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CLI tools

OpenShift Container Platform 4.2

Learning how to use the command-line tools for OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat OpenShift Documentation Team


This document provides information about installing, configuring, and using the command-line tools for OpenShift Container Platform. It also contains a reference of CLI commands and examples of how to use them.

Chapter 1. OpenShift CLI (oc)

1.1. Getting started with the CLI

1.1.1. About the CLI

With the OpenShift Container Platform command-line interface (CLI), you can create applications and manage OpenShift Container Platform projects from a terminal. The CLI is ideal in situations where you:

  • Work directly with project source code.
  • Script OpenShift Container Platform operations.
  • Are restricted by bandwidth resources and can not use the web console.

1.1.2. Installing the CLI

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) in order to interact with OpenShift Container Platform from a command-line interface. You can install oc on Linux, Windows, or macOS.


If you installed an earlier version of oc, you cannot use it to complete all of the commands in OpenShift Container Platform 4.2. Download and install the new version of oc. Installing the CLI on Linux

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Linux by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the Infrastructure Provider page on the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager site.
  2. Select your infrastructure provider, and, if applicable, your installation type.
  3. In the Command-line interface section, select Linux from the drop-down menu and click Download command-line tools.
  4. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar xvzf <file>
  5. Place the oc binary in a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command> Installing the CLI on Windows

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Windows by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the Infrastructure Provider page on the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager site.
  2. Select your infrastructure provider, and, if applicable, your installation type.
  3. In the Command-line interface section, select Windows from the drop-down menu and click Download command-line tools.
  4. Unzip the archive with a ZIP program.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open the command prompt and execute the following command:

    C:\> path

After you install the CLI, it is available using the oc command:

C:\> oc <command> Installing the CLI on macOS

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on macOS by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the Infrastructure Provider page on the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager site.
  2. Select your infrastructure provider, and, if applicable, your installation type.
  3. In the Command-line interface section, select MacOS from the drop-down menu and click Download command-line tools.
  4. Unpack and unzip the archive.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open a terminal and execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command>

1.1.3. Logging in to the CLI

You can log in to the oc CLI to access and manage your cluster.


  • You must have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You must have installed the CLI.


  • Log in to the CLI using the oc login command and enter the required information when prompted.

    $ oc login
    Server [https://localhost:8443]: 1
    The server uses a certificate signed by an unknown authority.
    You can bypass the certificate check, but any data you send to the server could be intercepted by others.
    Use insecure connections? (y/n): y 2
    Authentication required for (openshift)
    Username: user1 3
    Password: 4
    Login successful.
    You don't have any projects. You can try to create a new project, by running
        oc new-project <projectname>
    Welcome! See 'oc help' to get started.
    Enter the OpenShift Container Platform server URL.
    Enter whether to use insecure connections.
    Enter the user name to log in as.
    Enter the user’s password.

You can now create a project or issue other commands for managing your cluster.

1.1.4. Using the CLI

Review the following sections to learn how to complete common tasks using the CLI. Creating a project

Use the oc new-project command to create a new project.

$ oc new-project my-project
Now using project "my-project" on server "". Creating a new app

Use the oc new-app command to create a new application.

$ oc new-app
--> Found image 40de956 (9 days old) in imagestream "openshift/php" under tag "7.2" for "php"


    Run 'oc status' to view your app. Viewing pods

Use the oc get pods command to view the pods for the current project.

$ oc get pods -o wide
NAME                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE     IP            NODE                           NOMINATED NODE
cakephp-ex-1-build    0/1     Completed   0          5m45s   ip-10-0-141-74.ec2.internal    <none>
cakephp-ex-1-deploy   0/1     Completed   0          3m44s    ip-10-0-147-65.ec2.internal    <none>
cakephp-ex-1-ktz97    1/1     Running     0          3m33s   ip-10-0-168-105.ec2.internal   <none> Viewing pod logs

Use the oc logs command to view logs for a particular pod.

$ oc logs cakephp-ex-1-deploy
--> Scaling cakephp-ex-1 to 1
--> Success Viewing the current project

Use the oc project command to view the current project.

$ oc project
Using project "my-project" on server "". Viewing the status for the current project

Use the oc status command to view information about the current project, such as Services, DeploymentConfigs, and BuildConfigs.

$ oc status
In project my-project on server

svc/cakephp-ex - ports 8080, 8443
  dc/cakephp-ex deploys istag/cakephp-ex:latest <-
    bc/cakephp-ex source builds on openshift/php:7.2
    deployment #1 deployed 2 minutes ago - 1 pod

3 infos identified, use 'oc status --suggest' to see details. Listing supported API resources

Use the oc api-resources command to view the list of supported API resources on the server.

$ oc api-resources
NAME                                  SHORTNAMES       APIGROUP                              NAMESPACED   KIND
bindings                                                                                     true         Binding
componentstatuses                     cs                                                     false        ComponentStatus
configmaps                            cm                                                     true         ConfigMap

1.1.5. Getting help

You can get help with CLI commands and OpenShift Container Platform resources in the following ways.

  • Use oc help to get a list and description of all available CLI commands:

    Example: Get general help for the CLI

    $ oc help
    OpenShift Client
    This client helps you develop, build, deploy, and run your applications on any OpenShift or Kubernetes compatible
    platform. It also includes the administrative commands for managing a cluster under the 'adm' subcommand.
      oc [flags]
    Basic Commands:
      login           Log in to a server
      new-project     Request a new project
      new-app         Create a new application

  • Use the --help flag to get help about a specific CLI command:

    Example: Get help for the oc create command

    $ oc create --help
    Create a resource by filename or stdin
    JSON and YAML formats are accepted.
      oc create -f FILENAME [flags]

  • Use the oc explain command to view the description and fields for a particular resource:

    Example: View documentation for the Pod resource

    $ oc explain pods
    KIND:     Pod
    VERSION:  v1
         Pod is a collection of containers that can run on a host. This resource is
         created by clients and scheduled onto hosts.
       apiVersion	<string>
         APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an
         object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal
         value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:

1.1.6. Logging out of the CLI

You can log out the CLI to end your current session.

  • Use the oc logout command.

    $ oc logout
    Logged "user1" out on ""

This deletes the saved authentication token from the server and removes it from your configuration file.

1.2. Configuring the CLI

1.2.1. Enabling tab completion

After you install the oc CLI tool, you can enable tab completion to automatically complete oc commands or suggest options when you press Tab.


  • You must have the oc CLI tool installed.


The following procedure enables tab completion for Bash.

  1. Save the Bash completion code to a file.

    $ oc completion bash > oc_bash_completion
  2. Copy the file to /etc/bash_completion.d/.

    $ sudo cp oc_bash_completion /etc/bash_completion.d/

    You can also save the file to a local directory and source it from your .bashrc file instead.

Tab completion is enabled when you open a new terminal.

1.3. Extending the CLI with plug-ins

You can write and install plug-ins to build on the default oc commands, allowing you to perform new and more complex tasks with the OpenShift Container Platform CLI.

1.3.1. Writing CLI plug-ins

You can write a plug-in for the OpenShift Container Platform CLI in any programming language or script that allows you to write command-line commands. Note that you can not use a plug-in to overwrite an existing oc command.


OpenShift CLI plug-ins are currently a Technology Preview feature. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend to use them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

See the Red Hat Technology Preview features support scope for more information.


This procedure creates a simple Bash plug-in that prints a message to the terminal when the oc foo command is issued.

  1. Create a file called oc-foo.

    When naming your plug-in file, keep the following in mind:

    • The file must begin with oc- or kubectl- in order to be recognized as a plug-in.
    • The file name determines the command that invokes the plug-in. For example, a plug-in with the file name oc-foo-bar can be invoked by a command of oc foo bar. You can also use underscores if you want the command to contain dashes. For example, a plug-in with the file name oc-foo_bar can be invoked by a command of oc foo-bar.
  2. Add the following contents to the file.

    # optional argument handling
    if [[ "$1" == "version" ]]
        echo "1.0.0"
        exit 0
    # optional argument handling
    if [[ "$1" == "config" ]]
        echo $KUBECONFIG
        exit 0
    echo "I am a plugin named kubectl-foo"

After you install this plug-in for the OpenShift Container Platform CLI, it can be invoked using the oc foo command.

Additional resources

1.3.2. Installing and using CLI plug-ins

After you write a custom plug-in for the OpenShift Container Platform CLI, you must install it to use the functionality that it provides.


OpenShift CLI plug-ins are currently a Technology Preview feature. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend to use them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

See the Red Hat Technology Preview features support scope for more information.


  • You must have the oc CLI tool installed.
  • You must have a CLI plug-in file that begins with oc- or kubectl-.


  1. If necessary, update the plug-in file to be executable.

    $ chmod +x <plugin_file>
  2. Place the file anywhere in your PATH, such as /usr/local/bin/.

    $ sudo mv <plugin_file> /usr/local/bin/.
  3. Run oc plugin list to make sure that the plug-in is listed.

    $ oc plugin list
    The following compatible plugins are available:

    If your plug-in is not listed here, verify that the file begins with oc- or kubectl-, is executable, and is on your PATH.

  4. Invoke the new command or option introduced by the plug-in.

    For example, if you built and installed the kubectl-ns plug-in from the Sample plug-in repository, you can use the following command to view the current namespace.

    $ oc ns

    Note that the command to invoke the plug-in depends on the plug-in file name. For example, a plug-in with the file name of oc-foo-bar is invoked by the oc foo bar command.

1.4. Developer CLI commands

1.4.1. Basic CLI commands explain

Display documentation for a certain resource.

Example: Display documentation for Pods

$ oc explain pods login

Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform server and save login information for subsequent use.

Example: Interactive login

$ oc login

Example: Log in specifying a user name

$ oc login -u user1 new-app

Create a new application by specifying source code, a template, or an image.

Example: Create a new application from a local Git repository

$ oc new-app .

Example: Create a new application from a remote Git repository

$ oc new-app

Example: Create a new application from a private remote repository

$ oc new-app --source-secret=yoursecret new-project

Create a new project and switch to it as the default project in your configuration.

Example: Create a new project

$ oc new-project myproject project

Switch to another project and make it the default in your configuration.

Example: Switch to a different project

$ oc project test-project projects

Display information about the current active project and existing projects on the server.

Example: List all projects

$ oc projects status

Show a high-level overview of the current project.

Example: Show the status of the current project

$ oc status

1.4.2. Build and Deploy CLI commands cancel-build

Cancel a running, pending, or new build.

Example: Cancel a build

$ oc cancel-build python-1

Example: Cancel all pending builds from the python BuildConfig

$ oc cancel-build buildconfig/python --state=pending import-image

Import the latest tag and image information from an image repository.

Example: Import the latest image information

$ oc import-image my-ruby new-build

Create a new BuildConfig from source code.

Example: Create a BuildConfig from a local Git repository

$ oc new-build .

Example: Create a BuildConfig from a remote Git repository

$ oc new-build rollback

Revert an application back to a previous Deployment.

Example: Roll back to the last successful Deployment

$ oc rollback php

Example: Roll back to a specific version

$ oc rollback php --to-version=3 rollout

Start a new rollout, view its status or history, or roll back to a previous revision of your application.

Example: Roll back to the last successful Deployment

$ oc rollout undo deploymentconfig/php

Example: Start a new rollout for a DeploymentConfig with its latest state

$ oc rollout latest deploymentconfig/php start-build

Start a build from a BuildConfig or copy an existing build.

Example: Start a build from the specified BuildConfig

$ oc start-build python

Example: Start a build from a previous build

$ oc start-build --from-build=python-1

Example: Set an environment variable to use for the current build

$ oc start-build python --env=mykey=myvalue tag

Tag existing images into imagestreams.

Example: Configure the ruby image’s latest tag to refer to the image for the 2.0 tag

$ oc tag ruby:latest ruby:2.0

1.4.3. Application management CLI commands annotate

Update the annotations on one or more resources.

Example: Add an annotation to a Route

$ oc annotate route/test-route""

Example: Remove the annotation from the Route

$ oc annotate route/test-route apply

Apply a configuration to a resource by file name or standard in (stdin) in JSON or YAML format.

Example: Apply the configuration in pod.json to a Pod

$ oc apply -f pod.json autoscale

Autoscale a DeploymentConfig or ReplicationController.

Example: Autoscale to a minimum of two and maximum of five Pods

$ oc autoscale deploymentconfig/parksmap-katacoda --min=2 --max=5 create

Create a resource by file name or standard in (stdin) in JSON or YAML format.

Example: Create a Pod using the content in pod.json

$ oc create -f pod.json delete

Delete a resource.

Example: Delete a Pod named parksmap-katacoda-1-qfqz4

$ oc delete pod/parksmap-katacoda-1-qfqz4

Example: Delete all Pods with the app=parksmap-katacoda label

$ oc delete pods -l app=parksmap-katacoda describe

Return detailed information about a specific object.

Example: Describe a Deployment named example

$ oc describe deployment/example

Example: Describe all Pods

$ oc describe pods edit

Edit a resource.

Example: Edit a DeploymentConfig using the default editor

$ oc edit deploymentconfig/parksmap-katacoda

Example: Edit a DeploymentConfig using a different editor

$ OC_EDITOR="nano" oc edit deploymentconfig/parksmap-katacoda

Example: Edit a DeploymentConfig in JSON format

$ oc edit deploymentconfig/parksmap-katacoda -o json expose

Expose a Service externally as a Route.

Example: Expose a Service

$ oc expose service/parksmap-katacoda

Example: Expose a Service and specify the host name

$ oc expose service/parksmap-katacoda get

Display one or more resources.

Example: List Pods in the default namespace

$ oc get pods -n default

Example: Get details about the python DeploymentConfig in JSON format

$ oc get deploymentconfig/python -o json label

Update the labels on one or more resources.

Example: Update the python-1-mz2rf Pod with the label status set to unhealthy

$ oc label pod/python-1-mz2rf status=unhealthy scale

Set the desired number of replicas for a ReplicationController or a DeploymentConfig.

Example: Scale the ruby-app DeploymentConfig to three Pods

$ oc scale deploymentconfig/ruby-app --replicas=3 secrets

Manage secrets in your project.

Example: Allow my-pull-secret to be used as an image pull secret by the default service account

$ oc secrets link default my-pull-secret --for=pull serviceaccounts

Get a token assigned to a service account or create a new token or kubeconfig file for a service account.

Example: Get the token assigned to the default service account

$ oc serviceaccounts get-token default set

Configure existing application resources.

Example: Sets the name of a secret on a BuildConfig

$ oc set build-secret --source buildconfig/mybc mysecret

1.4.4. Troubleshooting and debugging CLI commands attach

Attach the shell to a running container.

Example: Get output from the python container from Pod python-1-mz2rf

$ oc attach python-1-mz2rf -c python cp

Copy files and directories to and from containers.

Example: Copy a file from the python-1-mz2rf Pod to the local file system

$ oc cp default/python-1-mz2rf:/opt/app-root/src/ ~/mydirectory/. debug

Launch a command shell to debug a running application.

Example: Debug the python Deployment

$ oc debug deploymentconfig/python exec

Execute a command in a container.

Example: Execute the ls command in the python container from Pod python-1-mz2rf

$ oc exec python-1-mz2rf -c python ls logs

Retrieve the log output for a specific build, BuildConfig, DeploymentConfig, or Pod.

Example: Stream the latest logs from the python DeploymentConfig

$ oc logs -f deploymentconfig/python port-forward

Forward one or more local ports to a Pod.

Example: Listen on port 8888 locally and forward to port 5000 in the Pod

$ oc port-forward python-1-mz2rf 8888:5000 proxy

Run a proxy to the Kubernetes API server.

Example: Run a proxy to the API server on port 8011 serving static content from ./local/www/

$ oc proxy --port=8011 --www=./local/www/ rsh

Open a remote shell session to a container.

Example: Open a shell session on the first container in the python-1-mz2rf Pod

$ oc rsh python-1-mz2rf rsync

Copy contents of a directory to or from a running Pod container. Only changed files are copied using the rsync command from your operating system.

Example: Synchronize files from a local directory with a Pod directory

$ oc rsync ~/mydirectory/ python-1-mz2rf:/opt/app-root/src/ run

Create and run a particular image. By default, this creates a DeploymentConfig to manage the created containers.

Example: Start an instance of the perl image with three replicas

$ oc run my-test --image=perl --replicas=3 wait

Wait for a specific condition on one or more resources.

Example: Wait for the python-1-mz2rf Pod to be deleted

$ oc wait --for=delete pod/python-1-mz2rf

1.4.5. Advanced developer CLI commands api-resources

Display the full list of API resources that the server supports.

Example: List the supported API resources

$ oc api-resources api-versions

Display the full list of API versions that the server supports.

Example: List the supported API versions

$ oc api-versions auth

Inspect permissions and reconcile RBAC roles.

Example: Check whether the current user can read Pod logs

$ oc auth can-i get pods --subresource=log

Example: Reconcile RBAC roles and permissions from a file

$ oc auth reconcile -f policy.json cluster-info

Display the address of the master and cluster services.

Example: Display cluster information

$ oc cluster-info convert

Convert a YAML or JSON configuration file to a different API version and print to standard output (stdout).

Example: Convert pod.yaml to the latest version

$ oc convert -f pod.yaml extract

Extract the contents of a ConfigMap or secret. Each key in the ConfigMap or secret is created as a separate file with the name of the key.

Example: Download the contents of the ruby-1-ca ConfigMap to the current directory

$ oc extract configmap/ruby-1-ca

Example: Print the contents of the ruby-1-ca ConfigMap to stdout

$ oc extract configmap/ruby-1-ca --to=- idle

Idle scalable resources. An idled Service will automatically become unidled when it receives traffic or it can be manually unidled using the oc scale command.

Example: Idle the ruby-app Service

$ oc idle ruby-app image

Manage images in your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example: Copy an image to another tag

$ oc image mirror observe

Observe changes to resources and take action on them.

Example: Observe changes to Services

$ oc observe services patch

Updates one or more fields of an object using strategic merge patch in JSON or YAML format.

Example: Update the spec.unschedulable field for node node1 to true

$ oc patch node/node1 -p '{"spec":{"unschedulable":true}}'


If you must patch a Custom Resource Definition, you must include the --type merge option in the command. policy

Manage authorization policies.

Example: Add the edit role to user1 for the current project

$ oc policy add-role-to-user edit user1 process

Process a template into a list of resources.

Example: Convert template.json to a resource list and pass to oc create

$ oc process -f template.json | oc create -f - registry

Manage the integrated registry on OpenShift Container Platform.

Example: Display information about the integrated registry

$ oc registry info replace

Modify an existing object based on the contents of the specified configuration file.

Example: Update a Pod using the content in pod.json

$ oc replace -f pod.json

1.4.6. Settings CLI commands completion

Output shell completion code for the specified shell.

Example: Display completion code for Bash

$ oc completion bash config

Manage the client configuration files.

Example: Display the current configuration

$ oc config view

Example: Switch to a different context

$ oc config use-context test-context logout

Log out of the current session.

Example: End the current session

$ oc logout whoami

Display information about the current session.

Example: Display the currently authenticated user

$ oc whoami

1.4.7. Other developer CLI commands help

Display general help information for the CLI and a list of available commands.

Example: Display available commands

$ oc help

Example: Display the help for the new-project command

$ oc help new-project plugin

List the available plug-ins on the user’s PATH.

Example: List available plug-ins

$ oc plugin list version

Display the oc client and server versions.

Example: Display version information

$ oc version

For cluster administrators, the OpenShift Container Platform server version is also displayed.

1.5. Administrator CLI commands

1.5.1. Cluster management CLI commands must-gather

Bulk collect data about the current state of your cluster to debug issues.

Example: Gather debugging information

$ oc adm must-gather top

Show usage statistics of resources on the server.

Example: Show CPU and memory usage for Pods

$ oc adm top pods

Example: Show usage statistics for images

$ oc adm top images

1.5.2. Node management CLI commands cordon

Mark a node as unschedulable. Manually marking a node as unschedulable blocks any new pods from being scheduled on the node, but does not affect existing pods on the node.

Example: Mark node1 as unschedulable

$ oc adm cordon node1 drain

Drain a node in preparation for maintenance.

Example: Drain node1

$ oc adm drain node1 node-logs

Display and filter node logs.

Example: Get logs for NetworkManager

$ oc adm node-logs --role master -u NetworkManager.service taint

Update the taints on one or more nodes.

Example: Add a taint to dedicate a node for a set of users

$ oc adm taint nodes node1 dedicated=groupName:NoSchedule

Example: Remove the taints with key dedicated from node node1

$ oc adm taint nodes node1 dedicated- uncordon

Mark a node as schedulable.

Example: Mark node1 as schedulable

$ oc adm uncordon node1

1.5.3. Security and policy CLI commands certificate

Approve or reject certificate signing requests (CSRs).

Example: Approve a CSR

$ oc adm certificate approve csr-sqgzp groups

Manage groups in your cluster.

Example: Create a new group

$ oc adm groups new my-group new-project

Create a new project and specify administrative options.

Example: Create a new project using a node selector

$ oc adm new-project myproject --node-selector='type=user-node,region=east' pod-network

Manage Pod networks in the cluster.

Example: Isolate project1 and project2 from other non-global projects

$ oc adm pod-network isolate-projects project1 project2 policy

Manage roles and policies on the cluster.

Example: Add the edit role to user1 for all projects

$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user edit user1

Example: Add the privileged security context constraint to a service account

$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z myserviceaccount

1.5.4. Maintenance CLI commands migrate

Migrate resources on the cluster to a new version or format depending on the subcommand used.

Example: Perform an update of all stored objects

$ oc adm migrate storage

Example: Perform an update of only Pods

$ oc adm migrate storage --include=pods prune

Remove older versions of resources from the server.

Example: Prune older builds including those whose BuildConfigs no longer exist

$ oc adm prune builds --orphans

1.5.5. Configuration CLI commands create-api-client-config

Create a client configuration for connecting to the server. This creates a folder containing a client certificate, a client key, a server certificate authority, and a kubeconfig file for connecting to the master as the provided user.

Example: Generate a client certificate for a proxy

$ oc adm create-api-client-config \
  --certificate-authority='/etc/origin/master/proxyca.crt' \
  --client-dir='/etc/origin/master/proxy' \
  --signer-cert='/etc/origin/master/proxyca.crt' \
  --signer-key='/etc/origin/master/proxyca.key' \
  --signer-serial='/etc/origin/master/proxyca.serial.txt' \
  --user='system:proxy' create-bootstrap-policy-file

Create the default bootstrap policy.

Example: Create a file called policy.json with the default bootstrap policy

$ oc adm create-bootstrap-policy-file --filename=policy.json create-bootstrap-project-template

Create a bootstrap project template.

Example: Output a bootstrap project template in YAML format to stdout

$ oc adm create-bootstrap-project-template -o yaml create-error-template

Create a template for customizing the error page.

Example: Output a template for the error page to stdout

$ oc adm create-error-template create-kubeconfig

Creates a basic .kubeconfig file from client certificates.

Example: Create a .kubeconfig file with the provided client certificates

$ oc adm create-kubeconfig \
  --client-certificate=/path/to/client.crt \
  --client-key=/path/to/client.key \
  --certificate-authority=/path/to/ca.crt create-login-template

Create a template for customizing the login page.

Example: Output a template for the login page to stdout

$ oc adm create-login-template create-provider-selection-template

Create a template for customizing the provider selection page.

Example: Output a template for the provider selection page to stdout

$ oc adm create-provider-selection-template

1.5.6. Other Administrator CLI commands build-chain

Output the inputs and dependencies of any builds.

Example: Output dependencies for the perl imagestream

$ oc adm build-chain perl completion

Output shell completion code for the oc adm commands for the specified shell.

Example: Display oc adm completion code for Bash

$ oc adm completion bash config

Manage the client configuration files. This command has the same behavior as the oc config command.

Example: Display the current configuration

$ oc adm config view

Example: Switch to a different context

$ oc adm config use-context test-context release

Manage various aspects of the OpenShift Container Platform release process, such as viewing information about a release or inspecting the contents of a release.

Example: Generate a changelog between two releases and save to

$ oc adm release info --changelog=/tmp/git \ \ \
    > verify-image-signature

Verify the image signature of an image imported to the internal registry using the local public GPG key.

Example: Verify the nodejs image signature

$ oc adm verify-image-signature \
    sha256:2bba968aedb7dd2aafe5fa8c7453f5ac36a0b9639f1bf5b03f95de325238b288 \
    --expected-identity \
    --public-key /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release \

1.6. Usage of oc and kubectl commands

Kubernetes' command line interface (CLI), kubectl, can be used to run commands against a Kubernetes cluster. Because OpenShift Container Platform is a certified Kubernetes distribution, you can use the supported kubectl binaries that ship with OpenShift Container Platform, or you can gain extended functionality by using the oc binary.

1.6.1. The oc binary

The oc binary offers the same capabilities as the kubectl binary, but it extends to natively support additional OpenShift Container Platform features, including:

  • Full support for OpenShift Container Platform resources

    Resources such as DeploymentConfigs, BuildConfigs, Routes, ImageStreams, and ImageStreamTags are specific to OpenShift Container Platform distributions, and build upon standard Kubernetes primitives.

  • Authentication

    The oc binary offers a built-in login command that allows authentication and enables you to work with OpenShift Container Platform projects, which map Kubernetes namespaces to authenticated users. See Understanding authentication for more information.

  • Additional commands

    The additional command oc new-app, for example, makes it easier to get new applications started using existing source code or pre-built images. Similarly, the additional command oc new-project makes it easier to start a project that you can switch to as your default.

1.6.2. The kubectl binary

The kubectl binary is provided as a means to support existing workflows and scripts for new OpenShift Container Platform users coming from a standard Kubernetes environment, or for those who prefer to use the kubectl CLI. Existing users of kubectl can continue to use the binary to interact with Kubernetes primitives, with no changes required to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

For more information, see the kubectl docs.

Chapter 2. OpenShift Do developer CLI (odo)

2.1. Understanding OpenShift Do

OpenShift Do (odo) is a fast and easy-to-use CLI tool for creating applications on OpenShift Container Platform. odo allows developers to concentrate on creating applications without the need to administrate an OpenShift Container Platform cluster itself. Creating deployment configurations, build configurations, service routes and other OpenShift Container Platform elements are all automated by odo.

Existing tools such as oc are more operations-focused and require a deep understanding of Kubernetes and OpenShift Container Platform concepts. odo abstracts away complex Kubernetes and OpenShift Container Platform concepts allowing developers to focus on what is most important to them: code.

2.1.1. Key features

odo is designed to be simple and concise with the following key features:

  • Simple syntax and design centered around concepts familiar to developers, such as projects, applications, and components.
  • Completely client based. No additional server other than OpenShift Container Platform is required for deployment.
  • Official support for Node.js and Java components.
  • Partial compatibility with languages and frameworks such as Ruby, Perl, PHP, and Python.
  • Detects changes to local code and deploys it to the cluster automatically, giving instant feedback to validate changes in real time.
  • Lists all the available components and services from the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

2.1.2. Core concepts

A project is your source code, tests, and libraries organized in a separate single unit.
An application is a program designed for end users. An application consists of multiple microservices or components that work individually to build the entire application. Examples of applications: a video game, a media player, a web browser.
A component is a set of Kubernetes resources which host code or data. Each component can be run and deployed separately. Examples of components: Node.js, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby.
A service is software that your component links to or depends on. Examples of services: MariaDB, Jenkins, MySQL. In odo, services are provisioned from the OpenShift Service Catalog and must be enabled within your cluster. Officially supported languages and corresponding container images
Table 2.1. Supported languages, container images, and package managers
LanguageContainer imagePackage manager


















Maven, Gradle



Maven, Gradle



Maven, Gradle Listing available container images

The list of available container images is sourced from the cluster’s internal container registry and external registries associated with the cluster.

To list the available components and associated container images for your cluster:

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster with odo:

    $ odo login -u developer -p developer
  2. List the available odo supported and unsupported components and corresponding container images:

    $ odo catalog list components
    Odo Supported OpenShift Components:
    NAME        PROJECT      TAGS
    java       openshift     8,latest
    nodejs     openshift     10,8,8-RHOAR,latest
    Odo Unsupported OpenShift Components:
    NAME                      PROJECT       TAGS
    dotnet                    openshift     1.0,1.1,2.1,2.2,latest
    fuse7-eap-openshift       openshift     1.3

    The TAGS column represents the available image versions, for example, 10 represents the rhoar-nodejs/nodejs-10 container image.

2.2. odo architecture

This section describes odo architecture and how odo manages OpenShift Container Platform resources on a cluster.

2.2.1. Developer setup

With odo you can create and deploy application on OpenShift Container Platform clusters from a terminal. Code editor plug-ins use odo which allows users to interact with OpenShift Container Platform clusters from their IDE terminals. Examples of plug-ins that use odo: VS Code Openshift Connector, Openshift Connector for Intellij, Codewind for Eclipse Che.

odo works on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems and from any terminal. odo provides autocompletion for bash and zsh command line shells.

odo 1.0 supports Node.js and Java components.

2.2.2. OpenShift source-to-image

Openshift Source-to-Image (S2I) is an open-source project which helps in building artifacts from source code and injecting these into container images. S2I produces ready-to-run images by building source code without the need of a Dockerfile. odo uses S2I builder image for executing developer source code inside a container.

2.2.3. OpenShift cluster objects Init Containers

Init containers are specialized containers that run before the application container starts and configure the necessary environment for the application containers to run. Init containers can have files that application images do not have, for example setup scripts. Init containers always run to completion and the application container does not start if any of the init containers fails.

The Pod created by odo executes two Init Containers:

  • The copy-supervisord Init container.
  • The copy-files-to-volume Init container. copy-supervisord

The copy-supervisord Init container copies necessary files onto an emptyDir Volume. The main application container utilizes these files from the emptyDir Volume.

Files that are copied onto the emptyDir Volume:

  • Binaries:

    • go-init is a minimal init system. It runs as the first process (PID 1) inside the application container. go-init starts the SupervisorD daemon which runs the developer code. go-init is required to handle orphaned processes.
    • SupervisorD is a process control system. It watches over configured processes and ensures that they are running. It also restarts services when necessary. For odo, SupervisorD executes and monitors the developer code.
  • Configuration files:

    • supervisor.conf is the configuration file necessary for the SupervisorD daemon to start.
  • Scripts:

    • assemble-and-restart is an OpenShift S2I concept to build and deploy user-source code. The assemble-and-restart script first assembles the user source code inside the application container and then restarts SupervisorD for user changes to take effect.
    • Run is an OpenShift S2I concept of executing the assembled source code. The run script executes the assembled code created by the assemble-and-restart script.
    • s2i-setup is a script that creates files and directories which are necessary for the assemble-and-restart and run scripts to execute successfully. The script is executed whenever the application container starts.
  • Directories:

    • language-scripts: Openshift S2I allows custom assemble and run scripts. A few language specific custom scripts are present in the language-scripts directory. The custom scripts provide additional configuration to make odo debug work.

The emtpyDir Volume is mounted at the /opt/odo mount point for both the Init container and the application container. copy-files-to-volume

The copy-files-to-volume Init container copies files that are in /opt/app-root in the S2I builder image onto the Persistent Volume. The volume is then mounted at the same location (/opt/app-root) in an application container.

Without the PersistentVolume on /opt/app-root the data in this directory is lost when PersistentVolumeClaim is mounted at the same location.

The PVC is mounted at the /mnt mount point inside the Init container. Application container

Application container is the main container inside of which the user-source code executes.

Application container is mounted with two Volumes:

  • emptyDir Volume mounted at /opt/odo
  • The PersistentVolume mounted at /opt/app-root

go-init is executed as the first process inside the application container. The go-init process then starts the SupervisorD daemon.

SupervisorD executes and monitores the user assembled source code. If the user process crashes, SupervisorD restarts it. PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim

PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is a volume type in Kubernetes which provisions a PersistentVolume. The life of a PersistentVolume is independent of a Pod lifecycle. The data on the PersistentVolume persists across Pod restarts.

The copy-files-to-volume Init container copies necessary files onto the PersistentVolume. The main application container utilizes these files at runtime for execution.

The naming convention of the PersistentVolume is <component-name>-s2idata.

ContainerPVC Mounted at



Application container

/opt/app-root emptyDir Volume

An emptyDir Volume is created when a Pod is assigned to a node, and exists as long as that Pod is running on the node. If the container is restarted or moved, the content of the emptyDir is removed, Init container restores the data back to the emptyDir. emptyDir is initially empty.

The copy-supervisord Init container copies necessary files onto the emptyDir volume. These files are then utilized by the main application container at runtime for execution.

ContaineremptyDir Volume Mounted at



Application container

/opt/odo Service

Service is a Kubernetes concept of abstracting the way of communicating with a set of Pods.

odo creates a Service for every application Pod to make it accessible for communication.

2.2.4. odo push workflow

This section describes odo push workflow. odo push deploys user code on an OpenShift Container Platform cluster with all the necessary OpenShift Container Platform resources.

  1. Creating resources

    If not already created, odo push creates the following OpenShift Container Platform resources:

    • Deployment config (DC):

      • Two init containers are executed: copy-supervisord and copy-files-to-volume. The init containers copy files onto the emptyDir and the PersistentVolume type of volumes respectively.
      • The application container starts. The first process in the application container is the go-init process with PID=1.
      • go-init process starts the SupervisorD daemon.


        The user application code has not been copied into the application container yet, so the SupervisorD daemon does not execute the run script.

    • Service
    • Secrets
    • PersistentVolumeClaim
  2. Indexing files

    • A file indexer indexes the files in the source code directory. The indexer traverses through the source code directories recursively and finds files which have been created, deleted, or renamed.
    • A file indexer maintains the indexed information in an odo index file inside the .odo directory.
    • If the odo index file is not present, it means that the file indexer is being executed for the first time, and creates a new odo index JSON file. The odo index JSON file contains a file map - the relative file paths of the traversed files and the absolute paths of the changed and deleted files.
  3. Pushing code

    Local code is copied into the application container, usually under /tmp/src.

  4. Executing assemble-and-restart

    On a successful copy of the source code, the assemble-and-restart script is executed inside the running application container.

2.3. Installing odo

The following section describes how to install odo on different platforms.


Currently, odo does not support installation in a restricted network environment.

2.3.1. Installing odo on Linux Binary installation
# curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/odo
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/odo Tarball installation
# sh -c 'curl -L | gzip -d > /usr/local/bin/odo'
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/odo

2.3.2. Installing odo on Windows Binary installation
  1. Download the latest odo.exe file.
  2. Add the location of your odo.exe to your GOPATH/bin directory.
Setting the PATH variable for Windows 7/8

The following example demonstrates how to set up a path variable. Your binaries can be located in any location, but this example uses C:\go-bin as the location.

  1. Create a folder at C:\go-bin.
  2. Right click Start and click Control Panel.
  3. Select System and Security and then click System.
  4. From the menu on the left, select the Advanced systems settings and click the Environment Variables button at the bottom.
  5. Select Path from the Variable section and click Edit.
  6. Click New and type C:\go-bin into the field or click Browse and select the directory, and click OK.
Setting the PATH variable for Windows 10

Edit Environment Variables using search:

  1. Click Search and type env or environment.
  2. Select Edit environment variables for your account.
  3. Select Path from the Variable section and click Edit.
  4. Click New and type C:\go-bin into the field or click Browse and select the directory, and click OK.

2.3.3. Installing odo on macOS Binary installation
# curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/odo
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/odo Tarball installation
# sh -c 'curl -L | gzip -d > /usr/local/bin/odo'
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/odo

2.4. Using odo in a restricted environment

2.4.1. About odo in a restricted environment

To run odo in a disconnected OpenShift Container Platform cluster or a cluster provisioned in a restricted environment, you must ensure that a cluster administrator has created a cluster with a mirrored registry.

To start working in a disconnected cluster, you must first push the odo init image to the registry of the cluster and then overwrite the odo init image path using the ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE environment variable.

After you push the odo init image, you must mirror a supported builder image from the registry, overwrite a mirror registry and then create your application. A builder image is necessary to configure a runtime environment for your application and also contains the build tool needed to build your application, for example npm for Node.js or Maven for Java. A mirror registry contains all the necessary dependencies for your application.

2.4.2. Pushing the odo init image to the restricted cluster registry

Depending on the configuration of your cluster and your operating system you can either push the odo init image to a mirror registry or directly to an internal registry.


  • Install oc on the client operating system.
  • Install odo on the client operating system.
  • Access to an OpenShift Container Platform restricted cluster with a configured internal registry or a mirror registry. Pushing the odo init image to a mirror registry

Depending on your operating system, you can push the odo init image to a cluster with a mirror registry as follows: Pushing the init image to a mirror registry on Linux


  1. Use base64 to encode the root certification authority (CA) content of your mirror registry:

    $ echo <content_of_additional_ca> | base64 -d > disconnect-ca.crt
  2. Copy the encoded root CA certificate to the appropriate location:

    $ sudo cp ./disconnect-ca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/<mirror-registry>.crt
  3. Trust a CA in your client platform and log into the OpenShift Container Platform mirror registry:

    $ sudo update-ca-trust enable && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart / docker && docker login <mirror-registry>:5000 -u <username> -p <password>
  4. Mirror the odo init image:

    $ oc image mirror<tag> <mirror-registry>:5000/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag>
  5. Override the default odo init image path by setting the ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE environment variable:

    $ export ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE=<mirror-registry>:5000/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag> Pushing the init image to a mirror registry on MacOS


  1. Use base64 to encode the root certification authority (CA) content of your mirror registry:

    $ echo <content_of_additional_ca> | base64 -d > disconnect-ca.crt
  2. Copy the encoded root CA certificate to the appropriate location:

    1. Restart Docker using the Docker UI.
    2. Run the following command:

      $ docker login <mirror-registry>:5000 -u <username> -p <password>
  3. Mirror the odo init image:

    $ oc image mirror<tag> <mirror-registry>:5000/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag>
  4. Override the default odo init image path by setting the ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE environment variable:

    $ export ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE=<mirror-registry>:5000/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag> Pushing the init image to a mirror registry on Windows


  1. Use base64 to encode the root certification authority (CA) content of your mirror registry:

    PS C:\> echo <content_of_additional_ca> | base64 -d > disconnect-ca.crt
  2. As an administrator, copy the encoded root CA certificate to the appropriate location by executing the following command:

    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> certutil -addstore -f "ROOT" disconnect-ca.crt
  3. Trust a CA in your client platform and log into the OpenShift Container Platform mirror registry:

    1. Restart Docker using the Docker UI.
    2. Run the following command:

      PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker login <mirror-registry>:5000 -u <username> -p <password>
  4. Mirror the odo init image:

    PS C:\> oc image mirror<tag> <mirror-registry>:5000/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag>
  5. Override the default odo init image path by setting the ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE environment variable:

    PS C:\> $env:ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE="<mirror-registry>:5000/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag>" Pushing the odo init image to an internal registry directly

If your cluster allows images to be pushed to the internal registry directly, push the odo init image to the registry as follows: Pushing the init image directly on Linux


  1. Enable the default route:

    $ oc patch cluster -p '{"spec":{"defaultRoute":true}}' --type='merge' -n openshift-image-registry
  2. Get a wildcard route CA:

    $ oc get secret router-certs-default -n openshift-ingress -o yaml
    apiVersion: v1
      tls.crt: **************************
      tls.key: ##################
    kind: Secret
  3. Use base64 to encode the root certification authority (CA) content of your mirror registry:

    $ echo <tls.crt> | base64 -d > ca.crt
  4. Trust a CA in your client platform:

    $ sudo cp ca.crt  /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/externalroute.crt && sudo update-ca-trust enable && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart docker
  5. Log into the internal registry:

    $ oc get route -n openshift-image-registry
    default-route   <registry_path>          image-registry   <all>   reencrypt     None
    $ docker login <registry_path> -u kubeadmin -p $(oc whoami -t)
  6. Push the odo init image:

    $ docker pull<tag>
    $ docker tag<tag> <registry_path>/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag>
    $ docker push <registry_path>/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag>
  7. Override the default odo init image path by setting the ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE environment variable:

    $ export ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE=<registry_path>/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:1.0.1 Pushing the init image directly on MacOS


  1. Enable the default route:

    $ oc patch cluster -p '{"spec":{"defaultRoute":true}}' --type='merge' -n openshift-image-registry
  2. Get a wildcard route CA:

    $ oc get secret router-certs-default -n openshift-ingress -o yaml
    apiVersion: v1
      tls.crt: **************************
      tls.key: ##################
    kind: Secret
  3. Use base64 to encode the root certification authority (CA) content of your mirror registry:

    $ echo <tls.crt> | base64 -d > ca.crt
  4. Trust a CA in your client platform:

    $ sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ca.crt
  5. Log into the internal registry:

    $ oc get route -n openshift-image-registry
    default-route   <registry_path>          image-registry   <all>   reencrypt     None
    $ docker login <registry_path> -u kubeadmin -p $(oc whoami -t)
  6. Push the odo init image:

    $ docker pull<tag>
    $ docker tag<tag> <registry_path>/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag>
    $ docker push <registry_path>/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag>
  7. Override the default odo init image path by setting the ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE environment variable:

    $ export ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE=<registry_path>/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:1.0.1 Pushing the init image directly on Windows


  1. Enable the default route:

    PS C:\> oc patch cluster -p '{"spec":{"defaultRoute":true}}' --type='merge' -n openshift-image-registry
  2. Get a wildcard route CA:

    PS C:\> oc get secret router-certs-default -n openshift-ingress -o yaml
    apiVersion: v1
      tls.crt: **************************
      tls.key: ##################
    kind: Secret
  3. Use base64 to encode the root certification authority (CA) content of your mirror registry:

    PS C:\> echo <tls.crt> | base64 -d > ca.crt
  4. As an administrator, trust a CA in your client platform by executing the following command:

    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> certutil -addstore -f "ROOT" ca.crt
  5. Log into the internal registry:

    PS C:\> oc get route -n openshift-image-registry
    default-route   <registry_path>          image-registry   <all>   reencrypt     None
    PS C:\> docker login <registry_path> -u kubeadmin -p $(oc whoami -t)
  6. Push the odo init image:

    PS C:\> docker pull<tag>
    PS C:\> docker tag<tag> <registry_path>/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag>
    PS C:\> docker push <registry_path>/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag>
  7. Override the default odo init image path by setting the ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE environment variable:

    PS C:\> $env:ODO_BOOTSTRAPPER_IMAGE="<registry_path>/openshiftdo/odo-init-image-rhel7:<tag>"

2.4.3. Creating and deploying a component to the disconnected cluster

After you push the init image to a cluster with a mirrored registry, you must mirror a supported builder image for your application with the oc tool, overwrite the mirror registry using the environment variable, and then create your component.

Prerequisites Mirroring a supported builder image

To use npm packages for Node.js dependencies and Maven packages for Java dependencies and configure a runtime environment for your application, you must mirror a respective builder image from the mirror registry.


  1. Verify that the required images tag is not imported:

    $ oc describe is nodejs -n openshift
    Name:                   nodejs
    Namespace:              openshift
      tagged from <mirror-registry>:<port>/rhoar-nodejs/nodejs-10
        prefer registry pullthrough when referencing this tag
      Build and run Node.js 10 applications on RHEL 7. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift considerations, see
      Tags: builder, nodejs, hidden
      Example Repo:
      ! error: Import failed (NotFound): "<mirror-registry>:<port>/rhoar-nodejs/nodejs-10:latest" not found
          About an hour ago
    10-SCL (latest)
      tagged from <mirror-registry>:<port>/rhscl/nodejs-10-rhel7
        prefer registry pullthrough when referencing this tag
      Build and run Node.js 10 applications on RHEL 7. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift considerations, see
      Tags: builder, nodejs
      Example Repo:
      ! error: Import failed (NotFound): "<mirror-registry>:<port>/rhscl/nodejs-10-rhel7:latest" not found
          About an hour ago
  2. Mirror the supported image tag to the private registry:

    $ oc image mirror<tag> <private_registry>/rhscl/nodejs-10-rhel7:<tag>
  3. Import the image:

    $ oc tag <mirror-registry>:<port>/rhscl/nodejs-10-rhel7:<tag> nodejs-10-rhel7:latest --scheduled

    You must periodically re-import the image. The --scheduled flag enables automatic re-import of the image.

  4. Verify that the images with the given tag have been imported:

    $ oc describe is nodejs -n openshift
    Name:                   nodejs
    10-SCL (latest)
      tagged from <mirror-registry>:<port>/rhscl/nodejs-10-rhel7
        prefer registry pullthrough when referencing this tag
      Build and run Node.js 10 applications on RHEL 7. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift considerations, see
      Tags: builder, nodejs
      Example Repo:
      * <mirror-registry>:<port>/rhscl/nodejs-10-rhel7@sha256:d669ecbc11ac88293de50219dae8619832c6a0f5b04883b480e073590fab7c54
          3 minutes ago
    [...] Overwriting the mirror registry

To download npm packages for Node.js dependencies and Maven packages for Java dependencies from a private mirror registry, you must create and configure a mirror npm or Maven registry on the cluster. You can then overwrite the mirror registry on an existing component or when you create a new component.


  • To overwrite the mirror registry on an existing component:

    $ odo config set --env NPM_MIRROR=<npm_mirror_registry>
  • To overwrite the mirror registry when creating a component:

    $ odo component create nodejs --env NPM_MIRROR=<npm_mirror_registry> Creating a Node.js application with odo

To create a Node.js component, download the Node.js application and push the source code to your cluster with odo.


  1. Change the current directory to the directory with your application:

    $ cd <directory name>
  2. Add a component of the type Node.js to your application:

    $ odo create nodejs

    By default, the latest image is used. You can also explicitly specify an image version by using odo create openshift/nodejs:8.

  3. Push the initial source code to the component:

    $ odo push

    Your component is now deployed to OpenShift Container Platform.

  4. Create a URL and add an entry in the local configuration file as follows:

    $ odo url create --port 8080
  5. Push the changes. This creates a URL on the cluster.

    $ odo push
  6. List the URLs to check the desired URL for the component.

    $ odo url list
  7. View your deployed application using the generated URL.

    $ curl <URL>

2.5. Creating a single-component application with odo

With odo, you can create and deploy applications on OpenShift Container Platform clusters.


  • odo is installed.
  • You have a running OpenShift Container Platform cluster. You can use CodeReady Containers (CRC) to deploy a local OpenShift Container Platform cluster quickly.

2.5.1. Creating a project

Create a project to keep your source code, tests, and libraries organized in a separate single unit.


  1. Log in to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster:

    $ odo login -u developer -p developer
  2. Create a project:

    $ odo project create myproject
     ✓  Project 'myproject' is ready for use
     ✓  New project created and now using project : myproject

2.5.2. Creating a Node.js application with odo

To create a Node.js component, download the Node.js application and push the source code to your cluster with odo.


  1. Create a directory for your components:

    $ mkdir my_components $$ cd my_components
  2. Download the example Node.js application:

    $ git clone
  3. Change the current directory to the directory with your application:

    $ cd <directory name>
  4. Add a component of the type Node.js to your application:

    $ odo create nodejs

    By default, the latest image is used. You can also explicitly specify an image version by using odo create openshift/nodejs:8.

  5. Push the initial source code to the component:

    $ odo push

    Your component is now deployed to OpenShift Container Platform.

  6. Create a URL and add an entry in the local configuration file as follows:

    $ odo url create --port 8080
  7. Push the changes. This creates a URL on the cluster.

    $ odo push
  8. List the URLs to check the desired URL for the component.

    $ odo url list
  9. View your deployed application using the generated URL.

    $ curl <URL>

2.5.3. Modifying your application code

You can modify your application code and have the changes applied to your application on OpenShift Container Platform.

  1. Edit one of the layout files within the Node.js directory with your preferred text editor.
  2. Update your component:

    $ odo push
  3. Refresh your application in the browser to see the changes.

2.5.4. Adding storage to the application components

Persistent storage keeps data available between restarts of odo. You can add storage to your components with the odo storage command.


  • Add storage to your components:

    $ odo storage create nodestorage --path=/opt/app-root/src/storage/ --size=1Gi

Your component now has 1 GB storage.

2.5.5. Adding a custom builder to specify a build image

With OpenShift Container Platform, you can add a custom image to bridge the gap between the creation of custom images.

The following example demonstrates the successful import and use of the redhat-openjdk-18 image:


  • The OpenShift CLI (oc) is installed.


  1. Import the image into OpenShift Container Platform:

    $ oc import-image openjdk18 \ \
  2. Tag the image to make it accessible to odo:

    $ oc annotate istag/openjdk18:latest tags=builder
  3. Deploy the image with odo:

    $ odo create openjdk18 --git \

2.5.6. Connecting your application to multiple services using OpenShift Service Catalog

The OpenShift service catalog is an implementation of the Open Service Broker API (OSB API) for Kubernetes. You can use it to connect applications deployed in OpenShift Container Platform to a variety of services.


  • You have a running OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • The service catalog is installed and enabled on your cluster.


  • To list the services:

    $ odo catalog list services
  • To use service catalog-related operations:

    $ odo service <verb> <servicename>

2.5.7. Deleting an application


Deleting an application will delete all components associated with the application.


  1. List the applications in the current project:

    $ odo app list
        The project '<project_name>' has the following applications:
  2. List the components associated with the applications. These components will be deleted with the application:

    $ odo component list
        APP     NAME                      TYPE       SOURCE        STATE
        app     nodejs-nodejs-ex-elyf     nodejs     file://./     Pushed
  3. Delete the application:

    $ odo app delete <application_name>
        ? Are you sure you want to delete the application: <application_name> from project: <project_name>
  4. Confirm the deletion with Y. You can suppress the confirmation prompt using the -f flag.

2.6. Creating a multicomponent application with odo

odo allows you to create a multicomponent application, modify it, and link its components in an easy and automated way.

This example describes how to deploy a multicomponent application - a shooter game. The application consists of a front-end Node.js component and a back-end Java component.


  • odo is installed.
  • You have a running OpenShift Container Platform cluster. Developers can use CodeReady Containers (CRC) to deploy a local OpenShift Container Platform cluster quickly.
  • Maven is installed.

2.6.1. Creating a project

Create a project to keep your source code, tests, and libraries organized in a separate single unit.


  1. Log in to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster:

    $ odo login -u developer -p developer
  2. Create a project:

    $ odo project create myproject
     ✓  Project 'myproject' is ready for use
     ✓  New project created and now using project : myproject

2.6.2. Deploying the back-end component

To create a Java component, import the Java builder image, download the Java application and push the source code to your cluster with odo.


  1. Import openjdk18 into the cluster:

    $ oc import-image openjdk18 \ --confirm
  2. Tag the image as builder to make it accessible for odo:

    $ oc annotate istag/openjdk18:latest tags=builder
  3. Run odo catalog list components to see the created image:

    $ odo catalog list components
    Odo Supported OpenShift Components:
    NAME          PROJECT       TAGS
    nodejs        openshift     10,8,8-RHOAR,latest
    openjdk18     myproject     latest
  4. Create a directory for your components:

    $ mkdir my_components $$ cd my_components
  5. Download the example back-end application:

    $ git clone backend
  6. Change directory to the back-end source directory and check that you have the correct files in the directory:

    $ cd backend
    $ ls  pom.xml  src
  7. Build the back-end source files with Maven to create a JAR file:

    $ mvn package
    [INFO] --------------------------------------
    [INFO] --------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 2.635 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2019-09-30T16:11:11-04:00
    [INFO] Final Memory: 30M/91M
    [INFO] --------------------------------------
  8. Create a component configuration of Java component-type named backend:

    $ odo create openjdk18 backend --binary target/wildwest-1.0.jar
     ✓  Validating component [1ms]
     Please use `odo push` command to create the component with source deployed

    Now the configuration file config.yaml is in the local directory of the back-end component that contains information about the component for deployment.

  9. Check the configuration settings of the back-end component in the config.yaml file using:

    $ odo config view
    Type              openjdk18
    Application       app
    Project           myproject
    SourceType        binary
    SourceLocation    target/wildwest-1.0.jar
    Ports             8080/TCP,8443/TCP,8778/TCP
    Name              backend
  10. Push the component to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

    $ odo push
     ✓  Checking component [6ms]
    Configuration changes
     ✓  Initializing component
     ✓  Creating component [124ms]
    Pushing to component backend of type binary
     ✓  Checking files for pushing [1ms]
     ✓  Waiting for component to start [48s]
     ✓  Syncing files to the component [811ms]
     ✓  Building component [3s]

    Using odo push, OpenShift Container Platform creates a container to host the back-end component, deploys the container into a Pod running on the OpenShift Container Platform cluster, and starts the backend component.

  11. Validate:

    • The status of the action in odo:

      odo log -f
      2019-09-30 20:14:19.738  INFO 444 --- [           main] c.o.wildwest.WildWestApplication         : Starting WildWestApplication v1.0 onbackend-app-1-9tnhc with PID 444 (/deployments/wildwest-1.0.jar started by jboss in /deployments)
    • The status of the back-end component:

      $ odo list
      APP     NAME        TYPE          SOURCE                             STATE
      app     backend     openjdk18     file://target/wildwest-1.0.jar     Pushed

2.6.3. Deploying the front-end component

To create and deploy a front-end component, download the Node.js application and push the source code to your cluster with odo.


  1. Download the example front-end application:

    $ git clone
  2. Change the current directory to the front-end directory:

    $ cd <directory-name>
  3. List the contents of the directory to see that the front end is a Node.js application.

    $ ls
    assets  bin  index.html  kwww-frontend.iml  package.json  package-lock.json  playfield.png  server.js

    The front-end component is written in an interpreted language (Node.js); it does not need to be built.

  4. Create a component configuration of Node.js component-type named frontend:

    $ odo create nodejs frontend
     ✓  Validating component [5ms]
    Please use `odo push` command to create the component with source deployed
  5. Push the component to a running container.

    $ odo push
     ✓  Checking component [8ms]
    Configuration changes
     ✓  Initializing component
     ✓  Creating component [83ms]
    Pushing to component frontend of type local
     ✓  Checking files for pushing [2ms]
     ✓  Waiting for component to start [45s]
     ✓  Syncing files to the component [3s]
     ✓  Building component [18s]
     ✓  Changes successfully pushed to component

2.6.4. Linking both components

Components running on the cluster need to be connected in order to interact. OpenShift Container Platform provides linking mechanisms to publish communication bindings from a program to its clients.


  1. List all the components that are running on the cluster:

    $ odo list
    APP     NAME         TYPE          SOURCE                             STATE
    app     backend      openjdk18     file://target/wildwest-1.0.jar     Pushed
    app     frontend     nodejs        file://./                          Pushed
  2. Link the current front-end component to the backend:

    $ odo link backend --port 8080
     ✓  Component backend has been successfully linked from the component frontend
    Following environment variables were added to frontend component:

    The configuration information of the back-end component is added to the front-end component and the front-end component restarts.

2.6.5. Exposing components to the public


  1. Create an external URL for the application:

    $ cd frontend
    $ odo url create frontend --port 8080
     ✓  URL frontend created for component: frontend
    To create URL on the OpenShift  cluster, use `odo push`
  2. Apply the changes:

    $ odo push
     ✓  Checking component [21ms]
    Configuration changes
     ✓  Retrieving component data [35ms]
     ✓  Applying configuration [29ms]
    Applying URL changes
     ✓  URL frontend: created
    Pushing to component frontend of type local
     ✓  Checking file changes for pushing [1ms]
     ✓  No file changes detected, skipping build. Use the '-f' flag to force the build.
  3. Open the URL in a browser to view the application.

If an application requires permissions to the active Service Account to access the OpenShift Container Platform namespace and delete active pods, the following error may occur when looking at odo log from the back-end component:

Message: Forbidden!Configured service account doesn’t have access. Service account may have been revoked

To resolve this error, add permissions for the Service Account role:

$ oc policy add-role-to-group view system:serviceaccounts -n <project>
$ oc policy add-role-to-group edit system:serviceaccounts -n <project>

Do not do this on a production cluster.

2.6.6. Modifying the running application


  1. Change the local directory to the front-end directory:

    $ cd ~/frontend
  2. Monitor the changes on the file system using:

    $ odo watch
  3. Edit the index.html file to change the displayed name for the game.


    A slight delay is possible before odo recognizes the change.

    odo pushes the changes to the front-end component and prints its status to the terminal:

    File /root/frontend/index.html changed
    File  changed
    Pushing files...
     ✓  Waiting for component to start
     ✓  Copying files to component
     ✓  Building component
  4. Refresh the application page in the web browser. The new name is now displayed.

2.6.7. Deleting an application


Deleting an application will delete all components associated with the application.


  1. List the applications in the current project:

    $ odo app list
        The project '<project_name>' has the following applications:
  2. List the components associated with the applications. These components will be deleted with the application:

    $ odo component list
        APP     NAME                      TYPE       SOURCE        STATE
        app     nodejs-nodejs-ex-elyf     nodejs     file://./     Pushed
  3. Delete the application:

    $ odo app delete <application_name>
        ? Are you sure you want to delete the application: <application_name> from project: <project_name>
  4. Confirm the deletion with Y. You can suppress the confirmation prompt using the -f flag.

2.7. Creating an application with a database

This example describes how to deploy and connect a database to a front-end application.


  • odo is installed.
  • oc client is installed.
  • You have a running OpenShift Container Platform cluster. Developers can use CodeReady Containers (CRC) to deploy a local OpenShift Container Platform cluster quickly.
  • Service Catalog is enabled.

2.7.1. Creating a project

Create a project to keep your source code, tests, and libraries organized in a separate single unit.


  1. Log in to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster:

    $ odo login -u developer -p developer
  2. Create a project:

    $ odo project create myproject
     ✓  Project 'myproject' is ready for use
     ✓  New project created and now using project : myproject

2.7.2. Deploying the front-end component

To create and deploy a front-end component, download the Node.js application and push the source code to your cluster with odo.


  1. Download the example front-end application:

    $ git clone
  2. Change the current directory to the front-end directory:

    $ cd <directory-name>
  3. List the contents of the directory to see that the front end is a Node.js application.

    $ ls
    assets  bin  index.html  kwww-frontend.iml  package.json  package-lock.json  playfield.png  server.js

    The front-end component is written in an interpreted language (Node.js); it does not need to be built.

  4. Create a component configuration of Node.js component-type named frontend:

    $ odo create nodejs frontend
     ✓  Validating component [5ms]
    Please use `odo push` command to create the component with source deployed
  5. Create a URL to access the frontend interface.

    $ odo url create myurl
     ✓  URL myurl created for component: nodejs-nodejs-ex-pmdp
  6. Push the component to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

    $ odo push
     ✓  Checking component [7ms]
     Configuration changes
     ✓  Initializing component
     ✓  Creating component [134ms]
     Applying URL changes
     ✓  URL myurl: created
     Pushing to component nodejs-nodejs-ex-mhbb of type local
     ✓  Checking files for pushing [657850ns]
     ✓  Waiting for component to start [6s]
     ✓  Syncing files to the component [408ms]
     ✓  Building component [7s]
     ✓  Changes successfully pushed to component

2.7.3. Deploying a database in interactive mode

odo provides a command-line interactive mode which simplifies deployment.


  • Run the interactive mode and answer the prompts:

    $ odo service create
    ? Which kind of service do you wish to create database
    ? Which database service class should we use mongodb-persistent
    ? Enter a value for string property DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME (Database Service Name): mongodb
    ? Enter a value for string property MEMORY_LIMIT (Memory Limit): 512Mi
    ? Enter a value for string property MONGODB_DATABASE (MongoDB Database Name): sampledb
    ? Enter a value for string property MONGODB_VERSION (Version of MongoDB Image): 3.2
    ? Enter a value for string property VOLUME_CAPACITY (Volume Capacity): 1Gi
    ? Provide values for non-required properties No
    ? How should we name your service  mongodb-persistent
    ? Output the non-interactive version of the selected options No
    ? Wait for the service to be ready No
     ✓  Creating service [32ms]
     ✓  Service 'mongodb-persistent' was created
    Progress of the provisioning will not be reported and might take a long time.
    You can see the current status by executing 'odo service list'

Your password or username will be passed to the front-end application as environment variables.

2.7.4. Deploying a database manually

  1. List the available services:

    $ odo catalog list services
    NAME                         PLANS
    django-psql-persistent       default
    jenkins-ephemeral            default
    jenkins-pipeline-example     default
    mariadb-persistent           default
    mongodb-persistent           default
    mysql-persistent             default
    nodejs-mongo-persistent      default
    postgresql-persistent        default
    rails-pgsql-persistent       default
  2. Choose the mongodb-persistent type of service and see the required parameters:

    $ odo catalog describe service mongodb-persistent
      ***********************        | *****************************************************
      Name                           | default
      -----------------              | -----------------
      Display Name                   |
      -----------------              | -----------------
      Short Description              | Default plan
      -----------------              | -----------------
      Required Params without a      |
      default value                  |
      -----------------              | -----------------
      Required Params with a default | DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME
      value                          | (default: 'mongodb'),
                                     | MEMORY_LIMIT (default:
                                     | '512Mi'), MONGODB_VERSION
                                     | (default: '3.2'),
                                     | MONGODB_DATABASE (default:
                                     | 'sampledb'), VOLUME_CAPACITY
                                     | (default: '1Gi')
      -----------------              | -----------------
      Optional Params                | MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD,
                                     | NAMESPACE, MONGODB_PASSWORD,
                                     | MONGODB_USER
  3. Pass the required parameters as flags and wait for the deployment of the database:

    $ odo service create mongodb-persistent --plan default --wait -p DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME=mongodb -p MEMORY_LIMIT=512Mi -p MONGODB_DATABASE=sampledb -p VOLUME_CAPACITY=1Gi

2.7.5. Connecting the database to the front-end application

  1. Link the database to the front-end service:

    $ odo link mongodb-persistent
     ✓  Service mongodb-persistent has been successfully linked from the component nodejs-nodejs-ex-mhbb
    Following environment variables were added to nodejs-nodejs-ex-mhbb component:
    - database_name
    - password
    - uri
    - username
    - admin_password
  2. See the environment variables of the application and the database in the Pod:

    $ oc get pods
    NAME                                READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    mongodb-1-gsznc                     1/1       Running   0          28m
    nodejs-nodejs-ex-mhbb-app-4-vkn9l   1/1       Running   0          1m
    $ oc rsh nodejs-nodejs-ex-mhbb-app-4-vkn9l
    sh-4.2$ env
  3. Open the URL in the browser and notice the database configuration in the bottom right:

    $ odo url list
    Request information
    Page view count: 24
    DB Connection Info:
    Type:	MongoDB
    URL:	mongodb://

2.7.6. Deleting an application


Deleting an application will delete all components associated with the application.


  1. List the applications in the current project:

    $ odo app list
        The project '<project_name>' has the following applications:
  2. List the components associated with the applications. These components will be deleted with the application:

    $ odo component list
        APP     NAME                      TYPE       SOURCE        STATE
        app     nodejs-nodejs-ex-elyf     nodejs     file://./     Pushed
  3. Delete the application:

    $ odo app delete <application_name>
        ? Are you sure you want to delete the application: <application_name> from project: <project_name>
  4. Confirm the deletion with Y. You can suppress the confirmation prompt using the -f flag.

2.8. Using sample applications

odo offers partial compatibility with any language or runtime listed within the OpenShift catalog of component types. For example:

NAME        PROJECT       TAGS
dotnet      openshift     2.0,latest
httpd       openshift     2.4,latest
java        openshift     8,latest
nginx       openshift     1.10,1.12,1.8,latest
nodejs      openshift     0.10,4,6,8,latest
perl        openshift     5.16,5.20,5.24,latest
php         openshift     5.5,5.6,7.0,7.1,latest
python      openshift     2.7,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6,latest
ruby        openshift     2.0,2.2,2.3,2.4,latest
wildfly     openshift     10.0,10.1,8.1,9.0,latest

For odo 1.0 Java and Node.js are the officialy supported component types. Run odo catalog list components to verify the officially supported component types.

In order to access the component over the web, create a URL using odo url create.

2.8.1. Examples from Git repositories httpd

This example helps build and serve static content using httpd on CentOS 7. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift Container Platform considerations, see the Apache HTTP Server container image repository.

$ odo create httpd --git java

This example helps build and run fat JAR Java applications on CentOS 7. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift Container Platform considerations, see the Java S2I Builder image.

$ odo create java --git nodejs

Build and run Node.js applications on CentOS 7. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift Container Platform considerations, see the Node.js 8 container image.

$ odo create nodejs --git perl

This example helps build and run Perl applications on CentOS 7. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift Container Platform considerations, see the Perl 5.26 container image.

$ odo create perl --git php

This example helps build and run PHP applications on CentOS 7. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift Container Platform considerations, see the PHP 7.1 Docker image.

$ odo create php --git python

This example helps build and run Python applications on CentOS 7. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift Container Platform considerations, see the Python 3.6 container image.

$ odo create python --git ruby

This example helps build and run Ruby applications on CentOS 7. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift Container Platform considerations, see Ruby 2.5 container image.

$ odo create ruby --git wildfly

This example helps build and run WildFly applications on CentOS 7. For more information about using this builder image, including OpenShift Container Platform considerations, see the Wildfly - CentOS Docker images for OpenShift.

$ odo create wildfly --git

2.8.2. Binary examples java

Java can be used to deploy a binary artifact as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd spring-petclinic
$ mvn package
$ odo create java test3 --binary target/*.jar
$ odo push wildfly

WildFly can be used to deploy a binary application as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd os-sample-java-web
$ mvn package
$ cd ..
$ mkdir example && cd example
$ mv ../os-sample-java-web/target/ROOT.war example.war
$ odo create wildfly --binary example.war

2.9. Managing environment variables

odo stores component-specific configurations and environment variables in the config file. You can use the odo config command to set, unset, and list environment variables for components without the need to modify the config file.

2.9.1. Setting and unsetting environment variables


  • To set an environment variable in a component:

    $ odo config set --env <variable>=<value>
  • To unset an environment variable in a component:

    $ odo config unset --env <variable>
  • To list all environment variables in a component:

    $ odo config view

2.10. Configuring the odo CLI

2.10.1. Using command completion


Currently command completion is only supported for bash, zsh, and fish shells.

odo provides a smart completion of command parameters based on user input. For this to work, odo needs to integrate with the executing shell.


  • To install command completion automatically:

    1. Run:

      $ odo --complete
    2. Press y when prompted to install the completion hook.
  • To install the completion hook manually, add complete -o nospace -C <full path to your odo binary> odo to your shell configuration file. After any modification to your shell configuration file, restart your shell.
  • To disable completion:

    1. Run:

      $ odo --uncomplete
    2. Press y when prompted to uninstall the completion hook.

Re-enable command completion if you either rename the odo executable or move it to a different directory.

2.10.2. Ignoring files or patterns

You can configure a list of files or patterns to ignore by modifying the .odoignore file in the root directory of your application. This applies to both odo push and odo watch.

If the .odoignore file does not exist, the .gitignore file is used instead for ignoring specific files and folders.

To ignore .git files, any files with the .js extension, and the folder tests, add the following to either the .odoignore or the .gitignore file:


The .odoignore file allows any glob expressions.

2.11. odo CLI reference

2.11.1. Basic odo CLI commands app

Perform application operations related to your OpenShift Container Platform project.

Example using app

  # Delete the application
  odo app delete myapp

  # Describe 'webapp' application,
  odo app describe webapp

  # List all applications in the current project
  odo app list

  # List all applications in the specified project
  odo app list --project myproject catalog

Perform catalog-related operations.

Example using catalog

  # Get the supported components
  odo catalog list components

  # Get the supported services from service catalog
  odo catalog list services

  # Search for a component
  odo catalog search component python

  # Search for a service
  odo catalog search service mysql

  # Describe a service
  odo catalog describe service mysql-persistent component

Manage components of an application.

Example using component

# Create a new component
odo component create

# Create a local configuration and create all objects on the cluster
odo component create --now config

Modify odo specific settings within the config file.

Example using config

  # For viewing the current local configuration
  odo config view

  # Set a configuration value in the local configuration
  odo config set Type java
  odo config set Name test
  odo config set MinMemory 50M
  odo config set MaxMemory 500M
  odo config set Memory 250M
  odo config set Ignore false
  odo config set MinCPU 0.5
  odo config set MaxCPU 2
  odo config set CPU 1

  # Set an environment variable in the local configuration
  odo config set --env KAFKA_HOST=kafka --env KAFKA_PORT=6639

  # Create a local configuration and apply the changes to the cluster
  odo config set --now

  # Unset a configuration value in the local config
  odo config unset Type
  odo config unset Name
  odo config unset MinMemory
  odo config unset MaxMemory
  odo config unset Memory
  odo config unset Ignore
  odo config unset MinCPU
  odo config unset MaxCPU
  odo config unset CPU

  # Unset an env variable in the local config
  odo config unset --env KAFKA_HOST --env KAFKA_PORT


Application is the name of application the component needs to be part of


The minimum and maximum CPU a component can consume


Consider the .odoignore file for push and watch

Table 2.2. Available Local Parameters:


The name of application that the component needs to be part of


The minimum and maximum CPU a component can consume


Whether to consider the .odoignore file for push and watch


The maximum CPU a component can consume


The maximum memory a component can consume


The minimum and maximum memory a component can consume


The minimum CPU a component can consume


The minimum memory a component is provided


The name of the component


Ports to be opened in the component


The name of the project that the component is part of


Git ref to use for creating component from git source


The path indicates the location of binary file or git source


Type of component source - git/binary/local


Storage of the component


The type of component


The URL to access the component create

Create a configuration describing a component to be deployed on OpenShift Container Platform. If a component name is not provided, it is autogenerated.

By default, builder images are used from the current namespace. To explicitly supply a namespace, use: odo create namespace/name:version. If a version is not specified, the version defaults to latest.

Use odo catalog list to see a full list of component types that can be deployed.

Example using create

  # Create new Node.js component with the source in current directory.
  odo create nodejs

  # A specific image version may also be specified
  odo create nodejs:latest

  # Create new Node.js component named 'frontend' with the source in './frontend' directory
  odo create nodejs frontend --context ./frontend

  # Create a new Node.js component of version 6 from the 'openshift' namespace
  odo create openshift/nodejs:6 --context /nodejs-ex

  # Create new Wildfly component with binary named sample.war in './downloads' directory
  odo create wildfly wildfly --binary ./downloads/sample.war

  # Create new Node.js component with source from remote git repository
  odo create nodejs --git

  # Create new Node.js git component while specifying a branch, tag or commit ref
  odo create nodejs --git --ref master

  # Create new Node.js git component while specifying a tag
  odo create nodejs --git --ref v1.0.1

  # Create new Node.js component with the source in current directory and ports 8080-tcp,8100-tcp and 9100-udp exposed
  odo create nodejs --port 8080,8100/tcp,9100/udp

  # Create new Node.js component with the source in current directory and env variables key=value and key1=value1 exposed
  odo create nodejs --env key=value,key1=value1

  # For more examples, visit:
  odo create python --git

  # Passing memory limits
  odo create nodejs --memory 150Mi
  odo create nodejs --min-memory 150Mi --max-memory 300 Mi

  # Passing cpu limits
  odo create nodejs --cpu 2
  odo create nodejs --min-cpu 200m --max-cpu 2 delete

Delete an existing component.

Example using delete

  # Delete component named 'frontend'.
  odo delete frontend
  odo delete frontend --all describe

Describe the given component.

Example using describe

  # Describe nodejs component
  odo describe nodejs list

List all the components in the current application.

Example using list

  # List all components in the application
  odo list log

Retrieve the log for the given component.

Example using log

  # Get the logs for the nodejs component
  odo log nodejs login

Log in to the cluster.

Example using login

  # Log in interactively
  odo login

  # Log in to the given server with the given certificate authority file
  odo login localhost:8443 --certificate-authority=/path/to/cert.crt

  # Log in to the given server with the given credentials (basic auth)
  odo login localhost:8443 --username=myuser --password=mypass

  # Log in to the given server with the given credentials (token)
  odo login localhost:8443 --token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx logout

Log out of the current OpenShift Container Platform session.

Example using logout

  # Log out
  odo logout preference

Modify odo specific configuration settings within the global preference file.

Example using preference

  # For viewing the current preferences
  odo preference view

  # Set a preference value in the global preference
  odo preference set UpdateNotification false
  odo preference set NamePrefix "app"
  odo preference set Timeout 20

  # Unset a preference value in the global preference
  odo preference unset  UpdateNotification
  odo preference unset  NamePrefix
  odo preference unset  Timeout


By default, the path to the global preference file is ~/.odo/preferece.yaml and it is stored in the environment variable GLOBALODOCONFIG. You can set up a custom path by setting the value of the environment variable to a new preference path, for example GLOBALODOCONFIG="new_path/preference.yaml"

Table 2.3. Available Parameters:


The default prefix is the current directory name. Use this value to set a default name prefix.


The timeout (in seconds) for OpenShift Container Platform server connection checks.


Controls whether an update notification is shown. project

Perform project operations.

Example using project

  # Set the active project
  odo project set

  # Create a new project
  odo project create myproject

  # List all the projects
  odo project list

  # Delete a project
  odo project delete myproject

  # Get the active project
  odo project get push

Push source code to a component.

Example using push

  # Push source code to the current component
  odo push

  # Push data to the current component from the original source.
  odo push

  # Push source code in ~/mycode to component called my-component
  odo push my-component --context ~/mycode service

Perform service catalog operations.

Example using service

  # Create new postgresql service from service catalog using dev plan and name my-postgresql-db.
  odo service create dh-postgresql-apb my-postgresql-db --plan dev -p postgresql_user=luke -p postgresql_password=secret

  # Delete the service named 'mysql-persistent'
  odo service delete mysql-persistent

  # List all services in the application
  odo service list storage

Perform storage operations.

Example using storage

  # Create storage of size 1Gb to a component
  odo storage create mystorage --path=/opt/app-root/src/storage/ --size=1Gi
  # Delete storage mystorage from the currently active component
  odo storage delete mystorage

  # Delete storage mystorage from component 'mongodb'
  odo storage delete mystorage --component mongodb
  # List all storage attached or mounted to the current component and
  # all unattached or unmounted storage in the current application
  odo storage list update

Update the source code path of a component

Example using update

  # Change the source code path of a currently active component to local (use the current directory as a source)
  odo update --local

  # Change the source code path of the frontend component to local with source in ./frontend directory
  odo update frontend --local ./frontend

  # Change the source code path of a currently active component to git
  odo update --git

  # Change the source code path of the component named node-ex to git
  odo update node-ex --git

  # Change the source code path of the component named wildfly to a binary named sample.war in ./downloads directory
  odo update wildfly --binary ./downloads/sample.war url

Expose a component to the outside world.

Example using url

  # Create a URL for the current component with a specific port
  odo url create --port 8080

  # Create a URL with a specific name and port
  odo url create example --port 8080

  # Create a URL with a specific name by automatic detection of port (only for components which expose only one service port)
  odo url create example

  # Create a URL with a specific name and port for component frontend
  odo url create example --port 8080 --component frontend

  # Delete a URL to a component
  odo url delete myurl

  # List the available URLs
  odo url list

  # Create a URL in the configuration and apply the changes to the cluster
  odo url create --now

The URLs that are generated using this command can be used to access the deployed components from outside the cluster. utils

Utilities for terminal commands and modifying odo configurations.

Example using utils

  # Bash terminal PS1 support
  source <(odo utils terminal bash)

  # Zsh terminal PS1 support
  source <(odo utils terminal zsh) version

Print the client version information.

Example using version

  # Print the client version of odo
  odo version watch

odo starts watching for changes and updates the component upon a change automatically.

Example using watch

  # Watch for changes in directory for current component
  odo watch

  # Watch for changes in directory for component called frontend
  odo watch frontend

2.12. odo 1.0 release notes

2.12.1. Notable features in odo 1.0

odo 1.0 offers a simple way to develop applications on OpenShift Container Platform. odo is completely client-based and requires no server within OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

odo 1.0 comes with:

  • Simple syntax and design centered around concepts familiar to developers such as projects, applications and components.
  • Compatibility with any language or runtime within the OpenShift catalog of component types.
  • Capability to add custom component types using custom image builders.
  • Official support for Java and Node.js component types.
  • Service catalog which allows users to connect applications deployed on OpenShift Container Platform cluster to the Template Service Broker.
  • odo service create - an interactive mode which guides users through the process of creating applications.
  • odo watch - a feature that automatically detects changes to local code and applies the changes to the component in real time.

2.12.2. Getting support


If you have found an error or have suggestions for improving the documentation, file an issue in Bugzilla. Choose the OpenShift Container Platform product type and the Documentation component type.


If you have found an error, encountered a bug or have suggestions for improving the functionality of odo, file an issue in Bugzilla. Choose the OpenShift Container Platform product type and the odo component type.

Provide as many details in the description of the issue as possible.

2.12.3. Technology Preview features in odo 1.0


Technology Preview features are not fully supported, may not be functionally complete, and are not suitable for deployment in production. Customers are encouraged to provide feedback and functionality suggestions for a Technology Preview feature before it becomes fully supported.

  • odo debug is a feature that allows users to attach a local debugger to a component running in the Pod on OpenShift Container Platform.

    Use odo debug port-forward to start the port forwarding.

    Use odo config set DebugPort 9292 to specify the remote port on which debugging agent should run.

    Use odo debug port-forward --local-port 9292 to specify the local port for port forwarding.

2.12.4. Known issues

  • Bug 1760573 An active pointer is not pointing to a current active project.
  • Bug 1760574 A deleted namespace is being listed in the odo project get command.
  • Bug 1760575 odo app delete removes application components but not services.
  • Bug 1760577 odo push does not delete OpenShift objects when the component name is changed.
  • Bug 1760580 catalog list components does not list out components of a specified namespace.
  • Bug 1760583 odo config unset does not unset an environment variable but says it did.
  • Bug 1760585 odo delete --all deletes the`$HOME/.odo` folder when run from $HOME.
  • Bug 1760586 odo delete starts an infinite loop after project is deleted and a component name is set.
  • Bug 1760587 odo reports an invalid flag when a non-existent command is used.
  • Bug 1760588 odo service create crashes when run in Cygwin.
  • Bug 1760589 Autocompletion does not work for --context in odo push.
  • Bug 1760590 In Git BASH for Windows odo login -u developer does not hide a typed password when requested.
  • Bug 1761440 It is not possible to create two services of the same type in one project.
  • Bug 1761442 component create fails with flag --context and --binary if the binary is located in a temporary folder.
  • Bug 1761443 Deleted files are not removed from a Java component.
------------------------ Last updated: 2020-06-15 ------------------------

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