

30.7. Operator Reference

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Binary operators

The binary operators for simple language predicates are shown in Table 30.2, “Binary Operators for the Simple Language”.
Table 30.2. Binary Operators for the Simple Language
=~Equals ignore case. Ignore the case when comparing string values.
>Greater than.
>=Greater than or equals.
<Less than.
<=Less than or equals.
!=Not equal to.
containsTest if LHS string contains RHS string.
not containsTest if LHS string does not contain RHS string.
regexTest if LHS string matches RHS regular expression.
not regexTest if LHS string does not match RHS regular expression.
inTest if LHS string appears in the RHS comma-separated list.
not inTest if LHS string does not appear in the RHS comma-separated list.
isTest if LHS is an instance of RHS Java type (using Java instanceof operator).
not isTest if LHS is not an instance of RHS Java type (using Java instanceof operator).
rangeTest if LHS number lies in the RHS range (where range has the format, 'min...max').
not rangeTest if LHS number does not lie in the RHS range (where range has the format, 'min...max').

Unary operators and character escapes

The binary operators for simple language predicates are shown in Table 30.3, “Unary Operators for the Simple Language”.
Table 30.3. Unary Operators for the Simple Language
++Increment a number by 1.
--Decrement a number by 1.
\nThe newline character.
\rThe carriage return character.
\tThe tab character.
\(Obsolete) Since Camel version 2.11, the backslash escape character is not supported.

Combining predicates

The conjunctions shown in Table 30.4, “Conjunctions for Simple Language Predicates” can be used to combine two or more simple language predicates.
Table 30.4. Conjunctions for Simple Language Predicates
&&Combine two predicates with logical and.
||Combine two predicates with logical inclusive or.
andDeprecated. Use && instead.
orDeprecated. Use || instead.
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