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Chapter 16. Geo-replication

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Currently, the geo-replication feature is not supported on IBM Power.

Geo-replication allows multiple, geographically distributed Red Hat Quay deployments to work as a single registry from the perspective of a client or user. It significantly improves push and pull performance in a globally-distributed Red Hat Quay setup. Image data is asynchronously replicated in the background with transparent failover and redirect for clients.

Deployments of Red Hat Quay with geo-replication is supported on standalone and Operator deployments.

16.1. Geo-replication features

  • When geo-replication is configured, container image pushes will be written to the preferred storage engine for that Red Hat Quay instance. This is typically the nearest storage backend within the region.
  • After the initial push, image data will be replicated in the background to other storage engines.
  • The list of replication locations is configurable and those can be different storage backends.
  • An image pull will always use the closest available storage engine, to maximize pull performance.
  • If replication has not been completed yet, the pull will use the source storage backend instead.

16.2. Geo-replication requirements and constraints

  • In geo-replicated setups, Red Hat Quay requires that all regions are able to read and write to all other region’s object storage. Object storage must be geographically accessible by all other regions.
  • In case of an object storage system failure of one geo-replicating site, that site’s Red Hat Quay deployment must be shut down so that clients are redirected to the remaining site with intact storage systems by a global load balancer. Otherwise, clients will experience pull and push failures.
  • Red Hat Quay has no internal awareness of the health or availability of the connected object storage system. Users must configure a global load balancer (LB) to monitor the health of your distributed system and to route traffic to different sites based on their storage status.
  • To check the status of your geo-replication deployment, you must use the /health/endtoend checkpoint, which is used for global health monitoring. You must configure the redirect manually using the /health/endtoend endpoint. The /health/instance end point only checks local instance health.
  • If the object storage system of one site becomes unavailable, there will be no automatic redirect to the remaining storage system, or systems, of the remaining site, or sites.
  • Geo-replication is asynchronous. The permanent loss of a site incurs the loss of the data that has been saved in that sites' object storage system but has not yet been replicated to the remaining sites at the time of failure.
  • A single database, and therefore all metadata and Red Hat Quay configuration, is shared across all regions.

    Geo-replication does not replicate the database. In the event of an outage, Red Hat Quay with geo-replication enabled will not failover to another database.

  • A single Redis cache is shared across the entire Red Hat Quay setup and needs to accessible by all Red Hat Quay pods.
  • The exact same configuration should be used across all regions, with exception of the storage backend, which can be configured explicitly using the QUAY_DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE environment variable.
  • Geo-replication requires object storage in each region. It does not work with local storage.
  • Each region must be able to access every storage engine in each region, which requires a network path.
  • Alternatively, the storage proxy option can be used.
  • The entire storage backend, for example, all blobs, is replicated. Repository mirroring, by contrast, can be limited to a repository, or an image.
  • All Red Hat Quay instances must share the same entrypoint, typically through a load balancer.
  • All Red Hat Quay instances must have the same set of superusers, as they are defined inside the common configuration file.
  • Geo-replication requires your Clair configuration to be set to unmanaged. An unmanaged Clair database allows the Red Hat Quay Operator to work in a geo-replicated environment, where multiple instances of the Red Hat Quay Operator must communicate with the same database. For more information, see Advanced Clair configuration.
  • Geo-Replication requires SSL/TLS certificates and keys. For more information, see * Geo-Replication requires SSL/TLS certificates and keys. For more information, see Proof of concept deployment using SSL/TLS certificates. .

If the above requirements cannot be met, you should instead use two or more distinct Red Hat Quay deployments and take advantage of repository mirroring functions.

16.2.1. Enabling storage replication for standalone Red Hat Quay

Use the following procedure to enable storage replication on Red Hat Quay.


  1. Update your config.yaml file to include the storage engines to which data will be replicated. You must list all storage engines to be used:

    # ...
    # ...
            - RHOCSStorage
            - access_key: <access_key>
              bucket_name: <example_bucket>
              hostname: my.noobaa.hostname
              is_secure: false
              port: "443"
              secret_key: <secret_key>
              storage_path: /datastorage/registry
            - S3Storage
            - host:
              port: "443"
              s3_access_key: <access_key>
              s3_bucket: <example bucket>
              s3_secret_key: <secret_key>
              storage_path: /datastorage/registry
        - usstorage
        - eustorage
    # ...
  2. Optional. If complete replication of all images to all storage engines is required, you can replicate images to the storage engine by manually setting the DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_DEFAULT_LOCATIONS field. This ensures that all images are replicated to that storage engine. For example:

    # ...
        - usstorage
        - eustorage
    # ...

    To enable per-namespace replication, contact Red Hat Quay support.

  3. After adding storage and enabling Replicate to storage engine by default for geo-replication, you must sync existing image data across all storage. To do this, you must execute into the container by running the following command:

    $ podman exec -it <container_id>
  4. To sync the content after adding new storage, enter the following commands:

    # scl enable python27 bash
    # python -m util.backfillreplication

    This is a one time operation to sync content after adding new storage.

16.2.2. Run Red Hat Quay with storage preferences

  1. Copy the config.yaml to all machines running Red Hat Quay
  2. For each machine in each region, add a QUAY_DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE environment variable with the preferred storage engine for the region in which the machine is running.

    For example, for a machine running in Europe with the config directory on the host available from $QUAY/config:

    $ sudo podman run -d --rm -p 80:8080 -p 443:8443  \
       --name=quay \
       -v $QUAY/config:/conf/stack:Z \

    The value of the environment variable specified must match the name of a Location ID as defined in the config panel.

  3. Restart all Red Hat Quay containers

16.2.3. Removing a geo-replicated site from your standalone Red Hat Quay deployment

By using the following procedure, Red Hat Quay administrators can remove sites in a geo-replicated setup.


  • You have configured Red Hat Quay geo-replication with at least two sites, for example, usstorage and eustorage.
  • Each site has its own Organization, Repository, and image tags.


  1. Sync the blobs between all of your defined sites by running the following command:

    $ python -m util.backfillreplication

    Prior to removing storage engines from your Red Hat Quay config.yaml file, you must ensure that all blobs are synced between all defined sites. Complete this step before proceeding.

  2. In your Red Hat Quay config.yaml file for site usstorage, remove the DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG entry for the eustorage site.
  3. Enter the following command to obtain a list of running containers:

    $ podman ps

    Example output

    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                                                     COMMAND         CREATED         STATUS             PORTS                                        NAMES
    92c5321cde38                                        run-redis       11 days ago     Up 11 days ago>6379/tcp                       redis
    4e6d1ecd3811                              run-postgresql  33 seconds ago  Up 34 seconds ago>5432/tcp                       postgresql-quay
    d2eadac74fda  registry        4 seconds ago   Up 4 seconds ago>8080/tcp,>8443/tcp  quay

  4. Enter the following command to execute a shell inside of the PostgreSQL container:

    $ podman exec -it postgresql-quay -- /bin/bash
  5. Enter psql by running the following command:

    bash-4.4$ psql
  6. Enter the following command to reveal a list of sites in your geo-replicated deployment:

    quay=# select * from imagestoragelocation;

    Example output

     id |       name
      1 | usstorage
      2 | eustorage

  7. Enter the following command to exit the postgres CLI to re-enter bash-4.4:

  8. Enter the following command to permanently remove the eustorage site:


    The following action cannot be undone. Use with caution.

    bash-4.4$ python -m util.removelocation eustorage

    Example output

    WARNING: This is a destructive operation. Are you sure you want to remove eustorage from your storage locations? [y/n] y
    Deleted placement 30
    Deleted placement 31
    Deleted placement 32
    Deleted placement 33
    Deleted location eustorage

16.2.4. Setting up geo-replication on OpenShift Container Platform

Use the following procedure to set up geo-replication on OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Deploy a postgres instance for Red Hat Quay.
  2. Login to the database by entering the following command:

    psql -U <username> -h <hostname> -p <port> -d <database_name>
  3. Create a database for Red Hat Quay named quay. For example:

  4. Enable pg_trm extension inside the database

    \c quay;
  5. Deploy a Redis instance:

    • Deploying a Redis instance might be unnecessary if your cloud provider has its own service.
    • Deploying a Redis instance is required if you are leveraging Builders.
    1. Deploy a VM for Redis
    2. Verify that it is accessible from the clusters where Red Hat Quay is running
    3. Port 6379/TCP must be open
    4. Run Redis inside the instance

      sudo dnf install -y podman
      podman run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 redis
  6. Create two object storage backends, one for each cluster. Ideally, one object storage bucket will be close to the first, or primary, cluster, and the other will run closer to the second, or secondary, cluster.
  7. Deploy the clusters with the same config bundle, using environment variable overrides to select the appropriate storage backend for an individual cluster.
  8. Configure a load balancer to provide a single entry point to the clusters. Configuring geo-replication for the Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform

Use the following procedure to configure geo-replication for the Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Create a config.yaml file that is shared between clusters. This config.yaml file contains the details for the common PostgreSQL, Redis and storage backends:

    Geo-replication config.yaml file

    SERVER_HOSTNAME: < or any other name> 1
      autorollback: true
      threadlocals: true
    DB_URI: postgresql://postgres:password@ 2
      port: 6379
      port: 6379
    DATABASE_SECRET_KEY: 0ce4f796-c295-415b-bf9d-b315114704b8
        - GoogleCloudStorage
          bucket_name: georep-test-bucket-0
          secret_key: AYWfEaxX/u84XRA2vUX5C987654321
          storage_path: /quaygcp
        - GoogleCloudStorage
          bucket_name: georep-test-bucket-1
          secret_key: AYWfEaxX/u84XRA2vUX5Cuj12345678
          storage_path: /quaygcp
      - usstorage
      - eustorage
      - usstorage
      - eustorage

    A proper SERVER_HOSTNAME must be used for the route and must match the hostname of the global load balancer.
    To retrieve the configuration file for a Clair instance deployed using the OpenShift Container Platform Operator, see Retrieving the Clair config.
  2. Create the configBundleSecret by entering the following command:

    $ oc create secret generic --from-file config.yaml=./config.yaml georep-config-bundle
  3. In each of the clusters, set the configBundleSecret and use the QUAY_DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE environmental variable override to configure the appropriate storage for that cluster. For example:


    The config.yaml file between both deployments must match. If making a change to one cluster, it must also be changed in the other.

    US cluster QuayRegistry example

    kind: QuayRegistry
      name: example-registry
      namespace: quay-enterprise
      configBundleSecret: georep-config-bundle
        - kind: objectstorage
          managed: false
        - kind: route
          managed: true
        - kind: tls
          managed: false
        - kind: postgres
          managed: false
        - kind: clairpostgres
          managed: false
        - kind: redis
          managed: false
        - kind: quay
          managed: true
              value: usstorage
        - kind: mirror
          managed: true
              value: usstorage


    Because SSL/TLS is unmanaged, and the route is managed, you must supply the certificates directly in the config bundle. For more information, see Configuring TLS and routes.

    European cluster

    kind: QuayRegistry
      name: example-registry
      namespace: quay-enterprise
      configBundleSecret: georep-config-bundle
        - kind: objectstorage
          managed: false
        - kind: route
          managed: true
        - kind: tls
          managed: false
        - kind: postgres
          managed: false
        - kind: clairpostgres
          managed: false
        - kind: redis
          managed: false
        - kind: quay
          managed: true
              value: eustorage
        - kind: mirror
          managed: true
              value: eustorage


    Because SSL/TLS is unmanaged, and the route is managed, you must supply the certificates directly in the config bundle. For more information, see Configuring TLS and routes.

16.2.5. Removing a geo-replicated site from your Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform deployment

By using the following procedure, Red Hat Quay administrators can remove sites in a geo-replicated setup.


  • You are logged into OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have configured Red Hat Quay geo-replication with at least two sites, for example, usstorage and eustorage.
  • Each site has its own Organization, Repository, and image tags.


  1. Sync the blobs between all of your defined sites by running the following command:

    $ python -m util.backfillreplication

    Prior to removing storage engines from your Red Hat Quay config.yaml file, you must ensure that all blobs are synced between all defined sites.

    When running this command, replication jobs are created which are picked up by the replication worker. If there are blobs that need replicated, the script returns UUIDs of blobs that will be replicated. If you run this command multiple times, and the output from the return script is empty, it does not mean that the replication process is done; it means that there are no more blobs to be queued for replication. Customers should use appropriate judgement before proceeding, as the allotted time replication takes depends on the number of blobs detected.

    Alternatively, you could use a third party cloud tool, such as Microsoft Azure, to check the synchronization status.

    This step must be completed before proceeding.

  2. In your Red Hat Quay config.yaml file for site usstorage, remove the DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG entry for the eustorage site.
  3. Enter the following command to identify your Quay application pods:

    $ oc get pod -n <quay_namespace>

    Example output


  4. Enter the following command to open an interactive shell session in the usstorage pod:

    $ oc rsh quay390usstorage-quay-app-5779ddc886-2drh2
  5. Enter the following command to permanently remove the eustorage site:


    The following action cannot be undone. Use with caution.

    sh-4.4$ python -m util.removelocation eustorage

    Example output

    WARNING: This is a destructive operation. Are you sure you want to remove eustorage from your storage locations? [y/n] y
    Deleted placement 30
    Deleted placement 31
    Deleted placement 32
    Deleted placement 33
    Deleted location eustorage

16.3. Mixed storage for geo-replication

Red Hat Quay geo-replication supports the use of different and multiple replication targets, for example, using AWS S3 storage on public cloud and using Ceph storage on premise. This complicates the key requirement of granting access to all storage backends from all Red Hat Quay pods and cluster nodes. As a result, it is recommended that you use the following:

  • A VPN to prevent visibility of the internal storage, or
  • A token pair that only allows access to the specified bucket used by Red Hat Quay

This results in the public cloud instance of Red Hat Quay having access to on-premise storage, but the network will be encrypted, protected, and will use ACLs, thereby meeting security requirements.

If you cannot implement these security measures, it might be preferable to deploy two distinct Red Hat Quay registries and to use repository mirroring as an alternative to geo-replication.

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