Chapter 7. Managing users

This section describes how to configure authorization and authentication in Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces and how to administer user groups and users.

7.1. Configuring authorization

7.1.1. Authorization and user management

Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces uses RH-SSO to create, import, manage, delete, and authenticate users. RH-SSO uses built-in authentication mechanisms and user storage. It can use third-party identity management systems to create and authenticate users. Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces requires a RH-SSO token when you request access to CodeReady Workspaces resources.

Local users and imported federation users must have an email address in their profile.

The default RH-SSO credentials are admin:admin. You can use the admin:admin credentials when logging into Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces for the first time. It has system privileges.

Identifying the RH-SSO URL

Go to the OpenShift web console and navigate to the RH-SSO project.

7.1.2. Configuring CodeReady Workspaces to work with RH-SSO

The deployment script configures RH-SSO. It creates a codeready-public client with the following fields:

  • Valid Redirect URIs: Use this URL to access CodeReady Workspaces.
  • Web Origins

The following are common errors when configuring CodeReady Workspaces to work with RH-SSO:

Invalid redirectURI error
Occurs when you access CodeReady Workspaces at myhost, which is an alias, and your original CHE_HOST is If this error occurs, go to the RH-SSO administration console and ensure that the valid redirect URIs are configured.
CORS error
Occurs when you have an invalid web origin.

7.1.3. Configuring RH-SSO tokens

A user token expires after 30 minutes by default.

You can change the following RH-SSO token settings:

keycloak realm

7.1.4. Setting up user federation

RH-SSO federates external user databases and supports LDAP and Active Directory. You can test the connection and authenticate users before choosing a storage provider.

See the User storage federation page in RH-SSO documentation to learn how to add a provider.

See the LDAP and Active Directory page in RH-SSO documentation to specify multiple LDAP servers.

7.1.5. Enabling authentication with social accounts and brokering

RH-SSO provides built-in support for GitHub, OpenShift, and most common social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

See Instructions to enable Login with GitHub.

You can also enable the SSH key and upload it to the CodeReady Workspaces users’ GitHub accounts.

To enable this feature when you register a GitHub identity provider:

  1. Set scope to repo,user,write:public_key.
  2. Set store tokens and stored tokens readable to ON.

    kc provider
  3. Add a default read-token role.

    kc roles

This is the default delegated OAuth service mode for multiuser CodeReady Workspaces. You can configure the OAuth service mode with the property che.oauth.service_mode.

7.1.6. Using protocol-based providers

RH-SSO supports SAML v2.0 and OpenID Connect v1.0 protocols. You can connect your identity provider systems if they support these protocols.

7.1.7. Managing users using RH-SSO

You can add, delete, and edit users in the user interface. See RH-SSO User Management for more information.

7.1.8. Configuring CodeReady Workspaces to use an external RH-SSO installation

By default, CodeReady Workspaces installation includes the deployment of a dedicated RH-SSO instance. However, using an external RH-SSO is also possible. This option is useful when a user has an existing RH-SSO instance with already-defined users, for example, a company-wide RH-SSO server used by several applications.

Table 7.1. Placeholders used in examples


Identity provider realm name intended for use by CodeReady Workspaces


Name of the oidc client defined in <provider-realm-name>


Base URL of the external RH-SSO server


  • In the administration console of the external installation of RH-SSO, define a realm containing the users intended to connect to CodeReady Workspaces:

    external keycloak realm
  • In this realm, define an OIDC client that CodeReady Workspaces will use to authenticate the users. This is an example of such a client with the correct settings:

    external keycloak public client
    • CodeReady Workspaces only supports public OIDC clients. Therefore, selecting the openid-connect Client Protocol option and the public Access Type option is recommended.
    • The list of Valid Redirect URIs must contain at least two URIs related to the CodeReady Workspaces server, one using the http protocol and the other https. These URIs must contain the base URL of the CodeReady Workspaces server, followed by /* wildcards.
    • The list of Web Origins must contain at least two URIs related to the CodeReady Workspaces server, one using the http protocol and the other https. These URIs must contain the base URL of the CodeReady Workspaces server, without any path after the host.

      The number of URIs depends on the number of installed product tools.

  • With CodeReady Workspaces that uses the default OpenShift OAuth support, user authentication relies on the integration of RH-SSO with OpenShift OAuth. This allows users to log in to CodeReady Workspaces with their OpenShift login and have their workspaces created under personal OpenShift projects.

    This requires setting up an OpenShift identity provider ins RH-SSO. When using an external RH-SSO, set up the identity provider manually. For instructions, see the appropriate RH-SSO documentations for either link:OpenShift 3[OpenShift 3] or link:OpenShift 4[OpenShift 4].

  • The configured identity provider has the options Store Tokens and Stored Tokens Readable enabled.


  1. Set the following properties in the CheCluster Custom Resource (CR):

        externalIdentityProvider: true
        identityProviderURL: <auth-base-url>
        identityProviderRealm: <provider-realm-name>
        identityProviderClientId: <oidc-client-name>
  2. When installing CodeReady Workspaces with OpenShift OAuth support enabled, set the following properties in the CheCluster Custom Resource (CR):

        openShiftoAuth: true
    # Note: only if the OpenShift identity provider alias is different from 'openshift-v3' or 'openshift-v4'
        CHE_INFRA_OPENSHIFT_OAUTH__IDENTITY__PROVIDER: <OpenShift identity provider alias>

7.1.9. Configuring SMTP and email notifications

Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces does not provide any pre-configured MTP servers.

To enable SMTP servers in RH-SSO:

  1. Go to che realm settings > Email.
  2. Specify the host, port, username, and password.

Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces uses the default theme for email templates for registration, email confirmation, password recovery, and failed login.

7.2. Removing user data

7.2.1. Removing user data according to GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law enforces the right for individuals to have personal data erased.

The following procedure describes how to remove a user’s data from a cluster and the RH-SSO database.


The following commands use the default OpenShift project, openshift-workspaces, as a user’s example for the -n option.


  • A user or an administrator authorization token. To delete any other data except the data bound to a user account, admin privileges are required. The admin is a special CodeReady Workspaces administrator account pre-created and enabled using the CHE_SYSTEM_ADMIN__NAME and CHE_SYSTEM_SUPER__PRIVILEGED__MODE = true Custom Resource definitions.

         CHE_SYSTEM_ADMIN__NAME: '<admin-name>'

    If needed, use commands below for creating the admin user:

    $ oc patch checluster codeready-workspaces \
      --type merge \
      -p '{ "spec": { "server": {"customCheProperties": {"CHE_SYSTEM_SUPER__PRIVILEGED__MODE": "true"} } }}' \
      -n openshift-workspaces
    $ oc patch checluster codeready-workspaces \
      --type merge \
      -p '{ "spec": { "server": {"customCheProperties": {"CHE_SYSTEM_ADMIN__NAME": "<admin-name>"} } }}' \
      -n openshift-workspaces

    All system permissions are granted to the administrative user who is configured in the CHE_SYSTEM_ADMIN__NAME property (the default is admin). The system permissions are granted when the CodeReady Workspaces server starts. If the user is not present in the CodeReady Workspaces user database, it happens after the first user’s login.

    Authorization token privileges:

    • admin - Can delete all personal data of all users
    • user - Can delete only the data related to the user
  • A user or an administrator is logged in the OpenShift cluster with deployed CodeReady Workspaces.
  • A user ID is obtained. Get the user ID using the commands below:

    • For the current user:

      $ curl -X GET \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user-token>' \
    • To find a user by name:

      $ curl -X GET \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user-token>' \
    • To find a user by email:

      $ curl -X GET \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user-token>' \

      Example of obtaining a user ID

      This example uses vparfono as a local user name.

      $ curl -X GET \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user-token>' \

      The user ID is at the bottom of the curl command output.

       "name": "vparfono",
       "links": [
       "email": "",
       "id": "921b6f33-2657-407e-93a6-fb14cf2329ce"


  1. Update the codeready-workspaces CheCluster Custom Resource (CR) definition to permit the removal of a user’s data from the RH-SSO database:

    $ oc patch checluster/codeready-workspaces \
      --patch "{\"spec\":{\"server\":{\"customCheProperties\": {\"CHE_KEYCLOAK_CASCADE__USER__REMOVAL__ENABLED\": \"true\"}}}}" \
      --type=merge -n openshift-workspaces
  2. Remove the data using the API:

    $ curl -i -X DELETE \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user-token>' \


Running the following command returns code 204 as the API response:

$ curl -i -X DELETE \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user-token>' \
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