it was necessary to create a new router and reconnect all the resources (interfaces, networks etc.) from the old router to the new one. This update adds the ability to convert a legacy router into an HA or non-HA router in a few simple commands:

# neutron router-update ROUTER --admin-state-up=False
# neutron router-update ROUTER --ha=True/False
# neutron router-upgrade ROUTER --admin-state-up=True

Replace ROUTER with the ID or name of the router to convert.
A known issue has been identified for interactions between High Availability (VRRP) routers and L2 Population. Currently, when connecting a HA router to a subnet, HA routers use a distributed port by design. Each router has the same port details on each node that it's scheduled on, and only the master router has IPs configured on that port; all the slaves have the port without any IPs configured.
Consequently, L2Population uses the stale information to advise that the router is present on the node (which it states in the port binding information for that port).
As a result, each node that has a port on that logical network has a tunnel created only to the node where the port is presumably bound. In addition, a forwarding entry is set so that any traffic to that port is sent through the created tunnel. 
However, this action may not succeed as there is not guarantee that the master router is on the node specified in the port binding. Furthermore, in the event that the master router is in fact on the node, a failover event would cause it to migrate to another node and result in a loss of connectivity with the router.
Previously, the neutron-server service would sometimes erroneously require a new RPC entrypoint version from the L2 agents that listened for security group updates.
Consequently, the RHEL OpenStack Platform 7 neutron L2 agents could not handle certain security group update notifications sent by Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8 neutron-server services, causing certain security group updates to not be propagated to the data plane.
This update addresses this issue by ending the requirement of the new RPC endpoint version from agents, as this will assist the rolling upgrade scenario between RHEL OpenStack Platform 7 and Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8.
As a result, RHEL OpenStack Platform 7 neutron L2 agents will now correctly handle security group update notifications sent by the Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8 neutron-server services.
Prior to this update, when the last HA router of a tenant was deleted, the HA network belonging to the tenant was not removed. This happened in certain scenarios, such as the 'router delete' API call, which raised an exception since the router had been deleted. That scenario was possible due to a race condition between HA router 'create' and 'delete' operations. As a result of this issue, HA network tenants were not deleted.
This update resolves the race condition, and now catches the exceptions 'ObjectDeletedError' and 'NetworkInUse' when a user deletes the last HA router, and also moves the HA network deleting procedure under the 'ha_network exist' check block. In addition, the fix checks whether or not HA routers are present, and deletes the HA network when the last HA router is deleted.
Neutron ports created when neutron-openvswitch-agent is down are in status "DOWN, binding:vif_type=binding_failed", which is expected. Nevertheless, prior to this update, there was no way to recover those ports even if neutron-openvswitch-agent was back online. Now, the function "_bind_port_if_needed" binds at least once when the port's binding status passed in is already in "binding_failed". As a result, ports can now recover from a failed binding status by repeated binding attempts triggered when neutron-openvswitch-agent comes back online.
Prior to this update, the status of a floating IP address was not set when the floating IP address was realized by an HA router. Consequently, 'neutron floatingip-show <floating_ip>' would not output an updated status.
With this update, a floating IP address status is updated when realized by HA routers, and when the L3 agent configures a router.
As a result, the status field for floating IP addresses realized by HA routers are now updated to 'ACTIVE' when the floating IP is configured by the L3 agent.


The ability of the libvirt driver to set the admin password has been added. To use this feature, run the following command: "nova root-password [server]".
Previously, selecting an odd number of vCPUs would cause the assignment of one core and one thread in the guest instance per CPU, which would impact performance.
The update addresses this issue by correctly assigning pairs of threads and one independent thread per CPU, when an odd number of vCPUs is assigned.
Previously, when a source compute node is back up after a migration, instances that have been successfully evacuated from it when the node was down were not deleted. A result of having the non-deleted instances makes it impossible to evacuate them.

With this update, the successful migration status when evacuating an instance is now verified for knowing which instance to delete when a compute node is back up and running again. As a result, instances can be evacuated from one host to another, regardless of their previous locations.
This package rebases Compute (nova) to version 12.0.2, and includes a number of updates:
- Propagate qemu-img errors to compute manager
- Fix evacuate support with Nova cells v1
- libvirt: set libvirt.sysinfo_serial='none' for virt driver tests
- XenAPI: Workaround for 6.5 iSCSI bug
- Change warn to debug logs when migration context is missing
- Imported Translations from Zanata
- libvirt: Fix/implement revert-resize for RBD-backed images
- Ensure Glance image 'size' attribute is 0, not 'None'
- Add retry logic for detaching device using LibVirt
- Spread allocations of fixed ips
- Apply scheduler limits to Exact* filters
- Replace eventlet-based raw socket client with requests
- VMware: Handle image size correctly for OVA and streamOptimized images
- XenAPI: Cope with more Cinder backends
- ports and networks gather should validate existance
- Disable IPv6 on bridge devices
- Validate translations
- Fix instance not destroyed after successful evacuation
With this update, the 'openstack-nova' packages have been rebased to upstream version 12.0.1. 

Some of the highlights addressed by this rebase are as follows:

- Treat sphinx warnings as errors when building release notes
- Fix warning in 12.0.1-cve-bugs-7b04b2e34a3e9a70.yaml release note
- Fix backing file detection in libvirt live snapshot
- Add security fixes to the release notes for 12.0.1
- Fix format conversion in libvirt snapshot
- Fix format detection in libvirt snapshot
- VMware: specify chunk size when reading image data
- Revert "Fixes Python 3 str issue in ConfigDrive creation"
- Do not load deleted instances
- Make scheduler_hints schema allow list of id
- Add -constraints sections for CI jobs
- Remove the TestRemoteObject class
- Update from global requirements
- VMware: fix bug for config drive when inventory folder is used
- Omnibus stable fix for upstream requirements breaks
- Refresh stale volume BDMs in terminate_connection
- Fix metadata service security-groups when using Neutron
- Add "vnc" option group for sample nova.conf file
- Scheduler: honor the glance metadata for hypervisor details
- reno: document fixes for service state reporting issues
- servicegroup: stop zombie service due to exception
- Import Translations from Zanata
- xen: mask passwords in volume connection_data dict
- Fix is_volume_backed_instance() for unset image_ref
- Split up test_is_volume_backed_instance() into five functions
- Handle DB failures in servicegroup DB driver
- Fixes Python 3 str issue in ConfigDrive creation
- Fix Nova's indirection fixture override
- Updated from global requirements
- Add first reno-based release note
- Add "unreleased" release notes page
- Add reno for release notes management
- The test_schedule_to_all_nodes test is currently broken and has been blacklisted.
- libvirt:on snapshot delete, use qemu-img to blockRebase if VM is stopped
- Fix attibute error when cloning raw images in Ceph
- Exclude all BDM checks for cells
- Image meta: treat legacy vmware adapter type values


Previously, Packstack did not enable the VPNaaS tab in the Dashboard even if the CONFIG_NEUTRON_VPNAAS parameter was set to 'y'. As a result, the tab for VPNaaS was not shown on the Dashboard.

With this update, a check to see if VPNaaS is enabled has been set up. This check then enables the Dashboard tab in the Puppet manifest. As a result, the VPNaaS tab is now shown on the Dashboard when the service is configured in Packstack.
Previously, Packstack edited the /etc/lvm/lvm.conf file to set specific parameters for snapshot autoextend. However, the regexp used only allowed black spaces instead of the tabs as currently used in the file. As a result, some lines were added at the end of the file, breaking its format.

With this update, the regexp is updated in Packstack to set the parameters properly. As a result, there are no error messages when running LVM commands.


Previously, although the haproxy is configured to allow a value of 10000 for the 'maxconn' parameter for all proxies together, there is a default 'maxconn' value of 2000 for each proxy individually. If the specific proxy used for MySQL reached the limit of 2000, it dropped all further connections to the database and the client would not retry, which caused API timeout and subsequent commands to fail.

With this update, the default value for 'maxconn' parameter has been increased to work better for production environments, As a result, the database connections are far less likely to time out.
Previously, Facter 2 did not have netmask6 and netmask6_<ifce> facts. As a result, IPv6 was not supported.

With this update, the relevant custom facts have been added to support checks on IPv6 interfaces, resulting in the IPv6 interfaces are now supported.
Previously, there was no default time out parameter, resulting in some stages of Ceph cluster set-up that look longer than the default 5 minutes (300 seconds).

With this update, a time out parameter is added for relevant operations. The default time out parameter value is set at 600 seconds. You can modify the default value, if necessary. As a result, the installation is more resilient, especially when some of the Ceph setup operations take longer than average.


With this update, configuration settings now exist to set timeouts, after which clusters which have failed to reach the 'Active' state will be automatically deleted.
When creating a job template intended for re-use, you can now register a variable for datasource URLs with OpenStack Data Processing (sahara). Doing so allows you to easily change input and output paths per run, rather than an actual URL (which would require revising the template, or manually revising the URL per run between jobs). 

This makes it easier to reuse job templates when data source jobs are mutable between runs, as is true for most real-world cases.
With this update, the integration for CDH 5.4 with Sahara is now complete and hence, the default-enabled option for the plugin version, CDH 5.3 is now removed.
Previously, the tenant context information was not available to the periodic task responsible for cleaning up stale clusters. 

With this update, temporary trusts are established between the tenant and admin, allowing the periodic job to use this trust to delete stale clusters.


Previously, httpd was not allowed to search through directories having the "nova_t" label. Consequently, nova-novncproxy failed to deploy an HA overcloud. This update allows httpd to search through such directories, which enables nova-novncproxy to run successfully.
Previously, Openvswitch was trying to create a tun socket, but SELinux prevented that. This update allows Openvswitch to create a tun socket, and as a result, Openvswitch now runs without failures.
Previously, SELinux blocked ovsdb-server from running, resulting in simple networking operations to fail.

With this update, Open vSwitch is allowed to connect to its own port. As a result, ovsdb-server now runs without issues and the networking operations are completed successfully.
Previously, SELinux prevented redis from connecting to its own port, resulting in redis failing at restart.

With this update, redis has the permission to connect to the 'redis' labeled port. As a result, redis runs properly and resource restart is successful.
Prior to this update, SELinux prevented nova from uploading the public key to the overcloud. A new rule has now been added to allow nova to upload the key.
Previously, when nova was trying to retrieve a list of glance images, SELinux prevented that, and nova failed with an "Unexpected API Error". This update allows nova to communicate with glance. As a result, nova can now list glance images.
Prior to this update, SELinix prevented dhclient, vnc, and redis from working. New rules have now been added to allow these software tools to run successfully.


The Open vSwitch (openvswitch) package is now re-based to upstream version 2.4.0.


With this update, a new feature adds pagination support for the Block Storage 'snapshots-list' and 'backups-list' commands. You can now limit, marker and sort parameters to control the number of returned results, starting element and their order.

Retrieving a limited number of results instead of the entire data set can be extremely useful on the large deployments with thousands of snapshots and backups.


The 'Launch Instance' workflow has been redesigned and re-implemented to be more responsive with this update.

1. To enable this update, add the following values in your /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings file:


2. Restart 'httpd':
# systemctl restart httpd
OpenStack dashboard tables summarize information about a large number of entities. This update adds a table enhancement that enables this information to be displayed within the table as a slide-down "drawer" that is activated when you click on a toggle switch within a row. The drawer appears as an additional row (with configurable height) and contains additional information about the entity in the row above it (e.g. additional entity details, metrics, graphs, etc.). Multiple drawers may be opened at one time.
This update replaces the network topology with curvature based graph as the previous UI did not work well with larger number of nodes or networks.

The new network topology map can handle more nodes, looks stylish and the node layout can be re-organized.
This update adds support for volume migrations of the Block Storage (cinder) service. These are done in the 'Volumes' panel of the OpenStack dashboard (Project-> Compute -> Volumes and in Admin-> System Panel-> Volumes). You can perform this action on the 'Volumes' row in the table.
The final patch in this series resolved the command action itself; it had previously errored out due to incorrect parameters, and parameter count issues.
The python-django-horizon packages have been upgraded to upstream version 8.0.1, which provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the previous version. Notably, this version contains localization updates, includes Italian localization, fixes job_binaries deletion, and adds support for accepting IPv6 in the VIP address for an LB pool.
With this release, panels are configurable. You can add or remove panels by using configuration snippets.

For example, to remove the "Resource panel":

* Place a file in '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled'.
* Name that file '_99_disable_metering_dashboard.py'.
* Copy the following content into the file:

# The slug of the panel to be added to HORIZON_CONFIG. Required.
PANEL = 'metering'
# The slug of the dashboard the PANEL associated with. Required.
# The slug of the panel group the PANEL is associated with.
PANEL_GROUP = 'admin'

* Restart the Dashboard httpd service:
# systemctl restart httpd

For more information, see the Pluggable Dashboard Settings
With this release, the 'Metering' panel in Dashboard (horizon) has been disabled due to performance issues.
Previously, no timeout was specified in horizon's systemd snippet for httpd, so the standard one-minute timeout was used when waiting for httpd to fully start up. In some cases, however, especially when running in a virtualized or a very loaded environment, the startup takes longer. Consequently, a failure from systemd sometimes occurred even if httpd was already running. With this update, the timeout has been set to two minutes, which resolves the problem.


Previously, when Object Storage service was used as a backend storage for Image service, image data was stored in Object Storage service as multiple 'chunks' of data. When using the Image service APIv2, there were circumstances in which the upload operations would fail if the client sent a final zero-sized 'chunk' to the server. The failure involved a race condition between the operation to store a zero-sized 'chunk' and a cleanup delete of that 'chunk'. As a result, intermittent failure occurred while storing Image service images in Object Storage service.

With this update, the cleanup delete operations are retried rather than failing them as well as the primary upload image task. As a result, Image service APIv2 handles this rare circumstance gracefully, so that the image upload does not fail.
Previously, there was no secure way to remotely access S3 backend in a private network.

With this update, a new feature allows Image service S3 driver to connect a S3 backend from a different network in a secure way through the HTTP proxy.


Previously, the Image service client could be configured to only allow uploading images in certain formats (for example, raw, ami, iso) to the Image service server. The client also allowed download of an image from the server only if it was in one of these formats. As a result of this restriction, users could no longer download images in other formats that had been previously uploaded.

With this update, as the Image service server already validates image formats at the time they are imported, there is no need for the Image service client to verify image format when it is downloaded. As a result, the image format validation when an image is downloaded is now skipped, allowing the consumption of images in legitimate formats even if the client-side support for upload of images in those formats is no longer configured.


Previously, the output of the "heat resource-list --nested-depth ..." command contained a column called "parent_resource"; however, the output did not include the information required to run a subsequent "heat resource-show ..." command. With this update, the output of the "heat resource-list --nested-depth ..." command includes a column called "stack_name", which provides the values to use in a "heat resource-show [stack_name] [resource_name]" call.


The OpenDaylight OpenStack neutron driver has been split from the neutron project and moved to a new package, python-networking-odl. Operators still have the driver available for use as part of their Red Hat OpenStack Platform installations.


The 'neutron router-gateway-set' command now supports the '--fixed-ip' option, which allows you to configure the fixed IP address and subnet that the router will use in the external network. This IP address is used by the OpenStack Networking service (openstack-neutron) to connect interfaces on the software level to connect the tenant networks to the external network.


With this release, the python-openstackclient package is now re-based to upstream version 1.7.2. This applies several fixes and enhancements, which include improved exception handling for 'find_resource'.


Oslo Messaging used the "shuffle" strategy to select a RabbitMQ host from the list of RabbitMQ servers. When a node of the cluster running RabbitMQ was restarted, each OpenStack service connected to this server reconnected to a new RabbitMQ server. Unfortunately, this strategy does not handle dead RabbitMQ servers correctly; it can try to connect to the same dead server multiple times in a row. The strategy also leads to increased reconnection time, and sometimes it may lead to RPC operations timing out because no guarantee is provided on how long the reconnection process will take.

With this update, Oslo Messaging uses the "round-robin" strategy to select a RabbitMQ host. This strategy provides the least achievable reconnection time and avoids RPC timeout when a node is restarted. It also guarantees that if K of N RabbitMQ hosts are alive, it will take at most N - K + 1 attempts to successfully reconnect to the RabbitMQ cluster.
When the RabbitMQ service fails to deliver an AMQP message from one OpenStack service to another, it reconnects and retries delivery. The "rabbit_retry_backoff" option, whose default is 2 seconds, is supposed to control the pace of retries; however, retries were previously done every second irrespective of the configured value of this option. The consequence of this problem was excessive retries, for example, when an endpoint was not available. This problem has now been fixed, and the "rabbit_retry_backoff" option, as explicitly configured or with the default value of two seconds, properly controls message delivery retries.


With this release, oslo.middleware now supports SSL/TLS, which in turn allows OpenStack services to listen to HTTPS traffic and encrypt exchanges. In previous releases, OpenStack services could only listen to HTTP, and all exchanges were done in cleartext.


A race condition in the SIGTERM and SIGINT signal handlers made it possible for worker processes to ignore incoming SIGTERM signals. When two SIGTERM signals were received "quickly" in child processes of OpenStack services, some worker processes could fail to handle incoming SIGTERM signals; as a result, those processes would remain active. Whenever this occurred, the following AssertionError exception message appeared in logs:

    Cannot switch to MAINLOOP from MAINLOOP
This release includes an oslo.service that fixes the race condition, thereby ensuring that SIGTERM signals are handled correctly.


In some base image contexts, iptables was not initialized prior to save. This cause 'iptables save' in the 'disable-firewall' element to fail. This release adds the non-destructive command 'iptables -L', which successfully initializes iptables in all contexts, thereby ensuring a successful image generation.
In the Liberty release, the OpenStack versioning scheme is now based on the major release number (previously, it was based on year). This update adds an epoch to the current sahara-image-elements package to ensure that it upgrades the older version.
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