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Chapter 6. Adding another route to the routing context
This tutorial shows you how to add a second route to the camel context in the ZooOrderApp
project’s blueprint.xml
file. The second route:
- Takes messages (valid orders) directly from the terminal end of the first route’s otherwise branch.
- Sorts the valid messages according to the customer’s country.
Sends each message to the corresponding
folder in theZooOrderApp/target/messages
folder. For example, an order from the Chicago zoo is copied to the USA folder.
In this tutorial you complete the following tasks:
- Reconfigure the existing route for direct connection to a second route
- Add a second route to your Camel context
- Configure the second route to take messages directly from the otherwise branch of the first route
- Add a content-based router to the second route
- Add and configure a message header, logging, and target destination to each output branch of the second route’s content-based router
To start this tutorial, you need the ZooOrderApp project resulting from one of the following:
Complete the Chapter 5, Adding a Content-Based Router tutorial.
Complete the Chapter 2, Setting up your environment tutorial and replace your project’s
file with the providedblueprintContexts/blueprint2.xml
file, as described in the section called “About the resource files”.
Reconfiguring the existing route’s endpoint
The existing route sends all valid orders to the target/messages/validOrders
In this section, you reconfigure the endpoint of the existing route’s Otherwise _elseValid branch to instead connect to a second route (which you create in the next section).
To configure the existing route for direct connection with the second route:
Open your
in the route editor. - On the canvas, select the Route_route1 container to open its properties in the Properties view.
- Scroll down to the Shutdown Route property and then select Default.
- On the canvas, select the terminal file node To_Valid to display its properties in the Properties view.
In the Uri field, delete the existing text, and then enter
. -
In the Id field, enter
Instead of repurposing the existing To_Valid
terminal file node, you could have replaced it with a Components To_Valid
To learn more about the Direct component see the Apache Camel Component Reference.
Adding the second route
To add another route to the routing context:
In the Palette, open the Routing drawer and then click the Route (
) pattern.
In the canvas, click to the right of the
container:The Route pattern becomes the
container node on the canvas.-
Click the
container node to display its properties in the Properties view. Leave the properties as they are. - Save the file.
As your routing context grows in complexity, you might want to focus the route editor on an individual route while you work on it. To do so, in Project Explorer, double-click the route that you want the route editor to display on the canvas; for example Route_route2

To display all routes in the routing context on the canvas, double-click the project’s .xml
context file entry (src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/…
) at the top of the Camel Contexts
Configuring a Choice branch to process USA orders
In this section, you add a Choice branch to the route and configure the route to send USA orders to a new target/messages/validOrders/USA
folder. You also set a message header and a log file component.
In the Palette, open the Components drawer and then select the Direct component (
In the canvas, click the
container expands to accommodate the Direct component (theFrom_from2
On the canvas, click the
node to open its properties in the Properties view. In the Uri field, replace
) withOrderFulfillment
, and in the Id field, enter_direct:OrderFulfillment
In the Palette, open the Routing drawer and then select the Choice (
) pattern.
In the canvas, click the
From _direct:OrderFulfillment
container expands to accommodate theChoice_choice2
node:In the Properties view, leave the
node’s properties as they are.-
In the Palette, open the Routing drawer and then select the When (
) pattern.
In the canvas, click the
container expands to accommodate theWhen_when2
On the canvas, select the
node to open its properties in the Properties view. Set the
node’s properties as follows:- Select xpath from the Expression drop-down list.
In the indented Expression field, type
/order/customer/country = 'USA'
. - Leave Trim enabled.
In the second Id field, type
In the Palette, open the Components drawer and then select the File component (
In the canvas, click the
container expands to accommodate theTo_to1
node.In the Properties view:
In the Uri field, replace
. -
In the Id field, type
In the Uri field, replace
- Save the file.
To set a message header and add a log component:
- In the Palette, open the Transformation drawer and then select the Set Header pattern.
In the canvas, click the
container expands to accommodate theSetHeader_setHeader3
On the canvas, select the
node to open its properties in the Properties view. Set the node’s properties as follows:
- From the Expression drop-down menu, select constant.
In the indented Expression field, type:
- Leave Trim enabled.
In the Header Name field, type:
In the second Id field, type:
In the Palette, open the Components drawer and then select the Log component (
In the canvas, click above the
container expands to accommodate theLog_log3
node.On the canvas, select the
node to open its properties in the Properties view:In the Properties view:
In the Message field, type
Valid order - ship animals to USA customer
. -
In the Id field, type
. Leave Logging Level as is.
In the Message field, type
Save the file.
The USA branch of
should look like this:
Configuring an Otherwise branch to process Germany orders
With Route_route2
displayed on the canvas:
In the Palette, open the Routing drawer and then select the Otherwise pattern (
In the canvas, click the
container expands to accommodate theOtherwise_otherwise1
Select the
node to open its properties in the Properties view. -
In the Properties view, enter
for the Id field. -
In the Palette, open the Transformation drawer and then select the Set Header pattern (
In the canvas, click the
container expands to accommodate theSetHeader_setHeader3
On the canvas, select the
node to open its properties in the Properties view. In the Properties view:
- From the Expression drop-down list, select constant.
In the second Expression field, type
. - Leave Trim as is.
In the Header Name field, type
. -
In the second Id field, type
In the Palette, open the Components drawer and then select the Log pattern (
In the canvas, click below the
container expands to accommodate theLog_log3
node. If needed, drag the connector error from theLog_log3
node to theSetHeader_setHead_ger
On the canvas, select the
node to open its properties in the Properties view. In the Properties view:
In the Message field, type
Valid order - ship animals to Germany customer
. -
In the Id field, type
. - Leave the Logging Level as is.
In the Message field, type
In the Components drawer, select a File pattern (
) and then click below the
container expands to accommodate theTo_to1
node. If needed, drag the connector error from theSetHeader_setHead_ger
node to theTo_to1
On the canvas, select the
node to open its properties in the Properties view. In the Properties view:
In the Uri field, replace
In the Id field, type
In the Uri field, replace
- Save the file.
The Germany branch of Route_route2
should look like this:

Verifying the second route
The routes on the canvas should look like this:
Completed route1

Completed route2

In the Source tab at the bottom of the canvas, the XML for the camelContext element should look like that shown in Example 6.1, “XML for dual-route content-based router”:
Example 6.1. XML for dual-route content-based router
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0 https://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0/blueprint.xsd http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint/camel-blueprint.xsd"> <camelContext id="_context1" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint"> <route id="_route1" shutdownRoute="Default"> <from id="_from1" uri="file:src/data?noop=true"/> <choice id="_choice1"> <when id="_when1"> <xpath>/order/orderline/quantity/text() > 10</xpath> <log id="_log1" message="The quantity requested exceeds the maximum allowed - contact customer."/> <setHeader headerName="Destination" id="_setHeader1"> <constant>Invalid</constant> </setHeader> <to id="_Invalid" uri="file:target/messages/invalidOrders"/> </when> <otherwise id="_elseValid"> <log id="_log2" message="This is a valid order - OK to process."/> <setHeader headerName="Destination" id="_setHeader2"> <constant>ReadyForDispatcher</constant> </setHeader> <to id="_Fulfill" uri="direct:OrderFulfillment"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route> <route id="_route2"> <from id="_direct:OrderFulfillment" uri="direct:OrderFulfillment"/> <choice id="_choice2"> <when id="when/usa"> <xpath>/order/customer/country = 'USA'</xpath> <log id="_usa" message="Valid order - ship animals to USA customer"/> <setHeader headerName="Destination" id="_setHead_usa"> <constant>USA</constant> </setHeader> <to id="_US" uri="file:target/messages/validOrders/USA"/> </when> <otherwise id="_else/ger"> <log id="_ger" message="Valid order - ship animals to Germany customer"/> <setHeader headerName="Destination" id="_setHead_ger"> <constant>Germany</constant> </setHeader> <to id="_GER" uri="file:target/messages/validOrders/Germany"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route> </camelContext> </blueprint>
If the tooling added the attribute shutdownRoute=" "
to the second route element (<route id="route2">
), delete that attribute. Otherwise, the ZooOrderApp
project might fail to run.
To make sure that your updated project works as expected, follow these steps:
Run the
ZooOrderApp/Camel Contexts/blueprint.xml
as a local Camel Context (without tests). Check the end of the Console’s output. You should see these lines:
Check the target destination folders to verify that the routes executed properly:
In Project Explorer, right-click
and then select Refresh. Expand the
files should be dispersed in your the destinations as shown:Figure 6.1. Target message destinations in Project Explorer
In Project Explorer, right-click
Next steps
In the next tutorial, Chapter 7, Debugging a routing context, you learn how to use the Fuse Tooling debugger.