
2.7. Avoid Running Extra Applications

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These are common practices for improving performance, yet they are often overlooked. Here are some 'extra applications' to look for:
  • Graphical desktop
    Do not run graphics where they are not absolutely required, especially on servers. To check if the system is configured to boot into the GUI by default, run the following command:
    ~]# systemctl get-default
    If you see, reconfigure the system to boot into the text mode:
    ~]# systemctl set-default
  • Mail Transfer Agents (MTA, such as Sendmail or Postfix)
    Unless you are actively using Sendmail on the system you are tuning, disable it. If it is required, ensure it is well tuned or consider moving it to a dedicated machine.


    Sendmail is used to send system-generated messages, which are executed by programs such as cron. This includes reports generated by logging functions like logwatch. You will not be able to receive these messages if sendmail is disabled.
  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)
  • Network File System (NFS)
  • Mouse Services
    If you are not using a graphical interface like Gnome or KDE, then you probably do not need a mouse either. Remove the hardware and uninstall gpm.
  • Automated tasks
    Check for automated cron or at jobs that could impact performance.
Remember to also check your third party applications, and any components added by external hardware vendors.
Related Manual Pages

For more information, or for further reading, the following man pages are related to the information given in this section.

  • rpc(3)
  • nfs(5)
  • gpm(8)
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