

Chapter 2. Preparing to deploy multiple OpenShift Data Foundation storage clusters

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Before you begin the deployment of OpenShift Data Foundation using dynamic, local, or external storage, ensure that your resource requirements are met. See the Resource requirements section in the Planning guide.

Things you should remember before installing multiple OpenShift Data Foundation storage clusters:

  • openshift-storage and openshift-storage-extended are the exclusively supported namespaces.
  • Internal storage cluster is restricted to the OpenShift Data Foundation operator namespace.
  • External storage cluster is permissible in both operator and non-operator namespaces.
  • Multiple storage clusters are not supported in the same namespace. Hence, the external storage system will not be visible under the OpenShift Data Foundation operator page as the operator is under openshift-storage namespace and the external storage system is not.
  • Customers running external storage clusters in the operator namespace cannot utilize multiple storage clusters.
  • Multicloud Object Gateway is supported solely within the operator namespace. It is ignored in other namespaces.
  • RADOS Gateway (RGW) can be in either the operator namespace, a non-operator namespace, or both
  • Network File System (NFS) is enabled as long as it is enabled for at least one of the clusters.
  • Topology is enabled as long as it is enabled for at least one of the clusters.
  • Topology domain labels are set as long as the internal cluster is present.
  • The Topology view of the cluster is only supported for OpenShift Data Foundation internal mode deployments.
  • Different multus settings are not supported for multiple storage clusters.
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