

AcknowledgementInterval, Acknowledgement interval
all element, Complex type varieties
application source, How WS-RM works
AtLeastOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
AtMostOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
attribute element, Defining attributes
name attribute, Defining attributes
type attribute, Defining attributes
use attribute, Defining attributes


BaseRetransmissionInterval, Base retransmission interval
binding element, WSDL elements
Bundle-Name, Setting a bundle's name
Bundle-SymbolicName, Setting a bundle's symbolic name
Bundle-Version, Setting a bundle's version
exporting packages, Specifying exported packages
importing packages, Specifying imported packages
name, Setting a bundle's name
private packages, Specifying private packages
symbolic name, Setting a bundle's symbolic name
version, Setting a bundle's version


definitions element, WSDL elements
driverClassName, Configuring WS-persistence


endpoint address, Adding a Basic HTTP Endpoint
Accept, Configuring the endpoint
AcceptEncoding, Configuring the endpoint
AcceptLanguage, Configuring the endpoint
AllowChunking, Configuring the endpoint
AutoRedirect, Configuring the endpoint
BrowserType, Configuring the endpoint
CacheControl, Configuring the endpoint, Consumer Cache Control Directives
Connection, Configuring the endpoint
ConnectionTimeout, Configuring the endpoint
ContentType, Configuring the endpoint
Cookie, Configuring the endpoint
DecoupledEndpoint, Configuring the endpoint, Configuring the consumer
Host, Configuring the endpoint
MaxRetransmits, Configuring the endpoint
ProxyServer, Configuring the endpoint
ProxyServerPort, Configuring the endpoint
ProxyServerType, Configuring the endpoint
ReceiveTimeout, Configuring the endpoint
Referer, Configuring the endpoint
CacheControl, Configuring the endpoint
ContentEncoding, Configuring the endpoint
ContentLocation, Configuring the endpoint
ContentType, Configuring the endpoint
HonorKeepAlive, Configuring the endpoint
ReceiveTimeout, Configuring the endpoint
RedirectURL, Configuring the endpoint
ServerType, Configuring the endpoint
SuppressClientReceiveErrors, Configuring the endpoint
SuppressClientSendErrors, Configuring the endpoint
http:address, Other messages types
httpj:engine, The engine element
httpj:engine-factory, The engine-factory element
httpj:identifiedThreadingParameters, The engine-factory element, Configuring the thread pool
httpj:identifiedTLSServerParameters, The engine-factory element
httpj:threadingParameters, The engine element, Configuring the thread pool
maxThreads, Configuring the thread pool
minThreads, Configuring the thread pool
httpj:threadingParametersRef, The engine element
httpj:tlsServerParameters, The engine element
httpj:tlsServerParametersRef, The engine element


jbi.xml, Contents of a file component service unit
specifying the message type, Specifying the message type
JMS destination
specifying, Specifying the JMS address
jms:address, Specifying the JMS address
connectionPassword attribute, Specifying the JMS address
connectionUserName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
destinationStyle attribute, Specifying the JMS address
jmsDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
jmsiReplyDestinationName attribute, Using a Named Reply Destination
jmsReplyDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
jndiConnectionFactoryName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
jndiDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
jndiReplyDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address, Using a Named Reply Destination
jms:client, Specifying the message type
messageType attribute, Specifying the message type
jms:JMSNamingProperties, Specifying JNDI properties
jms:server, Specifying the configuration
durableSubscriberName, Specifying the configuration
messageSelector, Specifying the configuration
transactional, Specifying the configuration
useMessageIDAsCorrealationID, Specifying the configuration
JMSConfiguration, Specifying the configuration
specifying the connection factory, Specifying the JMS address


logical part, The logical part


named reply destination
specifying in WSDL, Specifying the JMS address
using, Using a Named Reply Destination
namespace, Namespace


Sequence, How WS-RM works
sequence element, Complex type varieties
SequenceAcknowledgment, How WS-RM works
service assembly
seeding, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
specifying the service units, Specifying the target components
service element, WSDL elements
service unit
seeding, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
specifying the target component, Specifying the target components
smx-arch, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
SOAP 1.1
endpoint address, SOAP 1.1
SOAP 1.2
endpoint address, SOAP 1.2
soap12:address, SOAP 1.2
soap:address, SOAP 1.1


types element, WSDL elements


wrapped document style, Message design for SOAP services
using, Configuring an endpoint to use WS-Addressing
AcknowledgementInterval, Acknowledgement interval
AtLeastOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
AtMostOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
BaseRetransmissionInterval, Base retransmission interval
configuring, Configuring WS-RM
destination, How WS-RM works
driverClassName, Configuring WS-persistence
enabling, Enabling WS-RM
ExponentialBackoff, Exponential backoff for retransmission
externaL attachment, External attachment
initial sender, How WS-RM works
InOrder, Message delivery assurance policies
interceptors, Apache CXF WS-RM Interceptors
maxLength, Maximum length of an RM sequence
maxUnacknowledged, Maximum unacknowledged messages threshold
passWord, Configuring WS-persistence
rmManager, Children of the rmManager Spring bean
source, How WS-RM works
ultimate receiver, How WS-RM works
url, Configuring WS-persistence
userName, Configuring WS-persistence
wsam:Addressing, Configuring an endpoint to use WS-Addressing
WSDL design
RPC style, Message design for integrating with legacy systems
wrapped document style, Message design for SOAP services
WSDL extensors
jms:address (see jms:address)
jms:client (see jms:client)
jms:JMSNamingProperties (see jms:JMSNamingProperties)
jms:server (see jms:server)
wsrm:AcksTo, How WS-RM works
wswa:UsingAddressing, Configuring an endpoint to use WS-Addressing
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