
Chapter 3. Customizing the devfile and plug-in registries

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CodeReady Workspaces 2.4 introduces two registries: the plug-ins registry and the devfile registry. They are static websites where the metadata of CodeReady Workspaces plug-ins and CodeReady Workspaces devfiles is published.

The plug-in registry makes it possible to share a plug-in definition across all the users of the same instance of CodeReady Workspaces. Only plug-ins that are published in a registry can be used in a devfile.

The devfile registry holds the definitions of the CodeReady Workspaces stacks. These are available on the CodeReady Workspaces user dashboard when selecting Create Workspace. It contains the list of CodeReady Workspaces technological stack samples with example projects.

The devfile and plug-in registries run in two separate pods and are deployed when the CodeReady Workspaces server is deployed (that is the default behavior of the CodeReady Workspaces Operator). The metadata of the plug-ins and devfiles are versioned on GitHub and follow the CodeReady Workspaces server life cycle.

In this document, the following two ways to customize the default registries that are deployed with CodeReady Workspaces (to modify the plug-ins or devfile metadata) are described:

3.1. Building and running a custom registry image

This section describes the building of registries and updating a running CodeReady Workspaces server to point to the registries.

3.1.1. Building a custom devfile registry

This section describes how to build a custom devfiles registry. Following operations are covered:

  • Getting a copy of the source code necessary to build a devfiles registry.
  • Adding a new devfile.
  • Building the devfiles registry.


  1. Clone the devfile registry repository:

    $ git clone
    $ cd codeready-workspaces/dependencies/che-devfile-registry
  2. In the ./che-devfile-registry/devfiles/ directory, create a subdirectory <devfile-name>/ and add the devfile.yaml and meta.yaml files.

    File organization for a devfile

    └── <devfile-name>
        ├── devfile.yaml
        └── meta.yaml

  3. Add valid content in the devfile.yaml file. For a detailed description of the devfile format, see
  4. Ensure that the meta.yaml file conforms to the following structure:

    Table 3.1. Parameters for a devfile meta.yaml


    Description as it appears on the user dashboard.


    Name as it appears on the user dashboard.


    The sum of the expected memory consumed by all the components launched by the devfile. This number will be visible on the user dashboard. It is informative and is not taken into account by the CodeReady Workspaces server.


    Link to an .svg file that is displayed on the user dashboard.


    List of tags. Tags usually include the tools included in the stack.

    Example devfile meta.yaml

    displayName: Rust
    description: Rust Stack with Rust 1.39
    tags: ["Rust"]
    globalMemoryLimit: 1686Mi

  5. Build the containers for the custom devfile registry:

    $ docker build -t my-devfile-registry .

3.1.2. Building a custom plug-in registry

This section describes how to build a custom plug-in registry. Following operations are covered:

  • Getting a copy of the source code necessary to build a custom plug-in registry.
  • Adding a new plug-in.
  • Building the custom plug-in registry.


  1. Clone the plug-in registry repository:

    $ git clone
    $ cd codeready-workspaces/dependencies/che-plugin-registry
  2. In the ./che-plugin-registry/v3/plugins/ directory, create new directories <publisher>/<plugin-name>/<plugin-version>/ and a meta.yaml file in the last directory.

    File organization for a plugin

    ├── <publisher>
    │   └── <plugin-name>
    │       ├── <plugin-version>
    │       │   └── meta.yaml
    │       └── latest.txt

  3. Add valid content to the meta.yaml file. See the “Using a Visual Studio Code extension in CodeReady Workspaces” section or the file in the eclipse/che-plugin-registry repository for a detailed description of the meta.yaml file format.
  4. Create a file named latest.txt with content the name of the latest <plugin-version> directory.

    $ tree che-plugin-registry/v3/plugins/redhat/java/
    ├── 0.38.0
    │   └── meta.yaml
    ├── 0.43.0
    │   └── meta.yaml
    ├── 0.45.0
    │   └── meta.yaml
    ├── 0.46.0
    │   └── meta.yaml
    ├── 0.50.0
    │   └── meta.yaml
    └── latest.txt
    $ cat che-plugin-registry/v3/plugins/redhat/java/latest.txt
  5. Build the containers for the custom plug-in registry:


3.1.3. Deploying the registries


The my-plug-in-registry and my-devfile-registry images used in this section are built using the docker command. This section assumes that these images are available on the OpenShift cluster where CodeReady Workspaces is deployed.

This is true on Minikube, for example, if before running the docker build commands, the user executed the eval $\{minikube docker-env} command (or, the eval $\{minishift docker-env} command for Minishift).

Otherwise, these images can be pushed to a container registry (public, such as, or the DockerHub, or a private registry). Deploying registries in OpenShift


An OpenShift template to deploy the plug-in registry is available in the openshift/ directory of the GitHub repository.

  1. To deploy the plug-in registry using the OpenShift template, run the following command:

    NAMESPACE=<namespace-name>  1
    oc new-app -f openshift/che-plugin-registry.yml \
     -n "$\{NAMESPACE}" \
     -p IMAGE="$\{IMAGE_NAME}" \
     -p IMAGE_TAG="$\{IMAGE_TAG}" \
     -p PULL_POLICY="IfNotPresent"
    If installed using crwctl, the default CodeReady Workspaces project is openshift-workspaces. The OperatorHub installation method deploys CodeReady Workspaces to the users current project.
  2. The devfile registry has an OpenShift template in the deploy/openshift/ directory of the GitHub repository. To deploy it, run the command:

    NAMESPACE=<namespace-name>  1
    oc new-app -f openshift/che-devfile-registry.yml \
     -n "$\{NAMESPACE}" \
     -p IMAGE="$\{IMAGE_NAME}" \
     -p IMAGE_TAG="$\{IMAGE_TAG}" \
     -p PULL_POLICY="IfNotPresent"
    If installed using crwctl, the default CodeReady Workspaces project is openshift-workspaces. The OperatorHub installation method deploys CodeReady Workspaces to the users current project.
  3. Check if the registries are deployed successfully on OpenShift.

    1. To verify that the new plug-in is correctly published to the plug-in registry, make a request to the registry path /v3/plugins/index.json (or /devfiles/index.json for the devfile registry).

      $ URL=$(oc get -o 'custom-columns=URL:.spec.rules[0].host' \
        -l app=che-plugin-registry route --no-headers)
      $ INDEX_JSON=$(curl -sSL http://${URL}/v3/plugins/index.json)
      $ echo ${INDEX_JSON} | grep -A 4 -B 5 "\"name\":\"my-plug-in\""
       "id": "my-org/my-plug-in/1.0.0",
       "displayName":"This is my first plug-in for CodeReady Workspaces",
       "type":"VS Code extension",
       "description":"This plugin shows that we are able to add plugins to the registry",
       "links": \{"self":"/v3/plugins/my-org/my-plug-in/1.0.0" }
       "id": "my-org/my-plug-in/latest",
       "displayName":"This is my first plug-in for CodeReady Workspaces",
       "type":"VS Code extension",
       "description":"This plugin shows that we are able to add plugins to the registry",
       "links": \{"self":"/v3/plugins/my-org/my-plug-in/latest" }
    2. Verify that the CodeReady Workspaces server points to the URL of the registry. To do this, compare the value of the CHE_WORKSPACE_PLUGIN__REGISTRY__URL parameter in the che ConfigMap (or CHE_WORKSPACE_DEVFILE__REGISTRY__URL for the devfile registry):

      $ oc get \
        --no-headers cm/che

      with the URL of the route:

      $ oc get -o 'custom-columns=URL:.spec.rules[0].host' \
        -l app=che-plugin-registry route --no-headers
    3. If they do not match, update the ConfigMap and restart the CodeReady Workspaces server.

      $ oc edit cm/che
      $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment/che
      $ oc scale --replicas=1 deployment/che

When the new registries are deployed and the CodeReady Workspaces server is configured to use them, the new plug-ins are available in the Plugin view of a workspace and the new stacks are displayed in the New Workspace tab of the user dashboard.

3.2. Including the plug-in binaries in the registry image

The plug-in registry of CodeReady Workspaces differs from the Eclipse Che version. The Eclipse Che only hosts plug-in metadata, but the CodeReady Workspaces plug-in registry also hosts the corresponding binaries, and it is built in an offline mode by default. This means the binaries are already hosted in the plug-in-registry image.

This section describes how to add a new plug-in or reference a different version of a plug-in. This is achieved by modifying the plug-in meta.yaml file to point to a new plug-in and building a new registry in offline mode that contains the modified plug-in meta.yaml file and the plug-in binary file.


  • An instance of CodeReady Workspaces is available.
  • The oc tool is available.


  1. Clone the codeready-workspaces repository

    $ git clone
    $ cd codeready-workspaces/dependencies/che-plugin-registry
  2. Identify the binaries you wish to change in the plug-in registry

    The meta.yaml file includes the extension section, which defines the URLs of required extensions for the plug-in. For example, the redhat/java11/0.63.0 plug-in lists the following two extensions:



    Change the first extension to reference the version hosted on GitHub and rebuild the plug-in registry. When using the redhat/java11/0.63.0 plug-in, the binary will be fetched from the custom plug-in-registry server. Set the following environment variables to help with the subsequent commands:

  3. Get the plug-in registry URL:

    $ oc get route plugin-registry -o jsonpath='{}' -n ${CHE_NAMESPACE}

    Save this value in a variable called PLUGIN_REGISTRY_URL.

  4. Update the URLs in the meta.yaml file to point to the VS Code extension binaries that are saved in the registry container:


    By default, CodeReady Workspaces is deployed with TLS enabled. For installations that do not use TLS, use http:// in the NEW_JAVA_DEBUG_URL and NEW_JAVA_LS_URL variables.

  5. Confirm that the meta.yaml has the correctly substituted URLs:

    $ cat ./v3/plugins/${ORG}/${NAME}/${CHE_PLUGIN_VERSION}/meta.yaml


      - https://plugin-registry-che.apps-crc.testing/v3/plugins/redhat/java11/0.63.0/vscode-java-debug-0.26.0.vsix
      - https://plugin-registry-che.apps-crc.testing/v3/plugins/redhat/java11/0.63.0/java-0.63.0-2222.vsix

  6. Build and deploy the plug-in registry using the instructions in the Section 3.1, “Building and running a custom registry image” section.

3.3. Editing a devfile and plug-in at runtime

An alternative to building a custom registry image is to:

  1. Start a registry
  2. Modify its content at runtime

This approach is simpler and faster. But the modifications are lost as soon as the container is deleted.

3.3.1. Adding a plug-in at runtime


To add a plug-in:

  1. Check out the plugin registry sources.

    $ git clone; \
      cd codeready-workspaces/dependencies/che-plugin-registry
  2. Create a meta.yaml in some local folder. This can be done from scratch or by copying from an existing plug-in’s meta.yaml file.

    $ PLUGIN="v3/plugins/new-org/new-plugin/0.0.1"; \
      mkdir -p ${PLUGIN}; cp v3/plugins/che-incubator/cpptools/0.1/* ${PLUGIN}/
      echo "${PLUGIN##*/}" > ${PLUGIN}/../latest.txt
  3. If copying from an existing plug-in, make changes to the meta.yaml file to suit your needs. Make sure the new plug-in has a unique title, displayName and description. Update the firstPublicationDate to today’s date.
  4. These fields in meta.yaml must match the path defined in PLUGIN above.

    publisher: new-org
    name: new-plugin
    version: 0.0.1
  5. Get the name of the Pod that hosts the plug-in registry container. To do this, filter the component=plugin-registry label:

    $ PLUGIN_REG_POD=$(oc get -o \
      --no-headers pod -l component=plugin-registry)
  6. Regenerate the registry’s index.json file to include the new plug-in.

    $ cd codeready-workspaces/dependencies/che-plugin-registry; \
        "$(pwd)/build/scripts/" v3 && \
        "$(pwd)/build/scripts/" v3 && \
        "$(pwd)/build/scripts/" v3 && \
        "$(pwd)/build/scripts/" v3 && \
        "$(pwd)/build/scripts/" v3 > v3/plugins/index.json
  7. Copy the new index.json and meta.yaml files from the new local plug-in folder to the container.

    $ cd codeready-workspaces/dependencies/che-plugin-registry; \
      LOCAL_FILES="$(pwd)/${PLUGIN}/meta.yaml $(pwd)/v3/plugins/index.json"; \
      oc exec ${PLUGIN_REG_POD} -i -t -- mkdir -p /var/www/html/$/{PLUGIN}; \
      for f in $LOCAL_FILES; do e=${f/$(pwd)\//}; echo "Upload ${f} -> /var/www/html/${e}"; \
        oc cp "${f}" ${PLUGIN_REG_POD}:/var/www/html/${e}; done
  8. The new plug-in can now be used from the existing CodeReady Workspaces instance of the plug-in registry. To discover it, go to the CodeReady Workspaces dashboard, then click the Workspaces link. From there, click the gear icon to configure one of your workspaces. Select the Plugins tab to see the updated list of available plug-ins.

3.3.2. Adding a devfile at runtime


To add a devfile:

  1. Check out the devfile registry sources.

    $ git clone; \
      cd codeready-workspaces/dependencies/che-devfile-registry
  2. Create a devfile.yaml and meta.yaml in some local folder. This can be done from scratch or by copying from an existing devfile.

    $ STACK="new-stack"; \
      mkdir -p devfiles/${STACK}; cp devfiles/03_web-nodejs-simple/* devfiles/${STACK}/
  3. If copying from an existing devfile, make changes to the devfile to suit your needs. Make sure the new devfile has a unique displayName and description.
  4. Get the name of the Pod that hosts the devfile registry container. To do this, filter the component=devfile-registry label:

    $ DEVFILE_REG_POD=$(oc get -o \
      --no-headers pod -l component=devfile-registry)
  5. Regenerate the registry’s index.json file to include the new devfile.

    $ cd codeready-workspaces/dependencies/che-devfile-registry; \
      "$(pwd)/build/scripts/" devfiles; \
      "$(pwd)/build/scripts/" > index.json
  6. Copy the new index.json, devfile.yaml and meta.yaml files from the new local devfile folder to the container.

    $ cd che-devfile-registry; \
      oc exec ${DEVFILE_REG_POD} -i -t -- mkdir -p /var/www/html/devfiles/${STACK}; \
      oc cp $(pwd)/devfiles/${STACK}/meta.yaml ${DEVFILE_REG_POD}:/var/www/html/devfiles/${STACK}/meta.yaml; \
      oc cp $(pwd)/devfiles/${STACK}/devfile.yaml ${DEVFILE_REG_POD}:/var/www/html/devfiles/${STACK}/devfile.yaml; \
      oc cp $(pwd)/index.json ${DEVFILE_REG_POD}:/var/www/html/devfiles/index.json
  7. The new devfile can now be used from the existing CodeReady Workspaces instance of the devfile registry. To discover it, go to the CodeReady Workspaces dashboard, then click the Workspaces link. From there, click Add Workspace to see the updated list of available devfiles.

3.4. Using a Visual Studio Code extension in CodeReady Workspaces

In Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces, Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extensions can be installed to extend the functionality of a CodeReady Workspaces workspace. VS Code extensions can run in the Che-Theia editor container, or they can be packaged in their own isolated and pre-configured containers with their prerequisites.

This document describes:

  • Use of a VS Code extension in CodeReady Workspaces with workspaces.
  • CodeReady Workspaces Plug-ins panel.
  • How to publish a VS Code extension in the CodeReady Workspaces plug-in registry (to share the extension with other CodeReady Workspaces users).

    • The extension-hosting sidecar container and the use of the extension in a devfile are optional for this.
    • How to review the compatibility of the VS Code extensions to be informed whether a specific API is supported or has not been implemented yet.

3.4.1. Publishing a VS Code extension into the CodeReady Workspaces plug-in registry

The user of CodeReady Workspaces can use a workspace devfile to use any plug-in, also known as Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension. This plug-in can be added to the plug-in registry, then easily reused by anyone in the same organization with access to that workspaces installation.

Some plug-ins need a runtime dedicated container for code compilation. This fact makes those plug-ins a combination of a runtime sidecar container and a VS Code extension.

The following section describes the portability of a plug-in configuration and associating an extension with a runtime container that the plug-in needs. Writing a meta.yaml file and adding it to a plug-in registry

The plug-in meta information is required to publish a VS Code extension in an Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces plug-in registry. This meta information is provided as a meta.yaml file. This section describes how to create a meta.yaml file for an extension.


  1. Create a meta.yaml file in the following plug-in registry directory: <apiVersion>/plugins/<publisher>/<plug-inName>/<plug-inVersion>/.
  2. Edit the meta.yaml file and provide the necessary information. The configuration file must adhere to the following structure:

    apiVersion: v2                                                   1
    publisher: myorg                                                 2
    name: my-vscode-ext                                              3
    version: 1.7.2                                                   4
    type: value                                                      5
    displayName:                                                     6
    title:                                                           7
    description:                                                     8
    icon:     9
    repository:                                                     10
    category:                                                       11
      containers:                                                   12
        - image:                                                    13
          memoryLimit:                                              14
          memoryRequest:                                            15
          cpuLimit:                                                 16
          cpuRequest:                                               17
      extensions:                                                   18
    Version of the file structure.
    Name of the plug-in publisher. Must be the same as the publisher in the path.
    Name of the plug-in. Must be the same as in path.
    Version of the plug-in. Must be the same as in path.
    Type of the plug-in. Possible values: Che Plugin, Che Editor, Theia plugin, VS Code extension.
    A short name of the plug-in.
    Title of the plug-in.
    A brief explanation of the plug-in and what it does.
    The link to the plug-in logo.
    Optional. The link to the source-code repository of the plug-in.
    Defines the category that this plug-in belongs to. Should be one of the following: Editor, Debugger, Formatter, Language, Linter, Snippet, Theme, or Other.
    If this section is omitted, the VS Code extension is added into the Che-Theia IDE container.
    The Docker image from which the sidecar container will be started. Example: theia-endpoint-image.
    The maximum RAM which is available for the sidecar container. Example: "512Mi". This value might be overridden by the user in the component configuration.
    The RAM which is given for the sidecar container by default. Example: "256Mi". This value might be overridden by the user in the component configuration.
    The maximum CPU amount in cores or millicores (suffixed with "m") which is available for the sidecar container. Examples: "500m", "2". This value might be overridden by the user in the component configuration.
    The CPU amount in cores or millicores (suffixed with "m") which is given for the sidecar container by default. Example: "125m". This value might be overridden by the user in the component configuration.
    A list of VS Code extensions run in this sidecar container.

3.4.2. Adding a plug-in registry VS Code extension to a workspace

When the required VS Code extension is added into a CodeReady Workspaces plug-in registry, the user can add it into the workspace through the CodeReady Workspaces Plugins panel or through the workspace configuration. Adding a VS Code extension using the CodeReady Workspaces Plugins panel



To add a VS Code extension using the CodeReady Workspaces Plugins panel:

  1. Open the CodeReady Workspaces Plugins panel by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+J or navigate to View/Plugins.
  2. Change the current registry to the registry in which the VS Code extension was added.
  3. In the search bar, click the Menu button and then click Change Registry to choose the registry from the list. If the required registry is not in the list, add it using the Add Registry menu option. The registry link points to the plugins segment of the registry, for example:
  4. To update the list of plug-ins after adding a new registry link, use Refresh command from the search bar menu.
  5. Search for the required plug-in using the filter, and then click the Install button.
  6. Restart the workspace for the changes to take effect. Adding a VS Code extension using the workspace configuration



To add a VS Code extension using the workspace configuration:

  1. Click the Workspaces tab on the Dashboard and select the workspace in which you want to add the plug-in. The Workspace <workspace-name> window is opened showing the details of the workspace.
  2. Click the devfile tab.
  3. Locate the components section, and add a new entry with the following structure:

     - type: chePlugin
       id:              1
    ID format: <publisher>/<plug-inName>/<plug-inVersion>

    CodeReady Workspaces automatically adds the other fields to the new component.

    Alternatively, you can link to a meta.yaml file hosted on GitHub, using the dedicated reference field.

     - type: chePlugin
       reference:              1
  4. Restart the workspace for the changes to take effect.

3.5. Testing a Visual Studio Code extension in CodeReady Workspaces

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extensions work in a workspace. VS Code extensions can run in the Che-Theia editor container, or in their own isolated and preconfigured containers with their prerequisites.

This section describes how to test a VS Code extension in CodeReady Workspaces with workspaces and how to review the compatibility of VS Code extensions to check whether a specific API is available.


The extension-hosting sidecar container and the use of the extension in a devfile are optional.

3.5.1. Testing a VS Code extension using GitHub gist

Each workspace can have its own set of plug-ins. The list of plug-ins and the list of projects to clone are defined in the devfile.yaml file.

For example, to enable an AsciiDoc plug-in from the Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces dashboard, add the following snippet to the devfile:

 - id: joaopinto/vscode-asciidoctor/latest
   type: chePlugin

To add a plug-in that is not in the default plug-in registry, build a custom plug-in registry. See Section 3.1.2, “Building a custom plug-in registry”, or, alternatively, use GitHub and the gist service.



  1. Go to the gist webpage and create a file with the following description: Try Bracket Pair Colorizer extension in Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces and content: Example VS Code extension. (Bracket Pair Colorizer is a popular VS Code extension.)
  2. Click the Create secret gist button.
  3. Clone the gist repository by using the URL from the navigation bar of the browser:

    $ git clone<your-github-username>/<gist-id>

    Example of the output of the git clone command

    git clone 1
    Cloning into '85c60c8c439177ac50141d527729b9d9'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
    remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.

    Each gist has a unique ID.
  4. Change the directory:

    $ cd <gist-directory-name> 1
    Directory name matching the gist ID.
  5. Download the plug-in from the VS Code marketplace or from its GitHub page, and store the plug-in file in the cloned directory.
  6. Create a plugin.yaml file in the cloned directory to add the definition of this plug-in.

    Example of the plugin.yaml file referencing the .vsix binary file extension

    apiVersion: v2
    publisher: CoenraadS
    name: bracket-pair-colorizer
    version: 1.0.61
    type: VS Code extension
    displayName: Bracket Pair Colorizer
    title: Bracket Pair Colorizer
    description: Bracket Pair Colorizer
    category: Language
    firstPublicationDate: '2020-07-30'
    spec:                                                             1
      - "{{REPOSITORY}}/CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer-1.0.61.vsix" 2
    latestUpdateDate: "2020-07-30"

    This extension requires a basic Node.js runtime, so it is not necessary to add a custom runtime image in plugin.yaml.
    {{REPOSITORY}} is a macro for a pre-commit hook.
  7. Define a memory limit and volumes:

        - image: ""
          name: vscode-java
          memoryLimit: "1500Mi"
          - mountPath: "/home/theia/.m2"
            name: m2
  8. Create a devfile.yaml that references the plugin.yaml file:

    apiVersion: 1.0.0
      generateName: java-maven-
        name: console-java-simple
          type: git
          location: ""
          branch: java1.11
        type: chePlugin
        id: redhat/java11/latest
        type: chePlugin 1
        reference: "{{REPOSITORY}}/plugin.yaml"
        type: dockerimage
        alias: maven
        memoryLimit: 512Mi
        mountSources: true
          - name: m2
            containerPath: /home/user/.m2
        name: maven build
            type: exec
            component: maven
            command: "mvn clean install"
            workdir: ${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/console-java-simple
        name: maven build and run
            type: exec
            component: maven
            command: "mvn clean install && java -jar ./target/*.jar"
            workdir: ${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/console-java-simple
    Any other devfile definition is also accepted. The important information in this devfile are the lines defining this external component. It means that an external reference defines the plug-in (instead of an ID pointing to a definition in the default plug-in registry).
  9. Verify there are 4 files in the current Git directory:

    $ ls -la
  10. Before committing the files, add a pre-commit hook to update the {{REPOSITORY}} variable to the public external raw gist link:

    1. Create a .git/hooks/pre-commit file with this content:

      # get modified files
      FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR "*.yaml" | sed 's| |\\ |g')
      # exit fast if no files found
      [ -z "$FILES" ] && exit 0
      # grab remote origin
      origin=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)
      # iterate on files and add the good prefix pattern
      for FILE in ${FILES}; do
       sed -e "s#{{REPOSITORY}}#${url}#g" "${FILE}" > "${FILE}.back"
       mv "${FILE}.back" "${FILE}"
      # Add back to staging
      echo "$FILES" | xargs git add
      exit 0

      The hook replaces the {{REPOSITORY}} macro and adds the external raw link to the gist.

    2. Make the script executable:

      $ chmod u+x .git/hooks/pre-commit
  11. Commit and push the files:

    # Add files
    $ git add *
    # Commit
    $ git commit -m "Initial Commit for the test of our extension"
    [master 98dd370] Initial Commit for the test of our extension
     3 files changed, 61 insertions(+)
     create mode 100644 CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer-1.0.61.vsix
     create mode 100644 devfile.yaml
     create mode 100644 plugin.yaml
    # and push the files to the main branch
    $ git push origin
  12. Visit the gist website and verify that all links have the correct public URL and do not contain any {{REPOSITORY}} variables. To reach the devfile:

    $ echo "$(git config --get remote.origin.url)/raw/devfile.yaml"


    $ echo "https://<che-server>/f?url=$(git config --get remote.origin.url)/raw/devfile.yaml"

3.5.2. Verifying the VS Code extension API compatibility level

Che-Theia does not fully support the VS Code extensions API. The vscode-theia-comparator is used to analyze the compatibility between the Che-Theia plug-in API and the VS Code extension API. This tool runs nightly, and the results are published on the vscode-theia-comparator GitHub page.



To run the vscode-theia comparator manually:

  1. Clone the vscode-theia-comparator repository, and build it using the yarn command.
  2. Set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to your token.
  3. Execute the yarn run generate command to generate a report.
  4. Open the out/status.html file to view the report.
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We help Red Hat users innovate and achieve their goals with our products and services with content they can trust.

Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. For more details, see the Red Hat Blog.

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We deliver hardened solutions that make it easier for enterprises to work across platforms and environments, from the core datacenter to the network edge.

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