
Appendix A. Inventory file variables

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The following tables contain information about the pre-defined variables used in Ansible installation inventory files. Not all of these variables are required.

A.1. General variables



The default install registers the node to the Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Service if the node is registered with Subscription Manager. Set to False to disable.

Default = true


List of nginx configurations for /etc/nginx/nginx.conf under the http section.

Each element in the list is provided into http nginx config as a separate line.

Default = empty list


registry_password is only required if a non-bundle installer is used.

Password credential for access to registry_url.

Used for both [automationcontroller] and [automationhub] groups.

Enter your Red Hat Registry Service Account credentials in registry_username and registry_password to link to the Red Hat container registry.

When registry_url is, username and password are required if not using a bundle installer.


Used for both [automationcontroller] and [automationhub] groups.

Default =


registry_username is only required if a non-bundle installer is used.

User credential for access to registry_url.

Used for both [automationcontroller] and [automationhub] groups, but only if the value of registry_url is

Enter your Red Hat Registry Service Account credentials in registry_username and registry_password to link to the Red Hat container registry.


routable hostname is used if the machine running the installer can only route to the target host through a specific URL, for example, if you use shortnames in your inventory, but the node running the installer can only resolve that host using FQDN.

If routable_hostname is not set, it should default to ansible_host. If you do not set ansible_host, inventory_hostname is used as a last resort.

This variable is used as a host variable for particular hosts and not under the [all:vars] section. For further information, see Assigning a variable to one machine:host variables.

A.2. Ansible automation hub variables




Passwords must be enclosed in quotes when they are provided in plain text in the inventory file.


If upgrading from Ansible Automation Platform 2.0 or earlier, you must either:

  • provide an existing Ansible automation hub token as automationhub_api_token, or
  • set generate_automationhub_token to true to generate a new token

Generating a new token invalidates the existing token.


This variable is not set by default. Set it to ldap to use LDAP authentication.

When this is set to ldap, you must also set the following variables:

  • automationhub_ldap_server_uri
  • automationhub_ldap_bind_dn
  • automationhub_ldap_bind_password
  • automationhub_ldap_user_search_base_dn
  • automationhub_ldap_group_search_base_dn

If any of these are absent, the installation will be halted.


If a collection signing service is enabled, collections are not signed automatically by default.

Setting this parameter to true signs them by default.

Default = false.



Ansible automation hub provides artifacts in /var/lib/pulp. Automation controller automatically backs up the artifacts by default.

You can also set automationhub_backup_collections to false and the backup/restore process does not then backup or restore /var/lib/pulp.

Default = true.



Determines whether download count is displayed on the UI.

Default = false.


When you run the bundle installer, validated content is uploaded to the validated repository, and certified content is uploaded to the rh-certified repository.

By default, both certified and validated content are uploaded.

Possible values of this variable are 'certified' or 'validated'.

If you do not want to install content, set automationhub_seed_collections to false to disable the seeding.

If you only want one type of content, set automationhub_seed_collections to true and automationhub_collection_seed_repository to the type of content you do want to include.


If a collection signing service is enabled, you must provide this variable to ensure that collections can be properly signed.



If a collection signing service is enabled, you must provide this variable to ensure that collections can be properly signed.



Set this variable to true to create a collection signing service.

Default = false.


If a container signing service is enabled, you must provide this variable to ensure that containers can be properly signed.



If a container signing service is enabled, you must provide this variable to ensure that containers can be properly signed.



Set this variable to true to create a container signing service.

Default = false.


The default installation deploys a TLS enabled Ansible automation hub. Use this variable if you deploy automation hub with HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) web-security policy enabled. This variable disables, the HSTS web-security policy mechanism.

Default = false.



If Ansible automation hub is deployed with HTTPS enabled.

Default = false.


When set to true, this variable creates a log file at /var/log/galaxy_api_access.log that logs all user actions made to the platform, including their username and IP address.

Default = false.


A Boolean indicating whether to enable pulp analytics for the version of pulpcore used in automation hub in Ansible Automation Platform 2.4.

To enable pulp analytics, set automationhub_enable_analytics to true.

Default = false.


Set this variable to true to enable unauthorized users to view collections.

Default = false.


Set this variable to true to enable unauthorized users to download collections.

Default = false.



Dictionary of setting to pass to galaxy-importer.

At import time collections can go through a series of checks.

Behavior is driven by galaxy-importer.cfg configuration.

Examples are ansible-doc, ansible-lint, and flake8.

This parameter enables you to drive this configuration.


The main automation hub URL that clients connect to.

For example, https://<load balancer host>.

Use automationhub_main_url to specify the main automation hub URL that clients connect to if you are implementing Red Hat Single Sign-On on your automation hub environment.

If not specified, the first node in the [automationhub] group is used.



The database name.

Default = automationhub.


Required if not using an internal database.

The hostname of the remote PostgreSQL database used by automation hub.

Default =


The password for the automation hub PostgreSQL database.

Use of special characters for automationhub_pg_password is limited. The !, #, 0 and @ characters are supported. Use of other special characters can cause the setup to fail.


Required if not using an internal database.

Default = 5432.



Default = prefer.



Default = automationhub.



Value is true if automation hub enforces the approval mechanism before collections are made available.

By default when you upload collections to automation hub an administrator must approve it before they are made available to the users.

If you want to disable the content approval flow, set the variable to false.

Default = true.


A Boolean that defines whether or not preloading is enabled.

When you run the bundle installer, validated content is uploaded to the validated repository, and certified content is uploaded to the rh-certified repository.

By default, both certified and validated content are uploaded.

If you do not want to install content, set automationhub_seed_collections to false to disable the seeding.

If you only want one type of content, set automationhub_seed_collections to true and automationhub_collection_seed_repository to the type of content you do want to include.

Default = true.



/path/to/automationhub.cert Same as web_server_ssl_cert but for automation hub UI and API.




Same as web_server_ssl_key but for automation hub UI and API


For Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.2 and later, this value is no longer used.

Set value to true if automation hub must validate certificates when requesting itself because by default, Ansible Automation Platform deploys with self-signed certificates.

Default = false.



For Ansible Automation Platform 2.2.1 and later, the value of this has been fixed at true.

Automation hub always updates with the latest packages.


List of nginx headers for Ansible automation hub’s web server.

Each element in the list is provided to the web server’s nginx configuration as a separate line.

Default = empty list


When deployed with automation hub the installer pushes execution environment images to automation hub and configures automation controller to pull images from the automation hub registry.

To make automation hub the only registry to pull execution environment images from, set this variable to true.

If set to false, execution environment images are also taken directly from Red Hat.

Default = true when the bundle installer is used.


If upgrading from Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.0 or earlier, choose one of the following options:

  • provide an existing Ansible automation hub token as automationhub_api_token
  • set generate_automationhub_token to true to generate a new token. Generating a new token will invalidate the existing token.


This variable specifies how long, in seconds, the system should be considered as a HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) host. That is, how long HTTPS is used exclusively for communication.

Default = 63072000 seconds, or two years.


Defines support for ssl_protocols in Nginx.

Values available TLSv1, TLSv1.1, `TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3

The TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 parameters only work when OpenSSL 1.0.1 or higher is used.

The TLSv1.3 parameter only works when OpenSSL 1.1.1 or higher is used.

If nginx_tls-protocols = ['TLSv1.3'] only TLSv1.3 is enabled. To set more than one protocol use nginx_tls_protocols = ['TLSv1.2', 'TLSv.1.3']

Default = TLSv1.2.


Relative or absolute path to the Fernet symmetric encryption key that you want to import. The path is on the Ansible management node. It is used to encrypt certain fields in the database, such as credentials. If not specified, a new key will be generated.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform managed and externally managed Red Hat Single Sign-On.

Path to the directory where theme files are located. If changing this variable, you must provide your own theme files.

Default = ansible-automation-platform.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform managed and externally managed Red Hat Single Sign-On.

The name of the realm in SSO.

Default = ansible-automation-platform.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform managed and externally managed Red Hat Single Sign-On.

Display name for the realm.

Default = Ansible Automation Platform.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform managed and externally managed Red Hat Single Sign-On.

SSO administration username.

Default = admin.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform managed and externally managed Red Hat Single Sign-On.

SSO administration password.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform managed Red Hat Single Sign-On only.

Customer-provided keystore for SSO.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform externally managed Red Hat Single Sign-On only.

Automation hub requires SSO and SSO administration credentials for authentication.

If SSO is not provided in the inventory for configuration, then you must use this variable to define the SSO host.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform managed Red Hat Single Sign-On only.

Set to true if the customer-provided keystore is on a remote node.

Default = false.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform managed Red Hat Single Sign-On only.

Name of keystore for SSO.

Default = ansible-automation-platform.


Password for keystore for HTTPS enabled SSO.

Required when using Ansible Automation Platform managed SSO and when HTTPS is enabled. The default install deploys SSO with sso_use_https=true.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform managed and externally managed Red Hat Single Sign-On.

If sso_redirect_host is set, it is used by the application to connect to SSO for authentication.

This must be reachable from client machines.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform managed and externally managed Red Hat Single Sign-On.

Set to true if the certificate must be validated during connection.

Default = true.



Used for Ansible Automation Platform managed and externally managed Red Hat Single Sign-On if Single Sign On uses HTTPS.

Default = true.

For Ansible automation hub to connect to LDAP directly, you must configure the following variables: A list of additional LDAP related variables that can be passed using the ldap_extra_settings variable, see the Django reference documentation.



The name to use when binding to the LDAP server with automationhub_ldap_bind_password.

Must be set when integrating private automation hub with LDAP, or the installation will fail.



The password to use with automationhub_ldap_bind_dn.

Must be set when integrating private automation hub LDAP, or the installation will fail.


An LDAP Search object that finds all LDAP groups that users might belong to.

If your configuration makes any references to LDAP groups, you must set this variable and automationhub_ldap_group_type.

Must be set when integrating private automation hub with LDAP, or the installation will fail.

Default = None



Search filter for finding group membership.

Variable identifies what objectClass type to use for mapping groups with automation hub and LDAP. Used for installing automation hub with LDAP.

Default = (objectClass=Group)



Scope to search for groups in an LDAP tree using the django framework for LDAP authentication. Used for installing automation hub with LDAP.

Default = SUBTREE


Describes the type of group returned by automationhub_ldap_group_search.

This is set dynamically based on the the values of automationhub_ldap_group_type_params and automationhub_ldap_group_type_class, otherwise it is the default value coming from django-ldap which is 'None'

Default = django_auth_ldap.config:GroupOfNamesType



The importable path for the django-ldap group type class.

Variable identifies the group type used during group searches within the django framework for LDAP authentication. Used for installing automation hub with LDAP.

Default =django_auth_ldap.config:GroupOfNamesType


The URI of the LDAP server.

Use any URI that is supported by your underlying LDAP libraries.

Must be set when integrating private automation hub LDAP, or the installation will fail.


An LDAP Search object that locates a user in the directory. The filter parameter must contain the placeholder %(user)s for the username. It must return exactly one result for authentication to succeed.

Must be set when integrating private automation hub with LDAP, or the installation will fail.



Default = '(uid=%(user)s)'



Scope to search for users in an LDAP tree by using the django framework for LDAP authentication. Used for installing automation hub with LDAP.

Default = SUBTREE

A.3. Automation controller variables



The admin password used to connect to the automation controller instance.

Passwords must be enclosed in quotes when they are provided in plain text in the inventory file.


The full URL used by Event-Driven Ansible to connect to a controller host. This URL is required if there is no automation controller configured in the inventory file.

Format example: automation_controller_main_url='https://<hostname>'


The username used to identify and create the admin superuser in automation controller.


The email address used for the admin user for automation controller.


The nginx HTTP server listens for inbound connections.

Default = 80


The nginx HTTPS server listens for secure connections.

Default = 443


This variable specifies how long, in seconds, the system must be considered as a HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) host. That is, how long HTTPS is used exclusively for communication.

Default = 63072000 seconds, or two years.


Defines support for ssl_protocols in Nginx.

Values available TLSv1, TLSv1.1, `TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3

The TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 parameters only work when OpenSSL 1.0.1 or higher is used.

The TLSv1.3 parameter only works when OpenSSL 1.1.1 or higher is used.

If nginx_tls-protocols = ['TLSv1.3'] only TLSv1.3 is enabled. To set more than one protocol use nginx_tls_protocols = ['TLSv1.2', 'TLSv.1.3']

Default = TLSv1.2.


List of nginx headers for the automation controller web server.

Each element in the list is provided to the web server’s nginx configuration as a separate line.

Default = empty list



The status of a node or group of nodes. Valid options are active, deprovision to remove a node from a cluster, or iso_migrate to migrate a legacy isolated node to an execution node.

Default = active.


For [automationcontroller] group.

Two valid node_types can be assigned for this group.

A node_type=control means that the node only runs project and inventory updates, but not regular jobs.

A node_type=hybrid can run everything.

Default for this group = hybrid

For [execution_nodes] group:

Two valid node_types can be assigned for this group.

A node_type=hop implies that the node forwards jobs to an execution node.

A node_type=execution implies that the node can run jobs.

Default for this group = execution.



The peers variable is used to indicate which nodes a specific host or group connects to. Wherever this variable is defined, an outbound connection to the specific host or group is established.

This variable is used to add tcp-peer entries in the receptor.conf file used for establishing network connections with other nodes.

The peers variable can be a comma-separated list of hosts and groups from the inventory. This is resolved into a set of hosts that is used to construct the receptor.conf file.


The name of the postgreSQL database.

Default = awx.


The postgreSQL host, which can be an externally managed database.


The password for the postgreSQL database.

Use of special characters for pg_password is limited. The !, #, 0 and @ characters are supported. Use of other special characters can cause the setup to fail.


You no longer have to provide a pg_hashed_password in your inventory file at the time of installation because PostgreSQL 13 can now store user passwords more securely.

When you supply pg_password in the inventory file for the installer, PostgreSQL uses the SCRAM-SHA-256 hash to secure that password as part of the installation process.


The postgreSQL port to use.

Default = 5432


Choose one of the two available modes: prefer and verify-full.

Set to verify-full for client-side enforced SSL.

Default = prefer.


Your postgreSQL database username.

Default = awx.


Location of the postgreSQL SSL certificate.



Location of the postgreSQL SSL key.



Location of the postgreSQL user certificate.



Location of the postgreSQL user key.



Use this variable if postgreSQL uses SSL.


Maximum database connections setting to apply if you are using installer-managed postgreSQL.

See PostgreSQL database configuration in the automation controller administration guide for help selecting a value.

Default for VM-based installations = 200 for a single node and 1024 for a cluster.


Port to use for receptor connection.

Default = 27199


When specified, it adds startretries = <value specified> to the supervisor config file (/etc/supervisord.d/tower.ini).

See program:x Section Values for more information about startretries.

No default value exists.




Same as automationhub_ssl_cert but for web server UI and API.




Same as automationhub_server_ssl_key but for web server UI and API.

A.4. Ansible variables

The following variables control how Ansible Automation Platform interacts with remote hosts.

For more information about variables specific to certain plugins, see the documentation for Ansible.Builtin.

For a list of global configuration options, see Ansible Configuration Settings.



The connection plugin used for the task on the target host.

This can be the name of any of Ansible connection plugin. SSH protocol types are smart, ssh or paramiko.

Default = smart


The ip or name of the target host to use instead of inventory_hostname.


The connection port number.

Default: 22 for ssh


The user name to use when connecting to the host.


The password to authenticate to the host.

Never store this variable in plain text.

Always use a vault.


Private key file used by SSH. Useful if using multiple keys and you do not want to use an SSH agent.


This setting is always appended to the default command line for sftp, scp, and ssh. Useful to configure a ProxyCommand for a certain host or group.


This setting is always appended to the default sftp command line.


This setting is always appended to the default scp command line.


This setting is always appended to the default ssh command line.


Determines if SSH pipelining is used. This can override the pipelining setting in ansible.cfg. If using SSH key-based authentication, the key must be managed by an SSH agent.


Added in version 2.2.

This setting overrides the default behavior to use the system SSH. This can override the ssh_executable setting in ansible.cfg.


The shell type of the target system. Do not use this setting unless you have set the ansible_shell_executable to a non-Bourne (sh) compatible shell. By default commands are formatted using sh-style syntax. Setting this to csh or fish causes commands executed on target systems to follow the syntax of those shells instead.


This sets the shell that the Ansible controller uses on the target machine, and overrides the executable in ansible.cfg which defaults to /bin/sh.

Do not change this variable unless /bin/sh is not installed on the target machine or cannot be run from sudo.


This variable takes the hostname of the machine from the inventory script or the Ansible configuration file.

You cannot set the value of this variable.

Because the value is taken from the configuration file, the actual runtime hostname value can vary from what is returned by this variable.

A.5. Event-Driven Ansible controller variables



The admin password used by the Event-Driven Ansible controller instance.

Passwords must be enclosed in quotes when they are provided in plain text in the inventory file.


Username used by django to identify and create the admin superuser in Event-Driven Ansible controller.

Default = admin


Email address used by django for the admin user for Event-Driven Ansible controller.

Default =


List of additional addresses to enable for user access to Event-Driven Ansible controller.

Default = empty list


Boolean flag used to verify automation controller’s web certificates when making calls from Event-Driven Ansible controller. Verified is true; not verified is false.

Default = false


Boolean flag to disable HTTPS Event-Driven Ansible controller.

Default = false


Boolean flag to disable HSTS Event-Driven Ansible controller.

Default = false


Number of workers for the API served through gunicorn.

Default = (# of cores or threads) * 2 + 1


The number of maximum activations running concurrently per node.

This is an integer that must be greater than 0.

Default = 12


Boolean flag to specify whether cert sources are on the remote host (true) or local (false).

Default = false


The Postgres database used by Event-Driven Ansible controller.

Default = automtionedacontroller.


The hostname of the Postgres database used by Event-Driven Ansible controller, which can be an externally managed database.


The password for the Postgres database used by Event-Driven Ansible controller.

Use of special characters for automationedacontroller_pg_password is limited. The !, #, 0 and @ characters are supported. Use of other special characters can cause the setup to fail.


The port number of the Postgres database used by Event-Driven Ansible controller.

Default = 5432.


The username for your Event-Driven Ansible controller Postgres database.

Default = automationedacontroller.


Number of Redis Queue (RQ) workers used by Event-Driven Ansible controller. RQ workers are Python processes that run in the background.

Default = (# of cores or threads) * 2 + 1




Same as automationhub_ssl_cert but for Event-Driven Ansible controller UI and API.




Same as automationhub_server_ssl_key but for Event-Driven Ansible controller UI and API.


List of additional nginx headers to add to Event-Driven Ansible controller’s nginx configuration.

Default = empty list

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