
Deploying the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator on OpenShift Container Platform

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Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.4

Install and configure Ansible Automation Platform operator on OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat Customer Content Services


This guide provides procedures and reference information for the supported installation scenarios for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator on OpenShift Container Platform.


Thank you for your interest in Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. Ansible Automation Platform is a commercial offering that helps teams manage complex multi-tier deployments by adding control, knowledge, and delegation to Ansible-powered environments.

This guide helps you to understand the installation, migration and upgrade requirements for deploying the Ansible Automation Platform Operator on OpenShift Container Platform.

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Chapter 1. Planning your Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator installation on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is supported on both Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat Openshift.

OpenShift operators help install and automate day-2 operations of complex, distributed software on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. The Ansible Automation Platform Operator enables you to deploy and manage Ansible Automation Platform components on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

You can use this section to help plan your Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform installation on your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment. Before installing, review the supported installation scenarios to determine which meets your requirements.

1.1. About Ansible Automation Platform Operator

The Ansible Automation Platform Operator provides cloud-native, push-button deployment of new Ansible Automation Platform instances in your OpenShift environment. The Ansible Automation Platform Operator includes resource types to deploy and manage instances of Automation controller and private automation hub. It also includes automation controller job resources for defining and launching jobs inside your automation controller deployments.

Deploying Ansible Automation Platform instances with a Kubernetes native operator offers several advantages over launching instances from a playbook deployed on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, including upgrades and full lifecycle support for your Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform deployments.

You can install the Ansible Automation Platform Operator from the Red Hat Operators catalog in OperatorHub.

1.2. OpenShift Container Platform version compatibility

The Ansible Automation Platform Operator to install Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 is available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.9 and later versions.

Additional resources

1.3. Supported installation scenarios for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

You can use the OperatorHub on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console to install Ansible Automation Platform Operator.

Alternatively, you can install Ansible Automation Platform Operator from the OpenShift Container Platform command-line interface (CLI), oc.

Follow one of the workflows below to install the Ansible Automation Platform Operator and use it to install the components of Ansible Automation Platform that you require.

  • Automation controller custom resources first, then automation hub custom resources;
  • Automation hub custom resources first, then automation controller custom resources;
  • Automation controller custom resources;
  • Automation hub custom resources.

1.4. Custom resources

You can define custom resources for each primary installation workflows.

1.5. Additional resources

Chapter 2. Installing the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform



  1. Log in to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
  2. Navigate to OperatorsOperatorHub.
  3. Search for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator and click Install.
  4. Select an Update Channel:

    • stable-2.x: installs a namespace-scoped operator, which limits deployments of automation hub and automation controller instances to the namespace the operator is installed in. This is suitable for most cases. The stable-2.x channel does not require administrator privileges and utilizes fewer resources because it only monitors a single namespace.
    • stable-2.x-cluster-scoped: deploys automation hub and automation controller across multiple namespaces in the cluster and requires administrator privileges for all namespaces in the cluster.
  5. Select Installation Mode, Installed Namespace, and Approval Strategy.
  6. Click Install.

The installation process will begin. When installation is complete, a modal will appear notifying you that the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator is installed in the specified namespace.

  • Click View Operator to view your newly installed Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator.

Chapter 3. Installing and configuring automation controller on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console

You can use these instructions to install the automation controller operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, specify custom resources, and deploy Ansible Automation Platform with an external database.

Automation controller configuration can be done through the automation controller extra_settings or directly in the user interface after deployment. However, it is important to note that configurations made in extra_settings take precedence over settings made in the user interface.


When an instance of automation controller is removed, the associated PVCs are not automatically deleted. This can cause issues during migration if the new deployment has the same name as the previous one. Therefore, it is recommended that you manually remove old PVCs before deploying a new automation controller instance in the same namespace. See Finding and deleting PVCs for more information.

3.1. Prerequisites

  • You have installed the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform catalog in Operator Hub.
  • For Controller, a default StorageClass must be configured on the cluster for the operator to dynamically create needed PVCs. This is not necessary if an external PostgreSQL database is configured.
  • For Hub a StorageClass that supports ReadWriteMany must be available on the cluster to dynamically created the PVC needed for the content, redis and api pods. If it is not the default StorageClass on the cluster, you can specify it when creating your AutomationHub object.

3.2. Installing the automation controller operator

Use this procedure to install the automation controller operator.


  1. Navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators, then click on the Ansible Automation Platform operator.
  2. Locate the Automation controller tab, then click Create instance.

You can proceed with configuring the instance using either the Form View or YAML view.

3.2.1. Creating your automation controller form-view

Use this procedure to create your automation controller using the form-view.


  1. Ensure Form view is selected. It should be selected by default.
  2. Enter the name of the new controller.
  3. Optional: Add any labels necessary.
  4. Click Advanced configuration.
  5. Enter Hostname of the instance. The hostname is optional. The default hostname will be generated based upon the deployment name you have selected.
  6. Enter the Admin account username.
  7. Enter the Admin email address.
  8. Under the Admin password secret drop-down menu, select the secret.
  9. Under Database configuration secret drop-down menu, select the secret.
  10. Under Old Database configuration secret drop-down menu, select the secret.
  11. Under Secret key secret drop-down menu, select the secret.
  12. Under Broadcast Websocket Secret drop-down menu, select the secret.
  13. Enter any Service Account Annotations necessary.

3.2.2. Configuring your controller image pull policy

Use this procedure to configure the image pull policy on your automation controller.


  1. Under Image Pull Policy, click on the radio button to select

    • Always
    • Never
    • IfNotPresent
  2. To display the option under Image Pull Secrets, click the arrow.

    1. Click + beside Add Image Pull Secret and enter a value.
  3. To display fields under the Web container resource requirements drop-down list, click the arrow.

    1. Under Limits, and Requests, enter values for CPU cores, Memory, and Storage.
  4. To display fields under the Task container resource requirements drop-down list, click the arrow.

    1. Under Limits, and Requests, enter values for CPU cores, Memory, and Storage.
  5. To display fields under the EE Control Plane container resource requirements drop-down list, click the arrow.

    1. Under Limits, and Requests, enter values for CPU cores, Memory, and Storage.
  6. To display fields under the PostgreSQL init container resource requirements (when using a managed service) drop-down list, click the arrow.

    1. Under Limits, and Requests, enter values for CPU cores, Memory, and Storage.
  7. To display fields under the Redis container resource requirements drop-down list, click the arrow.

    1. Under Limits, and Requests, enter values for CPU cores, Memory, and Storage.
  8. To display fields under the PostgreSQL container resource requirements (when using a managed instance)* drop-down list, click the arrow.

    1. Under Limits, and Requests, enter values for CPU cores, Memory, and Storage.
  9. To display the PostgreSQL container storage requirements (when using a managed instance) drop-down list, click the arrow.

    1. Under Limits, and Requests, enter values for CPU cores, Memory, and Storage.
  10. Under Replicas, enter the number of instance replicas.
  11. Under Remove used secrets on instance removal, select true or false. The default is false.
  12. Under Preload instance with data upon creation, select true or false. The default is true.

3.2.3. Configuring your controller LDAP security

Use this procedure to configure LDAP security for your automation controller.


  1. If you do not have a ldap_cacert_secret, you can create one with the following command:

    $ oc create secret generic <resourcename>-custom-certs \
        --from-file=ldap-ca.crt=<PATH/TO/YOUR/CA/PEM/FILE>  \ 1
    Modify this to point to where your CA cert is stored.

    This will create a secret that looks like this:

    $ oc get secret/mycerts -o yaml
    apiVersion: v1
      ldap-ca.crt: <mysecret> 1
    kind: Secret
      name: mycerts
      namespace: awx
    type: Opaque
    Automation controller looks for the data field ldap-ca.crt in the specified secret when using the ldap_cacert_secret.
  2. Under LDAP Certificate Authority Trust Bundle click the drop-down menu and select your ldap_cacert_secret.
  3. Under LDAP Password Secret, click the drop-down menu and select a secret.
  4. Under EE Images Pull Credentials Secret, click the drop-down menu and select a secret.
  5. Under Bundle Cacert Secret, click the drop-down menu and select a secret.
  6. Under Service Type, click the drop-down menu and select

    • ClusterIP
    • LoadBalancer
    • NodePort

3.2.4. Configuring your automation controller operator route options

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator installation form allows you to further configure your automation controller operator route options under Advanced configuration.


  1. Click Advanced configuration.
  2. Under Ingress type, click the drop-down menu and select Route.
  3. Under Route DNS host, enter a common host name that the route answers to.
  4. Under Route TLS termination mechanism, click the drop-down menu and select Edge or Passthrough. For most instances Edge should be selected.
  5. Under Route TLS credential secret, click the drop-down menu and select a secret from the list.
  6. Under Enable persistence for /var/lib/projects directory select either true or false by moving the slider.

3.2.5. Configuring the Ingress type for your automation controller operator

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator installation form allows you to further configure your automation controller operator Ingress under Advanced configuration.


  1. Click Advanced Configuration.
  2. Under Ingress type, click the drop-down menu and select Ingress.
  3. Under Ingress annotations, enter any annotations to add to the ingress.
  4. Under Ingress TLS secret, click the drop-down menu and select a secret from the list.

After you have configured your automation controller operator, click Create at the bottom of the form view. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform will now create the pods. This may take a few minutes.

You can view the progress by navigating to WorkloadsPods and locating the newly created instance.


Verify that the following operator pods provided by the Ansible Automation Platform Operator installation from automation controller are running:

Operator manager controllersautomation controllerautomation hub

The operator manager controllers for each of the 3 operators, include the following:

  • automation-controller-operator-controller-manager
  • automation-hub-operator-controller-manager
  • resource-operator-controller-manager

After deploying automation controller, you will see the addition of these pods:

  • controller
  • controller-postgres

After deploying automation hub, you will see the addition of these pods:

  • hub-api
  • hub-content
  • hub-postgres
  • hub-redis
  • hub-worker

A missing pod can indicate the need for a pull secret. Pull secrets are required for protected or private image registries. See Using image pull secrets for more information. You can diagnose this issue further by running oc describe pod <pod-name> to see if there is an ImagePullBackOff error on that pod.

3.3. Configuring an external database for automation controller on Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator

For users who prefer to deploy Ansible Automation Platform with an external database, they can do so by configuring a secret with instance credentials and connection information, then applying it to their cluster using the oc create command.

By default, the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator automatically creates and configures a managed PostgreSQL pod in the same namespace as your Ansible Automation Platform deployment. You can deploy Ansible Automation Platform with an external database instead of the managed PostgreSQL pod that the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator automatically creates.

Using an external database lets you share and reuse resources and manually manage backups, upgrades, and performance optimizations.


The same external database (PostgreSQL instance) can be used for both automation hub and automation controller as long as the database names are different. In other words, you can have multiple databases with different names inside a single PostgreSQL instance.

The following section outlines the steps to configure an external database for your automation controller on a Ansible Automation Platform operator.


The external database must be a PostgreSQL database that is the version supported by the current release of Ansible Automation Platform.


Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 supports PostgreSQL 13.


The external postgres instance credentials and connection information must be stored in a secret, which is then set on the automation controller spec.

  1. Create a postgres_configuration_secret .yaml file, following the template below:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: external-postgres-configuration
      namespace: <target_namespace> 1
      host: "<external_ip_or_url_resolvable_by_the_cluster>" 2
      port: "<external_port>" 3
      database: "<desired_database_name>"
      username: "<username_to_connect_as>"
      password: "<password_to_connect_with>" 4
      sslmode: "prefer" 5
      type: "unmanaged"
    type: Opaque
    Namespace to create the secret in. This should be the same namespace you want to deploy to.
    The resolvable hostname for your database node.
    External port defaults to 5432.
    Value for variable password should not contain single or double quotes (', ") or backslashes (\) to avoid any issues during deployment, backup or restoration.
    The variable sslmode is valid for external databases only. The allowed values are: prefer, disable, allow, require, verify-ca, and verify-full.
  2. Apply external-postgres-configuration-secret.yml to your cluster using the oc create command.

    $ oc create -f external-postgres-configuration-secret.yml
  3. When creating your AutomationController custom resource object, specify the secret on your spec, following the example below:

    kind: AutomationController
      name: controller-dev
      postgres_configuration_secret: external-postgres-configuration

3.4. Finding and deleting PVCs

A persistent volume claim (PVC) is a storage volume used to store data that automation hub and automation controller applications use. These PVCs are independent from the applications and remain even when the application is deleted. If you are confident that you no longer need a PVC, or have backed it up elsewhere, you can manually delete them.


  1. List the existing PVCs in your deployment namespace:

    oc get pvc -n <namespace>
  2. Identify the PVC associated with your previous deployment by comparing the old deployment name and the PVC name.
  3. Delete the old PVC:

    oc delete pvc -n <namespace> <pvc-name>

3.5. Additional resources

Chapter 4. Installing and configuring automation hub on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console

You can use these instructions to install the automation hub operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, specify custom resources, and deploy Ansible Automation Platform with an external database.

Automation hub configuration can be done through the automation hub pulp_settings or directly in the user interface after deployment. However, it is important to note that configurations made in pulp_settings take precedence over settings made in the user interface. Hub settings should always be set as lowercase on the Hub custom resource specification.


When an instance of automation hub is removed, the PVCs are not automatically deleted. This can cause issues during migration if the new deployment has the same name as the previous one. Therefore, it is recommended that you manually remove old PVCs before deploying a new automation hub instance in the same namespace. See Finding and deleting PVCs for more information.

4.1. Prerequisites

  • You have installed the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator in Operator Hub.

4.2. Installing the automation hub operator

Use this procedure to install the automation hub operator.


  1. Navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Locate the Automation hub entry, then click Create instance.

4.2.1. Storage options for Ansible Automation Platform Operator installation on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Automation hub requires ReadWriteMany file-based storage, Azure Blob storage, or Amazon S3-compliant storage for operation so that multiple pods can access shared content, such as collections.

The process for configuring object storage on the AutomationHub CR is similar for Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage.

If you are using file-based storage and your installation scenario includes automation hub, ensure that the storage option for Ansible Automation Platform Operator is set to ReadWriteMany. ReadWriteMany is the default storage option.

In addition, OpenShift Data Foundation provides a ReadWriteMany or S3-compliant implementation. Also, you can set up NFS storage configuration to support ReadWriteMany. This, however, introduces the NFS server as a potential, single point of failure. Provisioning OCP storage with ReadWriteMany access mode

To ensure successful installation of Ansible Automation Platform Operator, you must provision your storage type for automation hub initially to ReadWriteMany access mode.


  1. Click Provisioning to update the access mode.
  2. In the first step, update the accessModes from the default ReadWriteOnce to ReadWriteMany.
  3. Complete the additional steps in this section to create the persistent volume claim (PVC). Configuring object storage on Amazon S3

Red Hat supports Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for automation hub. You can configure it when deploying the AutomationHub custom resource (CR), or you can configure it for an existing instance.


  • Create an Amazon S3 bucket to store the objects.
  • Note the name of the S3 bucket.


  1. Create a Kubernetes secret containing the AWS credentials and connection details, and the name of your Amazon S3 bucket. The following example creates a secret called test-s3:

    $ oc -n $HUB_NAMESPACE apply -f- <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: 'test-s3'
      s3-access-key-id: $S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID
      s3-secret-access-key: $S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
      s3-bucket-name: $S3_BUCKET_NAME
      s3-region: $S3_REGION
  2. Add the secret to the automation hub custom resource (CR) spec:

      object_storage_s3_secret: test-s3
  3. If you are applying this secret to an existing instance, restart the API pods for the change to take effect. <hub-name> is the name of your hub instance.
$ oc -n $HUB_NAMESPACE delete pod -l<hub-name>-api Configuring object storage on Azure Blob

Red Hat supports Azure Blob Storage for automation hub. You can configure it when deploying the AutomationHub custom resource (CR), or you can configure it for an existing instance.


  • Create an Azure Storage blob container to store the objects.
  • Note the name of the blob container.


  1. Create a Kubernetes secret containing the credentials and connection details for your Azure account, and the name of your Azure Storage blob container. The following example creates a secret called test-azure:

    $ oc -n $HUB_NAMESPACE apply -f- <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: 'test-azure'
      azure-account-name: $AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME
      azure-account-key: $AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY
      azure-container: $AZURE_CONTAINER
      azure-container-path: $AZURE_CONTAINER_PATH
      azure-connection-string: $AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING
  2. Add the secret to the automation hub custom resource (CR) spec:

      object_storage_azure_secret: test-azure
  3. If you are applying this secret to an existing instance, restart the API pods for the change to take effect. <hub-name> is the name of your hub instance.
$ oc -n $HUB_NAMESPACE delete pod -l<hub-name>-api

4.2.2. Configure your automation hub operator route options

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator installation form allows you to further configure your automation hub operator route options under Advanced configuration.


  1. Click Advanced configuration.
  2. Under Ingress type, click the drop-down menu and select Route.
  3. Under Route DNS host, enter a common host name that the route answers to.
  4. Under Route TLS termination mechanism, click the drop-down menu and select Edge or Passthrough.
  5. Under Route TLS credential secret, click the drop-down menu and select a secret from the list.

4.2.3. Configuring the Ingress type for your automation hub operator

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator installation form allows you to further configure your automation hub operator Ingress under Advanced configuration.


  1. Click Advanced Configuration.
  2. Under Ingress type, click the drop-down menu and select Ingress.
  3. Under Ingress annotations, enter any annotations to add to the ingress.
  4. Under Ingress TLS secret, click the drop-down menu and select a secret from the list.

After you have configured your automation hub operator, click Create at the bottom of the form view. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform will now create the pods. This may take a few minutes.

You can view the progress by navigating to WorkloadsPods and locating the newly created instance.


Verify that the following operator pods provided by the Ansible Automation Platform Operator installation from automation hub are running:

Operator manager controllersautomation controllerautomation hub

The operator manager controllers for each of the 3 operators, include the following:

  • automation-controller-operator-controller-manager
  • automation-hub-operator-controller-manager
  • resource-operator-controller-manager

After deploying automation controller, you will see the addition of these pods:

  • controller
  • controller-postgres

After deploying automation hub, you will see the addition of these pods:

  • hub-api
  • hub-content
  • hub-postgres
  • hub-redis
  • hub-worker

A missing pod can indicate the need for a pull secret. Pull secrets are required for protected or private image registries. See Using image pull secrets for more information. You can diagnose this issue further by running oc describe pod <pod-name> to see if there is an ImagePullBackOff error on that pod.

4.3. Configuring LDAP authentication for Ansible automation hub on OpenShift Container Platform

Configure LDAP authentication settings for Ansible Automation Platform on OpenShift Container Platform in the spec section of your Hub instance configuration file.


  • Use the following example to configure LDAP in your automation hub instance. For any blank fields, enter ``.

            email: "mail"
            first_name: "givenName"
            last_name: "sn"
          auth_ldap_group_search_base_dn: 'cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com'
          auth_ldap_bind_dn: ' '
          auth_ldap_bind_password: ' '
          auth_ldap_group_search_filter: (objectClass=posixGroup)
          auth_ldap_user_search_scope: SUBTREE
          auth_ldap_server_uri: 'ldap://ldapserver:389'
          authentication_backend_preset: ldap
          auth_ldap_mirror_groups: 'True'
          auth_ldap_user_search_base_dn: 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com'
          auth_ldap_bind_password: 'ldappassword'
          auth_ldap_user_search_filter: (uid=%(user)s)
          auth_ldap_group_search_scope: SUBTREE
          auth_ldap_user_flags_by_group: '@json {"is_superuser": "cn=tower-admin,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com"}'

Do not leave any fields empty. For fields with no variable, enter `` to indicate a default value.

4.4. Accessing the automation hub user interface

You can access the automation hub interface once all pods have successfully launched.


  1. Navigate to NetworkingRoutes.
  2. Under Location, click on the URL for your automation hub instance.

The automation hub user interface launches where you can sign in with the administrator credentials specified during the operator configuration process.


If you did not specify an administrator password during configuration, one was automatically created for you. To locate this password, go to your project, select WorkloadsSecrets and open controller-admin-password. From there you can copy the password and paste it into the Automation hub password field.

4.5. Configuring an external database for automation hub on Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator

For users who prefer to deploy Ansible Automation Platform with an external database, they can do so by configuring a secret with instance credentials and connection information, then applying it to their cluster using the oc create command.

By default, the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operator automatically creates and configures a managed PostgreSQL pod in the same namespace as your Ansible Automation Platform deployment.

You can choose to use an external database instead if you prefer to use a dedicated node to ensure dedicated resources or to manually manage backups, upgrades, or performance tweaks.


The same external database (PostgreSQL instance) can be used for both automation hub and automation controller as long as the database names are different. In other words, you can have multiple databases with different names inside a single PostgreSQL instance.

The following section outlines the steps to configure an external database for your automation hub on a Ansible Automation Platform operator.


The external database must be a PostgreSQL database that is the version supported by the current release of Ansible Automation Platform.


Ansible Automation Platform 2.4 supports PostgreSQL 13.


The external postgres instance credentials and connection information will need to be stored in a secret, which will then be set on the automation hub spec.

  1. Create a postgres_configuration_secret .yaml file, following the template below:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: external-postgres-configuration
      namespace: <target_namespace> 1
      host: "<external_ip_or_url_resolvable_by_the_cluster>" 2
      port: "<external_port>" 3
      database: "<desired_database_name>"
      username: "<username_to_connect_as>"
      password: "<password_to_connect_with>" 4
      sslmode: "prefer" 5
      type: "unmanaged"
    type: Opaque
    Namespace to create the secret in. This should be the same namespace you want to deploy to.
    The resolvable hostname for your database node.
    External port defaults to 5432.
    Value for variable password should not contain single or double quotes (', ") or backslashes (\) to avoid any issues during deployment, backup or restoration.
    The variable sslmode is valid for external databases only. The allowed values are: prefer, disable, allow, require, verify-ca, and verify-full.
  2. Apply external-postgres-configuration-secret.yml to your cluster using the oc create command.

    $ oc create -f external-postgres-configuration-secret.yml
  3. When creating your AutomationHub custom resource object, specify the secret on your spec, following the example below:

    kind: AutomationHub
      name: hub-dev
      postgres_configuration_secret: external-postgres-configuration

4.5.1. Enabling the hstore extension for the automation hub PostgreSQL database

From Ansible Automation Platform 2.4, the database migration script uses hstore fields to store information, therefore the hstore extension to the automation hub PostgreSQL database must be enabled.

This process is automatic when using the Ansible Automation Platform installer and a managed PostgreSQL server.

If the PostgreSQL database is external, you must enable the hstore extension to the automation hub PostreSQL database manually before automation hub installation.

If the hstore extension is not enabled before automation hub installation, a failure is raised during database migration.


  1. Check if the extension is available on the PostgreSQL server (automation hub database).

    $ psql -d <automation hub database> -c "SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name='hstore'"

    Where the default value for <automation hub database> is automationhub.

    Example output with hstore available:

    name  | default_version | installed_version |comment
     hstore | 1.7           |                   | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
    (1 row)

    Example output with hstore not available:

     name | default_version | installed_version | comment
    (0 rows)
  2. On a RHEL based server, the hstore extension is included in the postgresql-contrib RPM package, which is not installed automatically when installing the PostgreSQL server RPM package.

    To install the RPM package, use the following command:

    dnf install postgresql-contrib
  3. Create the hstore PostgreSQL extension on the automation hub database with the following command:

    $ psql -d <automation hub database> -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;"

    The output of which is:

  4. In the following output, the installed_version field contains the hstore extension used, indicating that hstore is enabled.

    name | default_version | installed_version | comment
    hstore  |     1.7      |       1.7         | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
    (1 row)

4.6. Finding and deleting PVCs

A persistent volume claim (PVC) is a storage volume used to store data that automation hub and automation controller applications use. These PVCs are independent from the applications and remain even when the application is deleted. If you are confident that you no longer need a PVC, or have backed it up elsewhere, you can manually delete them.


  1. List the existing PVCs in your deployment namespace:

    oc get pvc -n <namespace>
  2. Identify the PVC associated with your previous deployment by comparing the old deployment name and the PVC name.
  3. Delete the old PVC:

    oc delete pvc -n <namespace> <pvc-name>

4.7. Additional configurations

A collection download count can help you understand collection usage. To add a collection download count to automation hub, set the following configuration:

    ansible_collect_download_count: true

When ansible_collect_download_count is enabled, automation hub will display a download count by the collection.

4.8. Additional resources

Chapter 5. Installing Ansible Automation Platform Operator from the OpenShift Container Platform CLI

Use these instructions to install the Ansible Automation Platform Operator on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform from the OpenShift Container Platform command-line interface (CLI) using the oc command.

5.1. Prerequisites

  • Access to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform using an account with operator installation permissions.
  • The OpenShift Container Platform CLI oc command is installed on your local system. Refer to Installing the OpenShift CLI in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform product documentation for further information.

5.2. Subscribing a namespace to an operator using the OpenShift Container Platform CLI

Use this procedure to subscribe a namespace to an operator.


  1. Create a project for the operator

    oc new-project ansible-automation-platform
  2. Create a file called sub.yaml.
  3. Add the following YAML code to the sub.yaml file.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      labels: "true"
      name: ansible-automation-platform
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: ansible-automation-platform-operator
      namespace: ansible-automation-platform
        - ansible-automation-platform
    kind: Subscription
      name: ansible-automation-platform
      namespace: ansible-automation-platform
      channel: 'stable-2.4'
      installPlanApproval: Automatic
      name: ansible-automation-platform-operator
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
    kind: AutomationController
      name: example
      namespace: ansible-automation-platform
      replicas: 1

    This file creates a Subscription object called ansible-automation-platform that subscribes the ansible-automation-platform namespace to the ansible-automation-platform-operator operator.

    It then creates an AutomationController object called example in the ansible-automation-platform namespace.

    To change the automation controller name from example, edit the name field in the kind: AutomationController section of sub.yaml and replace <automation_controller_name> with the name you want to use:

    kind: AutomationController
      name: <automation_controller_name>
      namespace: ansible-automation-platform
  4. Run the oc apply command to create the objects specified in the sub.yaml file:

    oc apply -f sub.yaml

To verify that the namespace has been successfully subscribed to the ansible-automation-platform-operator operator, run the oc get subs command:

$ oc get subs -n ansible-automation-platform

For further information about subscribing namespaces to operators, see Installing from OperatorHub using the CLI in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Operators guide.

You can use the OpenShift Container Platform CLI to fetch the web address and the password of the Automation controller that you created.

5.3. Fetching Automation controller login details from the OpenShift Container Platform CLI

To login to the Automation controller, you need the web address and the password.

5.3.1. Fetching the automation controller web address

A Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform route exposes a service at a host name, so that external clients can reach it by name. When you created the automation controller instance, a route was created for it. The route inherits the name that you assigned to the automation controller object in the YAML file.

Use the following command to fetch the routes:

oc get routes -n <controller_namespace>

In the following example, the example automation controller is running in the ansible-automation-platform namespace.

$ oc get routes -n ansible-automation-platform

NAME      HOST/PORT                                              PATH   SERVICES          PORT   TERMINATION     WILDCARD
example   example-ansible-automation-platform.apps-crc.testing          example-service   http   edge/Redirect   None

The address for the automation controller instance is example-ansible-automation-platform.apps-crc.testing.

5.3.2. Fetching the automation controller password

The YAML block for the automation controller instance in sub.yaml assigns values to the name and admin_user keys. Use these values in the following command to fetch the password for the automation controller instance.

oc get secret/<controller_name>-<admin_user>-password -o yaml

The default value for admin_user is admin. Modify the command if you changed the admin username in sub.yaml.

The following example retrieves the password for an automation controller object called example:

oc get secret/example-admin-password -o yaml

The password for the automation controller instance is listed in the metadata field in the output:

$ oc get secret/example-admin-password -o yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  annotations: '{"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Secret","metadata":{"labels":{"":"automationcontroller","":"automationcontroller-operator","":"example","":"","":"example"},"name":"example-admin-password","namespace":"ansible-automation-platform"},"stringData":{"password":"88TG88TG88TG88TG88TG88TG88TG88TG"}}'
  creationTimestamp: "2021-11-03T00:02:24Z"
  labels: automationcontroller automationcontroller-operator example "" example
  name: example-admin-password
  namespace: ansible-automation-platform
  resourceVersion: "185185"
  uid: 39393939-5252-4242-b929-665f665f665f

For this example, the password is 88TG88TG88TG88TG88TG88TG88TG88TG.

5.4. Additional resources

Chapter 6. Deploying Event-Driven Ansible controller with Ansible Automation Platform Operator on OpenShift Container Platform

Event-Driven Ansible controller is the interface for event-driven automation and introduces automated resolution of IT requests. This component helps you connect to sources of events and acts on those events using rulebooks. When you deploy Event-Driven Ansible controller, you can automate decision making, use numerous event sources, implement event-driven automation within and across multiple IT use cases, and achieve more efficient service delivery.

Use the following instructions to install Event-Driven Ansible with your Ansible Automation Platform Operator on OpenShift Container Platform.


  • You have installed Ansible Automation Platform Operator on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed and configured automation controller.


  1. Select OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Locate and select your installation of Ansible Automation Platform.
  3. Under the Details tab, locate the EDA modal and click Create instance.
  4. Click Form view, and in the Name field, enter the name you want for your new Event-Driven Ansible controller deployment.


    If you have installed other Ansible Automation Platform components in your current OpenShift Container Platform namespace, ensure that you provide a unique name for your Event-Driven Ansible controller when you create your Event-Driven Ansible custom resource. Otherwise, naming conflicts can occur and impact Event-Driven Ansible controller deployment.

  5. Specify your controller URL in the Automation Server URL field.

    If you deployed automation controller in Openshift as well, you can find the URL in the navigation panel under NetworkingRoutes.


    This is the only required customization, but you can customize other options using the UI form or directly in the YAML configuration tab, if desired.


    To ensure that you can run concurrent Event-Driven Ansible activations efficiently, you must set your maximum number of activations in proportion to the resources available on your cluster. You can do this by adjusting your Event-Driven Ansible settings in the YAML view.

    When you activate an Event-Driven Ansible rulebook under standard conditions, it uses approximately 250 MB of memory. However, the actual memory consumption can vary significantly based on the complexity of your rules and the volume and size of the events processed. In scenarios where a large number of events are anticipated or the rulebook complexity is high, conduct a preliminary assessment of resource usage in a staging environment. This ensures that your maximum number of activations is based on the capacity of your resources.

  6. Click YAML view to update your YAML key values.
  7. Copy and paste the following string at the end of the spec key value section:

        value: '12'
  8. Click Create. This deploys Event-Driven Ansible controller in the namespace you specified.

    After a couple minutes when the installation is marked as Successful, you can find the URL for the Event-Driven Ansible UI on the Routes page in the OpenShift UI.

  9. From the navigation panel, select NetworkingRoutes to find the new Route URL that has been created for you.

    Routes are listed according to the name of your custom resource.

  10. Click the new URL under the Location column to navigate to Event-Driven Ansible in the browser.
  11. From the navigation panel, select WorkloadsSecrets and locate the Admin Password k8s secret that was created for you, unless you specified a custom one.

    Secrets are listed according to the name of your custom resource and appended with -admin-password.


    You can use the password value in the secret to log in to the Event-Driven Ansible controller UI. The default user is admin.

Chapter 7. Using Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator with automation hub

Private automation hub uses Red Hat Single Sign-On for authentication.

The Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator creates and manages resources. Use this Operator to create custom resources to automate Red Hat Single Sign-On administration in Openshift.

  • When installing Ansible Automation Platform on Virtual Machines (VMs) the installer can automatically install and configure Red Hat Single Sign-On for use with private automation hub.
  • When installing Ansible Automation Platform on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform you must install Single Sign-On separately.

This chapter describes the process to configure Red Hat Single Sign-On and integrate it with private automation hub when Ansible Automation Platform is installed on OpenShift Container Platform.


  • You have access to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform using an account with operator installation permissions.
  • You have installed the catalog containing the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform operators.
  • You have installed the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator. To install the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator, follow the procedure in Installing Red Hat Single Sign-On using a custom resource in the Red Hat Single Sign-On documentation.

7.1. Creating a Keycloak instance

When the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator is installed you can create a Keycloak instance for use with Ansible Automation Platform.

From here you provide an external Postgres or one will be created for you.


  1. Navigate to OperatorInstalled Operators.
  2. Select the rh-sso project.
  3. Select the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator.
  4. On the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator details page select Keycloak.
  5. Click Create instance.
  6. Click YAML view.

    The default Keycloak custom resource is as follows:

    kind: Keycloak
      name: example-keycloak
    	app: sso
      namespace: aap
    	enabled: true
      instances: 1
  7. Click Create.
  8. When deployment is complete, you can use this credential to login to the administrative console.
  9. You can find the credentials for the administrator in the credential-<custom-resource> (example keycloak) secret in the namespace.

7.2. Creating a Keycloak realm for Ansible Automation Platform

Create a realm to manage a set of users, credentials, roles, and groups. A user belongs to and logs into a realm. Realms are isolated from one another and can only manage and authenticate the users that they control.


  1. Navigate to OperatorInstalled Operators.
  2. Select the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator project.
  3. Select the Keycloak Realm tab and click Create Keycloak Realm.
  4. On the Keycloak Realm form, select YAML view. Edit the YAML file as follows:

    kind: KeycloakRealm
      name: ansible-automation-platform-keycloakrealm
      namespace: rh-sso
        app: sso
        realm: ansible-automation-platform
        id: ansible-automation-platform
        realm: ansible-automation-platform
        enabled: true
        displayName: Ansible Automation Platform
          app: sso



    Set a unique value in metadata for the name of the configuration resource (CR).


    Set a unique value in metadata for the name of the configuration resource (CR).

    Set labels to a unique value. This is used when creating the client CR.


    Set labels to a unique value. This is used when creating the client CR.

    Set the realm name and id. These must be the same.


    Set the realm name and id. These must be the same.


    Set the name to display.

  5. Click Create and wait for the process to complete.

7.3. Creating a Keycloak client

Keycloak clients authenticate hub users with Red Hat Single Sign-On. When a user authenticates the request goes through the Keycloak client. When Single Sign-On validates or issues the OAuth token, the client provides the response to automation hub and the user can log in.


  1. Navigate to OperatorInstalled Operators.
  2. Select the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator project.
  3. Select the Keycloak Client tab and click Create Keycloak Client.
  4. On the Keycloak Realm form, select YAML view.
  5. Replace the default YAML file with the following:

    kind: KeycloakClient
      name: automation-hub-client-secret
        app: sso
        realm: ansible-automation-platform
      namespace: rh-sso
          app: sso
          realm: ansible-automation-platform
        name: Automation Hub
        clientId: automation-hub
        secret: <client-secret>                        1
        clientAuthenticatorType: client-secret
        description: Client for automation hub
          request.object.signature.alg: RS256
        directAccessGrantsEnabled: true
        publicClient: true
        protocol: openid-connect
        standardFlowEnabled: true
          - config:
              access.token.claim: "true"
              id.token.claim: "true"
              jsonType.label: String
              user.attribute: lastName
              userinfo.token.claim: "true"
            consentRequired: false
            name: family name
            protocol: openid-connect
            protocolMapper: oidc-usermodel-property-mapper
          - config:
              userinfo.token.claim: "true"
              user.attribute: email
              id.token.claim: "true"
              access.token.claim: "true"
              jsonType.label: String
            name: email
            protocol: openid-connect
            protocolMapper: oidc-usermodel-property-mapper
            consentRequired: false
          - config:
              multivalued: "true"
              access.token.claim: "true"
              jsonType.label: String
            name: client roles
            protocol: openid-connect
            protocolMapper: oidc-usermodel-client-role-mapper
            consentRequired: false
          - config:
              userinfo.token.claim: "true"
              user.attribute: firstName
              id.token.claim: "true"
              access.token.claim: "true"
              jsonType.label: String
            name: given name
            protocol: openid-connect
            protocolMapper: oidc-usermodel-property-mapper
            consentRequired: false
          - config:
              id.token.claim: "true"
              access.token.claim: "true"
              userinfo.token.claim: "true"
            name: full name
            protocol: openid-connect
            protocolMapper: oidc-full-name-mapper
            consentRequired: false
          - config:
              userinfo.token.claim: "true"
              user.attribute: username
              id.token.claim: "true"
              access.token.claim: "true"
              jsonType.label: String
            name: <username>
            protocol: openid-connect
            protocolMapper: oidc-usermodel-property-mapper
            consentRequired: false
          - config:
              access.token.claim: "true"
              full.path: "true"
              id.token.claim: "true"
              userinfo.token.claim: "true"
            consentRequired: false
            name: group
            protocol: openid-connect
            protocolMapper: oidc-group-membership-mapper
          - config:
              multivalued: 'true'
              id.token.claim: 'true'
              access.token.claim: 'true'
              userinfo.token.claim: 'true'
              usermodel.clientRoleMapping.clientId:  'automation-hub'
              jsonType.label: String
            name: client_roles
            protocolMapper: oidc-usermodel-client-role-mapper
            protocol: openid-connect
          - config:
              id.token.claim: "true"
              access.token.claim: "true"
              included.client.audience: 'automation-hub'
            protocol: openid-connect
            name: audience mapper
            protocolMapper: oidc-audience-mapper
        - name: "hubadmin"
          description: "An administrator role for automation hub"
    Replace this with a unique value.
  6. Click Create and wait for the process to complete.

When automation hub is deployed, you must update the client with the “Valid Redirect URIs” and “Web Origins” as described in Updating the Red Hat Single Sign-On client Additionally, the client comes pre-configured with token mappers, however, if your authentication provider does not provide group data to Red Hat SSO, then the group mapping must be updated to reflect how that information is passed. This is commonly by user attribute.

7.4. Creating a Keycloak user

This procedure creates a Keycloak user, with the hubadmin role, that can log in to automation hub with Super Administration privileges.


  1. Navigate to OperatorInstalled Operators.
  2. Select the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator project.
  3. Select the Keycloak Realm tab and click Create Keycloak User.
  4. On the Keycloak User form, select YAML view.
  5. Replace the default YAML file with the following:

    kind: KeycloakUser
      name: hubadmin-user
        app: sso
        realm: ansible-automation-platform
      namespace: rh-sso
          app: sso
          realm: ansible-automation-platform
        username: hub_admin
        firstName: Hub
        lastName: Admin
        enabled: true
        emailVerified: false
          - type: password
            value: <ch8ngeme>
            - hubadmin
  6. Click Create and wait for the process to complete.

When a user is created, the Operator creates a Secret containing both the username and password using the following naming pattern: credential-<realm name>-<username>-<namespace>. In this example the credential is called credential-ansible-automation-platform-hub-admin-rh-sso. When a user is created the Operator does not update the user’s password. Password changes are not reflected in the Secret.

7.5. Installing the Ansible Automation Platform Operator


  1. Navigate to OperatorOperator Hub and search for the Ansible Automation Platform Operator.
  2. Select the Ansible Automation Platform Operator project.
  3. Click on the Operator tile.
  4. Click Install.
  5. Select a Project to install the Operator into. Red Hat recommends using the Operator recommended Namespace name.

    1. If you want to install the Operator into a project other than the recommended one, select Create Project from the drop down menu.
    2. Enter the Project name.
    3. Click Create.
  6. Click Install.
  7. When the Operator has been installed, click View Operator.

7.6. Creating a Red Hat Single Sign-On connection secret

Use this procedure to create a connection secret for Red Hat Single Sign-On.


  1. Navigate to https://<sso_host>/auth/realms/ansible-automation-platform.
  2. Copy the public_key value.
  3. In the OpenShift Web UI, navigate to WorkloadsSecrets.
  4. Select the ansible-automation-platform project.
  5. Click Create, and select From YAML.
  6. Edit the following YAML to create the secret

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: automation-hub-sso                       1
      namespace: ansible-automation-platform
    type: Opaque
      keycloak_host: "keycloak-rh-sso.apps-crc.testing"
      keycloak_port: "443"
      keycloak_protocol: "https"
      keycloak_realm: "ansible-automation-platform"
      keycloak_admin_role: "hubadmin"
      social_auth_keycloak_key: "automation-hub"
      social_auth_keycloak_secret: "client-secret"   2
      social_auth_keycloak_public_key: >-            3
    This name is used in the next step when creating the automation hub instance.
    If the secret was changed when creating the Keycloak client for automation hub be sure to change this value to match.
    Enter the value of the public_key copied in Installing the Ansible Automation Platform Operator.
  7. Click Create and wait for the process to complete.

7.7. Installing automation hub using the Operator

Use the following procedure to install automation hub using the operator.


  1. Navigate to OperatorInstalled Operators.
  2. Select the Ansible Automation Platform.
  3. Select the Automation hub tab and click Create Automation hub.
  4. Select YAML view. The YAML should be similar to:

    kind: AutomationHub
      name: private-ah                              1
      namespace: aap
      sso_secret: automation-hub-sso                2
        verify_ssl: false
      route_tls_termination_mechanism: Edge
      ingress_type: Route
      loadbalancer_port: 80
      file_storage_size: 100Gi
      image_pull_policy: IfNotPresent
      replicas: 1                                   3
      web_replicas: N
      task_replicas: N
      file_storage_access_mode: ReadWriteMany
        log_level: INFO
        replicas: 2
          storage: 50Gi
          storage: 8Gi
        log_level: INFO
        replicas: 1
          cpu: 1000m
          memory: 8Gi
          cpu: 500m
          memory: 2Gi
      loadbalancer_protocol: http
        replicas: 1
        replicas: 2
    Set to the name to use for the instance.
    Set spec.sso_secret to the name of the secret created in Creating a Secret to hold the Red Hat Single Sign On connection details.
    Scale replicas up or down for each deployment by using the web_replicas or task_replicas respectively, where N represents the number of replicas you want to create. Alternatively, you can scale all pods across both deployments by using replicas. See Scaling the Web and Task Pods independently for details.

    This YAML turns off SSL verification (ssl_verify: false). If you are not using self-signed certificates for OpenShift this setting can be removed.

  5. Click Create and wait for the process to complete.

7.8. Determining the automation hub Route

Use the following procedure to determine the hub route.


  1. Navigate to NetworkingRoutes.
  2. Select the project you used for the install.
  3. Copy the location of the private-ah-web-svc service. The name of the service is different if you used a different name when creating the automation hub instance. This is used later to update the Red Hat Single Sign-On client.

7.9. Updating the Red Hat Single Sign-On client

When automation hub is installed and you know the URL of the instance, you must update the Red Hat Single Sign-On to set the Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins settings.


  1. Navigate to OperatorInstalled Operators.
  2. Select the RH-SSO project.
  3. Click Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator.
  4. Select Keycloak Client.
  5. Click on the automation-hub-client-secret client.
  6. Select YAML.
  7. Update the Client YAML to add the Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins settings.

      - 'https://private-ah-ansible-automation-platform.apps-crc.testing/*'
      - 'https://private-ah-ansible-automation-platform.apps-crc.testing'




    This is the location determined in Determine Automation Hub Route. Be sure to add the /* to the end of the redirectUris setting.


    This is the location determined in Determine Automation Hub Route.


    Ensure the indentation is correct when entering these settings.

  8. Click Save.

To verify connectivity

  1. Navigate to the automation hub route.
  2. Enter the hub_admin user credentials and sign in.
  3. Red Hat Single Sign-On processes the authentication and redirects back to automation hub.

7.10. Additional resources

Chapter 8. Migrating Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to Ansible Automation Platform Operator

Migrating your Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform deployment to the Ansible Automation Platform Operator allows you to take advantage of the benefits provided by a Kubernetes native operator, including simplified upgrades and full lifecycle support for your Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform deployments.

Use these procedures to migrate any of the following deployments to the Ansible Automation Platform Operator:

  • A VM-based installation of Ansible Tower 3.8.6, automation controller, or automation hub
  • An Openshift instance of Ansible Tower 3.8.6 (Ansible Automation Platform 1.2)

8.1. Migration considerations

If you are upgrading from Ansible Automation Platform 1.2 on OpenShift Container Platform 3 to Ansible Automation Platform 2.x on OpenShift Container Platform 4, you must provision a fresh OpenShift Container Platform version 4 cluster and then migrate the Ansible Automation Platform to the new cluster.

8.2. Preparing for migration

Before migrating your current Ansible Automation Platform deployment to Ansible Automation Platform Operator, you need to back up your existing data, create k8s secrets for your secret key and postgresql configuration.


If you are migrating both automation controller and automation hub instances, repeat the steps in Creating a secret key secret and Creating a postgresql configuration secret for both and then proceed to Migrating data to the Ansible Automation Platform Operator.

8.2.1. Migrating to Ansible Automation Platform Operator


To migrate Ansible Automation Platform deployment to Ansible Automation Platform Operator, you must have the following:

  • Secret key secret
  • Postgresql configuration
  • Role-based Access Control for the namespaces on the new OpenShift cluster
  • The new OpenShift cluster must be able to connect to the previous PostgreSQL database

You can store the secret key information in the inventory file before the initial Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform installation. If you are unable to remember your secret key or have trouble locating your inventory file, contact Ansible support through the Red Hat Customer portal.

Before migrating your data from Ansible Automation Platform 2.x or earlier, you must back up your data for loss prevention. To backup your data, do the following:


  1. Log in to your current deployment project.
  2. Run to create a backup of your current data or deployment:

    For on-prem deployments of version 2.x or earlier:

    $ ./ -b

    For OpenShift deployments before version 2.0 (non-operator deployments):

    ./ -b

8.2.2. Creating a secret key secret

To migrate your data to Ansible Automation Platform Operator on OpenShift Container Platform, you must create a secret key that matches the secret key defined in the inventory file during your initial installation. Otherwise, the migrated data will remain encrypted and unusable after migration.


  1. Locate the old secret key in the inventory file you used to deploy Ansible Automation Platform in your previous installation.
  2. Create a yaml file for your secret key:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: <resourcename>-admin-password
      namespace: <target-namespace>
      password: mysuperlongpassword
    type: Opaque

    If admin_password_secret is not provided, the operator will look for a secret named <resourcename>-admin-password for the admin password. If it is not present, the operator will generate a password and create a Secret from it named <resourcename>-admin-password.

  3. Apply the secret key yaml to the cluster:

    oc apply -f <secret-key.yml>

8.2.3. Creating a postgresql configuration secret

For migration to be successful, you must provide access to the database for your existing deployment.


  1. Create a yaml file for your postgresql configuration secret:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: <resourcename>-old-postgres-configuration
      namespace: <target namespace>
      host: "<external ip or url resolvable by the cluster>"
      port: "<external port, this usually defaults to 5432>"
      database: "<desired database name>"
      username: "<username to connect as>"
      password: "<password to connect with>"
    type: Opaque
  2. Apply the postgresql configuration yaml to the cluster:
oc apply -f <old-postgres-configuration.yml>

8.2.4. Verifying network connectivity

To ensure successful migration of your data, verify that you have network connectivity from your new operator deployment to your old deployment database.


Take note of the host and port information from your existing deployment. This information is located in the file located in the conf.d directory.


  1. Create a yaml file to verify the connection between your new deployment and your old deployment database:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
        name: dbchecker
        - name: dbchecker
          command: ["sleep"]
          args: ["600"]
  2. Apply the connection checker yaml file to your new project deployment:

    oc project ansible-automation-platform
    oc apply -f connection_checker.yaml
  3. Verify that the connection checker pod is running:

    oc get pods
  4. Connect to a pod shell:

    oc rsh dbchecker
  5. After the shell session opens in the pod, verify that the new project can connect to your old project cluster:

    pg_isready -h <old-host-address> -p <old-port-number> -U awx


    <old-host-address>:<old-port-number> - accepting connections

8.3. Migrating data to the Ansible Automation Platform Operator

After you have set your secret key, postgresql credentials, verified network connectivity and installed the Ansible Automation Platform Operator, you must create a custom resource controller object before you can migrate your data.

8.3.1. Creating an AutomationController object

Use the following steps to create an AutomationController custom resource object.


  1. Log in to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
  2. Navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  3. Select the Ansible Automation Platform Operator installed on your project namespace.
  4. Select the Automation Controller tab.
  5. Click Create AutomationController.
  6. Enter a name for the new deployment.
  7. In Advanced configurations, do the following:

    1. From the Admin Password Secret list, select your secret key secret.
    2. From the Database Configuration Secret list, select the postgres configuration secret.
  8. Click Create.

8.3.2. Creating an AutomationHub object

Use the following steps to create an AutomationHub custom resource object.


  1. Log in to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
  2. Navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  3. Select the Ansible Automation Platform Operator installed on your project namespace.
  4. Select the Automation Hub tab.
  5. Click Create AutomationHub.
  6. Enter a name for the new deployment.
  7. In Advanced configurations, select your secret key secret and postgres configuration secret.
  8. Click Create.

8.4. Post migration cleanup

After your data migration is complete, you must delete any Instance Groups that are no longer required.


  1. Log in to Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform as the administrator with the password you created during migration.


    Note: If you did not create an administrator password during migration, one was automatically created for you. To locate this password, go to your project, select WorkloadsSecrets and open controller-admin-password. From there you can copy the password and paste it into the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform password field.

  2. Select AdministrationInstance Groups.
  3. Select all Instance Groups except controlplane and default.
  4. Click Delete.

Chapter 9. Upgrading Ansible Automation Platform Operator on OpenShift Container Platform

The Ansible Automation Platform Operator simplifies the installation, upgrade and deployment of new Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform instances in your OpenShift Container Platform environment.

9.1. Upgrade considerations

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform version 2.0 was the first release of the Ansible Automation Platform Operator. If you are upgrading from version 2.0, continue to the Upgrading the Ansible Automation Platform Operator procedure.

If you are using a version of OpenShift Container Platform that is not supported by the version of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to which you are upgrading, you must upgrade your OpenShift Container Platform cluster to a supported version before upgrading.

Refer to the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Life Cycle to determine the OpenShift Container Platform version needed.

For information about upgrading your cluster, refer to Updating clusters.

9.2. Prerequisites

To upgrade to a newer version of Ansible Automation Platform Operator, it is recommended that you do the following:

9.3. Upgrading the Ansible Automation Platform Operator

To upgrade to the latest version of Ansible Automation Platform Operator on OpenShift Container Platform, do the following:


  1. Log in to OpenShift Container Platform.
  2. Navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  3. Select the Subscriptions tab.
  4. Under Upgrade status, click Upgrade Available.
  5. Click Preview InstallPlan.
  6. Click Approve.

Chapter 10. Adding execution nodes to Ansible Automation Platform Operator

You can enable the Ansible Automation Platform Operator with execution nodes by downloading and installing the install bundle.


  • An automation controller instance.
  • The receptor collection package is installed.
  • AAP Repository ansible-automation-platform-2.4-for-rhel-{RHEL-RELEASE-NUMBER}-x86_64-rpms is enabled.


  1. Log in to Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.
  2. In the navigation panel, select AdministrationInstances.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Input the Execution Node domain name or IP in the Host Name field.
  5. Optional: Input the port number in the Listener Port field.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click the download icon download next to Install Bundle. This starts a download, take note of where you save the file
  8. Untar the gz file.


    To run the install_receptor.yml playbook you need to install the receptor collection from Ansible Galaxy: Ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml

  9. Update the playbook with your user name and SSH private key file. Note that ansible_host pre-populates with the hostname you input earlier.

    	        ansible_host: example_host_name # Same with configured in AAP WebUI
    	        ansible_user: <username> #user provided
    	        Ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_example
  10. Open your terminal, and navigate to the directory where you saved the playbook.
  11. To install the bundle run:

    ansible-playbook install_receptor.yml -i inventory.yml
  12. When installed you can now upgrade your execution node by downloading and re-running the playbook for the instance you created.


To verify receptor service status run the following command:

sudo systemctl status receptor.service

Make sure the service is in active (running) state

To verify if your playbook runs correctly on your new node run the following command:

watch podman ps

Additional resources

  • For more information about managing instance groups see the Managing Instance Groups section of the Automation Controller User Guide.

Chapter 11. Ansible Automation Platform Resource Operator

11.1. Resource Operator overview

Resource Operator is a custom resource (CR) that you can deploy after you have created your automation controller deployment. With Resource Operator you can define projects, job templates, and inventories through the use of YAML files. These YAML files are then used by automation controller to create these resources. You can create the YAML through the Form view that prompts you for keys and values for your YAML code. Alternatively, to work with YAML directly, you can select YAML view.

There are currently two custom resources provided by the Resource Operator:

  • AnsibleJob: launches a job in the automation controller instance specified in the Kubernetes secret (automation controller host URL, token).
  • JobTemplate: creates a job template in the automation controller instance specified.

11.2. Using Resource Operator

The Resource Operator itself does not do anything until the user creates an object. As soon as the user creates an AutomationControllerProject or AnsibleJob resource, the Resource Operator will start processing that object.


  • Install the Kubernetes-based cluster of your choice.
  • Deploy automation controller using the automation-controller-operator.

After installing the automation-controller-resource-operator in your cluster, you must create a Kubernetes (k8s) secret with the connection information for your automation controller instance. Then you can use Resource Operator to create a k8s resource to manage your automation controller instance.

11.3. Connecting Resource Operator to automation controller

To connect Resource Operator with automation controller you need to create a k8s secret with the connection information for your automation controller instance.


To create an OAuth2 token for your user in the automation controller UI:

  1. In the navigation panel, select AccessUsers.
  2. Select the username you want to create a token for.
  3. Click on Tokens, then click Add.
  4. You can leave Applications empty. Add a description and select Read or Write for the Scope.

Alternatively, you can create a OAuth2 token at the command-line by using the create_oauth2_token manage command:

$ controller-manage create_oauth2_token --user example_user
New OAuth2 token for example_user: j89ia8OO79te6IAZ97L7E8bMgXCON2

Make sure you provide a valid user when creating tokens. Otherwise, you will get an error message that you tried to issue the command without specifying a user, or supplying a username that does not exist.

11.4. Creating a automation controller connection secret for Resource Operator

To make your connection information available to the Resource Operator, create a k8s secret with the token and host value.


  1. The following is an example of the YAML for the connection secret. Save the following example to a file, for example, automation-controller-connection-secret.yml.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: controller-access
      type: Opaque
      token: <generated-token>
  2. Edit the file with your host and token value.
  3. Apply it to your cluster by running the kubectl create command:
kubectl create -f controller-connection-secret.yml

11.5. Creating an AnsibleJob

Launch an automation job on automation controller by creating an AnsibleJob resource.


  1. Specify the connection secret and job template you want to launch.

    kind: AnsibleJob
      generateName: demo-job-1 # generate a unique suffix per 'kubectl create'
      connection_secret: controller-access
      job_template_name: Demo Job Template
  2. Configure features such as, inventory, extra variables, and time to live for the job.

      connection_secret: controller-access
      job_template_name: Demo Job Template
      inventory: Demo Inventory                    # Inventory prompt on launch needs to be enabled
      runner_version: latest
      job_ttl: 100
      extra_vars:                                  # Extra variables prompt on launch needs to be enabled
         test_var: test
      job_tags: "provision,install,configuration"  # Specify tags to run
      skip_tags: "configuration,restart"           # Skip tasks with a given tag

    You must enable prompt on launch for inventories and extra variables if you are configuring those. To enable Prompt on launch, within the automation controller UI: From the ResourcesTemplates page, select your template and select the Prompt on launch checkbox next to Inventory and Variables sections.

  3. Launch a workflow job template with an AnsibleJob object by specifying the workflow_template_name instead of job_template_name:

    kind: AnsibleJob
      generateName: demo-job-1 # generate a unique suffix per 'kubectl create'
      connection_secret: controller-access
      workflow_template_name: Demo Workflow Template

11.6. Creating a JobTemplate

  • Create a job template on automation controller by creating a JobTemplate resource:

    kind: JobTemplate
      name: jobtemplate-4
      connection_secret: controller-access
      job_template_name: ExampleJobTemplate4
      job_template_project: Demo Project
      job_template_playbook: hello_world.yml
      job_template_inventory: Demo Inventory

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