
9.13. 载体路由

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  • 载体容量:一种车块无法获取更多项目,然后它的容量。
  • 时间窗(仅在 CVRPTW 中):

    • 差时:从一个位置到另一个位置的差差时间。
    • 客户服务持续时间: vehicle 必须在服务持续时间内保持给客户。
    • 客户就绪时间: vehicle 可在客户就绪时间之前到达,但必须等到为工作前的时间才会等待。
    • 客户到期时间:在客户到期前必须及时到达时间。


  • 总距离:最小化所有 vehicles 的距离驱动的总距离(fuel 消耗)。

VRP Web 定义了容量设施设施路由问题(CVRP)及其时间序列(CVRPTW)。

图 9.8. 价值主张



CVRP 实例(没有时间窗):

belgium-n50-k10             has  1 depots, 10 vehicles and   49 customers with a search space of   10^74.
belgium-n100-k10            has  1 depots, 10 vehicles and   99 customers with a search space of  10^170.
belgium-n500-k20            has  1 depots, 20 vehicles and  499 customers with a search space of 10^1168.
belgium-n1000-k20           has  1 depots, 20 vehicles and  999 customers with a search space of 10^2607.
belgium-n2750-k55           has  1 depots, 55 vehicles and 2749 customers with a search space of 10^8380.
belgium-road-km-n50-k10     has  1 depots, 10 vehicles and   49 customers with a search space of   10^74.
belgium-road-km-n100-k10    has  1 depots, 10 vehicles and   99 customers with a search space of  10^170.
belgium-road-km-n500-k20    has  1 depots, 20 vehicles and  499 customers with a search space of 10^1168.
belgium-road-km-n1000-k20   has  1 depots, 20 vehicles and  999 customers with a search space of 10^2607.
belgium-road-km-n2750-k55   has  1 depots, 55 vehicles and 2749 customers with a search space of 10^8380.
belgium-road-time-n50-k10   has  1 depots, 10 vehicles and   49 customers with a search space of   10^74.
belgium-road-time-n100-k10  has  1 depots, 10 vehicles and   99 customers with a search space of  10^170.
belgium-road-time-n500-k20  has  1 depots, 20 vehicles and  499 customers with a search space of 10^1168.
belgium-road-time-n1000-k20 has  1 depots, 20 vehicles and  999 customers with a search space of 10^2607.
belgium-road-time-n2750-k55 has  1 depots, 55 vehicles and 2749 customers with a search space of 10^8380.
belgium-d2-n50-k10          has  2 depots, 10 vehicles and   48 customers with a search space of   10^74.
belgium-d3-n100-k10         has  3 depots, 10 vehicles and   97 customers with a search space of  10^170.
belgium-d5-n500-k20         has  5 depots, 20 vehicles and  495 customers with a search space of 10^1168.
belgium-d8-n1000-k20        has  8 depots, 20 vehicles and  992 customers with a search space of 10^2607.
belgium-d10-n2750-k55       has 10 depots, 55 vehicles and 2740 customers with a search space of 10^8380.

A-n32-k5  has 1 depots,  5 vehicles and  31 customers with a search space of  10^40.
A-n33-k5  has 1 depots,  5 vehicles and  32 customers with a search space of  10^41.
A-n33-k6  has 1 depots,  6 vehicles and  32 customers with a search space of  10^42.
A-n34-k5  has 1 depots,  5 vehicles and  33 customers with a search space of  10^43.
A-n36-k5  has 1 depots,  5 vehicles and  35 customers with a search space of  10^46.
A-n37-k5  has 1 depots,  5 vehicles and  36 customers with a search space of  10^48.
A-n37-k6  has 1 depots,  6 vehicles and  36 customers with a search space of  10^49.
A-n38-k5  has 1 depots,  5 vehicles and  37 customers with a search space of  10^49.
A-n39-k5  has 1 depots,  5 vehicles and  38 customers with a search space of  10^51.
A-n39-k6  has 1 depots,  6 vehicles and  38 customers with a search space of  10^52.
A-n44-k7  has 1 depots,  7 vehicles and  43 customers with a search space of  10^61.
A-n45-k6  has 1 depots,  6 vehicles and  44 customers with a search space of  10^62.
A-n45-k7  has 1 depots,  7 vehicles and  44 customers with a search space of  10^63.
A-n46-k7  has 1 depots,  7 vehicles and  45 customers with a search space of  10^65.
A-n48-k7  has 1 depots,  7 vehicles and  47 customers with a search space of  10^68.
A-n53-k7  has 1 depots,  7 vehicles and  52 customers with a search space of  10^77.
A-n54-k7  has 1 depots,  7 vehicles and  53 customers with a search space of  10^79.
A-n55-k9  has 1 depots,  9 vehicles and  54 customers with a search space of  10^82.
A-n60-k9  has 1 depots,  9 vehicles and  59 customers with a search space of  10^91.
A-n61-k9  has 1 depots,  9 vehicles and  60 customers with a search space of  10^93.
A-n62-k8  has 1 depots,  8 vehicles and  61 customers with a search space of  10^94.
A-n63-k9  has 1 depots,  9 vehicles and  62 customers with a search space of  10^97.
A-n63-k10 has 1 depots, 10 vehicles and  62 customers with a search space of  10^98.
A-n64-k9  has 1 depots,  9 vehicles and  63 customers with a search space of  10^99.
A-n65-k9  has 1 depots,  9 vehicles and  64 customers with a search space of 10^101.
A-n69-k9  has 1 depots,  9 vehicles and  68 customers with a search space of 10^108.
A-n80-k10 has 1 depots, 10 vehicles and  79 customers with a search space of 10^130.
F-n45-k4  has 1 depots,  4 vehicles and  44 customers with a search space of  10^60.
F-n72-k4  has 1 depots,  4 vehicles and  71 customers with a search space of 10^108.
F-n135-k7 has 1 depots,  7 vehicles and 134 customers with a search space of 10^240.

CVRP 两个实例(带时间窗):

belgium-tw-d2-n50-k10    has  2 depots, 10 vehicles and   48 customers with a search space of   10^74.
belgium-tw-d3-n100-k10   has  3 depots, 10 vehicles and   97 customers with a search space of  10^170.
belgium-tw-d5-n500-k20   has  5 depots, 20 vehicles and  495 customers with a search space of 10^1168.
belgium-tw-d8-n1000-k20  has  8 depots, 20 vehicles and  992 customers with a search space of 10^2607.
belgium-tw-d10-n2750-k55 has 10 depots, 55 vehicles and 2740 customers with a search space of 10^8380.
belgium-tw-n50-k10       has  1 depots, 10 vehicles and   49 customers with a search space of   10^74.
belgium-tw-n100-k10      has  1 depots, 10 vehicles and   99 customers with a search space of  10^170.
belgium-tw-n500-k20      has  1 depots, 20 vehicles and  499 customers with a search space of 10^1168.
belgium-tw-n1000-k20     has  1 depots, 20 vehicles and  999 customers with a search space of 10^2607.
belgium-tw-n2750-k55     has  1 depots, 55 vehicles and 2749 customers with a search space of 10^8380.

Solomon_025_C101       has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and   25 customers with a search space of   10^40.
Solomon_025_C201       has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and   25 customers with a search space of   10^40.
Solomon_025_R101       has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and   25 customers with a search space of   10^40.
Solomon_025_R201       has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and   25 customers with a search space of   10^40.
Solomon_025_RC101      has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and   25 customers with a search space of   10^40.
Solomon_025_RC201      has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and   25 customers with a search space of   10^40.
Solomon_100_C101       has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and  100 customers with a search space of  10^185.
Solomon_100_C201       has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and  100 customers with a search space of  10^185.
Solomon_100_R101       has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and  100 customers with a search space of  10^185.
Solomon_100_R201       has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and  100 customers with a search space of  10^185.
Solomon_100_RC101      has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and  100 customers with a search space of  10^185.
Solomon_100_RC201      has 1 depots,  25 vehicles and  100 customers with a search space of  10^185.
Homberger_0200_C1_2_1  has 1 depots,  50 vehicles and  200 customers with a search space of  10^429.
Homberger_0200_C2_2_1  has 1 depots,  50 vehicles and  200 customers with a search space of  10^429.
Homberger_0200_R1_2_1  has 1 depots,  50 vehicles and  200 customers with a search space of  10^429.
Homberger_0200_R2_2_1  has 1 depots,  50 vehicles and  200 customers with a search space of  10^429.
Homberger_0200_RC1_2_1 has 1 depots,  50 vehicles and  200 customers with a search space of  10^429.
Homberger_0200_RC2_2_1 has 1 depots,  50 vehicles and  200 customers with a search space of  10^429.
Homberger_0400_C1_4_1  has 1 depots, 100 vehicles and  400 customers with a search space of  10^978.
Homberger_0400_C2_4_1  has 1 depots, 100 vehicles and  400 customers with a search space of  10^978.
Homberger_0400_R1_4_1  has 1 depots, 100 vehicles and  400 customers with a search space of  10^978.
Homberger_0400_R2_4_1  has 1 depots, 100 vehicles and  400 customers with a search space of  10^978.
Homberger_0400_RC1_4_1 has 1 depots, 100 vehicles and  400 customers with a search space of  10^978.
Homberger_0400_RC2_4_1 has 1 depots, 100 vehicles and  400 customers with a search space of  10^978.
Homberger_0600_C1_6_1  has 1 depots, 150 vehicles and  600 customers with a search space of 10^1571.
Homberger_0600_C2_6_1  has 1 depots, 150 vehicles and  600 customers with a search space of 10^1571.
Homberger_0600_R1_6_1  has 1 depots, 150 vehicles and  600 customers with a search space of 10^1571.
Homberger_0600_R2_6_1  has 1 depots, 150 vehicles and  600 customers with a search space of 10^1571.
Homberger_0600_RC1_6_1 has 1 depots, 150 vehicles and  600 customers with a search space of 10^1571.
Homberger_0600_RC2_6_1 has 1 depots, 150 vehicles and  600 customers with a search space of 10^1571.
Homberger_0800_C1_8_1  has 1 depots, 200 vehicles and  800 customers with a search space of 10^2195.
Homberger_0800_C2_8_1  has 1 depots, 200 vehicles and  800 customers with a search space of 10^2195.
Homberger_0800_R1_8_1  has 1 depots, 200 vehicles and  800 customers with a search space of 10^2195.
Homberger_0800_R2_8_1  has 1 depots, 200 vehicles and  800 customers with a search space of 10^2195.
Homberger_0800_RC1_8_1 has 1 depots, 200 vehicles and  800 customers with a search space of 10^2195.
Homberger_0800_RC2_8_1 has 1 depots, 200 vehicles and  800 customers with a search space of 10^2195.
Homberger_1000_C110_1  has 1 depots, 250 vehicles and 1000 customers with a search space of 10^2840.
Homberger_1000_C210_1  has 1 depots, 250 vehicles and 1000 customers with a search space of 10^2840.
Homberger_1000_R110_1  has 1 depots, 250 vehicles and 1000 customers with a search space of 10^2840.
Homberger_1000_R210_1  has 1 depots, 250 vehicles and 1000 customers with a search space of 10^2840.
Homberger_1000_RC110_1 has 1 depots, 250 vehicles and 1000 customers with a search space of 10^2840.
Homberger_1000_RC210_1 has 1 depots, 250 vehicles and 1000 customers with a search space of 10^2840.

9.13.1. Vehicle 路由的域模型


带有时间窗域模型的 vehicle 路由大量使用 shadow 变量功能。这使得它能够更自然地表达其限制,因为 arrivalTimedepartureTime 等属性可以在域模型上直接可用。




对于优化算法,这并不重要,只要可以查找两个点之间的距离(并最好预先计算)。road 成本甚至不需要是一个距离。它还有可能是大量时间、经济的成本或加权功能。有几种方法可以预先计算出您的成本,如 GraphHopper (嵌入式、离线 Java 引擎)、Open MapQuest (Web 服务)和 Google Maps 客户端 API (Web 服务)。


还有一些技术 可以呈现它,例如针对开发人员的 Leaflet 和 Google Maps


甚至可以使用 GraphHopper 或 Google Map Directions 呈现实际规划路由,但是由于路由在高路上的重叠,它可能会变得难以看到反引号:


请特别注意两个点之间的 road 成本与 OptaPlanner 中使用的优化标准相同。例如,GraphHopper 默认返回最快的路由,而不是最短的路由。不要使用最快速的 GPS 路由的 km (或 miles)距离来优化 OptaPlanner 中最短的往返:这会导致子优化解决方案,如下所示:



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