11.4. List Applications for a User
List all applications for the specified user.
Method URL Structure GET
Not applicable
$ curl -X GET https://openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/applications --user user@example.com:password
The API returns a list of all applications for the specified user. The related resource links returned by the API have been left out for brevity. See Chapter 11, Applications for a description of each response parameter associated with an application.
{ "api_version": 1.6, "data": [ { "aliases": [], "app_url": "http://myapp-mydomain.rhcloud.com/", "build_job_url": null, "building_app": null, "building_with": null, "creation_time": "2013-08-20T07:21:50Z", "domain_id": "mydomain", "embedded": { "haproxy-1.4": {}, "mysql-5.5": { "connection_url": "mysql://$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT/", "username": "adminxcYKabL", "password": "IgsS3_wQYF38", "database_name": "myapp", "info": "Connection URL: mysql://$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT/" } }, "framework": "php-5.4", "gear_count": 2, "gear_profile": "medium", "git_url": "ssh://5213190e2587c8817a000121@myapp-mydomain.rhcloud.com/~/git/myapp.git/", "health_check_path": "health_check.php", "id": "5213190e2587c8817a000121", "initial_git_url": null, "links": { }, "members": [ { "explicit_role": null, "from": [ { "type": "domain", "role": "admin" } ], "id": "520bd6bbdbd93c3dee00000d", "name": "user@example.com", "owner": true, "role": "admin", "type": "user" } ], "name": "myapp", "scalable": true, "ssh_url": "ssh://5213190e2587c8817a000121@myapp-mydomain.rhcloud.com" } ], "messages": [ { "exit_code": 0, "field": null, "severity": "info", "text": "Found 1 applications." } ], "status": "ok", "supported_api_versions": [ 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 ], "type": "applications", "version": "1.6" }