4.7. Eaton Network Power Switch
Table 4.8, “Eaton Network Power Controller (SNMP Interface) (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 and later)” lists the fence device parameters used by
, the fence agent for the Eaton over SNMP network power switch.
luci Field | cluster.conf Attribute | Description |
Name | name | A name for the Eaton network power switch connected to the cluster. |
IP Address or Hostname | ipaddr | The IP address or host name assigned to the device. |
UDP/TCP Port (optional) | udpport | The UDP/TCP port to use for connection with the device; the default value is 161. |
Login | login | The login name used to access the device. |
Password | passwd | The password used to authenticate the connection to the device. |
Password Script (optional) | passwd_script | The script that supplies a password for access to the fence device. Using this supersedes the | parameter.
SNMP Version | snmp_version | The SNMP version to use (1, 2c, 3); the default value is 1. |
SNMP Community | community | The SNMP community string; the default value is private . |
SNMP Security Level | snmp_sec_level | The SNMP security level (noAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv, authPriv). |
SNMP Authentication Protocol | snmp_auth_prot | The SNMP authentication protocol (MD5, SHA). |
SNMP Privacy Protocol | snmp_priv_prot | The SNMP privacy protocol (DES, AES). |
SNMP Privacy Protocol Password | snmp_priv_passwd | The SNMP privacy protocol password. |
SNMP Privacy Protocol Script | snmp_priv_passwd_script | The script that supplies a password for SNMP privacy protocol. Using this supersedes the | parameter.
Power wait (seconds) | power_wait | Number of seconds to wait after issuing a power off or power on command. |
Power Timeout (seconds) | power_timeout | Number of seconds to continue testing for a status change after issuing a power off or power on command. The default value is 20. |
Shell Timeout (seconds) | shell_timeout | Number of seconds to wait for a command prompt after issuing a command. The default value is 3. |
Login Timeout (seconds) | login_timeout | Number of seconds to wait for a command prompt after login. The default value is 5. |
Times to Retry Power On Operation | retry_on | Number of attempts to retry a power on operation. The default value is 1. |
Port (Outlet) Number | port | Physical plug number or name of virtual machine. This parameter is always required. |
Delay (optional) | delay | The number of seconds to wait before fencing is started. The default value is 0. |
Figure 4.7, “Eaton Network Power Switch” shows the configuration screen for adding an Eaton Network Power Switch fence device.

Figure 4.7. Eaton Network Power Switch
The following command creates a fence device instance for an Eaton Network Power Switch device:
ccs -f cluster.conf --addfencedev eatontest agent=fence_eaton_snmp ipaddr= login=root \ passwd=password123 power_wait=60 snmp_priv_passwd=eatonpassword123 udpport=161
The following is the
entry for the fence_eaton_snmp
<fencedevices> <fencedevice agent="fence_eaton_snmp" community="private" ipaddr="eatonhost" login="eatonlogin" \ name="eatontest" passwd="password123" passwd_script="eatonpwscr" power_wait="3333" \ snmp_priv_passwd="eatonprivprotpass" snmp_priv_passwd_script="eatonprivprotpwscr" udpport="161"/> </fencedevices>