- AcknowledgementInterval, Acknowledgement interval
- all element, Complex type varieties
- application source, How WS-RM works
- AtLeastOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
- AtMostOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
- attribute element, Defining attributes
- name attribute, Defining attributes
- type attribute, Defining attributes
- use attribute, Defining attributes
- BaseRetransmissionInterval, Base retransmission interval
- binding element, WSDL elements
- Bundle-Name, Setting a bundle's name
- Bundle-SymbolicName, Setting a bundle's symbolic name
- Bundle-Version, Setting a bundle's version
- bundles
- exporting packages, Specifying exported packages
- importing packages, Specifying imported packages
- name, Setting a bundle's name
- private packages, Specifying private packages
- symbolic name, Setting a bundle's symbolic name
- version, Setting a bundle's version
- choice element, Complex type varieties
- complex types
- all type, Complex type varieties
- choice type, Complex type varieties
- elements, Defining the parts of a structure
- occurrence constraints, Defining the parts of a structure
- sequence type, Complex type varieties
- complexType element, Defining data structures
- componentName, Specifying the target components
- concrete part, The concrete part
- configuration
- HTTP thread pool, Configuring the thread pool
- Jetty engine, The engine-factory element
- Jetty instance, The engine element
- consumer
- busCfg, Specifying the configuration to load
- endpoint, Specifying the endpoint details, Specifying the endpoint details
- mtomEnabled, Configuring an endpoint to support MTOM
- service, Specifying the endpoint details, Specifying the endpoint details
- targetEndpoint, Specifying the target endpoint
- targetInterface, Specifying the target endpoint
- targetService, Specifying the target endpoint
- useJbiWrapper, Turning of JBI wrapper processing
- wsdl, Specifying the WSDL
- consumer endpoint, Overview
- CreateSequence, How WS-RM works
- CreateSequenceResponse, How WS-RM works
- definitions element, WSDL elements
- driverClassName, Configuring WS-persistence
- element element, Defining the parts of a structure
- maxOccurs attribute, Defining the parts of a structure
- minOccurrs attribute, Defining the parts of a structure
- name attribute, Defining the parts of a structure
- type attribute, Defining the parts of a structure
- ExponentialBackoff, Exponential backoff for retransmission
- Export-Package, Specifying exported packages
- endpoint address, Adding a Basic HTTP Endpoint
- http-conf:client
- Accept, Configuring the endpoint
- AcceptEncoding, Configuring the endpoint
- AcceptLanguage, Configuring the endpoint
- AllowChunking, Configuring the endpoint
- AutoRedirect, Configuring the endpoint
- BrowserType, Configuring the endpoint
- CacheControl, Configuring the endpoint, Consumer Cache Control Directives
- Connection, Configuring the endpoint
- ConnectionTimeout, Configuring the endpoint
- ContentType, Configuring the endpoint
- Cookie, Configuring the endpoint
- DecoupledEndpoint, Configuring the endpoint, Configuring the consumer
- Host, Configuring the endpoint
- MaxRetransmits, Configuring the endpoint
- ProxyServer, Configuring the endpoint
- ProxyServerPort, Configuring the endpoint
- ProxyServerType, Configuring the endpoint
- ReceiveTimeout, Configuring the endpoint
- Referer, Configuring the endpoint
- http-conf:server
- CacheControl, Configuring the endpoint
- ContentEncoding, Configuring the endpoint
- ContentLocation, Configuring the endpoint
- ContentType, Configuring the endpoint
- HonorKeepAlive, Configuring the endpoint
- ReceiveTimeout, Configuring the endpoint
- RedirectURL, Configuring the endpoint
- ServerType, Configuring the endpoint
- SuppressClientReceiveErrors, Configuring the endpoint
- SuppressClientSendErrors, Configuring the endpoint
- http:address, Other messages types
- httpj:engine, The engine element
- httpj:engine-factory, The engine-factory element
- httpj:identifiedThreadingParameters, The engine-factory element, Configuring the thread pool
- httpj:identifiedTLSServerParameters, The engine-factory element
- httpj:threadingParameters, The engine element, Configuring the thread pool
- maxThreads, Configuring the thread pool
- minThreads, Configuring the thread pool
- httpj:threadingParametersRef, The engine element
- httpj:tlsServerParameters, The engine element
- httpj:tlsServerParametersRef, The engine element
- Import-Package, Specifying imported packages
- inFaultInterceptors, Configuring an endpoint's interceptor chain
- inInterceptors, Configuring an endpoint's interceptor chain
- InOrder, Message delivery assurance policies
- jbi.xml, Contents of a file component service unit
- specifying the message type, Specifying the message type
- JMS destination
- specifying, Specifying the JMS address
- jms:address, Specifying the JMS address
- connectionPassword attribute, Specifying the JMS address
- connectionUserName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
- destinationStyle attribute, Specifying the JMS address
- jmsDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
- jmsiReplyDestinationName attribute, Using a Named Reply Destination
- jmsReplyDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
- jndiConnectionFactoryName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
- jndiDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
- jndiReplyDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address, Using a Named Reply Destination
- jms:client, Specifying the message type
- messageType attribute, Specifying the message type
- jms:JMSNamingProperties, Specifying JNDI properties
- jms:server, Specifying the configuration
- durableSubscriberName, Specifying the configuration
- messageSelector, Specifying the configuration
- transactional, Specifying the configuration
- useMessageIDAsCorrealationID, Specifying the configuration
- JMSConfiguration, Specifying the configuration
- specifying the connection factory, Specifying the JMS address
- logical part, The logical part
- Maven archetypes, Useful Maven archetypes
- Maven tooling
- adding the bundle plug-in, Adding a bundle plug-in
- set up, Setting up the Maven tools
- maxLength, Maximum length of an RM sequence
- maxUnacknowledged, Maximum unacknowledged messages threshold
- message element, WSDL elements, Defining Logical Messages Used by a Service
- named reply destination
- specifying in WSDL, Specifying the JMS address
- using, Using a Named Reply Destination
- namespace, Namespace
- operation element, WSDL elements
- outFaultInterceptors, Configuring an endpoint's interceptor chain
- outInterceptors, Configuring an endpoint's interceptor chain
- part element, Defining Logical Messages Used by a Service, Message parts
- element attribute, Message parts
- name attribute, Message parts
- type attribute, Message parts
- passWord, Configuring WS-persistence
- port element, WSDL elements
- portType element, WSDL elements, Port types
- Private-Package, Specifying private packages
- provider
- busCfg, Specifying the configuration to load
- mtomEnabled, Configuring an endpoint to support MTOM
- useJbiWrapper, Turning of JBI wrapper processing
- wsdl, Specifying the WSDL
- provider endpoint, Overview
- RMAssertion, WS-Policy RMAssertion Children
- RPC style design, Message design for integrating with legacy systems
- Sequence, How WS-RM works
- sequence element, Complex type varieties
- SequenceAcknowledgment, How WS-RM works
- service assembly
- seeding, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
- specifying the service units, Specifying the target components
- service element, WSDL elements
- service unit
- seeding, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
- specifying the target component, Specifying the target components
- smx-arch, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
- SOAP 1.1
- endpoint address, SOAP 1.1
- SOAP 1.2
- endpoint address, SOAP 1.2
- soap12:address, SOAP 1.2
- soap:address, SOAP 1.1
- types element, WSDL elements
- userName, Configuring WS-persistence
- wrapped document style, Message design for SOAP services
- WS-Addressing
- AcknowledgementInterval, Acknowledgement interval
- AtLeastOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
- AtMostOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
- BaseRetransmissionInterval, Base retransmission interval
- configuring, Configuring WS-RM
- destination, How WS-RM works
- driverClassName, Configuring WS-persistence
- enabling, Enabling WS-RM
- ExponentialBackoff, Exponential backoff for retransmission
- externaL attachment, External attachment
- initial sender, How WS-RM works
- InOrder, Message delivery assurance policies
- interceptors, Apache CXF WS-RM Interceptors
- maxLength, Maximum length of an RM sequence
- maxUnacknowledged, Maximum unacknowledged messages threshold
- passWord, Configuring WS-persistence
- rmManager, Children of the rmManager Spring bean
- source, How WS-RM works
- ultimate receiver, How WS-RM works
- url, Configuring WS-persistence
- userName, Configuring WS-persistence
- wsam:Addressing, Configuring an endpoint to use WS-Addressing
- WSDL design
- RPC style, Message design for integrating with legacy systems
- wrapped document style, Message design for SOAP services
- WSDL extensors
- jms:address (see jms:address)
- jms:client (see jms:client)
- jms:JMSNamingProperties (see jms:JMSNamingProperties)
- jms:server (see jms:server)
- wsrm:AcksTo, How WS-RM works
- wswa:UsingAddressing, Configuring an endpoint to use WS-Addressing
- xbean.xml, Contents of a file component service unit