Red Hat AMQ 6
As of February 2025, Red Hat is no longer supporting Red Hat AMQ 6. If you are using AMQ 6, please upgrade: Migrating to AMQ 7.Index
- broker networks
- master/slave, Configuring the connection to a master/slave group
- broker properties
- rebalanceClusterClients, Broker-side configuration
- updateClusterClients, Broker-side configuration
- updateClusterClientsOnRemove, Broker-side configuration
- updateClusterFilter, Broker-side configuration
- discovery agent
- Fuse Fabric, Fuse Fabric Discovery Agent
- multicast, Multicast Discovery Agent
- static, Static Discovery Agent
- zeroconf, Zeroconf Discovery Agent
- discovery protocol
- backOffMultiplier, Transport options
- initialReconnectDelay, Transport options
- maxReconnectAttempts, Transport options
- maxReconnectDelay, Transport options
- URI, URI syntax
- useExponentialBackOff, Transport options
- discovery URI, URI syntax
- discovery:, URI syntax
- discoveryUri, Configuring a broker, Configuring a broker
- dynamic failover, Dynamic Failover
- broker configuration, Broker-side configuration
- client configuration, Client-side configuration
- fabric://, URI
- failover, Failover Protocol
- backOffMultiplier, Transport options
- backup, Transport options
- broker properties, Broker-side configuration
- dynamic, Dynamic Failover
- initialReconnectDelay, Transport options
- maxCacheSize, Transport options
- maxReconnectAttempts, Transport options
- maxReconnectDelay, Transport options
- randomize, Transport options
- startupMaxReconnectAttempts, Transport options
- static, Static Failover
- timeout, Transport options
- trackMessages, Transport options
- updateURIsSupported, Transport options
- updateURIsURL, Transport options
- useExponentialBackOff, Transport options
- failover URI, Failover URI
- transport options, Transport options
- failover://, Failover URI
- Fuse Fabric discovery agent
- jdbcPersistenceAdapter, Configuring the brokers
- master broker
- reintroduction
- shared file system, Reintroducing a failed node
- shared JDBC, Reintroducing a failed node
- master/slave
- broker networks, Configuring the connection to a master/slave group
- network of brokers, Configuring the connection to a master/slave group
- masterslave, Configuring the connection to a master/slave group
- multicast discovery agent
- broker configuration, Configuring a broker
- multicast://, URI
- network of brokers
- master/slave, Configuring the connection to a master/slave group
- NFSv3, File locking requirements
- NFSv4, File locking requirements
- OCFS2, File locking requirements
- persistenceAdapter, Configuring the brokers, Configuring the brokers
- shared file system master/slave
- advantages, Overview
- broker configuration, Configuring the brokers, Configuring the brokers
- client configuration, Configuring the clients
- disadvantages, Overview
- incompatible SANs, File locking requirements
- initial state, Initial state
- master failure, State after failure of the master
- NFSv3, File locking requirements
- NFSv4, File locking requirements
- OCFS2, File locking requirements
- recovery strategies, State after failure of the master
- reintroducing a node, Reintroducing a failed node
- shared JDBC master/slave
- advantages, Overview
- client configuration, Configuring the clients
- disadvantages, Overview
- initial state, Initial state
- master failure, After failure of the master
- recovery strategies, After failure of the master
- reintroducing a node, Reintroducing a failed node
- static discovery agent
- URI, Using the agent
- static failover, Static Failover
- static://, Using the agent
- transportConnector
- discoveryUri, Configuring a broker, Configuring a broker
- zeroconf discovery agent
- broker configuration, Configuring a broker
- zeroconf://, URI