Fuse 6 is no longer supported
As of February 2025, Red Hat Fuse 6 is no longer supported. If you are using Fuse 6, please upgrade to Red Hat build of Apache Camel.5.3. SwitchYard
Table 5.3, “SwitchYard Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Issue | Description |
CXF-6431 | Attachment serialization does not conform to the relevant specs |
CXF-6665 | ClassCastException in SoapActionInInterceptor |
ENTESB-3814 | Add missing camel-sap converters to TypeConverter file |
ENTESB-3822 | Smooks transformer needs "org.milyn" OSGi package |
ENTESB-4070 | policy-security-basic throws error when executing test |
ENTESB-4137 | Unable to create SAP destination endpoints if there is no SAP server endpoint. |
ENTESB-4320 | jca-inflow-activemq quickstart not working |
ENTESB-4356 | Switchyard JPA does not work on IBM JDK |
ENTESB-4398 | Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer |
ENTESB-4433 | camel-mqtt-binding not working on Fuse |
ENTESB-4436 | policy-security-saml quickstart throws error when undeploying |
ENTESB-4445 | Add all missing switchyard-* artifacts to switchyard bom |
ENTESB-4739 | HTTPS endpoint address doesn't work with HTTP proxy for RESTEasy reference binding |
ENTESB-4747 | No SwitchYard schema is included in Fuse 6.2.1 |
ENTESB-4777 | Unable to install switchyard-http feature |
ENTESB-4815 | Camel Enrich route not marshalled properly after 2.15.2->2.16.1 update |
ENTESB-4850 | No bean could be found in the registry for: ConnectionFactory of type: javax.jms.ConnectionFactory |
ENTESB-4895 | Switchyard application with two services based on a WSDL fails to deploy using Java 8 |
ENTESB-5016 | bpel-jms-binding QS on Fuse/Karaf : Username [karaf] or password is invalid |
ENTESB-5018 | camel-amqp-binding quickstart : unsatisfied requirement |
ENTESB-5025 | rest-binding error : dual dependency chains |
ENTESB-5027 | ftp-binding quickstart ReadMe Fuse section needs changes |
ENTESB-5055 | Add deltaspike module to switchyard |
ENTESB-5084 | SwitchYard: Karaf build test failure |
ENTESB-5113 | Message trace modifies character encoding |
ENTESB-5140 | Verify that quickstarts do not refer to SNAPSHOT versions |
ENTESB-5146 | Enable smooks bundle in features.xml |
ENTESB-5164 | Change geronimo servlets 3.0 spec use to javax.servlets |
ENTESB-5194 | can't install feature switchyard-demo-security-propagation-jms |
ENTESB-5195 | can't install switchyard-demo-policy-security-basic |
ENTESB-5208 | bpel: wait timer longer than 30 seconds causes process to wait indefinitely |
ENTESB-5221 | bpel-xts-subordinate-wsba quickstart deployment fails |
ENTESB-5258 | Re-enable org.switchyard.karaf.test.quickstarts.CamelMQTTBindingQuickstartTest |
ENTESB-5264 | camel Mail changes to only accept lower-cased "cc/bcc" in 2.17 |
ENTESB-5283 | SecurityServices info should be cached for performance |
ENTESB-5360 | ClassNotFoundException: javax.jws.WebService from Module org.apache.camel.cxf:main |
ENTESB-5385 | Fix Readme.md in "security-propagation-jms" quickstart |
ENTESB-5416 | Switchyard features url adds old version of activemq features url (5.9.0) |
ENTESB-5418 | hawtio camel inconsistent with karaf camel:context-list |
ENTESB-5447 | bundle geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec/1.2 may cause various wiring chain issues |
ENTESB-5491 | SY camel-jms-binding Fuse instructions need to add karaf user to etc/users.properties |
ENTESB-5564 | transform-datamapper quickstart is missing instructions for Fuse |
ENTESB-5602 | camel-mqtt-binding - no message received with IBM java |
ENTESB-5610 | CNFE: org.apache.el.ExpressionFactoryImpl not found via camel-dozer |
ENTESB-5647 | Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo |
ENTESB-5664 | Transform-datamapper quickstart has problems with target folder |
ENTESB-5689 | Align SwitchYard |
ENTESB-5700 | [fabric:create] Error executing command: Unable to create zookeeper server configuration |
ENTESB-5711 | Threading issue with Weld Switchyard and cxf-ws-policy |
ENTESB-5881 | Cannot install rest-binding quickstart with Java 7 |
ENTESB-5935 | intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container |