
5.3. Filters

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Apache Lucene has a powerful feature that allows to filter query results according to a custom filtering process. This is a very powerful way to apply additional data restrictions, especially since filters can be cached and reused. Some interesting usecases are:
  • security
  • temporal data (eg. view only last month's data)
  • population filter (eg. search limited to a given category)
  • and many more
Hibernate Search pushes the concept further by introducing the notion of parameterizable named filters which are transparently cached. For people familiar with the notion of Hibernate Core filters, the API is very similar:

Example 5.14. Enabling fulltext filters for a given query

fullTextQuery = s.createFullTextQuery( query, Driver.class );
fullTextQuery.enableFullTextFilter("security").setParameter( "login", "andre" );
fullTextQuery.list(); //returns only best drivers where andre has credentials
In this example we enabled two filters on top of the query. You can enable (or disable) as many filters as you like.
Declaring filters is done through the @FullTextFilterDef annotation. This annotation can be on any @Indexed entity regardless of the query the filter is later applied to. This implies that filter definitions are global and their names must be unique. A SearchException is thrown in case two different @FullTextFilterDef annotations with the same name are defined. Each named filter has to specify its actual filter implementation.

Example 5.15. Defining and implementing a Filter

@FullTextFilterDefs( {
    @FullTextFilterDef(name = "bestDriver", impl = BestDriversFilter.class), 
    @FullTextFilterDef(name = "security", impl = SecurityFilterFactory.class) 
public class Driver { ... }
public class BestDriversFilter extends {

    public DocIdSet getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
        OpenBitSet bitSet = new OpenBitSet( reader.maxDoc() );
        TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs( new Term( "score", "5" ) );
        while ( ) {
            bitSet.set( termDocs.doc() );
        return bitSet;
BestDriversFilter is an example of a simple Lucene filter which reduces the result set to drivers whose score is 5. In this example the specified filter implements the directly and contains a no-arg constructor.
If your Filter creation requires additional steps or if the filter you want to use does not have a no-arg constructor, you can use the factory pattern:

Example 5.16. Creating a filter using the factory pattern

@FullTextFilterDef(name = "bestDriver", impl = BestDriversFilterFactory.class)
public class Driver { ... }

public class BestDriversFilterFactory {

    public Filter getFilter() {
        //some additional steps to cache the filter results per IndexReader
        Filter bestDriversFilter = new BestDriversFilter();
        return new CachingWrapperFilter(bestDriversFilter);
Hibernate Search will look for a @Factory annotated method and use it to build the filter instance. The factory must have a no-arg constructor. For people familiar with JBoss Seam, this is similar to the component factory pattern, but the annotation is different!
Named filters come in handy where parameters have to be passed to the filter. For example a security filter might want to know which security level you want to apply:

Example 5.17. Passing parameters to a defined filter

fullTextQuery = s.createFullTextQuery( query, Driver.class );
fullTextQuery.enableFullTextFilter("security").setParameter( "level", 5 );
Each parameter name should have an associated setter on either the filter or filter factory of the targeted named filter definition.

Example 5.18. Using paramters in the actual filter implementation

public class SecurityFilterFactory {
    private Integer level;

     * injected parameter
    public void setLevel(Integer level) {
        this.level = level;

    @Key public FilterKey getKey() {
        StandardFilterKey key = new StandardFilterKey();
        key.addParameter( level );
        return key;

    public Filter getFilter() {
        Query query = new TermQuery( new Term("level", level.toString() ) );
        return new CachingWrapperFilter( new QueryWrapperFilter(query) );
Note the method annotated @Key returning a FilterKey object. The returned object has a special contract: the key object must implement equals() / hashcode() so that 2 keys are equal if and only if the given Filter types are the same and the set of parameters are the same. In other words, 2 filter keys are equal if and only if the filters from which the keys are generated can be interchanged. The key object is used as a key in the cache mechanism.
@Key methods are needed only if:
  • you enabled the filter caching system (enabled by default)
  • your filter has parameters
In most cases, using the StandardFilterKey implementation will be good enough. It delegates the equals() / hashcode() implementation to each of the parameters equals and hashcode methods.
As mentioned before the defined filters are per default cached and the cache uses a combination of hard and soft references to allow disposal of memory when needed. The hard reference cache keeps track of the most recently used filters and transforms the ones least used to SoftReferences when needed. Once the limit of the hard reference cache is reached addtional filters are cached as SoftReferences. To adjust the size of the hard reference cache, use (defaults to 128). For advance use of filter caching, you can implement your own FilterCachingStrategy. The classname is defined by
This filter caching mechanism should not be confused with caching the actual filter results. In Lucene it is common practice to wrap filters using the IndexReader around a CachingWrapperFilter. The wrapper will cache the DocIdSet returned from the getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader) method to avoid expensive recomputation. It is important to mention that the computed DocIdSet is only cachable for the same IndexReader instance, because the reader effectively represents the state of the index at the moment it was opened. The document list cannot change within an opened IndexReader. A different/new IndexReader instance, however, works potentially on a different set of Documents (either from a different index or simply because the index has changed), hence the cached DocIdSet has to be recomputed.
Hibernate Search also helps with this aspect of caching. Per default the cache flag of @FullTextFilterDef is set to FilterCacheModeType.INSTANCE_AND_DOCIDSETRESULTS which will automatically cache the filter instance as well as wrap the specified filter around a Hibernate specific implementation of CachingWrapperFilter ( In contrast to Lucene's version of this class SoftReferences are used together with a hard reference count (see dicussion about filter cache). The hard reference count can be adjusted using (defaults to 5). The wrapping behaviour can be controlled using the @FullTextFilterDef.cache parameter. There are three differerent values for this parameter:
Value Definition
FilterCacheModeType.NONE No filter instance and no result is cached by Hibernate Search. For every filter call, a new filter instance is created. This setting might be useful for rapidly changing data sets or heavily memory constrained environments.
FilterCacheModeType.INSTANCE_ONLY The filter instance is cached and reused across concurrent Filter.getDocIdSet() calls. DocIdSet results are not cached. This setting is useful when a filter uses its own specific caching mechanism or the filter results change dynamically due to application specific events making DocIdSet caching in both cases unnecessary.
FilterCacheModeType.INSTANCE_AND_DOCIDSETRESULTS Both the filter instance and the DocIdSet results are cached. This is the default value.
Last but not least - why should filters be cached? There are two areas where filter caching shines:
  • the system does not update the targeted entity index often (in other words, the IndexReader is reused a lot)
  • the Filter's DocIdSet is expensive to compute (compared to the time spent to execute the query)
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