
Chapter 10. Post Installation Configuration

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10.1.  Post Installation Security Configuration

When installed from the zip archive, authentication is required to access the majority of JBoss services, including administrative services. Consoles are secured by the JAAS security domain "jmx-console". At installation this security domain has no user accounts. This is to eliminate the possibility of default username/password based attacks. Refer to Procedure 10.1, “Create jmx-console, admin-console, and http invoker user account” to create a user account to access the consoles.
To disable authentication (useful for development, but not recommended for production), refer to Appendix A, Disabling Authentication.
When installed via the graphical installer, a JAAS security domain and a user account is created as part of the install process. Even if you change the name of the JAAS security domain during installation, the users are stored in the same place. Follow the instructions in Procedure 10.1, “Create jmx-console, admin-console, and http invoker user account” to edit your user account, or create a new one.

10.1.1. Security Configuration: JMX Console, Admin Console, HttpInvoker

Procedure 10.1. Create jmx-console, admin-console, and http invoker user account

This procedure creates user with access permissions to the admin and jmx consoles, and the http invoker
  1. Create a user in the default JAAS security domain

    1. Edit the file $JBOSS_HOME/server/$PROFILE/conf/props/
    2. Create a username = password pair.


      The commented admin=admin username and password pair is an example of the username/password definition syntax. Do not use this for your user account.
  2. Grant permissions to user

    1. Edit the file $JBOSS_HOME/server/$PROFILE/conf/props/
    2. Create an entry for the user of the form:
      Grant the user permission to access the JMX Console and Admin Console.
      Grant the user permission to access the httpinvoker

10.1.2. Security Configuration: Web Console

Procedure 10.2. Create web console user account

This procedure creates a user with access permissions to the web console
  1. Create a user in the web-console JAAS security domain

    1. Edit the file in jboss-as/server/$PROFILE/deploy/management/console-mgr.sar/web-console.war/WEB-INF/classes/.
    2. Create a username = password pair.


      The commented admin=admin username and password is an example of the username/password definition syntax. Do not use this for your user account.
  2. Grant permissions to user

    1. Edit the file in jboss-as/server/$PROFILE/deploy/management/console-mgr.sar/web-console.war/WEB-INF/classes/.
    2. Create an entry for the user of the form:
      Grant the user permission to access the Web-Console
      Grant the user permission to access the HTTP Invoker

10.1.3. Security Configuration: JBoss Messaging

JBoss Messaging makes internal connections between nodes in order to redistribute messages between clustered destinations. These connections are made with the user name of a special reserved user whose password is specified in the property suckerPassword in the configuration file:

Procedure 10.3. Set suckerPassword for JBoss Messaging:

This procedure sets the password used by JBoss Messaging in a clustered environment
  1. Edit the file jboss-as/server/$PROFILE/deploy/messaging/messaging-jboss-beans.xml.
  2. Change the suckerPassword value.
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