

Chapter 3. Spring and Spring Boot

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3.1. Spring and Spring Boot tutorials


These code tutorials use Data Grid Server and require at least one running instance.

Run Spring examples

Two simple tutorials can be run with Spring without Spring Boot:

  • Test caching
$ {package_exec}@spring-caching
  • Test annotations
$ {package_exec}@spring-annotations

Run Spring Boot examples

$ mvn -s /path/to/maven-settings.xml spring-boot:run

Displaying actuator statistics

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/actuator/metrics in your browser to display a list of available metrics. Cache metrics are prefixed with "cache." Display each metric for each cache using tags. For example for the 'puts' stats in the basque-names cache:


Collecting statistics with Prometheus

The prometheus.yml file in this project contains a host.docker.internal binding that allows Prometheus to scrap metrics that the Spring actuator exposes.

Change the YOUR_PATH value in the following command to the directory where Prometheus is running and then run:


$ podman run -d --name=prometheus -p 9090:9090 -v YOUR_PATH/integrations/spring-boot/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

Tutorial linkDescription

Spring Boot and Spring Cache remote mode

Demonstrates how to use Spring Caches with Spring Boot and the Data Grid Server.

Spring Boot and Spring Session remote mode

Demonstrates how to use Spring Session with Spring Boot and the Data Grid Server.

Spring Boot and Spring Cache embedded mode

Demonstrates how to use Spring Caches with Spring Boot and Data Grid Embedded.

Spring Boot and Spring Session embedded mode

Demonstrates how to use Spring Session with Spring Boot and Data Grid Embedded.

Spring cache embedded without Spring Boot

Demonstrates how to use Spring Cache and Data Grid Embedded without Spring Boot.

Data Grid documentation

You can find more resources in our documentation at:

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