13.2.2. List Embedded Cartridges
Get a list of embedded cartridges that have been added to an application. For scaled applications, the API also returns the scaling properties of the cartridge.
resource. See Section 11.6, “List Applications and Cartridges” for more information.
Method Resource URL GET
Not applicable
$ curl -X GET https://openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/application/534253991015616165707776/cartridges --user user@example.com
The API returns a list of all embedded cartridges that have been added to the specified application. Related resource links and other cartridges returned by the API have been removed for brevity. See Chapter 13, Cartridges for more information on all cartridge parameters.
{ "api_version": 1.6, "data": [ { "additional_gear_storage": 10, "base_gear_storage": 1, "collocated_with": [ "haproxy-1.4" ], "current_scale": 1, "description": "Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general-purpose object-oriented programming language. Popular development frameworks include Ruby on Rails and Sinatra.", "display_name": "Ruby 2.0", "gear_profile": "small", "help_topics": { }, "license": "Ruby BSDL", "license_url": "http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/about/license.txt", "links": { "GET": { "href": "https://openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/application/527ade9d7f9c48d37100000a/cartridge/ruby-2.0", "method": "GET", "optional_params": [ ], "rel": "Get cartridge", "required_params": [ ] }, "UPDATE": { "href": "https://openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/application/527ade9d7f9c48d37100000a/cartridge/ruby-2.0", "method": "PUT", "optional_params": [ { "default_value": null, "description": "Additional filesystem storage in gigabytes on each gear having cartridge ruby-2.0", "name": "additional_gear_storage", "type": "integer", "valid_options": [ ] }, { "default_value": null, "description": "Minimum number of gears having cartridge ruby-2.0", "name": "scales_from", "type": "integer", "valid_options": [ ] }, { "default_value": null, "description": "Maximum number of gears having cartridge ruby-2.0", "name": "scales_to", "type": "integer", "valid_options": [ ] } ], "rel": "Update cartridge configuration", "required_params": [ ........ "status": "ok", "supported_api_versions": [ 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 ], "type": "cartridges", "version": "1.6" }