
Chapter 8. Installation using the Graphical Installer

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Procedure 8.1. Installation via the Graphical Installer

This procedure installs the Platform via the Graphical Installer.
  1. Download software

    Refer to Appendix B, The Red Hat Customer Portal for file download instructions.
    To install JBoss Enterprise Application Platform via the Graphical Installer, choose the Application Platform <release> Binary Installer download.
  2. Run the installer

    Execute the following command in the directory that contains the downloaded installer JAR:
    java -jar jboss-eap-installer-<release>.jar
    On a Linux system, this must be executed as root. Under Windows, execute it from a command prompt with elevated privileges.
  3. Language

    Choose the language for the installation instructions.
  4. License Agreement

    Read the License Agreement carefully. You must accept the terms of the agreement to proceed with the installation. If you agree to the terms of the agreement, select the "I accept the terms of this license agreement" option.
  5. Installation Path

    Select the destination directory for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. Type a complete path or browse for a destination directory. If the directory you enter does not exist, the installer creates the target directory in the specified path. If the directory exists already, the installer will overwrite the contents of the directory. In either case the installer prompts you to confirm the action.
    The default installation path in Linux is: /usr/local/EnterprisePlatform-5.1.0
    The default installation path in Windows Server is: C:\Program Files\EnterprisePlatform-5.0.1
  6. Web Services

    Select the Web Services stack you wish to install. The two choices are WSNative and WSCXF. Only one stack can be selected. Changing the Web Services stack after installation requires reinstalling.
    Refer to Chapter 5, Installation Options for a description of the alternatives.
  7. Select Packs

    There is one optional component for this release: the PicketLink Federation Tech Preview.
    To install the PicketLink Federation Tech Preview:
    1. Click on eap-core
    2. Click the arrow to the left of eap-core to expand the options.
    3. Click the picketlink-federation checkbox.
  8. JMX Security

    The installer creates a new JAAS security domain with an active user.
    Optional: secure consoles and invokers using this security domain.
    1. Supply a password for the admin user in the new JAAS security domain.
    2. Optional: change the username for the JAAS security domain admin user.
    3. Optional: change the name of the JAAS security domain.
    4. Optional: secure the JMX and Web consoles, and http and jmx invokers using the new JAAS security domain. The default is to secure all consoles and invokers.

    The JAAS security domain is created and used to secure the Admin console and Tomcat console. The JAAS security domain is also used to secure any consoles and invokers specified in this step.

  9. Release Notes

    Updated release notes are available at
  10. Confirm Selections

    Review the installation selections, then click Next to begin writing files to disk.
  11. Set up Shortcuts

    Create desktop and start menu shortcuts on this screen. If you are running the installer as the administrator (Windows) or root user (Linux), you have the option to create desktop and start menu shortcuts for all users; otherwise you are able to create shortcuts for the currently logged in user only.
  12. Optional: Install Native Components

    Refer to Chapter 9, Install Native Components for Native Component installation instructions.
  13. Perform post-installation configuration

    Refer to Chapter 10, Post Installation Configuration for post-installation configuration instructions.
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