
Chapter 1. Overview

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1.1. What is JBoss Cache?

JBoss Cache is a tree-structured, clustered, transactional cache. It can be used in a standalone, non-clustered environment, to cache frequently accessed data in memory thereby removing data retrieval or calculation bottlenecks while providing "enterprise" features such as JTA compatibility, eviction and persistence.
JBoss Cache is also a clustered cache, and can be used in a cluster to replicate state providing a high degree of failover. A variety of replication modes are supported, including invalidation and buddy replication, and network communications can either be synchronous or asynchronous.
When used in a clustered mode, the cache is an effective mechanism of building high availability, fault tolerance and even load balancing into custom applications and frameworks. For example, the JBoss Application Server and Red Hat's Enterprise Application Platform make extensive use of JBoss Cache to cluster services such as HTTP and EJB sessions, as well as providing a distributed entity cache for JPA.

1.1.1. And what is POJO Cache?

POJO Cache is an extension of the core JBoss Cache API. POJO Cache offers additional functionality such as:
  • maintaining object references even after replication or persistence
  • fine grained replication, where only modified object fields are replicated
  • "API-less" clustering model where POJOs are simply annotated as being clustered
POJO Cache has a complete and separate set of documentation, including a Users' Guide, FAQ and tutorial all available on the JBoss Cache documentation website. As such, POJO Cache will not be discussed further in this book.
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