
Chapter 3. Configuration

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3.1. Directory configuration

Apache Lucene has a notion of Directory to store the index files. The Directory implementation can be customized, but Lucene comes bundled with a file system (FSDirectoryProvider) and an in memory (RAMDirectoryProvider) implementation. DirectoryProviders are the Hibernate Search abstraction around a Lucene Directory and handle the configuration and the initialization of the underlying Lucene resources. Table 3.1, “List of built-in Directory Providers” shows the list of the directory providers bundled with Hibernate Search.
Table 3.1. List of built-in Directory Providers
Class Description Properties Memory based directory, the directory will be uniquely identified (in the same deployment unit) by the @Indexed.index element none File system based directory. The directory used will be <indexBase>/< indexName >
indexBase : Base directory
indexName: override @Indexed.index (useful for sharded indexes)
locking_strategy : optional, see Section 3.9, “LockFactory configuration”
File system based directory. Like FSDirectoryProvider. It also copies the index to a source directory (aka copy directory) on a regular basis.
The recommended value for the refresh period is (at least) 50% higher than the time to copy the information (default 3600 seconds - 60 minutes).
Note that the copy is based on an incremental copy mechanism reducing the average copy time.
DirectoryProvider typically used on the master node in a JMS back end cluster.
The buffer_size_on_copy optimum depends on your operating system and available RAM; most people reported good results using values between 16 and 64MB.
indexBase: Base directory
indexName: override @Indexed.index (useful for sharded indexes)
sourceBase: Source (copy) base directory.
source: Source directory suffix (default to @Indexed.index). The actual source directory name being <sourceBase>/<source>
refresh: refresh period in second (the copy will take place every refresh seconds).
buffer_size_on_copy: The amount of MegaBytes to move in a single low level copy instruction; defaults to 16MB.
locking_strategy : optional, see Section 3.9, “LockFactory configuration”
File system based directory. Like FSDirectoryProvider, but retrieves a master version (source) on a regular basis. To avoid locking and inconsistent search results, 2 local copies are kept.
The recommended value for the refresh period is (at least) 50% higher than the time to copy the information (default 3600 seconds - 60 minutes).
Note that the copy is based on an incremental copy mechanism reducing the average copy time.
DirectoryProvider typically used on slave nodes using a JMS back end.
The buffer_size_on_copy optimum depends on your operating system and available RAM; most people reported good results using values between 16 and 64MB.
indexBase: Base directory
indexName: override @Indexed.index (useful for sharded indexes)
sourceBase: Source (copy) base directory.
source: Source directory suffix (default to @Indexed.index). The actual source directory name being <sourceBase>/<source>
refresh: refresh period in second (the copy will take place every refresh seconds).
buffer_size_on_copy: The amount of MegaBytes to move in a single low level copy instruction; defaults to 16MB.
locking_strategy : optional, see Section 3.9, “LockFactory configuration”
If the built-in directory providers do not fit your needs, you can write your own directory provider by implementing the interface.
Each indexed entity is associated to a Lucene index (an index can be shared by several entities but this is not usually the case). You can configure the index through properties prefixed by . Default properties inherited to all indexes can be defined using the prefix
To define the directory provider of a given index, you use the

Example 3.1. Configuring directory providers
applied on

Example 3.2. Specifying the index name using the index parameter of @Indexed

public class Status { ... }

public class Rule { ... }
will create a file system directory in /usr/lucene/indexes/Status where the Status entities will be indexed, and use an in memory directory named Rules where Rule entities will be indexed.
You can easily define common rules like the directory provider and base directory, and override those defaults later on on a per index basis.
Writing your own DirectoryProvider, you can utilize this configuration mechanism as well.
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