Chapter 1. What's New
This section describes the main features and changes in version 6.1.
New features
The following list describes the main features in version 6.1:
- Full support for AMQP 1.0. Out-of-the-box wire-level compatibility across connections.NoteAMQP 1.0 is not a supported protocol for the JBoss A-MQ JCA connector (Apache ActiveMQ resource adapter, which is the plug-in for integrating JBoss A-MQ with the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform container). OpenWire is the only wire protocol supported by the JCA connector.
- Broker configuration modification no longer requires restarting the services.
- Improved high availability (HA). Embedded message store for shared-nothing HA configuration.
- Certification of the JBoss A-MQ resource adapater with JBoss EAP 6.
- Support for the MQTT 3.1.1 draft specification.
- Extensive connectors library. More than 200 out-of-the-box-connectors with Apache Camel and new connectors for Salesforce and SAP.
- New Fuse Management Console. Improved out-of-the-box management console based on the Web console. You can now start, stop, measure and trace Camel routes on-premise or in the cloud.
Technical preview features
The following features are provided on a technical preview basis and are not fully supported in version 6.1:
- Insight metrics for Kibana and ElasticSearch profiles
- Process manager (for more details see Fabric8 Process Containers)
- Fabric partition (for more details see Fabric8 Partitions)
- Gateway
- Replicated LevelDB store
- Java driver for LevelDB store on non-Linux or OS-X operating systems
- JMS Qpid client
- Hadoop integration
- Fabric8 Maven plug-in
- Fabric8 Git configuration (for more details see Fabric8 Git)
For details on what technical preview means, see
Deprecated features
The following features are deprecated from version 6.1:
- Fabric Application Bundle (FAB). You can package modules directly in OSGi bundles.
- Java Business Integration (JBI). You can configure JBI containers to use Camel routes.
- Normalized Message Route (NMR). You can configure bundle-to-bundle communication to use direct-vm Camel routes, or JMS message transport.
- ActiveMQ Web console. You can use the ActiveMQ tab on the Fuse Management Console instead.