Red Hat AMQ 6
As of February 2025, Red Hat is no longer supporting Red Hat AMQ 6. If you are using AMQ 6, please upgrade: Migrating to AMQ 7.3.3. Fuse Fabric
Table 3.3, “Fuse Fabric Issues Resolved in 6.1” lists the issues resolved in version 6.1.
Issue Number | Description |
FABRIC-16 | Fabric camel endpoint cannot be reconnected to zookeeper node after an update of the bundle (session is expired) |
FABRIC-26 | java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:; |
FABRIC-27 | Camel route cannot retrieve reference of a DOSGI service - waiting for dependencies |
FABRIC-138 | Zookeeper connection loss handling |
FABRIC-298 | Tar command not available on Solaris |
FABRIC-352 | The installation path for a remote ssh container is ignored |
FABRIC-363 | Version create and update does not properly propagate entries in the registry. |
FABRIC-365 | Modifying the ensemble will not work if the version of the containers has changed. |
FABRIC-371 | Fabric default profile lock status change causes fabric to show locked and true as parents and these cannot be removed. |
FABRIC-397 | Unable to provision FAB on remote fabric container |
FABRIC-398 | Features Repository not able to be resolved |
FABRIC-426 | CR1: Branding is not propagated to child containers |
FABRIC-431 | Creating child container with id starting with -- due mistyped command |
FABRIC-432 | fabric-zookeeper-spring bundle should just exports the package of "org.fusesource.fabric.zookeeper.spring" |
FABRIC-441 | Unable to start remote ssh container in JBoss Fuse 6.0 unless telnet is installed |
FABRIC-448 | fabric:export not exporting all profiles |
FABRIC-461 | features:listrepositories command fails with null pointer exception on Fabric Managed container. |
FABRIC-462 | profile-edit command does not respect the default version. |
FABRIC-466 | camel-fabric - Routing to non existing fabric name discards message - should throw exception instead |
FABRIC-467 | Using the Java Service Wrapper with the root fabric container appears to prevent child containers from creating a log |
FABRIC-474 | Zookeeper session leak causing system to be unusable |
FABRIC-476 | container-create-ssh command hangs w/ Windows, Kerberos authentication and versions of sshd-core > 0.6 |
FABRIC-477 | In some edge cases profiles are getting lost |
FABRIC-480 | Fabric ensemble-password command mentions non-existent command ensemble-create in it's help which should be removed. |
FABRIC-481 | Profile delete, will only delete the profile, but will not remove it from any container it has been assigned |
FABRIC-485 | a-mq disto repeatedly logging ZK connection errors but is not part of a Fabric cluster. |
FABRIC-486 | [a-mq distro] Exceptions during 'fabric:create -p fmc' |
FABRIC-487 | inconsistent fabric:container-create-child behaviour |
FABRIC-488 | Seeing repeated 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: Committed' errors after running 'fabric:create -p fmc' in the 'a-mq'distro |
FABRIC-489 | Can not change the Jetty port with fabric (activemq web console displays 404) |
FABRIC-490 | Creating remote containers may hung forever |
FABRIC-492 | Fabric only installs the latest version of a feature |
FABRIC-493 | Fabric will hung of a long time if it tries to update core parts of itself |
FABRIC-497 | fabric:profile-refresh does not work as expected. |
FABRIC-503 | ClassCastException: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader cannot be cast to org.osgi.framework.BundleReference |
FABRIC-531 | Fabric cloud firewall management is broken |
FABRIC-532 | Provide a way to distinguish between out-of-the-box profiles and user created profiles |
FABRIC-539 | PaxExam based fabric tests don't write meaningful karaf.log |
FABRIC-545 | profile-edit --import-pid should ignore file.install.filename property |
FABRIC-548 | Uploading artifacts to the fabric maven proxy is broken |
FABRIC-550 | Fabric DOSGi is broken |
FABRIC-551 | Unable to provision container using a single profile when using the warref protocol |
FABRIC-552 | adding a "--force" option to the start/stop container command in case mismatch between JVM lifecycle and container lifecyle |
FABRIC-555 | Messaging crashes VM by creating large number of threads |
FABRIC-559 | CreationStateListener is ignore in all container options classes. |
FABRIC-561 | can't start fabric-core-agent-ssh bundle due to miss OSGi service org.fusesource.fabric.api.FabricService |
FABRIC-564 | Webapp and Servlet registered URLs should respect resolver changes. |
FABRIC-565 | The Zookeeper Login Module should not be activate if fabric is not ready. |
FABRIC-566 | Shell is restarted after fabric:create and also installing some features |
FABRIC-567 | Can't create fabric on AIX7 server |
FABRIC-568 | profile "karaf" binds jolokia to 8080 port |
FABRIC-569 | Fuse Fabric silently drops DOSGi messages |
FABRIC-570 | Align zookeeper acls with curator |
FABRIC-572 | Some profiles fail to provision; eg example-camel-fabric |
FABRIC-573 | Fabric allows for a remote root container to be deleted even if child containers exist |
FABRIC-575 | fabric:profile-refresh causes NumberFormatException when connecting using a repo url that has username/password encoded. |
FABRIC-576 | JMX domains don't seem to be updated after a container is created |
FABRIC-577 | Container.isEnsembleServer() also returns true for containers that aren't running a zookeeper server |
FABRIC-579 | Unable to start remote child containers after the remote root container has been patched |
FABRIC-580 | Can't delete configuration files via the fabric API |
FABRIC-581 | Can't change a profile's parents |
FABRIC-583 | FuseMQ status is incorrectly reporting that MQ is running |
FABRIC-585 | NPE when importing properties into Fabric using --properties flag |
FABRIC-587 | Problem using the the profile:edit command and built in fabric editor |
FABRIC-588 | Using fabric:ensemble-add (or ensemble-add) and removing is not always working |
FABRIC-591 | fabric:create command does not validate the --profile option |
FABRIC-593 | Provisioning a profile stalls at "Installing" state forever |
FABRIC-594 | Camel Crypto Jars in Fabric |
FABRIC-595 | Restore the separation of 'all' and 'release' profiles |
FABRIC-598 | Re-deployment of jboss-fuse-full leads to OOM: Permgen |
FABRIC-602 | Location of broker configuration not updated when creating a new profile version in Fabric |
FABRIC-603 | profile-display output doesn't show all of the files |
FABRIC-604 | SCR 1.8.0.redhat-610117 does not make its sources available |
FABRIC-605 | fabric:create --clean is broken |
FABRIC-607 | Zookeeper session leak causing system to be unusable (6.0 and 7.1 fix) |
FABRIC-609 | Deadlock on OpenShift while accessing git |
FABRIC-610 | Pax web does not start on managed containers on openshift |
FABRIC-613 | No space left on device |
FABRIC-618 | Fabric smoke tests create large nexus-maven-repository-index files in /tmp |
FABRIC-626 | Calls to datastore setConfigurations will delete non property file configurations |
FABRIC-627 | fabric:container-create-child no longer prompts for jmx credentials if there is an auth failure. |
FABRIC-631 | fuse-deploy job may deploy invalid artefacts |
FABRIC-632 | Cannot download scriptengines-jruby |
FABRIC-633 | fabric:create takes long time - approximately 3-4 min |
FABRIC-634 | getProfileFeatures() JMX API blocking indefinitely |
FABRIC-635 | Build contains diverging versions of org.apache.felix.utils |
FABRIC-650 | GitDataStore timing issues |
FABRIC-651 | Remove JBoss A-MQ Fabric stuff from the default build |
FABRIC-656 | profile-edit command doesn't properly support deleting pids and pid keys. |
FABRIC-659 | Git DataStore sends more change notifications than it actually needs to. |
FABRIC-693 | Component activation may expect Map<String, String> but gets Map<String, ?> |
FABRIC-694 | Revisit ZooKeeperBootstrap handling |
FABRIC-695 | Git server may fail to start due to scr issues. |
FABRIC-696 | ZooKeeperGroup may leave behind zk entries completely breaking master election |
FABRIC-697 | Adding containers to enselmble second time after removing it from ensemble is broken |
FABRIC-699 | Http calls inside openshift get redirected to https or even to a different host |
FABRIC-711 | fabric:cluster-list completer is not really helpful |
FABRIC-713 | Cannot build fabric-openshift due to missing openshift-java-client |
FABRIC-714 | Fuse ESB does not build with clean repository |
FABRIC-744 | Can't access the git servlet |
FABRIC-749 | NoSuchMethodError: |
FABRIC-751 | TreeCache error when creating a container, unable to create any more containers afterwards |
FABRIC-754 | Can't create child container via JMX |
FABRIC-755 | Cannot provision child container reliably |
FABRIC-767 | Comments are removed from fabric property files when a feature is added to the profile |
FABRIC-772 | Restructure smoke tests to cover functional minimum |
FABRIC-782 | Newly created apps in OpenShift don't connect to the fabric |
FABRIC-785 | Occasionally not all blueprints installed from profile |
FABRIC-787 | Logging out fuse-fabric - io.fabric8.api.scr.InvalidComponentException |
FABRIC-790 | Provisioning failure when using profile:xxx references |
FABRIC-792 | Regression on handling of missing profiles |
FABRIC-793 | JBoss Fuse fails to build/run on jdk6 |
FABRIC-794 | (fabric:create -n) fabric is not exposing service URL visible in cluster-list |
FABRIC-795 | java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in normalizePropertyName |
FABRIC-802 | Erratic behaviour of the management console after creation in OpenShift |
FABRIC-803 | Custom Repository configuration not picked up |
FABRIC-804 | JMX user/password entered when creating new container has no effect |
FABRIC-810 | Error starting container after creating it |
FABRIC-811 | Delete container is a bit too easy |
FABRIC-814 | PaxExam may run test before support bundles are installed |
FABRIC-815 | Build fails because of missing hawtio-git-1.2-M-redhat-319 |
FABRIC-816 | Import with verbose output doesn't work |
FABRIC-821 | perfectus build doesn't deploy quickstarts builds to nexus by default |
FABRIC-822 | Cannot create child container repeatedly |
FABRIC-823 | CreateEnsembleOptions do not support --clean option |
FABRIC-824 | Default runtime properties not thread safe |
FABRIC-825 | Invalid usage of ServiceProxy in test support classes |
FABRIC-826 | Boot commands do not have abstract component semantics |
FABRIC-848 | Invalid child container builder API |
FABRIC-852 | Can't create fabric on windows server 2012 R2 |
FABRIC-858 | Fabric container - Can neither start nor stop it - The container is rouge |
FABRIC-861 | version-delete returns a TODO, as does the fabric JMX API equivalent |
FABRIC-863 | Creating child containers does not allow correct pax-web port |
FABRIC-868 | Getting "No commit message" log statements when reverting a change in hawtio, even though a commit message is being set |
FABRIC-869 | Creating fuse on openshift online does not work |
FABRIC-870 | Fuse on OpenShift - Cannot stop containers |
FABRIC-875 | fabric:crypt-password-set won't set password |
FABRIC-876 | fabric:crypt-algorithm-set won't set algorithm |
FABRIC-877 | ServiceLocator leaks ServiceListener |
FABRIC-879 | Cannot connect to created ssh container with --ensemble-server option |
FABRIC-882 | Fuse cannot login user on openshift |
FABRIC-887 | Changing profile on container may cause fabric-git to fail and the container hangs in switching profile state |
FABRIC-888 | Login data not available on fabric auto create |
FABRIC-889 | Replace pom.version with project.version |
FABRIC-890 | Error creating fabric on latest code from master |
FABRIC-891 | Curator startup may fail with exception silently ignored |
FABRIC-894 | Fabric fails to create because Git repository already exists |
FABRIC-897 | Openshift Container Provider always points to the master branch of the cartridge |
FABRIC-899 | Copy profile does not copy all files - such as other resources |
FABRIC-907 | Boot commands do not respect RuntimeProperties |
FABRIC-909 | ManagedCuratorFramework doesn't properly check when restart is required |
FABRIC-928 | Inconsistency in DynamicReference |
FABRIC-935 | Placeholder Resolvers may not be available in time |
FABRIC-936 | Child container logs are not retained |
FABRIC-937 | fabric8-maven-plugin fails to build on jdk6 |
FABRIC-942 | Fabric container provison status is "downloading" in an env without internet access |
FABRIC-947 | Creating fabric in offline does not work |
FABRIC-948 | Unable to provision fabric container in a clean offline environment |
FABRIC-956 | Possible race when using fabric:join |
FABRIC-957 | build 366 doesn't seem to work any more on windows |
FABRIC-958 | Can't create Fabric on Windows (IPv6 issue) |
FABRIC-959 | Password encryption causes race and inconsistent data |
FABRIC-969 | fabric:version-delete command does not work |
FABRIC-984 | updates to profile files are no longer reflected in running containers |