2.23. hammer 发现


    hammer discovery [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND [ARG] ...

 SUBCOMMAND                    Subcommand
 [ARG] ...                     Subcommand arguments

 auto-provision                Auto provision a host
 delete, destroy               Delete a discovered host
 facts                         List all fact values
 info, show                    Show a discovered host
 list, index                   List all discovered hosts
 provision                     Provision a discovered host
 reboot                        Reboot a host
 refresh-facts                 Refresh the facts of a host

 -h, --help                    Print help

2.23.1. hammer 发现自动置备


    hammer discovery auto-provision [OPTIONS]

 --all                                   Auto provision all discovered hosts
 --id ID
 --location LOCATION_NAME                Set the current location context for the request
 --location-id LOCATION_ID               Set the current location context for the request
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE         Set the current location context for the request
 --name NAME                             Name to search by
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME        Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID       Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE Set the current organization context for the request
 -h, --help                              Print help

2.23.2. hammer 发现删除


    hammer discovery <delete|destroy> [OPTIONS]

 --id ID
 --location LOCATION_NAME                Set the current location context for the request
 --location-id LOCATION_ID               Set the current location context for the request
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE         Set the current location context for the request
 --name NAME                             Name to search by
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME        Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID       Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE Set the current organization context for the request
 -h, --help                              Print help

2.23.3. hammer 发现事实


    hammer discovery facts [OPTIONS]

 --fields FIELDS                         Show specified fields or predefined field sets only. (See below)
                                         Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                         JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --id ID
 --location LOCATION_NAME                Set the current location context for the request
 --location-id LOCATION_ID               Set the current location context for the request
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE         Set the current location context for the request
 --name NAME                             Name to search by
 --order ORDER                           Sort field and order, eg. ‘id DESC’
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME        Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID       Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE Set the current organization context for the request
 --page PAGE                             Page number, starting at 1
 --per-page PER_PAGE                     Number of results per page to return, 'all' to return all results
 --search SEARCH                         Filter results
 -h, --help                              Print help

Predefined field sets:
  Fact   | x   | x
  Value  | x   | x

Search / Order fields:
  fact                string
  fact_short_name     string
  facts               string
  host                string
  host.hostgroup      string
  host_id             integer
  location            string
  location_id         integer
  name                string
  organization        string
  organization_id     integer
  origin              string
  reported_at         datetime
  short_name          string
  type                string
  value               string

2.23.4. hammer 发现信息


    hammer discovery <info|show> [OPTIONS]

 --fields FIELDS                         Show specified fields or predefined field sets only. (See below)
                                         Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                         JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --id ID
 --location LOCATION_NAME                Set the current location context for the request
 --location-id LOCATION_ID               Set the current location context for the request
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE         Set the current location context for the request
 --name NAME                             Name to search by
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME        Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID       Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE Set the current organization context for the request
 -h, --help                              Print help

Predefined field sets:
  Id           | x   | x       | x
  Name         | x   | x       | x
  Mac          | x   | x       |
  Cpus         | x   | x       |
  Memory       | x   | x       |
  Disk count   | x   | x       |
  Disks size   | x   | x       |
  Subnet       | x   | x       |
  Last report  | x   | x       |
  Ip           | x   | x       |
  Model        | x   | x       |
  Organization | x   | x       |
  Location     | x   | x       |

2.23.5. hammer 发现列表


    hammer discovery <list|index> [OPTIONS]

 --fields FIELDS                         Show specified fields or predefined field sets only. (See below)
                                         Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                         JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --location LOCATION_NAME                Set the current location context for the request
 --location-id LOCATION_ID               Set the current location context for the request
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE         Set the current location context for the request
 --order ORDER                           Sort results
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME        Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID       Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE Set the current organization context for the request
 --page PAGE                             Paginate results
 --per-page PER_PAGE                     Number of entries per request
 --search SEARCH                         Filter results
 -h, --help                              Print help

Predefined field sets:
  Id          | x   | x       | x
  Name        | x   | x       | x
  Mac         | x   | x       |
  Cpus        | x   | x       |
  Memory      | x   | x       |
  Disk count  | x   | x       |
  Disks size  | x   | x       |
  Subnet      | x   | x       |
  Last report | x   | x       |

2.23.6. hammer 发现置备


    hammer discovery provision [OPTIONS]

 --architecture ARCHITECTURE_NAME              Architecture name
 --architecture-id ARCHITECTURE_ID             Required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group
 --ask-root-password ASK_ROOT_PW               One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --build BUILD                                 One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --capabilities CAPABILITIES
 --domain DOMAIN_NAME                          Domain name
 --domain-id DOMAIN_ID                         Required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group
 --enabled ENABLED                             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --environment ENVIRONMENT_NAME                Environment name (--environment is deprecated: Use --puppet-environment[-id] instead)
 --environment-id ENVIRONMENT_ID               (--environment-id is deprecated: Use --puppet-environment[-id] instead)
 --hostgroup HOSTGROUP_NAME                    Hostgroup name
 --hostgroup-id HOSTGROUP_ID
 --hostgroup-title HOSTGROUP_TITLE             Hostgroup title
 --id ID
 --image IMAGE_NAME                            Name to search by
 --image-id IMAGE_ID
 --interface INTERFACE                         Interface parameters
                                               Comma-separated list of key=value.
                                               JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
                                               Can be specified multiple times.
 --ip IP                                       Not required if using a subnet with DHCP Capsule
 --location LOCATION_NAME                      Set the current location context for the request
 --location-id LOCATION_ID                     Set the current location context for the request
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE               Set the current location context for the request
 --mac MAC                                     Not required if it's a virtual machine
 --managed MANAGED                             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --medium MEDIUM_NAME                          Medium name
 --medium-id MEDIUM_ID                         Required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group
 --model MODEL_NAME                            Model name
 --model-id MODEL_ID
 --name NAME                                   Name to search by
 --new-name NEW_NAME
 --operatingsystem OPERATINGSYSTEM_TITLE       Operating system title
 --operatingsystem-id OPERATINGSYSTEM_ID       Required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME              Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID             Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE       Set the current organization context for the request
 --overwrite OVERWRITE                         One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --owner-id OWNER_ID
 --owner-type OWNER_TYPE                       Host's owner type
                                               Possible value(s): 'User', 'Usergroup'
 --parameters PARAMS                           Host parameters
                                               Comma-separated list of key=value.
                                               JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --partition-table PARTITION_TABLE_NAME        Partition table name
 --partition-table-id PARTITION_TABLE_ID
 --progress-report-id PROGRESS_REPORT_ID       UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks
 --provision-method METHOD                     Possible value(s): 'build', 'image'
 --puppet-ca-proxy-id PUPPET_CA_PROXY_ID
 --puppet-environment PUPPET_ENVIRONMENT_NAME  Puppet environment name
 --puppet-environment-id PUPPET_ENVIRONMENT_ID
 --puppet-proxy-id PUPPET_PROXY_ID
 --puppetclass-ids PUPPETCLASS_IDS             Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                                               JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --pxe-loader PXE_LOADER                       DHCP filename option (Grub2 or PXELinux by default)
                                               Possible value(s): 'None', 'PXELinux BIOS', 'PXELinux UEFI', 'Grub UEFI', 'Grub2 BIOS', 'Grub2 ELF', 'Grub2 UEFI', 'Grub2 UEFI SecureBoot', 'Grub2 UEFI HTTP', 'Grub2 UEFI HTTPS', 'Grub2 UEFI HTTPS SecureBoot', 'iPXE Embedded', 'iPXE UEFI HTTP', 'iPXE Chain BIOS', 'iPXE Chain UEFI'
 --root-password ROOT_PW
 --sp-subnet-id SP_SUBNET_ID
 --subnet SUBNET_NAME                          Subnet name
 --subnet-id SUBNET_ID                         Required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group
 -h, --help                                    Print help

2.23.7. hammer 发现重启


    hammer discovery reboot [OPTIONS]

 --all                                   Reboot all discovered hosts
 --id ID
 --location LOCATION_NAME                Set the current location context for the request
 --location-id LOCATION_ID               Set the current location context for the request
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE         Set the current location context for the request
 --name NAME                             Name to search by
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME        Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID       Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE Set the current organization context for the request
 -h, --help                              Print help

2.23.8. hammer 发现刷新


    hammer discovery refresh-facts [OPTIONS]

 --id ID
 --location LOCATION_NAME                Set the current location context for the request
 --location-id LOCATION_ID               Set the current location context for the request
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE         Set the current location context for the request
 --name NAME                             Name to search by
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME        Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID       Set the current organization context for the request
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE Set the current organization context for the request
 -h, --help                              Print help
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