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Chapter 18. Migrating a standalone Red Hat Quay deployment to a Red Hat Quay Operator deployment

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The following procedures allow you to back up a standalone Red Hat Quay deployment and migrate it to the Red Hat Quay Operator on OpenShift Container Platform.

18.1. Backing up a standalone deployment of Red Hat Quay


  1. Back up the config.yaml of your standalone Red Hat Quay deployment:

    $ mkdir /tmp/quay-backup
    $ cp /path/to/Quay/config/directory/config.yaml /tmp/quay-backup
  2. Create a backup of the database that your standalone Red Hat Quay deployment is using:

    $ pg_dump -h DB_HOST -p 5432 -d QUAY_DATABASE_NAME -U QUAY_DATABASE_USER -W -O > /tmp/quay-backup/quay-database-backup.sql
  3. Install the AWS CLI if you do not have it already.
  4. Create an ~/.aws/ directory:

    $ mkdir ~/.aws/
  5. Obtain the access_key and secret_key from the config.yaml of your standalone deployment:

    $ grep -i DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG -A10 /tmp/quay-backup/config.yaml

    Example output:

            - RadosGWStorage
            - access_key: ##########
              bucket_name: quay
              is_secure: false
              port: "9000"
              secret_key: ##########
              storage_path: /datastorage/registry
  6. Store the access_key and secret_key from the config.yaml file in your ~/.aws directory:

    $ touch ~/.aws/credentials
  7. Optional: Check that your access_key and secret_key are stored:

    $ cat > ~/.aws/credentials << EOF
    aws_access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY_FROM_QUAY_CONFIG
    aws_secret_access_key = SECRET_KEY_FROM_QUAY_CONFIG

    Example output:

    aws_access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY_FROM_QUAY_CONFIG
    aws_secret_access_key = SECRET_KEY_FROM_QUAY_CONFIG

    If the aws cli does not automatically collect the access_key and secret_key from the `~/.aws/credentials file, you can, you can configure these by running aws configure and manually inputting the credentials.

  8. In your quay-backup directory, create a bucket_backup directory:

    $ mkdir /tmp/quay-backup/bucket-backup
  9. Backup all blobs from the S3 storage:

    $ aws s3 sync --no-verify-ssl --endpoint-url https://PUBLIC_S3_ENDPOINT:PORT s3://QUAY_BUCKET/ /tmp/quay-backup/bucket-backup/

    The PUBLIC_S3_ENDPOINT can be read from the Red Hat Quay config.yaml file under hostname in the DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG. If the endpoint is insecure, use http instead of https in the endpoint URL.

Up to this point, you should have a complete backup of all Red Hat Quay data, blobs, the database, and the config.yaml file stored locally. In the following section, you will migrate the standalone deployment backup to Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform.

18.2. Using backed up standalone content to migrate to OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Your standalone Red Hat Quay data, blobs, database, and config.yaml have been backed up.
  • Red Hat Quay is deployed on OpenShift Container Platform using the Red Hat Quay Operator.
  • A QuayRegistry with all components set to managed.

The procedure in this documents uses the following namespace: quay-enterprise.

  1. Scale down the Red Hat Quay Operator:

    $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment quay-operator.v3.6.2 -n openshift-operators
  2. Scale down the application and mirror deployments:

    $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment QUAY_MAIN_APP_DEPLOYMENT QUAY_MIRROR_DEPLOYMENT
  3. Copy the database SQL backup to the Quay PostgreSQL database instance:

    $ oc cp /tmp/user/quay-backup/quay-database-backup.sql quay-enterprise/quayregistry-quay-database-54956cdd54-p7b2w:/var/lib/pgsql/data/userdata
  4. Obtain the database password from the Operator-created config.yaml file:

    $ oc get deployment quay-quay-app -o json | jq '.spec.template.spec.volumes[].projected.sources' | grep -i config-secret

    Example output:

          "name": "QUAY_CONFIG_SECRET_NAME"
    $ oc get secret quay-quay-config-secret-9t77hb84tb -o json | jq '.data."config.yaml"' | cut -d '"' -f2 | base64 -d -w0 > /tmp/quay-backup/operator-quay-config-yaml-backup.yaml
    cat /tmp/quay-backup/operator-quay-config-yaml-backup.yaml | grep -i DB_URI

    Example output:

  5. Execute a shell inside of the database pod:

    # oc exec -it quay-postgresql-database-pod -- /bin/bash
  6. Enter psql:

    bash-4.4$ psql
  7. Drop the database:

    postgres=# DROP DATABASE "example-restore-registry-quay-database";

    Example output:

  8. Create a new database and set the owner as the same name:

    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE "example-restore-registry-quay-database" OWNER "example-restore-registry-quay-database";

    Example output:

  9. Connect to the database:

    postgres=# \c "example-restore-registry-quay-database";

    Example output:

    You are now connected to database "example-restore-registry-quay-database" as user "postgres".
  10. Create a pg_trmg extension of your Quay database:

    example-restore-registry-quay-database=# create extension pg_trgm ;

    Example output:

  11. Exit the postgres CLI to re-enter bash-4.4:

  12. Set the password for your PostgreSQL deployment:

    bash-4.4$ psql -h localhost -d "QUAY_DATABASE_NAME" -U QUAY_DATABASE_OWNER -W < /var/lib/pgsql/data/userdata/quay-database-backup.sql

    Example output:

  13. Exit bash mode:

    bash-4.4$ exit
  14. Create a new configuration bundle for the Red Hat Quay Operator.

    $ touch config-bundle.yaml
  15. In your new config-bundle.yaml, include all of the information that the registry requires, such as LDAP configuration, keys, and other modifications that your old registry had. Run the following command to move the secret_key to your config-bundle.yaml:

    $ cat /tmp/quay-backup/config.yaml | grep SECRET_KEY > /tmp/quay-backup/config-bundle.yaml

    You must manually copy all the LDAP, OIDC and other information and add it to the /tmp/quay-backup/config-bundle.yaml file.

  16. Create a configuration bundle secret inside of your OpenShift cluster:

    $ oc create secret generic new-custom-config-bundle --from-file=config.yaml=/tmp/quay-backup/config-bundle.yaml
  17. Scale up the Quay pods:

    $ oc scale --replicas=1 deployment quayregistry-quay-app
    deployment.apps/quayregistry-quay-app scaled
  18. Scale up the mirror pods:

    $ oc scale --replicas=1  deployment quayregistry-quay-mirror
    deployment.apps/quayregistry-quay-mirror scaled
  19. Patch the QuayRegistry CRD so that it contains the reference to the new custom configuration bundle:

    $ oc patch quayregistry QUAY_REGISTRY_NAME --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"configBundleSecret":"new-custom-config-bundle"}}'

    If Red Hat Quay returns a 500 internal server error, you might have to update the location of your DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG to default.

  20. Create a new AWS credentials.yaml in your /.aws/ directory and include the access_key and secret_key from the Operator-created config.yaml file:

    $ touch credentials.yaml
    $ grep -i DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG -A10 /tmp/quay-backup/operator-quay-config-yaml-backup.yaml
    $ cat > ~/.aws/credentials << EOF
    aws_access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY_FROM_QUAY_CONFIG
    aws_secret_access_key = SECRET_KEY_FROM_QUAY_CONFIG

    If the aws cli does not automatically collect the access_key and secret_key from the `~/.aws/credentials file, you can configure these by running aws configure and manually inputting the credentials.

  21. Record the NooBaa’s publicly available endpoint:

    $ oc get route s3 -n openshift-storage -o yaml -o jsonpath="{}{'\n'}"
  22. Sync the backup data to the NooBaa backend storage:

    $ aws s3 sync --no-verify-ssl --endpoint-url https://NOOBAA_PUBLIC_S3_ROUTE /tmp/quay-backup/bucket-backup/* s3://QUAY_DATASTORE_BUCKET_NAME
  23. Scale the Operator back up to 1 pod:

    $ oc scale –replicas=1 deployment quay-operator.v3.6.4 -n openshift-operators

The Operator uses the custom configuration bundle provided and reconciles all secrets and deployments. Your new Red Hat Quay deployment on OpenShift Container Platform should contain all of the information that the old deployment had. You should be able to pull all images.

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