

Chapter 30. CXF Bean Component

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CXF Bean Component (2.0 or later)

The cxfbean: component allows other Camel endpoints to send exchange and invoke Web service bean objects. Currently, it only supports JAXRS and JAXWS (new to Camel 2.1) annotated service beans.
CxfBeanEndpoint is a ProcessorEndpoint so it has no consumers. It works similarly to a Bean component.

URI format

Where serviceBeanRef is a registry key to look up the service bean object. If serviceBeanRef references a List object, elements of the List are the service bean objects accepted by the endpoint.


Name Description Example Required? Default Value
bus CXF bus reference specified by the # notation. The referenced object must be an instance of org.apache.cxf.Bus. bus=#busName No Default bus created by CXF Bus Factory
cxfBeanBinding CXF bean binding specified by the # notation. The referenced object must be an instance of org.apache.camel.component.cxf.cxfbean.CxfBeanBinding. cxfBinding=#bindingName No DefaultCxfBeanBinding
headerFilterStrategy Header filter strategy specified by the # notation. The referenced object must be an instance of org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy. headerFilterStrategy=#strategyName No CxfHeaderFilterStrategy
populateFromClass Since 2.3, the wsdlLocation annotated in the POJO is ignored (by default) unless this option is set to false. Prior to 2.3, the wsdlLocation annotated in the POJO is always honored and it is not possible to ignore. true, false No true
providers Since 2.5, setting the providers for the CXFRS endpoint. providers=#providerRef1,#providerRef2 No null
setDefaultBus Will set the default bus when CXF endpoint create a bus by itself. true, false No false


Name Description Type Required? Default Value In/Out Examples
CamelHttpCharacterEncoding (before 2.0-m2: CamelCxfBeanCharacterEncoding) Character encoding String No None In ISO-8859-1
CamelContentType (before 2.0-m2: CamelCxfBeanContentType) Content type String No \**/*\* In text/xml
CamelHttpBaseUri (2.0-m3 and before: CamelCxfBeanRequestBasePath)
The value of this header will be set in the CXF message as the Message.BASE_PATH property. It is needed by CXF JAX-RS processing. Basically, it is the scheme, host and port portion of the request URI. String Yes The Endpoint URI of the source endpoint in the Camel exchange In http://localhost:9000
CamelHttpPath (before 2.0-m2: CamelCxfBeanRequestPat{}h) Request URI's path String Yes None In consumer/123
CamelHttpMethod (before 2.0-m2: CamelCxfBeanVerb) RESTful request verb String Yes None In GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
CamelHttpResponseCode HTTP response code Integer No None Out 200
Currently, CXF Bean component has (only) been tested with Jetty HTTP component it can understand headers from Jetty HTTP component without requiring conversion.

A Working Sample

This sample shows how to create a route that starts a Jetty HTTP server. The route sends requests to a CXF Bean and invokes a JAXRS annotated service.
First, create a route as follows. The from endpoint is a Jetty HTTP endpoint that is listening on port 9000. Notice that the matchOnUriPrefix option must be set to true because RESTful request URI will not match the endpoint's URI http://localhost:9000 exactly.
	<from uri="jetty:http://localhost:9000?matchOnUriPrefix=true" />
	<to uri="cxfbean:customerServiceBean" />
	<to uri="mock:endpointA" />
The to endpoint is a CXF Bean with bean name customerServiceBean. The name will be looked up from the registry. Next, we make sure our service bean is available in Spring registry. We create a bean definition in the Spring configuration. In this example, we create a List of service beans (of one element). We could have created just a single bean without a List.
<util:list id="customerServiceBean">
	<bean class="org.apache.camel.component.cxf.jaxrs.testbean.CustomerService" />

<bean class="org.apache.camel.wsdl_first.PersonImpl" id="jaxwsBean" />
That's it. Once the route is started, the web service is ready for business. A HTTP client can make a request and receive response.
url = new URL("http://localhost:9000/customerservice/orders/223/products/323");
in = url.openStream();
assertEquals("{\"Product\":{\"description\":\"product 323\",\"id\":323}}", CxfUtils.getStringFromInputStream(in));
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