

Chapter 5. Fixed issues

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The Cryostat release might include fixes for issues that were identified in earlier releases of Cryostat. Review each fixed issue note for a description of the issue and the subsequent fix.

Issues fixed in Cryostat 2.2.1

The following issues have been fixed in Cryostat 2.2.1 release:

Successful authentication of JMX session

Before Cryostat 2.2.1, the JMX authentication connection failed when you attempted to connect Cryostat to a target JVM application over JMX, and you specified JMX credentials over the X-JMX-Authorization header. With this update, the JMX authentication connection failure issue is resolved, so that you can connect Cryostat to a target JVM application over JMX.

Deployment recreation is applied with configuration changes

Before Cryostat 2.2.1, Cryostat failed to perform a rolling update on itself in response to changes made to its configuration. This issue existed because of a conflict on a lock file in the new JMX credentials database. With this update, Cryostat does not attempt a rolling update but instead recreates its deployments in response to changes made to its configuration.

Issues fixed in Cryostat 2.2.0

The following issues have been fixed in Cryostat 2.2.0 release:

Automated analysis report results

Before Cryostat 2.2.0, Cryostat did not update analysis reports to reflect a stopped JFR recording. The following sequence of steps demonstrates how you could reach this behavior in a previous version of Cryostat:

  1. Start a JFR recording.
  2. Generate an analysis report.
  3. Stop the JFR recording.
  4. View the latest generated analysis report.

The latest generated report would show results of a snapshot from the last active recording and not the stopped recording. Cryostat does not cache a copy of the report based on the stopped recording’s data, so you can only view a report from the last active recording snapshot.

Cryostat 2.2.0 fixes this issue by generating a report on data cached from the stopped JFR recording.

Fixed access issue with the Create recording button

After Cryostat loses a connection with a target JVM and then re-establishes this connection, Cryostat no longer either blocks your access to the Create button in the Recordings menu or outputs a 500 NoRouteToHost error message.

Revised on 2022-12-23 11:20:09 UTC

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