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OpenShift Container Platform 4.12

OpenShift Virtualization installation, usage, and release notes

Red Hat OpenShift Documentation Team


This document provides information about how to use OpenShift Virtualization in OpenShift Container Platform.

Chapter 1. About OpenShift Virtualization

Learn about OpenShift Virtualization’s capabilities and support scope.

1.1. What you can do with OpenShift Virtualization

OpenShift Virtualization is an add-on to OpenShift Container Platform that allows you to run and manage virtual machine workloads alongside container workloads.

OpenShift Virtualization adds new objects into your OpenShift Container Platform cluster by using Kubernetes custom resources to enable virtualization tasks. These tasks include:

  • Creating and managing Linux and Windows virtual machines
  • Connecting to virtual machines through a variety of consoles and CLI tools
  • Importing and cloning existing virtual machines
  • Managing network interface controllers and storage disks attached to virtual machines
  • Live migrating virtual machines between nodes

An enhanced web console provides a graphical portal to manage these virtualized resources alongside the OpenShift Container Platform cluster containers and infrastructure.

OpenShift Virtualization is designed and tested to work well with Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation features.


When you deploy OpenShift Virtualization with OpenShift Data Foundation, you must create a dedicated storage class for Windows virtual machine disks. See Optimizing ODF PersistentVolumes for Windows VMs for details.

You can use OpenShift Virtualization with the OVN-Kubernetes, OpenShift SDN, or one of the other certified network plugins listed in Certified OpenShift CNI Plug-ins.

1.1.1. OpenShift Virtualization supported cluster version

OpenShift Virtualization 4.12 is supported for use on OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 clusters. To use the latest z-stream release of OpenShift Virtualization, you must first upgrade to the latest version of OpenShift Container Platform.

1.2. Single-node OpenShift differences

You can install OpenShift Virtualization on a single-node cluster.

When provisioning a single-node OpenShift cluster with the assisted installer, preconfigured persistent storage is deployed automatically.

  • In OpenShift Virtualization 4.10 and 4.11, the HostPath Provisioner (HPP) is automatically installed.
  • In OpenShift Virtualization 4.12, the OpenShift Data Foundation Logical Volume Manager Operator is the provided out-of-the-box storage solution. You can also manually deploy using the HPP.

Single-node OpenShift does not support high availability. Be aware of the following differences in functionality from a multiple-node cluster:

  • Pod disruption budgets are not supported.
  • Live migration is not supported.
  • Due to differences in storage behavior, some virtual machine templates are incompatible with single-node OpenShift. To ensure compatibility, templates or virtual machines that use data volumes or storage profiles must not have the eviction strategy set.

1.3. Additional resources

Chapter 2. OpenShift Virtualization architecture

Learn about OpenShift Virtualization architecture.

2.1. How OpenShift Virtualization architecture works

After you install OpenShift Virtualization, the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) deploys operator pods for each component of OpenShift Virtualization:

  • Compute: virt-operator
  • Storage: cdi-operator
  • Network: cluster-network-addons-operator
  • Scaling: ssp-operator
  • Templating: tekton-tasks-operator

OLM also deploys the hyperconverged-cluster-operator pod, which is responsible for the deployment, configuration, and life cycle of other components, and several helper pods: hco-webhook, and hyperconverged-cluster-cli-download.

After all operator pods are successfully deployed, you should create the HyperConverged custom resource (CR). The configurations set in the HyperConverged CR serve as the single source of truth and the entrypoint for OpenShift Virtualization, and guide the behavior of the CRs.

The HyperConverged CR creates corresponding CRs for the operators of all other components within its reconciliation loop. Each operator then creates resources such as daemon sets, config maps, and additional components for the OpenShift Virtualization control plane. For example, when the hco-operator creates the KubeVirt CR, the virt-operator reconciles it and create additional resources such as virt-controller, virt-handler, and virt-api.

The OLM deploys the hostpath-provisioner-operator, but it is not functional until you create a hostpath provisioner (HPP) CR.

CNV Deployments

2.2. About the hco-operator

The hco-operator (HCO) provides a single entry point for deploying and managing OpenShift Virtualization and several helper operators with opinionated defaults. It also creates custom resources (CRs) for those operators.

hco-operator components
Table 2.1. hco-operator components


Validates the HyperConverged custom resource contents.


Provides the virtctl tool binaries to the cluster so that you can download them directly from the cluster.


Contains all operators, CRs, and objects needed by OpenShift Virtualization.


An SSP CR. This is automatically created by the HCO.


A CDI CR. This is automatically created by the HCO.


A CR that instructs and is managed by the cluster-network-addons-operator.

2.3. About the cdi-operator

The cdi-operator manages the Containerized Data Importer (CDI), and its related resources, which imports a virtual machine (VM) image into a persistent volume claim (PVC) by using a data volume.

cdi-operator components
Table 2.2. cdi-operator components


Manages the authorization to upload VM disks into PVCs by issuing secure upload tokens.


Directs external disk upload traffic to the appropriate upload server pod so that it can be written to the correct PVC. Requires a valid upload token.


Helper pod that imports a virtual machine image into a PVC when creating a data volume.

2.4. About the cluster-network-addons-operator

The cluster-network-addons-operator deploys networking components on a cluster and manages the related resources for extended network functionality.

cluster-network-addons-operator components
Table 2.3. cluster-network-addons-operator components


Manages TLS certificates of Kubemacpool’s webhooks.


Provides a MAC address pooling service for virtual machine (VM) network interface cards (NICs).


Marks network bridges available on nodes as node resources.


Installs CNI plugins on cluster nodes, enabling the attachment of VMs to Linux bridges through network attachment definitions.

2.5. About the hostpath-provisioner-operator

The hostpath-provisioner-operator deploys and manages the multi-node hostpath provisioner (HPP) and related resources.

hpp-operator components
Table 2.4. hostpath-provisioner-operator components


Provides a worker for each node where the hostpath provisioner (HPP) is designated to run. The pods mount the specified backing storage on the node.


Implements the Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver interface of the HPP.


Implements the legacy driver interface of the HPP.

2.6. About the ssp-operator

The ssp-operator deploys the common templates, the related default boot sources, and the template validator.

ssp-operator components
Table 2.5. ssp-operator components


Checks annotations on virtual machines created from templates, and rejects them if they are invalid.

2.7. About the tekton-tasks-operator

The tekton-tasks-operator deploys example pipelines showing the usage of OpenShift Pipelines for VMs. It also deploys additional OpenShift Pipeline tasks that allow users to create VMs from templates, copy and modify templates, and create data volumes.

tekton-tasks-operator components
Table 2.6. tekton-tasks-operator components


Creates a VM from a template.


Copies a VM template.


Creates or removes a VM template.


Creates or removes data volumes or data sources.


Runs a script or a command on a VM, then stops or deletes the VM afterward.


Runs a customize script on a target PVC using virt-customize.


Runs a sysprep script on a target PVC by using virt-sysprep.


Waits for a specific VMI status, then fails or succeeds according to that status.

2.8. About the virt-operator

The virt-operator deploys, upgrades, and manages OpenShift Virtualization without disrupting current virtual machine (VM) workloads.

virt-operator components
Table 2.7. virt-operator components


HTTP API server that serves as the entry point for all virtualization-related flows.


Observes the creation of a new VM instance object and creates a corresponding pod. When the pod is scheduled on a node, virt-controller updates the VM with the node name.


Monitors any changes to a VM and instructs virt-launcher to perform the required operations. This component is node-specific.


Contains the VM that was created by the user as implemented by libvirt and qemu.

Chapter 3. Getting started with OpenShift Virtualization

You can explore the features and functionalities of OpenShift Virtualization by installing and configuring a basic environment.


Cluster configuration procedures require cluster-admin privileges.

3.1. Planning and installing OpenShift Virtualization

Plan and install OpenShift Virtualization on an OpenShift Container Platform cluster:

Planning and installation resources

3.2. Creating and managing virtual machines

Create virtual machines (VMs) by using the web console:

Connect to the VMs:

Manage the VMs:

3.3. Next steps

Chapter 4. Web console overview

The Virtualization section of the OpenShift Container Platform web console contains the following pages for managing and monitoring your OpenShift Virtualization environment.

Table 4.1. Virtualization pages

Overview page

Manage and monitor the OpenShift Virtualization environment.

Catalog page

Create VirtualMachines from a catalog of templates.

VirtualMachines page

Configure and monitor VirtualMachines.

Templates page

Create and manage templates.

DataSources page

Create and manage DataSources for VirtualMachine boot sources.

MigrationPolicies page

Create and manage MigrationPolicies for workloads.

Table 4.2. Key

icon pencil

Edit icon

icon link

Link icon

4.1. Overview page

The Overview page displays resources, metrics, migration progress, and cluster-level settings.

Example 4.1. Overview page


Download virtctl icon link

Download the virtctl command line tool to manage resources.

Overview tab

Resources, usage, alerts, and status.

Top consumers tab

Top consumers of CPU, memory, and storage resources.

Migrations tab

Status of live migrations.

Settings tab

Cluster-wide settings, including live migration limits and user permissions.

4.1.1. Overview tab

The Overview tab displays resources, usage, alerts, and status.

Example 4.2. Overview tab


"Getting started resources" card

  • "Quick Starts" tile: Learn how to create, import, and run VirtualMachines with step-by-step instructions and tasks.
  • "Feature highlights" tile: Read the latest information about key virtualization features.
  • "Related operators" tile: Install Operators such as the Kubernetes NMState Operator or the OpenShift Data Foundation Operator.

"VirtualMachines" tile

Number of VirtualMachines, with a chart showing the last 7 days' trend.

"vCPU usage" tile

vCPU usage, with a chart showing the last 7 days' trend.

"Memory" tile

Memory usage, with a chart showing the last 7 days' trend.

"Storage" tile

Storage usage, with a chart showing the last 7 days' trend.

"Alerts" tile

OpenShift Virtualization alerts, grouped by severity.

"VirtualMachine statuses" tile

Number of VirtualMachines, grouped by status.

"VirtualMachines per template" chart

Number of VirtualMachines created from templates, grouped by template name.

4.1.2. Top consumers tab

The Top consumers tab displays the top consumers of CPU, memory, and storage.

Example 4.3. Top consumers tab


View virtualization dashboard icon link

Link to Observe → Dashboards, which displays the top consumers for OpenShift Virtualization.

Time period list

Select a time period to filter the results.

Top consumers list

Select the number of top consumers to filter the results.

"CPU" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest CPU usage.

"Memory" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest memory usage.

"Memory swap traffic" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest memory swap traffic.

"vCPU wait" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest vCPU wait periods.

"Storage throughput" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest storage throughput usage.

"Storage IOPS" chart

VirtualMachines with the highest storage input/output operations per second usage.

4.1.3. Migrations tab

The Migrations tab displays the status of VirtualMachineInstance migrations.

Example 4.4. Migrations tab


Time period list

Select a time period to filter VirtualMachineInstanceMigrations.

VirtualMachineInstanceMigrations table

List of VirtualMachineInstance migrations.

4.1.4. Settings tab

The Settings tab displays cluster-wide settings on the following tabs:

Table 4.3. Tabs on Settings tab

General tab

OpenShift Virtualization version and update status.

Live migration tab

Live migration limits and network settings.

Templates project tab

Project for Red Hat templates.

User permissions tab

Cluster-wide user permissions. General tab

The General tab displays the OpenShift Virtualization version and update status.

Example 4.5. General tab


Service name

OpenShift Virtualization


Red Hat

Installed version


Update status

Example: Up to date


Channel selected for updates. Live migration tab

You can configure live migration on the Live migration tab.

Example 4.6. Live migration tab


Max. migrations per cluster field

Select the maximum number of live migrations per cluster.

Max. migrations per node field

Select the maximum number of live migrations per node.

Live migration network list

Select a dedicated secondary network for live migration. Templates project tab

You can select a project for templates on the Templates project tab.

Example 4.7. Templates project tab


Project list

Select a project in which to store Red Hat templates. The default template project is openshift.

If you want to define multiple template projects, you must clone the templates on the Templates page for each project. User permissions tab

The User permissions tab displays cluster-wide user permissions for tasks.

Example 4.8. User permissions tab


User Permissions table

List of tasks, such as Share templates, and permissions.

4.2. Catalog page

You can create a VirtualMachine by selecting a template on the Catalog page.

Example 4.9. Catalog page


Templates project list

Select the project in which your templates are located.

By default, Red Hat templates are stored in the openshift project. You can edit the template project on the Overview → Settings → Template project tab.

All items|Default templates

Click Default templates to display only default templates.

Boot source available checkbox

Select the checkbox to display templates with an available boot source.

Operating system checkboxes

Select checkboxes to display templates with selected operating systems.

Workload checkboxes

Select checkboxes to display templates with selected workloads.

Search field

Search templates by keyword.

Template tiles

Click a template tile to view template details and to create a VirtualMachine.

4.3. VirtualMachines page

You can create and manage VirtualMachines on the VirtualMachines page.

Example 4.10. VirtualMachines page


Create → From catalog

Create a VirtualMachine on the Catalog page.

Create → With YAML

Create a VirtualMachine by editing a YAML configuration file.

Filter field

Filter VirtualMachines by status, template, operating system, or node.

Search field

Search for VirtualMachines by name or by label.

VirtualMachines table

List of VirtualMachines.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a VirtualMachine to select Stop, Restart, Pause, Clone, Migrate, Copy SSH command, Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.

Click a VirtualMachine to navigate to the VirtualMachine details page.

4.3.1. VirtualMachine details page

You can configure a VirtualMachine on the VirtualMachine details page.

Example 4.11. VirtualMachine details page


Actions menu

Click the Actions menu to select Stop, Restart, Pause, Clone, Migrate, Copy SSH command, Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.

Overview tab

Resource usage, alerts, disks, and devices.

Details tab

VirtualMachine configurations.

Metrics tab

Memory, CPU, storage, network, and migration metrics.

YAML tab

VirtualMachine YAML configuration file.

Scheduling tab

Scheduling configurations.

Environment tab

Config map, secret, and service account management.

Events tab

VirtualMachine event stream.

Console tab

Console session management.

Network interfaces tab

Network interface management.

Disks tab

Disk management.

Scripts tab

Cloud-init and SSH key management.

Snapshots tab

Snapshot management. Overview tab

The Overview tab displays resource usage, alerts, and configuration information.

Example 4.12. Overview tab


"Details" tile

General VirtualMachine information.

"Utilization" tile

CPU, Memory, Storage, and Network transfer charts.

"Hardware devices" tile

GPU and host devices.

"Alerts" tile

OpenShift Virtualization alerts, grouped by severity.

"Snapshots" tile

Take snapshot icon link and Snapshots table.

"Network interfaces" tile

Network interfaces table.

"Disks" tile

Disks table. Details tab

You can configure the VirtualMachine on the Details tab.

Example 4.13. Details tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.


VirtualMachine name.


VirtualMachine namespace.


Click the edit icon to edit the labels.


Click the edit icon to edit the annotations.


Click the edit icon to enter a description.

Operating system

Operating system name.


Click the edit icon to edit the CPU|Memory request.

The number of CPUs is calculated by using the following formula: sockets * threads * cores.

Machine type

VirtualMachine machine type.

Boot mode

Click the edit icon to edit the boot mode.

Start in pause mode

Click the edit icon to enable this setting.


Name of the template used to create the VirtualMachine.

Created at

VirtualMachine creation date.


VirtualMachine owner.


VirtualMachine status.


virt-launcher pod name.


VirtualMachineInstance name.

Boot order

Click the edit icon to select a boot source.

IP address

IP address of the VirtualMachine.


Hostname of the VirtualMachine.

Time zone

Time zone of the VirtualMachine.


Node on which the VirtualMachine is running.

Workload profile

Click the edit icon to edit the workload profile.

SSH using virtctl

Click the copy icon to copy the virtctl ssh command to the clipboard.

SSH over NodePort

Selecting Create a Service to expose your VirtualMachine for SSH access generates an ssh -p <port> command. Click the copy icon to copy the command to the clipboard.

GPU devices

Click the edit icon to add a GPU device.

Host devices

Click the edit icon to add a host device.

Services section

View services.

Active users section

View active users. Metrics tab

The Metrics tab displays memory, CPU, storage, network, and migration usage charts.

Example 4.14. Metrics tab


Time range list

Select a time range to filter the results.

Virtualization dashboard icon link

Link to the Workloads tab of the current project.

Utilization section

Memory, CPU, and Network interface charts.

Storage section

Storage total read/write and Storage iops total read/write charts.

Network section

Network in, Network out, and Network bandwidth charts.

Migration section

Migration and KV data transfer rate charts. YAML tab

You can configure the VirtualMachine by editing the YAML file on the YAML tab.

Example 4.15. YAML tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Save button

Save changes to the YAML file.

Reload button

Discard your changes and reload the YAML file.

Cancel button

Exit the YAML tab.

Download button

Download the YAML file to your local machine. Scheduling tab

You can configure scheduling on the Scheduling tab.

Example 4.16. Scheduling tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Node selector

Click the edit icon to add a label to specify qualifying nodes.


Click the edit icon to add a toleration to specify qualifying nodes.

Affinity rules

Click the edit icon to add an affinity rule.

Descheduler switch

Enable or disable the descheduler. The descheduler evicts a running pod so that the pod can be rescheduled onto a more suitable node.

Dedicated resources

Click the edit icon to select Schedule this workload with dedicated resources (guaranteed policy).

Eviction strategy

Click the edit icon to select LiveMigrate as the VirtualMachineInstance eviction strategy. Environment tab

You can manage config maps, secrets, and service accounts on the Environment tab.

Example 4.17. Environment tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Add Config Map, Secret or Service Account icon link

Click the link and select a config map, secret, or service account from the resource list. Events tab

The Events tab displays a list of VirtualMachine events. Console tab

You can open a console session to the VirtualMachine on the Console tab.

Example 4.18. Console tab


Guest login credentials section

Expand Guest login credentials to view the credentials created with cloud-init. Click the copy icon to copy the credentials to the clipboard.

Console list

Select VNC console or Serial console.

You can select Desktop viewer to connect to Windows VirtualMachines by using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). You must install an RDP client on a machine on the same network.

Send key list

Select a key-stroke combination to send to the console.

Disconnect button

Disconnect the console connection.

You must manually disconnect the console connection if you open a new console session. Otherwise, the first console session continues to run in the background. Network interfaces tab

You can manage network interfaces on the Network interfaces tab.

Example 4.19. Network interfaces tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Add network interface button

Add a network interface to the VirtualMachine.

Filter field

Filter by interface type.

Search field

Search for a network interface by name or by label.

Network interface table

List of network interfaces.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a network interface to select Edit or Delete. Disks tab

You can manage disks on the Disks tab.

Example 4.20. Disks tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Add disk button

Add a disk to the VirtualMachine.

Filter field

Filter by disk type.

Search field

Search for a disk by name.

Disks table

List of VirtualMachine disks.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a disk to select Edit or Detach.

File systems table

List of VirtualMachine file systems. Scripts tab

You can manage the cloud-init and SSH keys of the VirtualMachine on the Scripts tab.

Example 4.21. Scripts tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.


Click the edit icon to edit the cloud-init settings.

Authorized SSH Key

Click the edit icon to create a new secret or to attach an existing secret. Snapshots tab

You can create snapshots and restore VirtualMachines from snapshots on the Snapshots tab.

Example 4.22. Snapshots tab


Take snapshot button

Create a snapshot.

Filter field

Filter snapshots by status.

Search field

Search for snapshots by name or by label.

Snapshot table

List of snapshots.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a snapshot to select Edit labels, Edit annotations, Edit VirtualMachineSnapshot, Delete VirtualMachineSnapshot.

4.4. Templates page

You can create, edit, and clone VirtualMachine templates on the Templates page.


You cannot edit a Red Hat template. You can clone a Red Hat template and edit it to create a custom template.

Example 4.23. Templates page


Create Template button

Create a template by editing a YAML configuration file.

Filter field

Filter templates by type, boot source, template provider, or operating system.

Search field

Search for templates by name or by label.

Templates table

List of templates.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a template to select Edit, Clone, Edit boot source, Edit boot source reference, Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.

4.4.1. Template details page

You can view template settings and edit custom templates on the Template details page.

Example 4.24. Template details page


Actions menu

Click the Actions menu to select Edit, Clone, Edit boot source, Edit boot source reference, Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.

Details tab

Template settings and configurations.

YAML tab

YAML configuration file.

Scheduling tab

Scheduling configurations.

Network interfaces tab

Network interface management.

Disks tab

Disk management.

Scripts tab

Cloud-init, SSH key, and Sysprep management.

Parameters tab

Parameters. Details tab

You can configure a custom template on the Details tab.

Example 4.25. Details tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.


Template name.


Template namespace.


Click the edit icon to edit the labels.


Click the edit icon to edit the annotations.

Display name

Click the edit icon to edit the display name.


Click the edit icon to enter a description.

Operating system

Operating system name.


Click the edit icon to edit the CPU|Memory request.

The number of CPUs is calculated by using the following formula: sockets * threads * cores.

Machine type

Template machine type.

Boot mode

Click the edit icon to edit the boot mode.

Base template

Name of the base template used to create this template.

Created at

Template creation date.


Template owner.

Boot order

Template boot order.

Boot source

Boot source availability.


Template provider.


Template support level.

GPU devices

Click the edit icon to add a GPU device.

Host devices

Click the edit icon to add a host device. YAML tab

You can configure a custom template by editing the YAML file on the YAML tab.

Example 4.26. YAML tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Save button

Save changes to the YAML file.

Reload button

Discard your changes and reload the YAML file.

Cancel button

Exit the YAML tab.

Download button

Download the YAML file to your local machine. Scheduling tab

You can configure scheduling on the Scheduling tab.

Example 4.27. Scheduling tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Node selector

Click the edit icon to add a label to specify qualifying nodes.


Click the edit icon to add a toleration to specify qualifying nodes.

Affinity rules

Click the edit icon to add an affinity rule.

Descheduler switch

Enable or disable the descheduler. The descheduler evicts a running pod so that the pod can be rescheduled onto a more suitable node.

Dedicated resources

Click the edit icon to select Schedule this workload with dedicated resources (guaranteed policy).

Eviction strategy

Click the edit icon to select LiveMigrate as the VirtualMachineInstance eviction strategy. Network interfaces tab

You can manage network interfaces on the Network interfaces tab.

Example 4.28. Network interfaces tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Add network interface button

Add a network interface to the template.

Filter field

Filter by interface type.

Search field

Search for a network interface by name or by label.

Network interface table

List of network interfaces.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a network interface to select Edit or Delete. Disks tab

You can manage disks on the Disks tab.

Example 4.29. Disks tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.

Add disk button

Add a disk to the template.

Filter field

Filter by disk type.

Search field

Search for a disk by name.

Disks table

List of template disks.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a disk to select Edit or Detach. Scripts tab

You can manage the cloud-init settings, SSH keys, and Sysprep answer files on the Scripts tab.

Example 4.30. Scripts tab


YAML switch

Set to ON to view your live changes in the YAML configuration file.


Click the edit icon to edit the cloud-init settings.

Authorized SSH Key

Click the edit icon to create a new secret or to attach an existing secret.


Click the edit icon to upload an Autounattend.xml or Unattend.xml answer file to automate Windows VirtualMachine setup. Parameters tab

You can edit selected template settings on the Parameters tab.

Example 4.31. Parameters tab


VM name

Select Generated (expression) for a generated value, Value to set a default value, or None from the Default value type list.

Data source namespace

Select Generated (expression) for a generated value, Value to set a default value, or None from the Default value type list.

Cloud user password

Select Generated (expression) for a generated value, Value to set a default value, or None from the Default value type list.

4.5. DataSources page

You can create and configure DataSources for VirtualMachine boot sources on the DataSources page.

When you create a DataSource, a DataImportCron resource defines a cron job to poll and import the disk image unless you disable automatic boot source updates.

Example 4.32. DataSources page


Create DataSource → With form

Create a DataSource by entering the registry URL, disk size, number of revisions, and cron expression in a form.

Create DataSources → With YAML

Create a DataSource by editing a YAML configuration file.

Filter field

Filter DataSources by attributes such as DataImportCron available.

Search field

Search for a DataSource by name or by label.

DataSources table

List of DataSources.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a DataSource to select Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.

Click a DataSource to view the DataSource details page.

4.5.1. DataSource details page

You can configure a DataSource on the DataSource details page.

Example 4.33. DataSource details page


Details tab

Configure a DataSource by editing a form.

YAML tab

Configure a DataSource by editing a YAML configuration file.

Actions menu

Select Edit labels, Edit annotations, or Delete.


DataSource name.


DataSource namespace.


Click the edit icon to edit the labels.


Click the edit icon to edit the annotations.


Displays the status conditions of the DataSource.

4.6. MigrationPolicies page

You can manage MigrationPolicies for your workloads on the MigrationPolicies page.

Example 4.34. MigrationPolicies page


Create MigrationPolicy → With form

Create a MigrationPolicy by entering configurations and labels in a form.

Create MigrationPolicy → With YAML

Create a MigrationPolicy by editing a YAML configuration file.

Name | Label search field

Search for a MigrationPolicy by name or by label.

MigrationPolicies table

List of MigrationPolicies.

Click the Options menu kebab beside a MigrationPolicy to select Edit or Delete.

Click a MigrationPolicy to view the MigrationPolicy details page.

4.6.1. MigrationPolicy details page

You can configure a MigrationPolicy on the MigrationPolicy details page.

Example 4.35. MigrationPolicy details page


Details tab

Configure a MigrationPolicy by editing a form.

YAML tab

Configure a MigrationPolicy by editing a YAML configuration file.

Actions menu

Select Edit or Delete.


MigrationPolicy name.


MigrationPolicy description.


Click the edit icon to update the MigrationPolicy configurations.

Bandwidth per migration

Bandwidth request per migration. For unlimited bandwidth, set the value to 0.

Auto converge

Auto converge policy.


Post-copy policy.

Completion timeout

Completion timeout value in seconds.

Project labels

Click Edit to edit the project labels.

VirtualMachine labels

Click Edit to edit the VirtualMachine labels.

Chapter 5. OpenShift Virtualization release notes

5.1. Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

5.2. About Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization

Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization enables you to bring traditional virtual machines (VMs) into OpenShift Container Platform where they run alongside containers, and are managed as native Kubernetes objects.

OpenShift Virtualization is represented by the OpenShift Virtualization icon.

You can use OpenShift Virtualization with either the OVN-Kubernetes or the OpenShiftSDN default Container Network Interface (CNI) network provider.

Learn more about what you can do with OpenShift Virtualization.

Learn more about OpenShift Virtualization architecture and deployments.

Prepare your cluster for OpenShift Virtualization.

5.2.1. OpenShift Virtualization supported cluster version

OpenShift Virtualization 4.12 is supported for use on OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 clusters. To use the latest z-stream release of OpenShift Virtualization, you must first upgrade to the latest version of OpenShift Container Platform.

5.2.2. Supported guest operating systems

To view the supported guest operating systems for OpenShift Virtualization, refer to Certified Guest Operating Systems in Red Hat OpenStack Platform, Red Hat Virtualization and OpenShift Virtualization.

5.3. New and changed features

  • OpenShift Virtualization is certified in Microsoft’s Windows Server Virtualization Validation Program (SVVP) to run Windows Server workloads.

    The SVVP Certification applies to:

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS workers. In the Microsoft SVVP Catalog, they are named Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4 on RHEL CoreOS 8.
    • Intel and AMD CPUs.
  • OpenShift Virtualization no longer uses the OpenShift Virtualization logo. OpenShift Virtualization is now represented by the OpenShift Virtualization logo for versions 4.9 and later.
  • You can export and download a volume from a virtual machine (VM), a VM snapshot, or a persistent volume claim (PVC) to recreate it on a different cluster or in a different namespace on the same cluster by using the virtctl vmexport command or by creating a VirtualMachineExport custom resource. You can also export the memory-dump for forensic analysis.
  • Standalone data volumes, and data volumes created when using a dataVolumeTemplate to prepare a disk for a VM, are no longer stored in the system. The data volumes are now automatically garbage collected and deleted after the PVC is created.
  • OpenShift Virtualization now provides live migration metrics that you can access by using the OpenShift Container Platform monitoring dashboard.
  • The OpenShift Virtualization Operator now reads the cluster-wide TLS security profile from the APIServer custom resource and propagates it to the OpenShift Virtualization components, including virtualization, storage, networking, and infrastructure.
  • OpenShift Virtualization has runbooks to help you troubleshoot issues that trigger alerts. The alerts are displayed on the VirtualizationOverview page of the web console. Each runbook defines an alert and provides steps to diagnose and resolve the issue. This feature was previously introduced as a Technology Preview and is now generally available.

5.3.1. Quick starts

  • Quick start tours are available for several OpenShift Virtualization features. To view the tours, click the Help icon ? in the menu bar on the header of the OpenShift Virtualization console and then select Quick Starts. You can filter the available tours by entering the virtualization keyword in the Filter field.

5.3.2. Networking

5.3.3. Web console

  • The Virtualization → Overview page has the following usability enhancements:

    • A Download virtctl link is available.
    • Resource information is customized for administrative and non-administrative users. For example, non-administrative users see only their VMs.
    • The Overview tab displays the number of VMs, and vCPU, memory, and storage usage with charts that show the last 7 days' trend.
    • The Alerts card on the Overview tab displays the alerts grouped by severity.
    • The Top Consumers tab displays the top consumers of CPU, memory, and storage usage over a configurable time period.
    • The Migrations tab displays the progress of VM migrations.
    • The Settings tab displays cluster-wide settings, including live migration limits, live migration network, and templates project.
  • You can create and manage live migration policies in a single location on the Virtualization → MigrationPolicies page.
  • The Metrics tab on the VirtualMachine details page displays memory, CPU, storage, network, and migration metrics of a VM, over a configurable period of time.
  • When you customize a template to create a VM, you can set the YAML switch to ON on each VM configuration tab to view the live changes in the YAML configuration file alongside the form.
  • The Migrations tab on the Virtualization → Overview page displays the progress of virtual machine instance migrations over a configurable time period.
  • You can now define a dedicated network for live migration to minimize disruption to tenant workloads. To select a network, navigate to VirtualizationOverviewSettingsLive migration.

5.3.4. Deprecated features

Deprecated features are included in the current release and supported. However, they will be removed in a future release and are not recommended for new deployments.

5.3.5. Removed features

Removed features are not supported in the current release.

  • Support for the legacy HPP custom resource, and the associated storage class, has been removed for all new deployments. In OpenShift Virtualization 4.12, the HPP Operator uses the Kubernetes Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver to configure local storage. A legacy HPP custom resource is supported only if it had been installed on a previous version of OpenShift Virtualization.
  • OpenShift Virtualization 4.11 removed support for nmstate, including the following objects:

    • NodeNetworkState
    • NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
    • NodeNetworkConfigurationEnactment

    To preserve and support your existing nmstate configuration, install the Kubernetes NMState Operator before updating to OpenShift Virtualization 4.11. For 4.12 for Extended Update Support (EUS) versions, install the Kubernetes NMState Operator after updating to 4.12. You can install the Operator from the OperatorHub in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, or by using the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • The Node Maintenance Operator (NMO) is no longer shipped with OpenShift Virtualization. You can install the NMO from the OperatorHub in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, or by using the OpenShift CLI (oc).

    You must perform one of the following tasks before updating to OpenShift Virtualization 4.11 from OpenShift Virtualization 4.10.2 and later 4.10 releases. For Extended Update Support (EUS) versions, you must perform the following tasks before updating to OpenShift Virtualization 4.12 from 4.10.2 and later 4.10 releases:

    • Move all nodes out of maintenance mode.
    • Install the standalone NMO and replace the custom resource (CR) with a CR.

5.4. Technology Preview features

Some features in this release are currently in Technology Preview. These experimental features are not intended for production use. Note the following scope of support on the Red Hat Customer Portal for these features:

Technology Preview Features Support Scope

  • The Tekton Tasks Operator (TTO) now integrates OpenShift Virtualization with Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines. TTO includes cluster tasks and example pipelines that allow you to:

    • Create and manage virtual machines (VMs), persistent volume claims (PVCs), and data volumes.
    • Run commands in VMs.
    • Manipulate disk images with libguestfs tools.
    • Install Windows 10 into a new data volume from a Windows installation image (ISO file).
    • Customize a basic Windows 10 installation and then create a new image and template.
  • You can now use the guest agent ping probe to determine if the QEMU guest agent is running on a virtual machine.
  • You can now use Microsoft Windows 11 as a guest operating system. However, OpenShift Virtualization 4.12 does not support USB disks, which are required for a critical function of BitLocker recovery. To protect recovery keys, use other methods described in the BitLocker recovery guide.
  • You can create live migration policies with specific parameters, such as bandwidth usage, maximum number of parallel migrations, and timeout, and apply the policies to groups of virtual machines by using virtual machine and namespace labels.

5.5. Bug fixes

  • You can now configure the HyperConverged CR to enable mediated devices before drivers are installed without losing the new device configuration after driver installation. (BZ#2046298)
  • The OVN-Kubernetes cluster network provider no longer crashes from peak RAM and CPU usage if you create a large number of NodePort services. (OCPBUGS-1940)
  • Cloning more than 100 VMs at once no longer intermittently fails if you use Red Hat Ceph Storage or Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Storage. (BZ#1989527)

5.6. Known issues

  • You cannot run OpenShift Virtualization on a single-stack IPv6 cluster. (BZ#2193267)
  • In a heterogeneous cluster with different compute nodes, virtual machines that have HyperV Reenlightenment enabled cannot be scheduled on nodes that do not support timestamp-counter scaling (TSC) or have the appropriate TSC frequency. (BZ#2151169)
  • When you use two pods with different SELinux contexts, VMs with the ocs-storagecluster-cephfs storage class fail to migrate and the VM status changes to Paused. This is because both pods try to access the shared ReadWriteMany CephFS volume at the same time. (BZ#2092271)

    • As a workaround, use the ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd storage class to live migrate VMs on a cluster that uses Red Hat Ceph Storage.
  • The TopoLVM provisioner name string has changed in OpenShift Virtualization 4.12. As a result, the automatic import of operating system images might fail with the following error message (BZ#2158521): spec is missing accessMode and volumeMode, cannot get access mode from StorageProfile.
    • As a workaround:

      1. Update the claimPropertySets array of the storage profile:

        $ oc patch storageprofile <storage_profile> --type=merge -p '{"spec": {"claimPropertySets": [{"accessModes": ["ReadWriteOnce"], "volumeMode": "Block"}, \
            {"accessModes": ["ReadWriteOnce"], "volumeMode": "Filesystem"}]}}'
      2. Delete the affected data volumes in the openshift-virtualization-os-images namespace. They are recreated with the access mode and volume mode from the updated storage profile.
  • When restoring a VM snapshot for storage whose binding mode is WaitForFirstConsumer, the restored PVCs remain in the Pending state and the restore operation does not progress.

    • As a workaround, start the restored VM, stop it, and then start it again. The VM will be scheduled, the PVCs will be in the Bound state, and the restore operation will complete. (BZ#2149654)
  • VMs created from common templates on a Single Node OpenShift (SNO) cluster display a VMCannotBeEvicted alert because the template’s default eviction strategy is LiveMigrate. You can ignore this alert or remove the alert by updating the VM’s eviction strategy. (BZ#2092412)
  • Uninstalling OpenShift Virtualization does not remove the node labels created by OpenShift Virtualization. You must remove the labels manually. (CNV-22036)
  • Some persistent volume claim (PVC) annotations created by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) can cause the virtual machine snapshot restore operation to hang indefinitely. (BZ#2070366)

    • As a workaround, you can remove the annotations manually:

      1. Obtain the VirtualMachineSnapshotContent custom resource (CR) name from the status.virtualMachineSnapshotContentName value in the VirtualMachineSnapshot CR.
      2. Edit the VirtualMachineSnapshotContent CR and remove all lines that contain
      3. If you did not specify a value for spec.dataVolumeTemplates in the VirtualMachine object, delete any DataVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim objects in this namespace where both of the following conditions are true:

        1. The object’s name begins with restore-.
        2. The object is not referenced by virtual machines.

          This step is optional if you specified a value for spec.dataVolumeTemplates.

      4. Repeat the restore operation with the updated VirtualMachineSnapshot CR.
  • Windows 11 virtual machines do not boot on clusters running in FIPS mode. Windows 11 requires a TPM (trusted platform module) device by default. However, the swtpm (software TPM emulator) package is incompatible with FIPS. (BZ#2089301)
  • If your OpenShift Container Platform cluster uses OVN-Kubernetes as the default Container Network Interface (CNI) provider, you cannot attach a Linux bridge or bonding device to a host’s default interface because of a change in the host network topology of OVN-Kubernetes. (BZ#1885605)

    • As a workaround, you can use a secondary network interface connected to your host, or switch to the OpenShift SDN default CNI provider.
  • In some instances, multiple virtual machines can mount the same PVC in read-write mode, which might result in data corruption. (BZ#1992753)

    • As a workaround, avoid using a single PVC in read-write mode with multiple VMs.
  • The Pod Disruption Budget (PDB) prevents pod disruptions for migratable virtual machine images. If the PDB detects pod disruption, then openshift-monitoring sends a PodDisruptionBudgetAtLimit alert every 60 minutes for virtual machine images that use the LiveMigrate eviction strategy. (BZ#2026733)

  • OpenShift Virtualization links a service account token in use by a pod to that specific pod. OpenShift Virtualization implements a service account volume by creating a disk image that contains a token. If you migrate a VM, then the service account volume becomes invalid. (BZ#2037611)

    • As a workaround, use user accounts rather than service accounts because user account tokens are not bound to a specific pod.
  • If you clone more than 100 VMs using the csi-clone cloning strategy, then the Ceph CSI might not purge the clones. Manually deleting the clones can also fail. (BZ#2055595)

    • As a workaround, you can restart the ceph-mgr to purge the VM clones.
  • VMs that use Logical volume management (LVM) with block storage devices require additional configuration to avoid conflicts with Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) hosts.

    • As a workaround, you can create a VM, provision an LVM, and restart the VM. This creates an empty system.lvmdevices file. (OCPBUGS-5223)

Chapter 6. Installing

6.1. Preparing your cluster for OpenShift Virtualization

Review this section before you install OpenShift Virtualization to ensure that your cluster meets the requirements.


You can use any installation method, including user-provisioned, installer-provisioned, or assisted installer, to deploy OpenShift Container Platform. However, the installation method and the cluster topology might affect OpenShift Virtualization functionality, such as snapshots or live migration.

FIPS mode

If you install your cluster in FIPS mode, no additional setup is required for OpenShift Virtualization.


You cannot run OpenShift Virtualization on a single-stack IPv6 cluster. (BZ#2193267)

6.1.1. Hardware and operating system requirements

Review the following hardware and operating system requirements for OpenShift Virtualization.

Supported platforms


Installing OpenShift Virtualization on AWS bare metal instances or on IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

  • Bare metal instances or servers offered by other cloud providers are not supported.

CPU requirements

  • Supported by Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8
  • Support for Intel 64 or AMD64 CPU extensions
  • Intel VT or AMD-V hardware virtualization extensions enabled
  • NX (no execute) flag enabled

Storage requirements

  • Supported by OpenShift Container Platform

If you deploy OpenShift Virtualization with Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation, you must create a dedicated storage class for Windows virtual machine disks. See Optimizing ODF PersistentVolumes for Windows VMs for details.

Operating system requirements

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) installed on worker nodes


    RHEL worker nodes are not supported.

  • If your cluster uses worker nodes with different CPUs, live migration failures can occur because different CPUs have different capabilities. To avoid such failures, use CPUs with appropriate capacity for each node and set node affinity on your virtual machines to ensure successful migration. See Configuring a required node affinity rule for more information.

Additional resources

6.1.2. Physical resource overhead requirements

OpenShift Virtualization is an add-on to OpenShift Container Platform and imposes additional overhead that you must account for when planning a cluster. Each cluster machine must accommodate the following overhead requirements in addition to the OpenShift Container Platform requirements. Oversubscribing the physical resources in a cluster can affect performance.


The numbers noted in this documentation are based on Red Hat’s test methodology and setup. These numbers can vary based on your own individual setup and environments. Memory overhead

Calculate the memory overhead values for OpenShift Virtualization by using the equations below.

Cluster memory overhead

Memory overhead per infrastructure node ≈ 150 MiB

Memory overhead per worker node ≈ 360 MiB

Additionally, OpenShift Virtualization environment resources require a total of 2179 MiB of RAM that is spread across all infrastructure nodes.

Virtual machine memory overhead

Memory overhead per virtual machine ≈ (1.002 × requested memory) \
              + 218 MiB \ 1
              + 8 MiB × (number of vCPUs) \ 2
              + 16 MiB × (number of graphics devices) \ 3
              + (additional memory overhead) 4

Required for the processes that run in the virt-launcher pod.
Number of virtual CPUs requested by the virtual machine.
Number of virtual graphics cards requested by the virtual machine.
Additional memory overhead:
  • If your environment includes a Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) network device or a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), allocate 1 GiB additional memory overhead for each device. CPU overhead

Calculate the cluster processor overhead requirements for OpenShift Virtualization by using the equation below. The CPU overhead per virtual machine depends on your individual setup.

Cluster CPU overhead

CPU overhead for infrastructure nodes ≈ 4 cores

OpenShift Virtualization increases the overall utilization of cluster level services such as logging, routing, and monitoring. To account for this workload, ensure that nodes that host infrastructure components have capacity allocated for 4 additional cores (4000 millicores) distributed across those nodes.

CPU overhead for worker nodes ≈ 2 cores + CPU overhead per virtual machine

Each worker node that hosts virtual machines must have capacity for 2 additional cores (2000 millicores) for OpenShift Virtualization management workloads in addition to the CPUs required for virtual machine workloads.

Virtual machine CPU overhead

If dedicated CPUs are requested, there is a 1:1 impact on the cluster CPU overhead requirement. Otherwise, there are no specific rules about how many CPUs a virtual machine requires. Storage overhead

Use the guidelines below to estimate storage overhead requirements for your OpenShift Virtualization environment.

Cluster storage overhead

Aggregated storage overhead per node ≈ 10 GiB

10 GiB is the estimated on-disk storage impact for each node in the cluster when you install OpenShift Virtualization.

Virtual machine storage overhead

Storage overhead per virtual machine depends on specific requests for resource allocation within the virtual machine. The request could be for ephemeral storage on the node or storage resources hosted elsewhere in the cluster. OpenShift Virtualization does not currently allocate any additional ephemeral storage for the running container itself. Example

As a cluster administrator, if you plan to host 10 virtual machines in the cluster, each with 1 GiB of RAM and 2 vCPUs, the memory impact across the cluster is 11.68 GiB. The estimated on-disk storage impact for each node in the cluster is 10 GiB and the CPU impact for worker nodes that host virtual machine workloads is a minimum of 2 cores.

6.1.3. Object maximums

You must consider the following tested object maximums when planning your cluster:

6.1.4. Restricted network environments

If you install OpenShift Virtualization in a restricted environment with no internet connectivity, you must configure Operator Lifecycle Manager for restricted networks.

If you have limited internet connectivity, you can configure proxy support in Operator Lifecycle Manager to access the Red Hat-provided OperatorHub.

6.1.5. Live migration

Live migration has the following requirements:

  • Shared storage with ReadWriteMany (RWX) access mode.
  • Sufficient RAM and network bandwidth.
  • If the virtual machine uses a host model CPU, the nodes must support the virtual machine’s host model CPU.

You must ensure that there is enough memory request capacity in the cluster to support node drains that result in live migrations. You can determine the approximate required spare memory by using the following calculation:

Product of (Maximum number of nodes that can drain in parallel) and (Highest total VM memory request allocations across nodes)

The default number of migrations that can run in parallel in the cluster is 5.

6.1.6. Snapshots and cloning

See OpenShift Virtualization storage features for snapshot and cloning requirements.

6.1.7. Cluster high-availability options

You can configure one of the following high-availability (HA) options for your cluster:

  • Automatic high availability for installer-provisioned infrastructure (IPI) is available by deploying machine health checks.


    In OpenShift Container Platform clusters installed using installer-provisioned infrastructure and with MachineHealthCheck properly configured, if a node fails the MachineHealthCheck and becomes unavailable to the cluster, it is recycled. What happens next with VMs that ran on the failed node depends on a series of conditions. See About RunStrategies for virtual machines for more detailed information about the potential outcomes and how RunStrategies affect those outcomes.

  • Automatic high availability for both IPI and non-IPI is available by using the Node Health Check Operator on the OpenShift Container Platform cluster to deploy the NodeHealthCheck controller. The controller identifies unhealthy nodes and uses a remediation provider, such as the Self Node Remediation Operator or Fence Agents Remediation Operator, to remediate the unhealthy nodes. For more information on remediation, fencing, and maintaining nodes, see the Workload Availability for Red Hat OpenShift documentation.
  • High availability for any platform is available by using either a monitoring system or a qualified human to monitor node availability. When a node is lost, shut it down and run oc delete node <lost_node>.


    Without an external monitoring system or a qualified human monitoring node health, virtual machines lose high availability.

6.2. Specifying nodes for OpenShift Virtualization components

Specify the nodes where you want to deploy OpenShift Virtualization Operators, workloads, and controllers by configuring node placement rules.


You can configure node placement for some components after installing OpenShift Virtualization, but there must not be virtual machines present if you want to configure node placement for workloads.

6.2.1. About node placement for virtualization components

You might want to customize where OpenShift Virtualization deploys its components to ensure that:

  • Virtual machines only deploy on nodes that are intended for virtualization workloads.
  • Operators only deploy on infrastructure nodes.
  • Certain nodes are unaffected by OpenShift Virtualization. For example, you have workloads unrelated to virtualization running on your cluster, and you want those workloads to be isolated from OpenShift Virtualization. How to apply node placement rules to virtualization components

You can specify node placement rules for a component by editing the corresponding object directly or by using the web console.

  • For the OpenShift Virtualization Operators that Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) deploys, edit the OLM Subscription object directly. Currently, you cannot configure node placement rules for the Subscription object by using the web console.
  • For components that the OpenShift Virtualization Operators deploy, edit the HyperConverged object directly or configure it by using the web console during OpenShift Virtualization installation.
  • For the hostpath provisioner, edit the HostPathProvisioner object directly or configure it by using the web console.


    You must schedule the hostpath provisioner and the virtualization components on the same nodes. Otherwise, virtualization pods that use the hostpath provisioner cannot run.

Depending on the object, you can use one or more of the following rule types:

Allows pods to be scheduled on nodes that are labeled with the key-value pair or pairs that you specify in this field. The node must have labels that exactly match all listed pairs.
Enables you to use more expressive syntax to set rules that match nodes with pods. Affinity also allows for more nuance in how the rules are applied. For example, you can specify that a rule is a preference, rather than a hard requirement, so that pods are still scheduled if the rule is not satisfied.
Allows pods to be scheduled on nodes that have matching taints. If a taint is applied to a node, that node only accepts pods that tolerate the taint. Node placement in the OLM Subscription object

To specify the nodes where OLM deploys the OpenShift Virtualization Operators, edit the Subscription object during OpenShift Virtualization installation. You can include node placement rules in the spec.config field, as shown in the following example:

kind: Subscription
  name: hco-operatorhub
  namespace: openshift-cnv
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  startingCSV: kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v4.12.13
  channel: "stable"
  config: 1
The config field supports nodeSelector and tolerations, but it does not support affinity. Node placement in the HyperConverged object

To specify the nodes where OpenShift Virtualization deploys its components, you can include the nodePlacement object in the HyperConverged Cluster custom resource (CR) file that you create during OpenShift Virtualization installation. You can include nodePlacement under the spec.infra and spec.workloads fields, as shown in the following example:

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  namespace: openshift-cnv
    nodePlacement: 1
The nodePlacement fields support nodeSelector, affinity, and tolerations fields. Node placement in the HostPathProvisioner object

You can configure node placement rules in the spec.workload field of the HostPathProvisioner object that you create when you install the hostpath provisioner.

kind: HostPathProvisioner
  name: hostpath-provisioner
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    path: "</path/to/backing/directory>"
    useNamingPrefix: false
  workload: 1
The workload field supports nodeSelector, affinity, and tolerations fields. Additional resources

6.2.2. Example manifests

The following example YAML files use nodePlacement, affinity, and tolerations objects to customize node placement for OpenShift Virtualization components. Operator Lifecycle Manager Subscription object Example: Node placement with nodeSelector in the OLM Subscription object

In this example, nodeSelector is configured so that OLM places the OpenShift Virtualization Operators on nodes that are labeled with = example-infra-value.

kind: Subscription
  name: hco-operatorhub
  namespace: openshift-cnv
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  startingCSV: kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v4.12.13
  channel: "stable"
    nodeSelector: example-infra-value Example: Node placement with tolerations in the OLM Subscription object

In this example, nodes that are reserved for OLM to deploy OpenShift Virtualization Operators are labeled with the key=virtualization:NoSchedule taint. Only pods with the matching tolerations are scheduled to these nodes.

kind: Subscription
  name: hco-operatorhub
  namespace: openshift-cnv
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  startingCSV: kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v4.12.13
  channel: "stable"
    - key: "key"
      operator: "Equal"
      value: "virtualization"
      effect: "NoSchedule" HyperConverged object Example: Node placement with nodeSelector in the HyperConverged Cluster CR

In this example, nodeSelector is configured so that infrastructure resources are placed on nodes that are labeled with = example-infra-value and workloads are placed on nodes labeled with = example-workloads-value.

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  namespace: openshift-cnv
      nodeSelector: example-infra-value
      nodeSelector: example-workloads-value Example: Node placement with affinity in the HyperConverged Cluster CR

In this example, affinity is configured so that infrastructure resources are placed on nodes that are labeled with = example-value and workloads are placed on nodes labeled with = example-workloads-value. Nodes that have more than eight CPUs are preferred for workloads, but if they are not available, pods are still scheduled.

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  namespace: openshift-cnv
            - matchExpressions:
              - key:
                operator: In
                - example-infra-value
            - matchExpressions:
              - key:
                operator: In
                - example-workloads-value
          - weight: 1
              - key:
                operator: Gt
                - 8 Example: Node placement with tolerations in the HyperConverged Cluster CR

In this example, nodes that are reserved for OpenShift Virtualization components are labeled with the key=virtualization:NoSchedule taint. Only pods with the matching tolerations are scheduled to these nodes.

kind: HyperConverged
  name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
  namespace: openshift-cnv
      - key: "key"
        operator: "Equal"
        value: "virtualization"
        effect: "NoSchedule" HostPathProvisioner object Example: Node placement with nodeSelector in the HostPathProvisioner object

In this example, nodeSelector is configured so that workloads are placed on nodes labeled with = example-workloads-value.

kind: HostPathProvisioner
  name: hostpath-provisioner
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    path: "</path/to/backing/directory>"
    useNamingPrefix: false
    nodeSelector: example-workloads-value

6.3. Installing OpenShift Virtualization using the web console

Install OpenShift Virtualization to add virtualization functionality to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

You can use the OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 web console to subscribe to and deploy the OpenShift Virtualization Operators.

6.3.1. Installing the OpenShift Virtualization Operator

You can install the OpenShift Virtualization Operator from the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • Install OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 on your cluster.
  • Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console as a user with cluster-admin permissions.


  1. From the Administrator perspective, click OperatorsOperatorHub.
  2. In the Filter by keyword field, type Virtualization.
  3. Select the {CNVOperatorDisplayName} tile with the Red Hat source label.
  4. Read the information about the Operator and click Install.
  5. On the Install Operator page:

    1. Select stable from the list of available Update Channel options. This ensures that you install the version of OpenShift Virtualization that is compatible with your OpenShift Container Platform version.
    2. For Installed Namespace, ensure that the Operator recommended namespace option is selected. This installs the Operator in the mandatory openshift-cnv namespace, which is automatically created if it does not exist.


      Attempting to install the OpenShift Virtualization Operator in a namespace other than openshift-cnv causes the installation to fail.

    3. For Approval Strategy, it is highly recommended that you select Automatic, which is the default value, so that OpenShift Virtualization automatically updates when a new version is available in the stable update channel.

      While it is possible to select the Manual approval strategy, this is inadvisable because of the high risk that it presents to the supportability and functionality of your cluster. Only select Manual if you fully understand these risks and cannot use Automatic.


      Because OpenShift Virtualization is only supported when used with the corresponding OpenShift Container Platform version, missing OpenShift Virtualization updates can cause your cluster to become unsupported.

  6. Click Install to make the Operator available to the openshift-cnv namespace.
  7. When the Operator installs successfully, click Create HyperConverged.
  8. Optional: Configure Infra and Workloads node placement options for OpenShift Virtualization components.
  9. Click Create to launch OpenShift Virtualization.


  • Navigate to the WorkloadsPods page and monitor the OpenShift Virtualization pods until they are all Running. After all the pods display the Running state, you can use OpenShift Virtualization.

6.3.2. Next steps

You might want to additionally configure the following components:

  • The hostpath provisioner is a local storage provisioner designed for OpenShift Virtualization. If you want to configure local storage for virtual machines, you must enable the hostpath provisioner first.

6.4. Installing OpenShift Virtualization using the CLI

Install OpenShift Virtualization to add virtualization functionality to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. You can subscribe to and deploy the OpenShift Virtualization Operators by using the command line to apply manifests to your cluster.


To specify the nodes where you want OpenShift Virtualization to install its components, configure node placement rules.

6.4.1. Prerequisites

  • Install OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 on your cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.

6.4.2. Subscribing to the OpenShift Virtualization catalog by using the CLI

Before you install OpenShift Virtualization, you must subscribe to the OpenShift Virtualization catalog. Subscribing gives the openshift-cnv namespace access to the OpenShift Virtualization Operators.

To subscribe, configure Namespace, OperatorGroup, and Subscription objects by applying a single manifest to your cluster.


  1. Create a YAML file that contains the following manifest:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: openshift-cnv
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged-group
      namespace: openshift-cnv
        - openshift-cnv
    kind: Subscription
      name: hco-operatorhub
      namespace: openshift-cnv
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      startingCSV: kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v4.12.13
      channel: "stable" 1
    Using the stable channel ensures that you install the version of OpenShift Virtualization that is compatible with your OpenShift Container Platform version.
  2. Create the required Namespace, OperatorGroup, and Subscription objects for OpenShift Virtualization by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f <file name>.yaml

You can configure certificate rotation parameters in the YAML file.

6.4.3. Deploying the OpenShift Virtualization Operator by using the CLI

You can deploy the OpenShift Virtualization Operator by using the oc CLI.


  • An active subscription to the OpenShift Virtualization catalog in the openshift-cnv namespace.


  1. Create a YAML file that contains the following manifest:

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      namespace: openshift-cnv
  2. Deploy the OpenShift Virtualization Operator by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f <file_name>.yaml


  • Ensure that OpenShift Virtualization deployed successfully by watching the PHASE of the cluster service version (CSV) in the openshift-cnv namespace. Run the following command:

    $ watch oc get csv -n openshift-cnv

    The following output displays if deployment was successful:

    Example output

    NAME                                      DISPLAY                    VERSION   REPLACES   PHASE
    kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v4.12.13   OpenShift Virtualization   4.12.13                Succeeded

6.4.4. Next steps

You might want to additionally configure the following components:

  • The hostpath provisioner is a local storage provisioner designed for OpenShift Virtualization. If you want to configure local storage for virtual machines, you must enable the hostpath provisioner first.

6.5. Installing the virtctl client

The virtctl client is a command-line utility for managing OpenShift Virtualization resources. It is available for Linux, Windows, and macOS.

6.5.1. Installing the virtctl client on Linux, Windows, and macOS

Download and install the virtctl client for your operating system.


  1. Navigate to Virtualization > Overview in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  2. Click the Download virtctl link on the upper right corner of the page and download the virtctl client for your operating system.
  3. Install virtctl:

    • For Linux:

      1. Decompress the archive file:

        $ tar -xvf <virtctl-version-distribution.arch>.tar.gz
      2. Run the following command to make the virtctl binary executable:

        $ chmod +x <path/virtctl-file-name>
      3. Move the virtctl binary to a directory in your PATH environment variable.

        You can check your path by running the following command:

        $ echo $PATH
      4. Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable:

        $ export KUBECONFIG=/home/<user>/clusters/current/auth/kubeconfig
    • For Windows:

      1. Decompress the archive file.
      2. Navigate the extracted folder hierarchy and double-click the virtctl executable file to install the client.
      3. Move the virtctl binary to a directory in your PATH environment variable.

        You can check your path by running the following command:

        C:\> path
    • For macOS:

      1. Decompress the archive file.
      2. Move the virtctl binary to a directory in your PATH environment variable.

        You can check your path by running the following command:

        echo $PATH

6.5.2. Installing the virtctl as an RPM

You can install the virtctl client on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) as an RPM after enabling the OpenShift Virtualization repository. Enabling OpenShift Virtualization repositories

Enable the OpenShift Virtualization repository for your version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).


  • Your system is registered to a Red Hat account with an active subscription to the "Red Hat Container Native Virtualization" entitlement.


  • Enable the appropriate OpenShift Virtualization repository for your operating system by using the subscription-manager CLI tool.

    • To enable the repository for RHEL 8, run:

      # subscription-manager repos --enable cnv-4.12-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
    • To enable the repository for RHEL 7, run:

      # subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-cnv-4.12-rpms Installing the virtctl client using the yum utility

Install the virtctl client from the kubevirt-virtctl package.


  • You enabled an OpenShift Virtualization repository on your Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) system.


  • Install the kubevirt-virtctl package:

    # yum install kubevirt-virtctl

6.5.3. Additional resources

6.6. Uninstalling OpenShift Virtualization

You uninstall OpenShift Virtualization by using the web console or the command line interface (CLI) to delete the OpenShift Virtualization workloads, the Operator, and its resources.

6.6.1. Uninstalling OpenShift Virtualization by using the web console

You uninstall OpenShift Virtualization by using the web console to perform the following tasks:


You must first delete all virtual machines, and virtual machine instances.

You cannot uninstall OpenShift Virtualization while its workloads remain on the cluster. Deleting the HyperConverged custom resource

To uninstall OpenShift Virtualization, you first delete the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster using an account with cluster-admin permissions.


  1. Navigate to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page.
  2. Select the OpenShift Virtualization Operator.
  3. Click the OpenShift Virtualization Deployment tab.
  4. Click the Options menu kebab beside kubevirt-hyperconverged and select Delete HyperConverged.
  5. Click Delete in the confirmation window. Deleting Operators from a cluster using the web console

Cluster administrators can delete installed Operators from a selected namespace by using the web console.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster web console using an account with cluster-admin permissions.


  1. Navigate to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page.
  2. Scroll or enter a keyword into the Filter by name field to find the Operator that you want to remove. Then, click on it.
  3. On the right side of the Operator Details page, select Uninstall Operator from the Actions list.

    An Uninstall Operator? dialog box is displayed.

  4. Select Uninstall to remove the Operator, Operator deployments, and pods. Following this action, the Operator stops running and no longer receives updates.


    This action does not remove resources managed by the Operator, including custom resource definitions (CRDs) and custom resources (CRs). Dashboards and navigation items enabled by the web console and off-cluster resources that continue to run might need manual clean up. To remove these after uninstalling the Operator, you might need to manually delete the Operator CRDs. Deleting a namespace using the web console

You can delete a namespace by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster using an account with cluster-admin permissions.


  1. Navigate to AdministrationNamespaces.
  2. Locate the namespace that you want to delete in the list of namespaces.
  3. On the far right side of the namespace listing, select Delete Namespace from the Options menu kebab .
  4. When the Delete Namespace pane opens, enter the name of the namespace that you want to delete in the field.
  5. Click Delete. Deleting OpenShift Virtualization custom resource definitions

You can delete the OpenShift Virtualization custom resource definitions (CRDs) by using the web console.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster using an account with cluster-admin permissions.


  1. Navigate to AdministrationCustomResourceDefinitions.
  2. Select the Label filter and enter in the Search field to display the OpenShift Virtualization CRDs.
  3. Click the Options menu kebab beside each CRD and select Delete CustomResourceDefinition.

6.6.2. Uninstalling OpenShift Virtualization by using the CLI

You can uninstall OpenShift Virtualization by using the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster using an account with cluster-admin permissions.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have deleted all virtual machines and virtual machine instances. You cannot uninstall OpenShift Virtualization while its workloads remain on the cluster.


  1. Delete the HyperConverged custom resource:

    $ oc delete HyperConverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv
  2. Delete the OpenShift Virtualization Operator subscription:

    $ oc delete subscription kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv
  3. Delete the OpenShift Virtualization ClusterServiceVersion resource:

    $ oc delete csv -n openshift-cnv -l
  4. Delete the OpenShift Virtualization namespace:

    $ oc delete namespace openshift-cnv
  5. List the OpenShift Virtualization custom resource definitions (CRDs) by running the oc delete crd command with the dry-run option:

    $ oc delete crd --dry-run=client -l

    Example output "" deleted (dry run) "" deleted (dry run) "" deleted (dry run) "" deleted (dry run) "" deleted (dry run) "" deleted (dry run) "" deleted (dry run)

  6. Delete the CRDs by running the oc delete crd command without the dry-run option:

    $ oc delete crd -l

Chapter 7. Updating OpenShift Virtualization

Learn how Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) delivers z-stream and minor version updates for OpenShift Virtualization.

  • The Node Maintenance Operator (NMO) is no longer shipped with OpenShift Virtualization. You can install the NMO from the OperatorHub in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, or by using the OpenShift CLI (oc). For more information on remediation, fencing, and maintaining nodes, see the Workload Availability for Red Hat OpenShift documentation.

    You must perform one of the following tasks before updating to OpenShift Virtualization 4.11 from OpenShift Virtualization 4.10.2 and later releases:

    • Move all nodes out of maintenance mode.
    • Install the standalone NMO and replace the custom resource (CR) with a CR.

7.1. About updating OpenShift Virtualization

  • Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) manages the lifecycle of the OpenShift Virtualization Operator. The Marketplace Operator, which is deployed during OpenShift Container Platform installation, makes external Operators available to your cluster.
  • OLM provides z-stream and minor version updates for OpenShift Virtualization. Minor version updates become available when you update OpenShift Container Platform to the next minor version. You cannot update OpenShift Virtualization to the next minor version without first updating OpenShift Container Platform.
  • OpenShift Virtualization subscriptions use a single update channel that is named stable. The stable channel ensures that your OpenShift Virtualization and OpenShift Container Platform versions are compatible.
  • If your subscription’s approval strategy is set to Automatic, the update process starts as soon as a new version of the Operator is available in the stable channel. It is highly recommended to use the Automatic approval strategy to maintain a supportable environment. Each minor version of OpenShift Virtualization is only supported if you run the corresponding OpenShift Container Platform version. For example, you must run OpenShift Virtualization 4.12 on OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.

    • Though it is possible to select the Manual approval strategy, this is not recommended because it risks the supportability and functionality of your cluster. With the Manual approval strategy, you must manually approve every pending update. If OpenShift Container Platform and OpenShift Virtualization updates are out of sync, your cluster becomes unsupported.
  • The amount of time an update takes to complete depends on your network connection. Most automatic updates complete within fifteen minutes.
  • Updating OpenShift Virtualization does not interrupt network connections.
  • Data volumes and their associated persistent volume claims are preserved during update.

If you have virtual machines running that use hostpath provisioner storage, they cannot be live migrated and might block an OpenShift Container Platform cluster update.

As a workaround, you can reconfigure the virtual machines so that they can be powered off automatically during a cluster update. Remove the evictionStrategy: LiveMigrate field and set the runStrategy field to Always.

7.1.1. About workload updates

When you update OpenShift Virtualization, virtual machine workloads, including libvirt, virt-launcher, and qemu, update automatically if they support live migration.


Each virtual machine has a virt-launcher pod that runs the virtual machine instance (VMI). The virt-launcher pod runs an instance of libvirt, which is used to manage the virtual machine (VM) process.

You can configure how workloads are updated by editing the spec.workloadUpdateStrategy stanza of the HyperConverged custom resource (CR). There are two available workload update methods: LiveMigrate and Evict.

Because the Evict method shuts down VMI pods, only the LiveMigrate update strategy is enabled by default.

When LiveMigrate is the only update strategy enabled:

  • VMIs that support live migration are migrated during the update process. The VM guest moves into a new pod with the updated components enabled.
  • VMIs that do not support live migration are not disrupted or updated.

    • If a VMI has the LiveMigrate eviction strategy but does not support live migration, it is not updated.

If you enable both LiveMigrate and Evict:

  • VMIs that support live migration use the LiveMigrate update strategy.
  • VMIs that do not support live migration use the Evict update strategy. If a VMI is controlled by a VirtualMachine object that has a runStrategy value of always, a new VMI is created in a new pod with updated components.
Migration attempts and timeouts

When updating workloads, live migration fails if a pod is in the Pending state for the following periods:

5 minutes
If the pod is pending because it is Unschedulable.
15 minutes
If the pod is stuck in the pending state for any reason.

When a VMI fails to migrate, the virt-controller tries to migrate it again. It repeats this process until all migratable VMIs are running on new virt-launcher pods. If a VMI is improperly configured, however, these attempts can repeat indefinitely.


Each attempt corresponds to a migration object. Only the five most recent attempts are held in a buffer. This prevents migration objects from accumulating on the system while retaining information for debugging.

7.1.2. About EUS-to-EUS updates

Every even-numbered minor version of OpenShift Container Platform, including 4.10 and 4.12, is an Extended Update Support (EUS) version. However, because Kubernetes design mandates serial minor version updates, you cannot directly update from one EUS version to the next.

After you update from the source EUS version to the next odd-numbered minor version, you must sequentially update OpenShift Virtualization to all z-stream releases of that minor version that are on your update path. When you have upgraded to the latest applicable z-stream version, you can then update OpenShift Container Platform to the target EUS minor version.

When the OpenShift Container Platform update succeeds, the corresponding update for OpenShift Virtualization becomes available. You can now update OpenShift Virtualization to the target EUS version. Preparing to update

Before beginning an EUS-to-EUS update, you must:

  • Pause worker nodes' machine config pools before you start an EUS-to-EUS update so that the workers are not rebooted twice.
  • Disable automatic workload updates before you begin the update process. This is to prevent OpenShift Virtualization from migrating or evicting your virtual machines (VMs) until you update to your target EUS version.

By default, OpenShift Virtualization automatically updates workloads, such as the virt-launcher pod, when you update the OpenShift Virtualization Operator. You can configure this behavior in the spec.workloadUpdateStrategy stanza of the HyperConverged custom resource.

Learn more about preparing to perform an EUS-to-EUS update.

7.2. Preventing workload updates during an EUS-to-EUS update

When you update from one Extended Update Support (EUS) version to the next, you must manually disable automatic workload updates to prevent OpenShift Virtualization from migrating or evicting workloads during the update process.


  • You are running an EUS version of OpenShift Container Platform and want to update to the next EUS version. You have not yet updated to the odd-numbered version in between.
  • You read "Preparing to perform an EUS-to-EUS update" and learned the caveats and requirements that pertain to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You paused the worker nodes' machine config pools as directed by the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.
  • It is recommended that you use the default Automatic approval strategy. If you use the Manual approval strategy, you must approve all pending updates in the web console. For more details, refer to the "Manually approving a pending Operator update" section.


  1. Back up the current workloadUpdateMethods configuration by running the following command:

    $ WORKLOAD_UPDATE_METHODS=$(oc get kv kubevirt-kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv -o jsonpath='{.spec.workloadUpdateStrategy.workloadUpdateMethods}')
  2. Turn off all workload update methods by running the following command:

    $ oc patch hco kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv --type json -p '[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/workloadUpdateStrategy/workloadUpdateMethods", "value":[]}]'

    Example output patched

  3. Ensure that the HyperConverged Operator is Upgradeable before you continue. Enter the following command and monitor the output:

    $ oc get hco kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv -o json | jq ".status.conditions"

    Example 7.1. Example output

        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-12-09T16:29:11Z",
        "message": "Reconcile completed successfully",
        "observedGeneration": 3,
        "reason": "ReconcileCompleted",
        "status": "True",
        "type": "ReconcileComplete"
        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-12-09T20:30:10Z",
        "message": "Reconcile completed successfully",
        "observedGeneration": 3,
        "reason": "ReconcileCompleted",
        "status": "True",
        "type": "Available"
        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-12-09T20:30:10Z",
        "message": "Reconcile completed successfully",
        "observedGeneration": 3,
        "reason": "ReconcileCompleted",
        "status": "False",
        "type": "Progressing"
        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-12-09T16:39:11Z",
        "message": "Reconcile completed successfully",
        "observedGeneration": 3,
        "reason": "ReconcileCompleted",
        "status": "False",
        "type": "Degraded"
        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-12-09T20:30:10Z",
        "message": "Reconcile completed successfully",
        "observedGeneration": 3,
        "reason": "ReconcileCompleted",
        "status": "True",
        "type": "Upgradeable" 1
    The OpenShift Virtualization Operator has the Upgradeable status.
  4. Manually update your cluster from the source EUS version to the next minor version of OpenShift Container Platform:

    $ oc adm upgrade


    • Check the current version by running the following command:

      $ oc get clusterversion

      Updating OpenShift Container Platform to the next version is a prerequisite for updating OpenShift Virtualization. For more details, refer to the "Updating clusters" section of the OpenShift Container Platform documentation.

  5. Update OpenShift Virtualization.

    • With the default Automatic approval strategy, OpenShift Virtualization automatically updates to the corresponding version after you update OpenShift Container Platform.
    • If you use the Manual approval strategy, approve the pending updates by using the web console.
  6. Monitor the OpenShift Virtualization update by running the following command:

    $ oc get csv -n openshift-cnv
  7. Update OpenShift Virtualization to every z-stream version that is available for the non-EUS minor version, monitoring each update by running the command shown in the previous step.
  8. Confirm that OpenShift Virtualization successfully updated to the latest z-stream release of the non-EUS version by running the following command:

    $ oc get hco kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv -o json | jq ".status.versions"

    Example output

        "name": "operator",
        "version": "4.12.13"

  9. Wait until the HyperConverged Operator has the Upgradeable status before you perform the next update. Enter the following command and monitor the output:

    $ oc get hco kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv -o json | jq ".status.conditions"
  10. Update OpenShift Container Platform to the target EUS version.
  11. Confirm that the update succeeded by checking the cluster version:

    $ oc get clusterversion
  12. Update OpenShift Virtualization to the target EUS version.

    • With the default Automatic approval strategy, OpenShift Virtualization automatically updates to the corresponding version after you update OpenShift Container Platform.
    • If you use the Manual approval strategy, approve the pending updates by using the web console.
  13. Monitor the OpenShift Virtualization update by running the following command:

    $ oc get csv -n openshift-cnv

    The update completes when the VERSION field matches the target EUS version and the PHASE field reads Succeeded.

  14. Restore the workload update methods configuration that you backed up:

    $ oc patch hco kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv --type json -p "[{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/spec/workloadUpdateStrategy/workloadUpdateMethods\", \"value\":$WORKLOAD_UPDATE_METHODS}]"

    Example output patched


    • Check the status of VM migration by running the following command:

      $ oc get vmim -A

Next steps

  • You can now unpause the worker nodes' machine config pools.

7.3. Configuring workload update methods

You can configure workload update methods by editing the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  • To use live migration as an update method, you must first enable live migration in the cluster.


    If a VirtualMachineInstance CR contains evictionStrategy: LiveMigrate and the virtual machine instance (VMI) does not support live migration, the VMI will not update.


  1. To open the HyperConverged CR in your default editor, run the following command:

    $ oc edit hco -n openshift-cnv kubevirt-hyperconverged
  2. Edit the workloadUpdateStrategy stanza of the HyperConverged CR. For example:

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
        workloadUpdateMethods: 1
        - LiveMigrate 2
        - Evict 3
        batchEvictionSize: 10 4
        batchEvictionInterval: "1m0s" 5
    The methods that can be used to perform automated workload updates. The available values are LiveMigrate and Evict. If you enable both options as shown in this example, updates use LiveMigrate for VMIs that support live migration and Evict for any VMIs that do not support live migration. To disable automatic workload updates, you can either remove the workloadUpdateStrategy stanza or set workloadUpdateMethods: [] to leave the array empty.
    The least disruptive update method. VMIs that support live migration are updated by migrating the virtual machine (VM) guest into a new pod with the updated components enabled. If LiveMigrate is the only workload update method listed, VMIs that do not support live migration are not disrupted or updated.
    A disruptive method that shuts down VMI pods during upgrade. Evict is the only update method available if live migration is not enabled in the cluster. If a VMI is controlled by a VirtualMachine object that has runStrategy: always configured, a new VMI is created in a new pod with updated components.
    The number of VMIs that can be forced to be updated at a time by using the Evict method. This does not apply to the LiveMigrate method.
    The interval to wait before evicting the next batch of workloads. This does not apply to the LiveMigrate method.

    You can configure live migration limits and timeouts by editing the spec.liveMigrationConfig stanza of the HyperConverged CR.

  3. To apply your changes, save and exit the editor.

7.4. Approving pending Operator updates

7.4.1. Manually approving a pending Operator update

If an installed Operator has the approval strategy in its subscription set to Manual, when new updates are released in its current update channel, the update must be manually approved before installation can begin.


  • An Operator previously installed using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).


  1. In the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to Operators → Installed Operators.
  2. Operators that have a pending update display a status with Upgrade available. Click the name of the Operator you want to update.
  3. Click the Subscription tab. Any update requiring approval are displayed next to Upgrade Status. For example, it might display 1 requires approval.
  4. Click 1 requires approval, then click Preview Install Plan.
  5. Review the resources that are listed as available for update. When satisfied, click Approve.
  6. Navigate back to the Operators → Installed Operators page to monitor the progress of the update. When complete, the status changes to Succeeded and Up to date.

7.5. Monitoring update status

7.5.1. Monitoring OpenShift Virtualization upgrade status

To monitor the status of a OpenShift Virtualization Operator upgrade, watch the cluster service version (CSV) PHASE. You can also monitor the CSV conditions in the web console or by running the command provided here.


The PHASE and conditions values are approximations that are based on available information.


  • Log in to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Run the following command:

    $ oc get csv -n openshift-cnv
  2. Review the output, checking the PHASE field. For example:

    Example output

    VERSION  REPLACES                                        PHASE
    4.9.0    kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v4.8.2         Installing
    4.9.0    kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v4.9.0         Replacing

  3. Optional: Monitor the aggregated status of all OpenShift Virtualization component conditions by running the following command:

    $ oc get hco -n openshift-cnv kubevirt-hyperconverged \
    -o=jsonpath='{range .status.conditions[*]}{.type}{"\t"}{.status}{"\t"}{.message}{"\n"}{end}'

    A successful upgrade results in the following output:

    Example output

    ReconcileComplete  True  Reconcile completed successfully
    Available          True  Reconcile completed successfully
    Progressing        False Reconcile completed successfully
    Degraded           False Reconcile completed successfully
    Upgradeable        True  Reconcile completed successfully

7.5.2. Viewing outdated OpenShift Virtualization workloads

You can view a list of outdated workloads by using the CLI.


If there are outdated virtualization pods in your cluster, the OutdatedVirtualMachineInstanceWorkloads alert fires.


  • To view a list of outdated virtual machine instances (VMIs), run the following command:

    $ oc get vmi -l --all-namespaces

Configure workload updates to ensure that VMIs update automatically.

7.6. Additional resources

Chapter 8. Security policies

Virtual machine (VM) workloads run as unprivileged pods. So that VMs can use OpenShift Virtualization features, some pods are granted custom security policies that are not available to other pod owners:

  • An extended container_t SELinux policy applies to virt-launcher pods.
  • Security context constraints (SCCs) are defined for the kubevirt-controller service account.

8.1. About workload security

By default, virtual machine (VM) workloads do not run with root privileges in OpenShift Virtualization.

For each VM, a virt-launcher pod runs an instance of libvirt in session mode to manage the VM process. In session mode, the libvirt daemon runs as a non-root user account and only permits connections from clients that are running under the same user identifier (UID). Therefore, VMs run as unprivileged pods, adhering to the security principle of least privilege.

There are no supported OpenShift Virtualization features that require root privileges. If a feature requires root, it might not be supported for use with OpenShift Virtualization.

8.2. Extended SELinux policies for virt-launcher pods

The container_t SELinux policy for virt-launcher pods is extended to enable essential functions of OpenShift Virtualization.

  • The following policy is required for network multi-queue, which enables network performance to scale as the number of available vCPUs increases:

    • allow process self (tun_socket (relabelfrom relabelto attach_queue))
  • The following policy allows virt-launcher to read files under the /proc directory, including /proc/cpuinfo and /proc/uptime:

    • allow process proc_type (file (getattr open read))
  • The following policy allows libvirtd to relay network-related debug messages.

    • allow process self (netlink_audit_socket (nlmsg_relay))


      Without this policy, any attempt to relay network debug messages is blocked. This might fill the node’s audit logs with SELinux denials.

  • The following policies allow libvirtd to access hugetblfs, which is required to support huge pages:

    • allow process hugetlbfs_t (dir (add_name create write remove_name rmdir setattr))
    • allow process hugetlbfs_t (file (create unlink))
  • The following policies allow virtiofs to mount filesystems and access NFS:

    • allow process nfs_t (dir (mounton))
    • allow process proc_t (dir (mounton))
    • allow process proc_t (filesystem (mount unmount))
  • The following policy is inherited from upstream Kubevirt, where it enables passt networking:

    • allow process tmpfs_t (filesystem (mount))

OpenShift Virtualization does not support passt at this time.

8.3. Additional OpenShift Container Platform security context constraints and Linux capabilities for the kubevirt-controller service account

Security context constraints (SCCs) control permissions for pods. These permissions include actions that a pod, a collection of containers, can perform and what resources it can access. You can use SCCs to define a set of conditions that a pod must run with to be accepted into the system.

The virt-controller is a cluster controller that creates the virt-launcher pods for virtual machines in the cluster. These pods are granted permissions by the kubevirt-controller service account.

The kubevirt-controller service account is granted additional SCCs and Linux capabilities so that it can create virt-launcher pods with the appropriate permissions. These extended permissions allow virtual machines to use OpenShift Virtualization features that are beyond the scope of typical pods.

The kubevirt-controller service account is granted the following SCCs:

  • scc.AllowHostDirVolumePlugin = true
    This allows virtual machines to use the hostpath volume plugin.
  • scc.AllowPrivilegedContainer = false
    This ensures the virt-launcher pod is not run as a privileged container.
  • scc.AllowedCapabilities = []corev1.Capability{"SYS_NICE", "NET_BIND_SERVICE", "SYS_PTRACE"}

    • SYS_NICE allows setting the CPU affinity.
    • NET_BIND_SERVICE allows DHCP and Slirp operations.
    • SYS_PTRACE enables certain versions of libvirt to find the process ID (PID) of swtpm, a software Trusted Platform Module (TPM) emulator.

8.3.1. Viewing the SCC and RBAC definitions for the kubevirt-controller

You can view the SecurityContextConstraints definition for the kubevirt-controller by using the oc tool:

$ oc get scc kubevirt-controller -o yaml

You can view the RBAC definition for the kubevirt-controller clusterrole by using the oc tool:

$ oc get clusterrole kubevirt-controller -o yaml

8.4. Additional resources

Chapter 9. Using the CLI tools

The two primary CLI tools used for managing resources in the cluster are:

  • The OpenShift Virtualization virtctl client
  • The OpenShift Container Platform oc client

9.1. Prerequisites

9.2. OpenShift Container Platform client commands

The OpenShift Container Platform oc client is a command-line utility for managing OpenShift Container Platform resources, including the VirtualMachine (vm) and VirtualMachineInstance (vmi) object types.


You can use the -n <namespace> flag to specify a different project.

Table 9.1. oc commands

oc login -u <user_name>

Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster as <user_name>.

oc get <object_type>

Display a list of objects for the specified object type in the current project.

oc describe <object_type> <resource_name>

Display details of the specific resource in the current project.

oc create -f <object_config>

Create a resource in the current project from a file name or from stdin.

oc edit <object_type> <resource_name>

Edit a resource in the current project.

oc delete <object_type> <resource_name>

Delete a resource in the current project.

For more comprehensive information on oc client commands, see the OpenShift Container Platform CLI tools documentation.

9.3. Virtctl commands

The virtctl client is a command-line utility for managing OpenShift Virtualization resources.

Table 9.2. virtctl general commands

virtctl version

View the virtctl client and server versions.

virtctl help

View a list of virtctl commands.

virtctl <command> -h|--help

View a list of options for a specific command.

virtctl options

View a list of global command options for any virtctl command.

9.3.1. VM and VMI management commands

You can use virtctl to manage virtual machine (VM) or virtual machine instance (VMI) states and to migrate a VM.

Table 9.3. virtctl VM management commands

virtctl start <vm_name>

Start a VM.

virtctl start --paused <vm_name>

Start a VM in a paused state. This option enables you to interrupt the boot process from the VNC console.

virtctl stop <vm_name>

Stop a VM.

virtctl stop <vm_name> --grace-period 0 --force

Force stop a VM. This option might cause data inconsistency or data loss.

virtctl pause vm|vmi <vm_name>

Pause a VM or VMI. The machine state is kept in memory.

virtctl unpause vm|vmi <vm_name>

Unpause a VM or VMI.

virtctl migrate <vm_name>

Migrate a VM.

virtctl restart <vm_name>

Restart a VM.

9.3.2. VM and VMI connection commands

You can use virtctl to connect to the serial console, expose a port, set a proxy connection, specify a port, and open a VNC connection to a VM.

Table 9.4. virtctl console, expose, and vnc commands

virtctl console <vmi_name>

Connect to the serial console of a VMI.

virtctl expose <vm_name>

Create a service that forwards a designated port of a VM or VMI and expose the service on the specified port of the node.

virtctl vnc --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG <vmi_name>

Open a Virtual Network Client (VNC) connection to a VMI.

Accessing the graphical console of a VMI through VNC requires a remote viewer on your local machine.

virtctl vnc --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG --proxy-only=true <vmi_name>

Display the port number and connect manually to a VMI by using any viewer through the VNC connection.

virtctl vnc --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG --port=<port-number> <vmi_name>

Specify a port number to run the proxy on the specified port, if that port is available.

If a port number is not specified, the proxy runs on a random port.

9.3.3. VM volume export commands

You can use virtctl vmexport commands to create, download, or delete a volume exported from a VM, VM snapshot, or persistent volume claim (PVC).

Table 9.5. virtctl vmexport commands

virtctl vmexport create <vmexport_name> --vm|snapshot|pvc=<object_name>

Create a VirtualMachineExport custom resource (CR) to export a volume from a VM, VM snapshot, or PVC.

  • --vm: Exports the PVCs of a VM.
  • --snapshot: Exports the PVCs contained in a VirtualMachineSnapshot CR.
  • --pvc: Exports a PVC.
  • Optional: --ttl=1h specifies the time to live. The default duration is 2 hours.

virtctl vmexport delete <vmexport_name>

Delete a VirtualMachineExport CR manually.

virtctl vmexport download <vmexport_name> --output=<output_file> --volume=<volume_name>

Download the volume defined in a VirtualMachineExport CR.

  • --output specifies the file format. Example: disk.img.gz.
  • --volume specifies the volume to download. This flag is optional if only one volume is available.


  • --keep-vme retains the VirtualMachineExport CR after download. The default behavior is to delete the VirtualMachineExport CR after download.
  • --insecure enables an insecure HTTP connection.

virtctl vmexport download <vmexport_name> --<vm|snapshot|pvc>=<object_name> --output=<output_file> --volume=<volume_name>

Create a VirtualMachineExport CR and then download the volume defined in the CR.

9.3.4. VM memory dump commands

You can use the virtctl memory-dump command to output a virtual machine (VM) memory dump on a PVC. You can specify an existing PVC or use the --create-claim flag to create a new PVC.


  • The PVC volume mode must be FileSystem.
  • The PVC must be large enough to contain the memory dump.

    The formula for calculating the PVC size is (VMMemorySize + 100Mi) * FileSystemOverhead, where 100Mi is the memory dump overhead.

  • You must enable the hot plug feature gate in the HyperConverged custom resource by running the following command:

    $ oc patch hco kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv \
      --type json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/featureGates", \
      "value": "HotplugVolumes"}]'

Downloading the memory dump

You must use the virtctl vmexport download command to download the memory dump:

$ virtctl vmexport download <vmexport_name> --vm\|pvc=<object_name> \
  --volume=<volume_name> --output=<output_file>
Table 9.6. virtctl memory-dump commands

virtctl memory-dump get <vm_name> --claim-name=<pvc_name>

Save the memory dump of a VM on a PVC. The memory dump status is displayed in the status section of the VirtualMachine resource.


  • --create-claim creates a new PVC with the appropriate size. This flag has the following options:

    • --storage-class=<storage_class>: Specify a storage class for the PVC.
    • --access-mode=<access_mode>: Specify ReadWriteOnce or ReadWriteMany.

virtctl memory-dump get <vm_name>

Rerun the virtctl memory-dump command with the same PVC.

This command overwrites the previous memory dump.

virtctl memory-dump remove <vm_name>

Remove a memory dump.

You must remove a memory dump manually if you want to change the target PVC.

This command removes the association between the VM and the PVC, so that the memory dump is not displayed in the status section of the VirtualMachine resource. The PVC is not affected.

9.3.5. Image upload commands

You can use the virtctl image-upload commands to upload a VM image to a data volume.

Table 9.7. virtctl image-upload commands

virtctl image-upload dv <datavolume_name> --image-path=</path/to/image> --no-create

Upload a VM image to a data volume that already exists.

virtctl image-upload dv <datavolume_name> --size=<datavolume_size> --image-path=</path/to/image>

Upload a VM image to a new data volume of a specified requested size.

9.3.6. Environment information commands

You can use virtctl to view information about versions, file systems, guest operating systems, and logged-in users.

Table 9.8. virtctl environment information commands

virtctl fslist <vmi_name>

View the file systems available on a guest machine.

virtctl guestosinfo <vmi_name>

View information about the operating systems on a guest machine.

virtctl userlist <vmi_name>

View the logged-in users on a guest machine.

9.4. Creating a container using virtctl guestfs

You can use the virtctl guestfs command to deploy an interactive container with libguestfs-tools and a persistent volume claim (PVC) attached to it.


  • To deploy a container with libguestfs-tools, mount the PVC, and attach a shell to it, run the following command:

    $ virtctl guestfs -n <namespace> <pvc_name> 1
    The PVC name is a required argument. If you do not include it, an error message appears.

9.5. Libguestfs tools and virtctl guestfs

Libguestfs tools help you access and modify virtual machine (VM) disk images. You can use libguestfs tools to view and edit files in a guest, clone and build virtual machines, and format and resize disks.

You can also use the virtctl guestfs command and its sub-commands to modify, inspect, and debug VM disks on a PVC. To see a complete list of possible sub-commands, enter virt- on the command line and press the Tab key. For example:


virt-edit -a /dev/vda /etc/motd

Edit a file interactively in your terminal.

virt-customize -a /dev/vda --ssh-inject root:string:<public key example>

Inject an ssh key into the guest and create a login.

virt-df -a /dev/vda -h

See how much disk space is used by a VM.

virt-customize -a /dev/vda --run-command 'rpm -qa > /rpm-list'

See the full list of all RPMs installed on a guest by creating an output file containing the full list.

virt-cat -a /dev/vda /rpm-list

Display the output file list of all RPMs created using the virt-customize -a /dev/vda --run-command 'rpm -qa > /rpm-list' command in your terminal.

virt-sysprep -a /dev/vda

Seal a virtual machine disk image to be used as a template.

By default, virtctl guestfs creates a session with everything needed to manage a VM disk. However, the command also supports several flag options if you want to customize the behavior:

Flag OptionDescription

--h or --help

Provides help for guestfs.

-n <namespace> option with a <pvc_name> argument

To use a PVC from a specific namespace.

If you do not use the -n <namespace> option, your current project is used. To change projects, use oc project <namespace>.

If you do not include a <pvc_name> argument, an error message appears.

--image string

Lists the libguestfs-tools container image.

You can configure the container to use a custom image by using the --image option.


Indicates that kvm is used by the libguestfs-tools container.

By default, virtctl guestfs sets up kvm for the interactive container, which greatly speeds up the libguest-tools execution because it uses QEMU.

If a cluster does not have any kvm supporting nodes, you must disable kvm by setting the option --kvm=false.

If not set, the libguestfs-tools pod remains pending because it cannot be scheduled on any node.

--pull-policy string

Shows the pull policy for the libguestfs image.

You can also overwrite the image’s pull policy by setting the pull-policy option.

The command also checks if a PVC is in use by another pod, in which case an error message appears. However, once the libguestfs-tools process starts, the setup cannot avoid a new pod using the same PVC. You must verify that there are no active virtctl guestfs pods before starting the VM that accesses the same PVC.


The virtctl guestfs command accepts only a single PVC attached to the interactive pod.

9.6. Additional resources

Chapter 10. Virtual machines

10.1. Creating virtual machines

Use one of these procedures to create a virtual machine:

  • Quick Start guided tour
  • Quick create from the Catalog
  • Pasting a pre-configured YAML file with the virtual machine wizard
  • Using the CLI

Do not create virtual machines in openshift-* namespaces. Instead, create a new namespace or use an existing namespace without the openshift prefix.

When you create virtual machines from the web console, select a virtual machine template that is configured with a boot source. Virtual machine templates with a boot source are labeled as Available boot source or they display a customized label text. Using templates with an available boot source expedites the process of creating virtual machines.

Templates without a boot source are labeled as Boot source required. You can use these templates if you complete the steps for adding a boot source to the virtual machine.


Due to differences in storage behavior, some virtual machine templates are incompatible with single-node OpenShift. To ensure compatibility, do not set the evictionStrategy field for any templates or virtual machines that use data volumes or storage profiles.

10.1.1. Using a Quick Start to create a virtual machine

The web console provides Quick Starts with instructional guided tours for creating virtual machines. You can access the Quick Starts catalog by selecting the Help menu in the Administrator perspective to view the Quick Starts catalog. When you click on a Quick Start tile and begin the tour, the system guides you through the process.

Tasks in a Quick Start begin with selecting a Red Hat template. Then, you can add a boot source and import the operating system image. Finally, you can save the custom template and use it to create a virtual machine.


  • Access to the website where you can download the URL link for the operating system image.


  1. In the web console, select Quick Starts from the Help menu.
  2. Click on a tile in the Quick Starts catalog. For example: Creating a Red Hat Linux Enterprise Linux virtual machine.
  3. Follow the instructions in the guided tour and complete the tasks for importing an operating system image and creating a virtual machine. The VirtualizationVirtualMachines page displays the virtual machine.

10.1.2. Quick creating a virtual machine

You can quickly create a virtual machine (VM) by using a template with an available boot source.


  1. Click VirtualizationCatalog in the side menu.
  2. Click Boot source available to filter templates with boot sources.


    By default, the template list will show only Default Templates. Click All Items when filtering to see all available templates for your chosen filters.

  3. Click a template to view its details.
  4. Click Quick Create VirtualMachine to create a VM from the template.

    The virtual machine Details page is displayed with the provisioning status.


  1. Click Events to view a stream of events as the VM is provisioned.
  2. Click Console to verify that the VM booted successfully.

10.1.3. Creating a virtual machine from a customized template

Some templates require additional parameters, for example, a PVC with a boot source. You can customize select parameters of a template to create a virtual machine (VM).


  1. In the web console, select a template:

    1. Click VirtualizationCatalog in the side menu.
    2. Optional: Filter the templates by project, keyword, operating system, or workload profile.
    3. Click the template that you want to customize.
  2. Click Customize VirtualMachine.
  3. Specify parameters for your VM, including its Name and Disk source. You can optionally specify a data source to clone.


  1. Click Events to view a stream of events as the VM is provisioned.
  2. Click Console to verify that the VM booted successfully.

Refer to the virtual machine fields section when creating a VM from the web console. Networking fields


Name for the network interface controller.


Indicates the model of the network interface controller. Supported values are e1000e and virtio.


List of available network attachment definitions.


List of available binding methods. Select the binding method suitable for the network interface:

  • Default pod network: masquerade
  • Linux bridge network: bridge
  • SR-IOV network: SR-IOV

MAC Address

MAC address for the network interface controller. If a MAC address is not specified, one is assigned automatically. Storage fields


Blank (creates PVC)

Create an empty disk.

Import via URL (creates PVC)

Import content via URL (HTTP or HTTPS endpoint).

Use an existing PVC

Use a PVC that is already available in the cluster.

Clone existing PVC (creates PVC)

Select an existing PVC available in the cluster and clone it.

Import via Registry (creates PVC)

Import content via container registry.

Container (ephemeral)

Upload content from a container located in a registry accessible from the cluster. The container disk should be used only for read-only filesystems such as CD-ROMs or temporary virtual machines.



Name of the disk. The name can contain lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), hyphens (-), and periods (.), up to a maximum of 253 characters. The first and last characters must be alphanumeric. The name must not contain uppercase letters, spaces, or special characters.



Size of the disk in GiB.



Type of disk. Example: Disk or CD-ROM



Type of disk device. Supported interfaces are virtIO, SATA, and SCSI.

Storage Class


The storage class that is used to create the disk.

Advanced storage settings

The following advanced storage settings are optional and available for Blank, Import via URL, and Clone existing PVC disks. Before OpenShift Virtualization 4.11, if you do not specify these parameters, the system uses the default values from the kubevirt-storage-class-defaults config map. In OpenShift Virtualization 4.11 and later, the system uses the default values from the storage profile.


Use storage profiles to ensure consistent advanced storage settings when provisioning storage for OpenShift Virtualization.

To manually specify Volume Mode and Access Mode, you must clear the Apply optimized StorageProfile settings checkbox, which is selected by default.

NameMode descriptionParameterParameter description

Volume Mode

Defines whether the persistent volume uses a formatted file system or raw block state. Default is Filesystem.


Stores the virtual disk on a file system-based volume.


Stores the virtual disk directly on the block volume. Only use Block if the underlying storage supports it.

Access Mode

Access mode of the persistent volume.

ReadWriteOnce (RWO)

Volume can be mounted as read-write by a single node.

ReadWriteMany (RWX)

Volume can be mounted as read-write by many nodes at one time.


This is required for some features, such as live migration of virtual machines between nodes.

ReadOnlyMany (ROX)

Volume can be mounted as read only by many nodes. Cloud-init fields

Authorized SSH Keys

The user’s public key that is copied to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the virtual machine.

Custom script

Replaces other options with a field in which you paste a custom cloud-init script.

To configure storage class defaults, use storage profiles. For more information, see Customizing the storage profile. Pasting in a pre-configured YAML file to create a virtual machine

Create a virtual machine by writing or pasting a YAML configuration file. A valid example virtual machine configuration is provided by default whenever you open the YAML edit screen.

If your YAML configuration is invalid when you click Create, an error message indicates the parameter in which the error occurs. Only one error is shown at a time.


Navigating away from the YAML screen while editing cancels any changes to the configuration you have made.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Click Create and select With YAML.
  3. Write or paste your virtual machine configuration in the editable window.

    1. Alternatively, use the example virtual machine provided by default in the YAML screen.
  4. Optional: Click Download to download the YAML configuration file in its present state.
  5. Click Create to create the virtual machine.

The virtual machine is listed on the VirtualMachines page.

10.1.4. Using the CLI to create a virtual machine

You can create a virtual machine from a virtualMachine manifest.


  1. Edit the VirtualMachine manifest for your VM. For example, the following manifest configures a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) VM:

    Example 10.1. Example manifest for a RHEL VM

    kind: VirtualMachine
        app: <vm_name> 1
      name: <vm_name>
      - apiVersion:
        kind: DataVolume
          name: <vm_name>
            kind: DataSource
            name: rhel9
            namespace: openshift-virtualization-os-images
                storage: 30Gi
      running: false
              cores: 1
              sockets: 2
              threads: 1
              - disk:
                  bus: virtio
                name: rootdisk
              - disk:
                  bus: virtio
                name: cloudinitdisk
              - masquerade: {}
                name: default
              rng: {}
                enabled: true
                efi: {}
                memory: 8Gi
          evictionStrategy: LiveMigrate
          - name: default
            pod: {}
          - dataVolume:
              name: <vm_name>
            name: rootdisk
          - cloudInitNoCloud:
              userData: |-
                user: cloud-user
                password: '<password>' 2
                chpasswd: { expire: False }
            name: cloudinitdisk
    Specify the name of the virtual machine.
    Specify the password for cloud-user.
  2. Create a virtual machine by using the manifest file:

    $ oc create -f <vm_manifest_file>.yaml
  3. Optional: Start the virtual machine:

    $ virtctl start <vm_name>

10.1.5. Virtual machine storage volume types

Storage volume typeDescription


A local copy-on-write (COW) image that uses a network volume as a read-only backing store. The backing volume must be a PersistentVolumeClaim. The ephemeral image is created when the virtual machine starts and stores all writes locally. The ephemeral image is discarded when the virtual machine is stopped, restarted, or deleted. The backing volume (PVC) is not mutated in any way.


Attaches an available PV to a virtual machine. Attaching a PV allows for the virtual machine data to persist between sessions.

Importing an existing virtual machine disk into a PVC by using CDI and attaching the PVC to a virtual machine instance is the recommended method for importing existing virtual machines into OpenShift Container Platform. There are some requirements for the disk to be used within a PVC.


Data volumes build on the persistentVolumeClaim disk type by managing the process of preparing the virtual machine disk via an import, clone, or upload operation. VMs that use this volume type are guaranteed not to start until the volume is ready.

Specify type: dataVolume or type: "". If you specify any other value for type, such as persistentVolumeClaim, a warning is displayed, and the virtual machine does not start.


Attaches a disk that contains the referenced cloud-init NoCloud data source, providing user data and metadata to the virtual machine. A cloud-init installation is required inside the virtual machine disk.


References an image, such as a virtual machine disk, that is stored in the container image registry. The image is pulled from the registry and attached to the virtual machine as a disk when the virtual machine is launched.

A containerDisk volume is not limited to a single virtual machine and is useful for creating large numbers of virtual machine clones that do not require persistent storage.

Only RAW and QCOW2 formats are supported disk types for the container image registry. QCOW2 is recommended for reduced image size.


A containerDisk volume is ephemeral. It is discarded when the virtual machine is stopped, restarted, or deleted. A containerDisk volume is useful for read-only file systems such as CD-ROMs or for disposable virtual machines.


Creates an additional sparse QCOW2 disk that is tied to the life-cycle of the virtual machine interface. The data survives guest-initiated reboots in the virtual machine but is discarded when the virtual machine stops or is restarted from the web console. The empty disk is used to store application dependencies and data that otherwise exceeds the limited temporary file system of an ephemeral disk.

The disk capacity size must also be provided.

10.1.6. About RunStrategies for virtual machines

A RunStrategy for virtual machines determines a virtual machine instance’s (VMI) behavior, depending on a series of conditions. The spec.runStrategy setting exists in the virtual machine configuration process as an alternative to the spec.running setting. The spec.runStrategy setting allows greater flexibility for how VMIs are created and managed, in contrast to the spec.running setting with only true or false responses. However, the two settings are mutually exclusive. Only either spec.running or spec.runStrategy can be used. An error occurs if both are used.

There are four defined RunStrategies.

A VMI is always present when a virtual machine is created. A new VMI is created if the original stops for any reason, which is the same behavior as spec.running: true.
A VMI is re-created if the previous instance fails due to an error. The instance is not re-created if the virtual machine stops successfully, such as when it shuts down.
The start, stop, and restart virtctl client commands can be used to control the VMI’s state and existence.
No VMI is present when a virtual machine is created, which is the same behavior as spec.running: false.

Different combinations of the start, stop and restart virtctl commands affect which RunStrategy is used.

The following table follows a VM’s transition from different states. The first column shows the VM’s initial RunStrategy. Each additional column shows a virtctl command and the new RunStrategy after that command is run.

Initial RunStrategystartstoprestart


















In OpenShift Virtualization clusters installed using installer-provisioned infrastructure, when a node fails the MachineHealthCheck and becomes unavailable to the cluster, VMs with a RunStrategy of Always or RerunOnFailure are rescheduled on a new node.

kind: VirtualMachine
  RunStrategy: Always 1
The VMI’s current RunStrategy setting.

10.1.7. Additional resources

10.2. Editing virtual machines

You can update a virtual machine configuration using either the YAML editor in the web console or the OpenShift CLI on the command line. You can also update a subset of the parameters in the Virtual Machine Details screen.

10.2.1. Editing a virtual machine in the web console

You can edit a virtual machine by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console or the command line interface.


  1. Navigate to VirtualizationVirtualMachines in the web console.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click any field that has the pencil icon, which indicates that the field is editable. For example, click the current Boot mode setting, such as BIOS or UEFI, to open the Boot mode window and select an option from the list.
  4. Click Save.

If the virtual machine is running, changes to Boot Order or Flavor will not take effect until you restart the virtual machine.

You can view pending changes by clicking View Pending Changes on the right side of the relevant field. The Pending Changes banner at the top of the page displays a list of all changes that will be applied when the virtual machine restarts.

10.2.2. Editing a virtual machine YAML configuration using the web console

You can edit the YAML configuration of a virtual machine in the web console. Some parameters cannot be modified. If you click Save with an invalid configuration, an error message indicates the parameter that cannot be changed.


Navigating away from the YAML screen while editing cancels any changes to the configuration you have made.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine.
  3. Click the YAML tab to display the editable configuration.
  4. Optional: You can click Download to download the YAML file locally in its current state.
  5. Edit the file and click Save.

A confirmation message shows that the modification has been successful and includes the updated version number for the object.

10.2.3. Editing a virtual machine YAML configuration using the CLI

Use this procedure to edit a virtual machine YAML configuration using the CLI.


  • You configured a virtual machine with a YAML object configuration file.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  1. Run the following command to update the virtual machine configuration:

    $ oc edit <object_type> <object_ID>
  2. Open the object configuration.
  3. Edit the YAML.
  4. If you edit a running virtual machine, you need to do one of the following:

    • Restart the virtual machine.
    • Run the following command for the new configuration to take effect:

      $ oc apply <object_type> <object_ID>

10.2.4. Adding a virtual disk to a virtual machine

Use this procedure to add a virtual disk to a virtual machine.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details screen.
  3. Click the Disks tab and then click Add disk.
  4. In the Add disk window, specify the Source, Name, Size, Type, Interface, and Storage Class.

    1. Optional: You can enable preallocation if you use a blank disk source and require maximum write performance when creating data volumes. To do so, select the Enable preallocation checkbox.
    2. Optional: You can clear Apply optimized StorageProfile settings to change the Volume Mode and Access Mode for the virtual disk. If you do not specify these parameters, the system uses the default values from the kubevirt-storage-class-defaults config map.
  5. Click Add.

If the virtual machine is running, the new disk is in the pending restart state and will not be attached until you restart the virtual machine.

The Pending Changes banner at the top of the page displays a list of all changes that will be applied when the virtual machine restarts.

To configure storage class defaults, use storage profiles. For more information, see Customizing the storage profile. Editing CD-ROMs for VirtualMachines

Use the following procedure to edit CD-ROMs for virtual machines.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details screen.
  3. Click the Disks tab.
  4. Click the Options menu kebab for the CD-ROM that you want to edit and select Edit.
  5. In the Edit CD-ROM window, edit the fields: Source, Persistent Volume Claim, Name, Type, and Interface.
  6. Click Save. Storage fields


Blank (creates PVC)

Create an empty disk.

Import via URL (creates PVC)

Import content via URL (HTTP or HTTPS endpoint).

Use an existing PVC

Use a PVC that is already available in the cluster.

Clone existing PVC (creates PVC)

Select an existing PVC available in the cluster and clone it.

Import via Registry (creates PVC)

Import content via container registry.

Container (ephemeral)

Upload content from a container located in a registry accessible from the cluster. The container disk should be used only for read-only filesystems such as CD-ROMs or temporary virtual machines.



Name of the disk. The name can contain lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), hyphens (-), and periods (.), up to a maximum of 253 characters. The first and last characters must be alphanumeric. The name must not contain uppercase letters, spaces, or special characters.



Size of the disk in GiB.



Type of disk. Example: Disk or CD-ROM



Type of disk device. Supported interfaces are virtIO, SATA, and SCSI.

Storage Class


The storage class that is used to create the disk.

Advanced storage settings

The following advanced storage settings are optional and available for Blank, Import via URL, and Clone existing PVC disks. Before OpenShift Virtualization 4.11, if you do not specify these parameters, the system uses the default values from the kubevirt-storage-class-defaults config map. In OpenShift Virtualization 4.11 and later, the system uses the default values from the storage profile.


Use storage profiles to ensure consistent advanced storage settings when provisioning storage for OpenShift Virtualization.

To manually specify Volume Mode and Access Mode, you must clear the Apply optimized StorageProfile settings checkbox, which is selected by default.

NameMode descriptionParameterParameter description

Volume Mode

Defines whether the persistent volume uses a formatted file system or raw block state. Default is Filesystem.


Stores the virtual disk on a file system-based volume.


Stores the virtual disk directly on the block volume. Only use Block if the underlying storage supports it.

Access Mode

Access mode of the persistent volume.

ReadWriteOnce (RWO)

Volume can be mounted as read-write by a single node.

ReadWriteMany (RWX)

Volume can be mounted as read-write by many nodes at one time.


This is required for some features, such as live migration of virtual machines between nodes.

ReadOnlyMany (ROX)

Volume can be mounted as read only by many nodes.

10.2.5. Adding a network interface to a virtual machine

Use this procedure to add a network interface to a virtual machine.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details screen.
  3. Click the Network Interfaces tab.
  4. Click Add Network Interface.
  5. In the Add Network Interface window, specify the Name, Model, Network, Type, and MAC Address of the network interface.
  6. Click Add.

If the virtual machine is running, the new network interface is in the pending restart state and changes will not take effect until you restart the virtual machine.

The Pending Changes banner at the top of the page displays a list of all changes that will be applied when the virtual machine restarts. Networking fields


Name for the network interface controller.


Indicates the model of the network interface controller. Supported values are e1000e and virtio.


List of available network attachment definitions.


List of available binding methods. Select the binding method suitable for the network interface:

  • Default pod network: masquerade
  • Linux bridge network: bridge
  • SR-IOV network: SR-IOV

MAC Address

MAC address for the network interface controller. If a MAC address is not specified, one is assigned automatically.

10.2.6. Additional resources

10.3. Editing boot order

You can update the values for a boot order list by using the web console or the CLI.

With Boot Order in the Virtual Machine Overview page, you can:

  • Select a disk or network interface controller (NIC) and add it to the boot order list.
  • Edit the order of the disks or NICs in the boot order list.
  • Remove a disk or NIC from the boot order list, and return it back to the inventory of bootable sources.

10.3.1. Adding items to a boot order list in the web console

Add items to a boot order list by using the web console.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. Click the pencil icon that is located on the right side of Boot Order. If a YAML configuration does not exist, or if this is the first time that you are creating a boot order list, the following message displays: No resource selected. VM will attempt to boot from disks by order of appearance in YAML file.
  5. Click Add Source and select a bootable disk or network interface controller (NIC) for the virtual machine.
  6. Add any additional disks or NICs to the boot order list.
  7. Click Save.

If the virtual machine is running, changes to Boot Order will not take effect until you restart the virtual machine.

You can view pending changes by clicking View Pending Changes on the right side of the Boot Order field. The Pending Changes banner at the top of the page displays a list of all changes that will be applied when the virtual machine restarts.

10.3.2. Editing a boot order list in the web console

Edit the boot order list in the web console.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. Click the pencil icon that is located on the right side of Boot Order.
  5. Choose the appropriate method to move the item in the boot order list:

    • If you do not use a screen reader, hover over the arrow icon next to the item that you want to move, drag the item up or down, and drop it in a location of your choice.
    • If you use a screen reader, press the Up Arrow key or Down Arrow key to move the item in the boot order list. Then, press the Tab key to drop the item in a location of your choice.
  6. Click Save.

If the virtual machine is running, changes to the boot order list will not take effect until you restart the virtual machine.

You can view pending changes by clicking View Pending Changes on the right side of the Boot Order field. The Pending Changes banner at the top of the page displays a list of all changes that will be applied when the virtual machine restarts.

10.3.3. Editing a boot order list in the YAML configuration file

Edit the boot order list in a YAML configuration file by using the CLI.


  1. Open the YAML configuration file for the virtual machine by running the following command:

    $ oc edit vm example
  2. Edit the YAML file and modify the values for the boot order associated with a disk or network interface controller (NIC). For example:

      - bootOrder: 1 1
          bus: virtio
        name: containerdisk
      - disk:
          bus: virtio
        name: cloudinitdisk
      - cdrom:
          bus: virtio
        name: cd-drive-1
      - boot Order: 2 2
        macAddress: '02:96:c4:00:00'
        masquerade: {}
        name: default
    The boot order value specified for the disk.
    The boot order value specified for the network interface controller.
  3. Save the YAML file.
  4. Click reload the content to apply the updated boot order values from the YAML file to the boot order list in the web console.

10.3.4. Removing items from a boot order list in the web console

Remove items from a boot order list by using the web console.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. Click the pencil icon that is located on the right side of Boot Order.
  5. Click the Remove icon delete next to the item. The item is removed from the boot order list and saved in the list of available boot sources. If you remove all items from the boot order list, the following message displays: No resource selected. VM will attempt to boot from disks by order of appearance in YAML file.

If the virtual machine is running, changes to Boot Order will not take effect until you restart the virtual machine.

You can view pending changes by clicking View Pending Changes on the right side of the Boot Order field. The Pending Changes banner at the top of the page displays a list of all changes that will be applied when the virtual machine restarts.

10.4. Deleting virtual machines

You can delete a virtual machine from the web console or by using the oc command line interface.

10.4.1. Deleting a virtual machine using the web console

Deleting a virtual machine permanently removes it from the cluster.


When you delete a virtual machine, the data volume it uses is automatically deleted.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Click the Options menu kebab of the virtual machine that you want to delete and select Delete.

    • Alternatively, click the virtual machine name to open the VirtualMachine details page and click ActionsDelete.
  3. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Delete to permanently delete the virtual machine.

10.4.2. Deleting a virtual machine by using the CLI

You can delete a virtual machine by using the oc command line interface (CLI). The oc client enables you to perform actions on multiple virtual machines.


When you delete a virtual machine, the data volume it uses is automatically deleted.


  • Identify the name of the virtual machine that you want to delete.


  • Delete the virtual machine by running the following command:

    $ oc delete vm <vm_name>

    This command only deletes objects that exist in the current project. Specify the -n <project_name> option if the object you want to delete is in a different project or namespace.

10.5. Exporting virtual machines

You can export a virtual machine (VM) and its associated disks in order to import a VM into another cluster or to analyze the volume for forensic purposes.

You create a VirtualMachineExport custom resource (CR) by using the command line interface.

Alternatively, you can use the virtctl vmexport command to create a VirtualMachineExport CR and to download exported volumes.

10.5.1. Creating a VirtualMachineExport custom resource

You can create a VirtualMachineExport custom resource (CR) to export the following objects:

  • Virtual machine (VM): Exports the persistent volume claims (PVCs) of a specified VM.
  • VM snapshot: Exports PVCs contained in a VirtualMachineSnapshot CR.
  • PVC: Exports a PVC. If the PVC is used by another pod, such as the virt-launcher pod, the export remains in a Pending state until the PVC is no longer in use.

The VirtualMachineExport CR creates internal and external links for the exported volumes. Internal links are valid within the cluster. External links can be accessed by using an Ingress or Route.

The export server supports the following file formats:

  • raw: Raw disk image file.
  • gzip: Compressed disk image file.
  • dir: PVC directory and files.
  • tar.gz: Compressed PVC file.


  • The VM must be shut down for a VM export.


  1. Create a VirtualMachineExport manifest to export a volume from a VirtualMachine, VirtualMachineSnapshot, or PersistentVolumeClaim CR according to the following example and save it as example-export.yaml:

    VirtualMachineExport example

    kind: VirtualMachineExport
      name: example-export
        apiGroup: "" 1
        kind: VirtualMachine 2
        name: example-vm
      ttlDuration: 1h 3

    Specify the appropriate API group:
    • "" for VirtualMachine.
    • "" for VirtualMachineSnapshot.
    • "" for PersistentVolumeClaim.
    Specify VirtualMachine, VirtualMachineSnapshot, or PersistentVolumeClaim.
    Optional. The default duration is 2 hours.
  2. Create the VirtualMachineExport CR:

    $ oc create -f example-export.yaml
  3. Get the VirtualMachineExport CR:

    $ oc get vmexport example-export -o yaml

    The internal and external links for the exported volumes are displayed in the status stanza:

    Output example

    kind: VirtualMachineExport
      name: example-export
      namespace: example
        apiGroup: ""
        kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
        name: example-pvc
      tokenSecretRef: example-token
      - lastProbeTime: null
        lastTransitionTime: "2022-06-21T14:10:09Z"
        reason: podReady
        status: "True"
        type: Ready
      - lastProbeTime: null
        lastTransitionTime: "2022-06-21T14:09:02Z"
        reason: pvcBound
        status: "True"
        type: PVCReady
        external: 1
          cert: |-
            -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
            -----END CERTIFICATE-----
          - formats:
            - format: raw
            - format: gzip
            name: example-disk
        internal:  2
          cert: |-
            -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
            -----END CERTIFICATE-----
          - formats:
            - format: raw
              url: https://virt-export-example-export.example.svc/volumes/example-disk/disk.img
            - format: gzip
              url: https://virt-export-example-export.example.svc/volumes/example-disk/disk.img.gz
            name: example-disk
      phase: Ready
      serviceName: virt-export-example-export

    External links are accessible from outside the cluster by using an Ingress or Route.
    Internal links are only valid inside the cluster.

10.6. Managing virtual machine instances

If you have standalone virtual machine instances (VMIs) that were created independently outside of the OpenShift Virtualization environment, you can manage them by using the web console or by using oc or virtctl commands from the command-line interface (CLI).

The virtctl command provides more virtualization options than the oc command. For example, you can use virtctl to pause a VM or expose a port.

10.6.1. About virtual machine instances

A virtual machine instance (VMI) is a representation of a running virtual machine (VM). When a VMI is owned by a VM or by another object, you manage it through its owner in the web console or by using the oc command-line interface (CLI).

A standalone VMI is created and started independently with a script, through automation, or by using other methods in the CLI. In your environment, you might have standalone VMIs that were developed and started outside of the OpenShift Virtualization environment. You can continue to manage those standalone VMIs by using the CLI. You can also use the web console for specific tasks associated with standalone VMIs:

  • List standalone VMIs and their details.
  • Edit labels and annotations for a standalone VMI.
  • Delete a standalone VMI.

When you delete a VM, the associated VMI is automatically deleted. You delete a standalone VMI directly because it is not owned by VMs or other objects.


Before you uninstall OpenShift Virtualization, list and view the standalone VMIs by using the CLI or the web console. Then, delete any outstanding VMIs.

10.6.2. Listing all virtual machine instances using the CLI

You can list all virtual machine instances (VMIs) in your cluster, including standalone VMIs and those owned by virtual machines, by using the oc command-line interface (CLI).


  • List all VMIs by running the following command:

    $ oc get vmis -A

10.6.3. Listing standalone virtual machine instances using the web console

Using the web console, you can list and view standalone virtual machine instances (VMIs) in your cluster that are not owned by virtual machines (VMs).


VMIs that are owned by VMs or other objects are not displayed in the web console. The web console displays only standalone VMIs. If you want to list all VMIs in your cluster, you must use the CLI.


  • Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.

    You can identify a standalone VMI by a dark colored badge next to its name.

10.6.4. Editing a standalone virtual machine instance using the web console

You can edit the annotations and labels of a standalone virtual machine instance (VMI) using the web console. Other fields are not editable.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a standalone VMI to open the VirtualMachineInstance details page.
  3. On the Details tab, click the pencil icon beside Annotations or Labels.
  4. Make the relevant changes and click Save.

10.6.5. Deleting a standalone virtual machine instance using the CLI

You can delete a standalone virtual machine instance (VMI) by using the oc command-line interface (CLI).


  • Identify the name of the VMI that you want to delete.


  • Delete the VMI by running the following command:

    $ oc delete vmi <vmi_name>

10.6.6. Deleting a standalone virtual machine instance using the web console

Delete a standalone virtual machine instance (VMI) from the web console.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Click ActionsDelete VirtualMachineInstance.
  3. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Delete to permanently delete the standalone VMI.

10.7. Controlling virtual machine states

You can stop, start, restart, and unpause virtual machines from the web console.

You can use virtctl to manage virtual machine states and perform other actions from the CLI. For example, you can use virtctl to force stop a VM or expose a port.

10.7.1. Starting a virtual machine

You can start a virtual machine from the web console.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Find the row that contains the virtual machine that you want to start.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate menu for your use case:

    • To stay on this page, where you can perform actions on multiple virtual machines:

      1. Click the Options menu kebab located at the far right end of the row.
    • To view comprehensive information about the selected virtual machine before you start it:

      1. Access the VirtualMachine details page by clicking the name of the virtual machine.
      2. Click Actions.
  4. Select Restart.
  5. In the confirmation window, click Start to start the virtual machine.

When you start virtual machine that is provisioned from a URL source for the first time, the virtual machine has a status of Importing while OpenShift Virtualization imports the container from the URL endpoint. Depending on the size of the image, this process might take several minutes.

10.7.2. Restarting a virtual machine

You can restart a running virtual machine from the web console.


To avoid errors, do not restart a virtual machine while it has a status of Importing.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Find the row that contains the virtual machine that you want to restart.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate menu for your use case:

    • To stay on this page, where you can perform actions on multiple virtual machines:

      1. Click the Options menu kebab located at the far right end of the row.
    • To view comprehensive information about the selected virtual machine before you restart it:

      1. Access the VirtualMachine details page by clicking the name of the virtual machine.
      2. Click ActionsRestart.
  4. In the confirmation window, click Restart to restart the virtual machine.

10.7.3. Stopping a virtual machine

You can stop a virtual machine from the web console.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Find the row that contains the virtual machine that you want to stop.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate menu for your use case:

    • To stay on this page, where you can perform actions on multiple virtual machines:

      1. Click the Options menu kebab located at the far right end of the row.
    • To view comprehensive information about the selected virtual machine before you stop it:

      1. Access the VirtualMachine details page by clicking the name of the virtual machine.
      2. Click ActionsStop.
  4. In the confirmation window, click Stop to stop the virtual machine.

10.7.4. Unpausing a virtual machine

You can unpause a paused virtual machine from the web console.


  • At least one of your virtual machines must have a status of Paused.


    You can pause virtual machines by using the virtctl client.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Find the row that contains the virtual machine that you want to unpause.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate menu for your use case:

    • To stay on this page, where you can perform actions on multiple virtual machines:

      1. In the Status column, click Paused.
    • To view comprehensive information about the selected virtual machine before you unpause it:

      1. Access the VirtualMachine details page by clicking the name of the virtual machine.
      2. Click the pencil icon that is located on the right side of Status.
  4. In the confirmation window, click Unpause to unpause the virtual machine.

10.8. Accessing virtual machine consoles

OpenShift Virtualization provides different virtual machine consoles that you can use to accomplish different product tasks. You can access these consoles through the OpenShift Container Platform web console and by using CLI commands.


Running concurrent VNC connections to a single virtual machine is not currently supported.

10.8.1. Accessing virtual machine consoles in the OpenShift Container Platform web console

You can connect to virtual machines by using the serial console or the VNC console in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

You can connect to Windows virtual machines by using the desktop viewer console, which uses RDP (remote desktop protocol), in the OpenShift Container Platform web console. Connecting to the serial console

Connect to the serial console of a running virtual machine from the Console tab on the VirtualMachine details page of the web console.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Console tab. The VNC console opens by default.
  4. Click Disconnect to ensure that only one console session is open at a time. Otherwise, the VNC console session remains active in the background.
  5. Click the VNC Console drop-down list and select Serial Console.
  6. Click Disconnect to end the console session.
  7. Optional: Open the serial console in a separate window by clicking Open Console in New Window. Connecting to the VNC console

Connect to the VNC console of a running virtual machine from the Console tab on the VirtualMachine details page of the web console.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Console tab. The VNC console opens by default.
  4. Optional: Open the VNC console in a separate window by clicking Open Console in New Window.
  5. Optional: Send key combinations to the virtual machine by clicking Send Key.
  6. Click outside the console window and then click Disconnect to end the session. Connecting to a Windows virtual machine with RDP

The Desktop viewer console, which utilizes the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), provides a better console experience for connecting to Windows virtual machines.

To connect to a Windows virtual machine with RDP, download the console.rdp file for the virtual machine from the Console tab on the VirtualMachine details page of the web console and supply it to your preferred RDP client.


  • A running Windows virtual machine with the QEMU guest agent installed. The qemu-guest-agent is included in the VirtIO drivers.
  • An RDP client installed on a machine on the same network as the Windows virtual machine.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Click a Windows virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Console tab.
  4. From the list of consoles, select Desktop viewer.
  5. Click Launch Remote Desktop to download the console.rdp file.
  6. Reference the console.rdp file in your preferred RDP client to connect to the Windows virtual machine. Switching between virtual machine displays

If your Windows virtual machine (VM) has a vGPU attached, you can switch between the default display and the vGPU display by using the web console.


  • The mediated device is configured in the HyperConverged custom resource and assigned to the VM.
  • The VM is running.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines
  2. Select a Windows virtual machine to open the Overview screen.
  3. Click the Console tab.
  4. From the list of consoles, select VNC console.
  5. Choose the appropriate key combination from the Send Key list:

    1. To access the default VM display, select Ctl + Alt+ 1.
    2. To access the vGPU display, select Ctl + Alt + 2.

Additional resources Copying the SSH command using the web console

Copy the command to connect to a virtual machine (VM) terminal via SSH.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Click the Options menu kebab for your virtual machine and select Copy SSH command.
  3. Paste it in the terminal to access the VM.

10.8.2. Accessing virtual machine consoles by using CLI commands Accessing a virtual machine via SSH by using virtctl

You can use the virtctl ssh command to forward SSH traffic to a virtual machine (VM) by using your local SSH client. If you have previously configured SSH key authentication with the VM, skip to step 2 of the procedure because step 1 is not required.


Heavy SSH traffic on the control plane can slow down the API server. If you regularly need a large number of connections, use a dedicated Kubernetes Service object to access the virtual machine.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have installed the virtctl client.
  • The virtual machine you want to access is running.
  • You are in the same project as the VM.


  1. Configure SSH key authentication:

    1. Use the ssh-keygen command to generate an SSH public key pair:

      $ ssh-keygen -f <key_file> 1
      Specify the file in which to store the keys.
    2. Create an SSH authentication secret which contains the SSH public key to access the VM:

      $ oc create secret generic my-pub-key --from-file=key1=<key_file>.pub
    3. Add a reference to the secret in the VirtualMachine manifest. For example:

      kind: VirtualMachine
        name: testvm
        running: true
            - sshPublicKey:
                    secretName: my-pub-key 1
                  configDrive: {} 2
      # ...
      Reference to the SSH authentication Secret object.
      The SSH public key is injected into the VM as cloud-init metadata using the configDrive provider.
    4. Restart the VM to apply your changes.
  2. Connect to the VM via SSH:

    1. Run the following command to access the VM via SSH:

      $ virtctl ssh -i <key_file> <vm_username>@<vm_name>
    2. Optional: To securely transfer files to or from the VM, use the following commands:

      Copy a file from your machine to the VM

      $ virtctl scp -i <key_file> <filename> <vm_username>@<vm_name>:

      Copy a file from the VM to your machine

      $ virtctl scp -i <key_file> <vm_username@<vm_name>:<filename> . Using OpenSSH and virtctl port-forward

You can use your local OpenSSH client and the virtctl port-forward command to connect to a running virtual machine (VM). You can use this method with Ansible to automate the configuration of VMs.

This method is recommended for low-traffic applications because port-forwarding traffic is sent over the control plane. This method is not recommended for high-traffic applications such as Rsync or Remote Desktop Protocol because it places a heavy burden on the API server.


  • You have installed the virtctl client.
  • The virtual machine you want to access is running.
  • The environment where you installed the virtctl tool has the cluster permissions required to access the VM. For example, you ran oc login or you set the KUBECONFIG environment variable.


  1. Add the following text to the ~/.ssh/config file on your client machine:

    Host vm/*
      ProxyCommand virtctl port-forward --stdio=true %h %p
  2. Connect to the VM by running the following command:

    $ ssh <user>@vm/<vm_name>.<namespace> Accessing the serial console of a virtual machine instance

The virtctl console command opens a serial console to the specified virtual machine instance.


  • The virt-viewer package must be installed.
  • The virtual machine instance you want to access must be running.


  • Connect to the serial console with virtctl:

    $ virtctl console <VMI> Accessing the graphical console of a virtual machine instances with VNC

The virtctl client utility can use the remote-viewer function to open a graphical console to a running virtual machine instance. This capability is included in the virt-viewer package.


  • The virt-viewer package must be installed.
  • The virtual machine instance you want to access must be running.

If you use virtctl via SSH on a remote machine, you must forward the X session to your machine.


  1. Connect to the graphical interface with the virtctl utility:

    $ virtctl vnc <VMI>
  2. If the command failed, try using the -v flag to collect troubleshooting information:

    $ virtctl vnc <VMI> -v 4 Connecting to a Windows virtual machine with an RDP console

Create a Kubernetes Service object to connect to a Windows virtual machine (VM) by using your local Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client.


  • A running Windows virtual machine with the QEMU guest agent installed. The qemu-guest-agent object is included in the VirtIO drivers.
  • An RDP client installed on your local machine.


  1. Edit the VirtualMachine manifest to add the label for service creation:

    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: vm-ephemeral
      namespace: example-namespace
      running: false
            special: key 1
    # ...
    Add the label special: key in the spec.template.metadata.labels section.

    Labels on a virtual machine are passed through to the pod. The special: key label must match the label in the spec.selector attribute of the Service manifest.

  2. Save the VirtualMachine manifest file to apply your changes.
  3. Create a Service manifest to expose the VM:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: rdpservice 1
      namespace: example-namespace 2
      - targetPort: 3389 3
        protocol: TCP
        special: key 4
      type: NodePort 5
    # ...
    The name of the Service object.
    The namespace where the Service object resides. This must match the metadata.namespace field of the VirtualMachine manifest.
    The VM port to be exposed by the service. It must reference an open port if a port list is defined in the VM manifest.
    The reference to the label that you added in the spec.template.metadata.labels stanza of the VirtualMachine manifest.
    The type of service.
  4. Save the Service manifest file.
  5. Create the service by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f <service_name>.yaml
  6. Start the VM. If the VM is already running, restart it.
  7. Query the Service object to verify that it is available:

    $ oc get service -n example-namespace

    Example output for NodePort service

    NAME        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)            AGE
    rdpservice   NodePort   <none>       3389:30000/TCP    5m

  8. Run the following command to obtain the IP address for the node:

    $ oc get node <node_name> -o wide

    Example output

    node01  Ready    worker  6d22h  v1.24.0   <none>

  9. Specify the node IP address and the assigned port in your preferred RDP client.
  10. Enter the user name and password to connect to the Windows virtual machine.

10.9. Automating Windows installation with sysprep

You can use Microsoft DVD images and sysprep to automate the installation, setup, and software provisioning of Windows virtual machines.

10.9.1. Using a Windows DVD to create a VM disk image

Microsoft does not provide disk images for download, but you can create a disk image using a Windows DVD. This disk image can then be used to create virtual machines.


  1. In the OpenShift Virtualization web console, click StoragePersistentVolumeClaimsCreate PersistentVolumeClaim With Data upload form.
  2. Select the intended project.
  3. Set the Persistent Volume Claim Name.
  4. Upload the VM disk image from the Windows DVD. The image is now available as a boot source to create a new Windows VM.

10.9.2. Using a disk image to install Windows

You can use a disk image to install Windows on your virtual machine.


  • You must create a disk image using a Windows DVD.
  • You must create an autounattend.xml answer file. See the Microsoft documentation for details.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationCatalog from the side menu.
  2. Select a Windows template and click Customize VirtualMachine.
  3. Select Upload (Upload a new file to a PVC) from the Disk source list and browse to the DVD image.
  4. Click Review and create VirtualMachine.
  5. Clear Clone available operating system source to this Virtual Machine.
  6. Clear Start this VirtualMachine after creation.
  7. On the Sysprep section of the Scripts tab, click Edit.
  8. Browse to the autounattend.xml answer file and click Save.
  9. Click Create VirtualMachine.
  10. On the YAML tab, replace running:false with runStrategy: RerunOnFailure and click Save.

The VM will start with the sysprep disk containing the autounattend.xml answer file.

10.9.3. Generalizing a Windows VM using sysprep

Generalizing an image allows that image to remove all system-specific configuration data when the image is deployed on a virtual machine (VM).

Before generalizing the VM, you must ensure the sysprep tool cannot detect an answer file after the unattended Windows installation.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines.
  2. Select a Windows VM to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Disks tab.
  4. Click the Options menu kebab for the sysprep disk and select Detach.
  5. Click Detach.
  6. Rename C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml to avoid detection by the sysprep tool.
  7. Start the sysprep program by running the following command:

    %WINDIR%\System32\Sysprep\sysprep.exe /generalize /shutdown /oobe /mode:vm
  8. After the sysprep tool completes, the Windows VM shuts down. The disk image of the VM is now available to use as an installation image for Windows VMs.

You can now specialize the VM.

10.9.4. Specializing a Windows virtual machine

Specializing a virtual machine (VM) configures the computer-specific information from a generalized Windows image onto the VM.


  • You must have a generalized Windows disk image.
  • You must create an unattend.xml answer file. See the Microsoft documentation for details.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationCatalog.
  2. Select a Windows template and click Customize VirtualMachine.
  3. Select PVC (clone PVC) from the Disk source list.
  4. Specify the Persistent Volume Claim project and Persistent Volume Claim name of the generalized Windows image.
  5. Click Review and create VirtualMachine.
  6. Click the Scripts tab.
  7. In the Sysprep section, click Edit, browse to the unattend.xml answer file, and click Save.
  8. Click Create VirtualMachine.

During the initial boot, Windows uses the unattend.xml answer file to specialize the VM. The VM is now ready to use.

10.9.5. Additional resources

10.10. Triggering virtual machine failover by resolving a failed node

If a node fails and machine health checks are not deployed on your cluster, virtual machines (VMs) with RunStrategy: Always configured are not automatically relocated to healthy nodes. To trigger VM failover, you must manually delete the Node object.


If you installed your cluster by using installer-provisioned infrastructure and you properly configured machine health checks:

  • Failed nodes are automatically recycled.
  • Virtual machines with RunStrategy set to Always or RerunOnFailure are automatically scheduled on healthy nodes.

10.10.1. Prerequisites

  • A node where a virtual machine was running has the NotReady condition.
  • The virtual machine that was running on the failed node has RunStrategy set to Always.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).

10.10.2. Deleting nodes from a bare metal cluster

When you delete a node using the CLI, the node object is deleted in Kubernetes, but the pods that exist on the node are not deleted. Any bare pods not backed by a replication controller become inaccessible to OpenShift Container Platform. Pods backed by replication controllers are rescheduled to other available nodes. You must delete local manifest pods.


Delete a node from an OpenShift Container Platform cluster running on bare metal by completing the following steps:

  1. Mark the node as unschedulable:

    $ oc adm cordon <node_name>
  2. Drain all pods on the node:

    $ oc adm drain <node_name> --force=true

    This step might fail if the node is offline or unresponsive. Even if the node does not respond, it might still be running a workload that writes to shared storage. To avoid data corruption, power down the physical hardware before you proceed.

  3. Delete the node from the cluster:

    $ oc delete node <node_name>

    Although the node object is now deleted from the cluster, it can still rejoin the cluster after reboot or if the kubelet service is restarted. To permanently delete the node and all its data, you must decommission the node.

  4. If you powered down the physical hardware, turn it back on so that the node can rejoin the cluster.

10.10.3. Verifying virtual machine failover

After all resources are terminated on the unhealthy node, a new virtual machine instance (VMI) is automatically created on a healthy node for each relocated VM. To confirm that the VMI was created, view all VMIs by using the oc CLI. Listing all virtual machine instances using the CLI

You can list all virtual machine instances (VMIs) in your cluster, including standalone VMIs and those owned by virtual machines, by using the oc command-line interface (CLI).


  • List all VMIs by running the following command:

    $ oc get vmis -A

10.11. Installing the QEMU guest agent on virtual machines

The QEMU guest agent is a daemon that runs on the virtual machine and passes information to the host about the virtual machine, users, file systems, and secondary networks.

10.11.1. Installing QEMU guest agent on a Linux virtual machine

The qemu-guest-agent is widely available and available by default in Red Hat virtual machines. Install the agent and start the service.

To check if your virtual machine (VM) has the QEMU guest agent installed and running, verify that AgentConnected is listed in the VM spec.


To create snapshots of an online (Running state) VM with the highest integrity, install the QEMU guest agent.

The QEMU guest agent takes a consistent snapshot by attempting to quiesce the VM’s file system as much as possible, depending on the system workload. This ensures that in-flight I/O is written to the disk before the snapshot is taken. If the guest agent is not present, quiescing is not possible and a best-effort snapshot is taken. The conditions under which the snapshot was taken are reflected in the snapshot indications that are displayed in the web console or CLI.


  1. Access the virtual machine command line through one of the consoles or by SSH.
  2. Install the QEMU guest agent on the virtual machine:

    $ yum install -y qemu-guest-agent
  3. Ensure the service is persistent and start it:

    $ systemctl enable --now qemu-guest-agent

10.11.2. Installing QEMU guest agent on a Windows virtual machine

For Windows virtual machines, the QEMU guest agent is included in the VirtIO drivers. Install the drivers on an existing or a new Windows installation.

To check if your virtual machine (VM) has the QEMU guest agent installed and running, verify that AgentConnected is listed in the VM spec.


To create snapshots of an online (Running state) VM with the highest integrity, install the QEMU guest agent.

The QEMU guest agent takes a consistent snapshot by attempting to quiesce the VM’s file system as much as possible, depending on the system workload. This ensures that in-flight I/O is written to the disk before the snapshot is taken. If the guest agent is not present, quiescing is not possible and a best-effort snapshot is taken. The conditions under which the snapshot was taken are reflected in the snapshot indications that are displayed in the web console or CLI. Installing VirtIO drivers on an existing Windows virtual machine

Install the VirtIO drivers from the attached SATA CD drive to an existing Windows virtual machine.


This procedure uses a generic approach to adding drivers to Windows. The process might differ slightly between versions of Windows. See the installation documentation for your version of Windows for specific installation steps.


  1. Start the virtual machine and connect to a graphical console.
  2. Log in to a Windows user session.
  3. Open Device Manager and expand Other devices to list any Unknown device.

    1. Open the Device Properties to identify the unknown device. Right-click the device and select Properties.
    2. Click the Details tab and select Hardware Ids in the Property list.
    3. Compare the Value for the Hardware Ids with the supported VirtIO drivers.
  4. Right-click the device and select Update Driver Software.
  5. Click Browse my computer for driver software and browse to the attached SATA CD drive, where the VirtIO drivers are located. The drivers are arranged hierarchically according to their driver type, operating system, and CPU architecture.
  6. Click Next to install the driver.
  7. Repeat this process for all the necessary VirtIO drivers.
  8. After the driver installs, click Close to close the window.
  9. Reboot the virtual machine to complete the driver installation. Installing VirtIO drivers during Windows installation

Install the VirtIO drivers from the attached SATA CD driver during Windows installation.


This procedure uses a generic approach to the Windows installation and the installation method might differ between versions of Windows. See the documentation for the version of Windows that you are installing.


  1. Start the virtual machine and connect to a graphical console.
  2. Begin the Windows installation process.
  3. Select the Advanced installation.
  4. The storage destination will not be recognized until the driver is loaded. Click Load driver.
  5. The drivers are attached as a SATA CD drive. Click OK and browse the CD drive for the storage driver to load. The drivers are arranged hierarchically according to their driver type, operating system, and CPU architecture.
  6. Repeat the previous two steps for all required drivers.
  7. Complete the Windows installation.

10.12. Viewing the QEMU guest agent information for virtual machines

When the QEMU guest agent runs on the virtual machine, you can use the web console to view information about the virtual machine, users, file systems, and secondary networks.

10.12.1. Prerequisites

10.12.2. About the QEMU guest agent information in the web console

When the QEMU guest agent is installed, the Overview and Details tabs on the VirtualMachine details page displays information about the hostname, operating system, time zone, and logged in users.

The VirtualMachine details page shows information about the guest operating system installed on the virtual machine. The Details tab displays a table with information for logged in users. The Disks tab displays a table with information for file systems.


If the QEMU guest agent is not installed, the Overview and the Details tabs display information about the operating system that was specified when the virtual machine was created.

10.12.3. Viewing the QEMU guest agent information in the web console

You can use the web console to view information for virtual machines that is passed by the QEMU guest agent to the host.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine name to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Details tab to view active users.
  4. Click the Disks tab to view information about the file systems.

10.13. Managing config maps, secrets, and service accounts in virtual machines

You can use secrets, config maps, and service accounts to pass configuration data to virtual machines. For example, you can:

  • Give a virtual machine access to a service that requires credentials by adding a secret to the virtual machine.
  • Store non-confidential configuration data in a config map so that a pod or another object can consume the data.
  • Allow a component to access the API server by associating a service account with that component.

OpenShift Virtualization exposes secrets, config maps, and service accounts as virtual machine disks so that you can use them across platforms without additional overhead.

10.13.1. Adding a secret, config map, or service account to a virtual machine

You add a secret, config map, or service account to a virtual machine by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

These resources are added to the virtual machine as disks. You then mount the secret, config map, or service account as you would mount any other disk.

If the virtual machine is running, changes will not take effect until you restart the virtual machine. The newly added resources are marked as pending changes for both the Environment and Disks tab in the Pending Changes banner at the top of the page.


  • The secret, config map, or service account that you want to add must exist in the same namespace as the target virtual machine.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. In the Environment tab, click Add Config Map, Secret or Service Account.
  4. Click Select a resource and select a resource from the list. A six character serial number is automatically generated for the selected resource.
  5. Optional: Click Reload to revert the environment to its last saved state.
  6. Click Save.


  1. On the VirtualMachine details page, click the Disks tab and verify that the secret, config map, or service account is included in the list of disks.
  2. Restart the virtual machine by clicking ActionsRestart.

You can now mount the secret, config map, or service account as you would mount any other disk.

10.13.2. Removing a secret, config map, or service account from a virtual machine

Remove a secret, config map, or service account from a virtual machine by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You must have at least one secret, config map, or service account that is attached to a virtual machine.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Environment tab.
  4. Find the item that you want to delete in the list, and click Remove delete on the right side of the item.
  5. Click Save.

You can reset the form to the last saved state by clicking Reload.


  1. On the VirtualMachine details page, click the Disks tab.
  2. Check to ensure that the secret, config map, or service account that you removed is no longer included in the list of disks.

10.13.3. Additional resources

10.14. Installing VirtIO driver on an existing Windows virtual machine

10.14.1. About VirtIO drivers

VirtIO drivers are paravirtualized device drivers required for Microsoft Windows virtual machines to run in OpenShift Virtualization. The supported drivers are available in the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk of the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.

The container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk must be attached to the virtual machine as a SATA CD drive to enable driver installation. You can install VirtIO drivers during Windows installation on the virtual machine or added to an existing Windows installation.

After the drivers are installed, the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk can be removed from the virtual machine.

See also: Installing Virtio drivers on a new Windows virtual machine.

10.14.2. Supported VirtIO drivers for Microsoft Windows virtual machines

Table 10.1. Supported drivers
Driver nameHardware IDDescription



The block driver. Sometimes displays as an SCSI Controller in the Other devices group.



The entropy source driver. Sometimes displays as a PCI Device in the Other devices group.



The network driver. Sometimes displays as an Ethernet Controller in the Other devices group. Available only if a VirtIO NIC is configured.

10.14.3. Adding VirtIO drivers container disk to a virtual machine

OpenShift Virtualization distributes VirtIO drivers for Microsoft Windows as a container disk, which is available from the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. To install these drivers to a Windows virtual machine, attach the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk to the virtual machine as a SATA CD drive in the virtual machine configuration file.


  • Download the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk from the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. This is not mandatory, because the container disk will be downloaded from the Red Hat registry if it not already present in the cluster, but it can reduce installation time.


  1. Add the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk as a cdrom disk in the Windows virtual machine configuration file. The container disk will be downloaded from the registry if it is not already present in the cluster.

            - name: virtiocontainerdisk
              bootOrder: 2 1
                bus: sata
      - containerDisk:
          image: container-native-virtualization/virtio-win
        name: virtiocontainerdisk
    OpenShift Virtualization boots virtual machine disks in the order defined in the VirtualMachine configuration file. You can either define other disks for the virtual machine before the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk or use the optional bootOrder parameter to ensure the virtual machine boots from the correct disk. If you specify the bootOrder for a disk, it must be specified for all disks in the configuration.
  2. The disk is available once the virtual machine has started:

    • If you add the container disk to a running virtual machine, use oc apply -f <vm.yaml> in the CLI or reboot the virtual machine for the changes to take effect.
    • If the virtual machine is not running, use virtctl start <vm>.

After the virtual machine has started, the VirtIO drivers can be installed from the attached SATA CD drive.

10.14.4. Installing VirtIO drivers on an existing Windows virtual machine

Install the VirtIO drivers from the attached SATA CD drive to an existing Windows virtual machine.


This procedure uses a generic approach to adding drivers to Windows. The process might differ slightly between versions of Windows. See the installation documentation for your version of Windows for specific installation steps.


  1. Start the virtual machine and connect to a graphical console.
  2. Log in to a Windows user session.
  3. Open Device Manager and expand Other devices to list any Unknown device.

    1. Open the Device Properties to identify the unknown device. Right-click the device and select Properties.
    2. Click the Details tab and select Hardware Ids in the Property list.
    3. Compare the Value for the Hardware Ids with the supported VirtIO drivers.
  4. Right-click the device and select Update Driver Software.
  5. Click Browse my computer for driver software and browse to the attached SATA CD drive, where the VirtIO drivers are located. The drivers are arranged hierarchically according to their driver type, operating system, and CPU architecture.
  6. Click Next to install the driver.
  7. Repeat this process for all the necessary VirtIO drivers.
  8. After the driver installs, click Close to close the window.
  9. Reboot the virtual machine to complete the driver installation.

10.14.5. Removing the VirtIO container disk from a virtual machine

After installing all required VirtIO drivers to the virtual machine, the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk no longer needs to be attached to the virtual machine. Remove the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk from the virtual machine configuration file.


  1. Edit the configuration file and remove the disk and the volume.

    $ oc edit vm <vm-name>
            - name: virtiocontainerdisk
              bootOrder: 2
                bus: sata
      - containerDisk:
          image: container-native-virtualization/virtio-win
        name: virtiocontainerdisk
  2. Reboot the virtual machine for the changes to take effect.

10.15. Installing VirtIO driver on a new Windows virtual machine

10.15.1. Prerequisites

10.15.2. About VirtIO drivers

VirtIO drivers are paravirtualized device drivers required for Microsoft Windows virtual machines to run in OpenShift Virtualization. The supported drivers are available in the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk of the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.

The container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk must be attached to the virtual machine as a SATA CD drive to enable driver installation. You can install VirtIO drivers during Windows installation on the virtual machine or added to an existing Windows installation.

After the drivers are installed, the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk can be removed from the virtual machine.

See also: Installing VirtIO driver on an existing Windows virtual machine.

10.15.3. Supported VirtIO drivers for Microsoft Windows virtual machines

Table 10.2. Supported drivers
Driver nameHardware IDDescription



The block driver. Sometimes displays as an SCSI Controller in the Other devices group.



The entropy source driver. Sometimes displays as a PCI Device in the Other devices group.



The network driver. Sometimes displays as an Ethernet Controller in the Other devices group. Available only if a VirtIO NIC is configured.

10.15.4. Adding VirtIO drivers container disk to a virtual machine

OpenShift Virtualization distributes VirtIO drivers for Microsoft Windows as a container disk, which is available from the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. To install these drivers to a Windows virtual machine, attach the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk to the virtual machine as a SATA CD drive in the virtual machine configuration file.


  • Download the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk from the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. This is not mandatory, because the container disk will be downloaded from the Red Hat registry if it not already present in the cluster, but it can reduce installation time.


  1. Add the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk as a cdrom disk in the Windows virtual machine configuration file. The container disk will be downloaded from the registry if it is not already present in the cluster.

            - name: virtiocontainerdisk
              bootOrder: 2 1
                bus: sata
      - containerDisk:
          image: container-native-virtualization/virtio-win
        name: virtiocontainerdisk
    OpenShift Virtualization boots virtual machine disks in the order defined in the VirtualMachine configuration file. You can either define other disks for the virtual machine before the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk or use the optional bootOrder parameter to ensure the virtual machine boots from the correct disk. If you specify the bootOrder for a disk, it must be specified for all disks in the configuration.
  2. The disk is available once the virtual machine has started:

    • If you add the container disk to a running virtual machine, use oc apply -f <vm.yaml> in the CLI or reboot the virtual machine for the changes to take effect.
    • If the virtual machine is not running, use virtctl start <vm>.

After the virtual machine has started, the VirtIO drivers can be installed from the attached SATA CD drive.

10.15.5. Installing VirtIO drivers during Windows installation

Install the VirtIO drivers from the attached SATA CD driver during Windows installation.


This procedure uses a generic approach to the Windows installation and the installation method might differ between versions of Windows. See the documentation for the version of Windows that you are installing.


  1. Start the virtual machine and connect to a graphical console.
  2. Begin the Windows installation process.
  3. Select the Advanced installation.
  4. The storage destination will not be recognized until the driver is loaded. Click Load driver.
  5. The drivers are attached as a SATA CD drive. Click OK and browse the CD drive for the storage driver to load. The drivers are arranged hierarchically according to their driver type, operating system, and CPU architecture.
  6. Repeat the previous two steps for all required drivers.
  7. Complete the Windows installation.

10.15.6. Removing the VirtIO container disk from a virtual machine

After installing all required VirtIO drivers to the virtual machine, the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk no longer needs to be attached to the virtual machine. Remove the container-native-virtualization/virtio-win container disk from the virtual machine configuration file.


  1. Edit the configuration file and remove the disk and the volume.

    $ oc edit vm <vm-name>
            - name: virtiocontainerdisk
              bootOrder: 2
                bus: sata
      - containerDisk:
          image: container-native-virtualization/virtio-win
        name: virtiocontainerdisk
  2. Reboot the virtual machine for the changes to take effect.

10.16. Using virtual Trusted Platform Module devices

Add a virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM) device to a new or existing virtual machine by editing the VirtualMachine (VM) or VirtualMachineInstance (VMI) manifest.

10.16.1. About vTPM devices

A virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM) device functions like a physical Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware chip.

You can use a vTPM device with any operating system, but Windows 11 requires the presence of a TPM chip to install or boot. A vTPM device allows VMs created from a Windows 11 image to function without a physical TPM chip.

If you do not enable vTPM, then the VM does not recognize a TPM device, even if the node has one.

vTPM devices also protect virtual machines by temporarily storing secrets without physical hardware. However, using vTPM for persistent secret storage is not currently supported. vTPM discards stored secrets after a VM shuts down.

10.16.2. Adding a vTPM device to a virtual machine

Adding a virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM) device to a virtual machine (VM) allows you to run a VM created from a Windows 11 image without a physical TPM device. A vTPM device also temporarily stores secrets for that VM.


  1. Run the following command to update the VM configuration:

    $ oc edit vm <vm_name>
  2. Edit the VM spec so that it includes the tpm: {} line. For example:

    kind: VirtualMachine
        name: example-vm
              tpm: {} 1
    Adds the TPM device to the VM.
  3. To apply your changes, save and exit the editor.
  4. Optional: If you edited a running virtual machine, you must restart it for the changes to take effect.

10.17. Managing virtual machines with OpenShift Pipelines

Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines is a Kubernetes-native CI/CD framework that allows developers to design and run each step of the CI/CD pipeline in its own container.

The Tekton Tasks Operator (TTO) integrates OpenShift Virtualization with OpenShift Pipelines. TTO includes cluster tasks and example pipelines that allow you to:

  • Create and manage virtual machines (VMs), persistent volume claims (PVCs), and data volumes
  • Run commands in VMs
  • Manipulate disk images with libguestfs tools

Managing virtual machines with Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

10.17.1. Prerequisites

  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster with cluster-admin permissions.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have installed OpenShift Pipelines.

10.17.2. Deploying the Tekton Tasks Operator resources

The Tekton Tasks Operator (TTO) cluster tasks and example pipelines are not deployed by default when you install OpenShift Virtualization. To deploy TTO resources, enable the deployTektonTaskResources feature gate in the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  1. Open the HyperConverged CR in your default editor by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hco -n openshift-cnv kubevirt-hyperconverged
  2. Set the spec.featureGates.deployTektonTaskResources field to true.

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      namespace: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      tektonPipelinesNamespace: <user_namespace> 1
        deployTektonTaskResources: true 2
    The namespace where the pipelines are to be run.
    The feature gate to be enabled to deploy TTO resources.

    The cluster tasks and example pipelines remain available even if you disable the feature gate later.

  3. Save your changes and exit the editor.

10.17.3. Virtual machine tasks supported by the Tekton Tasks Operator

The following table shows the cluster tasks that are included as part of the Tekton Tasks Operator.

Table 10.3. Virtual machine tasks supported by the Tekton Tasks Operator


Create a virtual machine from a template.


Copy a virtual machine template.


Modify a virtual machine template.


Create or delete data volumes or data sources.


Run a script or a command in a virtual machine and stop or delete the virtual machine afterward.


Use the virt-customize tool to run a customization script on a target PVC.


Use the virt-sysprep tool to run a sysprep script on a target PVC.


Wait for a specific status of a virtual machine instance and fail or succeed based on the status.

10.17.4. Example pipelines

The Tekton Tasks Operator includes the following example Pipeline manifests. You can run the example pipelines by using the web console or CLI.

Windows 10 installer pipeline
This pipeline installs Windows 10 into a new data volume from a Windows installation image (ISO file). A custom answer file is used to run the installation process.
Windows 10 customize pipeline
This pipeline clones the data volume of a basic Windows 10 installation, customizes it by installing Microsoft SQL Server Express, and then creates a new image and template. Running the example pipelines using the web console

You can run the example pipelines from the Pipelines menu in the web console.


  1. Click PipelinesPipelines in the side menu.
  2. Select a pipeline to open the Pipeline details page.
  3. From the Actions list, select Start. The Start Pipeline dialog is displayed.
  4. Keep the default values for the parameters and then click Start to run the pipeline. The Details tab tracks the progress of each task and displays the pipeline status. Running the example pipelines using the CLI

Use a PipelineRun resource to run the example pipelines. A PipelineRun object is the running instance of a pipeline. It instantiates a pipeline for execution with specific inputs, outputs, and execution parameters on a cluster. It also creates a TaskRun object for each task in the pipeline.


  1. To run the Windows 10 installer pipeline, create the following PipelineRun manifest:

    kind: PipelineRun
      generateName: windows10-installer-run-
        pipelinerun: windows10-installer-run
      - name: winImageDownloadURL
        value: <link_to_windows_10_iso> 1
        name: windows10-installer
        - pipelineTaskName: copy-template
          taskServiceAccountName: copy-template-task
        - pipelineTaskName: modify-vm-template
          taskServiceAccountName: modify-vm-template-task
        - pipelineTaskName: create-vm-from-template
          taskServiceAccountName: create-vm-from-template-task
        - pipelineTaskName: wait-for-vmi-status
          taskServiceAccountName: wait-for-vmi-status-task
        - pipelineTaskName: create-base-dv
          taskServiceAccountName: modify-data-object-task
        - pipelineTaskName: cleanup-vm
          taskServiceAccountName: cleanup-vm-task
      status: {}
    Specify the URL for the Windows 10 64-bit ISO file. The product language must be English (United States).
  2. Apply the PipelineRun manifest:

    $ oc apply -f windows10-installer-run.yaml
  3. To run the Windows 10 customize pipeline, create the following PipelineRun manifest:

    kind: PipelineRun
      generateName: windows10-customize-run-
        pipelinerun: windows10-customize-run
        - name: allowReplaceGoldenTemplate
          value: true
        - name: allowReplaceCustomizationTemplate
          value: true
        name: windows10-customize
        - pipelineTaskName: copy-template-customize
          taskServiceAccountName: copy-template-task
        - pipelineTaskName: modify-vm-template-customize
          taskServiceAccountName: modify-vm-template-task
        - pipelineTaskName: create-vm-from-template
          taskServiceAccountName: create-vm-from-template-task
        - pipelineTaskName: wait-for-vmi-status
          taskServiceAccountName: wait-for-vmi-status-task
        - pipelineTaskName: create-base-dv
          taskServiceAccountName: modify-data-object-task
        - pipelineTaskName: cleanup-vm
          taskServiceAccountName: cleanup-vm-task
        - pipelineTaskName: copy-template-golden
          taskServiceAccountName: copy-template-task
        - pipelineTaskName: modify-vm-template-golden
          taskServiceAccountName: modify-vm-template-task
    status: {}
  4. Apply the PipelineRun manifest:

    $ oc apply -f windows10-customize-run.yaml

10.17.5. Additional resources

10.18. Advanced virtual machine management

10.18.1. Working with resource quotas for virtual machines

Create and manage resource quotas for virtual machines. Setting resource quota limits for virtual machines

Resource quotas that only use requests automatically work with virtual machines (VMs). If your resource quota uses limits, you must manually set resource limits on VMs. Resource limits must be at least 100 MiB larger than resource requests.


  1. Set limits for a VM by editing the VirtualMachine manifest. For example:

    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: with-limits
      running: false
    # ...
                memory: 128Mi
                memory: 256Mi  1
    This configuration is supported because the limits.memory value is at least 100Mi larger than the requests.memory value.
  2. Save the VirtualMachine manifest. Additional resources

10.18.2. Specifying nodes for virtual machines

You can place virtual machines (VMs) on specific nodes by using node placement rules. About node placement for virtual machines

To ensure that virtual machines (VMs) run on appropriate nodes, you can configure node placement rules. You might want to do this if:

  • You have several VMs. To ensure fault tolerance, you want them to run on different nodes.
  • You have two chatty VMs. To avoid redundant inter-node routing, you want the VMs to run on the same node.
  • Your VMs require specific hardware features that are not present on all available nodes.
  • You have a pod that adds capabilities to a node, and you want to place a VM on that node so that it can use those capabilities.

Virtual machine placement relies on any existing node placement rules for workloads. If workloads are excluded from specific nodes on the component level, virtual machines cannot be placed on those nodes.

You can use the following rule types in the spec field of a VirtualMachine manifest:

Allows virtual machines to be scheduled on nodes that are labeled with the key-value pair or pairs that you specify in this field. The node must have labels that exactly match all listed pairs.

Enables you to use more expressive syntax to set rules that match nodes with virtual machines. For example, you can specify that a rule is a preference, rather than a hard requirement, so that virtual machines are still scheduled if the rule is not satisfied. Pod affinity, pod anti-affinity, and node affinity are supported for virtual machine placement. Pod affinity works for virtual machines because the VirtualMachine workload type is based on the Pod object.


Affinity rules only apply during scheduling. OpenShift Container Platform does not reschedule running workloads if the constraints are no longer met.

Allows virtual machines to be scheduled on nodes that have matching taints. If a taint is applied to a node, that node only accepts virtual machines that tolerate the taint. Node placement examples

The following example YAML file snippets use nodePlacement, affinity, and tolerations fields to customize node placement for virtual machines. Example: VM node placement with nodeSelector

In this example, the virtual machine requires a node that has metadata containing both example-key-1 = example-value-1 and example-key-2 = example-value-2 labels.


If there are no nodes that fit this description, the virtual machine is not scheduled.

Example VM manifest

  name: example-vm-node-selector
kind: VirtualMachine
        example-key-1: example-value-1
        example-key-2: example-value-2
... Example: VM node placement with pod affinity and pod anti-affinity

In this example, the VM must be scheduled on a node that has a running pod with the label example-key-1 = example-value-1. If there is no such pod running on any node, the VM is not scheduled.

If possible, the VM is not scheduled on a node that has any pod with the label example-key-2 = example-value-2. However, if all candidate nodes have a pod with this label, the scheduler ignores this constraint.

Example VM manifest

  name: example-vm-pod-affinity
kind: VirtualMachine
          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: 1
          - labelSelector:
              - key: example-key-1
                operator: In
                - example-value-1
          preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: 2
          - weight: 100
                - key: example-key-2
                  operator: In
                  - example-value-2
# ...

If you use the requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution rule type, the VM is not scheduled if the constraint is not met.
If you use the preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution rule type, the VM is still scheduled if the constraint is not met, as long as all required constraints are met. Example: VM node placement with node affinity

In this example, the VM must be scheduled on a node that has the label = example-value-1 or the label = example-value-2. The constraint is met if only one of the labels is present on the node. If neither label is present, the VM is not scheduled.

If possible, the scheduler avoids nodes that have the label example-node-label-key = example-node-label-value. However, if all candidate nodes have this label, the scheduler ignores this constraint.

Example VM manifest

  name: example-vm-node-affinity
kind: VirtualMachine
          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: 1
            - matchExpressions:
              - key:
                operator: In
                - example-value-1
                - example-value-2
          preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: 2
          - weight: 1
              - key: example-node-label-key
                operator: In
                - example-node-label-value
# ...

If you use the requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution rule type, the VM is not scheduled if the constraint is not met.
If you use the preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution rule type, the VM is still scheduled if the constraint is not met, as long as all required constraints are met. Example: VM node placement with tolerations

In this example, nodes that are reserved for virtual machines are already labeled with the key=virtualization:NoSchedule taint. Because this virtual machine has matching tolerations, it can schedule onto the tainted nodes.


A virtual machine that tolerates a taint is not required to schedule onto a node with that taint.

Example VM manifest

  name: example-vm-tolerations
kind: VirtualMachine
  - key: "key"
    operator: "Equal"
    value: "virtualization"
    effect: "NoSchedule"
... Additional resources

10.18.3. Configuring certificate rotation

Configure certificate rotation parameters to replace existing certificates. Configuring certificate rotation

You can do this during OpenShift Virtualization installation in the web console or after installation in the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  1. Open the HyperConverged CR by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hco -n openshift-cnv kubevirt-hyperconverged
  2. Edit the spec.certConfig fields as shown in the following example. To avoid overloading the system, ensure that all values are greater than or equal to 10 minutes. Express all values as strings that comply with the golang ParseDuration format.

    kind: HyperConverged
     name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
     namespace: openshift-cnv
          duration: 48h0m0s
          renewBefore: 24h0m0s 1
          duration: 24h0m0s  2
          renewBefore: 12h0m0s  3
    The value of ca.renewBefore must be less than or equal to the value of ca.duration.
    The value of server.duration must be less than or equal to the value of ca.duration.
    The value of server.renewBefore must be less than or equal to the value of server.duration.
  3. Apply the YAML file to your cluster. Troubleshooting certificate rotation parameters

Deleting one or more certConfig values causes them to revert to the default values, unless the default values conflict with one of the following conditions:

  • The value of ca.renewBefore must be less than or equal to the value of ca.duration.
  • The value of server.duration must be less than or equal to the value of ca.duration.
  • The value of server.renewBefore must be less than or equal to the value of server.duration.

If the default values conflict with these conditions, you will receive an error.

If you remove the server.duration value in the following example, the default value of 24h0m0s is greater than the value of ca.duration, conflicting with the specified conditions.


     duration: 4h0m0s
     renewBefore: 1h0m0s
     duration: 4h0m0s
     renewBefore: 4h0m0s

This results in the following error message:

error: "kubevirt-hyperconverged" could not be patched: admission webhook "" denied the request: spec.certConfig: ca.duration is smaller than server.duration

The error message only mentions the first conflict. Review all certConfig values before you proceed.

10.18.4. Using UEFI mode for virtual machines

You can boot a virtual machine (VM) in Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) mode. About UEFI mode for virtual machines

Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), like legacy BIOS, initializes hardware components and operating system image files when a computer starts. UEFI supports more modern features and customization options than BIOS, enabling faster boot times.

It stores all the information about initialization and startup in a file with a .efi extension, which is stored on a special partition called EFI System Partition (ESP). The ESP also contains the boot loader programs for the operating system that is installed on the computer. Booting virtual machines in UEFI mode

You can configure a virtual machine to boot in UEFI mode by editing the VirtualMachine manifest.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Edit or create a VirtualMachine manifest file. Use the spec.firmware.bootloader stanza to configure UEFI mode:

    Booting in UEFI mode with secure boot active

    kind: VirtualMachine
        special: vm-secureboot
      name: vm-secureboot
            special: vm-secureboot
              - disk:
                  bus: virtio
                name: containerdisk
              acpi: {}
                enabled: true 1
                  secureBoot: true 2

    OpenShift Virtualization requires System Management Mode (SMM) to be enabled for Secure Boot in UEFI mode to occur.
    OpenShift Virtualization supports a VM with or without Secure Boot when using UEFI mode. If Secure Boot is enabled, then UEFI mode is required. However, UEFI mode can be enabled without using Secure Boot.
  2. Apply the manifest to your cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f <file_name>.yaml

10.18.5. Configuring PXE booting for virtual machines

PXE booting, or network booting, is available in OpenShift Virtualization. Network booting allows a computer to boot and load an operating system or other program without requiring a locally attached storage device. For example, you can use it to choose your desired OS image from a PXE server when deploying a new host. Prerequisites
  • A Linux bridge must be connected.
  • The PXE server must be connected to the same VLAN as the bridge. PXE booting with a specified MAC address

As an administrator, you can boot a client over the network by first creating a NetworkAttachmentDefinition object for your PXE network. Then, reference the network attachment definition in your virtual machine instance configuration file before you start the virtual machine instance. You can also specify a MAC address in the virtual machine instance configuration file, if required by the PXE server.


  • A Linux bridge must be connected.
  • The PXE server must be connected to the same VLAN as the bridge.


  1. Configure a PXE network on the cluster:

    1. Create the network attachment definition file for PXE network pxe-net-conf:

      apiVersion: ""
      kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
        name: pxe-net-conf
        config: '{
          "cniVersion": "0.3.1",
          "name": "pxe-net-conf",
          "plugins": [
              "type": "cnv-bridge",
              "bridge": "br1",
              "vlan": 1 1
              "type": "cnv-tuning" 2
      Optional: The VLAN tag.
      The cnv-tuning plugin provides support for custom MAC addresses.

      The virtual machine instance will be attached to the bridge br1 through an access port with the requested VLAN.

  2. Create the network attachment definition by using the file you created in the previous step:

    $ oc create -f pxe-net-conf.yaml
  3. Edit the virtual machine instance configuration file to include the details of the interface and network.

    1. Specify the network and MAC address, if required by the PXE server. If the MAC address is not specified, a value is assigned automatically.

      Ensure that bootOrder is set to 1 so that the interface boots first. In this example, the interface is connected to a network called <pxe-net>:

      - masquerade: {}
        name: default
      - bridge: {}
        name: pxe-net
        macAddress: de:00:00:00:00:de
        bootOrder: 1

      Boot order is global for interfaces and disks.

    2. Assign a boot device number to the disk to ensure proper booting after operating system provisioning.

      Set the disk bootOrder value to 2:

        - disk:
            bus: virtio
          name: containerdisk
          bootOrder: 2
    3. Specify that the network is connected to the previously created network attachment definition. In this scenario, <pxe-net> is connected to the network attachment definition called <pxe-net-conf>:

      - name: default
        pod: {}
      - name: pxe-net
          networkName: pxe-net-conf
  4. Create the virtual machine instance:

    $ oc create -f vmi-pxe-boot.yaml

Example output "vmi-pxe-boot" created

  1. Wait for the virtual machine instance to run:

    $ oc get vmi vmi-pxe-boot -o yaml | grep -i phase
      phase: Running
  2. View the virtual machine instance using VNC:

    $ virtctl vnc vmi-pxe-boot
  3. Watch the boot screen to verify that the PXE boot is successful.
  4. Log in to the virtual machine instance:

    $ virtctl console vmi-pxe-boot
  5. Verify the interfaces and MAC address on the virtual machine and that the interface connected to the bridge has the specified MAC address. In this case, we used eth1 for the PXE boot, without an IP address. The other interface, eth0, got an IP address from OpenShift Container Platform.

    $ ip addr

Example output

3. eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000
   link/ether de:00:00:00:00:de brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff OpenShift Virtualization networking glossary

OpenShift Virtualization provides advanced networking functionality by using custom resources and plugins.

The following terms are used throughout OpenShift Virtualization documentation:

Container Network Interface (CNI)
a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, focused on container network connectivity. OpenShift Virtualization uses CNI plugins to build upon the basic Kubernetes networking functionality.
a "meta" CNI plugin that allows multiple CNIs to exist so that a pod or virtual machine can use the interfaces it needs.
Custom resource definition (CRD)
a Kubernetes API resource that allows you to define custom resources, or an object defined by using the CRD API resource.
Network attachment definition (NAD)
a CRD introduced by the Multus project that allows you to attach pods, virtual machines, and virtual machine instances to one or more networks.
Node network configuration policy (NNCP)
a description of the requested network configuration on nodes. You update the node network configuration, including adding and removing interfaces, by applying a NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest to the cluster.
Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE)
an interface that enables an administrator to boot a client machine from a server over the network. Network booting allows you to remotely load operating systems and other software onto the client.

10.18.6. Using huge pages with virtual machines

You can use huge pages as backing memory for virtual machines in your cluster. Prerequisites What huge pages do

Memory is managed in blocks known as pages. On most systems, a page is 4Ki. 1Mi of memory is equal to 256 pages; 1Gi of memory is 256,000 pages, and so on. CPUs have a built-in memory management unit that manages a list of these pages in hardware. The Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) is a small hardware cache of virtual-to-physical page mappings. If the virtual address passed in a hardware instruction can be found in the TLB, the mapping can be determined quickly. If not, a TLB miss occurs, and the system falls back to slower, software-based address translation, resulting in performance issues. Since the size of the TLB is fixed, the only way to reduce the chance of a TLB miss is to increase the page size.

A huge page is a memory page that is larger than 4Ki. On x86_64 architectures, there are two common huge page sizes: 2Mi and 1Gi. Sizes vary on other architectures. To use huge pages, code must be written so that applications are aware of them. Transparent Huge Pages (THP) attempt to automate the management of huge pages without application knowledge, but they have limitations. In particular, they are limited to 2Mi page sizes. THP can lead to performance degradation on nodes with high memory utilization or fragmentation due to defragmenting efforts of THP, which can lock memory pages. For this reason, some applications may be designed to (or recommend) usage of pre-allocated huge pages instead of THP.

In OpenShift Virtualization, virtual machines can be configured to consume pre-allocated huge pages. Configuring huge pages for virtual machines

You can configure virtual machines to use pre-allocated huge pages by including the memory.hugepages.pageSize and resources.requests.memory parameters in your virtual machine configuration.

The memory request must be divisible by the page size. For example, you cannot request 500Mi memory with a page size of 1Gi.


The memory layouts of the host and the guest OS are unrelated. Huge pages requested in the virtual machine manifest apply to QEMU. Huge pages inside the guest can only be configured based on the amount of available memory of the virtual machine instance.

If you edit a running virtual machine, the virtual machine must be rebooted for the changes to take effect.


  • Nodes must have pre-allocated huge pages configured.


  1. In your virtual machine configuration, add the resources.requests.memory and memory.hugepages.pageSize parameters to the spec.domain. The following configuration snippet is for a virtual machine that requests a total of 4Gi memory with a page size of 1Gi:

    kind: VirtualMachine
            memory: "4Gi" 1
            pageSize: "1Gi" 2
    The total amount of memory requested for the virtual machine. This value must be divisible by the page size.
    The size of each huge page. Valid values for x86_64 architecture are 1Gi and 2Mi. The page size must be smaller than the requested memory.
  2. Apply the virtual machine configuration:

    $ oc apply -f <virtual_machine>.yaml

10.18.7. Enabling dedicated resources for virtual machines

To improve performance, you can dedicate node resources, such as CPU, to a virtual machine. About dedicated resources

When you enable dedicated resources for your virtual machine, your virtual machine’s workload is scheduled on CPUs that will not be used by other processes. By using dedicated resources, you can improve the performance of the virtual machine and the accuracy of latency predictions. Prerequisites
  • The CPU Manager must be configured on the node. Verify that the node has the cpumanager = true label before scheduling virtual machine workloads.
  • The virtual machine must be powered off. Enabling dedicated resources for a virtual machine

You enable dedicated resources for a virtual machine in the Details tab. Virtual machines that were created from a Red Hat template can be configured with dedicated resources.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. On the Scheduling tab, click the pencil icon beside Dedicated Resources.
  4. Select Schedule this workload with dedicated resources (guaranteed policy).
  5. Click Save.

10.18.8. Scheduling virtual machines

You can schedule a virtual machine (VM) on a node by ensuring that the VM’s CPU model and policy attribute are matched for compatibility with the CPU models and policy attributes supported by the node. Policy attributes

You can schedule a virtual machine (VM) by specifying a policy attribute and a CPU feature that is matched for compatibility when the VM is scheduled on a node. A policy attribute specified for a VM determines how that VM is scheduled on a node.

Policy attributeDescription


The VM is forced to be scheduled on a node. This is true even if the host CPU does not support the VM’s CPU.


Default policy that applies to a VM if the VM is not configured with a specific CPU model and feature specification. If a node is not configured to support CPU node discovery with this default policy attribute or any one of the other policy attributes, VMs are not scheduled on that node. Either the host CPU must support the VM’s CPU or the hypervisor must be able to emulate the supported CPU model.


The VM is added to a node if that VM is supported by the host’s physical machine CPU.


The VM cannot be scheduled with CPU node discovery.


The VM is not scheduled even if the feature is supported by the host CPU and CPU node discovery is enabled. Setting a policy attribute and CPU feature

You can set a policy attribute and CPU feature for each virtual machine (VM) to ensure that it is scheduled on a node according to policy and feature. The CPU feature that you set is verified to ensure that it is supported by the host CPU or emulated by the hypervisor.


  • Edit the domain spec of your VM configuration file. The following example sets the CPU feature and the require policy for a virtual machine (VM):

    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: myvm
                - name: apic 1
                  policy: require 2
    Name of the CPU feature for the VM.
    Policy attribute for the VM. Scheduling virtual machines with the supported CPU model

You can configure a CPU model for a virtual machine (VM) to schedule it on a node where its CPU model is supported.


  • Edit the domain spec of your virtual machine configuration file. The following example shows a specific CPU model defined for a VM:

    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: myvm
              model: Conroe 1
    CPU model for the VM. Scheduling virtual machines with the host model

When the CPU model for a virtual machine (VM) is set to host-model, the VM inherits the CPU model of the node where it is scheduled.


  • Edit the domain spec of your VM configuration file. The following example shows host-model being specified for the virtual machine:

    apiVersion: kubevirt/v1alpha3
    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: myvm
              model: host-model 1
    The VM that inherits the CPU model of the node where it is scheduled.

10.18.9. Configuring PCI passthrough

The Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) passthrough feature enables you to access and manage hardware devices from a virtual machine. When PCI passthrough is configured, the PCI devices function as if they were physically attached to the guest operating system.

Cluster administrators can expose and manage host devices that are permitted to be used in the cluster by using the oc command-line interface (CLI). About preparing a host device for PCI passthrough

To prepare a host device for PCI passthrough by using the CLI, create a MachineConfig object and add kernel arguments to enable the Input-Output Memory Management Unit (IOMMU). Bind the PCI device to the Virtual Function I/O (VFIO) driver and then expose it in the cluster by editing the permittedHostDevices field of the HyperConverged custom resource (CR). The permittedHostDevices list is empty when you first install the OpenShift Virtualization Operator.

To remove a PCI host device from the cluster by using the CLI, delete the PCI device information from the HyperConverged CR. Adding kernel arguments to enable the IOMMU driver

To enable the IOMMU (Input-Output Memory Management Unit) driver in the kernel, create the MachineConfig object and add the kernel arguments.


  • Administrative privilege to a working OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • Intel or AMD CPU hardware.
  • Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O extensions or AMD IOMMU in the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is enabled.


  1. Create a MachineConfig object that identifies the kernel argument. The following example shows a kernel argument for an Intel CPU.

    kind: MachineConfig
      labels: worker 1
      name: 100-worker-iommu 2
          version: 3.2.0
          - intel_iommu=on 3
    Applies the new kernel argument only to worker nodes.
    The name indicates the ranking of this kernel argument (100) among the machine configs and its purpose. If you have an AMD CPU, specify the kernel argument as amd_iommu=on.
    Identifies the kernel argument as intel_iommu for an Intel CPU.
  2. Create the new MachineConfig object:

    $ oc create -f 100-worker-kernel-arg-iommu.yaml


  • Verify that the new MachineConfig object was added.

    $ oc get MachineConfig Binding PCI devices to the VFIO driver

To bind PCI devices to the VFIO (Virtual Function I/O) driver, obtain the values for vendor-ID and device-ID from each device and create a list with the values. Add this list to the MachineConfig object. The MachineConfig Operator generates the /etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf on the nodes with the PCI devices, and binds the PCI devices to the VFIO driver.


  • You added kernel arguments to enable IOMMU for the CPU.


  1. Run the lspci command to obtain the vendor-ID and the device-ID for the PCI device.

    $ lspci -nnv | grep -i nvidia

    Example output

    02:01.0 3D controller [0302]: NVIDIA Corporation GV100GL [Tesla V100 PCIe 32GB] [10de:1eb8] (rev a1)

  2. Create a Butane config file, 100-worker-vfiopci.bu, binding the PCI device to the VFIO driver.


    See "Creating machine configs with Butane" for information about Butane.


    variant: openshift
    version: 4.12.0
      name: 100-worker-vfiopci
      labels: worker 1
      - path: /etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf
        mode: 0644
        overwrite: true
          inline: |
            options vfio-pci ids=10de:1eb8 2
      - path: /etc/modules-load.d/vfio-pci.conf 3
        mode: 0644
        overwrite: true
          inline: vfio-pci

    Applies the new kernel argument only to worker nodes.
    Specify the previously determined vendor-ID value (10de) and the device-ID value (1eb8) to bind a single device to the VFIO driver. You can add a list of multiple devices with their vendor and device information.
    The file that loads the vfio-pci kernel module on the worker nodes.
  3. Use Butane to generate a MachineConfig object file, 100-worker-vfiopci.yaml, containing the configuration to be delivered to the worker nodes:

    $ butane 100-worker-vfiopci.bu -o 100-worker-vfiopci.yaml
  4. Apply the MachineConfig object to the worker nodes:

    $ oc apply -f 100-worker-vfiopci.yaml
  5. Verify that the MachineConfig object was added.

    $ oc get MachineConfig

    Example output

    NAME                             GENERATEDBYCONTROLLER                      IGNITIONVERSION  AGE
    00-master                        d3da910bfa9f4b599af4ed7f5ac270d55950a3a1   3.2.0            25h
    00-worker                        d3da910bfa9f4b599af4ed7f5ac270d55950a3a1   3.2.0            25h
    01-master-container-runtime      d3da910bfa9f4b599af4ed7f5ac270d55950a3a1   3.2.0            25h
    01-master-kubelet                d3da910bfa9f4b599af4ed7f5ac270d55950a3a1   3.2.0            25h
    01-worker-container-runtime      d3da910bfa9f4b599af4ed7f5ac270d55950a3a1   3.2.0            25h
    01-worker-kubelet                d3da910bfa9f4b599af4ed7f5ac270d55950a3a1   3.2.0            25h
    100-worker-iommu                                                            3.2.0            30s
    100-worker-vfiopci-configuration                                            3.2.0            30s


  • Verify that the VFIO driver is loaded.

    $ lspci -nnk -d 10de:

    The output confirms that the VFIO driver is being used.

    Example output

    04:00.0 3D controller [0302]: NVIDIA Corporation GP102GL [Tesla P40] [10de:1eb8] (rev a1)
            Subsystem: NVIDIA Corporation Device [10de:1eb8]
            Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci
            Kernel modules: nouveau Exposing PCI host devices in the cluster using the CLI

To expose PCI host devices in the cluster, add details about the PCI devices to the spec.permittedHostDevices.pciHostDevices array of the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  1. Edit the HyperConverged CR in your default editor by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv
  2. Add the PCI device information to the spec.permittedHostDevices.pciHostDevices array. For example:

    Example configuration file

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      namespace: openshift-cnv
      permittedHostDevices: 1
        pciHostDevices: 2
        - pciDeviceSelector: "10DE:1DB6" 3
          resourceName: "" 4
        - pciDeviceSelector: "10DE:1EB8"
          resourceName: ""
        - pciDeviceSelector: "8086:6F54"
          resourceName: ""
          externalResourceProvider: true 5

    The host devices that are permitted to be used in the cluster.
    The list of PCI devices available on the node.
    The vendor-ID and the device-ID required to identify the PCI device.
    The name of a PCI host device.
    Optional: Setting this field to true indicates that the resource is provided by an external device plugin. OpenShift Virtualization allows the usage of this device in the cluster but leaves the allocation and monitoring to an external device plugin.

    The above example snippet shows two PCI host devices that are named and added to the list of permitted host devices in the HyperConverged CR. These devices have been tested and verified to work with OpenShift Virtualization.

  3. Save your changes and exit the editor.


  • Verify that the PCI host devices were added to the node by running the following command. The example output shows that there is one device each associated with the,, and resource names.

    $ oc describe node <node_name>

    Example output

      cpu:                            64        110        110  110
      ephemeral-storage:              915128Mi
      hugepages-1Gi:                  0
      hugepages-2Mi:                  0
      memory:                         131395264Ki   1     1                  1
      pods:                           250
      cpu:                            63500m        110        110  110
      ephemeral-storage:              863623130526
      hugepages-1Gi:                  0
      hugepages-2Mi:                  0
      memory:                         130244288Ki   1     1                  1
      pods:                           250 Removing PCI host devices from the cluster using the CLI

To remove a PCI host device from the cluster, delete the information for that device from the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  1. Edit the HyperConverged CR in your default editor by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv
  2. Remove the PCI device information from the spec.permittedHostDevices.pciHostDevices array by deleting the pciDeviceSelector, resourceName and externalResourceProvider (if applicable) fields for the appropriate device. In this example, the resource has been deleted.

    Example configuration file

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      namespace: openshift-cnv
        - pciDeviceSelector: "10DE:1DB6"
          resourceName: ""
        - pciDeviceSelector: "10DE:1EB8"
          resourceName: ""

  3. Save your changes and exit the editor.


  • Verify that the PCI host device was removed from the node by running the following command. The example output shows that there are zero devices associated with the resource name.

    $ oc describe node <node_name>

    Example output

      cpu:                            64        110        110  110
      ephemeral-storage:              915128Mi
      hugepages-1Gi:                  0
      hugepages-2Mi:                  0
      memory:                         131395264Ki   1     1                  0
      pods:                           250
      cpu:                            63500m        110        110  110
      ephemeral-storage:              863623130526
      hugepages-1Gi:                  0
      hugepages-2Mi:                  0
      memory:                         130244288Ki   1     1                  0
      pods:                           250 Configuring virtual machines for PCI passthrough

After the PCI devices have been added to the cluster, you can assign them to virtual machines. The PCI devices are now available as if they are physically connected to the virtual machines. Assigning a PCI device to a virtual machine

When a PCI device is available in a cluster, you can assign it to a virtual machine and enable PCI passthrough.


  • Assign the PCI device to a virtual machine as a host device.


    kind: VirtualMachine
          - deviceName: 1
            name: hostdevices1

    The name of the PCI device that is permitted on the cluster as a host device. The virtual machine can access this host device.


  • Use the following command to verify that the host device is available from the virtual machine.

    $ lspci -nnk | grep NVIDIA

    Example output

    $ 02:01.0 3D controller [0302]: NVIDIA Corporation GV100GL [Tesla V100 PCIe 32GB] [10de:1eb8] (rev a1) Additional resources

10.18.10. Configuring vGPU passthrough

Your virtual machines can access a virtual GPU (vGPU) hardware. Assigning a vGPU to your virtual machine allows you do the following:

  • Access a fraction of the underlying hardware’s GPU to achieve high performance benefits in your virtual machine.
  • Streamline resource-intensive I/O operations.

vGPU passthrough can only be assigned to devices that are connected to clusters running in a bare metal environment. Assigning vGPU passthrough devices to a virtual machine

Use the OpenShift Container Platform web console to assign vGPU passthrough devices to your virtual machine.


  • The virtual machine must be stopped.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Virtualization → VirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select the virtual machine to which you want to assign the device.
  3. On the Details tab, click GPU devices.

    If you add a vGPU device as a host device, you cannot access the device with the VNC console.

  4. Click Add GPU device, enter the Name and select the device from the Device name list.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click the YAML tab to verify that the new devices have been added to your cluster configuration in the hostDevices section.

You can add hardware devices to virtual machines created from customized templates or a YAML file. You cannot add devices to pre-supplied boot source templates for specific operating systems, such as Windows 10 or RHEL 7.

To display resources that are connected to your cluster, click ComputeHardware Devices from the side menu. Additional resources

10.18.11. Configuring mediated devices

OpenShift Virtualization automatically creates mediated devices, such as virtual GPUs (vGPUs), if you provide a list of devices in the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


Declarative configuration of mediated devices is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope. About using the NVIDIA GPU Operator

The NVIDIA GPU Operator manages NVIDIA GPU resources in an OpenShift Container Platform cluster and automates tasks related to bootstrapping GPU nodes. Since the GPU is a special resource in the cluster, you must install some components before deploying application workloads onto the GPU. These components include the NVIDIA drivers which enables compute unified device architecture (CUDA), Kubernetes device plugin, container runtime and others such as automatic node labelling, monitoring and more.


The NVIDIA GPU Operator is supported only by NVIDIA. For more information about obtaining support from NVIDIA, see Obtaining Support from NVIDIA.

There are two ways to enable GPUs with OpenShift Container Platform OpenShift Virtualization: the OpenShift Container Platform-native way described here and by using the NVIDIA GPU Operator.

The NVIDIA GPU Operator is a Kubernetes Operator that enables OpenShift Container Platform OpenShift Virtualization to expose GPUs to virtualized workloads running on OpenShift Container Platform. It allows users to easily provision and manage GPU-enabled virtual machines, providing them with the ability to run complex artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) workloads on the same platform as their other workloads. It also provides an easy way to scale the GPU capacity of their infrastructure, allowing for rapid growth of GPU-based workloads.

For more information about using the NVIDIA GPU Operator to provision worker nodes for running GPU-accelerated VMs, see NVIDIA GPU Operator with OpenShift Virtualization. About using virtual GPUs with OpenShift Virtualization

Some graphics processing unit (GPU) cards support the creation of virtual GPUs (vGPUs). OpenShift Virtualization can automatically create vGPUs and other mediated devices if an administrator provides configuration details in the HyperConverged custom resource (CR). This automation is especially useful for large clusters.


Refer to your hardware vendor’s documentation for functionality and support details.

Mediated device
A physical device that is divided into one or more virtual devices. A vGPU is a type of mediated device (mdev); the performance of the physical GPU is divided among the virtual devices. You can assign mediated devices to one or more virtual machines (VMs), but the number of guests must be compatible with your GPU. Some GPUs do not support multiple guests. Prerequisites
  • If your hardware vendor provides drivers, you installed them on the nodes where you want to create mediated devices. Configuration overview

When configuring mediated devices, an administrator must complete the following tasks:

  • Create the mediated devices.
  • Expose the mediated devices to the cluster.

The HyperConverged CR includes APIs that accomplish both tasks.

Creating mediated devices

    mediatedDevicesTypes: 1
    - <device_type>
    nodeMediatedDeviceTypes: 2
    - mediatedDevicesTypes: 3
      - <device_type>
      nodeSelector: 4
        <node_selector_key>: <node_selector_value>

Required: Configures global settings for the cluster.
Optional: Overrides the global configuration for a specific node or group of nodes. Must be used with the global mediatedDevicesTypes configuration.
Required if you use nodeMediatedDeviceTypes. Overrides the global mediatedDevicesTypes configuration for the specified nodes.
Required if you use nodeMediatedDeviceTypes. Must include a key:value pair.

Exposing mediated devices to the cluster

    - mdevNameSelector: GRID T4-2Q 1
      resourceName: 2

Exposes the mediated devices that map to this value on the host.

You can see the mediated device types that your device supports by viewing the contents of /sys/bus/pci/devices/<slot>:<bus>:<domain>.<function>/mdev_supported_types/<type>/name, substituting the correct values for your system.

For example, the name file for the nvidia-231 type contains the selector string GRID T4-2Q. Using GRID T4-2Q as the mdevNameSelector value allows nodes to use the nvidia-231 type.

The resourceName should match that allocated on the node. Find the resourceName by using the following command:
$ oc get $NODE -o json \
  | jq '.status.allocatable \
    | with_entries(select(.key | startswith(""))) \
    | with_entries(select(.value != "0"))' How vGPUs are assigned to nodes

For each physical device, OpenShift Virtualization configures the following values:

  • A single mdev type.
  • The maximum number of instances of the selected mdev type.

The cluster architecture affects how devices are created and assigned to nodes.

Large cluster with multiple cards per node

On nodes with multiple cards that can support similar vGPU types, the relevant device types are created in a round-robin manner. For example:

  - nvidia-222
  - nvidia-228
  - nvidia-105
  - nvidia-108

In this scenario, each node has two cards, both of which support the following vGPU types:


On each node, OpenShift Virtualization creates the following vGPUs:

  • 16 vGPUs of type nvidia-105 on the first card.
  • 2 vGPUs of type nvidia-108 on the second card.
One node has a single card that supports more than one requested vGPU type

OpenShift Virtualization uses the supported type that comes first on the mediatedDevicesTypes list.

For example, the card on a node card supports nvidia-223 and nvidia-224. The following mediatedDevicesTypes list is configured:

  - nvidia-22
  - nvidia-223
  - nvidia-224

In this example, OpenShift Virtualization uses the nvidia-223 type. About changing and removing mediated devices

The cluster’s mediated device configuration can be updated with OpenShift Virtualization by:

  • Editing the HyperConverged CR and change the contents of the mediatedDevicesTypes stanza.
  • Changing the node labels that match the nodeMediatedDeviceTypes node selector.
  • Removing the device information from the spec.mediatedDevicesConfiguration and spec.permittedHostDevices stanzas of the HyperConverged CR.


    If you remove the device information from the spec.permittedHostDevices stanza without also removing it from the spec.mediatedDevicesConfiguration stanza, you cannot create a new mediated device type on the same node. To properly remove mediated devices, remove the device information from both stanzas.

Depending on the specific changes, these actions cause OpenShift Virtualization to reconfigure mediated devices or remove them from the cluster nodes. Preparing hosts for mediated devices

You must enable the Input-Output Memory Management Unit (IOMMU) driver before you can configure mediated devices. Adding kernel arguments to enable the IOMMU driver

To enable the IOMMU (Input-Output Memory Management Unit) driver in the kernel, create the MachineConfig object and add the kernel arguments.


  • Administrative privilege to a working OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • Intel or AMD CPU hardware.
  • Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O extensions or AMD IOMMU in the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is enabled.


  1. Create a MachineConfig object that identifies the kernel argument. The following example shows a kernel argument for an Intel CPU.

    kind: MachineConfig
      labels: worker 1
      name: 100-worker-iommu 2
          version: 3.2.0
          - intel_iommu=on 3
    Applies the new kernel argument only to worker nodes.
    The name indicates the ranking of this kernel argument (100) among the machine configs and its purpose. If you have an AMD CPU, specify the kernel argument as amd_iommu=on.
    Identifies the kernel argument as intel_iommu for an Intel CPU.
  2. Create the new MachineConfig object:

    $ oc create -f 100-worker-kernel-arg-iommu.yaml


  • Verify that the new MachineConfig object was added.

    $ oc get MachineConfig Adding and removing mediated devices

You can add or remove mediated devices. Creating and exposing mediated devices

You can expose and create mediated devices such as virtual GPUs (vGPUs) by editing the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  • You enabled the IOMMU (Input-Output Memory Management Unit) driver.


  1. Edit the HyperConverged CR in your default editor by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv
  2. Add the mediated device information to the HyperConverged CR spec, ensuring that you include the mediatedDevicesConfiguration and permittedHostDevices stanzas. For example:

    Example configuration file

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      namespace: openshift-cnv
      mediatedDevicesConfiguration: <.>
        mediatedDevicesTypes: <.>
        - nvidia-231
        nodeMediatedDeviceTypes: <.>
        - mediatedDevicesTypes: <.>
          - nvidia-233
      permittedHostDevices: <.>
        - mdevNameSelector: GRID T4-2Q
        - mdevNameSelector: GRID T4-8Q

    <.> Creates mediated devices. <.> Required: Global mediatedDevicesTypes configuration. <.> Optional: Overrides the global configuration for specific nodes. <.> Required if you use nodeMediatedDeviceTypes. <.> Exposes mediated devices to the cluster.

  3. Save your changes and exit the editor.


  • You can verify that a device was added to a specific node by running the following command:

    $ oc describe node <node_name> Removing mediated devices from the cluster using the CLI

To remove a mediated device from the cluster, delete the information for that device from the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  1. Edit the HyperConverged CR in your default editor by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv
  2. Remove the device information from the spec.mediatedDevicesConfiguration and spec.permittedHostDevices stanzas of the HyperConverged CR. Removing both entries ensures that you can later create a new mediated device type on the same node. For example:

    Example configuration file

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      namespace: openshift-cnv
        mediatedDevicesTypes: 1
          - nvidia-231
        mediatedDevices: 2
        - mdevNameSelector: GRID T4-2Q

    To remove the nvidia-231 device type, delete it from the mediatedDevicesTypes array.
    To remove the GRID T4-2Q device, delete the mdevNameSelector field and its corresponding resourceName field.
  3. Save your changes and exit the editor. Using mediated devices

A vGPU is a type of mediated device; the performance of the physical GPU is divided among the virtual devices. You can assign mediated devices to one or more virtual machines. Assigning a mediated device to a virtual machine

Assign mediated devices such as virtual GPUs (vGPUs) to virtual machines.


  • The mediated device is configured in the HyperConverged custom resource.


  • Assign the mediated device to a virtual machine (VM) by editing the spec.domain.devices.gpus stanza of the VirtualMachine manifest:

    Example virtual machine manifest

    kind: VirtualMachine
          - deviceName: 1
            name: gpu1 2
          - deviceName:
            name: gpu2

    The resource name associated with the mediated device.
    A name to identify the device on the VM.


  • To verify that the device is available from the virtual machine, run the following command, substituting <device_name> with the deviceName value from the VirtualMachine manifest:

    $ lspci -nnk | grep <device_name> Additional resources

10.18.12. Configuring a watchdog

Expose a watchdog by configuring the virtual machine (VM) for a watchdog device, installing the watchdog, and starting the watchdog service. Prerequisites
  • The virtual machine must have kernel support for an i6300esb watchdog device. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) images support i6300esb. Defining a watchdog device

Define how the watchdog proceeds when the operating system (OS) no longer responds.

Table 10.4. Available actions


The virtual machine (VM) powers down immediately. If spec.running is set to true, or spec.runStrategy is not set to manual, then the VM reboots.


The VM reboots in place and the guest OS cannot react. Because the length of time required for the guest OS to reboot can cause liveness probes to timeout, use of this option is discouraged. This timeout can extend the time it takes the VM to reboot if cluster-level protections notice the liveness probe failed and forcibly reschedule it.


The VM gracefully powers down by stopping all services.


  1. Create a YAML file with the following contents:

    kind: VirtualMachine
      labels: vm2-rhel84-watchdog
      name: <vm-name>
      running: false
                name: <watchdog>
                  action: "poweroff" 1
    Specify the watchdog action (poweroff, reset, or shutdown).

    The example above configures the i6300esb watchdog device on a RHEL8 VM with the poweroff action and exposes the device as /dev/watchdog.

    This device can now be used by the watchdog binary.

  2. Apply the YAML file to your cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f <file_name>.yaml

This procedure is provided for testing watchdog functionality only and must not be run on production machines.

  1. Run the following command to verify that the VM is connected to the watchdog device:

    $ lspci | grep watchdog -i
  2. Run one of the following commands to confirm the watchdog is active:

    • Trigger a kernel panic:

      # echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger
    • Terminate the watchdog service:

      # pkill -9 watchdog Installing a watchdog device

Install the watchdog package on your virtual machine and start the watchdog service.


  1. As a root user, install the watchdog package and dependencies:

    # yum install watchdog
  2. Uncomment the following line in the /etc/watchdog.conf file, and save the changes:

    #watchdog-device = /dev/watchdog
  3. Enable the watchdog service to start on boot:

    # systemctl enable --now watchdog.service Additional resources

10.18.13. Automatic importing and updating of pre-defined boot sources

You can use boot sources that are system-defined and included with OpenShift Virtualization or user-defined, which you create. System-defined boot source imports and updates are controlled by the product feature gate. You can enable, disable, or re-enable updates using the feature gate. User-defined boot sources are not controlled by the product feature gate and must be individually managed to opt in or opt out of automatic imports and updates.


As of version 4.10, OpenShift Virtualization automatically imports and updates boot sources, unless you manually opt out or do not set a default storage class.

If you upgrade to version 4.10, you must manually enable automatic imports and updates for boot sources from version 4.9 or earlier. Enabling automatic boot source updates

If you have boot sources from OpenShift Virtualization 4.9 or earlier, you must manually turn on automatic updates for these boot sources. All boot sources in OpenShift Virtualization 4.10 and later are automatically updated by default.

To enable automatic boot source imports and updates, set the field to true for each boot source you want to update automatically.


  • To turn on automatic updates for a boot source, use the following command to apply the dataImportCron label to the data source:

    $ oc label --overwrite DataSource rhel8 -n openshift-virtualization-os-images 1
    Specifying true turns on automatic updates for the rhel8 boot source. Disabling automatic boot source updates

Disabling automatic boot source imports and updates can be helpful to reduce the number of logs in disconnected environments or to reduce resource usage.

To disable automatic boot source imports and updates, set the spec.featureGates.enableCommonBootImageImport field in the HyperConverged custom resource (CR) to false.


User-defined boot sources are not affected by this setting.


  • Use the following command to disable automatic boot source updates:

    $ oc patch hco kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv \
     --type json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/featureGates/enableCommonBootImageImport", \
     "value": false}]' Re-enabling automatic boot source updates

If you have previously disabled automatic boot source updates, you must manually re-enable the feature. Set the spec.featureGates.enableCommonBootImageImport field in the HyperConverged custom resource (CR) to true.


  • Use the following command to re-enable automatic updates:

    $ oc patch hco kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv --type json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/featureGates/enableCommonBootImageImport", "value": true}]' Configuring a storage class for user-defined boot source updates

You can configure a storage class that allows automatic importing and updating for user-defined boot sources.


  1. Define a new storageClassName by editing the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      - metadata:
          name: rhel8-image-cron
              storageClassName: <appropriate_class_name>
  2. Set the new default storage class by running the following commands:

    $ oc patch storageclass <current_default_storage_class> -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"false"}}}'
    $ oc patch storageclass <appropriate_storage_class> -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}' Enabling automatic updates for user-defined boot sources

OpenShift Virtualization automatically updates system-defined boot sources by default, but does not automatically update user-defined boot sources. You must manually enable automatic imports and updates on a user-defined boot sources by editing the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  1. Use the following command to open the HyperConverged CR for editing:

    $ oc edit -n openshift-cnv HyperConverged
  2. Edit the HyperConverged CR, adding the appropriate template and boot source in the dataImportCronTemplates section. For example:

    Example in CentOS 7

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      - metadata:
          name: centos7-image-cron
   "true" 1
          schedule: "0 */12 * * *" 2
                registry: 3
                  url: docker://
                    storage: 10Gi
          managedDataSource: centos7 4
          retentionPolicy: "None" 5

    This annotation is required for storage classes with volumeBindingMode set to WaitForFirstConsumer.
    Schedule for the job specified in cron format.
    Use to create a data volume from a registry source. Use the default pod pullMethod and not node pullMethod, which is based on the node docker cache. The node docker cache is useful when a registry image is available via Container.Image, but the CDI importer is not authorized to access it.
    For the custom image to be detected as an available boot source, the name of the image’s managedDataSource must match the name of the template’s DataSource, which is found under in the VM template YAML file.
    Use All to retain data volumes and data sources when the cron job is deleted. Use None to delete data volumes and data sources when the cron job is deleted. Disabling an automatic update for a system-defined or user-defined boot source

You can disable automatic imports and updates for a user-defined boot source and for a system-defined boot source.

Because system-defined boot sources are not listed by default in the spec.dataImportCronTemplates of the HyperConverged custom resource (CR), you must add the boot source and disable auto imports and updates.


  • To disable automatic imports and updates for a user-defined boot source, remove the boot source from the spec.dataImportCronTemplates field in the custom resource list.
  • To disable automatic imports and updates for a system-defined boot source:

    • Edit the HyperConverged CR and add the boot source to spec.dataImportCronTemplates.
    • Disable automatic imports and updates by setting the annotation to false. For example:

      kind: HyperConverged
        name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
        - metadata:
            name: rhel8-image-cron
      ... Verifying the status of a boot source

You can verify whether a boot source is system-defined or user-defined.

The status section of each boot source listed in the status.dataImportChronTemplates field of the HyperConverged CR indicates the type of boot source. For example, commonTemplate: true indicates a system-defined (commonTemplate) boot source and status: {} indicates a user-defined boot source.


  1. Use the oc get command to list the dataImportChronTemplates in the HyperConverged CR.
  2. Verify the status of the boot source.

    Example output

    kind: HyperConverged
    status: 1
      dataImportCronTemplates: 2
      - metadata:
          name: centos-7-image-cron
          garbageCollect: Outdated
          managedDataSource: centos7
          schedule: 55 8/12 * * *
            metadata: {}
                  url: docker://
                    storage: 30Gi
            status: {}
          commonTemplate: true 3
      - metadata:
          name: user-defined-dic
          garbageCollect: Outdated
          managedDataSource: user-defined-centos-stream8
          schedule: 55 8/12 * * *
            metadata: {}
                  pullMethod: node
                  url: docker://
                    storage: 30Gi
            status: {}
        status: {} 4

    The status field for the HyperConverged CR.
    The dataImportCronTemplates field, which lists all defined boot sources.
    Indicates a system-defined boot source.
    Indicates a user-defined boot source.

10.18.14. Enabling descheduler evictions on virtual machines

You can use the descheduler to evict pods so that the pods can be rescheduled onto more appropriate nodes. If the pod is a virtual machine, the pod eviction causes the virtual machine to be live migrated to another node.


Descheduler eviction for virtual machines is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope. Descheduler profiles

Use the Technology Preview DevPreviewLongLifecycle profile to enable the descheduler on a virtual machine. This is the only descheduler profile currently available for OpenShift Virtualization. To ensure proper scheduling, create VMs with CPU and memory requests for the expected load.


This profile balances resource usage between nodes and enables the following strategies:

  • RemovePodsHavingTooManyRestarts: removes pods whose containers have been restarted too many times and pods where the sum of restarts over all containers (including Init Containers) is more than 100. Restarting the VM guest operating system does not increase this count.
  • LowNodeUtilization: evicts pods from overutilized nodes when there are any underutilized nodes. The destination node for the evicted pod will be determined by the scheduler.

    • A node is considered underutilized if its usage is below 20% for all thresholds (CPU, memory, and number of pods).
    • A node is considered overutilized if its usage is above 50% for any of the thresholds (CPU, memory, and number of pods). Installing the descheduler

The descheduler is not available by default. To enable the descheduler, you must install the Kube Descheduler Operator from OperatorHub and enable one or more descheduler profiles.

By default, the descheduler runs in predictive mode, which means that it only simulates pod evictions. You must change the mode to automatic for the descheduler to perform the pod evictions.


If you have enabled hosted control planes in your cluster, set a custom priority threshold to lower the chance that pods in the hosted control plane namespaces are evicted. Set the priority threshold class name to hypershift-control-plane, because it has the lowest priority value (100000000) of the hosted control plane priority classes.


  • Cluster administrator privileges.
  • Access to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  2. Create the required namespace for the Kube Descheduler Operator.

    1. Navigate to AdministrationNamespaces and click Create Namespace.
    2. Enter openshift-kube-descheduler-operator in the Name field, enter in the Labels field to enable descheduler metrics, and click Create.
  3. Install the Kube Descheduler Operator.

    1. Navigate to OperatorsOperatorHub.
    2. Type Kube Descheduler Operator into the filter box.
    3. Select the Kube Descheduler Operator and click Install.
    4. On the Install Operator page, select A specific namespace on the cluster. Select openshift-kube-descheduler-operator from the drop-down menu.
    5. Adjust the values for the Update Channel and Approval Strategy to the desired values.
    6. Click Install.
  4. Create a descheduler instance.

    1. From the OperatorsInstalled Operators page, click the Kube Descheduler Operator.
    2. Select the Kube Descheduler tab and click Create KubeDescheduler.
    3. Edit the settings as necessary.

      1. To evict pods instead of simulating the evictions, change the Mode field to Automatic.
      2. Expand the Profiles section and select DevPreviewLongLifecycle. The AffinityAndTaints profile is enabled by default.


        The only profile currently available for OpenShift Virtualization is DevPreviewLongLifecycle.

You can also configure the profiles and settings for the descheduler later using the OpenShift CLI (oc). Enabling descheduler evictions on a virtual machine (VM)

After the descheduler is installed, you can enable descheduler evictions on your VM by adding an annotation to the VirtualMachine custom resource (CR).


  • Install the descheduler in the OpenShift Container Platform web console or OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Ensure that the VM is not running.


  1. Before starting the VM, add the annotation to the VirtualMachine CR:

    kind: VirtualMachine
  2. If you did not already set the DevPreviewLongLifecycle profile in the web console during installation, specify the DevPreviewLongLifecycle in the spec.profile section of the KubeDescheduler object:

    kind: KubeDescheduler
      name: cluster
      namespace: openshift-kube-descheduler-operator
      deschedulingIntervalSeconds: 3600
      - DevPreviewLongLifecycle
      mode: Predictive 1
    By default, the descheduler does not evict pods. To evict pods, set mode to Automatic.

The descheduler is now enabled on the VM. Additional resources

10.19. Importing virtual machines

10.19.1. TLS certificates for data volume imports Adding TLS certificates for authenticating data volume imports

TLS certificates for registry or HTTPS endpoints must be added to a config map to import data from these sources. This config map must be present in the namespace of the destination data volume.

Create the config map by referencing the relative file path for the TLS certificate.


  1. Ensure you are in the correct namespace. The config map can only be referenced by data volumes if it is in the same namespace.

    $ oc get ns
  2. Create the config map:

    $ oc create configmap <configmap-name> --from-file=</path/to/file/ca.pem> Example: Config map created from a TLS certificate

The following example is of a config map created from ca.pem TLS certificate.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: tls-certs
  ca.pem: |
    ... <base64 encoded cert> ...
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

10.19.2. Importing virtual machine images with data volumes

Use the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) to import a virtual machine image into a persistent volume claim (PVC) by using a data volume. You can attach a data volume to a virtual machine for persistent storage.

The virtual machine image can be hosted at an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint, or built into a container disk and stored in a container registry.


When you import a disk image into a PVC, the disk image is expanded to use the full storage capacity that is requested in the PVC. To use this space, the disk partitions and file system(s) in the virtual machine might need to be expanded.

The resizing procedure varies based on the operating system installed on the virtual machine. See the operating system documentation for details. Prerequisites CDI supported operations matrix

This matrix shows the supported CDI operations for content types against endpoints, and which of these operations requires scratch space.

Content typesHTTPHTTPSHTTP basic authRegistryUpload

KubeVirt (QCOW2)

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2**
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ QCOW2*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

KubeVirt (RAW)

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ RAW*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ RAW*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ Supported operation

□ Unsupported operation

* Requires scratch space

** Requires scratch space if a custom certificate authority is required


CDI now uses the OpenShift Container Platform cluster-wide proxy configuration. About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. Importing a virtual machine image into storage by using a data volume

You can import a virtual machine image into storage by using a data volume.

The virtual machine image can be hosted at an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint or the image can be built into a container disk and stored in a container registry.

You specify the data source for the image in a VirtualMachine configuration file. When the virtual machine is created, the data volume with the virtual machine image is imported into storage.


  • To import a virtual machine image you must have the following:

    • A virtual machine disk image in RAW, ISO, or QCOW2 format, optionally compressed by using xz or gz.
    • An HTTP or HTTPS endpoint where the image is hosted, along with any authentication credentials needed to access the data source.
  • To import a container disk, you must have a virtual machine image built into a container disk and stored in a container registry, along with any authentication credentials needed to access the data source.
  • If the virtual machine must communicate with servers that use self-signed certificates or certificates not signed by the system CA bundle, you must create a config map in the same namespace as the data volume.


  1. If your data source requires authentication, create a Secret manifest, specifying the data source credentials, and save it as endpoint-secret.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: endpoint-secret 1
        app: containerized-data-importer
    type: Opaque
      accessKeyId: "" 2
      secretKey:   "" 3
    Specify the name of the Secret.
    Specify the Base64-encoded key ID or user name.
    Specify the Base64-encoded secret key or password.
  2. Apply the Secret manifest:

    $ oc apply -f endpoint-secret.yaml
  3. Edit the VirtualMachine manifest, specifying the data source for the virtual machine image you want to import, and save it as vm-fedora-datavolume.yaml:

    kind: VirtualMachine
      creationTimestamp: null
      labels: vm-fedora-datavolume
      name: vm-fedora-datavolume 1
      - metadata:
          creationTimestamp: null
          name: fedora-dv 2
                storage: 10Gi
            storageClassName: local
            http: 3
              url: "" 4
              secretRef: endpoint-secret 5
              certConfigMap: "" 6
        status: {}
      running: true
          creationTimestamp: null
              - disk:
                  bus: virtio
                name: datavolumedisk1
              type: ""
                memory: 1.5Gi
          terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 180
          - dataVolume:
              name: fedora-dv
            name: datavolumedisk1
    status: {}
    Specify the name of the virtual machine.
    Specify the name of the data volume.
    Specify http for an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint. Specify registry for a container disk image imported from a registry.
    Specify the URL or registry endpoint of the virtual machine image you want to import. This example references a virtual machine image at an HTTPS endpoint. An example of a container registry endpoint is url: "docker://kubevirt/fedora-cloud-container-disk-demo:latest".
    Specify the Secret name if you created a Secret for the data source.
    Optional: Specify a CA certificate config map.
  4. Create the virtual machine:

    $ oc create -f vm-fedora-datavolume.yaml

    The oc create command creates the data volume and the virtual machine. The CDI controller creates an underlying PVC with the correct annotation and the import process begins. When the import is complete, the data volume status changes to Succeeded. You can start the virtual machine.

    Data volume provisioning happens in the background, so there is no need to monitor the process.


  1. The importer pod downloads the virtual machine image or container disk from the specified URL and stores it on the provisioned PV. View the status of the importer pod by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods
  2. Monitor the data volume until its status is Succeeded by running the following command:

    $ oc describe dv fedora-dv 1
    Specify the data volume name that you defined in the VirtualMachine manifest.
  3. Verify that provisioning is complete and that the virtual machine has started by accessing its serial console:

    $ virtctl console vm-fedora-datavolume Additional resources

10.19.3. Importing virtual machine images into block storage with data volumes

You can import an existing virtual machine image into your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. OpenShift Virtualization uses data volumes to automate the import of data and the creation of an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC).


When you import a disk image into a PVC, the disk image is expanded to use the full storage capacity that is requested in the PVC. To use this space, the disk partitions and file system(s) in the virtual machine might need to be expanded.

The resizing procedure varies based on the operating system that is installed on the virtual machine. See the operating system documentation for details. Prerequisites About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. About block persistent volumes

A block persistent volume (PV) is a PV that is backed by a raw block device. These volumes do not have a file system and can provide performance benefits for virtual machines by reducing overhead.

Raw block volumes are provisioned by specifying volumeMode: Block in the PV and persistent volume claim (PVC) specification. Creating a local block persistent volume

Create a local block persistent volume (PV) on a node by populating a file and mounting it as a loop device. You can then reference this loop device in a PV manifest as a Block volume and use it as a block device for a virtual machine image.


  1. Log in as root to the node on which to create the local PV. This procedure uses node01 for its examples.
  2. Create a file and populate it with null characters so that it can be used as a block device. The following example creates a file loop10 with a size of 2Gb (20 100Mb blocks):

    $ dd if=/dev/zero of=<loop10> bs=100M count=20
  3. Mount the loop10 file as a loop device.

    $ losetup </dev/loop10>d3 <loop10> 1 2
    File path where the loop device is mounted.
    The file created in the previous step to be mounted as the loop device.
  4. Create a PersistentVolume manifest that references the mounted loop device.

    kind: PersistentVolume
    apiVersion: v1
      name: <local-block-pv10>
        path: </dev/loop10> 1
        storage: <2Gi>
      volumeMode: Block 2
      storageClassName: local 3
        - ReadWriteOnce
      persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
          - matchExpressions:
            - key:
              operator: In
              - <node01> 4
    The path of the loop device on the node.
    Specifies it is a block PV.
    Optional: Set a storage class for the PV. If you omit it, the cluster default is used.
    The node on which the block device was mounted.
  5. Create the block PV.

    # oc create -f <local-block-pv10.yaml>1
    The file name of the persistent volume created in the previous step. Importing a virtual machine image into block storage by using a data volume

You can import a virtual machine image into block storage by using a data volume. You reference the data volume in a VirtualMachine manifest before you create a virtual machine.


  • A virtual machine disk image in RAW, ISO, or QCOW2 format, optionally compressed by using xz or gz.
  • An HTTP or HTTPS endpoint where the image is hosted, along with any authentication credentials needed to access the data source.


  1. If your data source requires authentication, create a Secret manifest, specifying the data source credentials, and save it as endpoint-secret.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: endpoint-secret 1
        app: containerized-data-importer
    type: Opaque
      accessKeyId: "" 2
      secretKey:   "" 3
    Specify the name of the Secret.
    Specify the Base64-encoded key ID or user name.
    Specify the Base64-encoded secret key or password.
  2. Apply the Secret manifest:

    $ oc apply -f endpoint-secret.yaml
  3. Create a DataVolume manifest, specifying the data source for the virtual machine image and Block for storage.volumeMode.

    kind: DataVolume
      name: import-pv-datavolume 1
      storageClassName: local 2
            url: "" 3
            secretRef: endpoint-secret 4
        volumeMode: Block 5
            storage: 10Gi
    Specify the name of the data volume.
    Optional: Set the storage class or omit it to accept the cluster default.
    Specify the HTTP or HTTPS URL of the image to import.
    Specify the Secret name if you created a Secret for the data source.
    The volume mode and access mode are detected automatically for known storage provisioners. Otherwise, specify Block.
  4. Create the data volume to import the virtual machine image:

    $ oc create -f import-pv-datavolume.yaml

You can reference this data volume in a VirtualMachine manifest before you create a virtual machine. CDI supported operations matrix

This matrix shows the supported CDI operations for content types against endpoints, and which of these operations requires scratch space.

Content typesHTTPHTTPSHTTP basic authRegistryUpload

KubeVirt (QCOW2)

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2**
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ QCOW2*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

KubeVirt (RAW)

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ RAW*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ RAW*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ Supported operation

□ Unsupported operation

* Requires scratch space

** Requires scratch space if a custom certificate authority is required


CDI now uses the OpenShift Container Platform cluster-wide proxy configuration. Additional resources

10.20. Cloning virtual machines

10.20.1. Enabling user permissions to clone data volumes across namespaces

The isolating nature of namespaces means that users cannot by default clone resources between namespaces.

To enable a user to clone a virtual machine to another namespace, a user with the cluster-admin role must create a new cluster role. Bind this cluster role to a user to enable them to clone virtual machines to the destination namespace. Prerequisites
  • Only a user with the cluster-admin role can create cluster roles. About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. Creating RBAC resources for cloning data volumes

Create a new cluster role that enables permissions for all actions for the datavolumes resource.


  1. Create a ClusterRole manifest:

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: <datavolume-cloner> 1
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["datavolumes/source"]
      verbs: ["*"]
    Unique name for the cluster role.
  2. Create the cluster role in the cluster:

    $ oc create -f <datavolume-cloner.yaml> 1
    The file name of the ClusterRole manifest created in the previous step.
  3. Create a RoleBinding manifest that applies to both the source and destination namespaces and references the cluster role created in the previous step.

    kind: RoleBinding
      name: <allow-clone-to-user> 1
      namespace: <Source namespace> 2
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: default
      namespace: <Destination namespace> 3
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: datavolume-cloner 4
    Unique name for the role binding.
    The namespace for the source data volume.
    The namespace to which the data volume is cloned.
    The name of the cluster role created in the previous step.
  4. Create the role binding in the cluster:

    $ oc create -f <datavolume-cloner.yaml> 1
    The file name of the RoleBinding manifest created in the previous step.

10.20.2. Cloning a virtual machine disk into a new data volume

You can clone the persistent volume claim (PVC) of a virtual machine disk into a new data volume by referencing the source PVC in your data volume configuration file.


Cloning operations between different volume modes are supported, such as cloning from a persistent volume (PV) with volumeMode: Block to a PV with volumeMode: Filesystem.

However, you can only clone between different volume modes if they are of the contentType: kubevirt.


When you enable preallocation globally, or for a single data volume, the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) preallocates disk space during cloning. Preallocation enhances write performance. For more information, see Using preallocation for data volumes. Prerequisites About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. Cloning the persistent volume claim of a virtual machine disk into a new data volume

You can clone a persistent volume claim (PVC) of an existing virtual machine disk into a new data volume. The new data volume can then be used for a new virtual machine.


When a data volume is created independently of a virtual machine, the lifecycle of the data volume is independent of the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is deleted, neither the data volume nor its associated PVC is deleted.


  • Determine the PVC of an existing virtual machine disk to use. You must power down the virtual machine that is associated with the PVC before you can clone it.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Examine the virtual machine disk you want to clone to identify the name and namespace of the associated PVC.
  2. Create a YAML file for a data volume that specifies the name of the new data volume, the name and namespace of the source PVC, and the size of the new data volume.

    For example:

    kind: DataVolume
      name: <cloner-datavolume> 1
          namespace: "<source-namespace>" 2
          name: "<my-favorite-vm-disk>" 3
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: <2Gi> 4
    The name of the new data volume.
    The namespace where the source PVC exists.
    The name of the source PVC.
    The size of the new data volume. You must allocate enough space, or the cloning operation fails. The size must be the same as or larger than the source PVC.
  3. Start cloning the PVC by creating the data volume:

    $ oc create -f <cloner-datavolume>.yaml

    Data volumes prevent a virtual machine from starting before the PVC is prepared, so you can create a virtual machine that references the new data volume while the PVC clones. CDI supported operations matrix

This matrix shows the supported CDI operations for content types against endpoints, and which of these operations requires scratch space.

Content typesHTTPHTTPSHTTP basic authRegistryUpload

KubeVirt (QCOW2)

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2**
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ QCOW2*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

KubeVirt (RAW)

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ RAW*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ RAW*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ Supported operation

□ Unsupported operation

* Requires scratch space

** Requires scratch space if a custom certificate authority is required

10.20.3. Cloning a virtual machine by using a data volume template

You can create a new virtual machine by cloning the persistent volume claim (PVC) of an existing VM. By including a dataVolumeTemplate in your virtual machine configuration file, you create a new data volume from the original PVC.


Cloning operations between different volume modes are supported, such as cloning from a persistent volume (PV) with volumeMode: Block to a PV with volumeMode: Filesystem.

However, you can only clone between different volume modes if they are of the contentType: kubevirt.


When you enable preallocation globally, or for a single data volume, the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) preallocates disk space during cloning. Preallocation enhances write performance. For more information, see Using preallocation for data volumes. Prerequisites About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. Creating a new virtual machine from a cloned persistent volume claim by using a data volume template

You can create a virtual machine that clones the persistent volume claim (PVC) of an existing virtual machine into a data volume. Reference a dataVolumeTemplate in the virtual machine manifest and the source PVC is cloned to a data volume, which is then automatically used for the creation of the virtual machine.


When a data volume is created as part of the data volume template of a virtual machine, the lifecycle of the data volume is then dependent on the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is deleted, the data volume and associated PVC are also deleted.


  • Determine the PVC of an existing virtual machine disk to use. You must power down the virtual machine that is associated with the PVC before you can clone it.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Examine the virtual machine you want to clone to identify the name and namespace of the associated PVC.
  2. Create a YAML file for a VirtualMachine object. The following virtual machine example clones my-favorite-vm-disk, which is located in the source-namespace namespace. The 2Gi data volume called favorite-clone is created from my-favorite-vm-disk.

    For example:

    kind: VirtualMachine
      labels: vm-dv-clone
      name: vm-dv-clone 1
      running: false
              - disk:
                  bus: virtio
                name: root-disk
                memory: 64M
          - dataVolume:
              name: favorite-clone
            name: root-disk
      - metadata:
          name: favorite-clone
            - ReadWriteOnce
                storage: 2Gi
              namespace: "source-namespace"
              name: "my-favorite-vm-disk"
    The virtual machine to create.
  3. Create the virtual machine with the PVC-cloned data volume:

    $ oc create -f <vm-clone-datavolumetemplate>.yaml CDI supported operations matrix

This matrix shows the supported CDI operations for content types against endpoints, and which of these operations requires scratch space.

Content typesHTTPHTTPSHTTP basic authRegistryUpload

KubeVirt (QCOW2)

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2**
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ QCOW2*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

KubeVirt (RAW)

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ RAW*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ RAW*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ Supported operation

□ Unsupported operation

* Requires scratch space

** Requires scratch space if a custom certificate authority is required

10.20.4. Cloning a virtual machine disk into a new block storage data volume

You can clone the persistent volume claim (PVC) of a virtual machine disk into a new block data volume by referencing the source PVC in your data volume configuration file.


Cloning operations between different volume modes are supported, such as cloning from a persistent volume (PV) with volumeMode: Block to a PV with volumeMode: Filesystem.

However, you can only clone between different volume modes if they are of the contentType: kubevirt.


When you enable preallocation globally, or for a single data volume, the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) preallocates disk space during cloning. Preallocation enhances write performance. For more information, see Using preallocation for data volumes. Prerequisites About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. About block persistent volumes

A block persistent volume (PV) is a PV that is backed by a raw block device. These volumes do not have a file system and can provide performance benefits for virtual machines by reducing overhead.

Raw block volumes are provisioned by specifying volumeMode: Block in the PV and persistent volume claim (PVC) specification. Creating a local block persistent volume

Create a local block persistent volume (PV) on a node by populating a file and mounting it as a loop device. You can then reference this loop device in a PV manifest as a Block volume and use it as a block device for a virtual machine image.


  1. Log in as root to the node on which to create the local PV. This procedure uses node01 for its examples.
  2. Create a file and populate it with null characters so that it can be used as a block device. The following example creates a file loop10 with a size of 2Gb (20 100Mb blocks):

    $ dd if=/dev/zero of=<loop10> bs=100M count=20
  3. Mount the loop10 file as a loop device.

    $ losetup </dev/loop10>d3 <loop10> 1 2
    File path where the loop device is mounted.
    The file created in the previous step to be mounted as the loop device.
  4. Create a PersistentVolume manifest that references the mounted loop device.

    kind: PersistentVolume
    apiVersion: v1
      name: <local-block-pv10>
        path: </dev/loop10> 1
        storage: <2Gi>
      volumeMode: Block 2
      storageClassName: local 3
        - ReadWriteOnce
      persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
          - matchExpressions:
            - key:
              operator: In
              - <node01> 4
    The path of the loop device on the node.
    Specifies it is a block PV.
    Optional: Set a storage class for the PV. If you omit it, the cluster default is used.
    The node on which the block device was mounted.
  5. Create the block PV.

    # oc create -f <local-block-pv10.yaml>1
    The file name of the persistent volume created in the previous step. Cloning the persistent volume claim of a virtual machine disk into a new data volume

You can clone a persistent volume claim (PVC) of an existing virtual machine disk into a new data volume. The new data volume can then be used for a new virtual machine.


When a data volume is created independently of a virtual machine, the lifecycle of the data volume is independent of the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is deleted, neither the data volume nor its associated PVC is deleted.


  • Determine the PVC of an existing virtual machine disk to use. You must power down the virtual machine that is associated with the PVC before you can clone it.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • At least one available block persistent volume (PV) that is the same size as or larger than the source PVC.


  1. Examine the virtual machine disk you want to clone to identify the name and namespace of the associated PVC.
  2. Create a YAML file for a data volume that specifies the name of the new data volume, the name and namespace of the source PVC, volumeMode: Block so that an available block PV is used, and the size of the new data volume.

    For example:

    kind: DataVolume
      name: <cloner-datavolume> 1
          namespace: "<source-namespace>" 2
          name: "<my-favorite-vm-disk>" 3
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: <2Gi> 4
        volumeMode: Block 5
    The name of the new data volume.
    The namespace where the source PVC exists.
    The name of the source PVC.
    The size of the new data volume. You must allocate enough space, or the cloning operation fails. The size must be the same as or larger than the source PVC.
    Specifies that the destination is a block PV
  3. Start cloning the PVC by creating the data volume:

    $ oc create -f <cloner-datavolume>.yaml

    Data volumes prevent a virtual machine from starting before the PVC is prepared, so you can create a virtual machine that references the new data volume while the PVC clones. CDI supported operations matrix

This matrix shows the supported CDI operations for content types against endpoints, and which of these operations requires scratch space.

Content typesHTTPHTTPSHTTP basic authRegistryUpload

KubeVirt (QCOW2)

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2**
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ QCOW2*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

KubeVirt (RAW)

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ RAW*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ RAW*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ Supported operation

□ Unsupported operation

* Requires scratch space

** Requires scratch space if a custom certificate authority is required

10.21. Virtual machine networking

10.21.1. Configuring the virtual machine for the default pod network

You can connect a virtual machine to the default internal pod network by configuring its network interface to use the masquerade binding mode


Traffic on the virtual Network Interface Cards (vNICs) that are attached to the default pod network is interrupted during live migration. Configuring masquerade mode from the command line

You can use masquerade mode to hide a virtual machine’s outgoing traffic behind the pod IP address. Masquerade mode uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to connect virtual machines to the pod network backend through a Linux bridge.

Enable masquerade mode and allow traffic to enter the virtual machine by editing your virtual machine configuration file.


  • The virtual machine must be configured to use DHCP to acquire IPv4 addresses. The examples below are configured to use DHCP.


  1. Edit the interfaces spec of your virtual machine configuration file:

    kind: VirtualMachine
            - name: default
              masquerade: {} 1
              ports: 2
                - port: 80
      - name: default
        pod: {}
    Connect using masquerade mode.
    Optional: List the ports that you want to expose from the virtual machine, each specified by the port field. The port value must be a number between 0 and 65536. When the ports array is not used, all ports in the valid range are open to incoming traffic. In this example, incoming traffic is allowed on port 80.

    Ports 49152 and 49153 are reserved for use by the libvirt platform and all other incoming traffic to these ports is dropped.

  2. Create the virtual machine:

    $ oc create -f <vm-name>.yaml Configuring masquerade mode with dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6)

You can configure a new virtual machine (VM) to use both IPv6 and IPv4 on the default pod network by using cloud-init.

The Network.pod.vmIPv6NetworkCIDR field in the virtual machine instance configuration determines the static IPv6 address of the VM and the gateway IP address. These are used by the virt-launcher pod to route IPv6 traffic to the virtual machine and are not used externally. The Network.pod.vmIPv6NetworkCIDR field specifies an IPv6 address block in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. The default value is fd10:0:2::2/120. You can edit this value based on your network requirements.

When the virtual machine is running, incoming and outgoing traffic for the virtual machine is routed to both the IPv4 address and the unique IPv6 address of the virt-launcher pod. The virt-launcher pod then routes the IPv4 traffic to the DHCP address of the virtual machine, and the IPv6 traffic to the statically set IPv6 address of the virtual machine.


  • The OpenShift Container Platform cluster must use the OVN-Kubernetes Container Network Interface (CNI) network plugin configured for dual-stack.


  1. In a new virtual machine configuration, include an interface with masquerade and configure the IPv6 address and default gateway by using cloud-init.

    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: example-vm-ipv6
                - name: default
                  masquerade: {} 1
                    - port: 80 2
          - name: default
            pod: {}
          - cloudInitNoCloud:
              networkData: |
                version: 2
                    dhcp4: true
                    addresses: [ fd10:0:2::2/120 ] 3
                    gateway6: fd10:0:2::1 4
    Connect using masquerade mode.
    Allows incoming traffic on port 80 to the virtual machine.
    The static IPv6 address as determined by the Network.pod.vmIPv6NetworkCIDR field in the virtual machine instance configuration. The default value is fd10:0:2::2/120.
    The gateway IP address as determined by the Network.pod.vmIPv6NetworkCIDR field in the virtual machine instance configuration. The default value is fd10:0:2::1.
  2. Create the virtual machine in the namespace:

    $ oc create -f example-vm-ipv6.yaml


  • To verify that IPv6 has been configured, start the virtual machine and view the interface status of the virtual machine instance to ensure it has an IPv6 address:
$ oc get vmi <vmi-name> -o jsonpath="{.status.interfaces[*].ipAddresses}"

10.21.2. Creating a service to expose a virtual machine

You can expose a virtual machine within the cluster or outside the cluster by using a Service object. About services

A Kubernetes service is an abstract way to expose an application running on a set of pods as a network service. Services allow your applications to receive traffic. Services can be exposed in different ways by specifying a spec.type in the Service object:

Exposes the service on an internal IP address within the cluster. ClusterIP is the default service type.
Exposes the service on the same port of each selected node in the cluster. NodePort makes a service accessible from outside the cluster.

Creates an external load balancer in the current cloud (if supported) and assigns a fixed, external IP address to the service.


For on-premise clusters, you can configure a load-balancing service by deploying the MetalLB Operator. Dual-stack support

If IPv4 and IPv6 dual-stack networking is enabled for your cluster, you can create a service that uses IPv4, IPv6, or both, by defining the spec.ipFamilyPolicy and the spec.ipFamilies fields in the Service object.

The spec.ipFamilyPolicy field can be set to one of the following values:

The control plane assigns a cluster IP address for the service based on the first configured service cluster IP range.
The control plane assigns both IPv4 and IPv6 cluster IP addresses for the service on clusters that have dual-stack configured.
This option fails for clusters that do not have dual-stack networking enabled. For clusters that have dual-stack configured, the behavior is the same as when the value is set to PreferDualStack. The control plane allocates cluster IP addresses from both IPv4 and IPv6 address ranges.

You can define which IP family to use for single-stack or define the order of IP families for dual-stack by setting the spec.ipFamilies field to one of the following array values:

  • [IPv4]
  • [IPv6]
  • [IPv4, IPv6]
  • [IPv6, IPv4] Exposing a virtual machine as a service

Create a ClusterIP, NodePort, or LoadBalancer service to connect to a running virtual machine (VM) from within or outside the cluster.


  1. Edit the VirtualMachine manifest to add the label for service creation:

    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: vm-ephemeral
      namespace: example-namespace
      running: false
            special: key 1
    # ...
    Add the label special: key in the spec.template.metadata.labels section.

    Labels on a virtual machine are passed through to the pod. The special: key label must match the label in the spec.selector attribute of the Service manifest.

  2. Save the VirtualMachine manifest file to apply your changes.
  3. Create a Service manifest to expose the VM:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: vmservice 1
      namespace: example-namespace 2
      externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster 3
      - nodePort: 30000 4
        port: 27017
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 22 5
        special: key 6
      type: NodePort 7
    The name of the Service object.
    The namespace where the Service object resides. This must match the metadata.namespace field of the VirtualMachine manifest.
    Optional: Specifies how the nodes distribute service traffic that is received on external IP addresses. This only applies to NodePort and LoadBalancer service types. The default value is Cluster which routes traffic evenly to all cluster endpoints.
    Optional: When set, the nodePort value must be unique across all services. If not specified, a value in the range above 30000 is dynamically allocated.
    Optional: The VM port to be exposed by the service. It must reference an open port if a port list is defined in the VM manifest. If targetPort is not specified, it takes the same value as port.
    The reference to the label that you added in the spec.template.metadata.labels stanza of the VirtualMachine manifest.
    The type of service. Possible values are ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer.
  4. Save the Service manifest file.
  5. Create the service by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f <service_name>.yaml
  6. Start the VM. If the VM is already running, restart it.


  1. Query the Service object to verify that it is available:

    $ oc get service -n example-namespace

    Example output for ClusterIP service

    NAME        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)     AGE
    vmservice   ClusterIP   <none>        27017/TCP   2m

    Example output for NodePort service

    NAME        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)            AGE
    vmservice   NodePort   <none>       27017:30000/TCP    5m

    Example output for LoadBalancer service

    NAME        TYPE            CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP                    PORT(S)           AGE
    vmservice   LoadBalancer,     27017:31829/TCP   5s

  2. Choose the appropriate method to connect to the virtual machine:

    • For a ClusterIP service, connect to the VM from within the cluster by using the service IP address and the service port. For example:

      $ ssh fedora@ -p 27017
    • For a NodePort service, connect to the VM by specifying the node IP address and the node port outside the cluster network. For example:

      $ ssh fedora@$NODE_IP -p 30000
    • For a LoadBalancer service, use the vinagre client to connect to your virtual machine by using the public IP address and port. External ports are dynamically allocated. Additional resources

10.21.3. Connecting a virtual machine to a Linux bridge network

By default, OpenShift Virtualization is installed with a single, internal pod network.

You must create a Linux bridge network attachment definition (NAD) in order to connect to additional networks.

To attach a virtual machine to an additional network:

  1. Create a Linux bridge node network configuration policy.
  2. Create a Linux bridge network attachment definition.
  3. Configure the virtual machine, enabling the virtual machine to recognize the network attachment definition.

For more information about scheduling, interface types, and other node networking activities, see the node networking section. Connecting to the network through the network attachment definition Creating a Linux bridge node network configuration policy

Use a NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest YAML file to create the Linux bridge.


  • You have installed the Kubernetes NMState Operator.


  • Create the NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy manifest. This example includes sample values that you must replace with your own information.

    kind: NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy
      name: br1-eth1-policy 1
          - name: br1 2
            description: Linux bridge with eth1 as a port 3
            type: linux-bridge 4
            state: up 5
              enabled: false 6
                  enabled: false 7
                - name: eth1 8
    Name of the policy.
    Name of the interface.
    Optional: Human-readable description of the interface.
    The type of interface. This example creates a bridge.
    The requested state for the interface after creation.
    Disables IPv4 in this example.
    Disables STP in this example.
    The node NIC to which the bridge is attached. Creating a Linux bridge network attachment definition

Configuring IP address management (IPAM) in a network attachment definition for virtual machines is not supported. Creating a Linux bridge network attachment definition in the web console

Network administrators can create network attachment definitions to provide layer-2 networking to pods and virtual machines.


  1. In the web console, click NetworkingNetwork Attachment Definitions.
  2. Click Create Network Attachment Definition.


    The network attachment definition must be in the same namespace as the pod or virtual machine.

  3. Enter a unique Name and optional Description.
  4. Click the Network Type list and select CNV Linux bridge.
  5. Enter the name of the bridge in the Bridge Name field.
  6. Optional: If the resource has VLAN IDs configured, enter the ID numbers in the VLAN Tag Number field.
  7. Optional: Select MAC Spoof Check to enable MAC spoof filtering. This feature provides security against a MAC spoofing attack by allowing only a single MAC address to exit the pod.
  8. Click Create.


    A Linux bridge network attachment definition is the most efficient method for connecting a virtual machine to a VLAN. Creating a Linux bridge network attachment definition in the CLI

As a network administrator, you can configure a network attachment definition of type cnv-bridge to provide layer-2 networking to pods and virtual machines.


  • The node must support nftables and the nft binary must be deployed to enable MAC spoof check.


  1. Create a network attachment definition in the same namespace as the virtual machine.
  2. Add the virtual machine to the network attachment definition, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
      name: <bridge-network> 1
      annotations:<bridge-interface> 2
      config: '{
        "cniVersion": "0.3.1",
        "name": "<bridge-network>", 3
        "type": "cnv-bridge", 4
        "bridge": "<bridge-interface>", 5
        "macspoofchk": true, 6
        "vlan": 100, 7
        "preserveDefaultVlan": false 8
    The name for the NetworkAttachmentDefinition object.
    Optional: Annotation key-value pair for node selection, where bridge-interface must match the name of a bridge configured on some nodes. If you add this annotation to your network attachment definition, your virtual machine instances will only run on the nodes that have the bridge-interface bridge connected.
    The name for the configuration. It is recommended to match the configuration name to the name value of the network attachment definition.
    The actual name of the Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin that provides the network for this network attachment definition. Do not change this field unless you want to use a different CNI.
    The name of the Linux bridge configured on the node.
    Optional: Flag to enable MAC spoof check. When set to true, you cannot change the MAC address of the pod or guest interface. This attribute provides security against a MAC spoofing attack by allowing only a single MAC address to exit the pod.
    Optional: The VLAN tag. No additional VLAN configuration is required on the node network configuration policy.
    Optional: Indicates whether the VM connects to the bridge through the default VLAN. The default value is true.

    A Linux bridge network attachment definition is the most efficient method for connecting a virtual machine to a VLAN.

  3. Create the network attachment definition:

    $ oc create -f <network-attachment-definition.yaml> 1
    Where <network-attachment-definition.yaml> is the file name of the network attachment definition manifest.


  • Verify that the network attachment definition was created by running the following command:

    $ oc get network-attachment-definition <bridge-network> Configuring the virtual machine for a Linux bridge network Creating a NIC for a virtual machine in the web console

Create and attach additional NICs to a virtual machine from the web console.


  • A network attachment definition must be available.


  1. In the correct project in the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Network Interfaces tab to view the NICs already attached to the virtual machine.
  4. Click Add Network Interface to create a new slot in the list.
  5. Select a network attachment definition from the Network list for the additional network.
  6. Fill in the Name, Model, Type, and MAC Address for the new NIC.
  7. Click Save to save and attach the NIC to the virtual machine. Networking fields


Name for the network interface controller.


Indicates the model of the network interface controller. Supported values are e1000e and virtio.


List of available network attachment definitions.


List of available binding methods. Select the binding method suitable for the network interface:

  • Default pod network: masquerade
  • Linux bridge network: bridge
  • SR-IOV network: SR-IOV

MAC Address

MAC address for the network interface controller. If a MAC address is not specified, one is assigned automatically. Attaching a virtual machine to an additional network in the CLI

Attach a virtual machine to an additional network by adding a bridge interface and specifying a network attachment definition in the virtual machine configuration.

This procedure uses a YAML file to demonstrate editing the configuration and applying the updated file to the cluster. You can alternatively use the oc edit <object> <name> command to edit an existing virtual machine.


  • Shut down the virtual machine before editing the configuration. If you edit a running virtual machine, you must restart the virtual machine for the changes to take effect.


  1. Create or edit a configuration of a virtual machine that you want to connect to the bridge network.
  2. Add the bridge interface to the spec.template.spec.domain.devices.interfaces list and the network attachment definition to the spec.template.spec.networks list. This example adds a bridge interface called bridge-net that connects to the a-bridge-network network attachment definition:

    kind: VirtualMachine
        name: <example-vm>
                - masquerade: {}
                  name: <default>
                - bridge: {}
                  name: <bridge-net> 1
            - name: <default>
              pod: {}
            - name: <bridge-net> 2
                networkName: <network-namespace>/<a-bridge-network> 3
    The name of the bridge interface.
    The name of the network. This value must match the name value of the corresponding spec.template.spec.domain.devices.interfaces entry.
    The name of the network attachment definition, prefixed by the namespace where it exists. The namespace must be either the default namespace or the same namespace where the VM is to be created. In this case, multus is used. Multus is a cloud network interface (CNI) plugin that allows multiple CNIs to exist so that a pod or virtual machine can use the interfaces it needs.
  3. Apply the configuration:

    $ oc apply -f <example-vm.yaml>
  4. Optional: If you edited a running virtual machine, you must restart it for the changes to take effect.

10.21.4. Connecting a virtual machine to an SR-IOV network

You can connect a virtual machine (VM) to a Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) network by performing the following steps:

  1. Configure an SR-IOV network device.
  2. Configure an SR-IOV network.
  3. Connect the VM to the SR-IOV network. Prerequisites Configuring SR-IOV network devices

The SR-IOV Network Operator adds the CustomResourceDefinition to OpenShift Container Platform. You can configure an SR-IOV network device by creating a SriovNetworkNodePolicy custom resource (CR).


When applying the configuration specified in a SriovNetworkNodePolicy object, the SR-IOV Operator might drain the nodes, and in some cases, reboot nodes.

It might take several minutes for a configuration change to apply.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the SR-IOV Network Operator.
  • You have enough available nodes in your cluster to handle the evicted workload from drained nodes.
  • You have not selected any control plane nodes for SR-IOV network device configuration.


  1. Create an SriovNetworkNodePolicy object, and then save the YAML in the <name>-sriov-node-network.yaml file. Replace <name> with the name for this configuration.

    kind: SriovNetworkNodePolicy
      name: <name> 1
      namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator 2
      resourceName: <sriov_resource_name> 3
      nodeSelector: "true" 4
      priority: <priority> 5
      mtu: <mtu> 6
      numVfs: <num> 7
      nicSelector: 8
        vendor: "<vendor_code>" 9
        deviceID: "<device_id>" 10
        pfNames: ["<pf_name>", ...] 11
        rootDevices: ["<pci_bus_id>", "..."] 12
      deviceType: vfio-pci 13
      isRdma: false 14
    Specify a name for the CR object.
    Specify the namespace where the SR-IOV Operator is installed.
    Specify the resource name of the SR-IOV device plugin. You can create multiple SriovNetworkNodePolicy objects for a resource name.
    Specify the node selector to select which nodes are configured. Only SR-IOV network devices on selected nodes are configured. The SR-IOV Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin and device plugin are deployed only on selected nodes.
    Optional: Specify an integer value between 0 and 99. A smaller number gets higher priority, so a priority of 10 is higher than a priority of 99. The default value is 99.
    Optional: Specify a value for the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the virtual function. The maximum MTU value can vary for different NIC models.
    Specify the number of the virtual functions (VF) to create for the SR-IOV physical network device. For an Intel network interface controller (NIC), the number of VFs cannot be larger than the total VFs supported by the device. For a Mellanox NIC, the number of VFs cannot be larger than 127.
    The nicSelector mapping selects the Ethernet device for the Operator to configure. You do not need to specify values for all the parameters. It is recommended to identify the Ethernet adapter with enough precision to minimize the possibility of selecting an Ethernet device unintentionally. If you specify rootDevices, you must also specify a value for vendor, deviceID, or pfNames. If you specify both pfNames and rootDevices at the same time, ensure that they point to an identical device.
    Optional: Specify the vendor hex code of the SR-IOV network device. The only allowed values are either 8086 or 15b3.
    Optional: Specify the device hex code of SR-IOV network device. The only allowed values are 158b, 1015, 1017.
    Optional: The parameter accepts an array of one or more physical function (PF) names for the Ethernet device.
    The parameter accepts an array of one or more PCI bus addresses for the physical function of the Ethernet device. Provide the address in the following format: 0000:02:00.1.
    The vfio-pci driver type is required for virtual functions in OpenShift Virtualization.
    Optional: Specify whether to enable remote direct memory access (RDMA) mode. For a Mellanox card, set isRdma to false. The default value is false.

    If isRDMA flag is set to true, you can continue to use the RDMA enabled VF as a normal network device. A device can be used in either mode.

  2. Optional: Label the SR-IOV capable cluster nodes with SriovNetworkNodePolicy.Spec.NodeSelector if they are not already labeled. For more information about labeling nodes, see "Understanding how to update labels on nodes".
  3. Create the SriovNetworkNodePolicy object:

    $ oc create -f <name>-sriov-node-network.yaml

    where <name> specifies the name for this configuration.

    After applying the configuration update, all the pods in sriov-network-operator namespace transition to the Running status.

  4. To verify that the SR-IOV network device is configured, enter the following command. Replace <node_name> with the name of a node with the SR-IOV network device that you just configured.

    $ oc get sriovnetworknodestates -n openshift-sriov-network-operator <node_name> -o jsonpath='{.status.syncStatus}' Configuring SR-IOV additional network

You can configure an additional network that uses SR-IOV hardware by creating an SriovNetwork object.

When you create an SriovNetwork object, the SR-IOV Network Operator automatically creates a NetworkAttachmentDefinition object.


Do not modify or delete an SriovNetwork object if it is attached to pods or virtual machines in a running state.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create the following SriovNetwork object, and then save the YAML in the <name>-sriov-network.yaml file. Replace <name> with a name for this additional network.
kind: SriovNetwork
  name: <name> 1
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator 2
  resourceName: <sriov_resource_name> 3
  networkNamespace: <target_namespace> 4
  vlan: <vlan> 5
  spoofChk: "<spoof_check>" 6
  linkState: <link_state> 7
  maxTxRate: <max_tx_rate> 8
  minTxRate: <min_rx_rate> 9
  vlanQoS: <vlan_qos> 10
  trust: "<trust_vf>" 11
  capabilities: <capabilities> 12
Replace <name> with a name for the object. The SR-IOV Network Operator creates a NetworkAttachmentDefinition object with same name.
Specify the namespace where the SR-IOV Network Operator is installed.
Replace <sriov_resource_name> with the value for the .spec.resourceName parameter from the SriovNetworkNodePolicy object that defines the SR-IOV hardware for this additional network.
Replace <target_namespace> with the target namespace for the SriovNetwork. Only pods or virtual machines in the target namespace can attach to the SriovNetwork.
Optional: Replace <vlan> with a Virtual LAN (VLAN) ID for the additional network. The integer value must be from 0 to 4095. The default value is 0.
Optional: Replace <spoof_check> with the spoof check mode of the VF. The allowed values are the strings "on" and "off".

You must enclose the value you specify in quotes or the CR is rejected by the SR-IOV Network Operator.

Optional: Replace <link_state> with the link state of virtual function (VF). Allowed value are enable, disable and auto.
Optional: Replace <max_tx_rate> with a maximum transmission rate, in Mbps, for the VF.
Optional: Replace <min_tx_rate> with a minimum transmission rate, in Mbps, for the VF. This value should always be less than or equal to Maximum transmission rate.

Intel NICs do not support the minTxRate parameter. For more information, see BZ#1772847.

Optional: Replace <vlan_qos> with an IEEE 802.1p priority level for the VF. The default value is 0.
Optional: Replace <trust_vf> with the trust mode of the VF. The allowed values are the strings "on" and "off".

You must enclose the value you specify in quotes or the CR is rejected by the SR-IOV Network Operator.

Optional: Replace <capabilities> with the capabilities to configure for this network.
  1. To create the object, enter the following command. Replace <name> with a name for this additional network.

    $ oc create -f <name>-sriov-network.yaml
  2. Optional: To confirm that the NetworkAttachmentDefinition object associated with the SriovNetwork object that you created in the previous step exists, enter the following command. Replace <namespace> with the namespace you specified in the SriovNetwork object.

    $ oc get net-attach-def -n <namespace> Connecting a virtual machine to an SR-IOV network

You can connect the virtual machine (VM) to the SR-IOV network by including the network details in the VM configuration.


  1. Include the SR-IOV network details in the spec.domain.devices.interfaces and spec.networks of the VM configuration:

    kind: VirtualMachine
          - name: <default> 1
            masquerade: {} 2
          - name: <nic1> 3
            sriov: {}
      - name: <default> 4
        pod: {}
      - name: <nic1> 5
            networkName: <sriov-network> 6
    A unique name for the interface that is connected to the pod network.
    The masquerade binding to the default pod network.
    A unique name for the SR-IOV interface.
    The name of the pod network interface. This must be the same as the that you defined earlier.
    The name of the SR-IOV interface. This must be the same as the that you defined earlier.
    The name of the SR-IOV network attachment definition.
  2. Apply the virtual machine configuration:

    $ oc apply -f <vm-sriov.yaml> 1
    The name of the virtual machine YAML file.

10.21.5. Connecting a virtual machine to a service mesh

OpenShift Virtualization is now integrated with OpenShift Service Mesh. You can monitor, visualize, and control traffic between pods that run virtual machine workloads on the default pod network with IPv4. Prerequisites Configuring a virtual machine for the service mesh

To add a virtual machine (VM) workload to a service mesh, enable automatic sidecar injection in the VM configuration file by setting the annotation to true. Then expose your VM as a service to view your application in the mesh.


  • To avoid port conflicts, do not use ports used by the Istio sidecar proxy. These include ports 15000, 15001, 15006, 15008, 15020, 15021, and 15090.


  1. Edit the VM configuration file to add the "true" annotation.

    Example configuration file

    kind: VirtualMachine
      labels: vm-istio
      name: vm-istio
      runStrategy: Always
            app: vm-istio 1
   "true" 2
              - name: default
                masquerade: {} 3
              - disk:
                  bus: virtio
                name: containerdisk
              - disk:
                  bus: virtio
                name: cloudinitdisk
                memory: 1024M
          - name: default
            pod: {}
          terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 180
          - containerDisk:
              image: registry:5000/kubevirt/fedora-cloud-container-disk-demo:devel
            name: containerdisk

    The key/value pair (label) that must be matched to the service selector attribute.
    The annotation to enable automatic sidecar injection.
    The binding method (masquerade mode) for use with the default pod network.
  2. Apply the VM configuration:

    $ oc apply -f <vm_name>.yaml 1
    The name of the virtual machine YAML file.
  3. Create a Service object to expose your VM to the service mesh.

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: vm-istio
          app: vm-istio 1
          - port: 8080
            name: http
            protocol: TCP
    The service selector that determines the set of pods targeted by a service. This attribute corresponds to the spec.metadata.labels field in the VM configuration file. In the above example, the Service object named vm-istio targets TCP port 8080 on any pod with the label app=vm-istio.
  4. Create the service:

    $ oc create -f <service_name>.yaml 1
    The name of the service YAML file.

10.21.6. Configuring IP addresses for virtual machines

You can configure static and dynamic IP addresses for virtual machines. Configuring an IP address for a new virtual machine using cloud-init

You can use cloud-init to configure the IP address of a secondary NIC when you create a virtual machine (VM). The IP address can be dynamically or statically provisioned.


If the VM is connected to the pod network, the pod network interface is the default route unless you update it.


  • The virtual machine is connected to a secondary network.
  • You have a DHCP server available on the secondary network to configure a dynamic IP for the virtual machine.


  • Edit the spec.template.spec.volumes.cloudInitNoCloud.networkData stanza of the virtual machine configuration:

    • To configure a dynamic IP address, specify the interface name and enable DHCP:

      kind: VirtualMachine
      # ...
        # ...
            - cloudInitNoCloud:
                networkData: |
                  version: 2
                    eth1: 1
                      dhcp4: true
      Specify the interface name.
    • To configure a static IP, specify the interface name and the IP address:

      kind: VirtualMachine
      # ...
        # ...
            - cloudInitNoCloud:
                networkData: |
                  version: 2
                    eth1: 1
                      - 2
      Specify the interface name.
      Specify the static IP address.

10.21.7. Viewing the IP address of NICs on a virtual machine

You can view the IP address for a network interface controller (NIC) by using the web console or the oc client. The QEMU guest agent displays additional information about the virtual machine’s secondary networks. Prerequisites
  • Install the QEMU guest agent on the virtual machine. Viewing the IP address of a virtual machine interface in the CLI

The network interface configuration is included in the oc describe vmi <vmi_name> command.

You can also view the IP address information by running ip addr on the virtual machine, or by running oc get vmi <vmi_name> -o yaml.


  • Use the oc describe command to display the virtual machine interface configuration:

    $ oc describe vmi <vmi_name>

    Example output

       Interface Name:  eth0
       Ip Address:
       Ip Addresses:
       Mac:             0a:58:0a:f4:00:25
       Name:            default
       Interface Name:  v2
       Ip Address:
       Ip Addresses:
       Mac:             f6:d9:70:13:90:89
       Interface Name:  v1
       Ip Address:
       Ip Addresses:
       Mac:             16:20:84:10:17:aa Viewing the IP address of a virtual machine interface in the web console

The IP information is displayed on the VirtualMachine details page for the virtual machine.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine name to open the VirtualMachine details page.

The information for each attached NIC is displayed under IP Address on the Details tab.

10.21.8. Using a MAC address pool for virtual machines

The KubeMacPool component provides a MAC address pool service for virtual machine NICs in a namespace. About KubeMacPool

KubeMacPool provides a MAC address pool per namespace and allocates MAC addresses for virtual machine NICs from the pool. This ensures that the NIC is assigned a unique MAC address that does not conflict with the MAC address of another virtual machine.

Virtual machine instances created from that virtual machine retain the assigned MAC address across reboots.


KubeMacPool does not handle virtual machine instances created independently from a virtual machine.

KubeMacPool is enabled by default when you install OpenShift Virtualization. You can disable a MAC address pool for a namespace by adding the label to the namespace. Re-enable KubeMacPool for the namespace by removing the label. Disabling a MAC address pool for a namespace in the CLI

Disable a MAC address pool for virtual machines in a namespace by adding the label to the namespace.


  • Add the label to the namespace. The following example disables KubeMacPool for two namespaces, <namespace1> and <namespace2>:

    $ oc label namespace <namespace1> <namespace2> Re-enabling a MAC address pool for a namespace in the CLI

If you disabled KubeMacPool for a namespace and want to re-enable it, remove the label from the namespace.


Earlier versions of OpenShift Virtualization used the label to enable KubeMacPool for a namespace. This is still supported but redundant as KubeMacPool is now enabled by default.


  • Remove the KubeMacPool label from the namespace. The following example re-enables KubeMacPool for two namespaces, <namespace1> and <namespace2>:

    $ oc label namespace <namespace1> <namespace2>

10.22. Virtual machine disks

10.22.1. Storage features

Use the following table to determine feature availability for local and shared persistent storage in OpenShift Virtualization. OpenShift Virtualization storage feature matrix
Table 10.5. OpenShift Virtualization storage feature matrix
 Virtual machine live migrationHost-assisted virtual machine disk cloningStorage-assisted virtual machine disk cloningVirtual machine snapshots

OpenShift Data Foundation: RBD block-mode volumes





OpenShift Virtualization hostpath provisioner





Other multi-node writable storage

Yes [1]


Yes [2]

Yes [2]

Other single-node writable storage



Yes [2]

Yes [2]

  1. PVCs must request a ReadWriteMany access mode.
  2. Storage provider must support both Kubernetes and CSI snapshot APIs

You cannot live migrate virtual machines that use:

  • A storage class with ReadWriteOnce (RWO) access mode
  • Passthrough features such as GPUs

Do not set the evictionStrategy field to LiveMigrate for these virtual machines.

10.22.2. Configuring local storage for virtual machines

You can configure local storage for virtual machines by using the hostpath provisioner (HPP).

When you install the OpenShift Virtualization Operator, the Hostpath Provisioner (HPP) Operator is automatically installed. The HPP is a local storage provisioner designed for OpenShift Virtualization that is created by the Hostpath Provisioner Operator. To use the HPP, you must create an HPP custom resource (CR). Creating a hostpath provisioner with a basic storage pool

You configure a hostpath provisioner (HPP) with a basic storage pool by creating an HPP custom resource (CR) with a storagePools stanza. The storage pool specifies the name and path used by the CSI driver.


  • The directories specified in spec.storagePools.path must have read/write access.
  • The storage pools must not be in the same partition as the operating system. Otherwise, the operating system partition might become filled to capacity, which will impact performance or cause the node to become unstable or unusable.


  1. Create an hpp_cr.yaml file with a storagePools stanza as in the following example:

    kind: HostPathProvisioner
      name: hostpath-provisioner
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      storagePools: 1
      - name: any_name
        path: "/var/myvolumes" 2
      nodeSelector: linux
    The storagePools stanza is an array to which you can add multiple entries.
    Specify the storage pool directories under this node path.
  2. Save the file and exit.
  3. Create the HPP by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f hpp_cr.yaml About creating storage classes

When you create a storage class, you set parameters that affect the dynamic provisioning of persistent volumes (PVs) that belong to that storage class. You cannot update a StorageClass object’s parameters after you create it.

In order to use the hostpath provisioner (HPP) you must create an associated storage class for the CSI driver with the storagePools stanza.


Virtual machines use data volumes that are based on local PVs. Local PVs are bound to specific nodes. While the disk image is prepared for consumption by the virtual machine, it is possible that the virtual machine cannot be scheduled to the node where the local storage PV was previously pinned.

To solve this problem, use the Kubernetes pod scheduler to bind the persistent volume claim (PVC) to a PV on the correct node. By using the StorageClass value with volumeBindingMode parameter set to WaitForFirstConsumer, the binding and provisioning of the PV is delayed until a pod is created using the PVC. Creating a storage class for the CSI driver with the storagePools stanza

You create a storage class custom resource (CR) for the hostpath provisioner (HPP) CSI driver.


  1. Create a storageclass_csi.yaml file to define the storage class:

    kind: StorageClass
      name: hostpath-csi
    reclaimPolicy: Delete 1
    volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer 2
      storagePool: my-storage-pool 3
The two possible reclaimPolicy values are Delete and Retain. If you do not specify a value, the default value is Delete.
The volumeBindingMode parameter determines when dynamic provisioning and volume binding occur. Specify WaitForFirstConsumer to delay the binding and provisioning of a persistent volume (PV) until after a pod that uses the persistent volume claim (PVC) is created. This ensures that the PV meets the pod’s scheduling requirements.
Specify the name of the storage pool defined in the HPP CR.
  1. Save the file and exit.
  2. Create the StorageClass object by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f storageclass_csi.yaml About storage pools created with PVC templates

If you have a single, large persistent volume (PV), you can create a storage pool by defining a PVC template in the hostpath provisioner (HPP) custom resource (CR).

A storage pool created with a PVC template can contain multiple HPP volumes. Splitting a PV into smaller volumes provides greater flexibility for data allocation.

The PVC template is based on the spec stanza of the PersistentVolumeClaim object:

Example PersistentVolumeClaim object

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: iso-pvc
  volumeMode: Block 1
  storageClassName: my-storage-class
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 5Gi

This value is only required for block volume mode PVs.

You define a storage pool using a pvcTemplate specification in the HPP CR. The Operator creates a PVC from the pvcTemplate specification for each node containing the HPP CSI driver. The PVC created from the PVC template consumes the single large PV, allowing the HPP to create smaller dynamic volumes.

You can combine basic storage pools with storage pools created from PVC templates. Creating a storage pool with a PVC template

You can create a storage pool for multiple hostpath provisioner (HPP) volumes by specifying a PVC template in the HPP custom resource (CR).


  • The directories specified in spec.storagePools.path must have read/write access.
  • The storage pools must not be in the same partition as the operating system. Otherwise, the operating system partition might become filled to capacity, which will impact performance or cause the node to become unstable or unusable.


  1. Create an hpp_pvc_template_pool.yaml file for the HPP CR that specifies a persistent volume (PVC) template in the storagePools stanza according to the following example:

    kind: HostPathProvisioner
      name: hostpath-provisioner
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      storagePools: 1
      - name: my-storage-pool
        path: "/var/myvolumes" 2
          volumeMode: Block 3
          storageClassName: my-storage-class 4
          - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 5Gi 5
    The storagePools stanza is an array that can contain both basic and PVC template storage pools.
    Specify the storage pool directories under this node path.
    Optional: The volumeMode parameter can be either Block or Filesystem as long as it matches the provisioned volume format. If no value is specified, the default is Filesystem. If the volumeMode is Block, the mounting pod creates an XFS file system on the block volume before mounting it.
    If the storageClassName parameter is omitted, the default storage class is used to create PVCs. If you omit storageClassName, ensure that the HPP storage class is not the default storage class.
    You can specify statically or dynamically provisioned storage. In either case, ensure the requested storage size is appropriate for the volume you want to virtually divide or the PVC cannot be bound to the large PV. If the storage class you are using uses dynamically provisioned storage, pick an allocation size that matches the size of a typical request.
  2. Save the file and exit.
  3. Create the HPP with a storage pool by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f hpp_pvc_template_pool.yaml

Additional resources

10.22.3. Creating data volumes

You can create a data volume by using either the PVC or storage API.


When using OpenShift Virtualization with OpenShift Container Platform Container Storage, specify RBD block mode persistent volume claims (PVCs) when creating virtual machine disks. With virtual machine disks, RBD block mode volumes are more efficient and provide better performance than Ceph FS or RBD filesystem-mode PVCs.

To specify RBD block mode PVCs, use the 'ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd' storage class and VolumeMode: Block.


Whenever possible, use the storage API to optimize space allocation and maximize performance.

A storage profile is a custom resource that the CDI manages. It provides recommended storage settings based on the associated storage class. A storage profile is allocated for each storage class.

Storage profiles enable you to create data volumes quickly while reducing coding and minimizing potential errors.

For recognized storage types, the CDI provides values that optimize the creation of PVCs. However, you can configure automatic settings for a storage class if you customize the storage profile. About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. Creating data volumes using the storage API

When you create a data volume using the storage API, the Containerized Data Interface (CDI) optimizes your persistent volume claim (PVC) allocation based on the type of storage supported by your selected storage class. You only have to specify the data volume name, namespace, and the amount of storage that you want to allocate.

For example:

  • When using Ceph RBD, accessModes is automatically set to ReadWriteMany, which enables live migration. volumeMode is set to Block to maximize performance.
  • When you are using volumeMode: Filesystem, more space will automatically be requested by the CDI, if required to accommodate file system overhead.

In the following YAML, using the storage API requests a data volume with two gigabytes of usable space. The user does not need to know the volumeMode in order to correctly estimate the required persistent volume claim (PVC) size. The CDI chooses the optimal combination of accessModes and volumeMode attributes automatically. These optimal values are based on the type of storage or the defaults that you define in your storage profile. If you want to provide custom values, they override the system-calculated values.

Example DataVolume definition

kind: DataVolume
  name: <datavolume> 1
    pvc: 2
      namespace: "<source_namespace>" 3
      name: "<my_vm_disk>" 4
  storage: 5
        storage: 2Gi 6
    storageClassName: <storage_class> 7

The name of the new data volume.
Indicate that the source of the import is an existing persistent volume claim (PVC).
The namespace where the source PVC exists.
The name of the source PVC.
Indicates allocation using the storage API.
Specifies the amount of available space that you request for the PVC.
Optional: The name of the storage class. If the storage class is not specified, the system default storage class is used. Creating data volumes using the PVC API

When you create a data volume using the PVC API, the Containerized Data Interface (CDI) creates the data volume based on what you specify for the following fields:

  • accessModes (ReadWriteOnce, ReadWriteMany, or ReadOnlyMany)
  • volumeMode (Filesystem or Block)
  • capacity of storage (5Gi, for example)

In the following YAML, using the PVC API allocates a data volume with a storage capacity of two gigabytes. You specify an access mode of ReadWriteMany to enable live migration. Because you know the values your system can support, you specify Block storage instead of the default, Filesystem.

Example DataVolume definition

kind: DataVolume
  name: <datavolume> 1
    pvc: 2
      namespace: "<source_namespace>" 3
      name: "<my_vm_disk>" 4
  pvc: 5
    accessModes: 6
      - ReadWriteMany
        storage: 2Gi 7
    volumeMode: Block 8
    storageClassName: <storage_class> 9

The name of the new data volume.
In the source section, pvc indicates that the source of the import is an existing persistent volume claim (PVC).
The namespace where the source PVC exists.
The name of the source PVC.
Indicates allocation using the PVC API.
accessModes is required when using the PVC API.
Specifies the amount of space you are requesting for your data volume.
Specifies that the destination is a block PVC.
Optionally, specify the storage class. If the storage class is not specified, the system default storage class is used.

When you explicitly allocate a data volume by using the PVC API and you are not using volumeMode: Block, consider file system overhead.

File system overhead is the amount of space required by the file system to maintain its metadata. The amount of space required for file system metadata is file system dependent. Failing to account for file system overhead in your storage capacity request can result in an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC) that is not large enough to accommodate your virtual machine disk.

If you use the storage API, the CDI will factor in file system overhead and request a larger persistent volume claim (PVC) to ensure that your allocation request is successful. Customizing the storage profile

You can specify default parameters by editing the StorageProfile object for the provisioner’s storage class. These default parameters only apply to the persistent volume claim (PVC) if they are not configured in the DataVolume object.


  • Ensure that your planned configuration is supported by the storage class and its provider. Specifying an incompatible configuration in a storage profile causes volume provisioning to fail.

An empty status section in a storage profile indicates that a storage provisioner is not recognized by the Containerized Data Interface (CDI). Customizing a storage profile is necessary if you have a storage provisioner that is not recognized by the CDI. In this case, the administrator sets appropriate values in the storage profile to ensure successful allocations.


If you create a data volume and omit YAML attributes and these attributes are not defined in the storage profile, then the requested storage will not be allocated and the underlying persistent volume claim (PVC) will not be created.


  1. Edit the storage profile. In this example, the provisioner is not recognized by CDI:

    $ oc edit -n openshift-cnv storageprofile <storage_class>

    Example storage profile

    kind: StorageProfile
      name: <unknown_provisioner_class>
    #   ...
    spec: {}
      provisioner: <unknown_provisioner>
      storageClass: <unknown_provisioner_class>

  2. Provide the needed attribute values in the storage profile:

    Example storage profile

    kind: StorageProfile
      name: <unknown_provisioner_class>
    #   ...
      - accessModes:
        - ReadWriteOnce 1
          Filesystem 2
      provisioner: <unknown_provisioner>
      storageClass: <unknown_provisioner_class>

    The accessModes that you select.
    The volumeMode that you select.

    After you save your changes, the selected values appear in the storage profile status element. Setting a default cloning strategy using a storage profile

You can use storage profiles to set a default cloning method for a storage class, creating a cloning strategy. Setting cloning strategies can be helpful, for example, if your storage vendor only supports certain cloning methods. It also allows you to select a method that limits resource usage or maximizes performance.

Cloning strategies can be specified by setting the cloneStrategy attribute in a storage profile to one of these values:

  • snapshot - This method is used by default when snapshots are configured. This cloning strategy uses a temporary volume snapshot to clone the volume. The storage provisioner must support CSI snapshots.
  • copy - This method uses a source pod and a target pod to copy data from the source volume to the target volume. Host-assisted cloning is the least efficient method of cloning.
  • csi-clone - This method uses the CSI clone API to efficiently clone an existing volume without using an interim volume snapshot. Unlike snapshot or copy, which are used by default if no storage profile is defined, CSI volume cloning is only used when you specify it in the StorageProfile object for the provisioner’s storage class.

You can also set clone strategies using the CLI without modifying the default claimPropertySets in your YAML spec section.

Example storage profile

kind: StorageProfile
  name: <provisioner_class>
#   ...
  - accessModes:
    - ReadWriteOnce 1
      Filesystem 2
  csi-clone 3
  provisioner: <provisioner>
  storageClass: <provisioner_class>

The accessModes that you select.
The volumeMode that you select.
The default cloning method of your choice. In this example, CSI volume cloning is specified. Additional resources

10.22.4. Reserving PVC space for file system overhead

By default, the OpenShift Virtualization reserves space for file system overhead data in persistent volume claims (PVCs) that use the Filesystem volume mode. You can set the percentage to reserve space for this purpose globally and for specific storage classes. How file system overhead affects space for virtual machine disks

When you add a virtual machine disk to a persistent volume claim (PVC) that uses the Filesystem volume mode, you must ensure that there is enough space on the PVC for:

  • The virtual machine disk.
  • The space reserved for file system overhead, such as metadata

By default, OpenShift Virtualization reserves 5.5% of the PVC space for overhead, reducing the space available for virtual machine disks by that amount.

You can configure a different overhead value by editing the HCO object. You can change the value globally and you can specify values for specific storage classes. Overriding the default file system overhead value

Change the amount of persistent volume claim (PVC) space that the OpenShift Virtualization reserves for file system overhead by editing the spec.filesystemOverhead attribute of the HCO object.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Open the HCO object for editing by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hco -n openshift-cnv kubevirt-hyperconverged
  2. Edit the spec.filesystemOverhead fields, populating them with your chosen values:

        global: "<new_global_value>" 1
          <storage_class_name>: "<new_value_for_this_storage_class>" 2
    The default file system overhead percentage used for any storage classes that do not already have a set value. For example, global: "0.07" reserves 7% of the PVC for file system overhead.
    The file system overhead percentage for the specified storage class. For example, mystorageclass: "0.04" changes the default overhead value for PVCs in the mystorageclass storage class to 4%.
  3. Save and exit the editor to update the HCO object.


  • View the CDIConfig status and verify your changes by running one of the following commands:

    To generally verify changes to CDIConfig:

    $ oc get cdiconfig -o yaml

    To view your specific changes to CDIConfig:

    $ oc get cdiconfig -o jsonpath='{.items..status.filesystemOverhead}'

10.22.5. Configuring CDI to work with namespaces that have a compute resource quota

You can use the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) to import, upload, and clone virtual machine disks into namespaces that are subject to CPU and memory resource restrictions. About CPU and memory quotas in a namespace

A resource quota, defined by the ResourceQuota object, imposes restrictions on a namespace that limit the total amount of compute resources that can be consumed by resources within that namespace.

The HyperConverged custom resource (CR) defines the user configuration for the Containerized Data Importer (CDI). The CPU and memory request and limit values are set to a default value of 0. This ensures that pods created by CDI that do not specify compute resource requirements are given the default values and are allowed to run in a namespace that is restricted with a quota. Overriding CPU and memory defaults

Modify the default settings for CPU and memory requests and limits for your use case by adding the spec.resourceRequirements.storageWorkloads stanza to the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Edit the HyperConverged CR by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hco -n openshift-cnv kubevirt-hyperconverged
  2. Add the spec.resourceRequirements.storageWorkloads stanza to the CR, setting the values based on your use case. For example:

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
            cpu: "500m"
            memory: "2Gi"
            cpu: "250m"
            memory: "1Gi"
  3. Save and exit the editor to update the HyperConverged CR. Additional resources

10.22.6. Managing data volume annotations

Data volume (DV) annotations allow you to manage pod behavior. You can add one or more annotations to a data volume, which then propagates to the created importer pods. Example: Data volume annotations

This example shows how you can configure data volume (DV) annotations to control which network the importer pod uses. The bridge-network annotation causes the pod to use the multus network named bridge-network as its default network. If you want the importer pod to use both the default network from the cluster and the secondary multus network, use the <network_name> annotation.

Multus network annotation example

kind: DataVolume
  name: dv-ann
  annotations: bridge-network 1
         url: ""
      - ReadWriteOnce
        storage: 1Gi

Multus network annotation

10.22.7. Using preallocation for data volumes

The Containerized Data Importer can preallocate disk space to improve write performance when creating data volumes.

You can enable preallocation for specific data volumes. About preallocation

The Containerized Data Importer (CDI) can use the QEMU preallocate mode for data volumes to improve write performance. You can use preallocation mode for importing and uploading operations and when creating blank data volumes.

If preallocation is enabled, CDI uses the better preallocation method depending on the underlying file system and device type:

If the file system supports it, CDI uses the operating system’s fallocate call to preallocate space by using the posix_fallocate function, which allocates blocks and marks them as uninitialized.
If fallocate mode cannot be used, full mode allocates space for the image by writing data to the underlying storage. Depending on the storage location, all the empty allocated space might be zeroed. Enabling preallocation for a data volume

You can enable preallocation for specific data volumes by including the spec.preallocation field in the data volume manifest. You can enable preallocation mode in either the web console or by using the OpenShift CLI (oc).

Preallocation mode is supported for all CDI source types.


  • Specify the spec.preallocation field in the data volume manifest:

    kind: DataVolume
      name: preallocated-datavolume
      source: 1
      preallocation: true 2
    All CDI source types support preallocation, however preallocation is ignored for cloning operations.
    The preallocation field is a boolean that defaults to false.

10.22.8. Uploading local disk images by using the web console

You can upload a locally stored disk image file by using the web console. Prerequisites CDI supported operations matrix

This matrix shows the supported CDI operations for content types against endpoints, and which of these operations requires scratch space.

Content typesHTTPHTTPSHTTP basic authRegistryUpload

KubeVirt (QCOW2)

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2**
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ QCOW2*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

KubeVirt (RAW)

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ RAW*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ RAW*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ Supported operation

□ Unsupported operation

* Requires scratch space

** Requires scratch space if a custom certificate authority is required Uploading an image file using the web console

Use the web console to upload an image file to a new persistent volume claim (PVC). You can later use this PVC to attach the image to new virtual machines.


  • You must have one of the following:

    • A raw virtual machine image file in either ISO or IMG format.
    • A virtual machine image file in QCOW2 format.
  • For best results, compress your image file according to the following guidelines before you upload it:

    • Compress a raw image file by using xz or gzip.


      Using a compressed raw image file results in the most efficient upload.

    • Compress a QCOW2 image file by using the method that is recommended for your client:

      • If you use a Linux client, sparsify the QCOW2 file by using the virt-sparsify tool.
      • If you use a Windows client, compress the QCOW2 file by using xz or gzip.


  1. From the side menu of the web console, click StoragePersistent Volume Claims.
  2. Click the Create Persistent Volume Claim drop-down list to expand it.
  3. Click With Data Upload Form to open the Upload Data to Persistent Volume Claim page.
  4. Click Browse to open the file manager and select the image that you want to upload, or drag the file into the Drag a file here or browse to upload field.
  5. Optional: Set this image as the default image for a specific operating system.

    1. Select the Attach this data to a virtual machine operating system check box.
    2. Select an operating system from the list.
  6. The Persistent Volume Claim Name field is automatically filled with a unique name and cannot be edited. Take note of the name assigned to the PVC so that you can identify it later, if necessary.
  7. Select a storage class from the Storage Class list.
  8. In the Size field, enter the size value for the PVC. Select the corresponding unit of measurement from the drop-down list.


    The PVC size must be larger than the size of the uncompressed virtual disk.

  9. Select an Access Mode that matches the storage class that you selected.
  10. Click Upload. Additional resources

10.22.9. Uploading local disk images by using the virtctl tool

You can upload a locally stored disk image to a new or existing data volume by using the virtctl command-line utility. Prerequisites About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. Creating an upload data volume

You can manually create a data volume with an upload data source to use for uploading local disk images.


  1. Create a data volume configuration that specifies spec: source: upload{}:

    kind: DataVolume
      name: <upload-datavolume> 1
          upload: {}
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: <2Gi> 2
    The name of the data volume.
    The size of the data volume. Ensure that this value is greater than or equal to the size of the disk that you upload.
  2. Create the data volume by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f <upload-datavolume>.yaml Uploading a local disk image to a data volume

You can use the virtctl CLI utility to upload a local disk image from a client machine to a data volume (DV) in your cluster. You can use a DV that already exists in your cluster or create a new DV during this procedure.


After you upload a local disk image, you can add it to a virtual machine.


  • You must have one of the following:

    • A raw virtual machine image file in either ISO or IMG format.
    • A virtual machine image file in QCOW2 format.
  • For best results, compress your image file according to the following guidelines before you upload it:

    • Compress a raw image file by using xz or gzip.


      Using a compressed raw image file results in the most efficient upload.

    • Compress a QCOW2 image file by using the method that is recommended for your client:

      • If you use a Linux client, sparsify the QCOW2 file by using the virt-sparsify tool.
      • If you use a Windows client, compress the QCOW2 file by using xz or gzip.
  • The kubevirt-virtctl package must be installed on the client machine.
  • The client machine must be configured to trust the OpenShift Container Platform router’s certificate.


  1. Identify the following items:

    • The name of the upload data volume that you want to use. If this data volume does not exist, it is created automatically.
    • The size of the data volume, if you want it to be created during the upload procedure. The size must be greater than or equal to the size of the disk image.
    • The file location of the virtual machine disk image that you want to upload.
  2. Upload the disk image by running the virtctl image-upload command. Specify the parameters that you identified in the previous step. For example:

    $ virtctl image-upload dv <datavolume_name> \ 1
    --size=<datavolume_size> \ 2
    --image-path=</path/to/image> \ 3
    The name of the data volume.
    The size of the data volume. For example: --size=500Mi, --size=1G
    The file path of the virtual machine disk image.
    • If you do not want to create a new data volume, omit the --size parameter and include the --no-create flag.
    • When uploading a disk image to a PVC, the PVC size must be larger than the size of the uncompressed virtual disk.
    • To allow insecure server connections when using HTTPS, use the --insecure parameter. Be aware that when you use the --insecure flag, the authenticity of the upload endpoint is not verified.
  3. Optional. To verify that a data volume was created, view all data volumes by running the following command:

    $ oc get dvs CDI supported operations matrix

This matrix shows the supported CDI operations for content types against endpoints, and which of these operations requires scratch space.

Content typesHTTPHTTPSHTTP basic authRegistryUpload

KubeVirt (QCOW2)

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2**
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ QCOW2*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

KubeVirt (RAW)

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ RAW*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ RAW*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ Supported operation

□ Unsupported operation

* Requires scratch space

** Requires scratch space if a custom certificate authority is required Additional resources

10.22.10. Uploading a local disk image to a block storage data volume

You can upload a local disk image into a block data volume by using the virtctl command-line utility.

In this workflow, you create a local block device to use as a persistent volume, associate this block volume with an upload data volume, and use virtctl to upload the local disk image into the data volume. Prerequisites About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. About block persistent volumes

A block persistent volume (PV) is a PV that is backed by a raw block device. These volumes do not have a file system and can provide performance benefits for virtual machines by reducing overhead.

Raw block volumes are provisioned by specifying volumeMode: Block in the PV and persistent volume claim (PVC) specification. Creating a local block persistent volume

Create a local block persistent volume (PV) on a node by populating a file and mounting it as a loop device. You can then reference this loop device in a PV manifest as a Block volume and use it as a block device for a virtual machine image.


  1. Log in as root to the node on which to create the local PV. This procedure uses node01 for its examples.
  2. Create a file and populate it with null characters so that it can be used as a block device. The following example creates a file loop10 with a size of 2Gb (20 100Mb blocks):

    $ dd if=/dev/zero of=<loop10> bs=100M count=20
  3. Mount the loop10 file as a loop device.

    $ losetup </dev/loop10>d3 <loop10> 1 2
    File path where the loop device is mounted.
    The file created in the previous step to be mounted as the loop device.
  4. Create a PersistentVolume manifest that references the mounted loop device.

    kind: PersistentVolume
    apiVersion: v1
      name: <local-block-pv10>
        path: </dev/loop10> 1
        storage: <2Gi>
      volumeMode: Block 2
      storageClassName: local 3
        - ReadWriteOnce
      persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
          - matchExpressions:
            - key:
              operator: In
              - <node01> 4
    The path of the loop device on the node.
    Specifies it is a block PV.
    Optional: Set a storage class for the PV. If you omit it, the cluster default is used.
    The node on which the block device was mounted.
  5. Create the block PV.

    # oc create -f <local-block-pv10.yaml>1
    The file name of the persistent volume created in the previous step. Creating an upload data volume

You can manually create a data volume with an upload data source to use for uploading local disk images.


  1. Create a data volume configuration that specifies spec: source: upload{}:

    kind: DataVolume
      name: <upload-datavolume> 1
          upload: {}
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: <2Gi> 2
    The name of the data volume.
    The size of the data volume. Ensure that this value is greater than or equal to the size of the disk that you upload.
  2. Create the data volume by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f <upload-datavolume>.yaml Uploading a local disk image to a data volume

You can use the virtctl CLI utility to upload a local disk image from a client machine to a data volume (DV) in your cluster. You can use a DV that already exists in your cluster or create a new DV during this procedure.


After you upload a local disk image, you can add it to a virtual machine.


  • You must have one of the following:

    • A raw virtual machine image file in either ISO or IMG format.
    • A virtual machine image file in QCOW2 format.
  • For best results, compress your image file according to the following guidelines before you upload it:

    • Compress a raw image file by using xz or gzip.


      Using a compressed raw image file results in the most efficient upload.

    • Compress a QCOW2 image file by using the method that is recommended for your client:

      • If you use a Linux client, sparsify the QCOW2 file by using the virt-sparsify tool.
      • If you use a Windows client, compress the QCOW2 file by using xz or gzip.
  • The kubevirt-virtctl package must be installed on the client machine.
  • The client machine must be configured to trust the OpenShift Container Platform router’s certificate.


  1. Identify the following items:

    • The name of the upload data volume that you want to use. If this data volume does not exist, it is created automatically.
    • The size of the data volume, if you want it to be created during the upload procedure. The size must be greater than or equal to the size of the disk image.
    • The file location of the virtual machine disk image that you want to upload.
  2. Upload the disk image by running the virtctl image-upload command. Specify the parameters that you identified in the previous step. For example:

    $ virtctl image-upload dv <datavolume_name> \ 1
    --size=<datavolume_size> \ 2
    --image-path=</path/to/image> \ 3
    The name of the data volume.
    The size of the data volume. For example: --size=500Mi, --size=1G
    The file path of the virtual machine disk image.
    • If you do not want to create a new data volume, omit the --size parameter and include the --no-create flag.
    • When uploading a disk image to a PVC, the PVC size must be larger than the size of the uncompressed virtual disk.
    • To allow insecure server connections when using HTTPS, use the --insecure parameter. Be aware that when you use the --insecure flag, the authenticity of the upload endpoint is not verified.
  3. Optional. To verify that a data volume was created, view all data volumes by running the following command:

    $ oc get dvs CDI supported operations matrix

This matrix shows the supported CDI operations for content types against endpoints, and which of these operations requires scratch space.

Content typesHTTPHTTPSHTTP basic authRegistryUpload

KubeVirt (QCOW2)

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2**
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ QCOW2*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

KubeVirt (RAW)

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ RAW*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ RAW*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ Supported operation

□ Unsupported operation

* Requires scratch space

** Requires scratch space if a custom certificate authority is required Additional resources

10.22.11. Managing virtual machine snapshots

You can create and delete virtual machine (VM) snapshots for VMs, whether the VMs are powered off (offline) or on (online). You can only restore to a powered off (offline) VM. OpenShift Virtualization supports VM snapshots on the following:

  • Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation
  • Any other cloud storage provider with the Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver that supports the Kubernetes Volume Snapshot API

Online snapshots have a default time deadline of five minutes (5m) that can be changed, if needed.


Online snapshots are supported for virtual machines that have hot-plugged virtual disks. However, hot-plugged disks that are not in the virtual machine specification are not included in the snapshot.


To create snapshots of an online (Running state) VM with the highest integrity, install the QEMU guest agent.

The QEMU guest agent takes a consistent snapshot by attempting to quiesce the VM file system as much as possible, depending on the system workload. This ensures that in-flight I/O is written to the disk before the snapshot is taken. If the guest agent is not present, quiescing is not possible and a best-effort snapshot is taken. The conditions under which the snapshot was taken are reflected in the snapshot indications that are displayed in the web console or CLI. About virtual machine snapshots

A snapshot represents the state and data of a virtual machine (VM) at a specific point in time. You can use a snapshot to restore an existing VM to a previous state (represented by the snapshot) for backup and disaster recovery or to rapidly roll back to a previous development version.

A VM snapshot is created from a VM that is powered off (Stopped state) or powered on (Running state).

When taking a snapshot of a running VM, the controller checks that the QEMU guest agent is installed and running. If so, it freezes the VM file system before taking the snapshot, and thaws the file system after the snapshot is taken.

The snapshot stores a copy of each Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume attached to the VM and a copy of the VM specification and metadata. Snapshots cannot be changed after creation.

With the VM snapshots feature, cluster administrators and application developers can:

  • Create a new snapshot
  • List all snapshots attached to a specific VM
  • Restore a VM from a snapshot
  • Delete an existing VM snapshot Virtual machine snapshot controller and custom resource definitions (CRDs)

The VM snapshot feature introduces three new API objects defined as CRDs for managing snapshots:

  • VirtualMachineSnapshot: Represents a user request to create a snapshot. It contains information about the current state of the VM.
  • VirtualMachineSnapshotContent: Represents a provisioned resource on the cluster (a snapshot). It is created by the VM snapshot controller and contains references to all resources required to restore the VM.
  • VirtualMachineRestore: Represents a user request to restore a VM from a snapshot.

The VM snapshot controller binds a VirtualMachineSnapshotContent object with the VirtualMachineSnapshot object for which it was created, with a one-to-one mapping. Installing QEMU guest agent on a Linux virtual machine

The qemu-guest-agent is widely available and available by default in Red Hat virtual machines. Install the agent and start the service.

To check if your virtual machine (VM) has the QEMU guest agent installed and running, verify that AgentConnected is listed in the VM spec.


To create snapshots of an online (Running state) VM with the highest integrity, install the QEMU guest agent.

The QEMU guest agent takes a consistent snapshot by attempting to quiesce the VM’s file system as much as possible, depending on the system workload. This ensures that in-flight I/O is written to the disk before the snapshot is taken. If the guest agent is not present, quiescing is not possible and a best-effort snapshot is taken. The conditions under which the snapshot was taken are reflected in the snapshot indications that are displayed in the web console or CLI.


  1. Access the virtual machine command line through one of the consoles or by SSH.
  2. Install the QEMU guest agent on the virtual machine:

    $ yum install -y qemu-guest-agent
  3. Ensure the service is persistent and start it:

    $ systemctl enable --now qemu-guest-agent Installing QEMU guest agent on a Windows virtual machine

For Windows virtual machines, the QEMU guest agent is included in the VirtIO drivers. Install the drivers on an existing or a new Windows installation.

To check if your virtual machine (VM) has the QEMU guest agent installed and running, verify that AgentConnected is listed in the VM spec.


To create snapshots of an online (Running state) VM with the highest integrity, install the QEMU guest agent.

The QEMU guest agent takes a consistent snapshot by attempting to quiesce the VM’s file system as much as possible, depending on the system workload. This ensures that in-flight I/O is written to the disk before the snapshot is taken. If the guest agent is not present, quiescing is not possible and a best-effort snapshot is taken. The conditions under which the snapshot was taken are reflected in the snapshot indications that are displayed in the web console or CLI. Installing VirtIO drivers on an existing Windows virtual machine

Install the VirtIO drivers from the attached SATA CD drive to an existing Windows virtual machine.


This procedure uses a generic approach to adding drivers to Windows. The process might differ slightly between versions of Windows. See the installation documentation for your version of Windows for specific installation steps.


  1. Start the virtual machine and connect to a graphical console.
  2. Log in to a Windows user session.
  3. Open Device Manager and expand Other devices to list any Unknown device.

    1. Open the Device Properties to identify the unknown device. Right-click the device and select Properties.
    2. Click the Details tab and select Hardware Ids in the Property list.
    3. Compare the Value for the Hardware Ids with the supported VirtIO drivers.
  4. Right-click the device and select Update Driver Software.
  5. Click Browse my computer for driver software and browse to the attached SATA CD drive, where the VirtIO drivers are located. The drivers are arranged hierarchically according to their driver type, operating system, and CPU architecture.
  6. Click Next to install the driver.
  7. Repeat this process for all the necessary VirtIO drivers.
  8. After the driver installs, click Close to close the window.
  9. Reboot the virtual machine to complete the driver installation. Installing VirtIO drivers during Windows installation

Install the VirtIO drivers from the attached SATA CD driver during Windows installation.


This procedure uses a generic approach to the Windows installation and the installation method might differ between versions of Windows. See the documentation for the version of Windows that you are installing.


  1. Start the virtual machine and connect to a graphical console.
  2. Begin the Windows installation process.
  3. Select the Advanced installation.
  4. The storage destination will not be recognized until the driver is loaded. Click Load driver.
  5. The drivers are attached as a SATA CD drive. Click OK and browse the CD drive for the storage driver to load. The drivers are arranged hierarchically according to their driver type, operating system, and CPU architecture.
  6. Repeat the previous two steps for all required drivers.
  7. Complete the Windows installation. Creating a virtual machine snapshot in the web console

You can create a virtual machine (VM) snapshot by using the web console.


To create snapshots of an online (Running state) VM with the highest integrity, install the QEMU guest agent.

The QEMU guest agent takes a consistent snapshot by attempting to quiesce the VM’s file system as much as possible, depending on the system workload. This ensures that in-flight I/O is written to the disk before the snapshot is taken. If the guest agent is not present, quiescing is not possible and a best-effort snapshot is taken. The conditions under which the snapshot was taken are reflected in the snapshot indications that are displayed in the web console or CLI.

The VM snapshot only includes disks that meet the following requirements:

  • Must be either a data volume or persistent volume claim
  • Belong to a storage class that supports Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume snapshots


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. If the virtual machine is running, click ActionsStop to power it down.
  4. Click the Snapshots tab and then click Take Snapshot.
  5. Fill in the Snapshot Name and optional Description fields.
  6. Expand Disks included in this Snapshot to see the storage volumes to be included in the snapshot.
  7. If your VM has disks that cannot be included in the snapshot and you still wish to proceed, select the I am aware of this warning and wish to proceed checkbox.
  8. Click Save. Creating a virtual machine snapshot in the CLI

You can create a virtual machine (VM) snapshot for an offline or online VM by creating a VirtualMachineSnapshot object. Kubevirt will coordinate with the QEMU guest agent to create a snapshot of the online VM.


To create snapshots of an online (Running state) VM with the highest integrity, install the QEMU guest agent.

The QEMU guest agent takes a consistent snapshot by attempting to quiesce the VM’s file system as much as possible, depending on the system workload. This ensures that in-flight I/O is written to the disk before the snapshot is taken. If the guest agent is not present, quiescing is not possible and a best-effort snapshot is taken. The conditions under which the snapshot was taken are reflected in the snapshot indications that are displayed in the web console or CLI.


  • Ensure that the persistent volume claims (PVCs) are in a storage class that supports Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume snapshots.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Optional: Power down the VM for which you want to create a snapshot.


  1. Create a YAML file to define a VirtualMachineSnapshot object that specifies the name of the new VirtualMachineSnapshot and the name of the source VM.

    For example:

    kind: VirtualMachineSnapshot
      name: my-vmsnapshot 1
        kind: VirtualMachine
        name: my-vm 2
    The name of the new VirtualMachineSnapshot object.
    The name of the source VM.
  2. Create the VirtualMachineSnapshot resource. The snapshot controller creates a VirtualMachineSnapshotContent object, binds it to the VirtualMachineSnapshot and updates the status and readyToUse fields of the VirtualMachineSnapshot object.

    $ oc create -f <my-vmsnapshot>.yaml
  3. Optional: If you are taking an online snapshot, you can use the wait command and monitor the status of the snapshot:

    1. Enter the following command:

      $ oc wait my-vm my-vmsnapshot --for condition=Ready
    2. Verify the status of the snapshot:

      • InProgress - The online snapshot operation is still in progress.
      • Succeeded - The online snapshot operation completed successfully.
      • Failed - The online snapshot operaton failed.


        Online snapshots have a default time deadline of five minutes (5m). If the snapshot does not complete successfully in five minutes, the status is set to failed. Afterwards, the file system will be thawed and the VM unfrozen but the status remains failed until you delete the failed snapshot image.

        To change the default time deadline, add the FailureDeadline attribute to the VM snapshot spec with the time designated in minutes (m) or in seconds (s) that you want to specify before the snapshot operation times out.

        To set no deadline, you can specify 0, though this is generally not recommended, as it can result in an unresponsive VM.

        If you do not specify a unit of time such as m or s, the default is seconds (s).


  1. Verify that the VirtualMachineSnapshot object is created and bound with VirtualMachineSnapshotContent. The readyToUse flag must be set to true.

    $ oc describe vmsnapshot <my-vmsnapshot>

    Example output

    kind: VirtualMachineSnapshot
      creationTimestamp: "2020-09-30T14:41:51Z"
      generation: 5
      name: mysnap
      namespace: default
      resourceVersion: "3897"
      selfLink: /apis/
      uid: 28eedf08-5d6a-42c1-969c-2eda58e2a78d
        kind: VirtualMachine
        name: my-vm
      - lastProbeTime: null
        lastTransitionTime: "2020-09-30T14:42:03Z"
        reason: Operation complete
        status: "False" 1
        type: Progressing
      - lastProbeTime: null
        lastTransitionTime: "2020-09-30T14:42:03Z"
        reason: Operation complete
        status: "True" 2
        type: Ready
      creationTime: "2020-09-30T14:42:03Z"
      readyToUse: true 3
      sourceUID: 355897f3-73a0-4ec4-83d3-3c2df9486f4f
      virtualMachineSnapshotContentName: vmsnapshot-content-28eedf08-5d6a-42c1-969c-2eda58e2a78d 4

    The status field of the Progressing condition specifies if the snapshot is still being created.
    The status field of the Ready condition specifies if the snapshot creation process is complete.
    Specifies if the snapshot is ready to be used.
    Specifies that the snapshot is bound to a VirtualMachineSnapshotContent object created by the snapshot controller.
  2. Check the spec:volumeBackups property of the VirtualMachineSnapshotContent resource to verify that the expected PVCs are included in the snapshot. Verifying online snapshot creation with snapshot indications

Snapshot indications are contextual information about online virtual machine (VM) snapshot operations. Indications are not available for offline virtual machine (VM) snapshot operations. Indications are helpful in describing details about the online snapshot creation.


  • To view indications, you must have attempted to create an online VM snapshot using the CLI or the web console.


  1. Display the output from the snapshot indications by doing one of the following:

    • For snapshots created with the CLI, view indicator output in the VirtualMachineSnapshot object YAML, in the status field.
    • For snapshots created using the web console, click VirtualMachineSnapshot > Status in the Snapshot details screen.
  2. Verify the status of your online VM snapshot:

    • Online indicates that the VM was running during online snapshot creation.
    • NoGuestAgent indicates that the QEMU guest agent was not running during online snapshot creation. The QEMU guest agent could not be used to freeze and thaw the file system, either because the QEMU guest agent was not installed or running or due to another error. Restoring a virtual machine from a snapshot in the web console

You can restore a virtual machine (VM) to a previous configuration represented by a snapshot in the web console.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. If the virtual machine is running, click ActionsStop to power it down.
  4. Click the Snapshots tab. The page displays a list of snapshots associated with the virtual machine.
  5. Choose one of the following methods to restore a VM snapshot:

    1. For the snapshot that you want to use as the source to restore the VM, click Restore.
    2. Select a snapshot to open the Snapshot Details screen and click ActionsRestore VirtualMachineSnapshot.
  6. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Restore to restore the VM to its previous configuration represented by the snapshot. Restoring a virtual machine from a snapshot in the CLI

You can restore an existing virtual machine (VM) to a previous configuration by using a VM snapshot. You can only restore from an offline VM snapshot.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Power down the VM you want to restore to a previous state.


  1. Create a YAML file to define a VirtualMachineRestore object that specifies the name of the VM you want to restore and the name of the snapshot to be used as the source.

    For example:

    kind: VirtualMachineRestore
      name: my-vmrestore 1
        kind: VirtualMachine
        name: my-vm 2
      virtualMachineSnapshotName: my-vmsnapshot 3
    The name of the new VirtualMachineRestore object.
    The name of the target VM you want to restore.
    The name of the VirtualMachineSnapshot object to be used as the source.
  2. Create the VirtualMachineRestore resource. The snapshot controller updates the status fields of the VirtualMachineRestore object and replaces the existing VM configuration with the snapshot content.

    $ oc create -f <my-vmrestore>.yaml


  • Verify that the VM is restored to the previous state represented by the snapshot. The complete flag must be set to true.

    $ oc get vmrestore <my-vmrestore>

    Example output

    kind: VirtualMachineRestore
    creationTimestamp: "2020-09-30T14:46:27Z"
    generation: 5
    name: my-vmrestore
    namespace: default
    - apiVersion:
      blockOwnerDeletion: true
      controller: true
      kind: VirtualMachine
      name: my-vm
      uid: 355897f3-73a0-4ec4-83d3-3c2df9486f4f
      resourceVersion: "5512"
      selfLink: /apis/
      uid: 71c679a8-136e-46b0-b9b5-f57175a6a041
          kind: VirtualMachine
          name: my-vm
      virtualMachineSnapshotName: my-vmsnapshot
      complete: true 1
      - lastProbeTime: null
      lastTransitionTime: "2020-09-30T14:46:28Z"
      reason: Operation complete
      status: "False" 2
      type: Progressing
      - lastProbeTime: null
      lastTransitionTime: "2020-09-30T14:46:28Z"
      reason: Operation complete
      status: "True" 3
      type: Ready
      - test-dv1
      restoreTime: "2020-09-30T14:46:28Z"
      - dataVolumeName: restore-71c679a8-136e-46b0-b9b5-f57175a6a041-datavolumedisk1
      persistentVolumeClaim: restore-71c679a8-136e-46b0-b9b5-f57175a6a041-datavolumedisk1
      volumeName: datavolumedisk1
      volumeSnapshotName: vmsnapshot-28eedf08-5d6a-42c1-969c-2eda58e2a78d-volume-datavolumedisk1

    Specifies if the process of restoring the VM to the state represented by the snapshot is complete.
    The status field of the Progressing condition specifies if the VM is still being restored.
    The status field of the Ready condition specifies if the VM restoration process is complete. Deleting a virtual machine snapshot in the web console

You can delete an existing virtual machine snapshot by using the web console.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Snapshots tab. The page displays a list of snapshots associated with the virtual machine.
  4. Click the Options menu kebab of the virtual machine snapshot that you want to delete and select Delete VirtualMachineSnapshot.
  5. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Delete to delete the snapshot. Deleting a virtual machine snapshot in the CLI

You can delete an existing virtual machine (VM) snapshot by deleting the appropriate VirtualMachineSnapshot object.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • Delete the VirtualMachineSnapshot object. The snapshot controller deletes the VirtualMachineSnapshot along with the associated VirtualMachineSnapshotContent object.

    $ oc delete vmsnapshot <my-vmsnapshot>


  • Verify that the snapshot is deleted and no longer attached to this VM:

    $ oc get vmsnapshot Additional resources

10.22.12. Moving a local virtual machine disk to a different node

Virtual machines that use local volume storage can be moved so that they run on a specific node.

You might want to move the virtual machine to a specific node for the following reasons:

  • The current node has limitations to the local storage configuration.
  • The new node is better optimized for the workload of that virtual machine.

To move a virtual machine that uses local storage, you must clone the underlying volume by using a data volume. After the cloning operation is complete, you can edit the virtual machine configuration so that it uses the new data volume, or add the new data volume to another virtual machine.


When you enable preallocation globally, or for a single data volume, the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) preallocates disk space during cloning. Preallocation enhances write performance. For more information, see Using preallocation for data volumes.


Users without the cluster-admin role require additional user permissions to clone volumes across namespaces. Cloning a local volume to another node

You can move a virtual machine disk so that it runs on a specific node by cloning the underlying persistent volume claim (PVC).

To ensure the virtual machine disk is cloned to the correct node, you must either create a new persistent volume (PV) or identify one on the correct node. Apply a unique label to the PV so that it can be referenced by the data volume.


The destination PV must be the same size or larger than the source PVC. If the destination PV is smaller than the source PVC, the cloning operation fails.


  • The virtual machine must not be running. Power down the virtual machine before cloning the virtual machine disk.


  1. Either create a new local PV on the node, or identify a local PV already on the node:

    • Create a local PV that includes the nodeAffinity.nodeSelectorTerms parameters. The following manifest creates a 10Gi local PV on node01.

      kind: PersistentVolume
      apiVersion: v1
        name: <destination-pv> 1
        - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 10Gi 2
          path: /mnt/local-storage/local/disk1 3
            - matchExpressions:
              - key:
                operator: In
                - node01 4
        persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
        storageClassName: local
        volumeMode: Filesystem
      The name of the PV.
      The size of the PV. You must allocate enough space, or the cloning operation fails. The size must be the same as or larger than the source PVC.
      The mount path on the node.
      The name of the node where you want to create the PV.
    • Identify a PV that already exists on the target node. You can identify the node where a PV is provisioned by viewing the nodeAffinity field in its configuration:

      $ oc get pv <destination-pv> -o yaml

      The following snippet shows that the PV is on node01:

      Example output

            - matchExpressions:
              - key: 1
                operator: In
                - node01 2

      The key uses the node hostname to select a node.
      The hostname of the node.
  2. Add a unique label to the PV:

    $ oc label pv <destination-pv> node=node01
  3. Create a data volume manifest that references the following:

    • The PVC name and namespace of the virtual machine.
    • The label you applied to the PV in the previous step.
    • The size of the destination PV.

      kind: DataVolume
        name: <clone-datavolume> 1
            name: "<source-vm-disk>" 2
            namespace: "<source-namespace>" 3
            - ReadWriteOnce
              node: node01 4
              storage: <10Gi> 5
      The name of the new data volume.
      The name of the source PVC. If you do not know the PVC name, you can find it in the virtual machine configuration: spec.volumes.persistentVolumeClaim.claimName.
      The namespace where the source PVC exists.
      The label that you applied to the PV in the previous step.
      The size of the destination PV.
  4. Start the cloning operation by applying the data volume manifest to your cluster:

    $ oc apply -f <clone-datavolume.yaml>

The data volume clones the PVC of the virtual machine into the PV on the specific node.

10.22.13. Expanding virtual storage by adding blank disk images

You can increase your storage capacity or create new data partitions by adding blank disk images to OpenShift Virtualization. About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. Creating a blank disk image with data volumes

You can create a new blank disk image in a persistent volume claim by customizing and deploying a data volume configuration file.


  • At least one available persistent volume.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Edit the DataVolume manifest:

    kind: DataVolume
      name: blank-image-datavolume
          blank: {}
        # Optional: Set the storage class or omit to accept the default
        # storageClassName: "hostpath"
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 500Mi
  2. Create the blank disk image by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f <blank-image-datavolume>.yaml Additional resources

10.22.14. Cloning a data volume using smart-cloning

Smart-cloning is a built-in feature of Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation. Smart-cloning is faster and more efficient than host-assisted cloning.

You do not need to perform any action to enable smart-cloning, but you need to ensure your storage environment is compatible with smart-cloning to use this feature.

When you create a data volume with a persistent volume claim (PVC) source, you automatically initiate the cloning process. You always receive a clone of the data volume if your environment supports smart-cloning or not. However, you will only receive the performance benefits of smart cloning if your storage provider supports smart-cloning. About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. About smart-cloning

When a data volume is smart-cloned, the following occurs:

  1. A snapshot of the source persistent volume claim (PVC) is created.
  2. A PVC is created from the snapshot.
  3. The snapshot is deleted. Cloning a data volume


For smart-cloning to occur, the following conditions are required:

  • Your storage provider must support snapshots.
  • The source and target PVCs must be defined to the same storage class.
  • The source and target PVCs share the same volumeMode.
  • The VolumeSnapshotClass object must reference the storage class defined to both the source and target PVCs.


To initiate cloning of a data volume:

  1. Create a YAML file for a DataVolume object that specifies the name of the new data volume and the name and namespace of the source PVC. In this example, because you specify the storage API, there is no need to specify accessModes or volumeMode. The optimal values will be calculated for you automatically.

    kind: DataVolume
      name: <cloner-datavolume> 1
          namespace: "<source-namespace>" 2
          name: "<my-favorite-vm-disk>" 3
      storage: 4
            storage: <2Gi> 5
    The name of the new data volume.
    The namespace where the source PVC exists.
    The name of the source PVC.
    Specifies allocation with the storage API
    The size of the new data volume.
  2. Start cloning the PVC by creating the data volume:

    $ oc create -f <cloner-datavolume>.yaml

    Data volumes prevent a virtual machine from starting before the PVC is prepared, so you can create a virtual machine that references the new data volume while the PVC clones. Additional resources

10.22.15. Creating and using boot sources

A boot source contains a bootable operating system (OS) and all of the configuration settings for the OS, such as drivers.

You use a boot source to create virtual machine templates with specific configurations. These templates can be used to create any number of available virtual machines.

Quick Start tours are available in the OpenShift Container Platform web console to assist you in creating a custom boot source, uploading a boot source, and other tasks. Select Quick Starts from the Help menu to view the Quick Start tours. About virtual machines and boot sources

Virtual machines consist of a virtual machine definition and one or more disks that are backed by data volumes. Virtual machine templates enable you to create virtual machines using predefined virtual machine specifications.

Every virtual machine template requires a boot source, which is a fully configured virtual machine disk image including configured drivers. Each virtual machine template contains a virtual machine definition with a pointer to the boot source. Each boot source has a predefined name and namespace. For some operating systems, a boot source is automatically provided. If it is not provided, then an administrator must prepare a custom boot source.

Provided boot sources are updated automatically to the latest version of the operating system. For auto-updated boot sources, persistent volume claims (PVCs) are created with the cluster’s default storage class. If you select a different default storage class after configuration, you must delete the existing data volumes in the cluster namespace that are configured with the previous default storage class.

To use the boot sources feature, install the latest release of OpenShift Virtualization. The namespace openshift-virtualization-os-images enables the feature and is installed with the OpenShift Virtualization Operator. Once the boot source feature is installed, you can create boot sources, attach them to templates, and create virtual machines from the templates.

Define a boot source by using a persistent volume claim (PVC) that is populated by uploading a local file, cloning an existing PVC, importing from a registry, or by URL. Attach a boot source to a virtual machine template by using the web console. After the boot source is attached to a virtual machine template, you create any number of fully configured ready-to-use virtual machines from the template. Importing a RHEL image as a boot source

You can import a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) image as a boot source by specifying a URL for the image.


  • You must have access to a web page with the operating system image. For example: Download Red Hat Enterprise Linux web page with images.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationTemplates from the side menu.
  2. Identify the RHEL template for which you want to configure a boot source and click Add source.
  3. In the Add boot source to template window, select URL (creates PVC) from the Boot source type list.
  4. Click RHEL download page to access the Red Hat Customer Portal. A list of available installers and images is displayed on the Download Red Hat Enterprise Linux page.
  5. Identify the Red Hat Enterprise Linux KVM guest image that you want to download. Right-click Download Now, and copy the URL for the image.
  6. In the Add boot source to template window, paste the URL into the Import URL field, and click Save and import.


  1. Verify that the template displays a green checkmark in the Boot source column on the Templates page.

You can now use this template to create RHEL virtual machines. Adding a boot source for a virtual machine template

A boot source can be configured for any virtual machine template that you want to use for creating virtual machines or custom templates. When virtual machine templates are configured with a boot source, they are labeled Source available on the Templates page. After you add a boot source to a template, you can create a new virtual machine from the template.

There are four methods for selecting and adding a boot source in the web console:

  • Upload local file (creates PVC)
  • URL (creates PVC)
  • Clone (creates PVC)
  • Registry (creates PVC)


  • To add a boot source, you must be logged in as a user with the RBAC role or as an administrator. You do not need special privileges to create a virtual machine from a template with a boot source added.
  • To upload a local file, the operating system image file must exist on your local machine.
  • To import via URL, access to the web server with the operating system image is required. For example: the Red Hat Enterprise Linux web page with images.
  • To clone an existing PVC, access to the project with a PVC is required.
  • To import via registry, access to the container registry is required.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationTemplates from the side menu.
  2. Click the options menu beside a template and select Edit boot source.
  3. Click Add disk.
  4. In the Add disk window, select Use this disk as a boot source.
  5. Enter the disk name and select a Source, for example, Blank (creates PVC) or Use an existing PVC.
  6. Enter a value for Persistent Volume Claim size to specify the PVC size that is adequate for the uncompressed image and any additional space that is required.
  7. Select a Type, for example, Disk or CD-ROM.
  8. Optional: Click Storage class and select the storage class that is used to create the disk. Typically, this storage class is the default storage class that is created for use by all PVCs.


    Provided boot sources are updated automatically to the latest version of the operating system. For auto-updated boot sources, persistent volume claims (PVCs) are created with the cluster’s default storage class. If you select a different default storage class after configuration, you must delete the existing data volumes in the cluster namespace that are configured with the previous default storage class.

  9. Optional: Clear Apply optimized StorageProfile settings to edit the access mode or volume mode.
  10. Select the appropriate method to save your boot source:

    1. Click Save and upload if you uploaded a local file.
    2. Click Save and import if you imported content from a URL or the registry.
    3. Click Save and clone if you cloned an existing PVC.

Your custom virtual machine template with a boot source is listed on the Catalog page. You can use this template to create a virtual machine. Creating a virtual machine from a template with an attached boot source

After you add a boot source to a template, you can create a virtual machine from the template.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click VirtualizationCatalog in the side menu.
  2. Select the updated template and click Quick create VirtualMachine.

The VirtualMachine details is displayed with the status Starting. Additional resources

10.22.16. Hot plugging virtual disks

You can add or remove virtual disks without stopping your virtual machine (VM) or virtual machine instance (VMI). About hot plugging virtual disks

When you hot plug a virtual disk, you attach a virtual disk to a virtual machine instance while the virtual machine is running.

When you hot unplug a virtual disk, you detach a virtual disk from a virtual machine instance while the virtual machine is running.

Only data volumes and persistent volume claims (PVCs) can be hot plugged and hot unplugged. You cannot hot plug or hot unplug container disks.

After you hot plug a virtual disk, it remains attached until you detach it, even if you restart the virtual machine. About virtio-scsi

In OpenShift Virtualization, each virtual machine (VM) has a virtio-scsi controller so that hot plugged disks can use a scsi bus. The virtio-scsi controller overcomes the limitations of virtio while retaining its performance advantages. It is highly scalable and supports hot plugging over 4 million disks.

Regular virtio is not available for hot plugged disks because it is not scalable: each virtio disk uses one of the limited PCI Express (PCIe) slots in the VM. PCIe slots are also used by other devices and must be reserved in advance, therefore slots might not be available on demand. Hot plugging a virtual disk using the CLI

Hot plug virtual disks that you want to attach to a virtual machine instance (VMI) while a virtual machine is running.


  • You must have a running virtual machine to hot plug a virtual disk.
  • You must have at least one data volume or persistent volume claim (PVC) available for hot plugging.


  • Hot plug a virtual disk by running the following command:

    $ virtctl addvolume <virtual-machine|virtual-machine-instance> --volume-name=<datavolume|PVC> \
    [--persist] [--serial=<label-name>]
    • Use the optional --persist flag to add the hot plugged disk to the virtual machine specification as a permanently mounted virtual disk. Stop, restart, or reboot the virtual machine to permanently mount the virtual disk. After specifying the --persist flag, you can no longer hot plug or hot unplug the virtual disk. The --persist flag applies to virtual machines, not virtual machine instances.
    • The optional --serial flag allows you to add an alphanumeric string label of your choice. This helps you to identify the hot plugged disk in a guest virtual machine. If you do not specify this option, the label defaults to the name of the hot plugged data volume or PVC. Hot unplugging a virtual disk using the CLI

Hot unplug virtual disks that you want to detach from a virtual machine instance (VMI) while a virtual machine is running.


  • Your virtual machine must be running.
  • You must have at least one data volume or persistent volume claim (PVC) available and hot plugged.


  • Hot unplug a virtual disk by running the following command:

    $ virtctl removevolume <virtual-machine|virtual-machine-instance> --volume-name=<datavolume|PVC> Hot plugging a virtual disk using the web console

Hot plug virtual disks that you want to attach to a virtual machine instance (VMI) while a virtual machine is running. When you hot plug a virtual disk, it remains attached to the VMI until you unplug it.


  • You must have a running virtual machine to hot plug a virtual disk.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select the running virtual machine to which you want to hot plug a virtual disk.
  3. On the VirtualMachine details page, click the Disks tab.
  4. Click Add disk.
  5. In the Add disk (hot plugged) window, fill in the information for the virtual disk that you want to hot plug.
  6. Click Save. Hot unplugging a virtual disk using the web console

Hot unplug virtual disks that you want to detach from a virtual machine instance (VMI) while a virtual machine is running.


  • Your virtual machine must be running with a hot plugged disk attached.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select the running virtual machine with the disk you want to hot unplug to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. On the Disks tab, click the Options menu kebab of the virtual disk that you want to hot unplug.
  4. Click Detach.

10.22.17. Using container disks with virtual machines

You can build a virtual machine image into a container disk and store it in your container registry. You can then import the container disk into persistent storage for a virtual machine or attach it directly to the virtual machine for ephemeral storage.


If you use large container disks, I/O traffic might increase, impacting worker nodes. This can lead to unavailable nodes. You can resolve this by: About container disks

A container disk is a virtual machine image that is stored as a container image in a container image registry. You can use container disks to deliver the same disk images to multiple virtual machines and to create large numbers of virtual machine clones.

A container disk can either be imported into a persistent volume claim (PVC) by using a data volume that is attached to a virtual machine, or attached directly to a virtual machine as an ephemeral containerDisk volume. Importing a container disk into a PVC by using a data volume

Use the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) to import the container disk into a PVC by using a data volume. You can then attach the data volume to a virtual machine for persistent storage. Attaching a container disk to a virtual machine as a containerDisk volume

A containerDisk volume is ephemeral. It is discarded when the virtual machine is stopped, restarted, or deleted. When a virtual machine with a containerDisk volume starts, the container image is pulled from the registry and hosted on the node that is hosting the virtual machine.

Use containerDisk volumes for read-only file systems such as CD-ROMs or for disposable virtual machines.


Using containerDisk volumes for read-write file systems is not recommended because the data is temporarily written to local storage on the hosting node. This slows live migration of the virtual machine, such as in the case of node maintenance, because the data must be migrated to the destination node. Additionally, all data is lost if the node loses power or otherwise shuts down unexpectedly. Preparing a container disk for virtual machines

You must build a container disk with a virtual machine image and push it to a container registry before it can used with a virtual machine. You can then either import the container disk into a PVC using a data volume and attach it to a virtual machine, or you can attach the container disk directly to a virtual machine as an ephemeral containerDisk volume.

The size of a disk image inside a container disk is limited by the maximum layer size of the registry where the container disk is hosted.


For Red Hat Quay, you can change the maximum layer size by editing the YAML configuration file that is created when Red Hat Quay is first deployed.


  • Install podman if it is not already installed.
  • The virtual machine image must be either QCOW2 or RAW format.


  1. Create a Dockerfile to build the virtual machine image into a container image. The virtual machine image must be owned by QEMU, which has a UID of 107, and placed in the /disk/ directory inside the container. Permissions for the /disk/ directory must then be set to 0440.

    The following example uses the Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI) to handle these configuration changes in the first stage, and uses the minimal scratch image in the second stage to store the result:

    $ cat > Dockerfile << EOF
    FROM AS builder
    ADD --chown=107:107 <vm_image>.qcow2 /disk/ 1
    RUN chmod 0440 /disk/*
    FROM scratch
    COPY --from=builder /disk/* /disk/
    Where <vm_image> is the virtual machine image in either QCOW2 or RAW format.
    To use a remote virtual machine image, replace <vm_image>.qcow2 with the complete url for the remote image.
  2. Build and tag the container:

    $ podman build -t <registry>/<container_disk_name>:latest .
  3. Push the container image to the registry:

    $ podman push <registry>/<container_disk_name>:latest

If your container registry does not have TLS you must add it as an insecure registry before you can import container disks into persistent storage. Disabling TLS for a container registry to use as insecure registry

You can disable TLS (transport layer security) for one or more container registries by editing the insecureRegistries field of the HyperConverged custom resource.


  • Log in to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  • Edit the HyperConverged custom resource and add a list of insecure registries to the spec.storageImport.insecureRegistries field.

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      namespace: openshift-cnv
        insecureRegistries: 1
          - "private-registry-example-1:5000"
          - "private-registry-example-2:5000"
    Replace the examples in this list with valid registry hostnames. Next steps

10.22.18. Preparing CDI scratch space About data volumes

DataVolume objects are custom resources that are provided by the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) project. Data volumes orchestrate import, clone, and upload operations that are associated with an underlying persistent volume claim (PVC). You can create a data volume as either a standalone resource or by using the dataVolumeTemplate field in the virtual machine (VM) specification.

  • VM disk PVCs that are prepared by using standalone data volumes maintain an independent lifecycle from the VM. If you use the dataVolumeTemplate field in the VM specification to prepare the PVC, the PVC shares the same lifecycle as the VM. About scratch space

The Containerized Data Importer (CDI) requires scratch space (temporary storage) to complete some operations, such as importing and uploading virtual machine images. During this process, CDI provisions a scratch space PVC equal to the size of the PVC backing the destination data volume (DV). The scratch space PVC is deleted after the operation completes or aborts.

You can define the storage class that is used to bind the scratch space PVC in the spec.scratchSpaceStorageClass field of the HyperConverged custom resource.

If the defined storage class does not match a storage class in the cluster, then the default storage class defined for the cluster is used. If there is no default storage class defined in the cluster, the storage class used to provision the original DV or PVC is used.


CDI requires requesting scratch space with a file volume mode, regardless of the PVC backing the origin data volume. If the origin PVC is backed by block volume mode, you must define a storage class capable of provisioning file volume mode PVCs.

Manual provisioning

If there are no storage classes, CDI uses any PVCs in the project that match the size requirements for the image. If there are no PVCs that match these requirements, the CDI import pod remains in a Pending state until an appropriate PVC is made available or until a timeout function kills the pod. CDI operations that require scratch space

Registry imports

CDI must download the image to a scratch space and extract the layers to find the image file. The image file is then passed to QEMU-IMG for conversion to a raw disk.

Upload image

QEMU-IMG does not accept input from STDIN. Instead, the image to upload is saved in scratch space before it can be passed to QEMU-IMG for conversion.

HTTP imports of archived images

QEMU-IMG does not know how to handle the archive formats CDI supports. Instead, the image is unarchived and saved into scratch space before it is passed to QEMU-IMG.

HTTP imports of authenticated images

QEMU-IMG inadequately handles authentication. Instead, the image is saved to scratch space and authenticated before it is passed to QEMU-IMG.

HTTP imports of custom certificates

QEMU-IMG inadequately handles custom certificates of HTTPS endpoints. Instead, CDI downloads the image to scratch space before passing the file to QEMU-IMG. Defining a storage class

You can define the storage class that the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) uses when allocating scratch space by adding the spec.scratchSpaceStorageClass field to the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Edit the HyperConverged CR by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hco -n openshift-cnv kubevirt-hyperconverged
  2. Add the spec.scratchSpaceStorageClass field to the CR, setting the value to the name of a storage class that exists in the cluster:

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      scratchSpaceStorageClass: "<storage_class>" 1
    If you do not specify a storage class, CDI uses the storage class of the persistent volume claim that is being populated.
  3. Save and exit your default editor to update the HyperConverged CR. CDI supported operations matrix

This matrix shows the supported CDI operations for content types against endpoints, and which of these operations requires scratch space.

Content typesHTTPHTTPSHTTP basic authRegistryUpload

KubeVirt (QCOW2)

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2**
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ QCOW2*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ QCOW2*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

KubeVirt (RAW)

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ GZ
✓ XZ

✓ RAW*
□ GZ
□ XZ

✓ RAW*
✓ GZ*
✓ XZ*

✓ Supported operation

□ Unsupported operation

* Requires scratch space

** Requires scratch space if a custom certificate authority is required Additional resources

10.22.19. Re-using persistent volumes

To re-use a statically provisioned persistent volume (PV), you must first reclaim the volume. This involves deleting the PV so that the storage configuration can be re-used. About reclaiming statically provisioned persistent volumes

When you reclaim a persistent volume (PV), you unbind the PV from a persistent volume claim (PVC) and delete the PV. Depending on the underlying storage, you might need to manually delete the shared storage.

You can then re-use the PV configuration to create a PV with a different name.

Statically provisioned PVs must have a reclaim policy of Retain to be reclaimed. If they do not, the PV enters a failed state when the PVC is unbound from the PV.


The Recycle reclaim policy is deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform 4. Reclaiming statically provisioned persistent volumes

Reclaim a statically provisioned persistent volume (PV) by unbinding the persistent volume claim (PVC) and deleting the PV. You might also need to manually delete the shared storage.

Reclaiming a statically provisioned PV is dependent on the underlying storage. This procedure provides a general approach that might need to be customized depending on your storage.


  1. Ensure that the reclaim policy of the PV is set to Retain:

    1. Check the reclaim policy of the PV:

      $ oc get pv <pv_name> -o yaml | grep 'persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy'
    2. If the persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy is not set to Retain, edit the reclaim policy with the following command:

      $ oc patch pv <pv_name> -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain"}}'
  2. Ensure that no resources are using the PV:

    $ oc describe pvc <pvc_name> | grep 'Mounted By:'

    Remove any resources that use the PVC before continuing.

  3. Delete the PVC to release the PV:

    $ oc delete pvc <pvc_name>
  4. Optional: Export the PV configuration to a YAML file. If you manually remove the shared storage later in this procedure, you can refer to this configuration. You can also use spec parameters in this file as the basis to create a new PV with the same storage configuration after you reclaim the PV:

    $ oc get pv <pv_name> -o yaml > <file_name>.yaml
  5. Delete the PV:

    $ oc delete pv <pv_name>
  6. Optional: Depending on the storage type, you might need to remove the contents of the shared storage folder:

    $ rm -rf <path_to_share_storage>
  7. Optional: Create a PV that uses the same storage configuration as the deleted PV. If you exported the reclaimed PV configuration earlier, you can use the spec parameters of that file as the basis for a new PV manifest:


    To avoid possible conflict, it is good practice to give the new PV object a different name than the one that you deleted.

    $ oc create -f <new_pv_name>.yaml

Additional resources

10.22.20. Expanding a virtual machine disk

You can enlarge the size of a virtual machine’s (VM) disk to provide a greater storage capacity by resizing the disk’s persistent volume claim (PVC).

However, you cannot reduce the size of a VM disk. Enlarging a virtual machine disk

VM disk enlargement makes extra space available to the virtual machine. However, it is the responsibility of the VM owner to decide how to consume the storage.

If the disk is a Filesystem PVC, the matching file expands to the remaining size while reserving some space for file system overhead.


  1. Edit the PersistentVolumeClaim manifest of the VM disk that you want to expand:

    $ oc edit pvc <pvc_name>
  2. Change the value of attribute to a larger size.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
       name: vm-disk-expand
         - ReadWriteMany
           storage: 3Gi 1
    The VM disk size that can be increased Additional resources

Chapter 11. Virtual machine templates

11.1. Creating virtual machine templates

11.1.1. About virtual machine templates

Preconfigured Red Hat virtual machine templates are listed in the VirtualizationTemplates page. These templates are available for different versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, Microsoft Windows 10, and Microsoft Windows Servers. Each Red Hat virtual machine template is preconfigured with the operating system image, default settings for the operating system, flavor (CPU and memory), and workload type (server).

The Templates page displays four types of virtual machine templates:

  • Red Hat Supported templates are fully supported by Red Hat.
  • User Supported templates are Red Hat Supported templates that were cloned and created by users.
  • Red Hat Provided templates have limited support from Red Hat.
  • User Provided templates are Red Hat Provided templates that were cloned and created by users.

You can use the filters in the template Catalog to sort the templates by attributes such as boot source availability, operating system, and workload.

You cannot edit or delete a Red Hat Supported or Red Hat Provided template. You can clone the template, save it as a custom virtual machine template, and then edit it.

You can also create a custom virtual machine template by editing a YAML file example.

11.1.2. About virtual machines and boot sources

Virtual machines consist of a virtual machine definition and one or more disks that are backed by data volumes. Virtual machine templates enable you to create virtual machines using predefined virtual machine specifications.

Every virtual machine template requires a boot source, which is a fully configured virtual machine disk image including configured drivers. Each virtual machine template contains a virtual machine definition with a pointer to the boot source. Each boot source has a predefined name and namespace. For some operating systems, a boot source is automatically provided. If it is not provided, then an administrator must prepare a custom boot source.

Provided boot sources are updated automatically to the latest version of the operating system. For auto-updated boot sources, persistent volume claims (PVCs) are created with the cluster’s default storage class. If you select a different default storage class after configuration, you must delete the existing data volumes in the cluster namespace that are configured with the previous default storage class.

To use the boot sources feature, install the latest release of OpenShift Virtualization. The namespace openshift-virtualization-os-images enables the feature and is installed with the OpenShift Virtualization Operator. Once the boot source feature is installed, you can create boot sources, attach them to templates, and create virtual machines from the templates.

Define a boot source by using a persistent volume claim (PVC) that is populated by uploading a local file, cloning an existing PVC, importing from a registry, or by URL. Attach a boot source to a virtual machine template by using the web console. After the boot source is attached to a virtual machine template, you create any number of fully configured ready-to-use virtual machines from the template.

11.1.3. Creating a virtual machine template in the web console

You create a virtual machine template by editing a YAML file example in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  1. In the web console, click VirtualizationTemplates in the side menu.
  2. Optional: Use the Project drop-down menu to change the project associated with the new template. All templates are saved to the openshift project by default.
  3. Click Create Template.
  4. Specify the template parameters by editing the YAML file.
  5. Click Create.

    The template is displayed on the Templates page.

  6. Optional: Click Download to download and save the YAML file.

11.1.4. Adding a boot source for a virtual machine template

A boot source can be configured for any virtual machine template that you want to use for creating virtual machines or custom templates. When virtual machine templates are configured with a boot source, they are labeled Source available on the Templates page. After you add a boot source to a template, you can create a new virtual machine from the template.

There are four methods for selecting and adding a boot source in the web console:

  • Upload local file (creates PVC)
  • URL (creates PVC)
  • Clone (creates PVC)
  • Registry (creates PVC)


  • To add a boot source, you must be logged in as a user with the RBAC role or as an administrator. You do not need special privileges to create a virtual machine from a template with a boot source added.
  • To upload a local file, the operating system image file must exist on your local machine.
  • To import via URL, access to the web server with the operating system image is required. For example: the Red Hat Enterprise Linux web page with images.
  • To clone an existing PVC, access to the project with a PVC is required.
  • To import via registry, access to the container registry is required.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationTemplates from the side menu.
  2. Click the options menu beside a template and select Edit boot source.
  3. Click Add disk.
  4. In the Add disk window, select Use this disk as a boot source.
  5. Enter the disk name and select a Source, for example, Blank (creates PVC) or Use an existing PVC.
  6. Enter a value for Persistent Volume Claim size to specify the PVC size that is adequate for the uncompressed image and any additional space that is required.
  7. Select a Type, for example, Disk or CD-ROM.
  8. Optional: Click Storage class and select the storage class that is used to create the disk. Typically, this storage class is the default storage class that is created for use by all PVCs.


    Provided boot sources are updated automatically to the latest version of the operating system. For auto-updated boot sources, persistent volume claims (PVCs) are created with the cluster’s default storage class. If you select a different default storage class after configuration, you must delete the existing data volumes in the cluster namespace that are configured with the previous default storage class.

  9. Optional: Clear Apply optimized StorageProfile settings to edit the access mode or volume mode.
  10. Select the appropriate method to save your boot source:

    1. Click Save and upload if you uploaded a local file.
    2. Click Save and import if you imported content from a URL or the registry.
    3. Click Save and clone if you cloned an existing PVC.

Your custom virtual machine template with a boot source is listed on the Catalog page. You can use this template to create a virtual machine. Virtual machine template fields for adding a boot source

The following table describes the fields for Add boot source to template window. This window displays when you click Add source for a virtual machine template on the VirtualizationTemplates page.


Boot source type

Upload local file (creates PVC)

Upload a file from your local device. Supported file types include gz, xz, tar, and qcow2.

URL (creates PVC)

Import content from an image available from an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint. Obtain the download link URL from the web page where the image download is available and enter that URL link in the Import URL field. Example: For a Red Hat Enterprise Linux image, log on to the Red Hat Customer Portal, access the image download page, and copy the download link URL for the KVM guest image.

PVC (creates PVC)

Use a PVC that is already available in the cluster and clone it.

Registry (creates PVC)

Specify the bootable operating system container that is located in a registry and accessible from the cluster. Example: kubevirt/cirros-registry-dis-demo.

Source provider


Optional field. Add descriptive text about the source for the template or the name of the user who created the template. Example: Red Hat.

Advanced Storage settings


The storage class that is used to create the disk.

Access mode

Access mode of the persistent volume. Supported access modes are Single User (RWO), Shared Access (RWX), Read Only (ROX). If Single User (RWO) is selected, the disk can be mounted as read/write by a single node. If Shared Access (RWX) is selected, the disk can be mounted as read-write by many nodes. The kubevirt-storage-class-defaults config map provides access mode defaults for data volumes. The default value is set according to the best option for each storage class in the cluster.


Shared Access (RWX) is required for some features, such as live migration of virtual machines between nodes.

Volume mode

Defines whether the persistent volume uses a formatted file system or raw block state. Supported modes are Block and Filesystem. The kubevirt-storage-class-defaults config map provides volume mode defaults for data volumes. The default value is set according to the best option for each storage class in the cluster.

11.1.5. Additional resources

11.2. Editing virtual machine templates

You can edit a virtual machine template in the web console.


You cannot edit a template provided by the Red Hat Virtualization Operator. If you clone the template, you can edit it.

11.2.1. Editing a virtual machine template in the web console

You can edit a virtual machine template by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console or the command line interface.

Editing a virtual machine template does not affect virtual machines already created from that template.


  1. Navigate to VirtualizationTemplates in the web console.
  2. Click the kebab Options menu beside a virtual machine template and select the object to edit.
  3. To edit a Red Hat template, click the kebab Options menu, select Clone to create a custom template, and then edit the custom template.


    Edit boot source reference is disabled if the template’s data source is managed by the DataImportCron custom resource or if the template does not have a data volume reference.

  4. Click Save. Adding a network interface to a virtual machine template

Use this procedure to add a network interface to a virtual machine template.


  1. Click VirtualizationTemplates from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine template to open the Template details screen.
  3. Click the Network Interfaces tab.
  4. Click Add Network Interface.
  5. In the Add Network Interface window, specify the Name, Model, Network, Type, and MAC Address of the network interface.
  6. Click Add. Adding a virtual disk to a virtual machine template

Use this procedure to add a virtual disk to a virtual machine template.


  1. Click VirtualizationTemplates from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine template to open the Template details screen.
  3. Click the Disks tab and then click Add disk.
  4. In the Add disk window, specify the Source, Name, Size, Type, Interface, and Storage Class.

    1. Optional: You can enable preallocation if you use a blank disk source and require maximum write performance when creating data volumes. To do so, select the Enable preallocation checkbox.
    2. Optional: You can clear Apply optimized StorageProfile settings to change the Volume Mode and Access Mode for the virtual disk. If you do not specify these parameters, the system uses the default values from the kubevirt-storage-class-defaults config map.
  5. Click Add. Editing CD-ROMs for Templates

Use the following procedure to edit CD-ROMs for virtual machine templates.


  1. Click VirtualizationTemplates from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine template to open the Template details screen.
  3. Click the Disks tab.
  4. Click the Options menu kebab for the CD-ROM that you want to edit and select Edit.
  5. In the Edit CD-ROM window, edit the fields: Source, Persistent Volume Claim, Name, Type, and Interface.
  6. Click Save.

11.3. Enabling dedicated resources for virtual machine templates

Virtual machines can have resources of a node, such as CPU, dedicated to them to improve performance.

11.3.1. About dedicated resources

When you enable dedicated resources for your virtual machine, your virtual machine’s workload is scheduled on CPUs that will not be used by other processes. By using dedicated resources, you can improve the performance of the virtual machine and the accuracy of latency predictions.

11.3.2. Prerequisites

  • The CPU Manager must be configured on the node. Verify that the node has the cpumanager = true label before scheduling virtual machine workloads.

11.3.3. Enabling dedicated resources for a virtual machine template

You enable dedicated resources for a virtual machine template in the Details tab. Virtual machines that were created from a Red Hat template can be configured with dedicated resources.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationTemplates from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine template to open the Template details page.
  3. On the Scheduling tab, click the pencil icon beside Dedicated Resources.
  4. Select Schedule this workload with dedicated resources (guaranteed policy).
  5. Click Save.

11.4. Deploying a virtual machine template to a custom namespace

Red Hat provides preconfigured virtual machine templates that are installed in the openshift namespace. The ssp-operator deploys virtual machine templates to the openshift namespace by default. Templates in the openshift namespace are publicly available to all users. These templates are listed on the VirtualizationTemplates page for different operating systems.

11.4.1. Creating a custom namespace for templates

You can create a custom namespace that is used to deploy virtual machine templates for use by anyone who has permissions to access those templates. To add templates to a custom namespace, edit the HyperConverged custom resource (CR), add commonTemplatesNamespace to the spec, and specify the custom namespace for the virtual machine templates. After the HyperConverged CR is modified, the ssp-operator populates the templates in the custom namespace.


  • Install the OpenShift Container Platform CLI oc.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  • Use the following command to create your custom namespace:

    $ oc create namespace <mycustomnamespace>

11.4.2. Adding templates to a custom namespace

The ssp-operator deploys virtual machine templates to the openshift namespace by default. Templates in the openshift namespace are publicly availably to all users. When a custom namespace is created and templates are added to that namespace, you can modify or delete virtual machine templates in the openshift namespace. To add templates to a custom namespace, edit the HyperConverged custom resource (CR) which contains the ssp-operator.


  1. View the list of virtual machine templates that are available in the openshift namespace.

    $ oc get templates -n openshift
  2. Edit the HyperConverged CR in your default editor by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hco -n openshift-cnv kubevirt-hyperconverged
  3. View the list of virtual machine templates that are available in the custom namespace.

    $ oc get templates -n customnamespace
  4. Add the commonTemplatesNamespace attribute and specify the custom namespace. Example:

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      commonTemplatesNamespace: customnamespace 1
    The custom namespace for deploying templates.
  5. Save your changes and exit the editor. The ssp-operator adds virtual machine templates that exist in the default openshift namespace to the custom namespace. Deleting templates from a custom namespace

To delete virtual machine templates from a custom namespace, remove the commonTemplateNamespace attribute from the HyperConverged custom resource (CR) and delete each template from that custom namespace.


  1. Edit the HyperConverged CR in your default editor by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hco -n openshift-cnv kubevirt-hyperconverged
  2. Remove the commonTemplateNamespace attribute.

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      commonTemplatesNamespace: customnamespace 1
    The commonTemplatesNamespace attribute to be deleted.
  3. Delete a specific template from the custom namespace that was removed.

    $ oc delete templates -n customnamespace <template_name>


  • Verify that the template was deleted from the custom namespace.

    $ oc get templates -n customnamespace Additional resources

11.5. Deleting virtual machine templates

You can delete customized virtual machine templates based on Red Hat templates by using the web console.

You cannot delete Red Hat templates.

11.5.1. Deleting a virtual machine template in the web console

Deleting a virtual machine template permanently removes it from the cluster.


You can delete customized virtual machine templates. You cannot delete Red Hat-supplied templates.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationTemplates from the side menu.
  2. Click the Options menu kebab of a template and select Delete template.
  3. Click Delete.

Chapter 12. Live migration

12.1. Virtual machine live migration

12.1.1. About live migration

Live migration is the process of moving a running virtual machine instance (VMI) to another node in the cluster without interrupting the virtual workload or access. If a VMI uses the LiveMigrate eviction strategy, it automatically migrates when the node that the VMI runs on is placed into maintenance mode. You can also manually start live migration by selecting a VMI to migrate.

You can use live migration if the following conditions are met:

  • Shared storage with ReadWriteMany (RWX) access mode.
  • Sufficient RAM and network bandwidth.
  • If the virtual machine uses a host model CPU, the nodes must support the virtual machine’s host model CPU.

By default, live migration traffic is encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS).

12.1.2. Additional resources

12.2. Live migration limits and timeouts

Apply live migration limits and timeouts so that migration processes do not overwhelm the cluster. Configure these settings by editing the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).

12.2.1. Configuring live migration limits and timeouts

Configure live migration limits and timeouts for the cluster by updating the HyperConverged custom resource (CR), which is located in the openshift-cnv namespace.


  • Edit the HyperConverged CR and add the necessary live migration parameters.

    $ oc edit hco -n openshift-cnv kubevirt-hyperconverged

    Example configuration file

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      namespace: openshift-cnv
      liveMigrationConfig: 1
        bandwidthPerMigration: 64Mi
        completionTimeoutPerGiB: 800
        parallelMigrationsPerCluster: 5
        parallelOutboundMigrationsPerNode: 2
        progressTimeout: 150

    In this example, the spec.liveMigrationConfig array contains the default values for each field.

    You can restore the default value for any spec.liveMigrationConfig field by deleting that key/value pair and saving the file. For example, delete progressTimeout: <value> to restore the default progressTimeout: 150.

12.2.2. Cluster-wide live migration limits and timeouts

Table 12.1. Migration parameters


Number of migrations running in parallel in the cluster.



Maximum number of outbound migrations per node.



Bandwidth limit of each migration, where the value is the quantity of bytes per second. For example, a value of 2048Mi means 2048 MiB/s.

0 [1]


The migration is canceled if it has not completed in this time, in seconds per GiB of memory. For example, a virtual machine instance with 6GiB memory times out if it has not completed migration in 4800 seconds. If the Migration Method is BlockMigration, the size of the migrating disks is included in the calculation.



The migration is canceled if memory copy fails to make progress in this time, in seconds.


  1. The default value of 0 is unlimited.

12.3. Migrating a virtual machine instance to another node

Manually initiate a live migration of a virtual machine instance to another node using either the web console or the CLI.


If a virtual machine uses a host model CPU, you can perform live migration of that virtual machine only between nodes that support its host CPU model.

12.3.1. Initiating live migration of a virtual machine instance in the web console

Migrate a running virtual machine instance to a different node in the cluster.


The Migrate action is visible to all users but only admin users can initiate a virtual machine migration.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. You can initiate the migration from this page, which makes it easier to perform actions on multiple virtual machines on the same page, or from the VirtualMachine details page where you can view comprehensive details of the selected virtual machine:

    • Click the Options menu kebab next to the virtual machine and select Migrate.
    • Click the virtual machine name to open the VirtualMachine details page and click ActionsMigrate.
  3. Click Migrate to migrate the virtual machine to another node.

12.3.2. Initiating live migration of a virtual machine instance in the CLI

Initiate a live migration of a running virtual machine instance by creating a VirtualMachineInstanceMigration object in the cluster and referencing the name of the virtual machine instance.


  1. Create a VirtualMachineInstanceMigration configuration file for the virtual machine instance to migrate. For example, vmi-migrate.yaml:

    kind: VirtualMachineInstanceMigration
      name: migration-job
      vmiName: vmi-fedora
  2. Create the object in the cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f vmi-migrate.yaml

The VirtualMachineInstanceMigration object triggers a live migration of the virtual machine instance. This object exists in the cluster for as long as the virtual machine instance is running, unless manually deleted.

12.3.3. Additional resources

12.4. Migrating a virtual machine over a dedicated additional network

You can configure a dedicated Multus network for live migration. A dedicated network minimizes the effects of network saturation on tenant workloads during live migration.

12.4.1. Configuring a dedicated secondary network for virtual machine live migration

To configure a dedicated secondary network for live migration, you must first create a bridge network attachment definition for the openshift-cnv namespace by using the CLI. Then, add the name of the NetworkAttachmentDefinition object to the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You logged in to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • The Multus Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin is installed on the cluster.
  • Every node on the cluster has at least two Network Interface Cards (NICs), and the NICs to be used for live migration are connected to the same VLAN.
  • The virtual machine (VM) is running with the LiveMigrate eviction strategy.


  1. Create a NetworkAttachmentDefinition manifest.

    Example configuration file

    apiVersion: ""
    kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
      name: my-secondary-network 1
      namespace: openshift-cnv 2
      config: '{
        "cniVersion": "0.3.1",
        "name": "migration-bridge",
        "type": "macvlan",
        "master": "eth1", 3
        "mode": "bridge",
        "ipam": {
          "type": "whereabouts", 4
          "range": "" 5

    The name of the NetworkAttachmentDefinition object.
    The namespace where the NetworkAttachmentDefinition object resides. This must be openshift-cnv.
    The name of the NIC to be used for live migration.
    The name of the CNI plugin that provides the network for this network attachment definition.
    The IP address range for the secondary network. This range must not have any overlap with the IP addresses of the main network.
  2. Open the HyperConverged CR in your default editor by running the following command:

    oc edit hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv
  3. Add the name of the NetworkAttachmentDefinition object to the spec.liveMigrationConfig stanza of the HyperConverged CR. For example:

    Example configuration file

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
        completionTimeoutPerGiB: 800
        network: my-secondary-network  1
        parallelMigrationsPerCluster: 5
        parallelOutboundMigrationsPerNode: 2
        progressTimeout: 150

    The name of the Multus NetworkAttachmentDefinition object to be used for live migrations.
  4. Save your changes and exit the editor. The virt-handler pods restart and connect to the secondary network.


  • When the node that the virtual machine runs on is placed into maintenance mode, the VM automatically migrates to another node in the cluster. You can verify that the migration occurred over the secondary network and not the default pod network by checking the target IP address in the virtual machine instance (VMI) metadata.

    oc get vmi <vmi_name> -o jsonpath='{.status.migrationState.targetNodeAddress}'

12.4.2. Selecting a dedicated network by using the web console

You can select a dedicated network for live migration by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You configured a Multus network for live migration.


  1. Navigate to Virtualization > Overview in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  2. Click the Settings tab and then click Live migration.
  3. Select the network from the Live migration network list.

12.4.3. Additional resources

12.5. Cancelling the live migration of a virtual machine instance

Cancel the live migration so that the virtual machine instance remains on the original node.

You can cancel a live migration from either the web console or the CLI.

12.5.1. Cancelling live migration of a virtual machine instance in the web console

You can cancel the live migration of a virtual machine instance in the web console.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Click the Options menu kebab beside a virtual machine and select Cancel Migration.

12.5.2. Cancelling live migration of a virtual machine instance in the CLI

Cancel the live migration of a virtual machine instance by deleting the VirtualMachineInstanceMigration object associated with the migration.


  • Delete the VirtualMachineInstanceMigration object that triggered the live migration, migration-job in this example:

    $ oc delete vmim migration-job

12.6. Configuring virtual machine eviction strategy

The LiveMigrate eviction strategy ensures that a virtual machine instance is not interrupted if the node is placed into maintenance or drained. Virtual machines instances with this eviction strategy will be live migrated to another node.

12.6.1. Configuring custom virtual machines with the LiveMigration eviction strategy

You only need to configure the LiveMigration eviction strategy on custom virtual machines. Common templates have this eviction strategy configured by default.


  1. Add the evictionStrategy: LiveMigrate option to the spec.template.spec section in the virtual machine configuration file. This example uses oc edit to update the relevant snippet of the VirtualMachine configuration file:

    $ oc edit vm <custom-vm> -n <my-namespace>
    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: custom-vm
          evictionStrategy: LiveMigrate
  2. Restart the virtual machine for the update to take effect:

    $ virtctl restart <custom-vm> -n <my-namespace>

12.7. Configuring live migration policies

You can define different migration configurations for specified groups of virtual machine instances (VMIs) by using a live migration policy.


Live migration policy is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

To configure a live migration policy by using the web console, see the MigrationPolicies page documentation.

12.7.1. Configuring a live migration policy from the command line

Use the MigrationPolicy custom resource definition (CRD) to define migration policies for one or more groups of selected virtual machine instances (VMIs).

You can specify groups of VMIs by using any combination of the following:

  • Virtual machine instance labels such as size, os, gpu, and other VMI labels.
  • Namespace labels such as priority, bandwidth, hpc-workload, and other namespace labels.

For the policy to apply to a specific group of VMIs, all labels on the group of VMIs must match the labels in the policy.


If multiple live migration policies apply to a VMI, the policy with the highest number of matching labels takes precedence. If multiple policies meet this criteria, the policies are sorted by lexicographic order of the matching labels keys, and the first one in that order takes precedence.


  1. Create a MigrationPolicy CRD for your specified group of VMIs. The following example YAML configures a group with the labels hpc-workloads:true, xyz-workloads-type: "", workload-type: db, and operating-system: "":

    kind: MigrationPolicy
      name: my-awesome-policy
      # Migration Configuration
      allowAutoConverge: true
      bandwidthPerMigration: 217Ki
      completionTimeoutPerGiB: 23
      allowPostCopy: false
      # Matching to VMIs
        namespaceSelector: 1
          hpc-workloads: "True"
          xyz-workloads-type: ""
        virtualMachineInstanceSelector: 2
          workload-type: "db"
          operating-system: ""
    Use namespaceSelector to define a group of VMIs by using namespace labels.
    Use virtualMachineInstanceSelector to define a group of VMIs by using VMI labels.

Chapter 13. Node maintenance

13.1. About node maintenance

13.1.1. About node maintenance mode

Nodes can be placed into maintenance mode using the oc adm utility, or using NodeMaintenance custom resources (CRs).


The node-maintenance-operator (NMO) is no longer shipped with OpenShift Virtualization. It is now available to deploy as a standalone Operator from the OperatorHub in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, or by using the OpenShift CLI (oc).

Placing a node into maintenance marks the node as unschedulable and drains all the virtual machines and pods from it. Virtual machine instances that have a LiveMigrate eviction strategy are live migrated to another node without loss of service. This eviction strategy is configured by default in virtual machine created from common templates but must be configured manually for custom virtual machines.

Virtual machine instances without an eviction strategy are shut down. Virtual machines with a RunStrategy of Running or RerunOnFailure are recreated on another node. Virtual machines with a RunStrategy of Manual are not automatically restarted.


Virtual machines must have a persistent volume claim (PVC) with a shared ReadWriteMany (RWX) access mode to be live migrated.

The Node Maintenance Operator watches for new or deleted NodeMaintenance CRs. When a new NodeMaintenance CR is detected, no new workloads are scheduled and the node is cordoned off from the rest of the cluster. All pods that can be evicted are evicted from the node. When a NodeMaintenance CR is deleted, the node that is referenced in the CR is made available for new workloads.


Using a NodeMaintenance CR for node maintenance tasks achieves the same results as the oc adm cordon and oc adm drain commands using standard OpenShift Container Platform custom resource processing.

13.1.2. Maintaining bare metal nodes

When you deploy OpenShift Container Platform on bare metal infrastructure, there are additional considerations that must be taken into account compared to deploying on cloud infrastructure. Unlike in cloud environments where the cluster nodes are considered ephemeral, re-provisioning a bare metal node requires significantly more time and effort for maintenance tasks.

When a bare metal node fails, for example, if a fatal kernel error happens or a NIC card hardware failure occurs, workloads on the failed node need to be restarted elsewhere else on the cluster while the problem node is repaired or replaced. Node maintenance mode allows cluster administrators to gracefully power down nodes, moving workloads to other parts of the cluster and ensuring workloads do not get interrupted. Detailed progress and node status details are provided during maintenance.

13.1.3. Additional resources

13.2. Automatic renewal of TLS certificates

All TLS certificates for OpenShift Virtualization components are renewed and rotated automatically. You are not required to refresh them manually.

13.2.1. TLS certificates automatic renewal schedules

TLS certificates are automatically deleted and replaced according to the following schedule:

  • KubeVirt certificates are renewed daily.
  • Containerized Data Importer controller (CDI) certificates are renewed every 15 days.
  • MAC pool certificates are renewed every year.

Automatic TLS certificate rotation does not disrupt any operations. For example, the following operations continue to function without any disruption:

  • Migrations
  • Image uploads
  • VNC and console connections

13.3. Managing node labeling for obsolete CPU models

You can schedule a virtual machine (VM) on a node as long as the VM CPU model and policy are supported by the node.

13.3.1. About node labeling for obsolete CPU models

The OpenShift Virtualization Operator uses a predefined list of obsolete CPU models to ensure that a node supports only valid CPU models for scheduled VMs.

By default, the following CPU models are eliminated from the list of labels generated for the node:

Example 13.1. Obsolete CPU models


This predefined list is not visible in the HyperConverged CR. You cannot remove CPU models from this list, but you can add to the list by editing the spec.obsoleteCPUs.cpuModels field of the HyperConverged CR.

13.3.2. About node labeling for CPU features

Through the process of iteration, the base CPU features in the minimum CPU model are eliminated from the list of labels generated for the node.

For example:

  • An environment might have two supported CPU models: Penryn and Haswell.
  • If Penryn is specified as the CPU model for minCPU, each base CPU feature for Penryn is compared to the list of CPU features supported by Haswell.

    Example 13.2. CPU features supported by Penryn


    Example 13.3. CPU features supported by Haswell

  • If both Penryn and Haswell support a specific CPU feature, a label is not created for that feature. Labels are generated for CPU features that are supported only by Haswell and not by Penryn.

    Example 13.4. Node labels created for CPU features after iteration


13.3.3. Configuring obsolete CPU models

You can configure a list of obsolete CPU models by editing the HyperConverged custom resource (CR).


  • Edit the HyperConverged custom resource, specifying the obsolete CPU models in the obsoleteCPUs array. For example:

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
      namespace: openshift-cnv
        cpuModels: 1
          - "<obsolete_cpu_1>"
          - "<obsolete_cpu_2>"
        minCPUModel: "<minimum_cpu_model>" 2
    Replace the example values in the cpuModels array with obsolete CPU models. Any value that you specify is added to a predefined list of obsolete CPU models. The predefined list is not visible in the CR.
    Replace this value with the minimum CPU model that you want to use for basic CPU features. If you do not specify a value, Penryn is used by default.

13.4. Preventing node reconciliation

Use skip-node annotation to prevent the node-labeller from reconciling a node.

13.4.1. Using skip-node annotation

If you want the node-labeller to skip a node, annotate that node by using the oc CLI.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • Annotate the node that you want to skip by running the following command:

    $ oc annotate node <node_name> 1
    Replace <node_name> with the name of the relevant node to skip.

    Reconciliation resumes on the next cycle after the node annotation is removed or set to false.

13.4.2. Additional resources

Chapter 14. Logging, events, and monitoring

14.1. Virtualization Overview page

The Virtualization Overview page provides a comprehensive view of virtualization resources, details, status, and top consumers:

  • The Overview tab displays Getting started resources, details, inventory, alerts, and other information about your OpenShift Virtualization environment.
  • The Top consumers tab displays high utilization of a specific resource by projects, virtual machines, or nodes.
  • The Migrations tab displays the status of live migrations.
  • The Settings tab displays cluster-wide settings, including live migration settings and user permissions.

By gaining an insight into the overall health of OpenShift Virtualization, you can determine if intervention is required to resolve specific issues identified by examining the data.

14.1.1. Reviewing top consumers

You can view the top consumers of resources for a selected project, virtual machine, or node on the Top consumers tab of the Virtualization Overview page.


  • You must have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • To use the vCPU wait metric on the Top consumers tab, you must apply the schedstats=enable kernel argument to the MachineConfig object.


  1. In the Administrator perspective in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to VirtualizationOverview.
  2. Click the Top consumers tab.
  3. Optional: You can filter the results by selecting a time period or by selecting the 5 or 10 top consumers.

14.1.2. Additional resources

14.2. Viewing OpenShift Virtualization logs

You can view logs for OpenShift Virtualization components and virtual machines by using the web console or the oc CLI. You can retrieve virtual machine logs from the virt-launcher pod. To control log verbosity, edit the HyperConverged custom resource.

14.2.1. Viewing OpenShift Virtualization logs with the CLI

Configure log verbosity for OpenShift Virtualization components by editing the HyperConverged custom resource (CR). Then, view logs for the component pods by using the oc CLI tool.


  1. To set log verbosity for specific components, open the HyperConverged CR in your default text editor by running the following command:

    $ oc edit hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv
  2. Set the log level for one or more components by editing the spec.logVerbosityConfig stanza. For example:

    kind: HyperConverged
      name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
          virtAPI: 5 1
          virtController: 4
          virtHandler: 3
          virtLauncher: 2
          virtOperator: 6
    The log verbosity value must be an integer in the range 1–9, where a higher number indicates a more detailed log. In this example, the virtAPI component logs are exposed if their priority level is 5 or higher.
  3. Apply your changes by saving and exiting the editor.
  4. View a list of pods in the OpenShift Virtualization namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-cnv

    Example 14.1. Example output

    NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    disks-images-provider-7gqbc        1/1     Running   0          32m
    disks-images-provider-vg4kx        1/1     Running   0          32m
    virt-api-57fcc4497b-7qfmc          1/1     Running   0          31m
    virt-api-57fcc4497b-tx9nc          1/1     Running   0          31m
    virt-controller-76c784655f-7fp6m   1/1     Running   0          30m
    virt-controller-76c784655f-f4pbd   1/1     Running   0          30m
    virt-handler-2m86x                 1/1     Running   0          30m
    virt-handler-9qs6z                 1/1     Running   0          30m
    virt-operator-7ccfdbf65f-q5snk     1/1     Running   0          32m
    virt-operator-7ccfdbf65f-vllz8     1/1     Running   0          32m
  5. To view logs for a component pod, run the following command:

    $ oc logs -n openshift-cnv <pod_name>

    For example:

    $ oc logs -n openshift-cnv virt-handler-2m86x

    If a pod fails to start, you can use the --previous option to view logs from the last attempt.

    To monitor log output in real time, use the -f option.

    Example 14.2. Example output

    {"component":"virt-handler","level":"info","msg":"set verbosity to 2","pos":"virt-handler.go:453","timestamp":"2022-04-17T08:58:37.373695Z"}
    {"component":"virt-handler","level":"info","msg":"set verbosity to 2","pos":"virt-handler.go:453","timestamp":"2022-04-17T08:58:37.373726Z"}
    {"component":"virt-handler","level":"info","msg":"setting rate limiter to 5 QPS and 10 Burst","pos":"virt-handler.go:462","timestamp":"2022-04-17T08:58:37.373782Z"}
    {"component":"virt-handler","level":"info","msg":"CPU features of a minimum baseline CPU model: map[apic:true clflush:true cmov:true cx16:true cx8:true de:true fpu:true fxsr:true lahf_lm:true lm:true mca:true mce:true mmx:true msr:true mtrr:true nx:true pae:true pat:true pge:true pni:true pse:true pse36:true sep:true sse:true sse2:true sse4.1:true ssse3:true syscall:true tsc:true]","pos":"cpu_plugin.go:96","timestamp":"2022-04-17T08:58:37.390221Z"}
    {"component":"virt-handler","level":"warning","msg":"host model mode is expected to contain only one model","pos":"cpu_plugin.go:103","timestamp":"2022-04-17T08:58:37.390263Z"}
    {"component":"virt-handler","level":"info","msg":"node-labeller is running","pos":"node_labeller.go:94","timestamp":"2022-04-17T08:58:37.391011Z"}

14.2.2. Viewing virtual machine logs in the web console

Get virtual machine logs from the associated virtual machine launcher pod.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. Click the virt-launcher-<name> pod in the Pod section to open the Pod details page.
  5. Click the Logs tab to view the pod logs.

14.2.3. Common error messages

The following error messages might appear in OpenShift Virtualization logs:

ErrImagePull or ImagePullBackOff
Indicates an incorrect deployment configuration or problems with the images that are referenced.

14.3. Viewing events

14.3.1. About virtual machine events

OpenShift Container Platform events are records of important life-cycle information in a namespace and are useful for monitoring and troubleshooting resource scheduling, creation, and deletion issues.

OpenShift Virtualization adds events for virtual machines and virtual machine instances. These can be viewed from either the web console or the CLI.

See also: Viewing system event information in an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

14.3.2. Viewing the events for a virtual machine in the web console

You can view streaming events for a running virtual machine on the VirtualMachine details page of the web console.


  1. Click VirtualizationVirtualMachines from the side menu.
  2. Select a virtual machine to open the VirtualMachine details page.
  3. Click the Events tab to view streaming events for the virtual machine.

    • The ▮▮ button pauses the events stream.
    • The ▶ button resumes a paused events stream.

14.3.3. Viewing namespace events in the CLI

Use the OpenShift Container Platform client to get the events for a namespace.


  • In the namespace, use the oc get command:

    $ oc get events

14.3.4. Viewing resource events in the CLI

Events are included in the resource description, which you can get using the OpenShift Container Platform client.


  • In the namespace, use the oc describe command. The following example shows how to get the events for a virtual machine, a virtual machine instance, and the virt-launcher pod for a virtual machine:

    $ oc describe vm <vm>
    $ oc describe vmi <vmi>
    $ oc describe pod virt-launcher-<name>

14.4. Monitoring live migration

You can monitor the progress of live migration from either the web console or the CLI.

14.4.1. Monitoring live migration by using the web console

You can monitor the progress of all live migrations on the Overview → Migrations tab in the web console.

You can view the migration metrics of a virtual machine on the VirtualMachine details → Metrics tab in the web console.

14.4.2. Monitoring live migration of a virtual machine instance in the CLI

The status of the virtual machine migration is stored in the Status component of the VirtualMachineInstance configuration.


  • Use the oc describe command on the migrating virtual machine instance:

    $ oc describe vmi vmi-fedora

    Example output

        Last Probe Time:       <nil>
        Last Transition Time:  <nil>
        Status:                True
        Type:                  LiveMigratable
      Migration Method:  LiveMigration
      Migration State:
        Completed:                    true
        End Timestamp:                2018-12-24T06:19:42Z
        Migration UID:                d78c8962-0743-11e9-a540-fa163e0c69f1
        Source Node:        
        Start Timestamp:              2018-12-24T06:19:35Z
        Target Node:        
        Target Node Address:
        Target Node Domain Detected:  true

14.4.3. Metrics

You can use Prometheus queries to monitor live migration. Live migration metrics

The following metrics can be queried to show live migration status:

The amount of guest operating system (OS) data that has migrated to the new virtual machine (VM). Type: Gauge.
The amount of guest OS data that remains to be migrated. Type: Gauge.
The rate at which memory is becoming dirty in the guest OS. Dirty memory is data that has been changed but not yet written to disk. Type: Gauge.
The number of pending migrations. Type: Gauge.
The number of scheduling migrations. Type: Gauge.
The number of running migrations. Type: Gauge.
The number of successfully completed migrations. Type: Gauge.
The number of failed migrations. Type: Gauge.

14.5. Diagnosing data volumes using events and conditions

Use the oc describe command to analyze and help resolve issues with data volumes.

14.5.1. About conditions and events

Diagnose data volume issues by examining the output of the Conditions and Events sections generated by the command:

$ oc describe dv <DataVolume>

There are three Types in the Conditions section that display:

  • Bound
  • Running
  • Ready

The Events section provides the following additional information:

  • Type of event
  • Reason for logging
  • Source of the event
  • Message containing additional diagnostic information.

The output from oc describe does not always contains Events.

An event is generated when either Status, Reason, or Message changes. Both conditions and events react to changes in the state of the data volume.

For example, if you misspell the URL during an import operation, the import generates a 404 message. That message change generates an event with a reason. The output in the Conditions section is updated as well.

14.5.2. Analyzing data volumes using conditions and events

By inspecting the Conditions and Events sections generated by the describe command, you determine the state of the data volume in relation to persistent volume claims (PVCs), and whether or not an operation is actively running or completed. You might also receive messages that offer specific details about the status of the data volume, and how it came to be in its current state.

There are many different combinations of conditions. Each must be evaluated in its unique context.

Examples of various combinations follow.

  • Bound – A successfully bound PVC displays in this example.

    Note that the Type is Bound, so the Status is True. If the PVC is not bound, the Status is False.

    When the PVC is bound, an event is generated stating that the PVC is bound. In this case, the Reason is Bound and Status is True. The Message indicates which PVC owns the data volume.

    Message, in the Events section, provides further details including how long the PVC has been bound (Age) and by what resource (From), in this case datavolume-controller:

    Example output

    		Last Heart Beat Time:  2020-07-15T03:58:24Z
    		Last Transition Time:  2020-07-15T03:58:24Z
    		Message:               PVC win10-rootdisk Bound
    		Reason:                Bound
    		Status:                True
    		Type:                  Bound
    		Type     Reason     Age    From                   Message
    		----     ------     ----   ----                   -------
    		Normal   Bound      24s    datavolume-controller  PVC example-dv Bound

  • Running – In this case, note that Type is Running and Status is False, indicating that an event has occurred that caused an attempted operation to fail, changing the Status from True to False.

    However, note that Reason is Completed and the Message field indicates Import Complete.

    In the Events section, the Reason and Message contain additional troubleshooting information about the failed operation. In this example, the Message displays an inability to connect due to a 404, listed in the Events section’s first Warning.

    From this information, you conclude that an import operation was running, creating contention for other operations that are attempting to access the data volume:

    Example output

    		 Last Heart Beat Time:  2020-07-15T04:31:39Z
    		 Last Transition Time:  2020-07-15T04:31:39Z
    		 Message:               Import Complete
    		 Reason:                Completed
    		 Status:                False
    		 Type:                  Running
    		Type     Reason           Age                From                   Message
    		----     ------           ----               ----                   -------
    		Warning  Error            12s (x2 over 14s)  datavolume-controller  Unable to connect
    		to http data source: expected status code 200, got 404. Status: 404 Not Found

  • Ready – If Type is Ready and Status is True, then the data volume is ready to be used, as in the following example. If the data volume is not ready to be used, the Status is False:

    Example output

    		 Last Heart Beat Time: 2020-07-15T04:31:39Z
    		 Last Transition Time:  2020-07-15T04:31:39Z
    		 Status:                True
    		 Type:                  Ready

14.6. Viewing information about virtual machine workloads

You can view high-level information about your virtual machines by using the Virtual Machines dashboard in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

14.6.1. The Virtual Machines dashboard

Access virtual machines (VMs) from the OpenShift Container Platform web console by navigating to the VirtualizationVirtualMachines page and clicking a virtual machine (VM) to view the VirtualMachine details page.

The Overview tab displays the following cards:

  • Details provides identifying information about the virtual machine, including:

    • Name
    • Status
    • Date of creation
    • Operating system
    • CPU and memory
    • Hostname
    • Template

    If the VM is running, there is an active VNC preview window and a link to open the VNC web console. The Options menu kebab on the Details card provides options to stop or pause the VM, and to copy the ssh over nodeport command for SSH tunneling.

  • Alerts lists VM alerts with three severity levels:

    • Critical
    • Warning
    • Info
  • Snapshots provides information about VM snapshots and the ability to take a snapshot. For each snapshot listed, the Snapshots card includes:

    • A visual indicator of the status of the snapshot, if it is successfully created, is still in progress, or has failed.
    • An Options menu kebab with options to restore or delete the snapshot
  • Network interfaces provides information about the network interfaces of the VM, including:

    • Name (Network and Type)
    • IP address, with the ability to copy the IP address to the clipboard
  • Disks lists VM disks details, including:

    • Name
    • Drive
    • Size
  • Utilization includes charts that display usage data for:

    • CPU
    • Memory
    • Storage
    • Network transfer

    Use the drop-down list to choose a duration for the utilization data. The available options are 5 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, and 24 hours.

  • Hardware Devices provides information about GPU and host devices, including:

    • Resource name
    • Hardware device name

14.7. Monitoring virtual machine health

A virtual machine instance (VMI) can become unhealthy due to transient issues such as connectivity loss, deadlocks, or problems with external dependencies. A health check periodically performs diagnostics on a VMI by using any combination of the readiness and liveness probes.

14.7.1. About readiness and liveness probes

Use readiness and liveness probes to detect and handle unhealthy virtual machine instances (VMIs). You can include one or more probes in the specification of the VMI to ensure that traffic does not reach a VMI that is not ready for it and that a new instance is created when a VMI becomes unresponsive.

A readiness probe determines whether a VMI is ready to accept service requests. If the probe fails, the VMI is removed from the list of available endpoints until the VMI is ready.

A liveness probe determines whether a VMI is responsive. If the probe fails, the VMI is deleted and a new instance is created to restore responsiveness.

You can configure readiness and liveness probes by setting the spec.readinessProbe and the spec.livenessProbe fields of the VirtualMachineInstance object. These fields support the following tests:

The probe determines the health of the VMI by using a web hook. The test is successful if the HTTP response code is between 200 and 399. You can use an HTTP GET test with applications that return HTTP status codes when they are completely initialized.
TCP socket
The probe attempts to open a socket to the VMI. The VMI is only considered healthy if the probe can establish a connection. You can use a TCP socket test with applications that do not start listening until initialization is complete.
Guest agent ping
The probe uses the guest-ping command to determine if the QEMU guest agent is running on the virtual machine.

14.7.2. Defining an HTTP readiness probe

Define an HTTP readiness probe by setting the spec.readinessProbe.httpGet field of the virtual machine instance (VMI) configuration.


  1. Include details of the readiness probe in the VMI configuration file.

    Sample readiness probe with an HTTP GET test

    # ...
        httpGet: 1
          port: 1500 2
          path: /healthz 3
          - name: Custom-Header
            value: Awesome
        initialDelaySeconds: 120 4
        periodSeconds: 20 5
        timeoutSeconds: 10 6
        failureThreshold: 3 7
        successThreshold: 3 8
    # ...

    The HTTP GET request to perform to connect to the VMI.
    The port of the VMI that the probe queries. In the above example, the probe queries port 1500.
    The path to access on the HTTP server. In the above example, if the handler for the server’s /healthz path returns a success code, the VMI is considered to be healthy. If the handler returns a failure code, the VMI is removed from the list of available endpoints.
    The time, in seconds, after the VMI starts before the readiness probe is initiated.
    The delay, in seconds, between performing probes. The default delay is 10 seconds. This value must be greater than timeoutSeconds.
    The number of seconds of inactivity after which the probe times out and the VMI is assumed to have failed. The default value is 1. This value must be lower than periodSeconds.
    The number of times that the probe is allowed to fail. The default is 3. After the specified number of attempts, the pod is marked Unready.
    The number of times that the probe must report success, after a failure, to be considered successful. The default is 1.
  2. Create the VMI by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f <file_name>.yaml

14.7.3. Defining a TCP readiness probe

Define a TCP readiness probe by setting the spec.readinessProbe.tcpSocket field of the virtual machine instance (VMI) configuration.


  1. Include details of the TCP readiness probe in the VMI configuration file.

    Sample readiness probe with a TCP socket test

        initialDelaySeconds: 120 1
        periodSeconds: 20 2
        tcpSocket: 3
          port: 1500 4
        timeoutSeconds: 10 5

    The time, in seconds, after the VMI starts before the readiness probe is initiated.
    The delay, in seconds, between performing probes. The default delay is 10 seconds. This value must be greater than timeoutSeconds.
    The TCP action to perform.
    The port of the VMI that the probe queries.
    The number of seconds of inactivity after which the probe times out and the VMI is assumed to have failed. The default value is 1. This value must be lower than periodSeconds.
  2. Create the VMI by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f <file_name>.yaml

14.7.4. Defining an HTTP liveness probe

Define an HTTP liveness probe by setting the spec.livenessProbe.httpGet field of the virtual machine instance (VMI) configuration. You can define both HTTP and TCP tests for liveness probes in the same way as readiness probes. This procedure configures a sample liveness probe with an HTTP GET test.


  1. Include details of the HTTP liveness probe in the VMI configuration file.

    Sample liveness probe with an HTTP GET test

    # ...
        initialDelaySeconds: 120 1
        periodSeconds: 20 2
        httpGet: 3
          port: 1500 4
          path: /healthz 5
          - name: Custom-Header
            value: Awesome
        timeoutSeconds: 10 6
    # ...

    The time, in seconds, after the VMI starts before the liveness probe is initiated.
    The delay, in seconds, between performing probes. The default delay is 10 seconds. This value must be greater than timeoutSeconds.
    The HTTP GET request to perform to connect to the VMI.
    The port of the VMI that the probe queries. In the above example, the probe queries port 1500. The VMI installs and runs a minimal HTTP server on port 1500 via cloud-init.
    The path to access on the HTTP server. In the above example, if the handler for the server’s /healthz path returns a success code, the VMI is considered to be healthy. If the handler returns a failure code, the VMI is deleted and a new instance is created.
    The number of seconds of inactivity after which the probe times out and the VMI is assumed to have failed. The default value is 1. This value must be lower than periodSeconds.
  2. Create the VMI by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f <file_name>.yaml

14.7.5. Defining a guest agent ping probe

Define a guest agent ping probe by setting the spec.readinessProbe.guestAgentPing field of the virtual machine instance (VMI) configuration.


The guest agent ping probe is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.


  • The QEMU guest agent must be installed and enabled on the virtual machine.


  1. Include details of the guest agent ping probe in the VMI configuration file. For example:

    Sample guest agent ping probe

    # ...
        guestAgentPing: {} 1
        initialDelaySeconds: 120 2
        periodSeconds: 20 3
        timeoutSeconds: 10 4
        failureThreshold: 3 5
        successThreshold: 3 6
    # ...

    The guest agent ping probe to connect to the VMI.
    Optional: The time, in seconds, after the VMI starts before the guest agent probe is initiated.
    Optional: The delay, in seconds, between performing probes. The default delay is 10 seconds. This value must be greater than timeoutSeconds.
    Optional: The number of seconds of inactivity after which the probe times out and the VMI is assumed to have failed. The default value is 1. This value must be lower than periodSeconds.
    Optional: The number of times that the probe is allowed to fail. The default is 3. After the specified number of attempts, the pod is marked Unready.
    Optional: The number of times that the probe must report success, after a failure, to be considered successful. The default is 1.
  2. Create the VMI by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f <file_name>.yaml

14.7.6. Template: Virtual machine configuration file for defining health checks

kind: VirtualMachine
    special: vm-fedora
  name: vm-fedora
        special: vm-fedora
          - disk:
              bus: virtio
            name: containerdisk
          - disk:
              bus: virtio
            name: cloudinitdisk
            memory: 1024M
          port: 1500
        initialDelaySeconds: 120
        periodSeconds: 20
        timeoutSeconds: 10
        failureThreshold: 3
        successThreshold: 3
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 180
      - name: containerdisk
          image: kubevirt/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo
      - cloudInitNoCloud:
          userData: |-
            password: fedora
            chpasswd: { expire: False }
              - setenforce 0
              - dnf install -y nmap-ncat
              - systemd-run --unit=httpserver nc -klp 1500 -e '/usr/bin/echo -e HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\n\\nHello World!'
        name: cloudinitdisk

14.7.7. Additional resources

14.8. Using the OpenShift Container Platform dashboard to get cluster information

Access the OpenShift Container Platform dashboard, which captures high-level information about the cluster, by clicking Home > Dashboards > Overview from the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

The OpenShift Container Platform dashboard provides various cluster information, captured in individual dashboard cards.

14.8.1. About the OpenShift Container Platform dashboards page

Access the OpenShift Container Platform dashboard, which captures high-level information about the cluster, by navigating to HomeOverview from the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

The OpenShift Container Platform dashboard provides various cluster information, captured in individual dashboard cards.

The OpenShift Container Platform dashboard consists of the following cards:

  • Details provides a brief overview of informational cluster details.

    Status include ok, error, warning, in progress, and unknown. Resources can add custom status names.

    • Cluster ID
    • Provider
    • Version
  • Cluster Inventory details number of resources and associated statuses. It is helpful when intervention is required to resolve problems, including information about:

    • Number of nodes
    • Number of pods
    • Persistent storage volume claims
    • Virtual machines (available if OpenShift Virtualization is installed)
    • Bare metal hosts in the cluster, listed according to their state (only available in metal3 environment).
  • Cluster Health summarizes the current health of the cluster as a whole, including relevant alerts and descriptions. If OpenShift Virtualization is installed, the overall health of OpenShift Virtualization is diagnosed as well. If more than one subsystem is present, click See All to view the status of each subsystem.

    • Bare metal hosts in the cluster, listed according to their state (only available in metal3 environment)
  • Status helps administrators understand how cluster resources are consumed. Click on a resource to jump to a detailed page listing pods and nodes that consume the largest amount of the specified cluster resource (CPU, memory, or storage).
  • Cluster Utilization shows the capacity of various resources over a specified period of time, to help administrators understand the scale and frequency of high resource consumption, including information about:

    • CPU time
    • Memory allocation
    • Storage consumed
    • Network resources consumed
    • Pod count
  • Activity lists messages related to recent activity in the cluster, such as pod creation or virtual machine migration to another host.

14.9. Reviewing resource usage by virtual machines

Dashboards in the OpenShift Container Platform web console provide visual representations of cluster metrics to help you to quickly understand the state of your cluster. Dashboards belong to the Monitoring overview that provides monitoring for core platform components.

The OpenShift Virtualization dashboard provides data on resource consumption for virtual machines and associated pods. The visualization metrics displayed in the OpenShift Virtualization dashboard are based on Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) queries.

A monitoring role is required to monitor user-defined namespaces in the OpenShift Virtualization dashboard.

You can view resource usage for a specific virtual machine on the VirtualMachine details page → Metrics tab in the web console.

14.9.1. About reviewing top consumers

In the OpenShift Virtualization dashboard, you can select a specific time period and view the top consumers of resources within that time period. Top consumers are virtual machines or virt-launcher pods that are consuming the highest amount of resources.

The following table shows resources monitored in the dashboard and describes the metrics associated with each resource for top consumers.

Monitored resources


Memory swap traffic

Virtual machines consuming the most memory pressure when swapping memory.

vCPU wait

Virtual machines experiencing the maximum wait time (in seconds) for their vCPUs.

CPU usage by pod

The virt-launcher pods that are using the most CPU.

Network traffic

Virtual machines that are saturating the network by receiving the most amount of network traffic (in bytes).

Storage traffic

Virtual machines with the highest amount (in bytes) of storage-related traffic.

Storage IOPS

Virtual machines with the highest amount of I/O operations per second over a time period.

Memory usage

The virt-launcher pods that are using the most memory (in bytes).


Viewing the maximum resource consumption is limited to the top five consumers.

14.9.2. Reviewing top consumers

In the Administrator perspective, you can view the OpenShift Virtualization dashboard where top consumers of resources are displayed.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. In the Administrator perspective in the OpenShift Virtualization web console, navigate to ObserveDashboards.
  2. Select the KubeVirt/Infrastructure Resources/Top Consumers dashboard from the Dashboard list.
  3. Select a predefined time period from the drop-down menu for Period. You can review the data for top consumers in the tables.
  4. Optional: Click Inspect to view or edit the Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) query associated with the top consumers for a table.

14.9.3. Additional resources

14.10. OpenShift Container Platform cluster monitoring, logging, and Telemetry

OpenShift Container Platform provides various resources for monitoring at the cluster level.

14.10.1. About OpenShift Container Platform monitoring

OpenShift Container Platform includes a preconfigured, preinstalled, and self-updating monitoring stack that provides monitoring for core platform components. OpenShift Container Platform delivers monitoring best practices out of the box. A set of alerts are included by default that immediately notify cluster administrators about issues with a cluster. Default dashboards in the OpenShift Container Platform web console include visual representations of cluster metrics to help you to quickly understand the state of your cluster.

After installing OpenShift Container Platform 4.12, cluster administrators can optionally enable monitoring for user-defined projects. By using this feature, cluster administrators, developers, and other users can specify how services and pods are monitored in their own projects. You can then query metrics, review dashboards, and manage alerting rules and silences for your own projects in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


Cluster administrators can grant developers and other users permission to monitor their own projects. Privileges are granted by assigning one of the predefined monitoring roles.

14.10.2. Logging architecture

The major components of the logging are:


The collector is a daemonset that deploys pods to each OpenShift Container Platform node. It collects log data from each node, transforms the data, and forwards it to configured outputs. You can use the Vector collector or the legacy Fluentd collector.


Fluentd is deprecated and is planned to be removed in a future release. Red Hat provides bug fixes and support for this feature during the current release lifecycle, but this feature no longer receives enhancements. As an alternative to Fluentd, you can use Vector instead.

Log store

The log store stores log data for analysis and is the default output for the log forwarder. You can use the default LokiStack log store, the legacy Elasticsearch log store, or forward logs to additional external log stores.


The Logging 5.9 release does not contain an updated version of the OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator. If you currently use the OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator released with Logging 5.8, it will continue to work with Logging until the EOL of Logging 5.8. As an alternative to using the OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator to manage the default log storage, you can use the Loki Operator. For more information on the Logging lifecycle dates, see Platform Agnostic Operators.


You can use a UI component to view a visual representation of your log data. The UI provides a graphical interface to search, query, and view stored logs. The OpenShift Container Platform web console UI is provided by enabling the OpenShift Container Platform console plugin.


The Kibana web console is now deprecated is planned to be removed in a future logging release.

Logging collects container logs and node logs. These are categorized into types:

Application logs
Container logs generated by user applications running in the cluster, except infrastructure container applications.
Infrastructure logs
Container logs generated by infrastructure namespaces: openshift*, kube*, or default, as well as journald messages from nodes.
Audit logs
Logs generated by auditd, the node audit system, which are stored in the /var/log/audit/audit.log file, and logs from the auditd, kube-apiserver, openshift-apiserver services, as well as the ovn project if enabled.

For more information on OpenShift Logging, see the OpenShift Logging documentation.

14.10.3. About Telemetry

Telemetry sends a carefully chosen subset of the cluster monitoring metrics to Red Hat. The Telemeter Client fetches the metrics values every four minutes and thirty seconds and uploads the data to Red Hat. These metrics are described in this document.

This stream of data is used by Red Hat to monitor the clusters in real-time and to react as necessary to problems that impact our customers. It also allows Red Hat to roll out OpenShift Container Platform upgrades to customers to minimize service impact and continuously improve the upgrade experience.

This debugging information is available to Red Hat Support and Engineering teams with the same restrictions as accessing data reported through support cases. All connected cluster information is used by Red Hat to help make OpenShift Container Platform better and more intuitive to use. Information collected by Telemetry

The following information is collected by Telemetry: System information
  • Version information, including the OpenShift Container Platform cluster version and installed update details that are used to determine update version availability
  • Update information, including the number of updates available per cluster, the channel and image repository used for an update, update progress information, and the number of errors that occur in an update
  • The unique random identifier that is generated during an installation
  • Configuration details that help Red Hat Support to provide beneficial support for customers, including node configuration at the cloud infrastructure level, hostnames, IP addresses, Kubernetes pod names, namespaces, and services
  • The OpenShift Container Platform framework components installed in a cluster and their condition and status
  • Events for all namespaces listed as "related objects" for a degraded Operator
  • Information about degraded software
  • Information about the validity of certificates
  • The name of the provider platform that OpenShift Container Platform is deployed on and the data center location Sizing Information
  • Sizing information about clusters, machine types, and machines, including the number of CPU cores and the amount of RAM used for each
  • The number of running virtual machine instances in a cluster
  • The number of etcd members and the number of objects stored in the etcd cluster
  • Number of application builds by build strategy type Usage information
  • Usage information about components, features, and extensions
  • Usage details about Technology Previews and unsupported configurations

Telemetry does not collect identifying information such as usernames or passwords. Red Hat does not intend to collect personal information. If Red Hat discovers that personal information has been inadvertently received, Red Hat will delete such information. To the extent that any telemetry data constitutes personal data, please refer to the Red Hat Privacy Statement for more information about Red Hat’s privacy practices.

14.10.4. CLI troubleshooting and debugging commands

For a list of the oc client troubleshooting and debugging commands, see the OpenShift Container Platform CLI tools documentation.

14.11. Running cluster checkups

OpenShift Virtualization includes predefined checkups that can be used for cluster maintenance and troubleshooting.


The OpenShift Container Platform cluster checkup framework is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

14.11.1. About the OpenShift Container Platform cluster checkup framework

A checkup is an automated test workload that allows you to verify if a specific cluster functionality works as expected. The cluster checkup framework uses native Kubernetes resources to configure and execute the checkup.

By using predefined checkups, cluster administrators and developers can improve cluster maintainability, troubleshoot unexpected behavior, minimize errors, and save time. They can also review the results of the checkup and share them with experts for further analysis. Vendors can write and publish checkups for features or services that they provide and verify that their customer environments are configured correctly.

Running a predefined checkup in an existing namespace involves setting up a service account for the checkup, creating the Role and RoleBinding objects for the service account, enabling permissions for the checkup, and creating the input config map and the checkup job. You can run a checkup multiple times.


You must always:

  • Verify that the checkup image is from a trustworthy source before applying it.
  • Review the checkup permissions before creating the Role and RoleBinding objects.

14.11.2. Checking network connectivity and latency for virtual machines on a secondary network

You use a predefined checkup to verify network connectivity and measure latency between two virtual machines (VMs) that are attached to a secondary network interface.

To run a checkup for the first time, follow the steps in the procedure.

If you have previously run a checkup, skip to step 5 of the procedure because the steps to install the framework and enable permissions for the checkup are not required.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • The cluster has at least two worker nodes.
  • The Multus Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin is installed on the cluster.
  • You configured a network attachment definition for a namespace.


  1. Create a manifest file that contains the ServiceAccount, Role, and RoleBinding objects with permissions that the checkup requires for cluster access:

    Example 14.3. Example role manifest file

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: vm-latency-checkup-sa
    kind: Role
      name: kubevirt-vm-latency-checker
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["virtualmachineinstances"]
      verbs: ["get", "create", "delete"]
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["virtualmachineinstances/console"]
      verbs: ["get"]
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["network-attachment-definitions"]
      verbs: ["get"]
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: kubevirt-vm-latency-checker
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: vm-latency-checkup-sa
      kind: Role
      name: kubevirt-vm-latency-checker
    kind: Role
      name: kiagnose-configmap-access
    - apiGroups: [ "" ]
      resources: [ "configmaps" ]
      verbs: ["get", "update"]
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: kiagnose-configmap-access
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: vm-latency-checkup-sa
      kind: Role
      name: kiagnose-configmap-access
  2. Apply the checkup roles manifest:

    $ oc apply -n <target_namespace> -f <latency_roles>.yaml 1
    <target_namespace> is the namespace where the checkup is to be run. This must be an existing namespace where the NetworkAttachmentDefinition object resides.
  3. Create a ConfigMap manifest that contains the input parameters for the checkup. The config map provides the input for the framework to run the checkup and also stores the results of the checkup.

    Example input config map

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: kubevirt-vm-latency-checkup-config
      spec.timeout: 5m
      spec.param.network_attachment_definition_namespace: <target_namespace>
      spec.param.network_attachment_definition_name: "blue-network" 1
      spec.param.max_desired_latency_milliseconds: "10" 2
      spec.param.sample_duration_seconds: "5" 3
      spec.param.source_node: "worker1" 4
      spec.param.target_node: "worker2" 5

    The name of the NetworkAttachmentDefinition object.
    Optional: The maximum desired latency, in milliseconds, between the virtual machines. If the measured latency exceeds this value, the checkup fails.
    Optional: The duration of the latency check, in seconds.
    Optional: When specified, latency is measured from this node to the target node. If the source node is specified, the spec.param.target_node field cannot be empty.
    Optional: When specified, latency is measured from the source node to this node.
  4. Apply the config map manifest in the target namespace:

    $ oc apply -n <target_namespace> -f <latency_config_map>.yaml
  5. Create a Job object to run the checkup:

    Example job manifest

    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
      name: kubevirt-vm-latency-checkup
      backoffLimit: 0
          serviceAccountName: vm-latency-checkup-sa
          restartPolicy: Never
            - name: vm-latency-checkup
                allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
                  drop: ["ALL"]
                runAsNonRoot: true
                  type: "RuntimeDefault"
                - name: CONFIGMAP_NAMESPACE
                  value: <target_namespace>
                - name: CONFIGMAP_NAME
                  value: kubevirt-vm-latency-checkup-config

  6. Apply the Job manifest. The checkup uses the ping utility to verify connectivity and measure latency.

    $ oc apply -n <target_namespace> -f <latency_job>.yaml
  7. Wait for the job to complete:

    $ oc wait job kubevirt-vm-latency-checkup -n <target_namespace> --for condition=complete --timeout 6m
  8. Review the results of the latency checkup by running the following command. If the maximum measured latency is greater than the value of the spec.param.max_desired_latency_milliseconds attribute, the checkup fails and returns an error.

    $ oc get configmap kubevirt-vm-latency-checkup-config -n <target_namespace> -o yaml

    Example output config map (success)

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: kubevirt-vm-latency-checkup-config
      namespace: <target_namespace>
      spec.timeout: 5m
      spec.param.network_attachment_definition_namespace: <target_namespace>
      spec.param.network_attachment_definition_name: "blue-network"
      spec.param.max_desired_latency_milliseconds: "10"
      spec.param.sample_duration_seconds: "5"
      spec.param.source_node: "worker1"
      spec.param.target_node: "worker2"
      status.succeeded: "true"
      status.failureReason: ""
      status.completionTimestamp: "2022-01-01T09:00:00Z"
      status.startTimestamp: "2022-01-01T09:00:07Z"
      status.result.avgLatencyNanoSec: "177000"
      status.result.maxLatencyNanoSec: "244000" 1
      status.result.measurementDurationSec: "5"
      status.result.minLatencyNanoSec: "135000"
      status.result.sourceNode: "worker1"
      status.result.targetNode: "worker2"

    The maximum measured latency in nanoseconds.
  9. Optional: To view the detailed job log in case of checkup failure, use the following command:

    $ oc logs job.batch/kubevirt-vm-latency-checkup -n <target_namespace>
  10. Delete the job and config map resources that you previously created by running the following commands:

    $ oc delete job -n <target_namespace> kubevirt-vm-latency-checkup
    $ oc delete config-map -n <target_namespace> kubevirt-vm-latency-checkup-config
  11. Optional: If you do not plan to run another checkup, delete the checkup role and framework manifest files.

    $ oc delete -f <file_name>.yaml

14.11.3. Additional resources

14.12. Prometheus queries for virtual resources

OpenShift Virtualization provides metrics that you can use to monitor the consumption of cluster infrastructure resources, including vCPU, network, storage, and guest memory swapping. You can also use metrics to query live migration status.

Use the OpenShift Container Platform monitoring dashboard to query virtualization metrics.

14.12.1. Prerequisites

  • To use the vCPU metric, the schedstats=enable kernel argument must be applied to the MachineConfig object. This kernel argument enables scheduler statistics used for debugging and performance tuning and adds a minor additional load to the scheduler. See the OpenShift Container Platform machine configuration tasks documentation for more information on applying a kernel argument.
  • For guest memory swapping queries to return data, memory swapping must be enabled on the virtual guests.

14.12.2. About querying metrics

The OpenShift Container Platform monitoring dashboard enables you to run Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) queries to examine metrics visualized on a plot. This functionality provides information about the state of a cluster and any user-defined workloads that you are monitoring.

As a cluster administrator, you can query metrics for all core OpenShift Container Platform and user-defined projects.

As a developer, you must specify a project name when querying metrics. You must have the required privileges to view metrics for the selected project. Querying metrics for all projects as a cluster administrator

As a cluster administrator or as a user with view permissions for all projects, you can access metrics for all default OpenShift Container Platform and user-defined projects in the Metrics UI.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin cluster role or with view permissions for all projects.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. From the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, go to ObserveMetrics.
  2. To add one or more queries, perform any of the following actions:


    Create a custom query.

    Add your Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) query to the Expression field.

    As you type a PromQL expression, autocomplete suggestions are displayed in a list. These suggestions include functions, metrics, labels, and time tokens. You can use the keyboard arrows to select one of these suggested items and then press Enter to add the item to your expression. You can also move your mouse pointer over a suggested item to view a brief description of that item.

    Add multiple queries.

    Click Add query.

    Duplicate an existing query.

    Click the Options menu kebab next to the query and select Duplicate query.

    Delete a query.

    Click the Options menu kebab next to the query and select Delete query.

    Disable a query from being run.

    Click the Options menu kebab next to the query and select Disable query.

  3. To run queries that you created, click Run queries. The metrics from the queries are visualized on the plot. If a query is invalid, the UI shows an error message.


    Queries that operate on large amounts of data might time out or overload the browser when drawing time series graphs. To avoid this, click Hide graph and calibrate your query by using the metrics table. After finding a feasible query, enable the plot to draw the graphs.

  4. Optional: The page URL now contains the queries you ran. To use this set of queries again in the future, save this URL. Querying metrics for user-defined projects as a developer

You can access metrics for a user-defined project as a developer or as a user with view permissions for the project.

In the Developer perspective, the Metrics UI includes some predefined CPU, memory, bandwidth, and network packet queries for the selected project. You can also run custom Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) queries for CPU, memory, bandwidth, network packet and application metrics for the project.


Developers can only use the Developer perspective and not the Administrator perspective. As a developer, you can only query metrics for one project at a time in the Observe -→ Metrics page in the web console for your user-defined project.


  • You have access to the cluster as a developer or as a user with view permissions for the project that you are viewing metrics for.
  • You have enabled monitoring for user-defined projects.
  • You have deployed a service in a user-defined project.
  • You have created a ServiceMonitor custom resource definition (CRD) for the service to define how the service is monitored.


  1. Select the Developer perspective in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  2. Select ObserveMetrics.
  3. Select the project that you want to view metrics for in the Project: list.
  4. Select a query from the Select query list, or create a custom PromQL query based on the selected query by selecting Show PromQL.
  5. Optional: Select Custom query from the Select query list to enter a new query. As you type, autocomplete suggestions appear in a drop-down list. These suggestions include functions and metrics. Click a suggested item to select it.


    In the Developer perspective, you can only run one query at a time.

14.12.3. Virtualization metrics

The following metric descriptions include example Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) queries. These metrics are not an API and might change between versions.


The following examples use topk queries that specify a time period. If virtual machines are deleted during that time period, they can still appear in the query output. vCPU metrics

The following query can identify virtual machines that are waiting for Input/Output (I/O):

Returns the wait time (in seconds) for a virtual machine’s vCPU. Type: Counter.

A value above '0' means that the vCPU wants to run, but the host scheduler cannot run it yet. This inability to run indicates that there is an issue with I/O.


To query the vCPU metric, the schedstats=enable kernel argument must first be applied to the MachineConfig object. This kernel argument enables scheduler statistics used for debugging and performance tuning and adds a minor additional load to the scheduler.

Example vCPU wait time query

topk(3, sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_vcpu_wait_seconds[6m]))) > 0 1

This query returns the top 3 VMs waiting for I/O at every given moment over a six-minute time period. Network metrics

The following queries can identify virtual machines that are saturating the network:

Returns the total amount of traffic received (in bytes) on the virtual machine’s network. Type: Counter.
Returns the total amount of traffic transmitted (in bytes) on the virtual machine’s network. Type: Counter.

Example network traffic query

topk(3, sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_network_receive_bytes_total[6m])) + sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_network_transmit_bytes_total[6m]))) > 0 1

This query returns the top 3 VMs transmitting the most network traffic at every given moment over a six-minute time period. Storage metrics Storage-related traffic

The following queries can identify VMs that are writing large amounts of data:

Returns the total amount (in bytes) of the virtual machine’s storage-related traffic. Type: Counter.
Returns the total amount of storage writes (in bytes) of the virtual machine’s storage-related traffic. Type: Counter.

Example storage-related traffic query

topk(3, sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_storage_read_traffic_bytes_total[6m])) + sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_storage_write_traffic_bytes_total[6m]))) > 0 1

This query returns the top 3 VMs performing the most storage traffic at every given moment over a six-minute time period. Storage snapshot data
Returns the total number of virtual machine disks restored from the source virtual machine. Type: Gauge.
Returns the amount of space in bytes restored from the source virtual machine. Type: Gauge.

Examples of storage snapshot data queries

kubevirt_vmsnapshot_disks_restored_from_source_total{vm_name="simple-vm", vm_namespace="default"} 1

This query returns the total number of virtual machine disks restored from the source virtual machine.
kubevirt_vmsnapshot_disks_restored_from_source_bytes{vm_name="simple-vm", vm_namespace="default"} 1
This query returns the amount of space in bytes restored from the source virtual machine. I/O performance

The following queries can determine the I/O performance of storage devices:

Returns the amount of write I/O operations the virtual machine is performing per second. Type: Counter.
Returns the amount of read I/O operations the virtual machine is performing per second. Type: Counter.

Example I/O performance query

topk(3, sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_storage_iops_read_total[6m])) + sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_storage_iops_write_total[6m]))) > 0 1

This query returns the top 3 VMs performing the most I/O operations per second at every given moment over a six-minute time period. Guest memory swapping metrics

The following queries can identify which swap-enabled guests are performing the most memory swapping:

Returns the total amount (in bytes) of memory the virtual guest is swapping in. Type: Gauge.
Returns the total amount (in bytes) of memory the virtual guest is swapping out. Type: Gauge.

Example memory swapping query

topk(3, sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_memory_swap_in_traffic_bytes_total[6m])) + sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_memory_swap_out_traffic_bytes_total[6m]))) > 0 1

This query returns the top 3 VMs where the guest is performing the most memory swapping at every given moment over a six-minute time period.

Memory swapping indicates that the virtual machine is under memory pressure. Increasing the memory allocation of the virtual machine can mitigate this issue.

14.12.4. Live migration metrics

The following metrics can be queried to show live migration status:

The amount of guest operating system (OS) data that has migrated to the new virtual machine (VM). Type: Gauge.
The amount of guest OS data that remains to be migrated. Type: Gauge.
The rate at which memory is becoming dirty in the guest OS. Dirty memory is data that has been changed but not yet written to disk. Type: Gauge.
The number of pending migrations. Type: Gauge.
The number of scheduling migrations. Type: Gauge.
The number of running migrations. Type: Gauge.
The number of successfully completed migrations. Type: Gauge.
The number of failed migrations. Type: Gauge.

14.12.5. Additional resources

14.13. Exposing custom metrics for virtual machines

OpenShift Container Platform includes a preconfigured, preinstalled, and self-updating monitoring stack that provides monitoring for core platform components. This monitoring stack is based on the Prometheus monitoring system. Prometheus is a time-series database and a rule evaluation engine for metrics.

In addition to using the OpenShift Container Platform monitoring stack, you can enable monitoring for user-defined projects by using the CLI and query custom metrics that are exposed for virtual machines through the node-exporter service.

14.13.1. Configuring the node exporter service

The node-exporter agent is deployed on every virtual machine in the cluster from which you want to collect metrics. Configure the node-exporter agent as a service to expose internal metrics and processes that are associated with virtual machines.


  • Install the OpenShift Container Platform CLI oc.
  • Log in to the cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create the cluster-monitoring-config ConfigMap object in the openshift-monitoring project.
  • Configure the user-workload-monitoring-config ConfigMap object in the openshift-user-workload-monitoring project by setting enableUserWorkload to true.


  1. Create the Service YAML file. In the following example, the file is called node-exporter-service.yaml.

    kind: Service
    apiVersion: v1
      name: node-exporter-service 1
      namespace: dynamation 2
        servicetype: metrics 3
        - name: exmet 4
          protocol: TCP
          port: 9100 5
          targetPort: 9100 6
      type: ClusterIP
        monitor: metrics 7
    The node-exporter service that exposes the metrics from the virtual machines.
    The namespace where the service is created.
    The label for the service. The ServiceMonitor uses this label to match this service.
    The name given to the port that exposes metrics on port 9100 for the ClusterIP service.
    The target port used by node-exporter-service to listen for requests.
    The TCP port number of the virtual machine that is configured with the monitor label.
    The label used to match the virtual machine’s pods. In this example, any virtual machine’s pod with the label monitor and a value of metrics will be matched.
  2. Create the node-exporter service:

    $ oc create -f node-exporter-service.yaml

14.13.2. Configuring a virtual machine with the node exporter service

Download the node-exporter file on to the virtual machine. Then, create a systemd service that runs the node-exporter service when the virtual machine boots.


  • The pods for the component are running in the openshift-user-workload-monitoring project.
  • Grant the monitoring-edit role to users who need to monitor this user-defined project.


  1. Log on to the virtual machine.
  2. Download the node-exporter file on to the virtual machine by using the directory path that applies to the version of node-exporter file.

    $ wget
  3. Extract the executable and place it in the /usr/bin directory.

    $ sudo tar xvf node_exporter-1.3.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz \
        --directory /usr/bin --strip 1 "*/node_exporter"
  4. Create a node_exporter.service file in this directory path: /etc/systemd/system. This systemd service file runs the node-exporter service when the virtual machine reboots.

    Description=Prometheus Metrics Exporter
  5. Enable and start the systemd service.

    $ sudo systemctl enable node_exporter.service
    $ sudo systemctl start node_exporter.service


  • Verify that the node-exporter agent is reporting metrics from the virtual machine.

    $ curl http://localhost:9100/metrics

    Example output

    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 1.5244e-05
    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 3.0449e-05
    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 3.7913e-05

14.13.3. Creating a custom monitoring label for virtual machines

To enable queries to multiple virtual machines from a single service, add a custom label in the virtual machine’s YAML file.


  • Install the OpenShift Container Platform CLI oc.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Access to the web console for stop and restart a virtual machine.


  1. Edit the template spec of your virtual machine configuration file. In this example, the label monitor has the value metrics.

            monitor: metrics
  2. Stop and restart the virtual machine to create a new pod with the label name given to the monitor label. Querying the node-exporter service for metrics

Metrics are exposed for virtual machines through an HTTP service endpoint under the /metrics canonical name. When you query for metrics, Prometheus directly scrapes the metrics from the metrics endpoint exposed by the virtual machines and presents these metrics for viewing.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges or the monitoring-edit role.
  • You have enabled monitoring for the user-defined project by configuring the node-exporter service.


  1. Obtain the HTTP service endpoint by specifying the namespace for the service:

    $ oc get service -n <namespace> <node-exporter-service>
  2. To list all available metrics for the node-exporter service, query the metrics resource.

    $ curl http://<>/metrics | grep -vE "^#|^$"

    Example output

    node_arp_entries{device="eth0"} 1
    node_boot_time_seconds 1.643153218e+09
    node_context_switches_total 4.4938158e+07
    node_cooling_device_cur_state{name="0",type="Processor"} 0
    node_cooling_device_max_state{name="0",type="Processor"} 0
    node_cpu_guest_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="nice"} 0
    node_cpu_guest_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="user"} 0
    node_cpu_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="idle"} 1.10586485e+06
    node_cpu_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="iowait"} 37.61
    node_cpu_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="irq"} 233.91
    node_cpu_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="nice"} 551.47
    node_cpu_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="softirq"} 87.3
    node_cpu_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="steal"} 86.12
    node_cpu_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="system"} 464.15
    node_cpu_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="user"} 1075.2
    node_disk_discard_time_seconds_total{device="vda"} 0
    node_disk_discard_time_seconds_total{device="vdb"} 0
    node_disk_discarded_sectors_total{device="vda"} 0
    node_disk_discarded_sectors_total{device="vdb"} 0
    node_disk_discards_completed_total{device="vda"} 0
    node_disk_discards_completed_total{device="vdb"} 0
    node_disk_discards_merged_total{device="vda"} 0
    node_disk_discards_merged_total{device="vdb"} 0
    node_disk_info{device="vda",major="252",minor="0"} 1
    node_disk_info{device="vdb",major="252",minor="16"} 1
    node_disk_io_now{device="vda"} 0
    node_disk_io_now{device="vdb"} 0
    node_disk_io_time_seconds_total{device="vda"} 174
    node_disk_io_time_seconds_total{device="vdb"} 0.054
    node_disk_io_time_weighted_seconds_total{device="vda"} 259.79200000000003
    node_disk_io_time_weighted_seconds_total{device="vdb"} 0.039
    node_disk_read_bytes_total{device="vda"} 3.71867136e+08
    node_disk_read_bytes_total{device="vdb"} 366592
    node_disk_read_time_seconds_total{device="vda"} 19.128
    node_disk_read_time_seconds_total{device="vdb"} 0.039
    node_disk_reads_completed_total{device="vda"} 5619
    node_disk_reads_completed_total{device="vdb"} 96
    node_disk_reads_merged_total{device="vda"} 5
    node_disk_reads_merged_total{device="vdb"} 0
    node_disk_write_time_seconds_total{device="vda"} 240.66400000000002
    node_disk_write_time_seconds_total{device="vdb"} 0
    node_disk_writes_completed_total{device="vda"} 71584
    node_disk_writes_completed_total{device="vdb"} 0
    node_disk_writes_merged_total{device="vda"} 19761
    node_disk_writes_merged_total{device="vdb"} 0
    node_disk_written_bytes_total{device="vda"} 2.007924224e+09
    node_disk_written_bytes_total{device="vdb"} 0

14.13.4. Creating a ServiceMonitor resource for the node exporter service

You can use a Prometheus client library and scrape metrics from the /metrics endpoint to access and view the metrics exposed by the node-exporter service. Use a ServiceMonitor custom resource definition (CRD) to monitor the node exporter service.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges or the monitoring-edit role.
  • You have enabled monitoring for the user-defined project by configuring the node-exporter service.


  1. Create a YAML file for the ServiceMonitor resource configuration. In this example, the service monitor matches any service with the label metrics and queries the exmet port every 30 seconds.

    kind: ServiceMonitor
        k8s-app: node-exporter-metrics-monitor
      name: node-exporter-metrics-monitor 1
      namespace: dynamation 2
      - interval: 30s 3
        port: exmet 4
        scheme: http
          servicetype: metrics
    The name of the ServiceMonitor.
    The namespace where the ServiceMonitor is created.
    The interval at which the port will be queried.
    The name of the port that is queried every 30 seconds
  2. Create the ServiceMonitor configuration for the node-exporter service.

    $ oc create -f node-exporter-metrics-monitor.yaml Accessing the node exporter service outside the cluster

You can access the node-exporter service outside the cluster and view the exposed metrics.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges or the monitoring-edit role.
  • You have enabled monitoring for the user-defined project by configuring the node-exporter service.


  1. Expose the node-exporter service.

    $ oc expose service -n <namespace> <node_exporter_service_name>
  2. Obtain the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) for the route.

    $ oc get route,

    Example output

    NAME                    DNS

  3. Use the curl command to display metrics for the node-exporter service.

    $ curl -s

    Example output

    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 1.5382e-05
    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 3.1163e-05
    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 3.8546e-05
    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.75"} 4.9139e-05
    go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="1"} 0.000189423

14.13.5. Additional resources

14.14. OpenShift Virtualization runbooks

Runbooks for the OpenShift Virtualization Operator are maintained in the openshift/runbooks Git repository, and you can view them on GitHub. To diagnose and resolve issues that trigger OpenShift Virtualization alerts, follow the procedures in the runbooks.

OpenShift Virtualization alerts are displayed in the VirtualizationOverview tab in the web console.

14.14.1. CDIDataImportCronOutdated

14.14.2. CDIDataVolumeUnusualRestartCount

14.14.3. CDIDefaultStorageClassDegraded

14.14.4. CDIMultipleDefaultVirtStorageClasses

14.14.5. CDINoDefaultStorageClass

14.14.6. CDINotReady

14.14.7. CDIOperatorDown

14.14.8. CDIStorageProfilesIncomplete

14.14.9. CnaoDown

14.14.10. CnaoNMstateMigration

14.14.11. HCOInstallationIncomplete

14.14.12. HPPNotReady

14.14.13. HPPOperatorDown

14.14.14. HPPSharingPoolPathWithOS

14.14.15. KubemacpoolDown

14.14.16. KubeMacPoolDuplicateMacsFound

14.14.17. KubeVirtComponentExceedsRequestedCPU

  • The KubeVirtComponentExceedsRequestedCPU alert is deprecated.

14.14.18. KubeVirtComponentExceedsRequestedMemory

  • The KubeVirtComponentExceedsRequestedMemory alert is deprecated.

14.14.19. KubeVirtCRModified

14.14.20. KubeVirtDeprecatedAPIRequested

14.14.21. KubeVirtNoAvailableNodesToRunVMs

14.14.22. KubevirtVmHighMemoryUsage

14.14.23. KubeVirtVMIExcessiveMigrations

14.14.24. LowKVMNodesCount

14.14.25. LowReadyVirtControllersCount

14.14.26. LowReadyVirtOperatorsCount

14.14.27. LowVirtAPICount

14.14.28. LowVirtControllersCount

14.14.29. LowVirtOperatorCount

14.14.30. NetworkAddonsConfigNotReady

14.14.31. NoLeadingVirtOperator

14.14.32. NoReadyVirtController

14.14.33. NoReadyVirtOperator

14.14.34. OrphanedVirtualMachineInstances

14.14.35. OutdatedVirtualMachineInstanceWorkloads

14.14.36. SingleStackIPv6Unsupported

14.14.37. SSPCommonTemplatesModificationReverted

14.14.38. SSPDown

14.14.39. SSPFailingToReconcile

14.14.40. SSPHighRateRejectedVms

14.14.41. SSPTemplateValidatorDown

14.14.42. UnsupportedHCOModification

14.14.43. VirtAPIDown

14.14.44. VirtApiRESTErrorsBurst

14.14.45. VirtApiRESTErrorsHigh

14.14.46. VirtControllerDown

14.14.47. VirtControllerRESTErrorsBurst

14.14.48. VirtControllerRESTErrorsHigh

14.14.49. VirtHandlerDaemonSetRolloutFailing

14.14.50. VirtHandlerRESTErrorsBurst

14.14.51. VirtHandlerRESTErrorsHigh

14.14.52. VirtOperatorDown

14.14.53. VirtOperatorRESTErrorsBurst

14.14.54. VirtOperatorRESTErrorsHigh

14.14.55. VirtualMachineCRCErrors

  • The runbook for the VirtualMachineCRCErrors alert is deprecated because the alert was renamed to VMStorageClassWarning.

14.14.56. VMCannotBeEvicted

14.14.57. VMStorageClassWarning

14.15. Collecting data for Red Hat Support

When you submit a support case to Red Hat Support, it is helpful to provide debugging information for OpenShift Container Platform and OpenShift Virtualization by using the following tools:

must-gather tool
The must-gather tool collects diagnostic information, including resource definitions and service logs.
Prometheus is a time-series database and a rule evaluation engine for metrics. Prometheus sends alerts to Alertmanager for processing.
The Alertmanager service handles alerts received from Prometheus. The Alertmanager is also responsible for sending the alerts to external notification systems.

14.15.1. Collecting data about your environment

Collecting data about your environment minimizes the time required to analyze and determine the root cause.


  • Set the retention time for Prometheus metrics data to a minimum of seven days.
  • Configure the Alertmanager to capture relevant alerts and to send them to a dedicated mailbox so that they can be viewed and persisted outside the cluster.
  • Record the exact number of affected nodes and virtual machines.


  1. Collect must-gather data for the cluster by using the default must-gather image.
  2. Collect must-gather data for Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation, if necessary.
  3. Collect must-gather data for OpenShift Virtualization by using the OpenShift Virtualization must-gather image.
  4. Collect Prometheus metrics for the cluster. Additional resources

14.15.2. Collecting data about virtual machines

Collecting data about malfunctioning virtual machines (VMs) minimizes the time required to analyze and determine the root cause.


  • Windows VMs:

    • Record the Windows patch update details for Red Hat Support.
    • Install the latest version of the VirtIO drivers. The VirtIO drivers include the QEMU guest agent.
    • If Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is enabled, try to connect to the VMs with RDP to determine whether there is a problem with the connection software.


  1. Collect detailed must-gather data about the malfunctioning VMs.
  2. Collect screenshots of VMs that have crashed before you restart them.
  3. Record factors that the malfunctioning VMs have in common. For example, the VMs have the same host or network. Additional resources

14.15.3. Using the must-gather tool for OpenShift Virtualization

You can collect data about OpenShift Virtualization resources by running the must-gather command with the OpenShift Virtualization image.

The default data collection includes information about the following resources:

  • OpenShift Virtualization Operator namespaces, including child objects
  • OpenShift Virtualization custom resource definitions
  • Namespaces that contain virtual machines
  • Basic virtual machine definitions


  • Run the following command to collect data about OpenShift Virtualization:

    $ oc adm must-gather --image-stream=openshift/must-gather \ must-gather tool options

You can specify a combination of scripts and environment variables for the following options:

  • Collecting detailed virtual machine (VM) information from a namespace
  • Collecting detailed information about specified VMs
  • Collecting image, image-stream, and image-stream-tags information
  • Limiting the maximum number of parallel processes used by the must-gather tool Parameters

Environment variables

You can specify environment variables for a compatible script.

Collect virtual machine information, including virt-launcher pod details, from the namespace that you specify. The VirtualMachine and VirtualMachineInstance CR data is collected for all namespaces.
Collect details about a particular virtual machine. To use this option, you must also specify a namespace by using the NS environment variable.

Modify the maximum number of parallel processes that the must-gather tool uses. The default value is 5.


Using too many parallel processes can cause performance issues. Increasing the maximum number of parallel processes is not recommended.


Each script is compatible only with certain environment variable combinations.

Use the default must-gather script, which collects cluster data from all namespaces and includes only basic VM information. This script is compatible only with the PROS variable.
/usr/bin/gather --vms_details
Collect VM log files, VM definitions, control-plane logs, and namespaces that belong to OpenShift Virtualization resources. Specifying namespaces includes their child objects. If you use this parameter without specifying a namespace or VM, the must-gather tool collects this data for all VMs in the cluster. This script is compatible with all environment variables, but you must specify a namespace if you use the VM variable.
/usr/bin/gather --images
Collect image, image-stream, and image-stream-tags custom resource information. This script is compatible only with the PROS variable. Usage and examples

Environment variables are optional. You can run a script by itself or with one or more compatible environment variables.

Table 14.1. Compatible parameters
ScriptCompatible environment variable


  • PROS=<number_of_processes>

/usr/bin/gather --vms_details

  • For a namespace: NS=<namespace_name>
  • For a VM: VM=<vm_name> NS=<namespace_name>
  • PROS=<number_of_processes>

/usr/bin/gather --images

  • PROS=<number_of_processes>


$ oc adm must-gather \ \
  -- <environment_variable_1> <environment_variable_2> <script_name>

Default data collection parallel processes

By default, five processes run in parallel.

$ oc adm must-gather \ \
  -- PROS=5 /usr/bin/gather 1
You can modify the number of parallel processes by changing the default.

Detailed VM information

The following command collects detailed VM information for the my-vm VM in the mynamespace namespace:

$ oc adm must-gather \ \
  -- NS=mynamespace VM=my-vm /usr/bin/gather --vms_details 1
The NS environment variable is mandatory if you use the VM environment variable.

Image, image-stream, and image-stream-tags information

The following command collects image, image-stream, and image-stream-tags information from the cluster:

$ oc adm must-gather \ \
  -- /usr/bin/gather --images Additional resources

Chapter 15. Backup and restore

15.1. Installing and configuring OADP

As a cluster administrator, you install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) by installing the OADP Operator. The Operator installs Velero 1.12.

You create a default Secret for your backup storage provider and then you install the Data Protection Application.

15.1.1. Installing the OADP Operator

You install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator on OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 by using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

The OADP Operator installs Velero 1.12.


  • You must be logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click OperatorsOperatorHub.
  2. Use the Filter by keyword field to find the OADP Operator.
  3. Select the OADP Operator and click Install.
  4. Click Install to install the Operator in the openshift-adp project.
  5. Click OperatorsInstalled Operators to verify the installation.

15.1.2. About backup and snapshot locations and their secrets

You specify backup and snapshot locations and their secrets in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).

Backup locations

You specify AWS S3-compatible object storage as a backup location, such as Multicloud Object Gateway; Ceph RADOS Gateway, also known as Ceph Object Gateway; or MinIO.

Velero backs up OpenShift Container Platform resources, Kubernetes objects, and internal images as an archive file on object storage.

Snapshot locations

If you use your cloud provider’s native snapshot API to back up persistent volumes, you must specify the cloud provider as the snapshot location.

If you use Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because you will create a VolumeSnapshotClass CR to register the CSI driver.

If you use Restic, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because Restic backs up the file system on object storage.


If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location, you create a default Secret.

If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you create two secret objects:

  • Custom Secret for the backup location, which you specify in the DataProtectionApplication CR.
  • Default Secret for the snapshot location, which is not referenced in the DataProtectionApplication CR.

The Data Protection Application requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail.

If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. Creating a default Secret

You create a default Secret if your backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location.


The DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail. If the name of the backup location Secret is not specified, the default name is used.

If you do not want to use the backup location credentials during the installation, you can create a Secret with the default name by using an empty credentials-velero file.


  • Your object storage and cloud storage, if any, must use the same credentials.
  • You must configure object storage for Velero.
  • You must create a credentials-velero file for the object storage in the appropriate format.


  • Create a Secret with the default name:

    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero

The Secret is referenced in the spec.backupLocations.credential block of the DataProtectionApplication CR when you install the Data Protection Application.

15.1.3. Configuring the Data Protection Application

You can configure the Data Protection Application by setting Velero resource allocations or enabling self-signed CA certificates. Setting Velero CPU and memory resource allocations

You set the CPU and memory resource allocations for the Velero pod by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the values in the spec.configuration.velero.podConfig.ResourceAllocations block of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest, as in the following example:

    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
            nodeSelector: <node_selector> 1
            resourceAllocations: 2
                cpu: "1"
                memory: 1024Mi
                cpu: 200m
                memory: 256Mi
    Specify the node selector to be supplied to Velero podSpec.
    The resourceAllocations listed are for average usage. Enabling self-signed CA certificates

You must enable a self-signed CA certificate for object storage by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest to prevent a certificate signed by unknown authority error.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the spec.backupLocations.velero.objectStorage.caCert parameter and spec.backupLocations.velero.config parameters of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest:

    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
        - name: default
            provider: aws
            default: true
              bucket: <bucket>
              prefix: <prefix>
              caCert: <base64_encoded_cert_string> 1
              insecureSkipTLSVerify: "false" 2
    Specify the Base64-encoded CA certificate string.
    The insecureSkipTLSVerify configuration can be set to either "true" or "false". If set to "true", SSL/TLS security is disabled. If set to "false", SSL/TLS security is enabled.

15.1.4. Installing the Data Protection Application

You install the Data Protection Application (DPA) by creating an instance of the DataProtectionApplication API.


  • You must install the OADP Operator.
  • You must configure object storage as a backup location.
  • If you use snapshots to back up PVs, your cloud provider must support either a native snapshot API or Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials, you must create a Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you must create two Secrets:

    • Secret with a custom name for the backup location. You add this Secret to the DataProtectionApplication CR.
    • Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials, for the snapshot location. This Secret is not referenced in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


      If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. If there is no default Secret, the installation will fail.


      Velero creates a secret named velero-repo-credentials in the OADP namespace, which contains a default backup repository password. You can update the secret with your own password encoded as base64 before you run your first backup targeted to the backup repository. The value of the key to update is Data[repository-password].

      After you create your DPA, the first time that you run a backup targeted to the backup repository, Velero creates a backup repository whose secret is velero-repo-credentials, which contains either the default password or the one you replaced it with. If you update the secret password after the first backup, the new password will not match the password in velero-repo-credentials, and therefore, Velero will not be able to connect with the older backups.


  1. Click OperatorsInstalled Operators and select the OADP Operator.
  2. Under Provided APIs, click Create instance in the DataProtectionApplication box.
  3. Click YAML View and update the parameters of the DataProtectionApplication manifest:

    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
      namespace: openshift-adp
            - kubevirt 1
            - gcp 2
            - csi 3
            - openshift 4
          resourceTimeout: 10m 5
          enable: true 6
            nodeSelector: <node_selector> 7
        - velero:
            provider: gcp 8
            default: true
              key: cloud
              name: <default_secret> 9
              bucket: <bucket_name> 10
              prefix: <prefix> 11
    The kubevirt plugin is mandatory for OpenShift Virtualization.
    Specify the plugin for the backup provider, for example, gcp, if it exists.
    The csi plugin is mandatory for backing up PVs with CSI snapshots. The csi plugin uses the Velero CSI beta snapshot APIs. You do not need to configure a snapshot location.
    The openshift plugin is mandatory.
    Specify how many minutes to wait for several Velero resources before timeout occurs, such as Velero CRD availability, volumeSnapshot deletion, and backup repository availability. The default is 10m.
    Set this value to false if you want to disable the Restic installation. Restic deploys a daemon set, which means that Restic pods run on each working node. In OADP version 1.2 and later, you can configure Restic for backups by adding spec.defaultVolumesToFsBackup: true to the Backup CR. In OADP version 1.1, add spec.defaultVolumesToRestic: true to the Backup CR.
    Specify on which nodes Restic is available. By default, Restic runs on all nodes.
    Specify the backup provider.
    Specify the correct default name for the Secret, for example, cloud-credentials-gcp, if you use a default plugin for the backup provider. If specifying a custom name, then the custom name is used for the backup location. If you do not specify a Secret name, the default name is used.
    Specify a bucket as the backup storage location. If the bucket is not a dedicated bucket for Velero backups, you must specify a prefix.
    Specify a prefix for Velero backups, for example, velero, if the bucket is used for multiple purposes.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Verify the installation by viewing the OADP resources:

    $ oc get all -n openshift-adp

    Example output

    NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47-6l8z8    2/2     Running   0          2m8s
    pod/restic-9cq4q                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-m4lts                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-pv4kr                                         1/1     Running   0          95s
    pod/velero-588db7f655-n842v                              1/1     Running   0          95s
    NAME                                                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    service/oadp-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service   ClusterIP    <none>        8443/TCP   2m8s
    daemonset.apps/restic   3         3         3       3            3           <none>          96s
    NAME                                                READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager    1/1     1            1           2m9s
    deployment.apps/velero                              1/1     1            1           96s
    NAME                                                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47    1         1         1       2m9s
    replicaset.apps/velero-588db7f655                              1         1         1       96s Enabling CSI in the DataProtectionApplication CR

You enable the Container Storage Interface (CSI) in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) in order to back up persistent volumes with CSI snapshots.


  • The cloud provider must support CSI snapshots.


  • Edit the DataProtectionApplication CR, as in the following example:

    kind: DataProtectionApplication
          - openshift
          - csi 1
    Add the csi default plugin.

15.1.5. Uninstalling OADP

You uninstall the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) by deleting the OADP Operator. See Deleting Operators from a cluster for details.

15.2. Backing up and restoring virtual machines


OADP for OpenShift Virtualization is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

You back up and restore virtual machines by using the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP).


  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. Install the OADP Operator according to the instructions for your storage provider.
  2. Install the Data Protection Application with the kubevirt and openshift plugins.
  3. Back up virtual machines by creating a Backup custom resource (CR).
  4. Restore the Backup CR by creating a Restore CR.

15.2.1. Additional resources

15.3. Backing up virtual machines


OADP for OpenShift Virtualization is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

You back up virtual machines (VMs) by creating an OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Backup custom resource (CR).

The Backup CR performs the following actions:


OADP provides backup hooks to freeze the VM file system before the backup operation and unfreeze it when the backup is complete.

The kubevirt-controller creates the virt-launcher pods with annotations that enable Velero to run the virt-freezer binary before and after the backup operation.

The freeze and unfreeze APIs are subresources of the VM snapshot API. See About virtual machine snapshots for details.

You can add hooks to the Backup CR to run commands on specific VMs before or after the backup operation.

You schedule a backup by creating a Schedule CR instead of a Backup CR.

15.3.1. Creating a Backup CR

To back up Kubernetes resources, internal images, and persistent volumes (PVs), create a Backup custom resource (CR).


  • You must install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator.
  • The DataProtectionApplication CR must be in a Ready state.
  • Backup location prerequisites:

    • You must have S3 object storage configured for Velero.
    • You must have a backup location configured in the DataProtectionApplication CR.
  • Snapshot location prerequisites:

    • Your cloud provider must have a native snapshot API or support Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots.
    • For CSI snapshots, you must create a VolumeSnapshotClass CR to register the CSI driver.
    • You must have a volume location configured in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


  1. Retrieve the backupStorageLocations CRs by entering the following command:

    $ oc get backupStorageLocations -n openshift-adp

    Example output

    openshift-adp   velero-sample-1   Available   11s              31m

  2. Create a Backup CR, as in the following example:

    kind: Backup
      name: <backup>
      labels: default
      namespace: openshift-adp
      hooks: {}
      - <namespace> 1
      includedResources: [] 2
      excludedResources: [] 3
      storageLocation: <velero-sample-1> 4
      ttl: 720h0m0s
      labelSelector: 5
      orLabelSelectors: 6
      - matchLabels:
    Specify an array of namespaces to back up.
    Optional: Specify an array of resources to include in the backup. Resources might be shortcuts (for example, 'po' for 'pods') or fully-qualified. If unspecified, all resources are included.
    Optional: Specify an array of resources to exclude from the backup. Resources might be shortcuts (for example, 'po' for 'pods') or fully-qualified.
    Specify the name of the backupStorageLocations CR.
    Map of {key,value} pairs of backup resources that have all of the specified labels.
    Map of {key,value} pairs of backup resources that have one or more of the specified labels.
  3. Verify that the status of the Backup CR is Completed:

    $ oc get backup -n openshift-adp <backup> -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}' Backing up persistent volumes with CSI snapshots

You back up persistent volumes with Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots by editing the VolumeSnapshotClass custom resource (CR) of the cloud storage before you create the Backup CR.


  • The cloud provider must support CSI snapshots.
  • You must enable CSI in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


  • Add the "true" key-value pair to the VolumeSnapshotClass CR:

    kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
      name: <volume_snapshot_class_name>
      labels: "true"
    driver: <csi_driver>
    deletionPolicy: Retain

You can now create a Backup CR. Backing up applications with Restic

You back up Kubernetes resources, internal images, and persistent volumes with Restic by editing the Backup custom resource (CR).

You do not need to specify a snapshot location in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


Restic does not support backing up hostPath volumes. For more information, see additional Restic limitations.


  • You must install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator.
  • You must not disable the default Restic installation by setting spec.configuration.restic.enable to false in the DataProtectionApplication CR.
  • The DataProtectionApplication CR must be in a Ready state.


  • Edit the Backup CR, as in the following example:

    kind: Backup
      name: <backup>
      labels: default
      namespace: openshift-adp
      defaultVolumesToFsBackup: true 1
    In OADP version 1.2 and later, add the defaultVolumesToFsBackup: true setting within the spec block. In OADP version 1.1, add defaultVolumesToRestic: true. Creating backup hooks

You create backup hooks to run commands in a container in a pod by editing the Backup custom resource (CR).

Pre hooks run before the pod is backed up. Post hooks run after the backup.


  • Add a hook to the spec.hooks block of the Backup CR, as in the following example:

    kind: Backup
      name: <backup>
      namespace: openshift-adp
          - name: <hook_name>
            - <namespace> 1
            excludedNamespaces: 2
            - <namespace>
            includedResources: []
            - pods 3
            excludedResources: [] 4
            labelSelector: 5
                app: velero
                component: server
            pre: 6
              - exec:
                  container: <container> 7
                  - /bin/uname 8
                  - -a
                  onError: Fail 9
                  timeout: 30s 10
            post: 11
    Optional: You can specify namespaces to which the hook applies. If this value is not specified, the hook applies to all namespaces.
    Optional: You can specify namespaces to which the hook does not apply.
    Currently, pods are the only supported resource that hooks can apply to.
    Optional: You can specify resources to which the hook does not apply.
    Optional: This hook only applies to objects matching the label. If this value is not specified, the hook applies to all namespaces.
    Array of hooks to run before the backup.
    Optional: If the container is not specified, the command runs in the first container in the pod.
    This is the entrypoint for the init container being added.
    Allowed values for error handling are Fail and Continue. The default is Fail.
    Optional: How long to wait for the commands to run. The default is 30s.
    This block defines an array of hooks to run after the backup, with the same parameters as the pre-backup hooks.

15.3.2. Additional resources

15.4. Restoring virtual machines

You restore an OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Backup custom resource (CR) by creating a Restore CR.

You can add hooks to the Restore CR to run commands in init containers, before the application container starts, or in the application container itself.

15.4.1. Creating a Restore CR

You restore a Backup custom resource (CR) by creating a Restore CR.


  • You must install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator.
  • The DataProtectionApplication CR must be in a Ready state.
  • You must have a Velero Backup CR.
  • The persistent volume (PV) capacity must match the requested size at backup time. Adjust the requested size if needed.


  1. Create a Restore CR, as in the following example:

    kind: Restore
      name: <restore>
      namespace: openshift-adp
      backupName: <backup> 1
      includedResources: [] 2
      - nodes
      - events
      restorePVs: true 3
    Name of the Backup CR.
    Optional: Specify an array of resources to include in the restore process. Resources might be shortcuts (for example, po for pods) or fully-qualified. If unspecified, all resources are included.
    Optional: The restorePVs parameter can be set to false to turn off restore of PersistentVolumes from VolumeSnapshot of Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots or from native snapshots when VolumeSnapshotLocation is configured.
  2. Verify that the status of the Restore CR is Completed by entering the following command:

    $ oc get restore -n openshift-adp <restore> -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}'
  3. Verify that the backup resources have been restored by entering the following command:

    $ oc get all -n <namespace> 1
    Namespace that you backed up.
  4. If you use Restic to restore DeploymentConfig objects or if you use post-restore hooks, run the cleanup script by entering the following command:

    $ bash <restore-name>

    During the restore process, the OADP Velero plug-ins scale down the DeploymentConfig objects and restore the pods as standalone pods. This is done to prevent the cluster from deleting the restored DeploymentConfig pods immediately on restore and to allow Restic and post-restore hooks to complete their actions on the restored pods. The cleanup script shown below removes these disconnected pods and scales any DeploymentConfig objects back up to the appropriate number of replicas.

    Example 15.1. cleanup script

    set -e
    # if sha256sum exists, use it to check the integrity of the file
    if command -v sha256sum >/dev/null 2>&1; then
      CHECKSUM_CMD="shasum -a 256"
    label_name () {
        if [ "${#1}" -le "63" ]; then
    	echo $1
        sha=$(echo -n $1|$CHECKSUM_CMD)
        echo "${1:0:57}${sha:0:6}"
    if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
        echo "usage: ${BASH_SOURCE} restore-name"
        exit 1
    echo using OADP Namespace $OADP_NAMESPACE
    echo restore: $1
    label=$(label_name $1)
    echo label: $label
    echo Deleting disconnected restore pods
    oc delete pods -l$label
    for dc in $(oc get dc --all-namespaces -l$label -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}{","}{}{","}{.metadata.annotations.oadp\.openshift\.io/original-replicas}{","}{.metadata.annotations.oadp\.openshift\.io/original-paused}{"\n"}')
        IFS=',' read -ra dc_arr <<< "$dc"
        if [ ${#dc_arr[0]} -gt 0 ]; then
    	echo Found deployment ${dc_arr[0]}/${dc_arr[1]}, setting replicas: ${dc_arr[2]}, paused: ${dc_arr[3]}
    	cat <<EOF | oc patch dc  -n ${dc_arr[0]} ${dc_arr[1]} --patch-file /dev/stdin
      replicas: ${dc_arr[2]}
      paused: ${dc_arr[3]}
    done Creating restore hooks

You create restore hooks to run commands in a container in a pod by editing the Restore custom resource (CR).

You can create two types of restore hooks:

  • An init hook adds an init container to a pod to perform setup tasks before the application container starts.

    If you restore a Restic backup, the restic-wait init container is added before the restore hook init container.

  • An exec hook runs commands or scripts in a container of a restored pod.


  • Add a hook to the spec.hooks block of the Restore CR, as in the following example:

    kind: Restore
      name: <restore>
      namespace: openshift-adp
          - name: <hook_name>
            - <namespace> 1
            - <namespace>
            - pods 2
            excludedResources: []
            labelSelector: 3
                app: velero
                component: server
            - init:
                - name: restore-hook-init
                  image: alpine:latest
                  - mountPath: /restores/pvc1-vm
                    name: pvc1-vm
                  - /bin/ash
                  - -c
                timeout: 4
            - exec:
                container: <container> 5
                - /bin/bash 6
                - -c
                - "psql < /backup/backup.sql"
                waitTimeout: 5m 7
                execTimeout: 1m 8
                onError: Continue 9
    Optional: Array of namespaces to which the hook applies. If this value is not specified, the hook applies to all namespaces.
    Currently, pods are the only supported resource that hooks can apply to.
    Optional: This hook only applies to objects matching the label selector.
    Optional: Timeout specifies the maximum length of time Velero waits for initContainers to complete.
    Optional: If the container is not specified, the command runs in the first container in the pod.
    This is the entrypoint for the init container being added.
    Optional: How long to wait for a container to become ready. This should be long enough for the container to start and for any preceding hooks in the same container to complete. If not set, the restore process waits indefinitely.
    Optional: How long to wait for the commands to run. The default is 30s.
    Allowed values for error handling are Fail and Continue:
    • Continue: Only command failures are logged.
    • Fail: No more restore hooks run in any container in any pod. The status of the Restore CR will be PartiallyFailed.

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