
Chapter 3. Supported configurations for Red Hat Developer Hub

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This section describes the configurations that are required to access the Red Hat Developer Hub, including:

  • Custom applications configuration
  • Source control configuration for Developer Hub Catalog

3.1. Adding a custom application configuration file to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

To access the Red Hat Developer Hub, you must add a custom application configuration file to OpenShift. In OpenShift Container Platform, you can use the following content as a base template to create a ConfigMap named app-config-rhdh:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: app-config-rhdh
  app-config-rhdh.yaml: |
      title: Red Hat Developer Hub


  • You have created an Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform account.


  1. From the OpenShift Container Platform web console, select the ConfigMaps tab.
  2. Click Create ConfigMap.
  3. From Create ConfigMap page, select the YAML view option in Configure via and make the changes to the file, if needed.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Go to the Helm tab.

    The list of Helm Releases appears on the page.

  6. Click the overflow menu on a Helm release and select Upgrade.
  7. Use one of the following views to edit the Helm configuration:

    • Using Form view

      1. Expand Root Schema Backstage chart schema Backstage parameters Extra app configuration files to inline into command arguments.
      2. Click the Add Extra app configuration files to inline into command arguments link.
      3. Enter the value in the following fields:

        • configMapRef: app-config-rhdh
        • filename: app-config-rhdh.yaml
      4. Click Upgrade.
    • Using YAML view

      1. Set the value of the upstream.backstage.extraAppConfig.configMapRef and upstream.backstage.extraAppConfig.filename parameters in the following manner:

        # ... other Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart configurations
              - configMapRef: app-config-rhdh
                filename: app-config-rhdh.yaml
        # ... other Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart configurations
      2. Click Upgrade.

3.2. Adding source control for Catalog in Red Hat Developer Hub

To populate the Catalog in Red Hat Developer Hub, you need to add software templates, and to add the templates, you must enable a source control such as GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket.


  • You have a GitHub account.
  • You have an account on the Red Hat OpenShift cluster.
  • You have installed the Developer Hub, otherwise the GitHub login fails. For more information about installation, see Chapter 2, Installing Red Hat Developer Hub.

3.2.1. Configuring GitHub authentication

The configuration of GitHub authentication is required to enable the GitHub OAuth login in Developer Hub.


  1. In the Red Hat OpenShift cluster, navigate to the main page of the GitHub organization where you want to create the OAuth application.
  2. Click Settings Developer Settings OAuth Apps Register an application
  3. Enter the application name as Developer Hub.
  4. Add the following URL as the Homepage URL:


  5. Add the following URL as Authorization callback URL:


  6. Clear the Enable Device Flow checkbox.
  7. Click Register application to create your OAuth application.
  8. After creating the application, click Generate a new client secret and copy the generated client secret.
  9. In OpenShift, click ConfigMaps.
  10. Generate a key/value secret named 'github-secrets' using the provided environment variables as keys, and input the values you generated for your GitHub OAuth application:

    1. In Red Hat OpenShift, go to the Secrets tab and click Create.
    2. Select Key/value secret.
    3. Enter Secret name as github-secrets.
    4. Add environment variables as Key and Value and click Create.

      Table 3.1. Environment variables


      Client ID from OAuth application


      Client Secret from OAuth application

  11. Modify your app-config-rhdh ConfigMap to include the GitHub authentication configuration as follows:

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: app-config-rhdh
      app-config-rhdh.yaml: |
          title: Red Hat Developer Hub
          # see to learn about auth providers
          environment: development
                clientId: ${GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID}
                clientSecret: ${GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET}
  12. Click Save.
  13. Navigate to the Helm tab and select Upgrade.
  14. Use one of the following views to edit the Helm configuration:

    • Using Form view

      1. Expand Root Schema Backstage Chart Schema Backstage Parameters Backstage container environment variables from existing Secrets.
      2. Click the Add Backstage container environment variables from existing Secrets link.
      3. Enter github-secrets as the value.
      4. Click Upgrade.
    • Using YAML view

      1. Set the value of the upstream.backstage.extraEnvVarsSecrets parameter to github-secrets as shown in the following example:

        # other Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart configurations
            # other Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart configurations
              - github-secrets
            # other Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart configurations
      2. Click Upgrade.

3.2.2. Configuring GitHub integration

The configuration of GitHub is required to enable the GitHub plugins in Developer Hub.


  1. In the Red Hat OpenShift cluster, navigate to the main page of the GitHub organization where you want to create the OAuth application.
  2. Click Settings Developer Settings GitHub Apps New GitHub App.
  3. Enter the application name as Developer Hub.
  4. Add the following URL as the Homepage URL:


  5. Add the following URL as Authorization callback URL:


  6. Deselect Webhook URL Active.
  7. Under the Where can this GitHub App be installed? section, ensure that Only on this account is selected.
  8. Click Register application.
  9. After creating the application, click Generate a new client secret and copy the generated client secret.
  10. Click Generate a private key at the bottom of the page and download the generated file.
  11. In OpenShift, click ConfigMaps.
  12. Generate a key/value secret named 'github-secrets' using the provided environment variables as keys, and input the values you generated for your GitHub OAuth application:

    1. In Red Hat OpenShift, go to the Secrets tab and click Create.
    2. Select Key/value secret.
    3. Enter Secret name as github-secrets.
    4. Add environment variables as Key and Value and click Create.
    Table 3.2. Environment variables


    App ID from GitHub application


    Client ID from GitHub application


    Client Secret from GitHub application


    Enter "none"


    Enter "none"


    Upload the private key that was downloaded

  13. Modify your app-config-rhdh ConfigMap to include the GitHub integration configuration as follows:

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: app-config-rhdh
      app-config-rhdh.yaml: |
          title: Red Hat Developer Hub
            - host:
                - appId: ${GITHUB_APP_APP_ID}
                  clientId: ${GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ID}
                  clientSecret: ${GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}
                  webhookUrl: ${GITHUB_APP_WEBHOOK_URL}
                  webhookSecret: ${GITHUB_APP_WEBHOOK_SECRET}
                  privateKey: |
  14. Click Toplogy developer hub Actions (drop-down) Restart rollout.

3.2.3. Enabling GitHub discovery in Red Hat Developer Hub

You can enable GitHub discoverability for your components in Developer Hub, such as any repositories that contain catalog-info.yaml file.



  1. In the Developer perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, go to the Helm tab.
  2. Click the overflow menu on a Helm release and select Upgrade.
  3. Use one of the following views to edit the Helm configuration:

    • Using Form view

      1. Expand Root Schema global Dynamic plugins configuration List of dynamic plugins that should be installed in the backstage application.
      2. Click the Add List of dynamic plugins that should be installed in the backstage application link.
      3. In the Package specification of the dynamic plugin to install. It should be usable by the npm pack command. field, add the following value:


        enable gh discovery
      4. Click Upgrade.
    • Using YAML view

      1. Set the value of the global.dynamic.plugins.package parameter to ./dynamic-plugins/dist/backstage-plugin-catalog-backend-module-github-dynamic as shown in the following example:

            # other Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart configurations
              - disabled: false
                package: >-
            # other Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart configurations
      2. Click Upgrade.
  4. Add the following code in the ConfigMap:

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: app-config-rhdh
      app-config-rhdh.yaml: |
                  organization: '${GITHUB_ORG}'
                      minutes: 30
                      seconds: 15
                      minutes: 3

    In the previous code, replace ${GITHUB_ORG} with the GitHub organization from where you want to discover the components. Also, if there is a single provider, then following code can be added in the ConfigMap:

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: app-config-rhdh
      app-config-rhdh.yaml: |
              organization: ${GITHUB_ORG}
                frequency: { minutes: 1 }
                timeout: { minutes: 1 }
                initialDelay: { seconds: 100 }

    The providerId in the previous code is required to identify the provider when there is a list of them.

  5. Click Save.

3.2.4. Enabling GitHub organization member discovery in Red Hat Developer Hub

You can also enable GitHub discoverability for the members of your GitHub organization.



  1. In the Developer perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, go to the Helm tab.
  2. Click the overflow menu on a Helm release and select Upgrade.
  3. Use one of the following views to edit the Helm configuration:

    • Using Form view

      1. Expand Root Schema global Dynamic plugins configuration List of dynamic plugins that should be installed in the backstage application.
      2. Click the Add List of dynamic plugins that should be installed in the backstage application link.
      3. In the Package specification of the dynamic plugin to install. It should be usable by the npm pack command. field, add the following value:


        enable gh member discovery
      4. Click Upgrade.
    • Using YAML view

      1. Set the value of the global.dynamic.plugins.package parameter to ./dynamic-plugins/dist/backstage-plugin-catalog-backend-module-github-org-dynamic as shown in the following example:

            # other Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart configurations
              - disabled: false
                package: >-
            # other Red Hat Developer Hub Helm Chart configurations
      2. Click Upgrade.
  4. Add the following code in the ConfigMap:

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: app-config-rhdh
      app-config-rhdh.yaml: |
              id: production
              githubUrl: "${GITHUB_URL}"
              orgs: [ "${GITHUB_ORG}" ]


    Denotes a variable that you must replace with the GitHub URL.
    Denotes a variable that you must replace with the GitHub organization you want to ingest users from.
  5. Click Save.
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